How Well Do You Know Your Water Well? Groundwater and Water Wells in Colorado Prepared by: Michael Matheson, P.G.; Plateau Environmental Services, Inc. Joe Bowden, PhD; CDS Environmental Services, LLC Copyright © 2011 Michael Matheson and Joe Bowden, All Rights Reserved. In cooperation with the following agencies: Colorado Division of Water Resources Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Agency Contacts Colorado Division of Water Resources (CDWR) 303-866-3585 Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) 303-692-2000 or 1-800-886-7689 (in-state) Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) 303-894-2100 US EPA Safe Drinking Water Information considered accurate as of October 2011 Table of Contents Introduction 2 Aquifers and Water Use Basics 3-5 Water Well Permitting, Construction and Recordkeeping 6-7 Water Well Protection and Pollution Sources 8-9 Anatomy of a Water Well 10-11 Water Well Maintenance 12 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation 13-21 Water Treatment Decision Guide 22-23 Chlorination Techniques 24-26 Trouble Shooting Guide 27 Water Testing Glossary 28-31 Basic Well Data 32 Helpful Water Web Sites Inside Back Cover Agency Contacts Inside Front Cover 1 Introduction Due to the rural nature of much of Colorado, individual domestic water wells are a way of life for many of us. This informative booklet has been prepared as a reference guide for private water well owners throughout the state. In it you will find basic information concerning the groundwater that is supplied to you from your private water well. It includes information about: • the occurrence of groundwater and different types of aquifers; • how recharge and use of groundwater can affect the amount and quality of water available to you; • water well permitting and water testing; • contamination sources and setbacks; • typical components of a water well and distribution system; • water quality standards and test result interpretation; • methane in groundwater; • information concerning well maintenance and disinfection. swer questions that this document does not cover. People at these agencies have a great deal of very specific information about water and wells. They may be able to help Also included are some handy tools you investigate and resolve prob- such as a water well troubleshooting lems or concerns that you may have. guide, a water treatment decision guide, a glossary of terms, and links to helpful internet web sites that deal with water issues. It is our hope that you will keep this guide handy and use it to record information about your well and answer basic questions about Finally, the guide also contains con- groundwater and your water well for tact information for various gov- years to come. ernment agencies that can help an- 2 Aquifers and Water Use Basics Aquifers are porous and permeable pore spaces. Rivers, streams and exceed the recharge rate and sediment or rock. Water is stored in irrigation ditches can also recharge groundwater levels in a given area the small spaces between sediment aquifers. When drought occurs, or will decline. This is called “Ground- or rock grains and particles and irrigation water is removed, recharge water Mining.” moves very slowly through these is diminished. Shallow river valley interconnected “pore spaces”. aquifers can be recharged quickly, The figures below give an idea of Groundwater can also be stored and but recharge water may take many how groundwater is found in differ- move through small, interconnected years to reach deep bedrock ent types of rock. Sand and gravel and naturally occurring fractures aquifers. can hold lots of water because pore spaces are large and well con- found in some rocks like sandstone, granite, or shale. There is generally Pumping groundwater from a well nected. Sandstone has smaller no such thing as “underground riv- always causes a decline in ground- pores that are less well connected ers or lakes” except in rare and spe- water levels at and near the well. so it often yields less water. Shale cial geologic conditions involving This decline in groundwater level has very small pores that are not rocks known as limestone. Lime- near the well also always causes a interconnected; therefore, shales stone aquifers are relatively rare in diversion of groundwater from its normally yield very little water. Coal Colorado; however, Glenwood natural, possibly distant area of dis- can yield large amounts of water, Springs is a example of groundwater charge. Pumping of a single well but will often contain some methane discharged from a limestone aquifer. typically has a local effect on the gas and hydrogen sulfide. In some groundwater-flow system. Pumping areas, such as the Raton Basin near Aquifers are replenished through a of many wells (sometimes hundreds Trinidad, Colorado, coal seams process called “recharge.” Rain, or thousands of wells) in large areas found in shallow aquifers may be snowmelt and even irrigation water can have regionally significant ef- the same coal seams where natural all soak into the ground and slowly fects on groundwater systems. Too gas production occurs. However, in move and accumulate to saturate much groundwater pumping can other areas, such as the San Juan Basin near Durango, Colorado, the natural gas industry removes methane from the thick coal seams, sandstone and shale that are usually several thousand feet deeper than shallow aquifers. Crystalline rock Sand and Gravel (such as granite and limestone) has Sandstone no pores and water must be drawn from interconnected naturally occurring fractures. Shale and Coal Crystalline Rock 3 Aquifers and Water Use Basics Colorado water wells typically tap into five different kinds of aquifers. River Valley Aquifer River valley aquifers are found in shallow loose sediments like gravel and sand next to rivers, streams and lakes. They are usually of limited extent within the immediate river or stream valley. These aquifers are recharged by the river flow and usually have good water quality and sustained yield because of the regular recharge from the river or lake. However, the groundwater is often close to the ground surface and is therefore very susceptible to pollution from adverse surface conditions or septic sys- River Valley Aquifer tems. Glacial Outwash Aquifer Glacial outwash aquifers are thick accumulations of unconsolidated sand and gravel deposited over large areas by alpine glaciers when they retreated many thousand years ago. Many high terraces in valleys and plains adjacent to or near the mountains are covered with these deposits. They are often developed areas for residences and agriculture. Recharge to this aquifer type is primarily from snowmelt, small mountain streams crossing to larger rivers or irrigation water used on farms and Glacial Outwash Aquifer ranches. This aquifer type typically has good water quality and yield. However, as more water wells are drilled and fewer farms are irrigated, the aquifer can become depleted in certain areas. Dune Field Aquifer Large areas of the eastern plains of Colorado are covered with wind deposited sand dunes that have been stabilized by vegetation. They are often called “Sand Hills.” Rain, snowmelt and irrigation water have percolated into these large accumulations of unconsolidated sand and silt. The Sand Hills serve as an important shallow aquifer Dune Field Aquifer on the eastern plains. Water quality and yield from this aquifer type can be good, but they are susceptible to drought and groundwater mining. 4 Aquifers and Water Use Basics Bedrock Shale and Sandstone Aquifer Bedrock shale and sandstone aquifers are often tapped in Colorado as these are the most common rock types in developable areas outside the high mountains. Most of these aquifers are made up of interbedded layers of sandstone and shale. More groundwater is generally found in sandstone than in shale. The yield and quality of water removed from bedrock aquifers can vary widely. In some areas dominated by shale it may not be possible to develop a well with good yield and water quality. And Bedrock Shale and Sandstone Aquifer because recharge into bedrock aquifers is usually very slow, bedrock aquifers can easily suffer from the effects of groundwater mining. Crystalline Fractured Aquifer Crystalline fractured aquifers are most commonly found in mountain areas and include rocks such as granite, metamorphic quartzite and volcanic rocks. Fractured aquifers can also be found in areas with thick sandstone or limestone deposits. While these types of rocks have little or no pore spaces, groundwater can be stored and transported in interconnected naturally occurring frac- Crystalline Fractured Aquifer tures among the rock. Wells that are drilled into a network of fractures can yield water. However, a nearby well that does not intercept fractures may yield no water at all. 5 Water Well Permitting, Construction and Recordkeeping The early stage of planning a new or altogether unless a landowner ob- land should always contact DWR replacement water well includes tains appropriate replacement water before purchasing the property to several steps. These steps include rights. There are several areas in determine if a well permit can be selecting a licensed drilling and Colorado that are designated as issued for that particular parcel. It is pump contractor, selecting a well water critical areas. Persons inter- also a good idea to contact a local location that avoids contamination ested in purchasing undeveloped geologist to assist in evaluating the hazards, and obtaining a well permit. The Colorado Division of Water Re- Sample Well Construction Report sources requires that every new or replacement well be permitted before it is drilled, and that water wells must be drilled and constructed pursuant to Colorado Water Well Construction