Whoare the TwelveDisciples? fireir Backgrounds . Thetwelvediscipleswerefrom tireGalileeregionexcept forJudasIscariot,whowasfromJudea. . Theiroccupations rangedfromfishermantotaxcollectors andrevolutionaries. . Some weremarried.(seeMarkI:29-31;1Corinthians 9:3-6) . Somewerewell-versed (see in Scripture. John1:45) ^& fireir Purpose . AfterbengbnpltzedbyJohnthe Baptistandspending40 daysin thewilderness, Jesusstartedteachingmd many peoplestartedfollowinghim. . AfterLnrglftof.prayerandmeditttton, Jesuschosetwelve menout of all thosewhowerefollowinghim. . ThesetwelvemenwouldbeJesus'mainfocusof instruction. . Thesediscipleswereselectedto let theworld knowof God'slove,thatGodsentJesus to redeemtheworld. (seeJohn17:23) Other Names Y L General Information Y Their Mission . Theseairethefwelvemenwho,for themostpart,would proveto bevaluablecompanions to Jesus. . Theirinstructionandconversations wouldbecomethe teachings, knowledge,andinstructionfor the churchthat wouldlater growandspread. . Jesusknewtheirpersonalities, bothstrongandweak. . Jesusknewthatthesemenwoulddisappoint him,deserl him, denyhim,andbetrayhim. . Jesusknewthatthesemen,oncefilledwith theHolySpirit, wouldbethefirstwitnesses of theGospel, carryingGod's message mdthe endsof of redemptionto Judea,Sarnarta, theearth. . Thetwelvetribesof Israelwereblessedin orderto be a. blessingto all nations.In a similarway,thesetwelvemen, alongwith all disciplesof Jesuswhofollowtheir lead, wereto blessall nations.(seeGalatians of 3:8) Followers Christare commanded to go out andmakedisciplesof all nations,btptizng themin thenameof theFather,TheSon, andtheHolySpirit. Personality & Character L Encounters with Jesus V Key LeSSOn A. Stories v . . . . SimeonbuJona(Simon,sonofJona) ("rock" or "a stone") Cephas SimonPeter Simon . . . . . . . . . . (fohn 1:42-44) SonofJonaandbornin Bethsaida. (Matthew8:5-14) Livedin Capernaum. (Matthew4:18) Fisherman. Brotherof Andrew(Matthew4:18) PartnerwithJamesandJohn.(tuke 5:10) Married.(Matthew8:14) Oneof thepillarsof theJerusalem church.(Galatians 2:9) (Acts2-12) Boldlypreached, healed,andministered to JewsandGentiles afterPentecost. Imprisonedby Herodfor preachingandrescuedby an angelofthe Lord.(Acts12:3-19) Wrote1uld?PeIer. . . . . Impulsive(Matthew14:28),yeIcowardly(Matthew14:30;26:69-7 4) (ltlatthew26:75) Hottempered(fohn 18:10),yettenderhearted. Insightful(Matthewl6:16),yerdense.(Matthew16:21-23) Courageous andsolidafterPentecost . (Acts5:27-30) . Wascalledto be a fisherof men.(Matthew4:19) Lefteverything (tuke 5:11) to followJesus. . Oneof thethreedisciples in thecoregroupof disciples.(Mark 5:37;9:2;l3:3; 14:33) . SimonsaidJesus is theChrist,Sonof thelivingGod.Jesusnameshim Peter(rock) andsaid,"Upon thisrock I will buildmychurch,andthegatesof Hellwill not prevailagainstit." (Matthew16:16-19) . Wasreprimanded he refusedto acceptthatJesus because hadto die. (Matthew16:23) . Witnessed (whereJesus'divinitywasrevealed),(Mark9;2-8) Jesus'Transfiguration o Wassentt0 preparetheupperroomfor theLastSupper. (Luke22:8) . JesuspredictedthatPeterwould denyknowinghim threetimes.