KinderCare Learning Center
5 Post Office Square
Serves ages 6 weeks to Pre-K, after-school to age 6
Full-day & part-time, year round program w/summer camps
Acton Barn Co-op Nursery School 978-263-0486
32 Nagog Park
Serves ages 2.9 to 5 in morning and afternoon programs.
School year only. Extended day available
Acton Cooperative School
592 Massachusetts Avenue
Serves ages 2.10 to pre-K
Morning, afternoon & extended day programs, school year only
Acton Montessori Children’s House 978-263-4333
537 Massachusetts Avenue
Serves ages 2.9-K
Morning, afternoon, full day, extended day
Carol P. Huebner Preschool
978-264-4700 x3268
Acton Public Schools, 15 Charter Road
Serves 3 to 5 Years http://ab.mec.edu/preschool/index.htm
Morning, afternoon or full-day; Monday thru Thursday
Classes include children who are developing typically and those
with identified special needs. Highly trained staff with low staffstudent ratio. Typically developing students may be eligible for
sliding scale fee.
Blossom Station Child Care Center 978-266-2779
20 Main Street (Rte. 27)
Serves ages 6 weeks to 7 years, with after-school up to 9 ½.
Pre-K, and Reggio Emilia kindergarten
Full-day, year-round program with summer enrichment.
Optional hot lunch program
Infant Toddler Children’s Center
149 Central Street
Serves ages 3 mos. to 5 years, after-school care for K-3rd
Enrollment minimum of 8 hrs/wk, up to full time
Reggio Emilia-inspired program with summer enrichment
CBE Early Learning Center
133 Prospect Street
Serves ages 15 mos. to 5 years
Part-day and full-day programs, school year or full year
Emergent curriculum interpreted through the lens of Jewish values.
KinderCare Learning Center
90 Hayward Road
Serves ages 6 weeks to pre-K, with after-school care K-6th
Full-day or part-time, year-round program with summer camps
Learn and Play Preschool
245 Main Street www.learnandplaypreschool.com
Serves 15 Mos. to 5 Years for full or half days
Full-year or school-year programs
Mt. Calvary Christian School
472 Mass. Avenue (P.O. Box 986) www.mtcalvaryacton.org
Serves ages 2.9 to 5 years
Morning program, with optional stay and play
Transitional kindergarten for children turning 5 by Jan. 30.
School year program
Nanny’s House Large Family Child Care 978-264-0625
4 Oakwood Road
Full-day or part-time program for newborns thru preschool
Home-cooked meals provided
Nashoba Valley Children’s Center 978-263-2902
12 Rear Concord Rd
Serves ages 2.9 to 5 www.nashobavalleychildrenscenter.org
Morning program, with optional Afternoon Adventures
Adventures with Learning Family Child Care
10 Genetti Circle
Licensed family child care providing care for 6 children, age
infant thru 9. Meals provided.
Year round, summer only, or school calendar schedules.
Bedford Children’s Center
402 Concord Road
Serves newborn to Pre-K, with after-school care for K-5th
½-Day Montessori preschool.
Full year program with summer options
Bedford High Integrated Preschool 781-275-1700 x4110
9 Mudge Way
Serves 3 to 5 Year Olds.
Morning program with extended day option.
This preschool program is designed to meet the needs of
special education students, while providing peer modeling in
a supported environment so that all children can be
successful and learn and develop at their own pace given
their unique learning styles. School year only program.
Bedford Montessori School
8 Alfred Circle
Serves ages 3 to 6 in mixed-age classrooms, full/ half days
Early drop-off and after-school care available
School year only program
Bright Horizons at Crosby
30 Crosby Drive
Serves 6 weeks thru Pre-K, from 7:00 to 6:00
After-school care to age 7, Emergency drop-in care.
Full year program
Gina Cook Family Childcare
7 Richard Road
Licensed family child care providing care for up to 10 children.
Growing Well Preschool Program
English-Russian immersion and Music Together preschool.
