Textbooks: There is no prescribed textbook, although the following may be of use.
(1) S Lipschutz and M Lipson, Schaum’s Outlines: Linear Algebra.
(2) G Strang, Linear Algebra and Applications.
(3) G Strang, Introduction to Applied Mathematics.
(4) S Venit and W Bishop, Elementary Linear Algebra.
(5) C Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra.
The first is good for facts, but useless for learning anything you don’t already know (in my
humble opinion). It is, however, comprehensive and full of fun exercises. The second is
one I used in the wasted days of my youth and is my favourite. The third I’m not familiar
with, but it will serve as inspiration for some applications later in the course. The fourth
was given to me for free and is pretty easy. We’ll definitely go beyond it’s meagre offerings.
The last text is available for viewing online at Note that the website
allows for personal use only, prohibits saving or printing, and inserts irritating ads on every
page. I won’t use it, but you might like to.
Topics to be Covered: The following represents a proposed outline of the formal parts of the
course. Some of the later topics may be omitted in favour of further applications as the
instructor (or the students!) decide.
Basic Facts: Complex numbers, matrix algebra, Gaussian elimination, echelon form.
Vector Spaces and Inner Products: Linear independence, inner products, projections, orthogonality, linear regression.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Determinants, characteristic polynomials, diagonalisation,
Jordan canonical form.
Advanced Topics and Applications: Difference and differential equations, dynamical systems and chaos, Perron-Frobenius theory and Markov chains, electrical networks, finite
fields and codes, singular value decomposition.
Prerequisites: Math 263 and either Math 133 or its CEGEP equivalent.
Grading: Final Grade = 20% Assignments + 20% Mid-Term + 60% Exam.
No calculators will be allowed in either the mid-term or the exam. Instead, each student
may bring a two-sided letter-sized sheet of handwritten notes into both the mid-term and
the exam. These will be inspected. Dates for both the mid-term and the exam will be posted
on Minerva as they become available.
There will be five written assignments which will be posted, along with their due dates, on
the course home page in WebCT. The following information must appear on the first page:
• Your name,
• Your student number,
• The course (Math 270),
• Your TA’s name.
Queries and complaints about written assignments should be addressed to your instructor.
As usual, you are encouraged to discuss assignment questions among yourselves, but you
must prepare your answers individually. Draconian penalties apply for unauthorised collusion and plagiarism (see legal stuff below).
Lectures: (starting 5/1/2010)
• Tue, Thu (8:35–9:55) in the MacDonald Engineering Building, Room 276.
• The instructor will be D Ridout (
• Office hours are Tue, Thu (10:00–12:00) in Burnside Hall, Room 1243. Please note
that because I am not on campus, these hours are by appointment. Let me know, either
by email or during the morning lecture, that you have questions to ask and I will happily
wait at McGill.
• I would encourage you to also ask me questions via email and will endeavour to respond in a reasonable amount of time.
Tutorials: (starting 12/1/2010)
• Tue (1:05–1:55) in the Arts Building, Room 260.
TA is Stephane Beniak (
• Thu (2:35–3:25) in the Leacock Building, Room 15.
TA is Stepan Salenikovich (
Help: There is a Math Help Desk which usually runs during semester at certain times. There,
advanced undergraduates are at your disposal and should be able to assist with all manner
of questions, even mathematical ones. There is a homepage, desk,
but it doesn’t seem to be updated regularly. The room number is accurate as far as I know.
I also believe that there is a dedicated Engineering help service, though it isn’t clear at the
moment if Math 270 will be on their list of approved courses. The homepage is
You are of course indirectly paying for these services, so it makes sense to make as much
use of them as possible!
Legal Notices: Please note the following.
(1) McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand
the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences
under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see
for more information).
(2) In accord with McGill University’s Charter of Students’ Rights, students in this course
have the right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.
(3) In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University’s control, the content and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.