PERSONAL-BASED EDUCATION LEARN BETTER. EARN BETTER. LIVE BETTER. GET INSPIRED. BE PART OF IT. WWW.REDKEN.CO.UK WELCOME TO REDKEN EDUCATION This year is without doubt our most exciting to date as throughout 2010 we celebrate our 50th Anniversary. To commemorate this moment we have created our richest Education offering to date. OUR MISSION Redken strives to instill the principles of wealth and success to the professional salon industry. Our goal is to empower salon professionals with educational tools that will help them increase their income. Through our passion for teaching, we can help the salon community develop its skills in business, design and color, training, personal development, and wealth building. PERSONAL-BASED EDUCATION Discover why Redken Education is so different: One-on-one attention. Interactive, hands-on learning. Innovative sessions. Inspiring facilitators. Whether in your salon, at an event like our award-winning Symposium or at the Redken Exchange, our state-of-the-art learning facility in NYC and London, Redken Education offers a learning environment unlike any other - a personal-based, interactive approach where you advance your skills, kick-up your creativity and transform your job into a career! Ready to experience personal-based education? Discover all the exciting ways you can learn better, earn better and live better with Redken Education. FOR MORE INFORMATION LOG-ON TO REDKEN.CO.UK Redken offers a resource for each principle-based discipline - haircolor, design, finishing, science, texture and business. Great for reference and an instant refresher when you want to increase your confidence and understanding of basic principles, this library is an invaluable tool for the entire salon staff. Log-on to for more information. COLOR THE PROFESSIONAL EDGE CUTTING STYLING TEAM BUSINESS SPECIALIST PERSONAL COACH EVENTS BOOKING HEALTH&SAFETY THE REDKEN PRINCIPLES ™ THE ‘WHY’ BEHIND WHAT WE DO Redken Education is built on principles. Artistic expression can be maximized when you have a deep understanding and appreciation of the basic principles of haircolor, design, finishing, science, texture and business. Principles empower salon professionals because they enrich their talents. When you know what the results of an action will be in advance, and you understand the “why” behind it, you are rewarded with confidence! The principles that form our foundations are universal, timeless and cannot be broken. All of these attributes give our education programs a point of difference, cohesive structure, creative formats and inspiring strength. PRINCIPLE BASED PLATFORM 04 COLOR First Color Principles of Highlighting CUTTING First Cut Principles of Design CUT & COLOR INC. Redken Creates Design & Color Creative Unplugged STYLING Start with the Finish Principles of Dressing Hair TEAM Reception Connection Principles of Training BUSINESS Lead From the Front Love Your Client SPECIALIST Redken Specialist Scalp Specialist COLOR CUTTING STYLING TEAM BUSINESS Color ER Technique Exchange Creative Exchange Color Design Exchange Creative Exchange Cut Manhandled Manhandled 2 Fashionista Reset Time Principles of Texture Backstage Runway Edit Platform Artistry Customer 1-2-1 An Audience With... Talent Capture Effective Manager Managing People Business Building Concepts Power of PR Color Certification Color Your Business* Business Heads Color Certification *Certified Colorists only 05 HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS PERSONAL COACH SPECIALIST Principles of Color BUILD YOUR CAREER PATH WITH REDKEN EDUCATION FIND YOUR LEVEL Salon Trainer Starting Out Intermediate Advanced ASSISTANT STYLIST COLORIST First Color Principles of Design Principles of Highlighting Start with the Finish Reset Time Principles of Color First Cut Design Exchange Color ER Principles of Highlighting Creative Unplugged Technique Exchange Principles of Texture Manhandled Customer 1-2-1 Principles of Dressing Hair Principles of Dressing Hair Color Certification Customer 1-2-1 Love Your Client Love Your Client Creative Exchange Color Principles of Texture Redken Specialist Creative Exchange Cut Redken Creates Design & Color Redken Specialist Fashionista Manhandled 2 Time Reset Redken Creates Design & Color Scalp Specialist Backstage Runway Edit Color Your Business* Look for the high fives beside each course name throughout the brochure to determine if it is the right level for you! CAREER PATH Scalp Specialist Fashionista 06 *Certified Colorists only COLOR Effective Manager Customer 1-2-1 Love Your Client Business Building Concepts Love Your Client Redken Specialist Managing People Redken Specialist Customer 1-2-1 Power of PR Color Certification Lead From the Front Scalp Specialist Business Heads CUTTING Reception Connection STYLING Principles of Training TEAM SALON OWNER / MANAGER BUSINESS RECEPTIONIST BOOKING EVENTS PERSONAL COACH SPECIALIST Platform Artistry 07 HEALTH&SAFETY TRAINER NEW FIRST COLOR 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? •F or those who are just starting out on their color journey. and have little or no experience in color products and applications. •T his course is also suitable for colorists new to the salon floor. What’s Cool? •T his course gets you ready for Principles of Color with a solid foundation of the fundamentals. •L earn the correct