EFFECTIVE August 2015
The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®
Code of Conduct
The certificant/candidate must observe the precepts of truthfulness, honesty, and integrity.
The certificant/candidate must be faithful, competent, and diligent in discharging their professional duties.
The certificant/candidate must safeguard confidential and privileged information and exercise due care to
prevent its improper disclosure.
The certificant/candidate must not maliciously injure the professional reputation or practice of ABCHS,
colleagues, clients, or employees.
The certificant/candidate must not have any record of disciplinary action or currently be under
investigation from any state, province, territory, or certification board. Certificants/candidates will
immediately notify ABCHS of all changes in status of all such actions keeping the Association’s
knowledge current.
The certificant/candidate must not misrepresent or overstate their credentials, education, training, or
experience. The certificant/candidate must be forever cognizant of the importance of their role and
conduct themselves only in
the most ethical and professional manner at all times.
The certificant/candidate will be aware of, and comply with, all ABCHS policies and procedures including
rules concerning the appropriate use of ABCHS certification marks and the proper representation of
ABCHS credentials. Lack of awareness or misunderstanding of an ABCHS policy or procedure does not
excuse inappropriate or unethical behavior. The ABCHS certificant/candidate will not knowingly
participate in, or assist in, any acts that are contrary to ABCHS policies and procedures.
The certificant/candidate must provide accurate and truthful information to ABCHS concerning all
certification related eligibility information, and must submit valid application materials for fulfillment of
current certification and recertification requirements.
The certificant/candidate must maintain the security, and prevent the disclosure, of ABCHS
certification examination information and materials.
The certificant/candidate must report possible violations of the ABCHS Code of Conduct to the appropriate
representative(s) pursuant to the ABCHS Ethics Case Procedures.
The certificant/candidate must cooperate fully with ABCHS concerning the review of possible ethics
violations and the collection of related information.
The certificant/candidate must agree to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct. Disciplinary action can be taken,
up to and including revocation of ABCHS certification pursuant to the ABCHS Ethics Case Procedures, for
failure to comply with the ABCHS Code of Conduct.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
About the American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®
Following September 11, 2001, the nation felt the need for an increase in homeland security.
The President issued a “call to action” to which the American College of Forensic Examiners
Institute responded by developing its groundbreaking certifications in homeland security.
Immediately, an advisory board was assembled, and their work on developing certifications
commenced. Since its inception in January 2003, The American Board for Certification in
Homeland Security, CHS® (ABCHS), a professional membership association, has earned a
reputation as the premier certification and continuing education source for professionals in
homeland security. However, ABCHS membership is not required for certificants and
candidates. ABCHS became incorporated independently in May 2009.
With a diverse collection of highly qualified professionals—including active and retired
military, law enforcement and security experts, firefighters and other first responders,
physicians, nurses, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, psychiatrists, information
technology, engineers and others—ABCHS has in its membership some of the nation’s leading
professionals who have significant experience in homeland security.
ABCHS continues making significant contributions to addressing the most pressing issues
facing our nation. The association is committed to our country’s safety. We provide an
extraordinary knowledge base and an in-place organizational structure that delivers the
highest quality certification and continuing education opportunities in homeland security.
The ultimate goal of ABCHS is to facilitate collaborative partnerships and strong working
relationships between homeland security professionals from the private sector and the U.S.
Government/Military recognizing that each has unique talents and abilities to contribute to the
security of our nation.
ABCHS Certification Vision/Mission Statement
Certification Vision Statement
Our vision is to bridge the gap between government and non-government organizations
(NGOs) in facilitation of common standards of knowledge in coordinating various scale
responses to homeland security and national disaster events.
Certification Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide homeland security professionals from government and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) with certification to assess their knowledge of the
current prescribed response frameworks.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
G.I. Bill
Certified in Homeland Security Level I (CHS-I)
Certified in Homeland Security Level II (CHSII)
Certified in Homeland Security Level III (CHS-III)
Certified in Homeland Security Level IV (CHS-IV)
Certified in Homeland Security Level V (CHS-V)
Certified in Disaster Preparedness, CDP-I
Certified Homeland Security Emergency Medical Responder (CHSEMR)
Sensitive Security Information, Certified (SSI)
Intelligence Analyst Certified, IAC
Certified in Information Assurance, CIA
Certified in Cyber Warfare, CW TTP’s1
Certified Aviation Security Professional, CASP
Certified National Threat Analyst, CNTA
Certified in Dignitary and Executive Protection, CDEP
Certified Master Chaplin, CMC
Other Certifications Available (All certification materials are written and distributed in English
Crisis Response Coordinator, CRC
Anti-Sabotage Certified, ASC
Contact Information
The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®
2750 East Sunshine Street
Springfield, MO 65804
Phone: (877) 219-2519 or (417) 823-2519
Fax: (417) 881-1865
Email: info@abchs.com
Website: http://www.abchs.com/
All advertising material and publicly viewed material is reviewed and approved by appropriate ABCHS employees
as to the accuracy of the statements contain there in.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
ABCHS Examination Policy(Adopted06/2011)
A. Purpose
Certification examinations developed by The American Board for Certification in
Homeland Security (ABCHS) assess candidates' knowledge in specific areas of
Homeland Security as defined by current Job Task Analysis studies. The
development of these exams is a complex process involving many subject
matter experts (SMEs). This policy articulates guidelines for ABCHS’s
examination development activities.