Rules (2 CCR 402-2). ocuments/constructionrules05.pdf In general, the well permit application asks for ownership and proposed well location information, proposed construction details, water use and septic system information and the well driller's license number. /wellpermit/Pages/default.aspx The Division of Water Resources (DWR) has several different types of possible well permits that can be issued. DWR form GWS-44 is used for most residential and livestock water wells. Based on certain water rights criteria the DWR may limit water to indoor use only for parcels of less than 35 acres, and to outdoor use of no more than 1 irrigated acre for parcels larger than 35 acres. In water critical areas (where water rights are over appropriated) the DWR may deny a new well permit 6 Water Well Permitting, Construction and Recordkeeping probability of developing a good As part of the well drilling process, Keep these records in a safe place. well on the parcel. the driller must record certain data You will need to refer to these that will be reported to DWR. This documents in the future when per- Another early step in the well drilling includes a record of the geologic forming well maintenance or while process is planning for your water formations penetrated (the well evaluating well problems. Always analysis and treatment. In Colorado, log), an as-built well construction keep detailed records of any main- private well owners are responsible record and diagram, and an accu- tenance or testing that is performed for the quality and quantity of their rate water level and well yield test. on the well. water supply. They are also respon- It is very important that the driller sible for determining what treat- collects and records this information A section is provided in the back of ment equipment may be necessary accurately. You may wish to ask the this booklet that lets you record for their well water. Before drilling a driller to collect and save samples of some of the basic construction and new well or sampling your existing all the different soil and rock forma- permit information for your well for well, you should contact a qualified tions that were penetrated so that your easy future reference. analytical laboratory to discuss the they can be examined later by a appropriate analytical testing to be geologist. You will also want the performed on your well water. You licensed driller and pump installer to can obtain a list of qualified labora- provide you with copies of all the tories by contacting the Colorado diagrams and reports that must be Department of Public Health and submitted to DWR. Environment (CDPHE). ( rinkingwater/PrivateWellInformation. html). Have the water from your new well tested by a qualified analytical laboratory. Record the results for future reference. Also, you should obtain the necessary bottles and instruction on how to collect and preserve the water If you have an existing well with no sample. Then, after the well is records, DWR can provide you with drilled, fully developed and disin- copies of the reports that were fected you will be ready to collect submitted by the driller when the your water sample and deliver it to well was drilled. You can find permit the laboratory. Based on the ana- and basic construction information lytical results, you can select appro- about the well at the DWR web site priate treatment equipment (see Well Permit Search function Water Treatment Decision Guide on ( page 18). mitSearch/default.aspx). This web site will have all of the available scanned documents that have been submitted for your well. 7 Water Well Protection and Pollution Sources Man-Made Pollutants Groundwater pollution occurs when man-made products such as gasoline, oil, road salts, fertilizer, and chemicals get into the groundwater 1 2 3 4 5 6 and cause it to become unsafe or unfit for human use. Some of the most common sources of pollutants are leaking fuel storage tanks, septic systems, animal holding pens (corrals), inappropriate chemical storage sites, landfills, and the widespread Common Man-Made Pollutants use of road salts and agricultural groundwater causing serious prob- up in the groundwater if they are chemicals. In general, keep these lems. A permit is required to install, improperly applied. facilities and materials as far away alter or repair a septic system in from your water well as possible. If Colorado (5 CCR 1003-6), and the possible, your well should be placed property owner is responsible for waste into soil and neutralize uphill of any potential contaminant proper installation and maintenance many types of contaminants. source. of the system and for abatement of However, a septic system should any nuisance arising from its failure. be at least 100 feet from a water A domestic well can easily be pol- Contact your local or regional health well and chemicals should not luted if it is not properly constructed department for more information on be poured down the drain as or if unsafe materials are released local septic system rules (including these may not be effectively into the well. Toxic materials spilled design and setbacks). neutralized by the soil. 1. Septic systems leach household or dumped near a well can leach 2. Fuel tanks and fueling opera- into the aquifer and pollute the Landfills are another source of pollu- groundwater drawn from that well, tion. When properly constructed, tions can be a source of con- making polluted wells used for contemporary landfills have a pro- tamination of groundwater if drinking water very dangerous. tective bottom layer to prevent pol- there are leaks or spills. This lutants from getting into our can happen with both above- Individual septic systems, or those groundwater. But, if this protective ground and underground tanks not connected to a city sewer sys- layer fails, pollutants from the landfill and pipelines. Do not store fuel tem, can also be a serious pollution can make their way down into the or transfer fuel near a water source. Septic systems are de- groundwater. well. Fix leaks and cleanup spills signed to slowly drain away human immediately. waste underground at a harmless Finally, chemicals including fertiliz- rate. An improperly designed, lo- ers, insecticides and pesticides are cated, constructed, or maintained washed into the ground by irrigation and improper chemical use can septic system can leak bacteria, vi- and precipitation and eventually end all be sources of groundwater 3. Chemical storage, leaks or spills contamination. Typical chemi- ruses, or household chemicals into 8 Water Well Protection and Pollution Sources cals stored in a household may trained professionals can re- Natural Contaminants include paint, solvents, fertilizer, spond to correct the problem. Contamination of groundwater is herbicides, pesticides, cleaners 4. not always a result of the introducLandfills can be a source of con- tion of pollutants by human activi- as instructed on the label. Do taminants that can leach into ties. Possible natural contaminants not store or use chemicals near groundwater. All current mu- include trace elements such as arse- (or in the same building as) your nicipal and county landfills must nic and selenium, dissolved gases water well. Fix leaks and meet stringent requirements for like methane and radon, and high cleanup spills immediately. construction and monitoring. concentrations of commonly occur- However, historic landfills and ring dissolved salts. and oil. Always use chemicals 6. Animal holding pens (corrals) private “ranch” landfills can be tend to become areas of con- an unmonitored source of con- In Colorado, many groundwaters centrated animal waste. Rain taminants. If you have a private naturally contain arsenic, chloride, water and snowmelt can carry landfill then only place inert ma- dissolved salts, fluoride, iron, mag- these wastes into groundwater. terials in it. Do not dispose of nesium, manganese, selenium, sul- Do not situate animal holding chemicals, petroleum products fate, radon, uranium, and other trace pens near your water well. Use and other potential contami- metals in concentrations exceeding a minimum 100 foot offset as nants in private landfills. Infor- recommended or mandatory stan- you should with your septic sys- mation concerning disposing of dards for public drinking water es- tem. Also, do not bury a dead your own solid waste on your tablished by the CDPHE, the U.S. animal within 150 feet of a water own property is available from EPA and the U.S. Public Health well (preferably further). CDPHE at: Service. 