(Luke22:31-34) . ViaswithJesusin theGardenof Gethsemane. (Matthew26:36-46) e JesusinstructedPeterafterhis resurrection. (]ohn 21:1J-l!) Godcanforgive sinsandstrenghen thefaithof those wholovehim. Papias(second-century Christiar)recordedthatMarkservedasPeter'sscribeandwrotetheGospelof Markbasedon Pefer'stestimony Accordingto somestories,Peteraskedto be crucifiedupsidedown. Petermayhavebeencmcifiedduringthe reignof Neroin Rome. Symbolsfor Peterare sometimes keys,representingthe keysto the kingdomof heaven.(Matthew16:19) . . o . SonofZebedee (SonofThunder) Boanerges 'JamestheElder" "IamestheGreat" . . . . . SonofZebedee (SonofThunder) Boanerges "TheBelovedDisciple"(ThedisciplewhomJesus loved) "TheEvangelist" "TheRevealer" . . . . . . . (Matthew4:21) Sonof Zebedee. (Matthew 27:56;Mar.kl61) Sonof Salome. Fishermanwith his fatherandhis brother.(Matthew4:18-22) BrotherofJohn.(Matthew4:21) Partnerwith Peter.([uke 5:10) church.(Galatians 2:9) Oneof thepillarsof theJerusalem Putto deathby the swordby HerodAgrippaL Theonly oneof the twelvediscipleswho diedfor his faiththatwasrecordedin Scripture.(Acts12:2) . . . . . . . . . (Matthew Sonof Zebedee. 4:21) Sonof Salome.(Matthew27:56;Markl6:l) Fishermanwith his fatherandhis brother (Matthew4:18-22) BrotherofJames.(Matthew 4:21) Partnerwith Peter(Luke5:10) Oneof thepillarsof theJerusalem church.(Galatians 2:9) Healedandpreached.(Acts3-4; 8) Exiledto theislandof Patmos.(Revelation l: 1, 9) WrotetheGospelofJohn,1,2, and3 John,andRevelation. . Vengeful andfiery.(Luke9:54) . Selfish (Mark10:35-37) andconceited. . Committed totheend. (Actsl2:2) to Christandcourageous . . . . Vengeful andfiery.&uke9:54) (Mark9:38) Judgmental. (Mark10:35-37) Selfish. (Acts4:13;1John4) Bold,lovingandcompassionate afterPentecost. . . . . . ' 4:19) Lefteverything to followJesus.(tuke 5:I 1) Wascalledto be a fisherof men.(Matthew Oneof thethreedisciplesin thecoregroupof disciples.(Mark5:37;9:2; l3:3; 14:33) Jesusnamedhim andJohn"SonsofThunder"(Mark3:17) Godto rainfire on a Samaritan village.([uke9:54,55) V/asrebuked withhisbrotherJohl for requesting (Mark (where 2-8) Transfiguration was revealed). Witnessed divinity 9: Jesus' Jesus' left in Kingdom. responded to andJohn's request to sit at his right and the Jesus James's (Mark10:35-43) . WaswithJesusin theGardenof Gethsemane.(Matthew 25:35-46) . Witnessed (John2l:2-7) themiraculouscatchof fishon theSeaof GalileeafterJesus'resurrection. . Oneof thethreedisciples (Mark5:37;):2; l33; 14:33) in thecoregroupof disciples. . Suggested thatdrivingout demonscouldonlybe per{ormedby thosewhofollow Jesusandhis disciples.(Mark9:38) . WitnessedJesus' (Mark!:2-8) ltansfiguration(whereJesus'divinityrvasrevezrled). . Wassentto preparetheupperroomfor thelast Supper.([uke 22:8) . Reclined nextto JesusduringtheLastSupper.