All ABCHS committee members, employees, volunteers, and contractors are
required to agree to, and abide by, the terms of this Policy and are required to
sign an agreement document to that effect.
B. Development
1. Certification Scope Policy. All ABCHS certifications are based on the daily work
of professionals in the homeland security field. All modifications to the scope
will depend on evolving DHS programmatic issues and will be validated by Job
Task Analysis studies conducted every 5 years.
2. Certification Scope Expansion and Reduction Procedure.
a. ABCHS monitors the field of Homeland Security through contact with the
ABCHS Advisory Board and the Certification Development Board.
b. The scopes of ABCHS certifications will expand or reduce as DHS
programmatic issues change influencing the field.
c . The relevance of each ABCHS certification scope to the field of Homeland
Security will be reviewed at least annually.
Any expansion or reduction to the scope of an ABCHS certification, therefore,
will be based on evolving programmatic issues. ABCHS conducts Job Task
Analysis studies regularly (see policy below) as a means to verify alignment
between its certifications and the field of Homeland Security.
3. Job Task Analysis. The content of ABCHS certification exams is based on
results from appropriate Job Task Analysis studies. The relationship and linkage
between each exam and the relevant Job Task Analysis study will be documented,
and such documentation will be available for review by candidates and
certificants. Upon request, a candidate or certificant will be provided with a
summary of a complete Job Task Analysis study.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
ABCHS will conduct a new Job Task Analysis study for each certification exam every five
(5) years in order to ensure the continued relationship between the examinations and
the real-world role of professionals in homeland security. Surveys conducted by ABCHS
staff under the supervision of a in house psychometrician and approved by the ABCHS
Advisory Board yield the data determining final knowledge domain weightings for
exams from the results of Job Task Analysis surveys. Final versions of ABCHS Job Task
Analysis studies (including the final domain weightings) are subject to approval from the
Advisory Board.
4. Test Content Outline. All test content outlines for all ABCHS certification exams are
derived from appropriate Job Task Analysis studies and must be approved by the
ABCHS Advisory Board.
5. Test Item Construction. Test items are prepared by in house psychometrician as well
as Subject Matter Experts. Each test item is edited and validated by SMEs for clarity and
content. All test items satisfy the exam specifications of the relevant Job Task Analysis
Questions are developed to assess the candidate's knowledge on subject matter from
appropriate domains. Each question is also subjected to editing for grammar and
technical adequacy by ABCHS editorial staff.
6. Cut Score. The cut score (passing point) used for all ABCHS certification exams is
established with the Modified Angoff Technique. The ABCHS Examination Development
Committee uses the Modified Angoff Technique under the direct supervision of an in
house psychometrician, with feedback provided on inter-rater reliability. Committee
members’ pooled judgment is used to establish final cut scores. A new cutscore study is
completed each time new test specifications are
developed based on a new job analysis, to ensure that the cutscore remains relevant in
the evolving field.
7. Item analysis and reliability. ABCHS performs a psychometric item and test analysis
annually to document the psychometric quality of the examinations. These reports also
serve to improve the quality of the test over time by indentifying possible issues such as
poorly performing items.
8. Form Construction. Under direction of a psychometrician, each new ABCHS
certification exam form is equated to the initial or anchor version of that exam to
ensure that candidates are not rewarded or penalized for taking different versions of
the exam. Forms overlap by at least 20%, allowing for application of a non- equivalent
groups anchor test (NEAT) equating design.
9. Examination Development Meetings. The American Board for Certification in
Homeland Security (ABCHS) conducts examination development meetings with the
ABCHS Examination Development Committee (volunteer subject matter experts) and a
facilitator from a professional examination development company, in order to: revise,
validate, and approve newly submitted test items; review item analyses, identify poorly
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
performing items, and select test items to include on new examination forms; conduct
cut score studies when needed; draft new examination forms equated to appropriate
base forms; and/or ensure that the content of the examinations is still tied, and properly
related, to the relevant content outlines established by the most recent Job Task Analysis
study. This practice is intended to validate ABCHS certification examinations.
C. Administration.
1. Administration Sources. Tests are delivered via computer under secure
proctored conditions at testing centers with standardized conditions to ensure
fairness. Interested individuals from the private sector sit for their exams with a
contracted testing source. ABCHS will deliver exams through the Pearson Vue
testing centers testing, which is a network of testing centers with professional
proctors located throughout the world. ABCHS may also deliver the exams via a
live proctoring setting where the proctor has agreed to abide by the live
proctoring agreement.
