Final Exam Genetics 408/508-(2000) Question # points points earned 1 5.5 2 6.0 3 6.0 4 6.5 5 6.0 TOTAL Name ID 30.0 1. (5.5 points) DNA nucleases play prominent roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair. Name one nuclease that functions in each of these processes and briefly describe its specific function. Also indicate what happens if the helicase you have indicated is not present in the cell (null mutation). REPLICATION RECOMBINATION REPAIR 1 Name ID 2. (6 points) Answer the following questions. Explain your answers fully. Focus your answers to the specific questions, but I want to see how much you know about this subject. So, include relevant information from both genetic and biochemical experiments. Illustrations may be useful. a. (3 points) Describe the consequences of DNA Pol I deficiency plus RecA deficiency (the polA recA double mutant) in a bacterial cell. b. (3 points) Describe the consequences of exonucleolytic proofreading deficiency for DNA pol δ plus msh2 deficiency (MMR deficiency) in a yeast cell. 2 Name ID 3. (6 points) How do DNA repair enzymes find DNA damage? Describe potential obstacles and describe at least three strategies used by cells to overcome these obstacles. Obstacles: 1. 2. 3. 3 Name ID 4. The “Ames” test provides a way to identify mutagens. This test measures reversion of certain mutations in the histidine operon of Salmonella. The tester his alleles revert by different mutational events. (1 point) Describe the types of possible mutational events required to revert a nonsense codon (translation termination codon). The nonsense (or amber) codon is indicated in large bold letters and is underlined. amber his- 5' …C A G T A G T A T… 3' …G T C A T C A T A… (2 points) Describe two different mechanisms in which the indicated mutations can be produced in the cell. 1) 2) (1 points) Describe possible mutational events required to revert the following frameshift mutation (fs). Codons are underlined. wt: 5' …G C A A A A A A A T T C … 3' …C G T T T T T T T A A G … fs his-: 5' …G C A A A A A A A A T T C … 3' …C G T T T T T T T A A A G … 4 Name ID Question 4 continued. The two Salmonella tester strains were exposed to a chemical that may have the potential to damage DNA. Only a small increase in His + revertants was detected for the two tester strains (Fig. 1). However, when the tester strains were transformed with a plasmid carrying genes called mucA and mucB, the chemical caused a high amount of His + revertants for the amber his- strain, but not for the fs his- strain (Fig. 1). mucA,B plasmid, amber his- 2000 His+ 1000 20 40 60 80 Chemical dose (ng) amber hismucA,B plasmid, fs hisfs his100 (2.5 points) Propose one mechanism to explain how the mucA,B genes increase the sensitivity to the amber his- strain to the chemical. Explain why the reversion frequency of the fs his- strain does not increase by addition of the mucA,B genes. 5 Name ID 5. ( 6 points) Discuss the current view of the mechanism of aging. Use experimental evidence to support this mechanism. 6