DISABILITY RESEARCH AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT Newsletter INTRODUCTION Established on 03/12/2005, DRD is a non-governmental and non-profit organization working for the rights of PWDs and operated by people with disabilities (PWDs). DRD and the community are building a support model based on the rights of PWDs in an effort to foster equal opportunities for PWDs, encourage and create favorable conditions for PWDs to participate fully in all activities like other members in society. Until now, DRD has been suppported over 3,500 PWDs in HCM City and a network of over 30 disability groups in the southern of Vietnam. With many diverse services of providing internships, employment, skills training, advocacy campaign, moving assistance, scholarships, computers, assistive devices, consultation, peer counseling, propagations, seminars and events raising awareness on disability issues, ... DRD is rated as one of 20 nongovernmental organizations that efficiently operate in Vietnam and is the leading one in supporting PWDs to integrate into the community. DRD would like to send to all sponsors, partners, friends and PWDs community the Newsletter as a channel of information sharing. Kind Regards. November and December 2015 In this issues One world for all – a shared dream: a cheerful festival for people with disabilities (Page.2) The path to the social inte- gration of People with disabilities is still full of challenges (Page.2) DRD, recipient of the 2015 Global Award (Page 3) Meeting of students with disabilities (Page 3) People with disabilities – Challenges and Opportunities of Employment (Page 4) American Master Chef- winner in 2012, Christine Ha, talks with students and people with disabilities (Page 4) Training Course: “Empowering for Women with Disabilities” (Page 5) Training Course - Subject: “ Strengthen Capacity for Students with Disabilities” (Page 5) One World for All – A shared dream (Page 6) Donate list 1forchange campaign (Page 6) Vietnamese-American master chef urges people with disabilities to ‘keep moving' (Page 7) USAID program benefits people with disabilities in VN (Page 7) Recruitment Advertisement: Online Marketing Role (Page 8) Recruitment Advertisement: Data Conversion (Page 8) Photo: Mrs Tôn Nữ Thị Ninh – Ex-Vice Chairwoman of Commission of Foreign Affairs, National Assembly, spoke at the event 2.The path to the social inte- gration of People with disabilities is still full of challenges On November 1, 2015, Ms. Vo Thi Hoang Yen – founder of DRD organized a meeting with the youth group Dot Pha, the Club of women with disabilities, the group Independent Living, the cultural club for people with hearing impairment of HCMC and some new members of DRD. Photo: Mrs Tôn Nữ Thị Ninh – Ex-Vice Chairwoman of Commission of Foreign Affairs, National Assembly, spoke at the event 1.One world for all – a shared dream: a cheerful festival for people with disabilities On the evening of December 2, 2015, thousands of people showed up for the “One world for all – a shared dream” program was run by DRD. This event belongs to a series celebrating DRD’s 10th anniversary (2005-2015) as well as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). In the afternoon, 21 handmade shops including quilling, butterfly picture, knitted Ao Dai, woodburn frame, embroidery picture, oil painting, etc… had also been set up at The Youth’s Culture House (4 Pham Ngoc Thach, District 1, HCMC) to introduce products made by people with disabilities to the community. Besides, the program also exhibited photos that mark the 10-year milestone DRD has work for PWDs and one section representing the clubs, groups and organizations of PWDs in HCMC and Lam Dong Province. practical activities such as: opening a library with more than 12,000 books about disability and social work, development web pages, forums( also containing technical law and policy ones) with 19,000 visitors/year. DRD has also founded PWDs Business Club, Job Seeking Club, and Career Advice Group for PWDs to counsel, give job seeking skills training classes, and introduce jobs for PWDs. Up to now there are more than 1,000 PWDs getting careers guidance from DRD, 266 PWDs with stable jobs and 50 businesses participating in DRD’s PWDs recruit network. From the four original dedicated members, DRD now has built up a network of PWDs in the South with 35 groups and organizations of more than 3,500 members. Besides the training programs and career guidance, DRD has also granted “Companion scholarship” each month for 300 students with disabilities needing financial supports, provides splints, wheelchairs, computers, recorders for 600 poor PWDs in HCMC… Moreover, the “Motorbike Taxi” project has given free transportation to PWDs and the “Independent Living” program has provied consulting between PWDs who share similar situation, personal assistants (PAs), independent living skills training class… DRD was officially founded on Dec 3, 2005 (under the supervision of Center of Social Work Practice, HCMC Open University ) with four members, all PWDs. In