Unit Title: Renaissance Course: Exploring Art Through the Ages Unit Length: 4 weeks Date Created: State Standards / Common Core Standards 25.A.4 Analyze and evaluate the effective use of elements, principles and expressive qualities in a composition/performance in dance, drama, music and visual arts. 25.A.5 Analyze and evaluate student and professional works for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas and/or meaning. 25.B.4 Analyze and evaluate similar and distinctive characteristics of works in two or more of the arts that share the same historical period or societal context. 26.A.5 Common for all four arts: Analyze and evaluate how the choice of media, tools, technologies and processes support and influence the communication of ideas 26.A.4e Visual Arts: Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 26.B.4d Visual Arts: Demonstrate knowledge and skills that communicate clear and focused ideas based on planning, research and problem solving. RST.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics. Unit Overview Unit Components Vocabulary Chiaroscuro Renaissance Man Sfumato Perspective Concepts Low Renaissance High Renaissance Mannerism Baroque Skills Critique works of art Distinguish among works from a variety of time periods Media Pencil Paper Learner/Performance Objectives: The student will . . . Assessments/Evidence Yes/No Formative Assessments 1. Understand and explain the historical significance of the Renaissance and artwork created during this time period. 2. Identify Brunelleschi’s achievements in architecture and explain their importance. 3. Explain the drawing technique of perspective and the significance of its development. 4. Identify and describe Leonardo da Vinci’s style of painting. 5. Identify and describe Michelangelo’s style of sculpture and painting. 6. Compare and contrast works of art created by Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael. 7. Analyze characteristics of Mannerism. 8. Identify architectural elements in St. Peter’s Basilica and explain their significance. 9. Identify and describe Bernini’s style of sculpture. 10. Analyze characteristic of Versailles and their influence on future art and architecture. 11. Analyze various reasons for the creation of artwork during the Renaissance. Unit: Resources/Materials Janson’s History of Art PowerPoint presentations Various handouts National Geographic Video on life of Michelangelo Daily discussion with Socratic questioning Paragraphs critiquing various works of art Summative Assessments Paper comparing and contrasting works from two Renaissance artists Multiple choice unit test