2. Experimental Items. For exam development purposes, ABCHS reserves the right
to include additional unscored (experimental or pretest) items at its discretion.
Decisions relating to experimental items will be made in consultation with a
psychometrician. Candidates will not know which questions are experimental. This
process allows data to be collected for items before they are included as scored
items; the data is analyzed to screen item quality.
3. Application Requirement. Eligibility requirements to sit for ABCHS certification
exams are established by the ABCHS Advisory Board. All eligibility requirements
for a particular ABCHS certification exam must be met by candidates prior to
sitting for the exam. ABCHS certification applications align with appropriate
eligibility requirements and are used to verify candidates’ eligibility to sit for
ABCHS certification exams. The ABCHS Director must approve all candidates’
appropriate, completed applications prior to their sitting for an ABCHS
certification exam.
D. Results
1. Scoring the CHS Examinations. Only the candidate will be informed of the
examination results as a pass or fail, but will not be allowed to see the actual test
due to security reasons. Scores are not provided to the applicants, but score reports
provide feedback for candidates who did not pass, enabling them to better direct
efforts to study for another attempt. The pass/fail result is maintained permanently
in iMIS, ABCHS’s database.
2. ABCHS Examination Results. Candidates receive a Pass/Fail result following
their attempt at ABCHS certification exams.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
3. Aggregate Assessment Data Reports. ABCHS will report on its certification
exams at least annually. The report will summarize performance data aggregated
across individuals in such a way that the identity of individuals is not disclosed. This
report will be published by ABCHS.
E. Confidentiality
The Pass/Fail results of an ABCHS certification exam are confidential and will only
be disclosed for provisions pursuant to the ABCHS Confidentiality and NonDisclosure Policy.
F. Opportunities for Evaluation of ABCHS Exams
Immediately following ABCHS certification exam offerings, participants can
complete an evaluation form to assist in further development and improvements
to the exam they sat for. This form gives examinees the opportunity to evaluate
the examination environment, the proctor, and the examination.
For security reasons, exam material is not available for review. Candidates who
have comments about specific questions on ABCHS certification exams should
submit their clearly articulated comments in writing to: The American Board for
Certification in Homeland Security, Attn: ABCHS Director, 2750 E. Sunshine St.,
Springfield MO 65804.
The ABCHS Certification Development Board will have exam evaluations and
comments provided by candidates available to them when it meets to revise the
G. Appeals (Requests for Review)
Appeals will only be considered if they meet grounds pursuant to the ABCHS
Appeal Process. Candidates who wish to appeal a certification decision or action
should reference the ABCHS Appeal Process and take action accordingly.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Application Procedure
A. General Eligibility Requirements.
The following general eligibility requirements must be met by all ABCHS applicants:
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the. military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory,
or licensing or certification board within the past 10 years nor subject under
any such investigation
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
B. Application Submission. An individual’s certification process begins with the
submission of a completed application accompanied by supporting information
including a resume, a professional license (if applicable), degree(s) or transcript(s)
(if applicable), military record(s) (if applicable), a copy of appropriate certifications
or designations, and/or a copy of no more than 10 certificates from any completed
homeland security related course(s) (including those from FEMA). In addition, all
U.S. Veterans must provide their DD-214 attesting no dishonorable discharge.
Applicants can submit the documentation by mail, fax, or email. Personal contact
information, such as name, designation(s), mailing address, telephone number(s),
date of birth, and email address, is also included on the application.
C. Application Processing. Certification applications are first received by the
accounting department via mail, fax, telephone or the website. Accounting staff
processes all applicable fees. Upon receipt of an initial application, accounting
creates a new database record. ABCHS’s iMIS software generates a unique identifier
code for each applicant. If accounting staff members receive an application from an
already-existing applicant or candidate/certificant, they update the individual’s iMIS
record accordingly. Accounting staff then attaches a processing cover sheet to the
application and submits it to the certification department for further processing.
D. Application Review. ABCHS staff reviews the application for complete
documentation. Staff contacts the applicant if any required documentation is
lacking. Staff members verify any professional license(s) and all other
E. Application Approval. The application is then given to the ABCHS Director for
review and approval.
F. Examination Access. Once the application has been approved by the ABCHS
Executive Director, ABCHS staff gives the applicant instructions for completing
the examination(s).
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® Levels One (CHS-I)
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the CHS-I exam:
Recommended 1 year of experience combined with general training, knowledge, skill, and
education in a homeland security-related area
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or
certification board within the past 10 years, nor subject under any such investigation
Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates achieve certificant status. At
that time, they may list the designation CHS-I behind their names.
Target Audience:
This level is intended for professionals in homeland security, law enforcement, and related
fields, who are involved in security, law enforcement, fire service, military, emergency
management, cyber security, public health, hazardous materials, medical, or other related
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® Level Two (CHS-II)
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the CHS-II exam.