their efforts to change society’s perception of PWDs, DRD operated >> Read more Activities During the meeting, Ms. Hoang Yen shared the positive changes related to people with disabilities (PWDs) in Vietnam as the government recently established a National Commission on Disability. Vietnam also signed the International Convention on Rights of PWDs as well as the Law on PWDs. All these elements allow a better attention and enforcement as before. However, nongovernmental organizations and non-profits are facing a reduction of funding to implement activities in favor of vulnerable groups, including PWDs. Because of that, PWDs will have to work harder to increase their recognition and have more skills to integrate into society. Overview of the meeting According to a survey of almost 1,800 public buildings in District 1, District 3 and District 10 of HCMC made by DRD in 2012, only 78 of these facilities were adapted and accessible for PWDs. As you can see, the lack of suitable and accessible living spaces affects a lot their integration. DRD hopes that the community can understand, share and support the organization to have more suitable activities places for PWDs. >>Read more 2 4. Meeting of students with disabilities In the morning of the 19th December 2015, the team for the project “support for students with disabilities (SWDs) organized a meeting with 20 participants, including SWDs and volunteers from the different universities and colleges in HCMC. The meeting took place at Disability Research and Capacity Development center– The singing group Life is Beautiful receiving its award 3.DRD, recipient of the 2015 Global Award DRD, she has contributed to improve the lives of people with disabilities through capacity building activities and the organiOn November 14, 2015 at the Canary Club zation of communication campaigns to Hall of Tan Tao University, the Disability change the perception of society on issues Research and Capacity Development Cen- related to disabilities. The singer Thuy Tien ter (DRD) has the honor to receive the and the group Life is Beautiful won a Muprestigious Global Award funded by Pro- sic award thanks to their efforts to overDRD. The aim of the meeting was to introduce the project of support for SWDs and understand the needs of the participants to make the activities suitable for them. There was also a lively discussion about aims and ideas for the upcoming projects, planning the first 6 months of 2016: trainings for organizational skills, information about policies and laws for PWDs, building competence for independent living… In the following there will be more activities for SWDs for connection and development of competences. >> Read more fessor Bui Duy Tam and the Twinning Com- come their difficulties to positively contribmittee between San Francisco – USA and ute to change the image that community HCMC. The first prize was awarded in 2011 has about disability. Life is Beautiful is the with the purpose to honor organizations first and unique singing group of people and Vietnamese or American citizens who with disabilities in Vietnam. They did not made important contributions to the Viet- follow a professional training but it is namese community. After two successful through their passion, effort and love as organizations in 2011 and 2013, this year well as the tutoring of other singers, the the award honored 11 individuals and orgroup gradually won the hearts of the maganizations who achieved special efforts in jority of the spectators. In addition to perthe fields of science, art, culture, educa- forming at the club Life is Beautiful, the tion, medicine, architecture and social group also performed in several universiactivities. ties in HCMC, in industrial areas, in charity Mrs. Vo Thi Hoang Yen – Founder and Di- programs to inspire many people. The US rector of the Disability Research and Ca- Consulate invited the group to sing the pacity Development Center (DRD) received national anthem of Vietnam for the 20th the Humanitarian Award for her work in anniversary of the establishment of diplofavor of people with disabilities in Vi- matic relationship between Vietnam and etnam. During the past 10 years, with the United States. >> Read more Activities 3 6. American Master Chef-winner in 2012, Christine Ha, talks with students and people with disabilities Mrs. Kieu Dung – HR advisor for Jia Hsin Cie have an employment network. But when PWDs came to see us, they shared their fears about this issue. So we decided to write a project and searched for support. The Embassy of Ireland funded the project. During the Last November 18, 2015, the Disability implementation of the project, DRD Research and Capacity Development realized that help PWDs to find a job Center (DRD) organized a workshop was one of our mission.” entitled “People with disabilities According to Mr. Le Huu Thuong (in (PWDs) – Challenges and Opportuni- charge of the employment network of ties of Employment” at Ramana Hotel, DRD), in addition of a low education 323 Le Van Sy, District 3, HCMC. level, the lack of