Global Business & Economics Anthology 2014

Global Business & Economics Anthology 2014

Volume I Contents, Volume II Contents


Editorial Board


The Global Business & Economics Anthology is an international refereed publication, published semiannually by the Business & Economics Society International , with original papers selected from the

Society’s Conferences.

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ISSN: 1553-1392

Copyright © 2014 by the Business & Economics Society International. All rights reserved. The Copyright

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No responsibility for the views expressed in the Global Business & Economics Anthology is assumed by the editor or by the publisher, the Business & Economics Society International.

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$83.00 (inside continental US) payable to B&ESI in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. Bank;

$93.00 (outside continental US) payable to B&ESI in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. Bank.


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