Hold the CHS-I credential; or have 2 years of relevant homeland security experience
relevant to the topics covered in CHS I and CHS II
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or
certification board within the past 10 years, nor subject under any such investigation
Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates achieve certificant status. At
that time, they may list the designation CHS-II behind their names.
Target Audience:
This level is intended for professionals in homeland security, law enforcement, and related
fields, who are involved in security, law enforcement, fire service, military,
emergency management, cyber security, public health, hazardous materials, medical, or
other related areas.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® Level Three (CHS-III)
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the CHS-III exam:
Hold the CHS-II credential; or have 3 years of relevant homeland security experience
related to the topics covered in CHS- I, CHS-II, and CHS-III.
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or
certification board within the past 10 years, nor subject under any such investigation
Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates achieve certificant status. At
that time, they may list the designation CHS-III behind their names.
Target Audience:
This level is intended for professionals in homeland security, law enforcement, and related
fields, who are involved in security, law enforcement, fire service, military, emergency
management, cyber security, public health, hazardous materials, medical, or
other related areas.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® Level Four (CHS-IV)
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the CHS-V exam:
Hold the CHS-III credential; or have four (4) years of experience combined with general
training, knowledge, skill, and education in a homeland security-related area connected to
the topics examined n CHS-I, CHS-II, CHS-III, and CHS-IV.
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or
certification board within the past 10 years, nor subject under any such investigation
Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates achieve certificant status. At
that time, they may list the designation CHS-IV behind their names.
Target Audience
This level is intended for professionals in homeland security, law enforcement, and related
fields, who are involved in security, law enforcement, fire service, military, emergency
management, cyber security, public health, hazardous materials, medical, or
other related areas.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Certified in Homeland Security, CHS® Level Five (CHS-V)
Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must meet the following requirements to be eligible to sit for the CHS exam:
Hold the CHS-IV credential; or five (5) years of experience combined with general training,
knowledge, skill, and education in a homeland security-related area connected to the topics
examined n CHS-I, CHS-II, CHS-III, CHS-IV, and CHS-V
Agreement to uphold the ABCHS Code of Conduct
At least 18 years of age
No felony convictions
No dishonorable discharge from the military
Neither a record of disciplinary action from any state, province or territory, or licensing or
certification board within the past 10 years, nor subject under any such investigation
Upon successful completion of the examination, candidates achieve certificant status. At
that time, they may list the CHS-V designation behind their names.
Target Audience
This level is intended for professionals in homeland security, law enforcement, and related
fields, who are involved in security, law enforcement, fire service, military, emergency
management, cyber security, public health, hazardous materials, medical, or
other related areas.
* Please see CHS Alternate Pathway Policy
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
ABCHS Alternate Pathway Policy
The Alternate Pathway provision allows candidate to qualify to sit for the ABCHS exams
through a unique combination of education/training and experience subject to approval of the
ABCHS Certification Commission. Candidates must make application for alternate pathway
eligibility as the ABCHS certifications are high stakes exams and our certification entities are
one component in determining eligibility for credentialing of individuals.
These exams require a high level of security and confidentiality, and determining eligibility to
take the ABCHS exams is one method of assuring this security.
Subject to the terms and requirements of this policy, The American Board for Certification in
Homeland Security, CHS® (ABCHS) shall grant ability to sit for its Certified in Homeland
Security exams to applicants who have sufficiently demonstrated current, corresponding
knowledge and skills by completing qualified education/training and experience. The ABCHS
Certification Commission, which establishes standards for ABCHS certifications, is charged as
the only body which can develop qualification criteria and determine whether given
education/training/experience qualifies under this alternate pathway policy. Applicants who
satisfy the applicable requirements set forth shall be eligible to sit for an ABCHS certification
exam through the alternate pathway. No candidates will be granted an ABCHS certification
without having satisfied the standard ABCHS certification requirements.
1. Qualification Criteria. To qualify as an alternate pathway under this policy, an applicant’s
combination of education/training and experience must meet the knowledge skills and abilities
measured in the CHS exam the candidate is applying to sit for.
2. Eligibility Requirements for the Alternate Pathway. To be eligible for the Alternate
Pathway, an applicant must: 1.) Meet all general eligibility requirements for ABCHS
certifications, 2.) Hold a qualifying degree, or equivalent education/training, 3.) Provide an
official transcript for the qualifying degree (equivalent education/training), which identifies
the applicant as having received same, 4.) Demonstrate equivalent experience combined with
general training, knowledge, skill, and education within their respective homeland securityrelated area, and 5.) Satisfy all requirements and procedures applicable to this policy.
3. ABCHS Code of Conduct and Policy Compliance. Applicants for the Alternate Pathway
must comply with the Code of Conduct, and other applicable ABCHS policies.