5. Oil and gas production facilities m/onesownwaste.pdf can be a source of contaminants such as oil, condensate and produced water. Oil and gas facilities must be sited a minimum of 150 feet from residences and other occupied structures. Keep your water well at least that far from an oil & gas production facility. Also, if you notice anything leaking from an oil & gas facility immediately call the operator of the facility (there should be a sign at the facility with an emergency contact number) so that 9 Anatomy of a Water Well Typical Water Well Components components are shown and labeled. Knowing about the different com- This schematic diagram represents a The following list of water well terms ponents of a water well, and their typical water well as constructed in helps explain the well components function, will allow you to more ef- a water table type aquifer. While and other useful terms. fectively discuss your well with your most wells are much deeper than licensed well driller or pump installer. illustrated here, all of the individual Sanitary Well Cap Cables to Control Box Pitless Adapter Surface Casing Drop Pipe Cement Electric Cables Well Casing Pumping Water Level Well Screen Gravel Pack Submersible Pump End Cap 10 Anatomy of a Water Well Typical Water System Terminology Aquifer – A water bearing layer of sediment or rock with interconnected pore spaces or fractures that can store and deliver water to a well. Borehole – The cylindrical hole drilled into the ground and aquifer. Casing – Steel or PVC tubing placed in the borehole to keep the borehole open and to allow room to store water and install a pump. Casing Stickup – The amount of casing that sticks up above the ground surface. This should be at least 1 foot. Cement – Placed between the wall of the borehole and the casing and surface casing to prevent surface contamination from reaching the aquifer. Cistern – A water holding tank, usually underground, used for storage or treatment of water before being delivered to the pressure tank and home. A cistern will usually be vented to allow gases such as methane and radon to escape. Control Box – Electrical switch box that turns the well pump on and off. Drop Pipe – Pipe placed in the casing to connect the pump to the surface. Electrical Cable – Wiring from the pump control box to the pump that supplies power and command signals. End Cap – Cap placed on the bottom of the casing to prevent sediment from flowing into the casing. Gravel Pack – Gravel or sand placed between the borehole wall and the well screen to keep the borehole open and filter water before it enters the well. Groundwater – Water stored beneath the surface of the earth that is transmitted through small, interconnected pores and fractures in sediment and rock. Pitless Adapter – A device placed in the well casing that allows water to be diverted from the drop pipe to piping on the exterior of the well below the frost line. Pressure Tank – A water holding tank equipped with an air bladder that regulates water pressure into the home and demand to the pump. Pumping Water Level – The depth below the ground surface of the water level in the well when the pump is operating. This is always deeper than the static water level. Sanitary Well Seal – A sealed cap on the top of the well casing that prevents surface contaminants from entering the inside of the well. It is also vented to allow gases such as methane and radon to escape the casing. Submersible Pump – The most common type of water well pump includes the pump and pump motor placed at the bottom of the drop pipe below the pumping water level. Static Water Level – The depth below ground surface of water when the pump is not operating. This level will vary seasonally and over longer time periods due to recharge, drought or groundwater mining. Surface Casing – Steel casing at least 20 feet deep that is the first casing installed in a well that prevents surface contaminants from entering the well. Treatment Equipment – Can include a variety of equipment designed to remove various water contaminants and purify groundwater before use. Well Screen – Steel or PVC perforated pipe that water from the aquifer flows through to enter the well and pump. 11 Water Well Maintenance other materials around the well. 9. Keep your well records in a safe place. These include the construction report, as well as annual water well system maintenance, water testing results, routine measurements of well yield and static water level. A section Properly constructed private water 3. is provided in the back of this Keep livestock, hazardous supply systems require routine main- chemicals, such as paint, sol- tenance. These simple steps will vents fertilizer, pesticides, herbi- help protect your system and in- cides, fuel and motor oil far vestment. away from your well and pump booklet where you may record basic information about your well. 10. Be aware of changes in your well, the area around your well, house. 1. Always use licensed water well when a well is constructed, a casing to ensure it is in good pump is installed, a cistern is repair and the vent is clear. 5. Always maintain proper separa- iced. Always ask to have a copy tion between your well and of their license or certification buildings, waste systems, and insurance before they start chemical storage facilities and any work on your well or system livestock corrals. or before you sign any contract. 6. Do not allow back-siphonage. A reputable professional will When mixing pesticides, fertiliz- gladly ask their insurance carrier ers or other chemicals, do not to provide you a certificate of put the hose inside the tank or insurance at no charge. container. An annual well maintenance 7. When landscaping, keep the top of your well at least one foot try and bacterial test, a check of above the ground. Slope the the static water level, and a well ground away from your well for source of drinking water should proper drainage. 8. 11. A licensed water well contractor or pump installer can periodically measure the water level in your well and its production rate. They can also clean your well screen if there are indications of it becoming plugged by mineralization or bacteria. The pump installer can also clean and maintain your cistern if you have one. 12. When your well has come to the end of its serviceable life (usu- check, including a water chemis- yield test is recommended. Any or the water it provides. Periodically check the well cover or well cap on top of the well installed, or the system is serv- 2. 4. drillers and pump installers Take care in working or mowing be checked any time there is a around your well. A damaged change in taste, odor or appear- casing could jeopardize the ance, or anytime a water supply sanitary protection of your well. system is serviced. Do not pile snow, leaves, or 12 ally more than 20 years), have your licensed well driller properly plug and abandon your well. Water Quality Standards and Interpretation Interpreting Your Water Test naturally occurring constituents and following glossary of water testing Report pollutants or contaminants (if terms, may assist you in Obtaining a water analysis from a present), most water testing understanding a water analysis testing laboratory is a necessary laboratories provide little additional report for some common first step toward solving household explanation of test results beyond household water contaminants. water quality problems. Before the units used and possibly a What Do the Numbers Mean? testing, you may have had concerns about Once a water the safety of the testing laboratory water used in the has completed the household. Or, you analysis of your may have noticed water, you will objectionable receive a report. It symptoms when will contain a list of using the water for the natural drinking, cooking, or constituents, other household possible purposes. Perhaps contaminants and you have routinely physical monitored your characteristics for household water which your water quality through was tested and the periodic testing and measured have recently noticed concentration of differing results each. The between tests for concentration is one or more the amount of a indicators. To given substance identify the source of (weight) in a contamination specific amount of problems, as well as water (volume). to determine the The most common type of corrective concentration unit action to take, a used is milligrams properly interpreted water analysis report per liter (mg/L) Sample Water Quality Analysis Report which, is footnote or similar comment in the approximately equal to one part per event that a problem contaminant million (ppm), or one part Besides providing a laboratory is identified. The information contaminant to one million parts report of the analysis for the provided below, along with the water. is essential. 13 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation How Much is too Much? Acceptable limits for evaluating the common household water quality "Pure" water does not exist in nature suitability and safety of your well contaminants. These are divided and all natural water contains some water are established for many into three categories: general indica- dissolved mineral and salt constitu- contaminants. Some established tors, nuisance impurities, and health ents. In most cases, the levels of standards are set by nuisance contaminants. (Note: Some con- these naturally occurring constitu- considerations (taste, odor, staining, taminants are evaluated on the basis ents are beneficial or minimal and of etc.) while many are based on of both nuisance and health criteria.) little consequence. However, when health implications and are legally certain constituent levels in house- enforceable with respect to public hold water are excessive, they may water systems. These acceptable affect household activities and/or limits should be used as guidelines be detrimental to human, animal for your own water supply when and plant health. Evaluating what evaluating your well water test levels of constituents are acceptable results. and understanding the nature of problems caused when the concen- Whether you have the results of tration is excessive and would be tests that you specifically requested, considered a contaminant of con- or you simply instructed the labora- cern are the basic considerations in tory to conduct general or routine interpreting a household water household water quality tests, you analysis report. can use the following tables as a general guideline for the most 14 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation General Indicators vegetation, and all warm-blooded tine analysis (as often as once a General water quality indicators are animals. A positive total coliform year) for most rural water supplies, parameters used to indicate the bacteria test result may be followed unless there is a reason to suspect possible presence of harmful con- by tests for fecal coliform or E. coli other contaminants. taminants. Testing for indicators bacteria which, if present, would may eliminate the need for costly confirm that sewage or animal tests for specific contaminants. waste is contaminating the water. Generally, if an indicator is excessive, Total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH the water supply may contain other are considered general water quality contaminants as well, and further indicators, and may vary over time testing is recommended. For exam- depending on well recharge charac- ple, you are probably familiar with teristics. The tests listed in Table 1, coliform bacteria. These harmless along with a test for nitrate/nitrite bacteria are present in the air, soil, (see Table 4), provide a good rou- Table 1: General Water Quality Indicators Indicator Acceptable Limit Bacteria None Present Possible bacterial or viral contamination from human sewage, animal waste, surface water or any one of a number of bacteria such as sulfate reducing, slime formers, iron, methanogenic, etc.. pH Value 6.5 to 8.5 An important overall measure of water quality, pH can alter corrosivity and solubility of contaminants. Low pH will cause pitting of pipes and fixtures and/or metallic taste. This may indicate that metals are being dissolved. At a high pH, the water will have a slippery feel or soda taste. