Alan Keyes & Barack Obama

are on opposite sides
in the Culture War
Alan Keyes stands on the
side of the unborn and
traditional marriage
Barack Obama does not
In fact, Obama is one of the most liberal members
of the Illinois Legislature
But being pro-life and pro-family—as Alan Keyes is—means more
than just opposing abortion and ‘same-sex marriage.’ In this Age of
Terrorism, it also means protecting the lives of the American people!
Barack Obama has no foreign policy
experience. Nor does he understand the
critical national security problems facing
our country. His soft approach has
attracted the financial support of anti-war
radicals like George Soros, and filled his
campaign coffers with cash from liberal
special interest groups and the Hollywood Left.
Barack Obama fails the national security test
Ambassador Alan Keyes is a proven leader
in defending American security
Alan Keyes was part of the Reagan foreign policy team that
brought down the Soviet Union. He has decades of experience in
defense and intelligence matters. He has staunchly supported
President Bush and our war on terror, and has earned the respect of
world leaders and millions of Americans.
Alan Keyes
A seasoned statesman who will fight for
our Illinois values and will work to build
a future that provides freedom, security,
and prosperity for our children!
Your vote matters . . .
Vote Alan Keyes for U.S. Senate
on November 2nd!
Paid for by Keyes 2004, Inc.
Be an informed voter. Listen to the debates at
Be an informed voter. Listen to the debates at
Alan Keyes & Barack Obama