TREES:INVESTIGATING PATTERNSOF HANGINGBEARS FROMPHYLOGENETIC MACROEVOLUTION JOHNL.GITTLEMAN,' TN37996, USA Biology,Universityof Tennessee, Knoxville, Departmentof Ecologyand Evolutionary Abstract: Phylogeneticinformationof the family Ursidaeis well resolvedandreadilyavailablefor investigatingmacroevolutionaryquestions. Using completephylogeniesof the ursidsandrelatedterrestrialcarnivores,I investigatewhetherpatternsof body size andlife historyevolutionin bearsdiffer fromothercarnivoreswith respectto cladogenesis,speciesrichness,andoverallphyletictrends.Largebody size in bearsis not relatedto theirphylogenetic history,in contrastto most othercarnivoretaxa;this may relateto bears'relativelyrecentevolutionaryhistoryor theirlargebody size, which is flexible for utilizinglow-qualityfoods, thusbufferingenvironmentalchange. Also, ratesof body size evolutionin bearsareaverageor perhapsslightly slowerthanothercarnivores.Certainlife historytraits(birthweight, age eyes open, inter-birthinterval,longevity)arevery differentin bearsrelativeto othercarnivores,even afteraccountingfor body size and phylogeny. In general,largebody size, flexibility in phyletic change in size, and slow life historiesof ursidsmaybe an effectiveevolutionarystrategyfor dealingwithrecentenvironmentalstresses. Ursus 11:29-40 Key words: bears,body size, life history,macroevolution,Ursidae Bearsareevolutionarilyrelatedto terrestrialcarnivores including canids, mustelids, hyaenas, and felids. Systematically, ursids are separatedfrom these other taxa by: (1) unspecialized incisors and molars with broad, flat, tuberculatedcrowns; (2) the shearing function of carassials in ancestraltaxa largely replacedby a crushing function; (3) large and powerful legs, with plantigradeposture;(4) an omnivorousdiet, with most species leaning towardfrugivoryandfolivory; and, (5) most distinctive of all, a gigantic body. Clearly, these features are not only useful for systematics,they also elicit interesting ecological andevolutionaryquestions. Does large body size in bearscontributeto higherextinction(orlower speciation)rates relative to other carnivores? Are bears hampered reproductively with respect to life histories becauseof the lengthof time it takesto grow large? These questions are comparativein nature,specifically requiring detailed informationabout relative differences with other carnivore species and knowledge of evolutionary history. Fortunately,we now have considerable information frombasic naturalhistoryfield studiesand,morerecently, fromphylogeneticsystematics. Armedwithphylogenetic trees, we can examine the timing and patternof macroevolutionary changes among bears and closely related lineages. In this paper, I present findings from recent studies comparingtrendsin bearsrelative to othercarnivores with respectto: (1) phylogenetictrees, (2) macroevolutionarytrendsof speciationand body size changes using these trees, and (3) variationin life historypaterns. My aim is to show how bears differ from other carnivores as well as to illustrateby example how mod ana- lytical techniquescan be used to test macroevolutionary hypotheses using phylogenies. Two caveatsareneeded. Manyof the patternsdetected here are preliminary;validity will rest with more and betterdata. Also, emphasisis placed on patternsof macroevolutionarydifferencesbetween bears and other carnivores ratherthan explanations for these differences. Futurework, especially at the populationlevel, will sort out why bears are unique. URSIDSYSTEMATICS A BriefHistoryof Taxonomy Reviews of ursid systematics are found elsewhere (Simpson 1945; Ewer 1973; Stains 1984; Flynn et al. 1988; Wayne et al. 1989; Wozencraft 1989a,b; Flynn 1996). Excluding the giant (Ailuropodamelanoleuca) andred (Ailurusfulgens)pandas,the familyUrsidaecomprises the following species: Helarctos malayanus,Malayan sun bear Melursus ursinus, sloth bear Tremarctosornatus, Andean (spectacled) bear Ursus americanus,Americanblack bear Ursus arctos, brown bear Ursus maritimus,polar bear Ursus thibetanus,Asiatic black bear Relative to other carnivorefamilies, the taxonomy of bears is uncontroversial. Ursidae is one of the most recent