etiquette in dealing with your color clients from consultation, preparing, application and removal of color product. Course content • Understanding the Redken Color portfolio it’s personality and color taste. •Know how to speak to you clients about color •Make technically correct applications and know the correct removal procedures. •Know the health and safety implications to haircolor. COLOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY... ENDLESS CREATIVITY 08 •Foundation knowledge of the color wheel and number system. •Practical color applications on mannequins. Investment £120 / ¤132 / 12,000 points London: 26 January, 17 May, 13 October Dublin: 13 April, 31 August COLOR CUTTING COLOR ER 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 2 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 2 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • Colorists competent in the basic application of color. • Colorists competent in the basic application of color. •C olorists who have attended Principles of Color. • Those who wish to perfect their core highlighting technique and understand the principles of placing highlights in the haircut. • Colorists new to REDKEN Color. •C olorists with a good understanding of REDKEN color. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? Course content Course content • Laws and principles highlighting. •P roblematic color situations become a thing of the past. •E liminate the fear of color correction with tried and tested solutions. • Laws and principles of color. Course content • Section patterns. • Calculating client case studies. • Laws of changing a client’s color. • Weaving and slicing techniques (stitch guide). • Understanding REDKEN’s color product portfolio. • Calculating a color change client case study. • Color choice rules for perfect highlights. • See-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. • Product information. • Product information. •T echniques to lighten, darken and change tone of previously colored hair. • See-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. • Talking color to your clients. • Health and Safety best practices. • Health and Safety best practices. Investment £110 / ¤121 / 11,000 points Investment £245 / ¤269.50 / 24,500 points London: 25 January, 29 March, 24 May, 28 July, 29 September, 17 November London: 18/19 January, 8/9 March, 26/27 April, 14/15 June, 23/24 August, 27/28 September, 8/9 November Manchester: 18 January, 6 April, 10 August, 26 October Dublin: 15 March Manchester: 16/17 February, 17/18 May, 2/3 August, 8/9 November Dublin: 8/9 February, 17/18 May, 16/17 August, 1/2 November BUSINESS • Take away the guess work and know exactly the result you will achieve. SPECIALIST • No more disappointing results as you learn the laws of highlighting. •C hange your client’s color with ease and professionalism. PERSONAL COACH • Understand the laws of color and reasons behind your color choice. •S ee-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. •P roduct information. •T alking color change with your clients. EVENTS • Understand section pattern and the various results they give. What’s Cool? • Health and Safety best practices. Investment £260 / ¤286 / 26,000 points London: 15/16 February, 10/11 May, 26/27 July, 18/19 October BOOKING • Build confidence to choose the correct color for your client. •C olorists with an established color client base in their salon. Manchester: 12/13 April, 31 August/1 September Dublin: 23/24 March, 16 November 09 HEALTH&SAFETY • Know the different results that can be achieved with different types of weaving techniques. • Those who wish to refresh their core knowledge of color. STYLING PRINCIPLES OF COLOR TEAM PRINCIPLES OF HIGHLIGHTING CREATIVE EXCHANGE - COLOR 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? •S tylists who have completed Principles of Color and Color E.R. •A dvanced colorist wishing to develop their skills to another dimension. •F or colorists who see the importance of understanding how haircuts fit the color techniques. What’s Cool? •U nleash your creative edge with REDKEN’s newest coloring program. Explore the very latest coloring techniques. •C reating new color placement on a blank canvas as well as creating new shapes on pre-cut mannequins. •E xchange ideas and information with creative designers to really enhance the creative process. •H ealth and safety best practice. Course content • Bespoke coloring techniques on mannequin heads. •H ands on workshops on pre-cut mannequins. •C onnect with shape and explore with the shapes in haircuts. 