Inch by Inch Child Development Center 781-271-0800
19 Crosby Drive
Serves 2 mos. to Pre-K, with before/after-school to age 6
Full year program with summer camp
Open Arms Christian Preschool
426 Davis Road
Serves children age 2.9 thru Pre-K
Morning program with optional stay and play
School year only program
St. Paul’s Weekday Nursery School 781-275-1383
100 Pine Hill Road
Serves children ages 2.9 to 6 years
Morning program w/ optional lunch or afternoon enrichment
School year only program
Step by Step Family Child Care
65 Hancock Street
Licensed family child care providing care for up to 10 children,
ages 15 mos. to kindergarten
Morning or full-day programs, open Monday thru Thursday
The Goddard School
52 Middlesex Turnpike
Serves ages 6 weeks thru kindergarten
Full year program with summer enrichment up to age 6
The LEAP School Bedford
376 Concord Road
Serves age 15 mos. thru kindergarten
Full and partial-day programs
Fall/Spring sessions, and Summer Fun in Arts & Nature
Boxborough Children Center
723 Massachusetts Ave. www.boxborochildrencenter.org
Serves children age 2.9 to 5, and after-school for K thru 6th
School year program, with weekly summer camps available
Blanchard Early Childhood Program 978-263-4569 x201
493 Mass. Ave
Serves 3 and 4 year olds
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00-2:00 (8:45 transition to preschool)
Extended day option 7:00-5:00 (978-263-4569 x136)
Bright Horizons Family Solutions 978-263-6445
20 Codman Hill Rd http://centers.brighthorizons.com/boxborough
Serves ages 6 weeks to Pre-K from 7:00 to 6:00
Infants, toddlers and their parents are taught sign language
Science lab, garden, library, music & movement zone.
Full-day, part-time, and drop-in back-up care for
emergencies and school vacations available
Carlisle Kids’ House
142 East Street
Serves ages 2.9 to Pre-K, and after-school for K thru 6th
Full and partial-day schedules, using Harcourt curriculum
School year program, with preschool or school-age summer
camp available
Carlisle Integrated Preschool
83 School St. www.carlisle.k12.ma.us/school/sped/sped.html
Serves 3 and 4 year olds
Morning program with lunch option
M-W-F program for typically developing children
Integrated learning environment providing special needs
students the opportunity to learn and grow alongside their
typically developing peers.
Noah’s Ark Nursery School
147 School St. (P.O. Box 195) www.noahsarknurseryschool.org
Serves toddlers thru Pre-K in morning programs with
optional extended days
Christian philosophy, school year only program
The Children’s Place
54 Carleton Street www.thechildrensplacecarlisle.com
Serves ages 2 mos. to Pre-K
Full year program
A Place to Grow Afterschool
235 Sudbury Road www.aplacetogrowchildcare.com
Afterschool program for K thru 5th
Open 12:00 to 6:00 p.m.
A Place to Grow
40 Strawberry Hill Road www.aplacetogrowchildcare.com
Serves infants thru Pre-K with a Montessori preschool
Full year program with morning or full-day participation
Concord Carousel Preschool
1276 Main Street
Serves ages 2.9 to 5 years
Morning program with optional stay & play or stay & swim
School year program, with summer options
Concord Children’s Center-Emerson 978-369-0492
134 Old Rd to 9 Acre Cor www.concordchildrenscenter.org
Serves ages 10 weeks to 2.9
Full or partial day, full year program
Concord Children’s Center-Ripley 978-369-5983
120 Meriam Road www.concordchildrenscenter.org
Serves ages 10 wks thru preschool and after-school K-2nd
Summer program available in one-week sessions
Full or partial day, full year program
Concord Children’s Center-W. Concord 978-369-6790
1300 Main St. (Rte. 62) www.concordchildrenscenter.org
Serves ages 10 wks. to 5 and after-school K-2nd grade
Summer program available in one-week sessions
Full or partial day, full year program
Concord Montessori School
29 Domino Dr., 2nd Fl. www.concordmontessorischool.org
Serves 1.9 to 6 year olds in mixed age classrooms
September thru May program
Concord Public Schools Preschool 978-202-1148
120 Meriam Road
Serves children 3 and 4 year olds on Sept. 1
Morning or afternoon sessions
Summer program for children with IEP’s only.
Preschool classroom comprised of both children who are
developing within age expectations and children who are in need of
specialized speech/language, physical, occupational therapies.
