god and country with dr. alan keys and phil driscoll

God & Country
2010 SC Reagan Conservative Candidate Endorsement
Event on May 29th from 12N to 8pm EST
Tune into the internet at
Brought to you by:
America’s Independent Party of SC
The Tea Party of Boiling Springs, SC
EXPERIENCE via blog talk RADIO
live on the internet, by phone, or on
The oratory and communicational skill of
former ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes, to tell the
truth about America’s first principles, why
every American should vote, and the
importance of the 2010 elections, and much
Plus conservative patriots and candidates for
public office in S.C. for the 2010 elections.
They have been vetted, and met four values
and fourteen founding principles from our
constitution. These endorsed candidates
best represent the first principles of our
founding fathers.
Phone numbers to call into show
to listen, ask questions or give comments
(All total open lines to call into are 1,600, and
on the internet is unlimited)
Attendee Dial-in #: (712) 432-1001
To listen only for those who have special calling
When entering show please use *6 to mute your
phone to create a clear line
Attendee 800 # to be announced for listening only
To ask a question or comment when prompted by Host,
please dial the following #, or use the internet show
chat room.
CALL-IN NUMBER: (646) 200-0437
Community Involvement
The event will be underwritten by South
Carolina businesses and patriot gifts. There
donations will be used for advertisement on
the show, and are not tax-deductible.
Finally, each patriot will get access to a 2010
voters guide, and be asked to share with their
friends, neighborhood, church members
appropriately, civic groups, organizations
they belong to, e-mail list, Face Book, Twitter,
other social networking sites, and your
employee’s or customers who desire one.
2004 Photo
Supporting Dr. Keyes at this site helps
keep him on the cutting edge of where
God and America needs him most
Bio of Dr. Alan Keyes
Born in New York City, New York of our United States
Grew up in a great home as his father was in the Army, and
his mother was a teacher
Did his undergraduate work at Cornell & Harvard University
Earned his Doctorate degree from Harvard in government
Is one of the most prominent conservatives and patriots of
the late 20th century and now the 21st century
In 1978, Dr. Keyes joined the US State Dept. in the Foreign
Services Dept.
In 1983 he was appointed ambassador to the United States
Economic and Social Counsel in the Reagan Administration.
In 1985 & 1988 he served as Assistant Secretary of State for
International Organization Affairs
He ran for the US Senate out of the great State of Maryland
in 1988 and 1992, as well as in 2004 in the State of Illinois
against Barack Obama.
In 1994 Dr. Keyes began a national conservative radio show
that became very popular. He later had a television talk
show for a short time.
Bio of Dr. Alan Keyes continued
In the years of 1996, 2000, and 2008 Dr. Keyes mounted successful
campaigns for the United States Presidency, but lost as a man who
never compromises his convictions no matter the circumstance.
He has always been able to communicate and address the truth on
any issue of the day that effects America and our world through
numerous debates, writings, conference calls, television and radio
He has been associated with the Republican party much of his life
till 2008. In 2008 Dr. Keyes made a cautious, deliberated, and
prayerful decision to leave the Republican party to join America’s
Independent Party, and became their presidential candidate. That
presidential race will go down in history as one of the most
controversial races in US politics for many reasons no other race
did, believe it or not.
Books by, with or about Alan Keyes are four, and continues to be
sought after as a conservative “moral conscience of America”
activist speaker and writer across the country. He writes regularly
for WorldNet Daily, and currently appears on The Conservative
Network & TeaPartyLive.TV on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm EST. That
internet address is http://www.cpnlive.com The talk to Solomon
show live is the show Dr. Keyes appears on.
Dr. Keyes is married to his beautiful wife and has a wonderful family.
He is a devoted Christian and loves the Lord with all his heart.
Obama's eligibility: the true issue –
In closing of the introduction of Dr. Alan Keyes I want to leave you with the last two
paragraphs of an article he wrote for his web site “Loyal to Liberty.com” and other
publications, including aipnews.com, at the end of Feb. 2010.
“What is true in general is more obviously and decisively true of the government of
the United States. It was from the beginning intended “to decide the important
question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good
government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to
depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.” (Federalist, No. 1)
With its words, the U.S. Constitution conveys the results of such reflection and
choice. It has authority as law, however, only insofar as respect for those words
obliges people to conform their actions to the terms and requirements they set
forth. Once the words are no longer upheld by that sense of obligation, they no
longer govern. Once they no longer govern, the Constitution will have been
overthrown. Just as the commitment to be bound by words can establish a form of
government, so the destruction of that commitment can and will bring it down. It
dies first in the will not in the streets.
This is certainly the reason the Constitution requires all government officials at both the State
and national level to swear an oath that obliges them to uphold the Constitution. Should all or
most of those officials neglect to fulfill this obligation, by that fact alone the Constitution’s
authority is undone. Only one issue in our political life today confronts us with the spectacle of
such wholesale dereliction of duty- failure to substantiate that Barack Obama satisfies the
Constitution’s plainly stated eligibility requirements for the Office of President of the United
States. Can there be an issue more vital to the people of the United States than the overthrow
of the Constitution that embodies their authority to govern themselves? It may be that the
eligibility involves nothing more that respect for a few words in the Constitution. But as we
have seen Disraeli was right, “with words we govern men"
Co-host will be Michael & Maria Brady of The Boiling Springs TEA party
and other conservative patriots like Mr. Charles Lewis – Chair of A.I.P. of
SC, and Paul Clement – Father’s Rights Activist & A.I.P. affiliate
Endorsing the best team at this
time for S.C. and our nation
If you can imagine starting a process of vetting
candidates for the 2010 elections back in July
of 2009 to arrive at the best team in our history
for this time, then you can probably imagine the
relentless pursuit of prayer and research it took
to do this job. You might also imagine that you
would take an oath before almighty God that
your biases would play no part in a final
decision. Despite great inquiries to the process and
selection of candidates to present to our great state of
South Carolina, with responses to all inquires, the least
desirable job of all is vetting candidates for public office. At the
end of the day each voter must vote their own conscience for
that candidate they think will best represent us in every way.