10 Jason Welch, Michelle Marshall, Josh Lowe Investment £235 / ¤290 / 23,500 points London: 26 May COLOR 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 7 DAYS [ 3 / 2 / 2 ] ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 1 DAY Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • Colorists who have attended Principles of Highlighting. • Colorists who have attended Principles of Color and Color ER. •F or colorists who have successfully completed Redken’s Hair Color Certification. • Colorists who want to take their core knowledge of highlighting to another fashion level. • Colorists with a solid knowledge of REDKEN Color. (certified colorists who are not salon managers can bring their salon owner along as a guest). What’s Cool? • Grow your color knowledge to the next level. • You know the laws of highlighting now take them to another level by advancing this knowledge to fashion color placement. • Be able to answer any client case study with ease and expertise. • Receive a pre-study kit to get you ready for the program, including mannequin head to practice on. • Growing your color column. • Marketing PR Kit. • The color of money. • PR yourself with your clients. • Celebration of results event. • Clever blending and contrasting of color. Course content Investment £120 / ¤132 / 120,000 points • Product information. • Science of hair. London: 9 February • See-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. • Science behind color. • Health and Safety best practices. • Advanced principles of coloring. London: 17 February, 21 June, 6 October Manchester: 5 July See pages 12 & 13 for information on Creative Exchange Color and Cut, and Redken Creates Color and Design BUSINESS • Making the most of your Expert knowledge. • Artist shared techniques. Investment £235 / ¤258.50 / 23,500 points SPECIALIST Course content PERSONAL COACH • Placing the color to enhance the shape of the face and haircut. • Build your color business in the salon through accreditation of your professionalism. • Product information. EVENTS • Fashion placement coloring. •Y ou have the technical expertise we know, as you are certified colorists, Let us take you to the next dimension and help you grow your color in salon from a business professional angle. • Precision application techniques. • Building your color business on return to the salon. Investment £1,200 / ¤1,320 / 120,000 points BOOKING Course content • Gain the very best standards of technique and application. What’s Cool? London: 1/2/3 March, 30/31 March, 28/29 April, 20/21/22 September, 18/19 October, 8/9 November Manchester: 14/15/16 September, 11/12 October, 16/17 November 11 HEALTH&SAFETY • Learn various blending and contrasting techniques using REDKEN’s extensive color palate. COLOR YOUR BUSINESS STYLING COLOR CERTIFICATION TEAM TECHNIQUE EXCHANGE What’s Cool? CUTTING NEW CUTTING DESIGN EXPERTISE... SKILL AND PERFECTION UNLEASHED 12 CUTTING DESIGN EXCHANGE 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 2 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • As the title states: Assistants ready to take on their first cut. • Stylists who have been hairdressing of 20 months or 20 years. •S tylists who have attended Principles of Design. • Assistants new to cutting. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Learn to understand haircutting, not just haircuts! There are two types of hairdressers who cut hair those that know lots of haircuts and those - who know haircutting and how to manipulate a cut using the core principles of cutting as a solid base. •D iscover free-hand and visual cutting. Course content • Commercial fashion cutting techniques. • Practical session on mannequin heads. • Explore the mechanics of how haircutting actually works. • Using tools correctly. • Lines angles, movement and graduation. • Fundamentals of cutting a bob and straight graduation. • Learn head forms and shape; direction and finger angles. London: 22 February, 6 April, 5July, 6 September, 25 October • Understand layering techniques. • Learn the principles and laws of cutting hair. Manchester: 1 February, 21 June, 26 October, • Safety and best practices. Dublin: 20 July • Techniques on mannequin heads. • See-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. Investment £110 / ¤155 / 11,000 points Investment £360 / ¤396/ 36,000 points London: 8 February, 1 June, 21 September, 10 November London: 1/2 February, 22/23 March, 18/19 May 29/30 June, 9/10 August, 4/5 October, 15/16 November Dublin: 12 April SPECIALIST • REDKEN Artists share their creative skills. • Check your posture. Manchester: 22 February, 2 June BUSINESS •L earn creative cutting techniques with REDKEN’s unique see-do method. Investment £210 / ¤231 / 21,000 points PERSONAL COACH Course content Course content •A pply the Principles of Design with a creative angle. EVENTS • Study the planes of the head and how this affects your cut. • Gain the skills to fully master the art of haircutting. Control the outcome of your haircut - every time, creating confidence and consistency. What’s Cool? Manchester: 25/26 January, 19/20 April, 23/24 August, 1/2 November BOOKING • Know the essentials to clean sectioning ease into understanding how to cut a classic bob and straight graduation. •A dvanced stylists wishing to develop their skills. Dublin: 22/23 February, 11/12 May, 28/29 June 13 HEALTH&SAFETY • Learn how to hold yourself and your scissors correctly. STYLING PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN TEAM FIRST CUT MENS’ CUTTING MANHANDLED MANHANDLED 2 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? Who should attend? • Intermediate level stylists wishing to know the skills of modern barbering. •S tylists who have a good grounding in men’s haircutting. What’s Cool? • Stylists who have attended Manhandled. • Discover barbering with a modern twist. • Learn how to use classic barbering techniques incorporated to modern male haircuts. Course content • Classic barbering techniques. • Modern male trends. • Redken for Men product portfolio. • Practical session on mannequin heads. What’s Cool? •E