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 500 mg/L* Dissolved minerals, like sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron or manganese. High TDS also may indicate excessive hardness (scaly deposits) and cause iron or mineral staining, or a salty, bitter taste. Indication Odor/Color Can be indicative of high mineral content such as iron (red staining) or manganese (black staining). Rotten egg odor is indicative of hydrogen sulfide. Both color and odor indicate that your water should be tested. Gas Bubbles Can be indicative of dissolved gas such as methane. Sometimes is indicative of low water levels and air being trapped by the pump. * TDS levels greater than 500 mg/l are found naturally in many water wells and public drinking water systems in the western states. Water with higher than 500 mg/l may cause mild and transient gastric upset and still be safe to drink. In many cases it is the only source of water. 15 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation Nuisance Impurities poses. Nuisance impurities may come from the EPA Secondary Nuisance impurities are another include iron, bacteria, chloride, and Drinking Water Standards for public category of contaminants. While hardness. Table 2 lists some typical drinking water systems. these have no adverse health effects nuisance impurities you may see on at low levels, they may make water your water analysis report. Accept- unsuitable for many household pur- able limits for nuisance impurities Table 2: Common Nuisance Impurities and Their Effects Contaminant Acceptable Limit Chlorides 250 mg/L Salty or brackish taste; corrosive; blackens and pits stainless steel and can cause green plants to yellow. Copper (Cu) 1.3 mg/L Blue-green stains on plumbing fixtures; bitter, metallic . Iron (Fe) 0.3 mg/L Metallic taste; discolored beverages; yellowish stains on laundry, reddish brown stains on fixtures. Manganese (Mn) 0.05 mg/L Black specks on fixtures; bitter taste. Sulfates (S04) 250 mg/L Bitter, medicinal taste; corrosive; may cause gastric upset and diarrhea. Effects Iron Bacteria Orange to brown-colored slime in water, can cause an oil-like film on standing water, black-brown sludge in toilet tank. Slime Bacteria Jelly-like slime deposits in toilet tank, bottom of cisterns. Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Rotten egg or sewer-like like smell. Zinc (Zn) 5 mg/L Zinc is an essential element in our diet. Too little zinc can cause problems, but too much zinc is also harmful. Indication of galvanized pipe corrosion in older homes. 16 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation Water Hardness used exclusively as a hardness unit Hardness is one contaminant you and equals approximately 17 mg/L will also commonly see on the re- or ppm. Those water supplies falling port. Hard water causes white, scaly in the hard-to-very hard categories • increased life of hot water heater elements; • increased potential for pipe corrosion, and: • deposits on plumbing fixtures and may need to be softened. However, cooking appliances and decreased as with all water treatment, you cleaning action of soaps and deter- should carefully consider the advan- gents. Hardness is the sum of the tages and disadvantages of soften- Since the levels of sodium and po- calcium and magnesium levels ing before making a decision on tassium can affect your health, con- found in your water. Hard water can how to proceed. sult your health professional about negative impact on houseplants. any impacts that softening your wa- also cause buildup in hot water heaters and reduce their effective Advantages and disadvantages of ter may have on your health. If you lifetime. Table 3 will help you inter- softening your water include: have a heart condition or high blood pret your water hardness parame- • increased levels of sodium or pressure you must consult your potassium (depending on which health professional before drinking type of salt is used in your sof- softened water. ters. Hardness may be expressed in either milligrams per liter (mg/L) or grains per gallon (gpg). A gpg is tener system) in softened water; • increased effectiveness of detergents and soaps; Table 3: Hardness Classifications (Concentration of Hardness) In Grains per Gallon In Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) Relative Hardness Level Below 3.5 Below 60 Soft 3.5 to 7.0 60 to 120 Moderately Hard 7.0 to 10.5 120 to 180 Hard 10.5 and above 180 and above Very Hard Health Contaminants sources of the contaminant in public to determine the quality of your The parameters outlined in Table 4 water systems, these contaminants water. are some common contaminants are regulated under the EPA Pri- that have known health effects. The mary Drinking Water Standards. table lists acceptable limits, poten- You may want to test for these con- tial health effects, and possible taminants in your private water well 17 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation Table 4: Standards, Sources, and Potential Health Effects of Common Regulated Contaminants Contaminant Acceptable Limit Sources Potential Health Affects at High Concentration Fecal Coliform Bacteria zero Human sewage and animal waste leaking into well or from ground water contamination Gastrointestinal distress, shock. Infants, elderly, individuals with a compromised immune system and the sick are especially susceptible. Fluoride (F) 4.0 mg/L Fluoride is leached from natural deposits. Mottling of teeth and brittle bones. If less than 0.7 mg/L contact your doctor or dentist for recommendations about the need for additional fluoride for small children and the elderly. Selenium (Se) 0.05 mg/L Selenium is leached from natural deposits. Dangerous to humans and animals alike. Horses are especially susceptible exhibiting hoof [nail] damage, hair loss, still born foals, weight loss and with long term exposure, death. Human and other animals share the same symptoms. Lead (Pb) 0.015 mg/L Used in batteries; may be leached from brass faucets, lead caulking, lead pipes and lead soldered joints. Is also leached from natural deposits Nervous disorders and mental impairment especially in fetuses, infants, and young children. Also, kidney damage, blood disorders and hypertension, low birth weights. Arsenic (As) 0.05 mg/L Arsenic is leached from natural deposits. Dangerous to humans and animals alike. May cause skin damage, circulatory system problems and an increased risk of cancer. Nitrates and Nitrites 10 mg/L as nitrate-N Byproduct of agricultural fertilization, human and animal waste leaching to groundwater; also leached from natural deposits. Serious health threat for infants (birth to 6 months). Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue-baby disease; lower health threat to children and adults. [1.0 mg/l as nitrite-N] Radon (Rn) 30 pCi/L Naturally-occurring radioactive gas formed from uranium decay; can seep into well water from surrounding rocks and be released in the air as it leaves the faucet. Continued breathing of radon gas increases chances of lung cancer; may increase risk of stomach, colon, and bladder cancers. Uranium (U) 0.03 mg/L Uranium is leached from natural deposits High levels suggest the presence of Radon gas. Increased risk of cancer and kidney toxicity. 