That obviously does not happen very much anymore, but none
the less this vetting process followed that much less traveled
road. If your candidate is not on the endorsement list it does not
necessarily mean they are not a good candidate. It may very
well mean they were not best suited at this time in our history
for South Carolina and America. Over five hundred hours has
been put into this process.
Voters Guide 2010
Vetted Candidates for S.C. election
that have passed the Values and
Principles test
For Governor: No endorsement – A no confidence
vote for candidates running for this office.
For Lt. Governor: Bill Connor
Attorney General: Robert Bolchoz
Voters Guide 2010
Vetted Candidates for S.C. election
that have passed the Values and
Principles test
State Treasurer: Cutis Loftis
Other seats in our state are not being contested,
thus one vote would allow that candidate, or
incumbent to be re-elected.
Those seats are as follows.
 Comptroller
 Agriculture Commissioner
Voters Guide 2010
Vetted Candidates for S.C. election
that have passed the Values and
Principles test
Adjutant General: Dean Allen @
Superintendent of Schools: No endorsement as dept.
and seat found to be unconstitutional
S.C. Senator: No endorsement
Voters Guide 2010
Vetted Candidates for S.C. election
that have passed the Values and
Principles test
1st Congressional District: No endorsement made
2nd Congressional District: No endorsement made
3rd Congressional District: Richard Cash http://www.sendrichardcash.com
Voters Guide 2010
Vetted Candidates for S.C. election
that have passed the Values and
Principles test
4th Congressional District: Christina Jeffrey – “Common Sense Grandmother” ,
Constitutional Professor, non-career candidate.
5th Congressional District: Fred Vazquez – Independent Conservative
6th Congressional District: No endorsement will be made
Vetting and final decisions ended on March 31st, 2010
(4) Values and (14) Principles
candidates vetted by
“To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”
We believe in the self-evident truth:
that all men are created equal
that our unalienable rights to life, liberty, • and the pursuit of happiness come from our
that a just government can only exist by • the consent of the governed
How we apply these truths:
The • right to life of all persons, from conception to natural death, is God-given and
We fiercely defend the indispensable • provisions of the Second Amendment because the
right of self-preservation and self-protection is inherent in all persons, communities and
societies. Liberty cannot be defended if the people have been stripped of the physical
means of doing so.
We support a policy of • Peace through Strength. For us, this is not a mere slogan. It is the
means of survival for our nation.
We • support our troops and our veterans; and we oppose Islamic fascists who have
declared war on our nation.
We demand • secure borders and a strict adherence to the rule of law regarding
immigration policy by all levels of government.
We are committed to • free enterprise and economic liberty.
We seek to repeal the 16th amendment on our Tax System
We seek to restore the intended • balance between the three separate branches of our
government, and to strictly limit government to the enumerated powers granted and
expressed by the will of the people of the United States in our Constitution.
Cont’d Values and Principles
candidates vetted by
“We seek a return to an approach to • government that facilitates respectful
Personal Responsibility – Liberty is unsustainable without responsibility.
and necessary debate, thereby drawing on the collective wisdom and
knowledge of the entire body of the sovereign people.
Each citizen must take responsibility for the consequences of his or her own
actions while respecting the rights and dignity of others.
The Rule of Law – We understand that our rights are God-given and
protected by our Constitution. Our Constitution is the “Highest Man Made
of the land. The rule of law must be consistent, independent, and uniform in
application which is critical to a free and prosperous society.
State Sovereignty – The tenth Amendment was adopted to emphasize the
fact that the states remain individual and unique sovereignties; that they were
empowered in areas that the Constitution did not delegate to the federal
government. With this in mind, any federal attempt to legislate beyond the
Constitutional limits of Congress’ authority is a usurpation of state
and rendered unconstitutional.
Sponsors of Event
[to date reaching a minimum of
a 3000 listening radio audience plus]
[Advertisement to be done through word of mouth, blog talk radio, facebook,
tweeter, TEA Party Rallies in April, and blast e-mail campaign]
Those companies with free ads have already given to the greater cause.
• American Classic Shutters – (In review)
• Boiling Springs Today – (Free advertisement)
• Boiling Springs TEA Party – Free Advertisement)
• Dent Medix of the Upstate – (In review)
• Father’s Right Activist and writer – Paul Clement – (Free Ad)
• Math and Phonics, Inc. – (Free Ad)
• My Uncommon Solutions, Inc. – (Free Ad)
• Pro-Tire & Auto, Inc. – (In Review)
• Tubs and More – (In Review)
• Upstate Printing – (Free Ad)
How to sponsor at event
$100 – receives one AD on air for 15 seconds
$250 – receives one or two ADS on air for either 15 seconds each or one 30
second Ad
$350 – receives three on air ADS broken down into (3) 15 second Ads, or one
45 second Ad, or 1 thirty second Ad and (1) 15 second Ad
$500 – receives four on air ads or broken out as you desire into 60 seconds
$700 – receives 90 seconds of advertisement broken out how you desire
$1,000 – receives 2 minutes of advertisement broken out how you desire
$2,000 – receives 3 minutes of advertisement broken out how you desire
$3,000 – receives 5 minutes of advertisement broken out how you desire
** If you want to work another plan, please contact John Adams at
(864) 578-3763
How you can pay
Go on line at
and pay by PayPal at home page.
Choose the option of giving you want,
and insert on given line of
communication so it can be tracked for
directions to you before event.
March 30th is the deadline for giving by