confidence and a senThe purpose of this workshop was to timent of guilt are also causing difficulintroduce the role of job centers re- ties for PWDs to find a job. The level garding employment opportunities for and type of disability are also a limitapeople with disabilities, to listen the tion for opportunities in the choice of a sharing of businesses about hiring peo- career. It is really more difficult for a ple with disabilities and to learn more person with a weakened hand, a perabout the role of PWDs in employment son with visual or hearing impairment… to find a job than a person with issues. weakened legs. Besides, the issue of The participants were representatives infrastructure such as not adapted from job centers of South Vietnam, or- transport or environment in the workganizations of people with disabilities place also created obstacles for PWDs of the South, representatives of busi- to travel and maintain long-term jobs. A nesses employing PWDs through DRD normal training course lasts only 3 network, people with disabilities and months or 6 months don’t bring effecorganizations supporting PWDs in tive results to PWDs or unsuitable skills HCMC, clubs of businesses managed regarding the needs of employers. by PWDs in HCMC. >> Read more Opening the workshop, Ms Luu Thi Anh Loan (Director of DRD) shared that: “At the beginning, DRD didn’t 5.People with disabilities – Challenges and Opportunities of Employment Activities On the morning of the 17th December 2015, nearly 200 people, including people with disabilities (PWDs), volunteers, students, representatives of the US Consulate and the staff of Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD), came to Hoa Sen University (8 Nguyen Van Trang, district 1)to meet and listen to Christine Ha – Winner of the American Master Chef TV-Show in 2012. This event was organized by DRD and the Hoa Sen University. Christine Ha let us know: “I lost my vision as a studentand every day I had to draw on my whole strength to adapt to the loss. Withthe support of organizations like DRD, in the US, I learned to live independently.” >> Read more 4 8. Training Course Subject: “ Strengthen Capacity for Students with Disabilities” On 26 and 27 Dec 2015, Disability Research & Capacity Develop- ment (DRD) held a training course which was financed by Settle International Foundation for members of both Chung Suc Club ( Dong Thap University) and Students with Disabilities Club (Can Tho University) with the topic: “ Strengthen Capacity for Students with Disabilities” at Cong Doan Hotel (Can Tho City). This course was aimed to help these 2 clubs identify not only their strengths and weaknesses but also supporting sources for development as well as how to draw up a worked-out strategy for the next year 2016. The speaker was Mr. Nguyen Quoc Giang, founder of Chung Suc Club and a postgraduate student of Social Service in Philippines. >> Read more Activities Participants joining Yoga class for PWD 7. Training Course: “Empowering for Women with Disabilities” In order to create opportunities for women with disabilities to improve their skills, from then on helping them be able to participate in activities equally like other members of society, DRD organized the training course: “Empowering for Women With Disabilities” (WWDs) nfrom Dec 12 to Dec 10, 2015 (three days) in Ho Chi Minh City. This program was sponsored by USAID and got technical supports from MIUSA organization. This training course was specifically designed for 17 young women with various types of disabilities: visual impairment, hearing impairment, hearing loss and mobility impairment. Under the instruction of Ms. Luu Thi Anh Loan (Director of DRD) and participants discussed about topics such as: leadership of WWD, supportive policies for people with disabilities (PWDs), as well as experienced leisure activities that WWDs had never done like Yoga and bowling. Club (Helping street children), guest of the course, talked about difficulties women have to face as a leader of a group. She said: “First and foremost social workers need to have the dedication and time for the kids, together with the group carefully plan to help them by the best mean. Always learn from your co-workers, from the street children, from short and long-termed courses to expand your knowledge and life experiences. As a leader you have to deeply listen and prove your words with specific actions. Women have our own distinct advantages, so make use of them wisely. ”The participants then had time to interview and learn from Ms. Hong Loan’s experiences. Nguyen Thi Tam, a student with visual impairment shared:” Listening to the guests’ talks, I realized that I myself have leadership potentials, but to do well I need to learn and work harder. I’ll try my best”. After three days of training course, DRD has received many more feedbacks from the participants, as well as suggestions to organize more practical activities for WWDs. DRD sincerely thanks MIUSA organization and the participants for helping and actively On morning Dec 8, Ms. Luong Hong joining