4. Alternate Pathway Application Procedures. In order to qualify to sit for the CHS exams
through the Alternate Pathway, the applicant must submit the following: 1.) The ABCHS Alternate
Pathway Form, completed by the applicant, 2.) A current résumé/curriculum vitae,
3.) An official transcript for the qualifying degree, or equivalent education/training, which
identifies the applicant as having received the degree, or equivalent education/training, 4.) A
military record stating current status or DD-214 (if applicable), 5.) Copies of relevant training
certificates (maximum of 10), and 6.) Payment of required certification fees.
The ABCHS Alternate Pathway Form must be submitted to the ABCHS Director. The ABCHS
Director will be responsible for reviewing all Forms for completion and accuracy. The ABCHS
Certification Commission will determine whether the education/training and experience qualifies
as an Alternate Pathway under this policy. All decisions will be communicated to applicants under
this policy in writing. Applicants can appeal any decisions made pursuant to this policy using the
ABCHS Certification Appeal Procedures. All applicable ABCHS policies will be observed in the
application of this Alternate Pathway Policy.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Rights Reserved. ABCHS reserves the sole and exclusive right to: (a) determine whether the
combination of education/training and experience qualifies as an Alternate Pathway under this
policy, based on an independent evaluation of the evidence presented under ABCHS
certification standards; (b) determine whether the documents submitted by an applicant for
the Alternate Pathway satisfy the documentation requirements set forth in this policy; and, (c)
verify the accuracy of the information contained in all submitted documentation. In order to
verify information provided by a certificant, ABCHS may contact any appropriate information
source, including individuals or organizations referred to in the documentation.
Recertification Policy
A. Introduction
The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security (ABCHS) sponsors and administers
examination-based certifications, which require the ABCHS Recertification Program. Individuals
who are granted an ABCHS credential must demonstrate an ongoing professional commitment
to the field of Homeland Security by satisfying the requirements of this Program.
This policy explains the requirements that must be satisfied to maintain ABCHS certification,
and provides related information, including the standards, guidelines, and procedures of the
Program. Each certificant must review, accept, and agree to the terms of this policy to maintain
ABCHS certification. Inquiries or questions concerning this policy should be directed to the
ABCHS Director of Education.
This policy explains the requirements that must be satisfied to maintain ABCHS certification,
and provides related information, including the standards, guidelines, and procedures of the
Program. Each certificant must review, accept, and agree to the terms of this policy to maintain
ABCHS certification. Inquiries or questions concerning this policy should be directed to the
ABCHS Chief Executive Officer.
B. Statement of Purposes
The ABCHS Recertification Program supports the ongoing professional development of
ABCHS certificants and the maintenance of ABCHS certification by:
• requiring reasonable and appropriate continuing educational and professional activities;
• enhancing the ongoing professional development of certificants;
• encouraging and recognizing individualized learning opportunities;
• providing a standardized, objective, and straightforward process for attaining and
recording continuing educational and professional activities.
C. Recertification Cycle
Each certificant is subject to a three-year recertification interval. The reporting period begins
with the first January after awarding the credential. For example, if the credential is awarded on
July 1, 2010; the 3 year reporting period begins on Jan. 1, 2011 to be due on December 31, 2013.
This cycle ensures that certificants demonstrate currency in knowledge, skills, and abilities
within an appropriate period. The three-year recertification cycle will follow the calendar year.
Upon completing the ABCHS Recertification Program, certificants will be given a certificate with
an updated expiration date.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
The rationale for the recertification interval is listed below:
a. Homeland Security is a dynamic field shaped by programmatic issues of the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Fields related to homeland security are
affected by various best practices and laws that change regularly. The ABCHS
Advisory Board adopted a three year recertification period to ensure certificants
constant vigilance of new information in their field.
b. The interval has to be long enough to allow the certified professionals to earn the
appropriate credits but short enough to keep the certified professionals
motivated to engage in education and professional development. This three-year
period also prevents certificants’ inactivity in their profession by requiring
routine continued education/professional involvement as part of certified status.
The period also ensures the relevancy of certificants’ certification since they
cannot receive recertification more than twice in a single Job Task Analysis cycle
(which is five years)
D. Recertification Requirements
Consistent with the terms of this policy, ABCHS certificants must satisfy the following
requirements to maintain certification:
1. Continuing Education Unit (CEU Requirements.) Certificants must accrue thirty
(30) CEUs during each recertification interval, which is a three-year period.
2. ABCHS Code of Conduct and Policy Compliance. Certificants must comply with the
Code of Conduct, and other ABCHS policies, in order to maintain certification status.
3. Maintenance Fee Requirements. Certificants must be current with all maintenance,
related to the ABCHS Recertification Program to maintain certification. Certificants will
be contacted prior to their certification’s expiration date and will be reminded of
recertification requirements.
E. Qualifying Activities/Approved Methods for Earning Continuing Education Units
(CEU) Credits
Unless specifically otherwise permitted by this policy, all CEU activities accepted and
approved by the ABCHS Recertification Program must be relevant to the field of Homeland
Security and satisfy the requirements stated in this policy.