taxonomicunits for familial designationin the class Mammalia (Simpson 1945), the last family of arctoids to appearin the fossil record (Stains 1984), and one of 1Presentaddress: Departmentof Biology, GilmerHall, Universityof Virginia,Charlottesville,VA22903-2477, USA, e-mail: JLGittleman 30 Ursus 11:1999 the most homogeneousCarnivoranfamilies, as reflected by minimal subfamilial (i.e., Tremarctinae)levels (see Wozencraft1989b, 1993). Populationvariancein many ursids is significant and continues to be assessed, particularly in the brown bear and polar bear (see Wayne and Koepfli 1996). Indeed, Kurten and Anderson (1980:184) exclaimed in referenceto brown and grizzly bear systematics: "Some 232 Recent and 39 fossil "species" and"subspecies"(list in Erdbrink,1953) have been proposedforthistaxon-a wasteof systematiceffortwhich, as far as we know, is unparalled.".Fortunately,with the exceptionof some genericnames (see above species listing; also, Zhang and Ryder 1993), species identification is stable;therefore,the presentanalysis is not hampered by species uncertainty. Of course, there is debate about taxonomicplacementof the pandas,especially the giant panda,which sharesmany features(herbivorous,plantigrade and gigantic) with ursids (O'Brien et al. 1985, 1991; Schaller et al. 1985; Mayr 1986.) Both familial and ordinalanalyses (e.g., Wyss and Flynn 1993, Zhang and Ryder 1993, Vranaet al. 1994, Bininda-Emondset al. 1999) stronglyindicatethatthe giant pandais closely relatedto the bears. The red pandais more of an enigma, as it arguably can be placed in its own family, in the Procyonidae or in the Ursidae (Roberts and Gittleman 1984, Bininda-Emondset al. 1999). The comparative analyses presentedhere will consider the red pandaas a procyonidbecauseof the manyfunctionalcharacterssuggestingthis placementandto not obscureobservedtrends between the ursids and other carnivores. Phylogenies:Molecularand Morphological Due to the relatively small numberof taxa, accessibility of samplematerial,the extendedtime thatbearshave evolved, and a fairly complete fossil record,ursidshave receiveda greatdeal of phylogeneticstudy(Martin1989, Wayne et al. 1989). At least 28 phylogenetic trees are availablefor ursids (Table 1), which is a relatively high numbercomparedto other carnivorefamilies, considering the numberof species. Further,many differenttypes of characters,including morphological,molecular, and behavioral and ecological elements, have been used in phylogenetic studies (Wayne et al. 1989, Wozencraft 1989a, Bininda-Emondset al. 1999). As for all organisms (Page and Holmes 1998), molecular phylogenies recently have become plentiful for ursids; for example, new phylogenies for the entirefamily are availablefrom cytochromeb gene (Zhang and Ryder 1993), combined genes (Talbot and cytochrome b/tRNAProand tRNAThr Shields 1996), and partialsequence informationfrom 6 regions of mtDNA (Waitset al. 1999). In general, con- Table 1. Indices relating to the distribution of taxonomic coverage for and the resolution of a composite tree of the Carnivora (from Bininda-Emonds et al. 1999). The parenthetical value of percent resolution for the herpestids refersto when safe taxonomic reduction(Wilkinson1995)was used to improvethe resolution of this family Number of Numberof Taxon Percent Elements/ sourcetree/ source elements resolution taxon taxon trees Highergroups Mustelidae 62 202 100 16.8 0.27 30 155 72.7 3.4 0.11 Otariidae 15 46 69.2 3.3 0.22 118 94.4 6.2 0.30 Phocidae 21 Ursidae 28 50 85.7 6.2 0.22 Canidae 36 180 69.7 5.3 0.15 Felidae 40 282 97.1 7.8 0.20 Hyaenidae 6 8 66.7 2.0 0.33 Herpestidae 9 53 1.4 0.16 Viverridae 9 90 27.8 (58.3) 97 2.6 0.29 gruence among phylogenies places the giant panda and Andean(spectacled)bear as initial lineages in ursidevolution, the sloth bear as an ancient monotypic lineage, and the black and polar bears as recent taxa. Also, throughoutthe family,thereis completeresolutionamong nodes, a major improvementfrom one of the first molecular phylogenies (see Wayneet al. 1989). Of course, with the many phylogenies available for the ursids and no clear methodsfor how to weight some characters(or