xplore the Male Market today. •E xplore how to create a total look for your male clients. Course content • Design bespoke haircuts. • Personalise each haircut with color. •S tyling made easy for him. Investment £210 / ¤231 / 21,000 points •L earn how to change his style using Redken For Men products. London: 10 February, 8 June, 20 September • Health and Safety best practices. Manchester: 2 March Investment £220 / ¤242 / 22,000 points Dublin: 21 July London: 14 April, 1 September Manchester: 1 November 14 Michael Saunders, Keith Owen Dublin: 15 September HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS Tony Wood, Toby Meyer, Michael Pope, Sue Harrison 15 PERSONAL COACH SPECIALIST BUSINESS TEAM STYLING CUTTING COLOR START WITH THE FINISH 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? • Assistants and stylists who want to perfect their core finishing techniques. What’s Cool? •G et to grips with what styling is all about; learn the foundations to create, movement, volume and sleek styles. •K now which REDKEN styling product to choose to perfect the finish you are looking for. Course content • Know the tools and what they can create. •F oundation blow drying skills. •U nderstand how to create movement, volume and sleek looks. •P ractical work on mannequin heads. • Styling products linked to the finish. Investment £110 / ¤121 / 11,000 points STYLING START WITH THE FINISH IN MIND 16 London: 9 February, 2 June, 11 October Manchester: 1 March, 1 September COLOR CUTTING PRINCIPLES OF DRESSING HAIR PRINCIPLES OF TEXTURE 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. STYLING NEW Who should attend? Who should attend? • Those who have limited knowledge of dressing and styling hair. • Stylists who have had little or no experience in applying texture to the hair. What’s Cool? • Stylists who wish to add texture on to their service offering in the salon. Course content • Preparing the hair for “hair up” techniques. • Get to know what happens to the hair when we change its shape. What procedures to follow and what to look out for. •Securing the styles. Course content •Learn foundation “hair up” techniques. • Understand what texture means in terms of changing the shape of the hair. •What tools to use for each look. •Practical applications on mannequins. Investment £220 / ¤242 / 22,000 points London: 3 February, 7 June, 15 September Manchester: 16 March, 23 June, 28 September SPECIALIST • Texture is back! From slight waves to funky curls whatever the look you are going for, you need to know how to create it. PERSONAL COACH •Ideal for those who create bridal and party styles in salon. BUSINESS What’s Cool? • Know the science behind chemically changing the texture of hair. • Know how to add or remove volume in the hair. • Learn about REDKEN’s texture products. • Know how to make the technique applications. Investment £110 / ¤121 / 11,000 points EVENTS •Provides you with the fundamental skills of putting hair up and dressing hair. Dublin: 21 April London: 3 June BOOKING Josh Lowe, Kelly Scott Manchester: 26 July 17 HEALTH&SAFETY • This course is a follow on from start with the finish. TEAM For beginners to intermediate. TEAM CONNECTION 18 PLATFORM ARTISTRY CUSTOMER 1-2-1 2 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 2 DAYS 1 DAY FEATURING AMANDA DICKER Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • Stylists who have been hairdressing for 20 months or 20 years. • For hairdressers who are preparing themselves for stage and presentation work. • Hairdressers who consult with clients. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Learn to understand haircutting, not just haircuts! There are two types of hairdressers who cut hair those that know lots of haircuts and those who know haircutting and how to manipulate a cut using the core principles of cutting as a solid base. • This course takes the fear out of presenting in Public. Course content •Impactful speaking. • Explore the mechanics of how haircutting actually works. •Body language - get it right. •Getting the audience to work with you. • Lines angles, movement and graduation. •Personal video to take home. • Learn head forms and shape; direction and finger angles. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points • Learn the principles and laws of cutting hair. • See-do practical techniques on mannequin heads. Investment £260 / ¤286 / 36,000 points London: 21/22 June Manchester: 14/15 June London: 4/5 October BUSINESS SPECIALIST •The do’s and don’ts of presenting in public. •B uild your communication skills and take your client on a fantastic new journey. Course content • Learning tricks to leave your customer wanting more. •W hatever you do now will affect you later. Making future bookings effectively. PERSONAL COACH • Find your presentation style. •A s Stylists and Colorists we move so fast in our industry and often it’s easy to leave our customers behind. Become more than just a Stylist or Colorist to your clients, innovate, motivate and inspire. Make your client feel part of it as you find new ways to inspire yourself and them. • Identify your customer (tribes). •F ind out why your clients say what they say. •B uild the bridges between you and your customer (guest). •R etailing by making the guest feel more important than the product. EVENTS Course content What’s Cool? • Ways