(fohn I 3:23) . Wasgiventheresponsibility at thecrossto takecareof MaryJesus'mother.Qob:nl):26,27) . RanaheadofPeterto seeJesus' (|ohn20:2-8) empfvtombandexpressed faithb.v"seeing andbelieving." . Witnessed themiraculouscatchof fish on theSeaof GalileeafterJesus'resurrection.Qohn2l:2-7) Standfirm in thefaceof oersecution, God'slove.evidentin lesusChrist.saves. transforms. andunitesall believers Someclaimhewasthefirst bishopin Spain. includethebishop'shatnd thesword,whichis in reference to his Symbols ofJamessometimes martyrdom. Somestoriessuggest thatJohnlras released from exileon theislandofPatmosandreturnedto (Tirrkeytoday). Ephesus StoriessuggestthatJohn diedin Ephesus aroundm 100. Symbols ofJohnsometimes includetheeagle(Revelation 4:7) anda book. OtherDisciplesin the NewTestament OtherDisciples ofJesus V . "Protokletos"(FirstCalled) Apollos:Missionary. James:BrotherofJesus,leaderof church,andauthorof Jerusalem l3:55, 12:17) 56;Acts James.(Matthew Aquila: Teacher andmissionary. (tuke8r3;24;10) a a a a a a a SonofJona.(|ohn1:42) Bornin Bethsaida. lohn l:44) lived in Capernaum with Peter.(Mark 1:29) (Matthew. Fisherman. 4:18) Brotherof SimonPeter.(Matthew4:18) DiscipleofJohntheBaptist.(fohn l:35-40) listedasoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples.(Matthew10:2-4;Mark3:16-l);tuke 6:14-16) ThenameAndrewderivesfrom Greek,meaning"manly." o a Enthusiastic aboutChrist.Qohnl:35-42) Inquisitive. 0ohn1:35-38) Resourceful. fohn 6:8,9) . Firstto followJesus. 0ohn 1:35-40) . Calledto be a fisherof men.(Matthew 4:19) o Sentout on a missionto theJewsto preach"thekingdomof heaven is at hand,"healthesick, cleanse thelepers,raisethedead,andcastout demons.(Matthew10:5-8) . InformedJesusthatseveralGreeks wantedto seehim. Qohn12:20-22) . ToldJesusof theboywith fiveloavesof breadandtrvofish. 0ohn 6:8,9) . WaspresentwhenJesus appeared to thedisciplesaftertheResurrection. $ohn 20:19-25) . Waspresent for theGreatCommission whenJesussenthisdisciples to all nations.(Matthew 2816-20) . V/itnessedJesus beingtakenup into heaven.(Actsl:8, 9) Goout andeagedysharethegoodnewsaboutJesusChrist. Somesuggest thatAndrewpreached in Greece, AsiaMinor,andRussia. A seventh-century storysuggests thatAndrewwascrucifiedon anX-shapedcrossby a Romanproconsul. Thesyrnbolfor Andrewis sometimes theX-shaped cross. Ananias:Discipleald healer. (Acts9:11) Archippus:Leaderof house church.(colossims 4:17; Philemon 2) Barnabas:Missionaryapostle andpartnerwith Paul'tqit,a,:rl Aristarchus:Missionanand fellowprisonerwith paul.(Acrsl9r29; 9 l 5 ; I C o n9 : 6 ;G a l . 2 ; 1 . 91. 3 1C o l . 4 : 1 0 ) 20:4;27:2;Colossims 4:10;Philemon 24) (Romns16:7) Joseph Barsabbas:Discipleoi (Ac6l:23) Jesus. Luke: Physician, worker,and prisonerwith Paul,andauthorof Luke.(Colossims 4:14; 2Timothy 4:ll) Lazarus:Friendanddiscipleof (lohnll-i2) Jesus. V (Actsl8; Romms16:3;l Corinthims16:l!; 'llmothy.l:1!) 2 IeSUS. (Manhew27:57;John .19:38) (Mntfts 13:54,55;Mark6:3;Judc1) a (Actsl8:18-27;I Corinthims 1:12;3:4,6, 22;4:6; l6:12;T:ilus 3:13) Joseph of Arimathea:Discipleof Junia: Apostle. ofJesus Judas(Jude):Brottrer andauthorof thebookofJude Important Leaders VY Cleopas:DiscipleofJesus who spokewithJesuson theroadto (Luke Emmaus. 24:18) Joanna: Discipleof Jesus. a Apostles,Evangelists and Teachers Epaphras:Preacher, fellow workerandprisonerwith Paul, (Colossians l:7; 4;12;Philemor2l) Bpaphroditus:Fellowworker with Paul.