ALBERTO CARLO SADUN, Ph.D. BUSINESS ADDRESS Department of Physics Campus Box 157 University of Colorado at Denver P.O. Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217-3364 (303) 556-6256 E-mail: (303) 322-8644 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS CHAIRMAN, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO AT DENVER (1997-2003) TENURED FULL PROFESSOR (1997-PRESENT) * * * As chairman, was responsible for the coordination of programs and schedules with Metro State College of Denver, and was involved in curricular matters as well. I also oversaw the budget, and collaborated with sister campus UC-Boulder on joint research and teaching projects. Was involved in the tenure and promotion process as well as the hiring of new faculty and instructors. As tenured full professor, I teach courses in physics and astronomy, and direct undergraduates in independent study research projects that may lead to a bachelor’s thesis. Am conducting theoretical and observational research on the nature of extragalactic radio jets and lobes, and other unusual morphologies of active galaxies. Am conducting observational research in flux variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and coordination with high energy groups in Target of Opportunity observations (ToO). DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY TENURED ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE (1984 - 1997) DIRECTOR, BRADLEY OBSERVATORY * * * Responsibilities included establishing curriculum, teaching and involving the students in research projects. Also involved in advising majors. Chairman from 1990-1996. Have conducted photometric monitoring of AGN to detect outburst activity. Theoretical work done on radio jets and lobes. Responsible for maintenance and upkeep of Bradley Observatory’s 30-inch telescope, public outreach to civic groups and organizations, and community open houses. RESEARCH GRANTS 1. Two JPL proposals awarded for Cray-XMP time for $ 200,000 (1986, 1987) at the San Diego Supercomputer Center to do hydrodynamic simulations of very heavy extragalactic jets. 2. Research Corporation grant for $16,000 (1989, 1990) awarded for developing and implementing image processing CCD photometric techniques to AGN at Agnes Scott College. 3. Research grants (1985, 1986, 1990, 1994) totaling $ 25,650 awarded from Agnes Scott College for research at MIT, and for involving college students and high school teachers in research. 4. AAS Small Research Grants (1986-1994) totaling $5,200 for research on AGN and radio jets. 5. Instrument grant (1995) totaling $ 10,000 for the purchase of several small telescopes and a CCD camera. 6. ROSAT grant (1996) of $ 10,000 for taking X-ray images of 3C 120, and data analysis at the SAO. 7. ISO proposal grant (1998) of $ 1,000 for taking IR target of opportunity images for photometry of AGN. 8. Research grants (1998-9, 2000-2) totaling $ 8,000 awarded from the University of Colorado for research involving college students. 9. Equipment grant from the University of Colorado in 2003 totaling $ 35,000 for the department. RECENT INVITED TALKS United States Air Force Academy (2002) University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (1998) AGN conference in Girona, Spain (1996) Georgia State University (1990, 1996) Oxford University (1995) Florida International University (1994) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (1990) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1989, 1990) EDUCATION, MASSACHUSETTS INTSTITUE OF TECHNOLOGY Postdoctoral work carried out in the summers of 1984-1986, 1989-90 at MIT on scattering models of X-ray emission from M82 and on dynamical model of emission from radio galaxies. Engaged in computer simulations on Cray-XMP of radio jet of Hercules A at Caltech/JPL in summers of 1987 and 1988. Ph.D. in Physics, 1984. Research under Professor Philip Morrison on the dynamic evolution of extragalactic jets, particularly the one in 3C 273. Also investigated the origin of the diffuse isotropic extragalactic gamma-ray background. Observational work of photometric measurements made on 3C 273 during a flare. B.S. in Physics, 1977. Broad curriculum in physics. Bachelor's thesis in high energy astrophysics particularly in X-ray binaries; research under Professors Kenneth Brecher and Philip Morrison. HONORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Who's Who in the World (1995, 1998-9, 2001-2, 2004-5), the South and Southwest (1997, 1994), in America (1987-8, 2001-4). Science and Engineering (1991, 1994-5, 1997-9, 2002-5), and Frontiers of Science and Technology (1987), American Education (2004-5). Summer Faculty Fellow at Caltech/JPL (1987, 1988). Review member for NASA Astrophysics Data Program (1993), IUE/EUVE Program (1993), and Astrophysics Theory Program (1994). Member of scientific organizing committee for Blazars, Black Holes and Jets in Girona, Spain (1996). Textbook reviewer for James Fix, Astronomy, Journal to the Cosmic Frontier (Mosby, 1995). Textbook reviewer for Giambattista, Richardson, and Richardson, College Physics (McGraw Hill, 2003-4). PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lifetime member of Sigma Xi Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Full member of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)