phylogenies) against others, it is important to assess agreementamong all the availablephylogenetichypotheses. A CompletePhylogeny Bininda-Emondset al. (1999) assembled a complete phylogeny for all 271 species of Carnivora,derivedfrom 166 phylogenies using matrixrepresentationwith parsimony analysis (Baum 1992, Ragan 1992). Essentially, matrix representationpermits combinationof phylogenetic treesderivedfromvariousdatasources,even though the datamay not be congruent;differentphylogenies and elements are given equal weighting. Most source trees are availablefor "higher"carnivore taxa; ursids have the fourthgreatestnumberat the family level behind felids, canids, and mustelids (Table 1). The groupsthat have been studiedmost intensively also tend to have the most elements used for study,although the ursids lag behind in this respect. A possible explanation for this trend is that postcranialmaterialis less accessible for such large-bodiedanimalsas bears,due to the difficulties in transportingand housing them in museum collections. Ursids do, however, compare favor- INVITED PAPER* MACROEVOLUTION * Gittleman 31 Ursus arctos, Brown Ursus maritimus, Polar Ursus thibetanus, Asiatic black Helarctos malayanus, Sun Melursus ursinus, Sloth Ursus americanus, American black Tremarctos ornatus, Andean Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Giant panda Fig. 1. A composite tree of the Ursidae (from Bininda-Emondset al. 1999). Numbers referto primarynodes supported when mergingtrees. ably with respect to the numberof elements studiedper taxon and the number of elements per source tree per taxon. Whatdoes a composite bearphylogeny look like, how resolved is it, and how robust? Generally, the tree is fairly well resolved (Fig. 1), showing 86.7% resolution, and is reasonablyrobustbased on Bremersupportvalues for the nodes (Bininda-Emondset al. 1999). Details of the tree indicate: 1. The giant panda and the Andean (spectacled)bear are the oldest lineages, supportingrecent molecular results (Zhang and Ryder 1993, Talbot and Shields 1996). 2. The position of the American black bear remains unclear and merits further work, especially with the monophyly of Ursus uncertain,as pointed out by others (Goldmanet al. 1989, Zhang and Ryder 1994). This is an especially vexing result given that non-monophylyis rare across the entire order (e.g., Phoca, Vulpes,Lutra, Mustela, Leopardus, Onciphelis). 3. Therearesistertaxonlinks betweenthe brownbearpolar bear and sun bear-sloth bear, also suggested in other studies (Cronin et al. 1991, Talbot and Shields 1996). Clearly,the majorweakness in the composite phylogeny is the ancestral clade leading to the ursines; also, elevation of the polar bear to its own genus does not appear appropriate. MACROEVOLUTIONARY TRENDS Completespecies-level phylogeniespermitmacroevolutionarystudyhithertonot possible (Purvis 1996). Phylogenies arenecessaryfor any test involving evolutionary history,but this informationis often unavailableor misleading from taxonomies. A complete phylogeny makes tests of macroevolutionarypatternmorerobust,less likely to producemistakessimply due to biasedtaxonomicsam- pling, and accessible to questions about speciation and rates of evolution. The following results are based on the complete carnivorephylogeny of Bininda-Emondset al. (1999; see Fig. 2) unless otherwise noted. Speciation Rates Regardingthe entire phylogeny of the carnivores,do some lineages contain significantly more species than others? The null expectationcomes from a model where all extanttaxahave the same possibility to diversify (Nee et al. 1995). The comparativetest identifies ancestral lineages that have given rise to a disproportionatenumber of extant species in comparisonto their contemporaries (Purvis et al. 1995). The results show that 8 lineages containsignificantlymorespecies thanexpected (Fig. 2). (It should be cautionedthat the radiationsare not independent;a radiationis more likely to give rise to more taxa.) The bears are not one of these, despite the fact that all of the significant radiations lie in the caniforms. It is interestingto speculatewhethersome of the generalcharacteristicsunitingthis