18 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation Methane in Groundwater Methane is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, which is produced by biological decay of organic materials or by high temperatures and pressures acting on organic materials. These materials include coals, organic rich shales, landfill materials, compost piles and other accumulations of organic materials both above and underground. Methane is also produced in the digestive sys- monitoring and treatment should be level the more aggressive the tem of humans and animals, and has considered and implemented. removal system must be. no known direct health effect. The Treatment for removing or lowering specific source of methane found in the concentration of methane in the The system in Figure 1 is suitable for groundwater in Colorado, can gen- water delivered into a house is rela- low-to-medium levels of methane, erally be determined by detailed tively simple and includes vented whereas Figure 2 describes a sys- and relatively expensive laboratory wellhead caps, cisterns, some form tem for higher levels of methane. analysis. of aeration and ventilation to allow the methane to safely dissipate out- Methane in water wells becomes a doors rather than accumulate within problem when it is allowed to build your home, well house or other con- up in confined spaces and become a fined space. When you find meth- potential safety hazard. These high ane in your well water, additional concentrations of methane can dis- regular testing and monitoring place oxygen, or in the presence of should be performed since methane a spark, can explode. Extensive levels can fluctuate over time. testing for methane in water wells in Colorado has been conducted dur- Figures 1 and 2 on page 20 ing the past twenty years. As a re- demonstrate two types of methane sult of this testing, many believe that treatment, one a small cistern or methane concentrations below 1 tank method and the other a more mg/L are considered harmless. detailed two chambered cistern. Methane levels up to 7 mg/L usually Details of operation are found with are not a concern but should be the figures. In addition, for lower monitored for changes. Also, care levels of methane, a vented well cap should be taken to ventilate con- may be a sufficient treatment. As a fined spaces where well water is general rule, the higher the methane used. Above 7 mg/L additional 19 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation trapped methane to escape into the air. At the same time the aeration pump is blowing filtered air into the water further driving off any residual dissolved methane. When the pump refills the cistern (200 to 300 gallons) the air pump continues to blow for an additional 10 to 30 min- Figure 1: Small Cistern utes to assure that all of the meth- Small Cistern Since methane is lighter than air it ane is removed. The methane free This small cistern system can be will rise to the top of the cistern and water moves into the passive (stor- installed in a basement, garage, util- vent. The gas must be vented out- age) side of the cistern which is also ity room or pump house. The active side of any structure and never al- vented. The methane must be removal of methane is achieved by lowed to accumulate inside. Re- vented outside of any structure and spraying the water into the open member that this system should be never allowed to accumulate inside. space of the cistern / tank and al- installed by a licensed pump installer lowing the escaped gas to vent out. or plumber. Because of the complexity of systems like this they should be installed by a licensed pump installer or plumber familiar with control systems. Where Can I Get Additional Information? Further assistance with interpretation of your household water quality test report is available. If you have any problems understanding the way the information is presented on the report, you should contact the testing laboratory directly for expla- Figure 2: Large Cistern nation. To assist you in evaluating Large Cistern are set about 12 inches above the the significance of your results, and This system is an aggressive system bottom. any actions you should take to solve identified problems, or for further and is usually installed outside and When the water in the passive information on contaminants not ber one or two spray bars are in- chamber is low enough the controls discussed in this publication, you stalled about 15 - 20 inches below turn on the well pump and the air may want to contact your local the top. One or two aeration bars pump (Jacuzzi type). The water Health Department or environ- sprays upward allowing much of the mental professional. If you wish to underground. In the active cham- 20 Water Quality Standards and Interpretation obtain more background informa- rience in the treatment of your wa- tion about the occurrence of con- ter’s problems. Ask for references, taminants and their effects on certifications, training credentials household water quality, particularly and the names of others who have as it pertains to established drinking used their services. Check with the water standards, call the EPA Safe Better Business Bureau for con- Drinking Water Hotline at (800) sumer complaints. Ask how long 426-4791. Or you can explore sites the professional has been perform- on the internet starting with one or ing his services. Don’t be shy. Ob- more of the web sites listed in this tain recommendations and quota- booklet. tions from more than one professional. Verify the terms of warranty Where Can I Get Additional Help claims on both equipment and in- For Water Treatment? stallation. Ask to see the technical Sources for water treatment assis- information on your proposed sys- tance are usually found in most Yel- tem before signing any contract. low Pages under the headings of “Water Purify & Filter Equipment” or If you have any doubts about the “Water Treatment Equipment, Serv- contract drawn up by the profes- ice and Supplies”. Additional assis- sional, seek legal assistance before tance can often be found by talking signing. Look up web sites on the to the local Health Department and specific types of equipment that in some cases the laboratory that your professional recommends, talk analyzed your water. Care should to your friends, ask a lot of ques- be taken when a professional offers tions, and if you don’t get answers, to test your water or demonstrates don’t buy until your questions are in-home water quality tests. Many answered. If you can’t afford the of these in-home tests are difficult entire system ask for a recommen- to perform and can provide mislead- dation on a basic system to treat the ing information. If possible use an major problem(s) to start with, and independent testing laboratory that make sure that it will be compatible is certified. A listing of certified with any upgrades in the future. laboratories can be found at: es/cert/SDWList.pdf . As with the use of any technical service, care should be taken to assure yourself that the professional you have chosen has specific expe- 21 Remember that you are the owner of a small domestic water treatment system; essentially a small version of the public systems in cities and towns. Consequently, it will need to be maintained on a regular basis. Make sure that you are provided with the technical manuals for your system and ask your professional to set up a regular maintenance schedule for you to follow, including follow-up and annual visits by your professional. Record all system maintenance in the Basic Well Data section at the end of this booklet. Water Treatment Decision Guide Is the TDS (total Is the pH of your Do bacteria keep Are there bacteria dissolved solids) of water between 6.5 coming back after in your well water your well water and 8.5? disinfection of your or does your water NO NO YES above 500mg/L? NO well? smell bad? Is the hardness of your well water above 180 mg/L? NO YES YES NO YES YES Disinfect the well. Contact the Health Department or use a commercial disinfection kit. Always use care with dangerous chemicals. Disinfect the well again and wait a full 24 hours before flushing the system. If the bacteria problem continues install a disinfection system. These include chlorination, ozone, and the use of ultraviolet (UV) light, to name a few. It is best to have a trained professional install and train you how to use the system. pH adjustment of the well will require the services of a trained professional. May require the installation of a reverse osmosis unit, if the taste of the water is a problem. May require softening of the hot water side of your system. ALSO ALSO A test for lead and copper is suggested if the pH is below 6.5 If the hardness is above 120 the water may have to be pre-softened. Soft water should be only for the RO unit and the hot water system. Soft water can harm plants and lawns. It is corrosive to uncoated copper and galvanized pipe so inspect your system on a regular basis. ALSO The well may require testing more often. Try to find the contamination source. Check the well seal, water piping system and hot water heater. Have a professional check for surface water contamination. Shallow wells may need additional treatment technologies. ALSO See page 24 for procedure for disinfecting your well. ALSO Other types of bacteria may be present as slime bacteria, sulfate reducing bacteria, etc. that are difficult to remove with a single disinfecting of your well. ALSO ALSO A test for zinc is suggested if the pH is below 6.5 and you have galvanized piping. The well may require testing more often. Try to find the contamination source. Check the well seal, water piping system and hot water heater. Have a professional check for surface water contamination. Shallow wells may need additional treatment technologies. Note Pregnant women and children under the age of 6 months can be harmed by drinking water with nitrite levels above 1.0 mg/L. If in doubt about the effectiveness of your treatment system drink bottled water until testing confirms reduction of nitrite-N to below 0.1 mg/L. ALSO 22 Above 200 mg/L? YES Treated water may have a salty taste. Above 300 mg/L? YES Seek the advice of an experience environmental professional, a licensed and experienced pump installer or contact the local Health Department for additional assistance. ALSO May require RO treatment to remove a salty taste if the water has been softened. Is the nitrite-N or total nitrate/nitriteN in your well 1.0 NO mg/L or above? YES Lower than 10 mg/L? YES The well may require testing more often. Try to find the contamination source. Check the well seal, water piping system and hot water heater. Have a professional check for surface water contamination. Shallow wells may need additional treatment technologies. ALSO If the total nitrate/nitriteN is 1.0 mg/L or higher and there are children below 6 months of age or pregnant women, stop drinking the water and contact the health department. ALSO Test for nitrite-N and if the total is 1.0 mg/l or above do not drink the water without treatment. See note to the left. Is the iron in your well water above 0.3 mg/L? Is there a rotten egg smell in your well water