Renaissance Reading

Global History II
Mrs. Kempton & Mr. Patten
The Renaissance in Italy
1.) How did Renaissance and
Middle Age thinkers differ?
2.) Give two reasons why did the
Renaissance begin in Italy?
3.) Define the term humanism and
explain what they focused on and
The Renaissance was characterized by an
interest in learning and the arts, and a desire
to explore the human experience. The period
from the 1300s to the 1500s was a time of
creativity and change in Europe. This period
is called the Renaissance, which means
"rebirth." It was a golden age in the arts,
literature, and sciences. Europeans developed
new ideas about the world. During the Middle
Ages, thinkers had wondered about life after
death. Renaissance thinkers, on the other
hand, were curious about life in the present.
The Renaissance began in Italy in the mid1300s and then spread north. Renaissance
thinkers were interested in ancient Rome.
Visible reminders of Roman culture were
everywhere in Italy. In addition, Italian cities
such as Florence and Venice had become
centers of trade and manufacturing. Rich
merchants in these cities spent large sums of
money on art and education.
The ideas of the intellectual movement
known as humanism influenced the
Renaissance. Instead of religious issues,
humanists studied worldly subjects that the
ancient Greeks and Romans had studied.
They hoped to use ancient learning to
increase knowledge about their own times.
Renaissance artists studied ancient Greek and
Roman art. They copied the ancient realistic
style. Painters developed new ways to make
their paintings realistic. For example, they
studied the human body and used live models
when they painted.
Artists of the Renaissance
Leonardo da
√ Painter,
sculptor, inventor,
√ Sculptor,
engineer, poet,
painter, architect
√ Statue of David
√ Student of
Michelangelo and
Leonardo da Vinci
√ Painting of
Mona Lisa
√ Dome of St.
Peter's Church in
√ Paintings of the
madonna, mother
of Jesus
√ Sketches and
plans for flying
machines and
√ Painter
Global History II
Mrs. Kempton & Mr. Patten
Trivia Quest: The Renaissance (1300-1500)
Directions: Place an X on the line in front of each statement that is TRUE.
1. The word Renaissance means “recreate.”
2. The crusades helped bring about the Renaissance through trade and because much of
eastern knowledge was based on Greek and Hellenistic culture.
3. The Renaissance began in Italy.
4. This time period was a golden age in the arts, literature, and sciences.
5. Renaissance thinkers were interesting life after death.
6. The Renaissance was made possible because wealthy merchants (called patrons) spent
money to support art and education.
7. Humanists studied worldly topics based on ancient Greek and Roman ideas instead of
religious issues.
8. Renaissance artists, however, ignored Greek and Roman art and developed completely
new and original techniques.
9. Two famous Renaissance men were Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
10. In northern Europe, humanists believed that learning should be used to improve
11. William Shakespeare was a playwright during the Renaissance.
12. The invention of the printing press caused great change in Europe.
13. The invention of the printing press had no affect on the Catholic Church.
14. Henry VIII split from the Catholic Church because the pope wanted to share power
and help rule England.
15. Martin Luther did not want to create a new religious sect; he only wanted to reform
the Catholic Church.
16. John Calvin’s beliefs were similar to Luther’s, but Calvin also believed in
Global History II
Mrs. Kempton & Mr. Patten
The Renaissance
Where did it begin?
Define Humanism:
Changes During the Renaissance
Global History II
Mrs. Kempton & Mr. Patten
The Renaissance
Definition: The Rebirth of Greek & Roman culture
“questioning spirit”
Where did it begin?
Define Humanism:
Mediterranean Sea
Rome was located there
People were rich because
of trade
Stressed the importance of being
an individual (secular ideas &
everyday life)
Not Religious
Changes During the Renaissance
1.) Technology: The invention of the printing press
spread ideas (Gutenberg); this is called cultural
2.) Art: Became more realistic (Michelangelo and
Leonardo da Vinci)
3.) Religion: Protestant Reformation-questioning the
authority of the Catholic Church (Martin Luther’s 95
Theses) end of religious unity in Europe.
4.) Literature: Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet) &
Machiavelli wrote “The Prince” a handbook for rulers.
“It is better to be feared than loved.”