group(e.g., primitive bullar construction,basicranialarterialcirculation, postcranial skeleton) has encouraged species richness relative to the feliforms. Body Size The most common explanationfor the unequaldistribution of species among lineages rests with body size (Gittlemanand Purvis 1998): small body size is associated with high diversity because of niche partitioning, metabolic rate, reproductiverate, or brain size. Carnivores are a good groupto test this hypothesisin because the range of body sizes is greaterthan any other mammalian order, spanning over 4 orders of magnitude (Gittleman 1985). Morover, as shown, we know that there are significant differences in species-richness among lineages of the same age. Using the complete species-level phylogenies of the carnivores and the ursids, we can test whether larger- .. 32 .. . Ursus 11:1999 -,,, I 60 I A, ,,' 2 I 20 40 Millionsof yearsbeforepresent "' " '" 2II 0 et al. 1999), including estimated times of Fig. 2. A composite tree for all 271 species of Carnivora(from Bininda-Emonds than expected. extant descendents more to rise have which significantly as given lineages divergence as well INVITED PAPER* MACROEVOLUTION * Gittleman 33 ' 4A a cr3 2- 31 agOoD X Mu CA 0 0 u 0-2 I PI,C 0?i5a N Url a B 3 ;b a ?b CA1 Carnivore contrasts 1 Andeanvs other 'truebears' -2 r-u 2 Asiatic black bearvs brownandpolar 03O -4 aE 3 Giantpandavs rest of bears -6 0 1 2 3 4 Body size contrasts 5 4 Bears vs sistertaxa (mustelids, procyoids,pinnipeds,andred panda) Fig. 3. Clade size and body size contrasts in carnivores (Gittlemanand Purvis 1998). The comparison on the extreme right is between Ailurusand the mustelid/procyonidclade. bodied clades (i.e., bears) contain more species than smaller-bodiedclades. Once body masses are calculated for species withinclades,differencesbetweensisterclades are used to search for changes in size (Gittleman and Purvis 1998). Five sets of (clade) contrasts are useful here: (1) contrastsacross all carnivores;(2) ursids versus sister taxa (mustelids, procyonids, pinnipeds, red panda);(3) contrastsbetween Tremarctosand the other 'true' bears;(4) contrastsbetween Ursus thibetanusand U. arctos-U. maritimus; and (5) contrasts between Ailuropodaandall the otherbears. Overall,the caniform carnivores (canids, procyonids, pinnipeds, ursids and mustelids) do show a tendency for smaller bodied lineages to have more species (Gittlemanand Purvis 1998). However,on closer inspectionthe contrastsinvolving the bears do not reveal a consistent pattern(Fig. 3): clade contrastsof 3 and 4, for example, both have low clade size contrastsbut very differentsize contrasts. Although body size is often implicated as a correlateof speciesrichness in mammals,much of the variationin diversity cannotbe attributedto size differences. PhylogeneticPattern The above phylogenetic tests fail to show that cladogenesis in bears is unusual relative to other carnivore taxa or that large body size is, as predicted,correlated with species richness. An obvious explanation is that body size in bears does not reflect phylogenetic history, either within the ursids or relative to other carnivores. Again, using a phylogeny,we can investigatethis lack of pattern. For such a test, though, it is necessary to use phylogenetic informationthat is totally independentof the characterevolution we are tracing (i.e., body size), otherwisethe test may not be independent(Gittlemanet al. 1996). Taxonomic ranks (Wozencraft 1989b) are therefore employed along with a statistic (Moran's I; Gittlemanand Kot 1989) to assess whetherphylogenetic change of body size in bears is unusualrelative to other carnivores (data on carnivore body weight are from Gittleman and Purvis 1998 and available from the author). The simple answeris yes. A 'correlogram'shows that all carnivore families other than the ursids, herpestids, and hyaenids show significant correlation between taxonomicrankand body size (Fig. 4). In other words, close phylogenetic relationshipin the 3 families does not necessarily predictvariationin size. If a taxonomy reflects phylogenetic relationshipsand closely related taxa are phenotypicallymore alike, then body size shouldcorrelatewith phylogeny(or in this case, taxonomic ranks). Ursids are clearly very different in this respect: along with hyenids and herpestids,ursids show no phylogenetic patternin body size. An obvious explanationfor this is small sample size. This may explain some of the lack of correlation,but not all, as the procyonidsarea smallfamilyandshow significancewhile the herpestids are a relatively large group and do not show significant correlation. 