The Learning Experience
130A Baker Ave. Extension www.thelearningexperience.com
Serves ages 6 weeks thru kindergarten and after-school to 8
Fun with Phonics curriculum, Jellybean Junction programs
onsite and included
Full year program, full– or part-time participation
Evergreen Garden Playschool
270 Barnum Rd, Devens www.evergreengardenplayschool.org
Parent-child program for birth-3 years.
2-, 3- or 4-day preschool program. 4-day kindergarten.
Some extended days offered. A Waldorf school offering
school-year program and 3-week summer program.
Harvard Integrated Preschool
978-456-4145 x246
27 Mass. Avenue www.psharvard.org (“Hildreth School”)
Serves 3 to 5 year olds
4-day afternoon or 5-day morning programs
This school-year program utilizes a developmental approach
in addressing a child’s cognitive, physical, social, emotional
and creative needs. Learning activities are responsive to the
abilities & interests of each child within a diverse population.
Kathy’s Kids: Play & Learn Together 978-505-2290
399 Old Bedford Road Kathy@playandlearntogether.com
Serves 1 to 5 year olds (infants if space allows)
Full year morning program, with extended day to 5:30
The Barn School
33 Ayer Road (P.O. Box 522) www.thebarnschool.org
Serves preschoolers age 2.9 to 4 in a morning program
Before and after kindergarten care 7:30-5:30
School year only
Milldam Nursery School, Inc.
20 Lexington Rd. http://milldamnurseryschool.squarespace.com
Serves preschoolers age 2.6 to 5
Morning program with optional extended days to 12:50/ 2:50
Cooperative model, school year only program
The Cheshire Barn
68 Littleton Road
Serves ages 3 years to kindergarten
Extended day available. Varied Summer Camp programs
available for 2 yr olds to 4th graders (978-821-3099)
Nashoba Brooks School
200 Strawberry Hill Rd
Morning preschool serves ages 3 and up, with after-school care
until 5:45. Full-day kindergarten.
Independent school is co-ed thru grade 3, girls thru grade 8.
Summer program available in 2-wk sessions for ages 3-14
Village Nursery School
40 Poor Farm Rd (P.O. Box 184) www.villagenurseryschool.org
Serves 2.9 thru Pre-K in 1– to 4-day morning programs
Optional extended days 8:00-5:00.
Afternoon Kind. Enrichment. Fun Friday Drop-in 9-1:00.
Summer program in June.
The Barn Coop. Nursery School
74 Walden Street
Serves 2 year olds in a twice weekly morning program
Serves 3 & 4 year olds in a multi-age morning program
Optional lunch or 3:00 extended day. School year only.
The Children’s Meetinghouse
1400 Lowell Road www.thechildrensmeetinghouse.org
Serves ages 4 mos. to 5
Full or half-day programs, extended day options
Emergent curriculum, School year only
The LEAP School Concord
54 Walden Street
Serves ages 15 mos. to kindergarten, and after-school kind.
Full and partial day programs
Fall and spring sessions, with Summer Fun in Arts & Nature
Drumlin Farm Community Preschool 781-259-2224
208 South Great Road
Serves ages 3 to 5 by September 1
Morning and afternoon sessions, or full day Mon-Thurs
Nature-based curriculum with farm chores and wildlife
School year only
Lincoln Country Day School
147 Concord Road
Serves ages 2.9 to Pre-K
Morning programs with optional stay & play until 1:00 or 2:00
School year only
Lincoln Nursery School
14 Bedford Rd (P.O. Box 6075) www.lincolnnurseryschool.org
Serves ages 2.9 to 5* in morning programs.
Optional extended playground, lunch, or 3:00 pickup
*One 4- & 5-yr-old class is located at DeCordova Museum
Reggio Emilia inspired, cooperative model program.