this training course. Loan, Head of Cay Mai Social Work >>Read more 5 List of donrs for 1forchange campaign in November & December, 2015 1. Mr and Mrs Son and Huong (Switzerland) —580,000 VNĐ 2. Pham Hung — 100,000 VNĐ 3. Le Duy Linh —2,250,000 VNĐ 4. Đào Hồng Châu—13,000,000 VNĐ 5. Guest —2SGD 6. Guest —5AUD 7. Guest —10EUR 8. Guest —74USD 9. Guest in the event 2/12 —7,582,500 VNĐ Artists show performance 9.One World for All – A shared dream On the 2/12/2015, DRD organized the event “One World for All – A shared dream” in the cause of the United Nations’ international day for people with disabilities (PWDs) – and celebrated the tenth years of DRD. The event took place at the Youth Cultural House from 4pm to 10pm. There were booths selling products handcrafted by PWDs and information about the activities of PWDs in HCMC and the provinces. In the evening, the music show was designed towards the motto “One World for All”, as singers with and without disabilities performed together, showing that PWDs are a part of our community and have talents to contribute to society. The show acts – like the Flash mob or Hip hop performed vividly by youths with disabilities – convinced the audience. 10. Guest in the 5,497,000 VNĐ event 2/12 — confident and organize as well as participate in social activities. 11. Ms. Phuong Thao and her friends —2,000,000 VNĐ The event attracted more than 1,400 visitors, amongst them PWDs, university students as well as representatives of local and foreign NGOs like UNICEF, ILO or EMW. Furthermore, there were companies as well as individuals supporting the event, like the White Lion Communications Ltd., the Minh Tan Sound Light Equipment Ltd., the Anh Kim Service – Advertising and Designing Ltd., the DRAV Studio Version – for the stage effects: the music school MPU, the singing business group, MC Thanh Bạch, artist Thanh Thuỷ, and the singers Võ Hạ Trâm, Ngọc Mai, Hà Chương, Thế Vinh, Hà Văn Đông and many other singers. 12. Ms. Đo Thi Thanh Ha —2,000,000 VNĐ “One World for All – A shared dream” was organized to the policy of the community of advisors who supported DRD in the 10th years, so that DRD could organize the activities for PWDs. These activities helped PWDs to see DRD also shared their “dream” with the that there are more opportunities for PWDs to integrate into society even community. A dream that DRD and better. This motivates DRD to have many PWDs desire to build a cultural more projects and activities in the fucenter where PWDs can be selfture. >> Read more 1forchange campaign 13. Ms. Tran Trinh Hang—500,000 VNĐ 14. Ms. Trâm—200,000 VNĐ 15. Doctor Tuyet VNĐ Minh—5,000,000 16. Ms Thanh Tu —800,000 VNĐ 17. Mr. Truong Thanh Quoc—50,000 VNĐ 18. Ms. Hue Lien—150,000 VNĐ 19. Ms. Thuan—150,000 VNĐ 20. Ms. Thanh Nhung—100 USD 21. Ms. Minh Cầm—3,000,000 VNĐ 22. Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong—300,000 VNĐ 23. Youth with disability —700,000 VNĐ 24. Women with disability of HCM club —615,000 VNĐ 25. Mr. Nguyen Đuc Đai Duong – 630,000 VNĐ 26. Artist Buu Phung—7 USD and 360,000 VNĐ 27. Content Anpha freelance group— 500,000 VNĐ 6 2.USAID programme benefits people with disabilities in VN Thousands of people with disabilities in Viet Nam are enjoying better health and education, thanks to the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) persons with disabilities support programme. The three-year programme, launched in 2012, focuses on direct assistance and building the capacity of local governments and local NGOs to provide a sustainable network of medical, education and employment services for persons with disabilities in eight provinces and cities. "This part of our broader disabilities assistance portfolio has been vital to our continuing commitment to supporting persons with disabilities in Viet Nam," USAID Mission Director Joakim Parker said. Working with the Vietnamese departments of labour, invalids, and social affairs, education and training, and health in these provinces and cities, the programme has also built the longterm capacity of more than 4,700 health providers, educators, employers and social workers through training that helps them adequately address the needs of people with disabilities in their communities. The accomplishments of the cooperation under the programme were the subject of a recent workshop attended by more than 100 participants, including representatives from all provinces where the project provides assistance, and representatives from the ministries of labour, invalids and social affairs and health. >>Read more News Motivational: Christine Ha, a vision-impaired American-Vietnamese woman who won the reality show US MasterChef in 2012, shared her inspiring personal story with young people in HCM City yesterday. — Photo courtesy of DRD 1.VietnameseAmerican master chef urges people with disabilities to ‘keep moving' disorder of nerve tissues. Speaking at a talk show organised by the Disabilities Research and Capacity Development Centre in HCM City and Hoa Sen University, she said: "Keep moving forward with your life and remember that you have the strength to achieve what you want. away when she was just 14. Unable to see or walk, it was a traumatic time for her, she said. Listening to audio books helped her escape boredom and develop a passion for literature, which motivated Christine Ha (Ha Huyen Tran), a vi- her to get a master's degree in creasion-impaired woman who won the tive writing. 