34 Ursus 11:1999 Rates of Evolution One mechanismfor the decouplingof body size evolution from phylogenetic distance lies in differentialrates of evolution. If body size in ursidseitherchanges slowly or increases and decreases at unequal rates, as Kurten (1968) once proposed,then statisticaltests of phylogeny andbody size will reveal differentpatternsthanthatproducedby a typicalgradualmodel of evolutionarychange. One method for exploring this idea is to calculate rates of evolutionary change in body size through phylogenetic time. We (Gittlemanet al. 1996) calculatedrates of evolutionin Darwin's- quantitativechangein a character from its initial dimension to its final dimension divided by the amountof time elapsed (Gingerich1993) -for body size and othertraitsamong variousmammal taxa and found that, in general, morphological traits evolved at slower rates than ecological or life history traits. Might therebe differencesin ratesof evolution of body size change within carnivores? The general patternis a negative relationshipbetween ratesof evolution and time (Fig. 5), as expected, given that measures of ratechangedeclineover longerperiods(Gingerich1993). Against this overall trendwe can see that the ursids appear to change slightly slower than the other carnivore taxa. This suggests that perhaps the bears are indeed adoptingan evolutionarystrategyof "lifein the slow lane" (Macdonald1992), a classic K-selectionstrategyfor dealing with stable but stressful environments. Although it has clearly been shown that the r-K selection theory is not useful at populationlevel (Stears 1992), phylogenetic analyses are now showing that the theory may apply to significant divergences in size, life histories and abundanceacross higher taxonomic levels (McKinney and Gittleman 1995, McKinney 1997). In summary,the gigantic size of bears is an obvious distinguishing characteristiccompared to other terrestrialcarnivores. The above phylogenetictests show that, despite unequal speciation rates across carnivore taxa, the large body size of bears is unrelatedto species richness. Further,a simple test of correlationbetween phy- 10 z 0 -10 g sbf f Fig. 4. Correlogram showing observed patterns of z scores (from Moran's /) for body weight across carnivore families. Phylogenetic patternsreflectcorrelationof body weight (fromleftto right)among species withgenera, genera withinsubfamilies, and subfamilies withinfamilies. * Gittleman PAPER* MACROEVOLUTION INVITED 01 35 , + Other-Other O Bear-Other - Bear-Bear 100 + + + :++ c102 -?10- ++++ -_ + - + c +1 - + E10 +'- oc + - ,~~~+t 10 10'o 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' 10 100 Time (MY) Fig. 5. Log of evolutionary rate (darwins) versus log time interval (million years ago) observed across designated carnivores for body weight. logenetic distance and body size is not significant in the bears, which is unusual for carnivores and mammals in general. Therearemanypotentialreasonsfor these negative results, including the possibility that the phylogenetic information used here is wrong. One biological explanationis that rates of evolutionarychange in body size aredifferentin the bears;here, some supportis given to this view. Also, the dramatic size increase in bear body size may have surpassedexpectedchangegiven their relativelyrecentevolutionaryhistory. Anothermore ecological explanation (Stirling and Derocher 1990) is that the large size in bears confers an adaptivestrategy,lending flexibility to environmentalchange, which separates bears from expected phylogenetic pattern. Clearly, the massive within-species variability in body size, for example the 2-3-fold increase in total body mass of