1. Requirements for CEU Activities. ABCHS reserves the sole and exclusive right to
determine whether a CEU activity is relevant to the field of Homeland Security
under the terms in this policy.
2. Evaluation of CEU Activities. In order to determine whether a CEU activity may
qualify for CEU, ABCHS will consider three aspects: the subject matter of the
activity; the objectives of the activity; and the credentials of the sponsor, presenter,
or author of the activity.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
a. Examples of Qualifying CEU Activities. While ABCHS does not
expressly limit the types of activities that may qualify for CEU, the
following are examples of activities that typically qualify:
1) Attending college- or university-sponsored continuing education
2) Attending seminars, workshops, conferences or other educational
3) Authoring publications in books or scholarly journals;
4) Acting as a speaker or presenter during professional presentation
activities directly related to the field of Homeland Security;
5) Developing new and original learning programs, seminars, or
6) Leadership and community service activities; and,
7) Independent study of professional or educational publications.
3. Documentation Required for Proof of CEU Earned. The ABCHS Recertification
Program requires certificants to complete the Recertification Evaluation Form at a
minimum every3 years. It is certificants’ responsibility to ensure that recertification
credits claimed conform to the Requirements for CEU Activities established by the
ABCHS. However, it is not necessary to submit the supporting documentation(i.e.
true copies of all certificates, continuing education reports, or similar documents
issued by the activity sponsor or a national certifying body, which indicates the
number of credit hours the sponsor designates for the activity; true copies of activity
programs or agendas published by a sponsor that indicates the times during which
the activity was conducted; letters prepared and signed by a sponsor, presenter or
other authorized representative of activities that indicates the number of
recommended CEU related to participation in the activity; documentation sufficient
to provide proof of attendance or completion of activities requiring independent
study; etc.). Certificants are strongly encouraged, however, to retain such
documentation for a minimum of three years after the date of filing in the event of a
verification audit by ABCHS.
The Recertification Evaluation Form is used for certificants to document and submit
CEU accrued each recertification cycle. All reporting forms are retained in
certificants’ files.
4. Evaluation and Verification of Submitted Documentation. ABCHS reserves the
sole and exclusive right to:
a. determine whether the Recertification Evaluation Form submitted by the
certificant satisfies the documentation requirements set forth in this policy;
b. verify the accuracy of the information contained in such documentation. To
verify information provided by a certificant, ABCHS may conduct a
verification audit by contacting any appropriate information source,
including individuals or organizations referred to in the documentation
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
In the event that the required documentation is unavailable for a
specific activity, the certificant can submit a description of the content
and subject matter of the activity, including a statement explaining how
that activity satisfies the applicable activity requirements, as set forth
in this policy.
F. General CEU Guidelines
1. Recertification Evaluation Form. Certificants are responsible for reporting
CEU activities to ABCHS using the Recertification Evaluation Form. The CEU
submission must include the following information and documentation:
(a) the name of the program sponsor, author or presenter of the activity;
(b) the date(s) on which the activity was conducted; and
(c) the name of the course, program, or seminar; and
Recertification Evaluation Forms may be submitted by e-mail, mail, or fax.
Certificants may submit Recertification forms only at the end of their Recertification
2. Granting CEU Credit. All activities submitted for consideration as CEU are
subject to review and approval by ABCHS. CEU for each CEU activity will be
granted on a one-time basis only. In all cases, credit is granted only after the
CEU activity has been completed. Credit is not granted for time spent at social
functions or breaks.
3. CEU Credit Denial. ABCHS reserves the sole and exclusive rights to evaluate all
CEU activities on an individual basis, and to grant or deny credits for those
activities according to this policy and other ABCHS requirements, at its
discretion. As part of such evaluation, ABCHS may consider the number of
credits indicated for an activity. However, ABCHS reserves the sole and
exclusive right to make all final determinations concerning the number of CEU
granted for each activity. The ABCHS certificant will be notified when CEU are
reduced or denied, including a statement indicating the basis for such action.
ABCHS reserves the right to request additional information or clarification
concerning a specific activity prior to final acceptance and granting of CEU, or
at a future time.
4. Maintenance of Personal CEU Records. Consistent with the terms of this
policy, ABCHS certificants should maintain records and documentation related
to each reported CEU activity for at least three (3) years after the applicable
CEU cycle has ended. Such records should be stored in a safe and secure
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Credential Suspension and Revocation
A. Process for suspension
Once a violation has been confirmed the appropriate ABCHS staff will implement the
following suspension and revocation policy.
Code of Ethics suspensions and revocations will be made by the ABCHS board following
the procedures laid out in the Suspending/Withdrawing Certification section of the
ABCHS handbook and are subject to the ABCHS appeals procedure as noted in the ABCHS
1. Suspension. An ABCHS certificant misrepresenting their credentials, refusing to
provide documentation at a later time if asked, not following the recertification
requirements or otherwise violating the ABCHS Ethical Code of Conduct could be
placed on immediate suspension status for up to (3) years, or until such time as the
suspended certificant rectifies the violation. Requirements during Suspension Term.