or does NO it contain methane gas? YES Does the water turn red or black after standing NO in a glass? YES NO YES Does the water smell like rotten eggs? NO Between 2.0 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L? YES YES You can smell rotten egg gas (hydrogen sulfide) at a lower concentration than a laboratory can analyze. However, a little and a lot both smell the same. If you have hydrogen sulfide in your well and your home has a thick sweet odor that is unrecognizable, be careful. This is a sign that the level of hydrogen sulfide can be deadly. Call the Health Department or the local fire district. May require the installation of a reverse osmosis (RO) unit, if the taste of the water is a problem or directed by your health care provider. YES Seek the assistance of an experienced environmental professional, a licensed and experienced pump installer or contact the local Health Department for additional assistance. May require any one of several types of iron filters. These systems include a simple water softener (for Iron below 1-3 mg/L), green sand type filters, backwashable filters, etc. ALSO Seek the assistance of an experienced environmental professional, a licensed and experienced pump installer or contact the local Health Department for additional assistance. Does the well contain methane gas? ALSO If the hardness is above 120 the water have to be pre-softened. Soft water should only be for the RO unit and the hot water system. Soft water can harm plants and lawns. Also soft water is corrosive to uncoated copper and galvanized pipe so inspect your system on a regular basis. Above 4.0 mg/L? YES Stop drinking the water. Call the local Health Department. ALSO Above 10 mg/L? YES YES Below 1 mg/L there is usually not concern. Up to 7 mg/L you may want to test for value changes. Above 7 mg/L monitor the well regularly and implement methane mitigation measures. See pages 19 & 20 for treatment options. Seek the assistance of an experienced environmental professional, a licensed and experienced plumber or pump installer for assistance in choosing a treatment method such as RO, softening, or direct ion exchange. NO Is the fluoride in your well water higher than 2.0 mg/L? 23 Seek the assistance of an experienced environmental professional, a licensed and experienced pump installer or contact the local Health Department for additional assistance. Is the selenium value above 0.05 mg/L or are any NO trace metals in your water greater than the EPA Guidelines? YES Selenium above or near 0.05 mg/L must be NO treated before it can be used for drinking water for humans and animals. Selenium values may vary during the year. ALSO If uranium is above 0.03 a test for radon gas is suggested. ALSO Seek the assistance of an experienced environmental professional, a licensed and experienced pump installer or contact the local Health Department for additional assistance. Chlorination Techniques When to treat your well with water well contractor, pump installer How to determine the amount of chlorine? or licensed plumber. If you have Chlorine bleach to add to your well. You should disinfect your well if your water treatment devices, consult Use basic 5 % to 6% household test for bacteria is positive, or fol- with your water treatment company laundry bleach (Sodium Hypochlo- lowing any construction, installation, before beginning the chlorination rite). DO NOT USE any of the newer maintenance, or repair of your well process. Always use rubber gloves concentrated products, dry bleach and other water systems. Disinfect- as well as a splash apron and eye or any of the “Fresh Scent,” “Lemon ing is essential if there has been protection when handling bleach. Scent” or similar forms of bleach. flooding or other obvious signs of Avoid contact with the bleach. If The cheapest or generic brand is contamination in or around or in you should splash this solution on usually free of added materials. your well. The disinfecting process your person or clothing, immedi- most often recommended is “shock ately rinse thoroughly with water. Three pints of bleach should be chlorination”. Shock chlorination is added for every 100 gallons of the process by which wells are sani- standing water in the well. To de- tized using household chlorine termine the amount of standing wa- bleach and is effective in home wa- ter in your well you need three ter systems such as wells, spring measurements (see Figure 3 to the houses, and cisterns. Routine shock left): chlorination is NOT recommended 1. The diameter of your well which for treating recurring bacteria prob- can be found in your drill log or lems. For these continuing chronic from a measurement that your bacteria problems contact a reputa- driller or pump installer can provide. ble licensed water treatment expert 2. The total depth of your well (a), who is familiar with your area. which you can obtain from your What precautions should I take well’s drill log or from a meas- prior to chlorination? urement provided by your driller Make sure that everyone in your or pump installer. 3. The depth from the top of your home is warned not to use the water during the treatment process. well to the top of the water (b). Arrange for an alternative source of This measurement can also be drinking water. Special care should provided by your driller or be taken to ensure that children and pump installer. older adults do not consume tap The depth of water in your well is water during the treatment process. Unless you are familiar with water wells, and are comfortable working calculated by subtracting measureFigure 3: Well Capacity Calculation ment b from measurement a, which equals c (depth of water). with chemicals, the well chlorination should be performed by a licensed 24 Chlorination Techniques From the chart below determine pints of household bleach. You will bacterial contamination found in how much standing water is in your also need to add an extra three (3) your well. Inspect all areas and well. Generally, there are two types pints to treat the household plumb- surfaces that may be a source of wells, drilled and bored. The in- ing such as the pressure tank, hot of dust or other contamination side diameter of the casing (well water heater, and pipes. So for this in and around the system. After pipe) of a drilled well is typically example you will use a total of every possible contamination from 4 to 8 inches. Bored wells are twelve (12) pints or 1.5 gallons of source has been eliminated, the larger, ranging from 24 to 36 inches. household bleach. water supply should be disin- Refer to the following table to de- fected as outlined below: termine your well’s storage per foot Basic Chlorination Technique of water. If you use a cistern, tank The following basic technique has apron and eye protection, dilute storage or have a hand dug well you been recommended by many Health the amount of bleach you de- will need to contact your local Departments and other agencies. termined (see procedure above) health department or pump installer Many web sites have additional or to be adequate for your well’s for additional information and assis- more detailed instructions for the water volume by first adding 2 tance to disinfect your system. disinfection of domestic drinking to 3 gallons of water in a 5 gal- water wells that have been deter- 2. Wearing rubber gloves, a splash lon bucket and mixing carefully. 3. Remove the well seal at the top Table 5: Water storage per foot in various size boreholes. of the well. Now carefully pour Bored Well Drilled Well Pipe the bleach mixture into your Diameter (inches) Storage per Foot of Water (gal/ft) Diameter (inches) Storage per Foot of Water (gal/ft) well using a large funnel. Wait 4" 0.653 24" 23.5 additional 15 or 20 gallons of 6" 1.47 36" 52.9 fresh water from a nearby hose 8" 2.61 about 15 minutes and run an bib into the funnel to treat the well bore sides. 4. Now open a cold water faucet Example: A drilled well with a 6” mined to have bacterial contamina- diameter has a storage per foot of tion. There are three listed at the in the system and run the water water capacity of 1.47 gal/ft. Next end of this section. If you use a until you can smell the chlorine multiply your total depth of water commercially available disinfection bleach odor. Turn off the faucet. “c” times your storage per foot of kit follow the manufacturer’s direc- Now do the same for ALL cold water “s.' For example if we will as- tions. water faucets on the system. sume that “c” is 204 ft. The volume 1. Before disinfection, inspect your Also flush the toilets. Turn off of water in your well is: 204 feet x water system (or have it in- your hot water heater and run 1.47 gal/ft = 300 gal. To disinfect spected by a professional) to hot water until you smell chlo- your system (well and piping to and determine and correct any rine. Now repeat for all hot wa- in your home) add 3 pints of bleach damage, faults or design prob- ter faucets, to allow the piping into your well for every 100 gallons lems that may exist. These and the heater to be treated. of water, or in this case nine (9) problems may contribute to the 25 Chlorination Techniques 5. Allow the bleach to remain in system, streams, rivers, ponds Helpful web sites: the entire system for 24 hours or lakes as the chlorine bleach Boulder County web site (at least overnight). During this may disrupt the operation of wait period do not use the wa- the septic system or kill wildlife. TM ter for any purpose. This is to 6. Wells with excessive bacterial allow the disinfectant to kill all contamination or wells that con- University of Georgia web site the bacteria within the system. tain slime, iron or sulfate reduc- After the overnight or 24 hour ing bacteria may require more 858-4.pdf wait, flush out the remaining than one treatment or the in- chlorine by turning on outside stallation of a permanent disin- Lake County Illinois web site faucets letting them run until fection system. the chlorine smell dissipates. 