to motivate yourself. Investment £260 / ¤286 / 26,000 points London: 10 March, 31 August Manchester: 2 June BOOKING • Gain the skills to fully master the art of haircutting. Control the outcome of your haircut, every time, creating confidence and consistency. •Helps you and your audience get the best out of your presentation. TEAM PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING Dublin: 9 November 19 HEALTH&SAFETY NEW Billy Crago, Gary Russell, Amanda Dicker 20 TALENT CAPTURE 1 DAY FEATURING PETER LUNN 1 DAY FEATURING LEO BANCROFT Who should attend? Who should attend? • Receptionists. • For stylists who want to capture their interpretation of hair through the lens. Course content • You will learn the format to what makes the perfect picture. • Learn how to produce award winning looks from inspiration to finish. • Best practice telephone techniques. Course content • Managing complaints positively. • Express your style - where to start. • Smart communication. • How to pick the perfect model for you. • Business promotion concepts. • Preparation. • Adding income and value. • Perfect the look. Investment £210 / ¤231 / 21,000 points BUSINESS • Inspire and lead your business from the front desk the place the client is always in touch with first. • You will leave your salon ability behind and enter a entirely new world of creativity. SPECIALIST • Become an expert at handling pressure and stress with developed skills to improve your income. What’s Cool? PERSONAL COACH • Bring your reception into the future, by creating a pro-active and effective profit-making space. • Capture. Investment £250 / ¤275 / 25,000 points London: 12 July London: 20 July EVENTS Manchester: 20 September BOOKING Manchester: 21 April 21 HEALTH&SAFETY What’s Cool? TEAM RECEPTION CONNECTION ANDREW BARTON FOR REDKEN Renowned and respected as hairdressing royalty Andrew Barton is one of UK hairdressing’s most celebrated names. His work graces global magazines from cover to editorial and his skill and personality are showcased on TV shows around the world including the smash hit “10 Years Younger”. It’s no wonder he is known as “TV’s favourite hairdresser”. Andrew’s clients, including a string of celebrities, book months in advance for appointments at his stunning flagship salon in London’s Covent Garden. His eye for detail and nose for trends have put him on speed dial for London’s fashionistas. Acclaimed as the “Best of British” Andrew is an authority on all things hair and holds British Hairdresser of The Year and British Hair Icon amongst his many awards. Andrew holds an ambassadorial role for The Hairdressing Council. He is a brilliant voice for British hairdressing and works tirelessly for its export and success. He is also an Ambassador for the Fellowship. From education, creating magic in the salon to glossy shoots and TV makeovers - Andrew is one of the UK’s hottest names! 22 NEW BACKSTAGE RUNWAY EDIT 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING ANDREW BARTON Who should attend? •H airdressers with an advanced level in styling and dressing hair. What’s Cool? Balenciaga, Prada, Vuitton or Gucci. This is hands on discovery of how to create the season’s key hair trends. Andrew Barton will help you discover how trends are created and help you build on your editorial skills. Course content • Learn how to decipher the latest trends. • Trends are turned into four stunning runway looks. • Learn how to adapt these trends to your clients. •P ractical applications on mannequin heads. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points London: 7 July Manchester: 26 May Dublin: 1 September RESET TIME CREATIVE UNPLUGGED* 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING ANDREW BARTON 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING ANDREW BARTON Who should attend? Who should attend? • Hairdressers with an intermediate to advanced level in styling and dressing hair. • Hairdressers of an advanced level who can cut/color and style hair. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? With a wealth of experience on the popular makeover TV show ‘10 Years Younger’ who better than Andrew Barton to explore this affluent market. • Get an extra injection of inspiration and creativity. • Andrew Barton and his team share with you their vision. Investment £100 / ¤110 / 10,000 points The demand to keep hair looking young has never been stronger. Find out the secrets from Andrew on how to translate today’s hair fashions into wearable looks for the more mature lady keeping her bang on trend. Course content London: 8 March, 5 October • What women want and need to accentuate their image as their looks mature. • Trends and how to adapt them to this affluent market. • Top tips to get the best look for your mature client. • Practical applications on mannequin heads. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points Meet greet and learn with Andrew Barton and his talented Art team at the Redken exchange TEAM Sit back, look and listen as they share their vision in hair. 2 hours of action packed hairdressing with live models minimum time investment with maximum impact. Great ideas, motivation and the latest news in hair. A great team night out. Manchester: 14 June • Design unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with design work. SPECIALIST Course content • Artistic team brainstorming. AN AUDIENCE WITH... BUSINESS NEW • Color unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with color work. • Practical applications on mannequin heads. