Francisco Müller-Sánchez - CASA - University of Colorado Boulder

Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Curriculum Vitae (Dec. 2015)
Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy
University of Colorado, 389 UCB
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0389
Phone: +1 303-521-6404; Fax: +1 303-492-7178
E-mail addresses:
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astronomical Instrumentation.
Max-Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) and LudwigMaximilians University of Munich (LMU), Germany. Thesis advisors: Dr.
Richard Davies and Prof. Reinhard Genzel. Title of the project:
"VLT/SINFONI adaptive optics (AO) observations of nearby active galactic
nuclei (AGN) and Design of an interferometric integral field spectrograph for
the Large Binocular Telescope”. Magna Cum Laude. Oct. 2004 - Sep. 2008.
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies.
Specialization in Microwaves, Satellites and Radar Engineering. Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2004.
Master in Telecommunications Business Administration.
School for Industrial Organisation, Madrid, Spain. Oct. 2001 - Oct. 2002.
Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications Engineering.
Specialization in Microwaves Devices and Optics. School of Engineering,
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Grade Point Average
GPA: 9.85 (max 10.0). First class honours. 1996 – 2001.
Bachelor in Physics and Mathematics. Latin-American University, Mexico.
GPA: 9.98 (max 10.0). First class honours. 1994 – 1996.
Spanish (mother tongue), English, German, French.
University of Colorado, Boulder (CU-Boulder). Research Associate.
Physical mechanisms of feeding and feedback in nearby AGN, including
AGN in galaxy mergers and dual AGN. Sep. 2013 – Present.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Postdoctoral Fellow.
Impact of AGN-driven outflows in galaxy evolution. Sep. 2011 – Sep. 2013.
Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC). Postdoctoral
Fellow. High spatial resolution studies of active galactic nuclei and starburst
galaxies, and astronomical instrumentation. Oct. 2008 – Sep. 2011.
German Aerospace Agency (DLR). Research Assistant. Velocity
estimation of moving targets using along-track SAR interferometry and
spectral estimation techniques for the coherent integration of multiple images
in a forward looking Radar. Sep. 2003 – Oct. 2004.
Airtel-Vodafone Spain. Project Manager. Management and design of the elearning web site about telecommunications called “Campus”. Design of a
new plan for controlling all projects in the Strategic and Corporative
Development Department. Oct. 2001 - Jul. 2002.
Applied Mathematics Institute of UNAM (IIMAS). Research Assistant.
Electronic circuit design and implementation of an autonomous navigation
system for a mobile robot using global position systems (GPS). 2000-2001.
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Curriculum Vitae (Dec. 2015)
Interests and
Qualifications -
Astrophysics: Active galactic nuclei, starburst galaxies, black hole masses
and scaling relationships, galaxy interactions and mergers and quasar hosts.
Engineering: Satellites, antennas, optical fibers, remote sensing, radar
systems, signal processing, mobile communications (GSM, CDMA), GPS,
electronic circuit design, measurement techniques and control engineering.
Operating Systems: MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac-OS.
Programming Languages: Basic, Pascal, C/C++, Python, Visual Basic,
HTML, Java, Assembler, IDL, Matlab.
Application Software: MS-Office, Matlab, IDL, Adobe Acrobat
applications, Corel Draw, AutoCAD, PSpice, Satellite Tool Kit, Macromedia,
Latex, WIP, Webpage Design.
Astronomy and Optics: Zemax, IRAF, QfitsView, Galfit, STARS, UNYS,
ESO and Keck data reduction and analysis software, extensive experience in
optical + near-IR imaging and spectroscopy and integral-field spectroscopy.
Approved Observing Proposals:
Ø PI on HST AR program “The Physics of the Coronal Line Region in
Seyfert Galaxies and its Role in Galaxy Evolution” ($114K).
Ø PI on Keck program “Evolution of the Stars and the Interstellar Medium
in Confirmed Dual AGN” (2 nights, OSIRIS, Institutional PI Malkan).
Ø PI on ESO-VLT program “Evolution of the Stars and the ISM in
Confirmed Dual AGN” (2 nights, SINFONI, Institutional PI Cales).