School year, w/ six weeks of morning summer camp options
Lincoln Public Schools Preschool 781-259-9889
6 Ballfield Road and Hanscom AFB
Serves ages 3 to 5
www.lincnet.org (choose “Schools”)
Full inclusion, school year program for residents of Lincoln and
Hanscom AFB. Typically developing children are enrolled on a
tuition and space-available basis for mornings or afternoons
Magic Garden Children’s Center
6 Ballfield Road (P.O. Box 34) www.magic-garden.org
Serves ages 18 mos. thru Pre-K
Full year program, with extended days from 7:30 am to 6 pm
The Teddy Bear Club
239 Concord Road
Serves ages 2-5 years
French/English bilingual preschool program.
Discovery Stages Family Child Care 978-952-0119
44 Gilson Road
Full day program licensed for 10 children
Oak Meadow School
2 Old Pickard Lane
Serves ages 2.9 to 6 in a multi-age classroom
Morning, afternoon (2-, 3-, and 5-day options) or full days
Extended day available, Summer program available
Shaker Lane Nursery & Pre-K Programs 978-486-8951
35 Shaker Lane
www.littletonps.org (choose “schools”)
Half days, T-W-Th for 3 yr olds, 4-days for 4 yr. olds
Full-day 5-day program
School year only unless student has a full-year IEP
Language-based curriculum where children learn through play
“centers” within the classroom. Additionally, some children receive
support therapies which are integrated into the program.
The Learning Experience
206 Great Road
Serves ages 6 weeks thru kindergarten
Before- & after-school care for Shaker Lane elementary school 6:30
am to 6:30 pm
Fun with Phonics curriculum, full year program
Green Meadow Preschool
5 Tiger Drive www.maynardschools.org (“For Families”)
Serves ages 3 to 5 in morning or afternoon programs
This school-year, integrated program is staffed by highly educated
specialists believing each child is an individual with distinct
abilities and needs.
Knowledge Beginnings
4 Clock Tower Pl., Ste 100 www.knowledgebeginnings.com
Serves ages 6 weeks to kindergarten with school-age
before/after care from 6:30 to 6:00
Full year, with summer options for preschool thru school age
The Community School
80 Main St. (P.O. Box 111) www.communityschoolmaynard.com
Serves ages 2.9 to 5
Morning program for 2, 3 or 4 days
Creative Curriculum, school year only
Children’s Horizons Preschool www.childrenshorizons.com
353 Great Road (P.O. Box 382), Stow 978-897-0748
673 Main Street, Bolton
Serves ages 2.9 to Pre-K
2– or 3-day morning programs, school year only. Extended
days and 4 or 5-day programs available.
Kids-A-Lot Country Day School
109 Red Acre Road
Serves ages 3 mos. to kindergarten, with before/after
kindergarten enrichment
Full day is 9:00-3:00, with extended day 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Nashoba Regional Integrated Preschool 978-779-0539
Programs located in Bolton, Lancaster and Stow
Serves children 3 or 4 years old by August 31st.
Two– to five-day programs, 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 hours per day
For residents of Stow, Bolton and Lancaster, these are
integrated classrooms for typically developing as well as
children who receive various types of therapies in the
classroom. School year only. www.nrsd.net
Steppingstones School
23 Gleasondale Rd.
Serves ages 2.9 thru Kindergarten
First Step playgroup on Thursdays for 2.9 thru age 3
Step 1 preschool is MTW, 9-12:00, extended option to 3:00
Step 2 pre-K is MTWTh 9-12, extended option up until 3:00
Step3 Kind. enhancement TWTh 9-12 or 12-3
Aruna’s Place for Children
8 Stone Road
Serves ages 2.9 to Pre-K from 9:00-1:00
Extended day available 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Before/after school thru age 9. Weekly summer programs.
Bright Horizons @ Sudbury Center 978-440-7817
56C Union Ave
Serves ages 6 weeks to Pre-K from 7:00-6:00
Back-up emergency/vacation/snow-day care program
Art , Spanish, yoga, martial arts included. Full year.
Kids Corner at the Pines
978-443-4646 x218
642 Boston Post Road http://sudburypines.com/?page_id=182
Serves ages 4 weeks to 7 years
Full- and part-time days available. Full year program.
Intergenerational program w/ Sudbury Pines Extended Care
Little Hands Academy
31B Union Avenue
Serves infants thru Pre-K
Reggio Emilia curriculum, with a weekly summer program for ages
My Montessori School
142 North Road www.mymontessoriofwoburn.com
Serves 18 mos. to 3 for toddler program
Ages 3-6 primary program.