(Philippims 2:2!;4:18) Mark (fohn Mark): Missionary JudasBarsabbas:Prophet. cousinto Barnabus, andauthorof (Acts 1i:22-35) theGospel Mark.(ects 12;l peter 5il3) Paul (Saul): Apostle,missionary Lucius of Cyrene:Prophetand andauthorof Romans to Philemon. teacherin thechurchat Antioch. (Actsto Philemon;2 Petcr3i15) (Actsl3:1) Mary,the motherof Jamesand Philip the Evangelist:Deacon ofJesus. Joseph:Disciple (Acrs andmission'iry. 6:5;8) Manaen:Prophetandteacher of thechurchin Antioch.(Acrs lj:l) Mary of Bethany: l'riendnd discipleof Jesus. Mnason:An earlydisciple. (Matther'27:55;28:5,7) (Luke10:38-42; John11-12) Maq' Magdalene:Discipleof JeSUS.(Matthelv27, 28; Iluk 15, 16; Luke8:2;24:10;John20) Matthias:Disciplervhoreplaced 1:15 26) JudasIscariot.(Acts Salome:Discipleof Jesus. (Markl5:40) Susanna:Discipleof Jesus. (Luke8:j) Priscilla: Teacherandmissionary (Actsl8i Ronans16:3;I Corildrians 16:l!; 2 llmothy1:19) (Acts2l;16) Silas: Missionan (.tctst5-tE; 2 Corinthims lil9, I Thessalonians 1:1; 2 Thessalonians l:1,I lctcrj:12) Philemon: Leaderof a house church.(philemon t) Stephen:Dcacon,missionanl preacher, andmarlyr. (Acrs 6-E;ll:19;22:20) Phoebe:Deaconandheloerof Paul.(nomms 16:1.2) Timothy: Pastorandteacher'. (Acts16-20;Rom.15:?11 1 Cor 4:17; PhilippiaN2:19-22:I ucl2 TimotM Titus: Pastorandteacher Simeon(Niger): Prophet and teacherin the churchat Antioch. (Actsl3:l) (2 Corinthans 2i13;7:6;8:6-2i;l2:18; Ilchicus: Pastorandfellow workerwith Paul. Galatims. 2:l-3;Titusl;4, 5) (Ephesims6:21:Colossims4:7) Beinga Discipleof Christ BeginningtheJourney: Countthe Cost . Jesussaidthatwhoeverwantsto followhim,thatpersonmustdenyhimself andtzkeup hiscross.Hesaidthatif onewantsto savehislife hewill loseit, butif heloseshislifeforJesusandfor thegospelhewill saveit. . WhenSimonPeter, andJohnencounteredJesus, theypulledtheir James boatsup on shore,left everphingandfollowedhim. Following Christ Together:Fellowship . lesusprayedthathisfollowerswouldbebroughtto complete unity. . ThefollowersofJesuswerenotto giveup meetingtogetherandwereto encourage oneanother. Serving Christ and Others . Jesussaidthatwhoeverwantsto becomegreatamonghis disciplesmustbe justasJesushimselfdidnotcometo beserved, a seryant, and butto serve, "to givehislife a ransomfor many." Other Names Failures and Forgiveness . WhenJesus wasarrested all thedisciples deserted himandfled,andPeter he fearedfor hislife. deniedknowinghim because . LaterJesussaidthatthediscipleswouldreceivepowerwhentheHolySpirit cameto themandthattheywouldsharethegoodnewsin Jerusalem, andin allJudeaandSanada,andall overtheearth. In the Power of the Spirit . Jesus promised thedisciples thathewouldsendtheHolySpiritto them, andthsttheHolySpiritwouldguidethemandprovidethemwithgiftsthat wouldhelpthemcarryouttheirmission. r Paulwroteto theCorinthian churchinforminsthemthatthereis onlv one 'kirds kindsof gifts.Thereis onJ"y Spirit,butdifferent oneCod,butseveral of goodworls. (Mark8:34, 35; luke 5:I lb; Joln 17:2Jt; Hebrews10:25; Mttlhew20:26-28 I 2:4-I 2) Matthew26:56b;Mark l4:7 1, 72; ActsI :8;John16:5-16: I Codnthians O 2004 RW Research,Inc. RosePublishing, Inc. 4733TorranceBlvd.,#259 Torrance, 90503U.S.A. California All rightsreserued.Printedin ihe UnitedStatesof America. www.rose-publishing.com RSST, PUBLISHING Stock # 471xThe TwelveDisciplespamphlet. It is illegalto photocopyor reproducethis pamphletin any way. May not be posted or transmitted on the internet. 