FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES 2014-15 SPRING SEMESTER OUTLINE IRE 292 GLOBALIZATION AND ITS DIMENSIONS Instructor: Course Hours: Office Hours: E-mail: Phone: Murat SEVENCAN WED 15:00 — 17:50 TUE 13:00 — 15:00 (with appointment through e-mail) msevencan@ssu.edu.tr +90.216.586.4636 AIM OF THE COURSE: The post-cold war international order sustains the expansion of a market oriented global culture that transcends nation-states' boundaries. This transcendence brings not only more trade and integration, but new challenges to very existence of both the nation and individual on the all levels. The main aim of this course is to give an introductory insight for awareness, recognition and if possible, anticipation of these macro level threats while not conditioning the student for an anti-global agenda. Comprehension of globalization and its effect to concepts, such as security, identity, environment, and lastly the daily life will be the general theme of this course. While a course book will be followed on this course, for intending to position the students to center, the individual project presentations will be distracting the given weekly plan. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: A student who completed this course should have a comprehensive idea on; Globalization Threat perception Security National Interest National Security TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY & METHODS: Weekly schedule of the course is divided into two partitions. The first part will be devoted to lectures for theory purposes and the second part will be application of the concepts that is discussed on the first partition to real-life examples, current if possible. This application part would be in the form of student presentations on topics, and if there is a time extension, the second part will continue on the next session. While lecturing sessions of the course, the outline of the course will be followed by an introductory lecture of the instructor and detailed discussion of the students. The second part will be shaped by student input from current events of the world. Learning strategy is not simply following the course book by reading and digesting but also participating to class discussion. Pre-reading is most crucial partition of students’ activity while the course, in order to actively participate during the classes. The active participants of the second partition of the course will be rewarded. Course Book: Steger, M. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2009, ISBN: 9780199552269 © Sevencan 2014 FACULTY OF HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES 2014-15 SPRING SEMESTER OUTLINE IRE 292 GLOBALIZATION AND ITS DIMENSIONS THE PROGRAM OF THE COURSE: The course’s topic distribution over weeks will be as follows 1st week 2nd week rd 3 & 4th weeks 4th & 5th weeks 6th & 7th weeks 8th week 9th week 10th & 11th weeks 12th & 13th weeks 14th week 15th week 16th week Introduction of the course and welcome Ch 1. Globalization: a contested concept Ch 2. Globalization and history Ch 3. The economic dimension of globalization Ch 4. The political dimension of globalization Review Midterm Ch 5. The cultural dimension of globalization Ch 6. The ecological dimension of globalization Global Oriented threats: Informatics, Biology, Heat and all! Ch 7. Ideologies of globalization Ch 8. Assessing the future of globalization GRADING: Evaluation for final grade of this course would be as follows: Criteria Date Attendance Participation Quiz / Peflection paper weeks 4, 7, and 13 Midterm 9th week Student presentation Final: Presentation Report Take-Home Weight 10% 10% 15% 20% 20% 25% Submission type coming to class (on time) active involvement in class in-class / through turnitin in-class exam taking in class oral presentation through turnitin Work Submissions: All works are accepted from turnitin website. All details of registering the website can be found at next paragraph. Each submission will have a due date and late submissions will be possible for four weeks after due. But late submissions will be evaluated with a percentage discount with 15% per week. (i.e. the one minute to 6 days and 23 hours 59 minutes late submission will be graded out of 85%, for the 2 nd week it will be out of 70%, for 3rd 55%, and for 4th week it will be out of 40%) Submission website is http://www.turnitin.com. If you did not already used the website before, you must create a user account and then sign-up for the turnitin class with the following information given; Class ID: 9495720 Sign-up Password: IRE292 You can learn the registering and signing-up details from following training: http://www.turnitin.com/en_us/training/student-training © Sevencan 2014