5 days per week. Half-, full- and extended-day.
Next Generation Children’s Center 978-440-9494
307 Boston Post Road
Serves ages 8 weeks to kindergarten from 7:00-6:00
Meals and snacks provided
Full year, with 2-wk. summer sessions available for ages 4-7
Orchard Hill Learning Center for Children 978-218-3005
761 Boston Post Rd http://orchardhilllearningcenter.com
Serves age 6 weeks to junior kindergarten, from 7:30-6:00
Intergenerational program w/ Orchard Hill Living community
Full day, full year program
Parks and Recreation Preschool Program 978-443-1092
40 Fairbanks Rd www.sudbury.ma.us/services/recreation
Serves 2 yr olds with a 10-wk. 2-hr drop-off program.
Serves 3 yr olds with a 10-wk. 3-hr. drop-off program.
Other weekly enrichment programs available for ages 3 to 6.
School year program w/ separate summer activity schedule.
Sudbury Cooperative Preschool
6 Church Street (P.O. Box 123) www.sudburycoop.org
Serves age 2 to Pre-K in a morning program
Optional stay & play October to May for children 33+ months
School year only
Sudbury Integrated Preschool
Noyes and Nixon Elementary Schools
www.sudbury.k12.ma.us (choose “Departments, ECE”)
Serves 3 (by October 1) and 4 year olds in half-day program
Integrated preschool program blends children with identified special
needs with tuitioned peers. Highly specialized staff of special
educators, therapists, tutors & assistants. Develop- mentally
appropriate activities address self-help skills, social & language
skills, fine and gross motor activities. School yr.
Sunny Hill Preschool
251 Old Sudbury Road
Accepts 2.9 thru Kind. entrance for mornings or afternoons
Optional stay & play. Academics taught thru purposeful play
School year with 4 individual weeks of Summer Fun
Sudbury Children’s Learning Center 978-369-4045
142-Q North Road
Serves ages 6 weeks to Pre-K
Creative Curriculum, half– and full-day programs
The LEAP School Sudbury
123 Dakin Road
Serves ages 15 mos. to Pre-K, and after-school kind.
Full and partial day programs
Fall and spring sessions, with Summer Fun in Arts & Nature
WoodsEdge Children’s Center
41 Prides Crossing (P.O. Box 229) www.woodsedgechild.com
Serves ages 2 months to kindergarten readiness
Half-, ¾- and full-day programs
Full year program
Acorn Childcare Center
493 Littleton Road
Serves infants thru Pre-K in full- or partial-day programs
Full year program, with summer camp available
Child Care Center, Inc.
21 Carlisle Road
Serves infants thru Pre-K. Meals and snacks provided.
Full year, full day program, with drop-in and temporary care
slots available
Westford KinderCare
26 Carlisle Road
Serves age 6 weeks thru kindergarten. Before/after-school
and school vacation care to age 12 with bussing.
Full day, full year program with meals and snacks provided,
as well as cooking, science and Spanish.
Nashoba Valley Early Learning Center 978-692-6036
14 S. Chelmsford Rd
Serves 15 mos to 5 years in 2, 3, or 5-day options.
School year program.
Next Generation Children’s Center 978-692-1030
9-13 Powers Road
Serves infants thru Kindergarten
Full day, full year program with meals and snacks provided
2-week summer sessions available up to age 9
Roudenbush Early Childhood Cntrs www.roudenbush.org
73 Main Street
This program serves ages 6 wks thru 5 years, and
before/after kindergarten care
2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-day options. Full-day, full year program
65 Main Street & 170 Plain Road
These programs serve ages 2 (by Sept. 1) to Pre-K with
part-time preschool.
1– to 4-day options, mornings or afternoons
The Goddard School
162 Concord Road
Serves infants thru Pre-K
2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-day, full– or half-time programs
Full year, with summer camp available
Westford Children’s Learning Center 978-392-2090
508 Groton Road
Serves ages 6 weeks thru Full-day Kindergarten
Open 7:00-6:30, Before-school care up to age 8.