080107AS This pamohletis also availableas a 19" x 26" wall chart. Art for the disciples was selected from art produced by selected Flenaissance mastersincludingTizianoVecellioffitian)and Jacopo ^' General Information V Personality & Character A Encounters with Jesus Y HODUSI| t I InTOretOt. Key L,esson I S B N - 10 : 1 - 8 9 0 9 4 7 - 9 3 - 8 ISBN-13: 978-189094-7 93-4 9 0 0 0 0 > llllllll llllll ll ,llilJl|[!Ill[[[[u[ll A Stories I Y -*"'*,,";lI::llJi::;^i::::,::'',fi:;.?,Sfi1lJ*,,-,0-u, r . Nathanael o a Didyrnus(Tlrin) JudasThomas "DoubtingThomas" Levi Levithe sonof Alphaeus . Bornin Bethsaida.(John 1:44) . Wellversedin Scripture.lohn l:45, 46) o Listedasoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples. (Matthew tuke 6:14-16) 10:2-4;Mark3:16-19; . ThedisciplePhilipis oftenconfused with foundin Acts. Philiptheevangelist . ThenamePhilipderivesfrom Greek, meaning"hewholoveshorses." . Philipprobably spokeGreek.Qohn12:20,21) Born and,/orraisedin Canaof Galilee. 0ohn21:2) Wellversedin theHebrewScriotures. (fohnl:46) Listedasoneof Christ'stwelvediscioles. (Matthew 10:2-4; ActsI :l3) . ThenameBartholomew derivesfrom Greek, meaning"sonof Tolmai." . ThenameNathanael derivesfrom the Hebrew,meaning"Godhasgiven." . . . . . Practical.(fohn6:7) . Helpfnl.Qohn12:20,2l) . Literalandconfused.(fohn 14:8) . Skepticd.(fohn 1:46) . Honest. (fohnl:47) . Fafihful.(ohn 1:4!) o Penitent.(Matthew9:9; l0:2) . Hospitable. (Matthew9:10) (Mark2:14) SonofAlphaeus. (Mark2:1-17) FromCapernaum. Tarcollectorin Galilee.(Matthew9:9) Possible brotherof Jamessonof Nphaeus. (Mark3:18) r listed asoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples. (Matthew 10:2-4; Actsl:13) r WrotetheGospelof Matthew . ThenameMatthewderivesfrom Hebrew, meaning"gift of God." a o a a a a Hewasa twin.$ohn 20:24) Listedasoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples. (Matthew 10:2-4;Mark3:16-19:Luke6:14-15) Inquisitive.(fohn 14:5) Doubtful.(John20:24,25) (fohnI 1:16) Courageous. Fairhtul.Qohn20:24-29) . Thethird discipleJesus called.(fohn l:43) . BroughtNathanael(Bartholornew) (fohnl:45, 46) toJesus, o Jesustestedhim regardingthe (fohn6:5-7) feeding of lhemuhitude. InformedJesusthatseveralGreeks wantedto seehim. Iohn 12:20-22) AskedTesus to showhim theFather. gohni4:8, 9) Waspresentat theLastSupper (Matthew 26:20) . JesustoldNatha:rael thathewasan honest Israeliteandinformedhim thathe sawhim sittingunderthefig tree.(Johnl:47,48) . Nathanael saidthatJesus wasthe"Sonof God"and"KingofIsrael."(ohn 1:49) . Jesusenlightened Nathanael withwhatto expect(fohn1:50,51) . Witnessed themiraculouscatchof fishand atebreakfast withJesusafterhis resurrection. [ohn2l:2-7) . Matthewlefthis talicollectorbootht0 follow Jesus.(Matthew!:!) . MatthewinvitedJesusoverto dine\441h him andhis corruptfriends.