Suspension constitutes the temporary loss of active certification status. A suspended
certificant must: immediately stop, and refrain from, any representations or
statements which indicate that he or she is certified by ABCHS during the suspension
2. Reinstatement from Suspension to Active Certification Status: In order to obtain
reinstatement from suspension status, the certificant must submit: (1)
documentation demonstrating that all past-due CMU have been earned, pursuant to
the terms of this policy; (2) payment of applicable fees that are currently due as of the
date(s) that the certificant submits the information and payments required for
reinstatement; (3) payment of an administrative fee of one hundred ($100) dollars
for processing the reinstatement; and, (4) payment of all appropriate past-due fees.
Upon reinstatement, ABCHS will issue an active certification certificate to the
B. Process for Revocation
1.Any ABCHS certificant continually misrepresenting their credentials, refusing to
provide documentation at a later time if asked, not following the recertification
requirements or otherwise violating the ABCHS Ethical Code of Conduct requirements
for (3) years (i.e. by the end of the three (3) year suspension period) will be placed on
immediate revocation status.
2 .Consequences of Revocation/Reapplication Required. Revocation constitutes the loss
of certification. To return to active certified status, a revoked certificant must reapply for
certification and rectify the cause for revocation. Upon revocation the certificant must:
(1) Destroy all original or copied credential materials to ABCHS, including all past ABCHS
certificates (2) immediately stop, and refrain from, making any representations or
statements that he or she is certified by ABCHS.
3. Publication and Notification of Suspended or Revoked Status. All certificants who are
suspended or revoked may have such status published by ABCHS. Certificants will be
notified by mail any and all suspensions or revocations.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
C. Reapplication Requirements
Applicants required to reapply for certification pursuant to this policy must purchase,
retake, and successfully pass all certification examinations applicable to the certification
for which reapplication is sought, and provide payment of all corresponding application
and examination fees.
Certification Appeal Procedures
After a Certified Person has received a written notice of violations and applicable sanctions from
ABCHS the candidate is required to file a written request for appeal, along with a statement
describing the grounds for the appeal, why the appeal should be granted and all supporting
evidence within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice of violations and applicable
sanctions from ABCHS. A candidate's appeal will not be considered after such thirty (30)
calendar day period has expired.
If ABCHS determines that a written request for appeal is filed in a timely manner the information
submitted by the candidate will be submitted for binding arbitration to the ABCHS Advisory
Board, which consists of voluntary industry peers. As directed by the ABCHS Advisory Board,
three (3) disinterested members of the Board will be assigned to each case, and will have full
authority to convene, preside over, continue, decide, and conclude an ethics appeal.
Following receipt of a complete and proper written appeal, the ABCHS Advisory Board will
schedule a date on which to conduct an Appeal Hearing, and the Respondent will be notified in
writing at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled date. The ABCHS Advisory Board will review
the any appeal submissions presented by the Respondent and other relevant information, and
thereafter will determine and resolve the appeal by majority vote in a closed session. The
respondent may contact ABCHS at any point during the appeals process to inquire about the
status of the appeal.
Following the conclusion of an Appeal Hearing, an appeal decision will be sent to the
Respondent, in writing, within 30 days. The appeals decision will state the outcome and
resolution of the appeal including any final disciplinary action or sanction issued.
Voluntary Relinquishment of ABCHS Certifications PRO/CT/004
If not otherwise prohibited, a certificant may voluntarily relinquish his or her certification by
submitting a written request to ABCHS, indicating acceptance of, and agreement to, the following
a. Prohibited Use of the Credential. A certificant who voluntarily relinquishes his or her certification
may not represent themselves as an active ABCHS certificant or certified by ABCHS. Such certificants
may not use the ABCHS credential or certification mark until such time that he or she has his or her
active certification reinstated. Upon relinquishment of certification, the former certificant must
immediately return all original or copied credential materials to ABCHS, including all past ABCHS
certificates and pins.
b. Reinstatement to Active Certification Status. If reinstatement to active status is requested prior to
the time the active certification would have expired (i.e. within the ABCHS certification date that was
in effect at the time the certification was relinquished), the former certificant may request that active
certificant status be reinstated by paying all applicable fees at the time of reinstatement. A former
ABCHS certificant who wishes to reactivate ABCHS certification within one (1) year beyond the
expiration date of active ABCHS certification must: submit to ABCHS a request and an amnesty fee
of $25.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
Important Policies
ADA Statement
All programs comply with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require assistance, please
contact Association Headquarters toll-free at (877)
219-2519, by email to registrar@abchs.com, or by fax
to (417) 881-1865.
Non-Discrimination Statement
All programs are non-discriminatory. Eligibility for
certification and recertification is denied only when an
individual does not meet the eligibility requirements,
when an individual has violated the Association’s
standards, or when an applicant has committed an act
that would reflect negatively on the Association or the
certification program.