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points London: 26 October Dublin: 5 July *PERSONAL COACH PERSONAL COACH NEW What better way to Educate and motivate your team than all together in your salon. Andrew Barton is available to come to you to facilitate a bespoke seminar tailored to your needs. London: 19 April, 20 October 23 HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS Manchester: 23 February AMANDA DICKER FOR REDKEN If you could package and sell the drive and energy of salon owner and all round entrepreneur Amanda Dicker, you’d be rich indeed. She has made a fantastic success of The Chapel in Tunbridge Wells, and in the past two years alone, clocked up numerous awards including the Client Philosophy and Marketing title at the Global Salon Business Awards 2006, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing trophies for Salon of the Year 2005/06 & 2006/2007, the Hair Magazine Awards Destination Hair Salon & Spa 2006, and scooped top gong for Salon of the Year 2007 at the British Beauty & Spa Awards. Amanda’s R-E-S-T Concept (providing Relaxation, Education, Service and treatments Tailored to the individual) is the key to The Chapel’s ethos, and it’s truly a vision of hairdressing for the future. Check out for yourself how it works. 24 FEATURING GARY RUSSELL NEW 1 DAY FEATURING AMANDA DICKER & GARY RUSSELL 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING AMANDA DICKER AND THE CHAPEL TEAM 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING GARY RUSSELL Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • Hairdressers who consult with clients. • Hairdressers of an advanced level who can cut/color and style hair. •H airdressers of an advanced level who can cut/color and style hair. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Get an extra injection of inspiration and creativity. •T his course is inspired by the work of Vivienne Westwood and how as a designer she has re-invented her work time and time again. • Learning tricks to leave your customer wanting more. • Whatever you do now will affect you later. Making future bookings effectively. • Identify your customer (tribes). • Find out why your clients say what they say. • Build the bridges between you and your customer (guest). • Retailing by making the guest feel more important than the product. • Ways to motivate yourself. • Artistic team brainstorming. • Design unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with design work. • Color unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with color work. • Practical applications on mannequin heads. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points • Discover the art of self motivation, keeping your a rtistic creativity alive in the salon. •T ailor haircuts and color to suit the shape of the face and body. SPECIALIST Course content Course content Course content •L earn about hair cutting and coloring patterns. •P ractical applications on mannequin heads. Investment £250 / ¤275 / 25,000 points PERSONAL COACH • Build your communication skills and take your client on a fantastic new journey. • Amanda Dicker and The Chapel Team share with you their vision, the inspiration that drives their creative team forward and how they create their award winning collections. London: 9 June London: 6 July Manchester: 1 June Dublin: 10 November EVENTS • As Stylists and Colorists we move so fast in our industry and often it’s easy to leave our customers behind. Become more than just a Stylist or Colorist to your clients, innovate, motivate and inspire. Make your client feel part of it as you find new ways to inspire yourself and them. Investment £260 / ¤310 / 26,000 points Manchester: 2 June Dublin: 9 November *PERSONAL COACH BOOKING London: 10 March, 31 August What better way to Educate and motivate your team than all together in your salon. Amanda Dicker is available to come to you to facilitate a bespoke seminar tailored to your needs. 25 HEALTH&SAFETY What’s Cool? FASHIONISTA TEAM CREATIVE UNPLUGGED BUSINESS CUSTOMER 1-2-1 CHRIS MOODY FOR REDKEN Dynamic and personable, Chris Moody enjoys an exciting schedule of work in the UK and in the International hairdressing arena as a REDKEN Artist. He was the first REDKEN Artist to facilitate in our New York Exchange and is a regular personality at our Global Symposium in Las Vegas. He frequently facilitates various courses at our UK Exchange in London and Manchester. With such a diverse workload he still allows himself to explore new trends and innovations to develop inspired techniques, whilst remaining in touch with the commercial aspects of the salon. He has notched up nearly 20 years experience in delivering seminars, hosting and creating workshops and stepping into the spotlight on stage at our RAP and TRIBE events. Chris has earned a reputation as a forwardthinker with a flair for teaching and inspiring. His meticulous eye for detail means that time under his tutelage is sure to raise your confidence and boost your enthusiasm and skill. 