7. Two days after the system is Finally, run the indoor faucets flushed obtain a sterile sample until the smell of chlorine is bottle from your local Health gone. Minimize the amount of Department or a certified labo- the water going into your septic ratory and test for bacteria to assure that your treatment was effective. Take this sample as directed from a clean water tap that does not have an aeration head (a possible source of contamination) and take it back to the Health Department or laboratory as soon as possible (within 6 hours). If your well does not respond to two or three treatments, as described above, contact a licensed pump installer, a water treatment specialist or a licensed plumber familiar with water treatment systems. 26 want/Documents/WellChlorination. pdf Trouble Shooting Guide Q – Why does water not come from Q – Why does my pump seem to my well anymore? run every time I turn on the tap? A – There may be several reasons A – The pressure in your water sys- why water is not delivered from a tem is regulated by a pressure tank well. First check your breaker box so that the pump does not have to Q – Why does my water smell like to see if the breaker is tripped. You be run every time there is demand sulfur or have sewer like smell. should call a licensed pump installer for water. The tank has an air blad- A – Your well probably has bacteria to check the pump and pump con- der in it that can rupture. Have a in it. Have the water tested for bac- trol equipment, which may have licensed pump installer or plumber teria immediately. The local Health failed. The pump installer can also check the pressure tank and the Department or a licensed pump check the water level in the well. pump control unit. installer can help disinfect the well Overuse of the aquifer may have and find the source of the bacteria. dropped the static groundwater Q – Why does my water leave level below the depth of your well or stains on fixtures and clothes? Q – Why does my water smell or pump. The pump may have to be A – Your water likely has lots of dis- taste like chemicals? reset at a lower level or the well re- solved minerals in it. Have the water A – Your well may be polluted with placed with a deeper well. tested by a laboratory to determine chemicals. Stop using the water its chemical composition. You can immediately. Call the Health De- Q – Why does my well seem to then use the Water Treatment Deci- partment to help you find out where pump less water than it used to? sion Guide in this booklet, or call a the source of the chemical contami- A – Over time minerals or bacteria licensed pump installer to help you nation may be and what to analyze can constrict your water well screen decide what treatment equipment your water for. Have the water or your water system pump or pip- may be appropriate for your well tested by a laboratory for likely ing. Overuse or seasonal lack of and water. chemical pollutants. cause the static groundwater level Q – Why is there a lot of sediment Q – Why does my water fizz? to drop and thus decrease the in my water? A – Your well water has gas dis- amount of water that can enter the A – Your well may have been im- solved in it. This gas may be harm- well. A licensed well driller or pump properly developed to remove ex- less air or carbon dioxide. It may installer can clean your well screen cess drilling fluids and sediment also be methane or radon. Have the and check your pump, piping and when it was drilled. Or your well water tested by a laboratory to de- water level. They can also measure casing or well seals may have failed. termine what the gas is and whether the yield of your well and compare it Your cistern (if you have one) may or not a treatment system is neces- to the yield when the well was also need cleaning or is damaged. sary. A licensed pump installer can drilled. Keep good records of all of Have a licensed well driller or pump find air leaks in the water system if these checks and maintenance ac- installer inspect the system and de- that is the indicated problem. The tivities as they can be used in the termine the source of the sediment. pump installer can also help with the recharge of the aquifer can also appropriate treatment system. future to help diagnose problems. Record these in the Data section at the end of this booklet. 27 Water Testing Glossary Acidic – descriptive term used in CDPHE – Colorado Department of are usually seen on your report as: reference to water having a pH of Public Health and Environment is TNTC (too numerous to count) and less than 7; pertains to the corro- responsible for the enforcement of confluent growth. You may need to siveness of water. EPA public drinking water regula- call your licensed pump installer or a tions within the State of Colorado. water treatment professional to as- Acute Health Effects (acute toxic- CDPHE works with EPA, local health sist in treating chronic bacteria ity) – Any poisonous effect with a departments and when needed with problems. sudden and/or severe onset pro- sovereign Indian Tribes, who often duced within a short period of time have their own environmental de- Concentration – The amount of a after using contaminated water, re- partments. See the web site list at given substance (weight) in a spe- sulting in mild to severe biological the end of this booklet for a link to cific amount of water (volume) and harm or illness. Acute symptoms CDPHE. is often expressed as mg/L or ppm. stomach, loose stool, bowel upset, Chronic Health Effects – Chronic Contaminants – Naturally occurring and gastrointestinal difficulties. If means long-term. Chronic health substances when present in high symptoms occur as a result of drink- effects occur and persist as a result enough levels make water unfit for ing contaminated water, medical of repeated or long term use of con- drinking and/or other household attention should be sought taminated water. Often, it takes uses. Some contaminants are man- promptly. many months or years of exposure made or come from human activi- for chronic health effects to occur. ties such as farming, mining, live- Aesthetic Characteristics – The Chronic health effects include irre- stock, etc. non-health related characteristics of versible damage to internal organs, water that make it desirable for hu- and changes to our gene structure, man use. Generally taste, color, which can result in cancer, birth de- odor, and turbidity are considered to fects, disabilities, and additional be aesthetic characteristics. problems. include, but are not limited to, upset Coliform Bacteria – A type of bac- pH greater than 7 is alkaline (non- teria that is found in the intestinal acidic). tract of all animals, including hu- laboratory certified by the CDPHE as qualified to test drinking water. Information about local stateapproved laboratories is available at the Health Department. See the web site list at the end of this booklet for a list of certified labs. acidic or "soft" may be corrosive and may deteriorate plumbing and leach toxic metals such as lead, zinc and copper from pipes. Alkaline – A water sample having a Certified Testing Laboratory – A Corrosive Water – Water that is mans. These bacteria are used as an indicator of well cleanliness. If the coliform test is unacceptable, it is an indicator that your well is polluted and that additional tests or treatments are advisable. If the disinfection of your well does not remove Corrosivity Index – One of the methods for assessing the scale dissolving (corrosive) or scale forming potential of water. A positive number indicates a tendency to deposit calcium and magnesium carbonates. If the result is negative, it is an indication that the water will dissolve carbonates and enhance corrosion. the coliform bacteria seek the assis- Detection Limit – The minimum tance of your local Health Depart- concentration of a substance that ment. Unacceptable coliform tests may be measured in the laboratory 28 Water Testing Glossary and reported in the given testing "soft"; while hard water above 7 standing body of water and have an method. Many laboratory reports grains per gallon (120 mg/l) may iridescent sheen that is often mis- will state what the detection limit is affect the appearance of plumbing taken for an oil spill. for each contaminant. fixtures, the lifespan of water heaters, and the efficiency of detergents. Disinfection – The destruction of all Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) – The maximum level of a pathogenic organisms, with chlorine, Health Risk – The risk or likelihood contaminant which is permitted in ozone, ultraviolet light or heating. that a chemical will adversely affect public water supplies. Maximum a person's health. Estimating health contaminant levels are specified in EPA – The abbreviation for the Envi- risks of various chemicals is a com- the Primary Drinking Water Stan- ronmental Protection Agency, prop- plex and inexact science. dards set by EPA and the CDPHE erly called, "the United States Envi- for contaminants that affect the ronmental Protection Agency". This Heavy Metals – Elements with agency has the responsibility of de- higher molecular weights, which are veloping and enforcing Primary generally toxic in low concentrations Methane – A colorless, odorless, Drinking Water Standards for public to plant and animal life. Examples flammable, lighter-than-air gas that drinking water systems. EPA does include mercury, chromium, cad- can be found in water wells which not regulate private wells or cisterns. mium, arsenic, selenium, and lead. are completed in coal seams, or The EPA also develops, but does not safety of public drinking water. other zones that contain trapped enforce, Secondary Drinking Water Hydrogen Sulfide – A hazardous, gasses. Although methane is not a Standards. See the web site list at poison gas that smells like rotten poison, if it is allowed to accumulate the end of this booklet for a link to eggs. It is sometimes produced by in confined spaces it can pose a risk EPA. bacteria in well waters. It can be for explosion or fire. Methane is eas- found in local water wells at concen- ily removed by proper venting. Grains per Gallon (gpg) – Apothe- trations that are a nuisance but are caries' weight of a chemical sub- not poisonous. However in high Milligrams per Liter (mg/L) – Metric stance in one gallon of water used in concentrations the gas can accumu- weight of a substance in a liter of the water-conditioning trade to in- late in low areas and become toxic water. 