16 sec 1

Name _____________________________
Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint Presentation for a section in your book. The section you
are covering is Chapter 16: Section 1. Follow the directions below carefully.
You may pick any slide background that you want, but just remember that you need to be able to easily
read the words on your slide! For example, don’t pick a green background and yellow font. That would
be ridiculously hard to read. Your goal is to 1) include all the information for the section and 2) make
each slide look good.
Slide 1: List the title of the section at the top of the slide. Put your name and the name(s) of your group
members below the title. Find a picture or figure of groundwater.
Slide 2: The title of this slide will be “Water Beneath the Surface”. Define groundwater.
Slide 3: The title of this slide will be “Properties of Aquifers”. Define aquifer. List the 2 factors that
determine the ease with which water flows through an aquifer.
Slide 3: The title of this slide will be “Properties of Aquifers”. Define porosity. Summarize Figure 1 on
page 397. Find a picture similar to Figure 1.
Slide 4: The title of this slide will be “Properties of Aquifers”. Say what permeability is. Explain how a
rock with high porosity can have low permeability. Explain why sandstone is permeable but clay is
impermeable. Find a picture of sandstone.
Slide 5: The title of this slide will be “Zones of Aquifers”. Define zone of saturation and the water table.
Define zone of aeration.
Slide 6: The title of this slide will be “Zones of Aquifers”. Find a picture similar to Figure 3 on page 399
that has the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation labeled.
Slide 7: The title of this slide will be “Movement of Groundwater”. Say what 2 things the rate at which
groundwater flows depends on. Say what happens to the velocity of the groundwater as the water
table’s gradient increases.
Slide 8: The title of this slide will be “Topography and the Water Table”. Point out that the water table
matches the contours of the surface. Find a picture similar to Figure 4 on page 400. Define perched
water table.
Slide 9: The title of this slide will be “Conserving Groundwater”. Define recharge zone. Find a picture of
rain over an open field. Point out that it is important not to put wastes in recharge zones because the
groundwater would be polluted.
Slide 10: The title of this slide will be “Wells and Springs”. Say what a well is and what a spring is.
Slide 11: The title of this slide will be “Wells and Springs”. Say what a cone of depression is. Find a
picture of a cone of depression similar to Figure 6 on page 402.
Slide 12: The title of this slide will be “Wells and Springs”. Define artesian formation and artesian well.
Find a picture of an artesian formation similar to Figure 7 on page 403.
Slide 13: The title of this slide will be “Hot Springs and Geysers”. Say what a hot spring is and explain
how one forms. Say what a geyser is. Find a picture of a geyser and/or a hot spring.