(Matthew9:10) . Senlouton a mission t0 lheJews to preach "thekingdomofheavenis at hand,"healthe sick,cleanse thelepers,raisethe dead,and (Matthew 10:5-8) castoutdemons. . Waspresentat thelast Supper (Matthew 26:20) . Courageously encouraged disciplesto go to (fohn11:16) Bethary. . AskedJesushowto knowwhereJesuswas going.(fohn14:5) . DoubtedJesus' resurrection sayinghewould haveto touchhiswoundsin orderto believe. (|ohn20:25) . AffirmedthatJesuswasLordandGod. (fohn20:28) . Witnessed themiraculouscatchof fishand atebrealdast withJesusafterhis resurrection Qohn2l.2-7) All theknowledse in theworld doesnot compareto theiruthfoundinJesus. Believersare calledto testall thingswith Scriptureandremaintrueto its principles evensinnersand JesusChristis for everl,one, outcasts. doubtsandleadbelievers Jesuscanovercome to faithfulness. Traditionsuggests thatPhilip lived andpreachedin Sqthia (Ukrainetoday). Somestoriessuggestthat Philip wascrucifiedon a tall crossat Hierapolisof Phrygia(Tirrkeytoday). for Philio sometimesincludeloavesof bread Srrynbols ' fohn 6:5-7)andatall cross. Somesuggest thatBartholomew ministered to Asia Minor andIndia andthe fumenianchurchclaims Bartholomew astheirfounder Traditionsuggests that Bartholomerv rvasflayedalive in fumenia, Thesr,mbolfor Bartholomew is sometimes a blade. Somestoriessuggestthat Matthewministeredto Persia,Macedonia, S]'ria,Parthia,Media,and Ethiopiabringingthegoodnewsto kings. Somestoriessuggest thatMatthewdieda maftyr. Thesirnbolfor Matthewis sometimes a bagof coins in referencet0 his occuoationasa tar collector beforehe encountered iesus. Storiessuggest thatThomastraveledto Indiaand foundedthe Christianchurchthere. Thomaswaskilled by a spearfor his Somesuggest faith,andrvasburiedin India. SomesavThomaswasa cafllenter Slmbols'forThomasincludethe spearhead and theT-square. o Jamesthesonof Alphaeus . 'JarnestheYounger" . "Tames theLess" r Jude . JudasthesonofJames . Lebbaeus . SimontheCananaean . 'Judasthe Betrayer" . Judasthesonof Simon . Sonof Alpha'eus. (Mark3:18) . Possible brotherof Matthew(Levi)theta,r collector,alsothesonofAlphaeus. (Mark2:14) . listedasoneofChrist'stwelvedisciples. (Matt.10:3;Acts 1:13) . Jamesthesono{Alphaeus is oftenconfused withJames thebrotherofJesus(whowrotethe thebrotherofJoseph. bookofJames)orJames . SonofJames. (tuke 6:16) . Listedasoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples. (Matthew 10:2-4; Actsl:13) . TheAramaicmeaningof bothThaddaeus and Lebbaeus is thesame,"beloved"or "dearto theheart." . Thename'Judas"derivesfrom theHebrew nameJudah,meaning"praise." o Judeis sometimes conirsedwithJudasthe and brotherofJesus, JudasBarsabbas, JudasIscariot. . Inquisitive.(John14:22) . Confused. (Iohn 14:22) . Wasa Zealot.(Matthew10:4;Mark 3:18; Luke6:15;Acts1:13) . Listedasoneof Christ'stwelvediscinles. ( M a t t h elw 0 : 2 - 4A; c t sl : l J ) . ThenameSimonderivesfromtheHebrew nameShimon,meaning"hearing." . Theword "Cananaeut"derivesfrom an Aramaicwordmeaning"zealousone." r Judaswasthe treasurerfor the groupof wasa thief.