26 PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING 2 DAYS Who should attend? •S alon trainers and those responsible for educating salon professionals. What’s Cool? •G et the most from your in salon training sessions. Know how to motivate others to learn. Understand the process of delivering an effective training session. Understand how and why individuals learn best. •M ethods adapted from the Principles of Training taught to our REDKEN Artists and Educators. Course content • Learner focused process. • Understanding how individuals learn. • Creating Meaningful Content. • Communication skills and rapport development. • Assessment and evaluation process. • Creating the right learning environment. Investment £260 / ¤310 / 26,000 points London: 2/3 June Manchester: 14/15 June * Meet Chris at the Redken Exchange facilitating in these programs... Principles of Design Design Exchange First Cut Start with the Finish REDKEN CREATES DESIGN & COLOR CREATIVE EXCHANGE - CUT 2 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING BILLY CRAGO 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • For hairdressers who are preparing themselves for stage and presentation work. • Hairdressers who want to explore cutting and coloring to a creative level. •S tylists who have completed Principles of Design and Design Exchange What’s Cool? • Hairdressers who already have a good knowledge of cutting and coloring. •A dvanced stylists wishing to develop their skills to another dimension. What’s Cool? •F or stylists who see the importance of understanding how haircuts fit color techniques. • Find your presentation style. •The do’s and don’ts of presenting in public. •Impactful speaking. • Inspiration is taken from our REDKEN Creates trends, then twisted to different looks. Course content • Learn creative, wearable cutting looks. •Body language – get it right. • Learn how to complement the cuts with contemporary color. •Getting the audience to work with you. • Challenge yourself to identify cutting and color trends. •Personal video to take home. • Demonstration and hands on application in cutting and coloring. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points • Health and safety best practice. London: 4/5 October •U nleash your creative edge. Explore the very latest cutting techniques. •C reating new cutting placement on a blank canvas as well as creating new shapes on pre-colored mannequins. •E xchange ideas and information with creative colorists to enhance the creative process. •H ealth and safety best practice. Course content • Bespoke cutting techniques on mannequin heads. Investment £245 / ¤269.50 / 24,500 points •H ands on workshops on pre-colored mannequins. London: 15 March, 12 October •C onnect with shape and explore with the shapes in haircuts. Manchester: 13 October *PERSONAL COACH What’s Cool? Dublin: 16 March SPECIALIST Course content • This is REDKEN Creates NYC with a UK spin. PERSONAL COACH •Helps you and your audience get the best out of your presentation. EVENTS • This course takes the fear out of presenting in Public. BUSINESS PLATFORM ARTISTRY Investment £235 / ¤290 / 23,500 points London: 5 May BOOKING What better way to Educate and motivate your team than all together in your salon. Chris Moody is available to come to you to facilitate a bespoke seminar tailored to your needs. 27 HEALTH&SAFETY NEW TEAM FEATURING BILLY CRAGO LEE STAFFORD FOR REDKEN A media darling and busy celebrity hairdresser, Lee Stafford knows how to draw attention to his fantastic hairdressing skills, his new cutting techniques and the stunningly beautiful photographic collections he produces. In 2006 Lee scooped the titles of Hair Magazine’s Hairdresser of the Year and the National Hairdressers Federation Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year, and in recent times has notched up oodles of titles at the British Hairdressing Awards including a nomination for British Hairdresser of the Year 2005. His editorial work appears in countless publications - think Harpers & Queen, Elle, Tatler and Vogue to name a few. Also a regular TV star (This Morning, Living TV’s The Hairdresser, and the BBC’s Celebrity Scissorhands) not to mention that Lee owns two UK salons and has franchised the Lee Stafford brand globally including four other salons in Norway and Russia. 28 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING LEE STAFFORD 1 DAY ★ Hairdressing Kit required. FEATURING LEE STAFFORD Who should attend? Who should attend? • Hairdressers of an advanced level who can cut/color and style hair. • Salon Owners, managers and decision makers in the salon who also have a flair for hair What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Get an extra injection of inspiration and creativity. • Lee shares with us his personal success on what made him who he is today. his motivation, his inspiration and how to make others feel incredible. This is the key to feel incredible about what you do and earn respect of others whilst having fun along the way. Course content • Shared stories of successes and learnings • Practical applications on mannequin heads. • Learn how to build long and rewarding relationships Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points • Make money chase you... London: 23 February, 3 August Manchester: 18 October SPECIALIST • Color unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with color work. • Lee’s charisma and dynamism have established him to be the best. Let him share his methods with you. PERSONAL COACH • Design unplugged - let the Artists inspire you with design work. • Know what it takes to be the best Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points London: 19 July Manchester: 3 June EVENTS • Artistic team brainstorming. Dublin: 24 August *PERSONAL COACH BOOKING Course content What better way to Educate and motivate your team than all together in your salon. Lee Stafford is available to come to you to facilitate a bespoke seminar tailored to your needs. 