1 mg/ L = 1 ounce per 7,500 dicate hardness of water. One gpg and/or explosive. Use caution when gallons. (1 mg/L = approximately 1 equals approximately 17 mg/L of you smell hydrogen sulfide. ppm in water) Iron Bacteria – Microorganisms that Nitrate/nitrite-N – A salt form of the Hardness – A water quality problem feed on iron in the water. They may element nitrogen. The presence of in many areas in Colorado. Hard- appear as a slimy rust-colored coat- nitrates and/or nitrites in a water ness is a relative term. It describes ing on the interior surface of a toilet supply generally indicates pollution the content of the dissolved miner- flush tank or as a dark colored glob by human or animal waste, and/or als, calcium and magnesium, and is of gelatinous material or sand-like commercial fertilizer. These materi- reported as grains per gallon or mg/ lumps of black sediment in the wa- als are very dangerous for children l. Water with less than 3.5 grains per ter. Iron bacteria colonies will some- below the age of six months. gallon (60 mg/l) is considered times float on the surface of a hardness. 29 Water Testing Glossary Nuisance Contaminants – Contami- alkaline has a pH greater than 7. The Public Water System – In Colorado, nants that affect aesthetic or func- secondary standard for drinking a public water system is one that tional aspects of water quality and water is a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. serves at least 15 connections (for have little or no impact on health. example households) or at least 25 They are managed in public drinking Pollutants – Man-made substances individuals. CDPHE and EPA regula- water systems as Secondary Maxi- introduced to the environment that tions apply to public water systems. mum Contaminant Level (MCL) at high enough levels can make wa- Standards. ter unfit for human, animal, or plant Pure – Without contaminants or consumption or use. pollutants. cals that contain carbon. If not Potable Water – Water that is fit for Radon – A tasteless, odorless, color- properly handled, stored, trans- drinking. less radioactive gas formed from Organic Chemicals – Those chemi- ported, and disposed, organic decay of uranium in rocks. Radon Primary Drinking Water Standards has been found dissolved in some – The Primary Drinking Water Stan- groundwater supplies. Activities dards for public water supplies are that release radon as vapor from published by the EPA and moni- water include showering, bathing, tored, and enforced the CDPHE. and cooking. High concentrations Primary standards regulate con- of radon are known to be carcino- taminants which pose serious health genic and are linked with increased risks to the water user. The primary risk of lung and other cancers. Ra- standards are only enforceable in don is easily removed from water by Parts per Million (ppm) – Concen- public water systems and should be purging with air and venting tration of a substance on a weight used as a guide for your personal basis in water. 1 ppm = 1 pound of a drinking water well. For a link to Safe – The level of a contaminant or contaminant per million pounds of these standards see the web site list pollutant is low enough that no water (1 ppm in water = approxi- in this booklet for a link to CDPHE health problems will occur. mately 1 mg/L) or the EPA. Pathogens – Live organisms that Private Water Systems – Any sys- up on the inside of water pipes and contaminate water. Examples in- tems which do not meet the defini- water-using appliances, like coffee clude bacteria, viruses, and parasites tion of public water systems, for pots and water heaters. It is made such as Giardia. example, a private individual water of calcium and magnesium carbon- source, such as a residential water ates and usually associated with pH – A factor used to measure the well. Private water systems are not hard water. Small amounts of scale acidity and alkalinity of water. Val- regulated by local health depart- are helpful in preventing leaching of ues for pH fall on a scale ranging ments, the CDPHE or the EPA. metal from pipes. chemicals can pollute water supplies. These can include trihalomethanes, pesticides, volatile organic compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (constituents of crude oil, condensate, and gasoline) and in some areas pharmaceuticals. Scale – Mineral deposits which build from 0 to 14. Water that has a pH of 7 is neutral; water that is acid has a pH lower than 7 and water that is 30 Water Testing Glossary Secondary Drinking Water Stan- Toxic Metals – Arsenic, barium, chemicals, including the solvents dards – The Secondary Drinking chromium, mercury, selenium, lead, such as trichloroethylene and car- Water Standards are published by and other toxic metals are regulated bon tetrachloride, and the gasoline the EPA. Secondary Standards set by EPA Primary Drinking Water component, benzene. Tests for VOC desirable/acceptable levels for nui- Standards. Toxic metals may be compounds are not routine and sance contaminants, which affect naturally occurring in rock and soil, tend to be fairly expensive because taste, odor, color, and other aes- or may pollute water as a result of of the difficult and precise labora- thetic and functional qualities of the runoff or leaching from industrial or tory work involved. Low levels of water supply. These secondary agricultural sites, mining activities or VOC’s can be treated with activated standards are not enforced by law, hazardous waste disposal. charcoal filter systems. Treated wa- but rather are guidelines for public ter must be tested to assure that the water treatment plants and state Toxicity – The toxicity (poisonous treatment has reduced the VOC’s to governments. These guidelines are effect) of a water contaminant de- a safe level before using as drinking helpful as you read the laboratory pends on the concentration of the water. Filters must be replaced of- results from your well. For a link to contaminant in the water and the ten. these standards see the web site list period of time the contaminated in this booklet for a link to CDPHE water is consumed. Any chemical Water Quality – In general is deter- or the EPA. can be toxic, if you swallow enough mined by these characteristics: of it. Also, people react differently safety, taste, color, smell, corrosivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) – A to different toxic substances; some staining, pH, hardness, and chemical good general indicator of water people may be harmed more than composition of dissolved solids. quality, which measures the total others. Pregnant and nursing amount of dissolved minerals, met- women, the elderly, infants, ill or als, and salts. Water with more than malnourished people, and people 500 milligrams per liter TDS is of taking medication or that have a marginal quality and may contain compromised immune system may undesirable amounts of calcium, be especially vulnerable to certain magnesium, sulfates, chlorides, or contaminants. other salts for human consumption. Many wells produce water that has Turbidity – A cloudy condition in much higher levels of TDS and in water due to suspended clay or or- many areas may be the only source ganic matter. Turbidity can be of water. High levels of TDS are of- treated with filters. ten safe to drink, but may cause transient gastric problems. These higher levels of TDS can be removed, but often at a higher cost than routine water treatment.. Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) – Hydrocarbon containing compounds which evaporate readily and are expensive to analyze. Primary Drinking Water Standards set limits for several volatile organic 31 Text and glossary are freely adapted from publications provided by various state and local agencies and the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment. Record of Basic Well Data Use this form to help document the history of your well. General Information Owner's Name: Owner's Address: Permit #: Well Location: Driller Name: Phone #: Pump Installer Name: Phone #: Date Drilled: Pump Installation Date: Installation Data Well Depth: Surface Casing Depth: Production Casing Diameter: Cement Interval: Well Screen Interval: Pump Size & Type: Pump Depth: Water Levels Yield Rates Initial Static Water Level (feet bgs): Initial Yield Rate (gpm): Subsequent Static Water Levels Subsequent Yield Rate feet bgs: Date: gpm Date feet bgs: Date: gpm Date feet bgs: Date: gpm Date feet bgs: Date: gpm Date feet bgs: Date: gpm Date feet bgs: Date: gpm Date Well Maintenance – Record dates and descriptions of work performed. Additional Notes: 32 Helpful Water Web Sites US Environmental Protection Agency (stuff for kids to do) Radon US Geological Survey Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Colorado Division of Water Resources Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Colorado State University Extension Service - Water Related Resources The Groundwater Foundation National Groundwater Association Water Quality Association