2012 US MasterChef contest, yester- She did not cook anything until she day motivated young Vietnamese, went to college. Her love for cooking especially those with disabilities, to increased when she saw the joy othstand up and move ahead to achieve er people who ate her food exsuccess in life when faced with prob- pressed. She had to learn cooking by lems and upheaval. herself since her mother had passed "Both cooking and writing are a way to create something and share myself with other people," she said. Thanks to organisations in the US like the centre, she learnt skills for independent living including basic "If you really believe in yourself, you cooking skills. Through them, she can reach the stars." also went to university and learnt The Vietnamese-American chef from how to use technology. Texas lost her sight when she was >>Read more 20 to neuromyelitis optica, a chronic 7 1. Recruitment Advertisement: Online Marketing Role tionfrom TNHH DiCentral Vietnam. Experience in Data Mapping is not compulsory, but would be an advantage. Company Name: Sanco Fr eight Logical thinking and good data analysis. Address of workplace: 23B Ton Duc Thang, Quận 1, Tp. HCM Excellent English language skills, especially in speaking and writing Vacancy number: 1-2 (male/female) Ability to work in a team. Working hours: Office hour s Capable in working with Microsoft Windows and Office. Required skills: University degree in one of the following subjects: Electronic Commerce, Marketing, Communication, Public Relations, Business Administration Enthusiasm and creativity Ability to work as part of a team IT college degree or higher Work description: Reading and analyzing technical parameters, finding mistakes Self-motivated, ability to work under pressure. Checking/updating/correcting Data Maps within stated timeframes. Capable in the use of Microsoft Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel). Controlling the data conversion, so that it fulfills the demands Knowledge about marketing and programming Knowledge and capability HTML and Search Engine Optimization is an advantage Working in a team and managing projects if necessary, helping customers to convert data, to a high quality and to the customer's satisfaction. Basic level in spoken and written English, use of application software or online marketing in English Getting access to resources when allowed by the firm, to update to the latest technology. Work description: Website management maximizing SEO, development of online advertisements aligned with the online marketing strategy of the employer. Salary and support: Will be agr eed, r elative to the education and experience. The salary is between 4-8 million per month, plus bonus money if the established aims are met and exceeded Work environment: Wor kplace on 2nd or 3rd floor. Working from home is possible if the employee is suited to the role, but accessibility is not possible. Application deadline: 15/01/2016 Note: A NDA (non-disclosure agreement) has to be signed and followed in order to get access to the data sources for the project The employee will need to take instructions and perform their work related duties as instructed by the team leader or project manager. Salary: Upon agr eement Work environment: lift available, suitable for people with crutches or wheelchairs Application deadline: 30/1/2016 2. Recruitment Advertisement: Data Con- Contact: version Company name: TNHH DiCentr al Vietnam Address of workplace: 139 Pasteur , War d 6, Distr ict 3, HCMC Vacancy number: 2 people (pr imar ily male) Working hours: shift wor k and flexible hour s (sometimes night shifts when having American or European customers) Required skills: Employment section – Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) Address: 311K8 Str eet 7, Resettlement Thu Thiem, An Phu Ward, District 2, HCMC Phone number: (08) 62 67 99 22, pr ess 113 for Ms. Tu Quyen or 114 for Ms. Rat Email: vieclam@drdvietnam.com Note: For getting the best infor mation, you should post your questions directly on the DRD website: drdvietnam.org. We don’t give support or answers on other forums. IT knowledge and relevant skills abilities as per direc- Employment for PWD 8 Liên hệ us: Contact Disability Mọi chi tiếtResearch vui lòng liên and hệ:Capacity Development (DRD) 311K8 Street 7, Khu tai dinh cu Thu Thiem, An Phu Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Trung tâm khuyết tật và phát triển 311K8 Tel: (08) Đường 626799 số11— 7, KTĐC 626799 Thủ22 Thiêm, An Phú, Quận 2, Tp. HCM Điện (08) Fax: thoại:626799 (08) 626799 33 11— 626799 22 Fax: (08) Email: info@drdvietnam.com 626799 33 Email: info@drdvietnam.com Website: www.drdvietnam.org Website: www.drdvietnam.org