polar bears during the spring foraging season (Cattet et al. 1997), is indication that body size evolution is unusual in bears. COMPARISONSWITHOTHER CARNIVORES Tinkeringwith Size, Life Histories, and Phylogeny Life history patterns in carnivores are extremely diverse (Gittleman1986, 1993). For example, simple comparison of the largest and smallest species is profound: By the time a female polar bear reaches sexual maturity at around5-6 yearsof age, a least weasel (Mustelanivalis) would alreadyhave 56 descendants! Such a fundamental difference has significant effects on population dynamics, ecological adaptations,and evolutionarychange. Comparisonsof mammalianlife history patternsinvolve many traits such as gestation length, birth weight, interbirth interval, and longevity. By comparing single traits across the carnivores,it is possible to isolate which variables are significantly differentin the bears, thus revealing relative macroevolutionaryshifts in the ursids and 36 Ursus 11:1999 a_0 .Giant a Blackbear ^ 5 panda A - 4 aPolar bear ./ 6 At - bear 0 Brown y . (a) 0: Canidae 'S 3 ~ ~ ~ 21^ *o^ E S 2. /^y'^r~~~~2: .*^'C~~ C5 0: Ursidae A: Ailurus 0: Ailuropoda 4 Procyonidas Mustelldae Viverridae : / /X 1t /l: Hyaenidae -1 -2 -3 0 -1 Lifehistorytrait Familycomparisons (samplesize) Gestationlength Birthweight 2.02 (6,90) Weaningage 1.11 (6,64) Longevity Age at sexual maturity 2.50 (6,48)* Inter-birthinterval 2.64 (6,50)* Age eyes open Growthrate 7.01 (6,63)** 3.12 (6,61)** 0.80 (6,58) A.: Felidae 1 4 Table 2. Comparative relations of life history patterns among carnivore families after statistically removing effects of size and taxonomy. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001. All other tests are not significant. 1 2 3 4 0.81 (3,36) 6 5 Logarithm of female body weight (kg) /7"K-selected" ~375.~~ 3.75, y = .17x + 2.143, r2 .461 / (b) 3.5Brown bear A (It - 3.25-5 ,- 0 Black bear X O AA // sizesize Polarbear ^ /,,' ?;..-::. , .. ? - -o .., . ?'*cladea .-'cladea b . .._ dcade . as aGiant * panda temporal traits a 2.75. ._ / X lc2 ' 2.5- m AXO ) 2.25- -.":_~~~ E /*?V~ 2 O / O: Canidae t0: Ursidae A: Ailurus : Ailuropoda ~ ~ ~- Y t 1.75- J~ * ~1.75 */~+.:* 0 ODA A A Procyonidas X: Mustelidae ?: Viverridae D Hyaenidae 1J.5: 1 -4 5 0 3e 2 b 3 4 Logarithmof female body weight (kg) 5 6 littersize, fecundity etc. Fig. 7. A model of clade diffusion with respect to size and size-related traits (e.g., life histories). Species in more closely related clades such as the bears tend to be more similar and reflect how increased size and life histories may decouple when "stress-selected". Gittleman (1995). y 4- X GiantpandaG lack bear C B i l Pollar bear Bro\wn bear x[ 21 0? C 2.5, 0D O*A A0 0 I AA O 0 a' 05 A A A Asiatic black bear 0 Canidae Ursidae A Ailurus O Ailuropoda + Procyonidae X Mustelldae * Viverrtdae * Hyaenidae A Felidae 0 .5 A . E cm o .5 0 -4 0 -3 -2 - 1 After McKinney and .132x + 2.945, r = .122 X 3SW2 3.5, 0. 'stress-selected" age E 3- (c) (C) - 0 - 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 1 Logarithm of female body weight (kg) Fig. 6. Plots of residual values - following allometric and phylogenetic autoregressive conversions - for carnivore life history traits and female body weight. Included are (a) birth weight, (b)inter-birth interval, and (c) age eyes open. potential life history features that are critical for management and conservation decisions. To perform systematic comparisons of life histories across carnivores, it is necessary to account for 2 variables. First, body size clearly is involved: a least weasel cannot give birth to young the size of a polar bear, nor can a polar bear reproduceas often as a weasel. Thus, comparisonsof life histories must initially include plotting the allometry of life history traits against body size (typically female body weight, as we are interested in reproductive traits), then using residuals for comparative tests (see Gittleman 1986, 1993). Second, as with most traits (Harvey and Pagel 1991), life histories are correlatedwith phylogeny, thus comparative tests may be weakened by not using independentdata points. Indeed, in a study