Kindergarten surround care w/bussing from 3 schools.
Creative Curriculum, half– and full-day programs
Westford Integrated Preschool
978-692-5560 x2132
23 Depot St. www.westfordk12.us/pages/preschool/index
Serves 3 and 4 year olds with full– and half-day programs
Inclusive program that nurtures each child’s unique skills, helping
them to reach their full potential. School year only.
Westford Preschool at St. Marks 978-392-1565
75 Cold Spring Road
Serves ages 2.9 thru Pre-K in morning programs
Optional lunch bunch, enrichment, and extended day from 8:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. School year program
You can search for Licensed Family Child Care Programs
within a geographic area on the Mass. Dept. of Early
Education and Care’s website: www.mass.gov/eec
Council of Social Concern
2 Merrimac Street,Woburn, 781-935-6495 x216
Subsidized family child care is available in:
Acton, Maynard, Stow, Hudson and Marlboro.
Full year programs for children 2 mos. to 6 years.
Tuition based on income.
Nashoba Valley Family Child Care Association
148 Spectacle Pond Road, Littleton
Massachusetts residents should call: 211 to be screened for
eligibility for childcare subsidy vouchers. If eligible you will
be referred to one of the regional childcare offices below to
be entered onto the statewide wait list for a voucher.
Acton, Ayer, Bolton, Boxboro, Concord, Groton,
Harvard, Hudson, Littleton, Maynard, Sudbury, Stow:
Child Care Resources
Pam Torres: ptorres@sevenhills.org
799 W. Boylston St, Worcester, and
1480 John Fitch Highway, Fitchburg
Bedford, Billerica, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Lincoln,
Tyngsboro, Westford:
Child Care Circuit
Maida Collins: mcollins@childcarecircuit.org
90 Hampshire St, Lawrence
978-686-4288 or 800-660-2868
Updated March 2015
Financial Assistance for Families
Needing Early Education and Care or After-School Programs
The Department of Early Education and Care
(EEC) provides financial assistance to eligible
families seeking child care services. Families must
generally meet income and activity requirements to
be eligible for EEC financial assistance. Due to
limited funding, eligible families may be placed on
the EEC waiting list for financial assistance until
funding becomes available.
1) Income Requirement
Use the income eligibility table to see if your
income meets the criteria for assistance:
2) Activity Requirement
If you meet the income requirement above, all
parents/guardians in the household must also be
participating in one of the following activities:
 Working, seeking employment, or enrolled
in an education or training program (not
including graduate, law or medical school)
for at least 20 hours per week for part-time
care, and at least 30 hours per week for
full-time care.
 Retired (if older than 65 years only)
 You or your child has a diagnosed and
documented disability or special need.
Families declaring special needs or
disability of a child must have a licensed
health care professional complete a
verification form.
Families should know that the wait list included
30,000 families as of June 2013, so if you
anticipate needing this assistance you should apply
as soon as possible. You can contact the two
Regional Resource and Referral Agencies listed
above, or First Connections to apply for a subsidy.
If you contact our office (978-287-0221 or
lmatthews@jri.org) we will mail you an
application. When the form is returned to us we
can enter you onto the statewide list.
3) Citizenship
Documentation of citizenship or immigration
status of each child seeking financial assistance,
including birth certificates, passports, or
report of birth abroad is required.
4) Priority Status
There are 6 categories of eligibility that
receive priority status in determining
recipients of available funding for child care
subsidies. They are:
a) Homeless families
b) Families receiving protective
services through the Department of
Children and Families
c) Teen parents participating in a high
school diploma, GED, higher
education training, or work program.
d) Families participating in the
employment services program
through the Department of
Transitional Assistance.
e) Families who already have a sibling
using a voucher for child care
f) Families seeking childcare for a
foster child.
All other families who do not fit a priority
status above will be entered on the list as a
“General Status” low income family.
Important – Yearly Updates!
If your status changes at any point, you
should notify the office you filed your
application with so that your information can
be updated. It is also important for you to
make sure your telephone, mailing, and
emailing information is up to date in case
funding becomes available, such as for
summer programs. If you receive a
letter/email asking for updated information
and you do not return it you could lose your
place on the list.