Due Monday, October 26 LOOKING FOR CLUES OF A KING JESUS IS THE LONG-AWAITED MESSIAH THE ANOINTED KING OF ISRAEL WHO HAS COME TO SET HIS PEOPLE FREE King, King, King. Jesus is revealed as King everywhere in Matthew. Without much effort, I found 20 pieces of evidence just from looking at our picture diagram. I want you to do the same. Number and write individual sentences for each piece of evidence. Write it in the present tense – as if you are a reporter gathering facts and evidence. Use verse references and specific examples. Hint: There are scripture references on the bible sheet that will help you get a start. Look for anything that would reveal that Jesus as king has authority or power, that he talks about a kingdom, that he is acknowledged as Messiah or King, or that he is the one they have been waiting for. On the “fist” picture in the upper right hand corner, you are free to use all five as separate examples – but do use the verse references for each of the categories. “Jesus shows he is king over sin when he…” “Jesus shows he is king over death when he…” If you know any background information, add it in for extra points – and make note of it by putting a circle out in the margin. If I deem it as extra information, I will give you extra points for it. The paper is a possible 20 points. (You can use my examples below.) 1. Matthew 1:1-17 - Jesus is revealed as royalty through the genealogy, because he is in the family line of King David. 2. Matthew 1:16-24 - His mother Mary is overshadowed by the Spirit of God and became pregnant. Her fiance’, Joseph, who was going to divorce her, has an angelic encounter through a dream telling him to marry Mary, and then two other dreams warning him to flee to Egypt and telling him it is safe to return. (The information below doesn’t come from the sheet, but from the movie The Star of Bethlehem. You can copy it if you want.) 3. Matthew 2: 1-12 A star announces the birth of a KING. The birth of Jesus was announced by a star. (In fact, modern research has shown that it may have been the King planet (Jupiter) crowning the King star (Regulae) and lining up. And it was found in the middle of the constellation Judah (lion-king). 4. Matthew 2:1-12 - Magi from the East travel a great distance … 5. Matthew 2:3-8 This birth is so extraordinary that even Herod, the King over Israel is nervous, and as a result, has… 6. Matthew 3: 1-12 - John the Baptist appears in the desert, drawing a crowd. He announces that… 7. Matthew 3:13-17 -