It is the policy of the American Board for Certification
in Homeland Security to be fair and unbiased in the
certification process and follow the same policies,
procedures, and requirements for all applicants.
All candidates and certificants are expected to be
aware of and comply with all certification and
recertification requirement. ABCHS reserves the right
to issue disciplinary actions to candidates or
certificants who: fail to meet certification or
recertification requirements including, but not limited
to: compliance with the ABCHS Code of Conduct,
submission of required forms for recertification, and
submission of required fees. ABCHS certificants are
required to notify ABCHS of any change in their status
that would come in violation of the ABCHS code of
ethics or ABCHS certification requirements.
Complaint Policy
ABCHS will review all complaints submitted in
accordance with the ABCHS Complaint Procedure as
listed in the ABCHS Policies and Procedures manual .
ABCHS will use the Complaint Procedure in the
handling of all such complaints
One can direct questions, comments, and information
requests to the ABCHS by telephone to (877) 2192519 or email: info@abchs.com.
No refunds are issued once the application has been
Appeal Procedures
Applicants who are denied certification/recertification
may make an appeal using the ABCHS Certification
Appeal Procedures. For more information on the
Appeal Procedures, see the ABCHS policy and
procedures handbook located on the ABCHS
homepage. ABCHS.com
Upon receipt of application and payment,
examinations must be completed within 1 year.
Extensions will be considered for special
circumstances if written notification is provided to
Exam Retake
If the examinee does not pass an ABCHS exam on the
first attempt, one retake is available for a $60 retake
fee to cover the cost of the proctoring of the exam. If
after the 2nd attempt the examinee fails, they must
wait 1 year from the date of the previous attempt and
must reapply at that time.
Recertification Extensions
Requests for extensions on meeting recertification
requirements will be considered. Each request will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Extensions will be
approved if the cause can be documented because of
military duty, effects of major disaster, or other special
All material submitted to ABCHS will be confidential.
Disclosure of material submitted to ABCHS is
permitted only when specifically authorized by the
ABCHS Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Policy.
Among other information, ABCHS will not consider the
following materials and documents to be confidential:
a. Published certification and eligibility criteria; b.
Records and materials disclosed as the result of a legal
requirement; c. Upon the written request of a
candidate, or certificant, any certification information
concerning certification status or application materials
which the candidate or certificant would like made
available to other credentialing agencies, professional
organizations, or similar bodies; and, d. All decisions
and orders of any authorized representative of ABCHS.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
The American Board for Certification in Homeland
Security, CHS®
The following is a REQUEST for a proctored Certified in Homeland Security
examination and is pending approval of The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®.
The Applicant and Proctor/Testing Center will be notified upon approval or denial of this request.
Applicant Information
Applicant’s Name:
Note to Applicant: Please retain a copy of this request for your records. You will be notified upon approval or
denial of your request. If your request is approved, you will receive a Proctored Examination Confirmation
form. You will be responsible for the Proctor’s compensation, if required by the Proctor (usually an hourly
I, the Applicant, understand and accept these terms.
(Applicant’s signature)
Requested Proctor/Testing Center Information
City, State, Zip:
Date of Examination (Proctor and Applicant must initial):
Examination Time:
Proctor/Testing Center Phone: (
Return: Upon completion, please return a completed copy of this form to The American Board for Certification
in Homeland Security, CHS®:
By email to ceo@abchs.com
By fax to ATTN: Director of ABCHS to (417) 881-1865
Or by mail to ATTN: Director of ABCHS, The American Board for Certification in Homeland
Security, 2750 E. Sunshine, Springfield, MO 65804.
You will be contacted regarding the approval or denial of this request. If the request is denied,
you will likely be notified of an alternative proctoring time. If the request is approved, you will
be notified of the proctoring date, time, fee, and method of payment.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.
The American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®
2750 East Sunshine Street Springfield, Missouri 65804 Phone: 1.877.219.2519 Local: 417.823.2519 Fax:
417.881.1865 Email: ceo@abchs.com Website: www.abchs.com
ABCHS Alternate Pathway Form
Requirements To be eligible for CHS-II, CHS-III, CHS-IV, or CHS-V under this alternate pathway, applicants must show
the required number of years of relevant in homeland security experience related to the topics covered in CHS- I, CHS-II, CHSIII and CHS-IV, and CHS-V as referenced in the CHS candidate handbook.
Personal Information
Last Name
First Name
Social Security
Apt Number:
Telephone (
Middle Initial
Date of Birth
Home Address
Cell Phone (
How did you hear about ABCHS?
❏ Please check here if you hold a security clearance.
Company Name
Suite Number
Telephone (
Street Address
Preferred Mailing
Address? □ Home □ Work Education
Years Experience
Date Completed
Content Area
Please note: In order to be considered for CHS-IV through this alternate pathway, you MUST submit an official transcript of
the qualifying experience.
Copyright © 2015 American Board for Certification in Homeland Security, CHS®. All Rights Reserved.