of 13 life history traitsacross carnivores, each trait was significantly related to phylogeny * Gittleman INVITEDPAPER* MACROEVOLUTION (Gittleman 1993). There are many ways to solve this statistical problem (Purvis et al. 1994, Martins and Hansen 1996). Here, I use an autoregressive method because it is appropriatewhen using taxonomicrankinformationand sample sizes commensuratewith the carnivores. In sum, the following analyses are based on 2 sets of residuals(allometricandautoregressive),thusproviding conservative tests for which variables the bears differ (or do not) from other carnivores. The carnivore life history data, definitions of variables, and details of methodology are in Gittleman(1986, 1993). I examined 8 life historytraitsfor differencesbetween bears and the remainingcarnivorefamilies (due to availability of data,most analyses only include brown,black, and polar bears, and giant panda). Four traits showed significant differences: birth weight, longevity, interbirthinterval,and age eyes first open (Table2). In each of these the ursids lie at the extreme of bivariatedistributions: bears have comparativelysmall neonates (Fig. 6a), long inter-birthintervals (Fig. 6b), and late developmental ages for opening eyes (Fig. 6c). These findings generallyagree with previous work (e.g., Eisenberg 1981; Gittleman 1986, 1993), although greateremphasis now is placed on just how differentthe bearsare with respect to some life histories, as a stringenttest here accounts for size and phylogeny. At least 6 general factors are consideredto influence such life historydifferences(forreviews see Boyce 1988, Harvey et al. 1989, Gittleman 1994): body size, brain size, metabolic rate, phylogeny, ecology, and mortality. All of these may,to some extent,drivelife historiesamong ursids. Along with the flexibility of body size evolution in bears,as shown above, some life historiesappearto be relatively decoupled from allometricexpectation. If we consider both large body size and slow life histories a responseto environmentalchange or stress (Fig. 7), then a modelfor how these factorsaresimultaneouslyresponding may be applicable (McKinney and Gittleman 1995, McKinney 1997). Some life history traits(birthweight, age eyes open, inter-birth interval) are clearly much slower in bears thanin othercarnivores. Environmental stressessuch as fluctuatingfood supplyor declininghabitat availabilty may be sufficiently handled by reduced reproductiverates duringthese periods. IMPLICATIONS FOR LONG-TERM CONSERVATION AND EVOLUTION Extinction,the end of a phyletic line without replacement, has occurredthroughoutthe history of life and is the ultimate destiny of every species. Many mammals have gone throughrapidand dramaticextinctionevents. 37 This is particularlyevident in large predatoryspecies, such as saber-toothedcats (Smilodon),which have had repeated extinction events (Van Valkenburgh 1991, 1999). In opting for a large body size, the ursids seemingly have employed a safer strategy: herbivory,flexibility in diet and size, and protracted life histories. Relative to other carnivores,this strategymay be working, at least over macroevolutionarytime scales. The frequencyof extinction of ursids duringthe Pleistocene appearsrelatively low comparedto other carnivoretaxa (Kurten and Anderson 1980) and, at present, the only bear species to receive endangeredclassification is the giant panda. This is not a message for complacency. Rather,macroevolutionarytrendssuggest that the ursids have adopteda size andlife history strategyfor the longhaul. Bears, like all other animals,obviously have their limits; many large, charasmatic mammals like mastodonts (Mammut),Irish elk (Megaloceros), and sabertooths are dramatic examples. We now need critical informationto find out what precise environmentalfactors influence changes in size and life histories, the exact traitswhich makebearsdistinctfromothercarnivores as well as vulnerableto extinction. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thankM. Pelton and G. Burghardtfor inviting me to present this work at the meeting, T. Fuller and M. 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