Ø PI on Keck program “Unveiling the nature of the enigmatic source CID42” (1 night, OSIRIS, Institutional PI Harrison).
Ø PI on NOAO program “Using the Near-IR Emission Lines to Probe AGN
Feedback” (12 nights, Flamingos/Kitt Peak and SOAR/OSIRIS).
Ø PI on VLBA program “The radio structure of galaxies with double-peaked
narrow optical emission lines” (24 h, grade C).
Ø PI on Keck program “Measuring AGN Feedback Parameters from Seyfert
Galaxy Outflows” (10 nights, OSIRIS, Institutional PI Malkan).
Ø PI on APO-3.5m program “Using the Near-IR Emission Lines to Probe
AGN Feedback” (2 nights, Triplespec).
Ø PI on ESO-VLT program “Resolving the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line
and Coronal-Line Regions in Seyfert Galaxies” (29 h, SINFONI).
Ø PI on ESO-VLT program “Weighing the central massive object in NGC
253” (5 h, SINFONI).
Ø PI on Keck program “Kinematics of the Narrow-Line and Coronal-Line
Regions in Seyfert Galaxies” (2 nights, OSIRIS, Institutional PI Malkan).
Instrumentation for Astronomy: Optical design, interferometry, adaptive
optics and integral field spectrometers. Expertise in VLT/SINFONI,
Ø Co-I on 2 successful Chandra Cycle 13 proposals: “A serendipitous 695ks HETG observation of the Circinus galaxy: the deepest ever study of a
type-2 AGN” and “A direct test of AGN feedback in late-type galaxies:
spatially resolved HETG spectroscopy of NGC 3393” (PI Evans, $110K).
Ø Co-I on 12 successful ESO-VLT proposals for programs: “Swift answers
to active problems: the role of nuclear post-starbursts in feeding active
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Curriculum Vitae (Dec. 2015)
galactic nuclei”, and “Swift answers to active problems: feeding and
feedback in AGN with molecular and ionized gas” (more than 25 nights
with SINFONI, NACO and X-Shooter, PI Davies).
Co-I on ALMA proposal “Caught in Cosmic Tango: ALMA Spies the
Interplay Between Dual AGN in Merger Remnant Galaxies” (PI Treister).
Co-I on ESO-VLT program “A MUSE Investigation of Confirmed Dual
AGNs: Accretion, outflows and star formation” (9 h, MUSE, PI Treister).
Co-I on IRAM program “Fueling and Feedback in the Nucleus of
NGC1068” (4 nights, PI Davies).
Co-I on ESO-VLT program “Kinematic Signatures of AGN Fueling: A
Comparison Study of AGN and Inactive Galaxies” (35 h, SINFONI, PI
Co-I on Keck program “NIRC2 Imaging Studies of Merger-Triggered
AGN Activity” (1 night, NIRC2, PI Comerford, Institutional PI Harrison).
Co-I on APO-3.5m program “What are the spatial profiles of emission
from double-peaked AGN?” (more than 10 nights, DIS, PI Comerford).
Co-I on VLA program “Identifying Galaxies with Kpc-Scale Separation
Dual Supermassive Black Holes” (36 h, PI Comerford).
Ø Keck/OSIRIS, Hawaii (>20 nights).
Ø ESO/VLT+SINFONI, Paranal (8 nights).
Ø ESO/NTT+EFOSC2, La Silla (10 nights).
Ø SOAR/OSIRIS, Cerro Pachon (3 nights).
Ø Kitt Peak-4m Telescope/FLAMINGOS (9 nights).
Ø APO-3.5m/DIS (10 nights).
Ø Vast experience in service mode observations at the VLT.
“Astronomy 5 - Life in the Universe”. Lecturer. Summer Session A 2012,
Summer Session A 2013, UCLA, Jun. – Aug. 2012 and Jun. – Aug. 2013.
“Optics” and “Thermodynamics”. Guest Lecturer of Physics 6C, UCLA,
Winter Quarter 2012, Jan. – Mar. 2012.