(fohn 12:5,6; 13:29) disciples; o JudasbetrayedJesus, felt remorse,threwthe bloodmoneyin lhe templeandhanged himself.Thechiefpriestusedthemoneyto purchase thepotter'sfield,ffilling prophecy. (Matthew27:3-10) . ludaspurchased theFieldof Bloodandfell headlong and"burstopen..."(Actsl:18-20) o Judaswasreplacedby Matthias whowas (Acts1:26) addedto theelevenapostles. e . . . . . . . . Selected asoneof Christ'stwelvediscioles. (Matthew l0:2-4;Actsl: l.t) . Sentout on a missionto theJewsto preach "thekingdomof heaven is at hand,"healthe sick,cleanse thelepers,raisethedead,and (Matthew 10:5-8) castoutdemons. . dskedIesushowhewouldrevealhimselfto hisfollowers andnotto theworld,flohn14:22) . Waspresentat theLastSupper. (Matthew 26:20) . Selected asoneof Christ'shvelyediscioles. ( M a t l h elw 0 : - Z -A 4 ;c l sl : l J ) . Sentout on a missionto theJewsto preach "thekingdomof heaven is at h'and,"healthe sick,cleanse thelepers,raisefhedead,and (Matthew 10:5-8) castoutdemons. . Waspresentat theLastSupper. (Matthew 26:20) . WasDresent for theGreatCommission and into heaven. Ascension Jesus-' (Mattherv 28:16) . Selected asoneof Christ'stwelvedisciples. (Matthew l0:4; Luke6:15) . Jesusreferredto Judasasthe devil. (|ohn6:70,71) . Criticized Maryfor anointing Jesuswith perfume.(fohn 12:4-8) expensive . Conversed u'ithJesusduringtheLasfSupper. (Matthew26:23-25;Iohn 1327, 28) . Thedevilenteredhis heartat theLastSupper. flohn li:2) . BetrayedJesus for 30 piecesof silver. (Mattherv26:74-16;47-51) All followersofJesuscanstill accomplish the work of Godwithoutbeingin thelimelight. Jesuswill revealhis truthsto belleversr,vho followhim. Oneshouldbewillinsto sacrificehis or her politicsto follorvJesus. Not all who claimto follow lesusarefaithfulto him andhis goals. belonged to Somesuggest thatJames,sonof Alphaeus, the revolutionarygroupknownasthe Zealots. wasarrestedby theJews,thrown SomesaythatJames off theTemple,andthenbeatento deathby a club. Somesuggest thatThaddaeus belongedto the group,theZealots. revolutionary authoredthe Somescholarsbelievethat Thaddaeus bookofJude,althoughmostbelievetheauthoris Judas,thebrotherofJesus. Theryrnbolfor Thaddaeus is sometimesa gold ship with silversailsbeforea red horizon.u'hichis a joumep reference to theshiphetookon missionary Onestorysuggests thatSimonwasthebridegroomat theweddingin Cana. Somestoriessuggest thalSimonwasa missionary to Persia. Theq'rnbolfor Simonis sometimes a bookresting on a fish,which is a referenceto Simonfishing for people. Judasuas possiblyfrom Keriothin Judea. Somescholarssuggest thatJudaswasa member of theZealotsectknownastheSicarii,whowere dagger-bearing assassins. . Unknown. . Selected asoneof Christ'stwelvediscioles. ( M a n h elw0 : 2 - l ;L u k e0 : l + - 1 6 ) . Sentout on a missionto theJewsto preach "thehngdomof heaven is at hand,"healthe thelepers,raisethedead,and sick,cleanse castout demons.(Matthew10:5-8) . Waspresentat thelast Supper. (Matthew 26:20) . WaspresentwhenJesus appeared to the disciolesaftertheResurrection. Qohizo:r9-25) Patriotic.(Matthewl0:4) loyal.(Mark3:18) (Luke6:15) Passionate. (Acts1:13) Sacrificial. Greedy(Matthew26:74-16) Deceitful.(Matthew26:25) (Matthew26:47-50) Treacherous. (Matthew27:3-5) Remorseful.