Supervisor of Undergraduate and Graduate Research Projects.
Since Sep. 2014: Rebecca Nevin, “The nature of dual-peaked NLRs: dual
AGNs and AGN outflows as probes of galaxy mergers and galaxy feedback”.
Since May 2015: Brian Davis, “Feeding and Feedback in NGC 5506”.
Since May 2015: Skylar Shaver, “Nuclear properties of nearby AGN”.
May-Sep. 2014: Kirsten Pedersen: “Analysis of near-IR AGN emission lines”.
Jul.-Sep. 2012: Ignasi Perez-Rafois, “Dynamical modeling of gas in AGN”.
Jul.-Sep. 2011: Hector Vives-Arias, “Kinematics of the coronal-line region”.
“Integral-Field Spectroscopy of Nearby AGN”, Lecturer at the Universidad
de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, Oct. 2010.
“Infrared Astronomy”, Lecturer. Graduate course, Max Planck Institute for
Extraterrestrial Physics, Munich, Germany, 2006-2007.
“Radar Systems Engineering”, Lecturer. Graduate course, School of
Engineering UNAM, Mexico, Jan. 2004.
“Advanced Calculus”, Math Instructor. College-level math course, School
of Engineering UNAM, Mexico, 1999-2001.
Francisco Müller-Sánchez
Grants and
“Differential Equations”, Math Instructor. College-level math course,
School of Engineering UNAM, Mexico, 1999-2001.
PI on NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Grant “The Keck OSIRIS
Nearby AGN (KONA) Survey: Characterizing the Physical Mechanisms of
Feeding and Feedback in Active Galaxies” ($477K, submitted Nov. 2015).
Leader of the SDSS-IV/MaNGA project “Outflows of Highly-Ionized Gas
and Their Role in Galaxy Evolution” (Nov. 2015 – Present).
NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2013 (declined).
CONACYT Postdoctoral Fellowship, UCLA, Oct. 2011 – Sep. 2013.
Travel Grant to attend the 28th IAU-GA, Beijing, China, Aug. 2012.
Travel Grant to attend the 27th IAU-GA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 2009.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, 2008-2011.
International Max-Planck Research School Fellowship, 2004-2008.
Workshop Grant to attend the summer school “Active Galactic Nuclei at the
Highest Angular Resolution”, Torun, Poland, Sep. 2007.
Workshop Grant to attend the “Michelson Summer Workshop on
Interferometry”, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, Jul. 2006.
Marie Curie Fellowship, 2004.
Winner of the “Jim and Lin Burke Scholarship” from the Planetary Society to
attend the summer session of the International Space University, 2003.
Joint scholarship from the Mexican government (CONACyT) and the German
academic exchange program (DAAD), 2002-2004.
“Medal of honour Gabino Barreda” for obtaining the highest GPA at the end
of university graduate studies in Mexico, 2002.
Founder of the Aerospace Engineering Society of Mexico (SIAA) in 2001.
President of the IEEE Student Society of UNAM 1999-2000.
Undergraduate Telmex-UNAM fellowship, 1997-2001.
Second Prize in the “Ninth Mexican Mathematics Olympiad”, Mexico, 1997.
Service and
Curriculum Vitae (Dec. 2015)
Referee for ApJ, ApJL, A&A and MNRAS.
Reviewer for the NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
(AAPF) program.
Reviewer for the HST Time Allocation Committee.
Press coverage “Masquerading as a Merger” (AAS NOVA, Nov. 2015).
Narrator of the video “Black Holes” for PHD TV: Videos and Animations
about Science and Exploration (, Nov. 2015).
Public talk at Fiske Planetarium CU-Boulder (planned 2016).
Member of the APO 3.5m-telescope Time Allocation Committee at CUBoulder (since May 2014).
Member of the Planetary Society.
Member of the International Space University (ISU).
Member of the Max-Planck Society.
Organizer of conferences and courses for the MPE, SIAA and IEEE related to
Extragalactic Astronomy, Adaptive Optics, Integral-Field Spectroscopy,
Satellites, Antennas, Mobile Communications, and Remote Sensing.