29 HEALTH&SAFETY • Lee Stafford and his team share with you their vision, the inspiration that drives their creative team forward and how they create their award winning collections. TEAM LEAD FROM THE FRONT BUSINESS CREATIVE UNPLUGGED* BUSINESS THE BUSINESS OF DOING HAIR! 30 BUSINESS BUILDING CONCEPTS THE EFFECTIVE MANAGER MANAGING PEOPLE 1 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAYS ALL ABOUT INCREASING CLIENT NUMBERS AND PROFIT FEATURING PETER LUNN ALL ABOUT FOCUSSING YOUR TEAM ON WINNING WAYS FEATURING PETER LUNN ALL ABOUT TAKING CONTROL AND MANAGING PEOPLE FEATURING PETER LUNN Who should attend? Who should attend? Who should attend? • Salon Owners, Managers and Supervisors. • Salon Owners, Managers and Supervisors • Salon Owners, Managers and Supervisors. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Proven strategies to attract significantly more new customers. • How to communicate effectively in a positive way with your team. •A ttract and recruit the right people. • To increase turnover and profit. • How to create and maintain a motivated winning team. Course content • Discussing and seeing in excess of 50 business building concepts and analysing the benefits of the direct versus indirect approach. • Presentation on cost versus benefit and how to make marketing promotions and advertising work for you. •O vercome the fear of 1:1 meetings. Course content •L earn how to perform a brilliant 1:1. •Manage difficult people and situations. •Bring the best out of your team and their results. • Workshop on the formula for inclusive commitment. Course content •Step by step guide and discussion on team meetings and briefings. • We will explore successful and unsuccessful recruitment tactics. •Presentation on the goal circle of achievement. •M anaging the selection process from start to a successful finish. • How to identify and match client expectations. • Presentation on how to assemble a price menu to maximise income. • Summary of best practice and habits of effective managers. • Workshop on how to avoid expensive and costly mistakes. • Take home smart documentation to assist you in your role. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points Investment £245 / ¤269.50 / 24,500 points •T ake home valuable documentation for your manager’s manual. London: 1 March, 8 September London: 10 February, 12 May, 19 October Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points Manchester: 29 June Manchester: 28 June Dublin: 22 June BUSINESS SPECIALIST • Identify and maintain a clear vision and business goal. • Develop your interpersonal skills. • How to plan, prepare and deliver a positive and productive team meeting. PERSONAL COACH • How to delegate and organise successfully. •U nderstand conflict resolution. • To clearly understand your role as manager. •D emonstrations on how to ask the right questions to uncover the right information EVENTS • To understand the essential key elements of your business. •H ow to manage and integrate new colleagues into your team. •K ey problem areas and solutions. BOOKING • Increase your brand awareness and profile. • How to help colleagues to achieve their targets and goals. London: 12/13 April, 12/13 October Manchester: 19/20 April 31 HEALTH&SAFETY • To reduce costs. •S uccessfully interview and agree guidelines for new employees. PETER LUNN FOR REDKEN “ DID YOU EVER HEAR SOMEONE SAY: ‘YOU’RE A GOOD HAIRDRESSER, YOU SHOULD OPEN YOUR OWN BUSINESS?’ ” Well, being a good hairdresser has nothing at all to do with running a successful business. Think about it. Would you drive a car or scuba dive without first learning how? Please ask yourself, why are you in business and what do you want to achieve? Owning a Business is one of the most important life decisions you will make and how your business performs will seriously influence the quality of your life. We believe you and your business will benefit enormously from our business focused clinics because they are designed to make a positive change to your peace of mind, profile and income. Peter Lunn So why not do exactly what so many of our most successful salons have done and commit to a business upgrade and reap the rewards your business will give to you. 32 BUSINESS HEADS POWER OF PR LOVE YOUR CLIENT 5 DAY PROGRAM 1 DAY 1 DAY Run throughout the year. For salon owners only. FEATURING SOPHIE KNIGHT, BABEL AND FISH PR CONSULTANCY ALL ABOUT HOW YOUR TEAM CAN KEEP AND ATTRACT MORE CLIENTS FEATURING PETER LUNN Who should attend? What’s Cool? What’s Cool? • Sell your business to your clients. Build your salon profile through effective PR. Know how to make the right contacts with the Press and how to ensure your message is received successfully. • Increase client visit frequency. • What is PR and how can it make a difference. Investment £2,350 / ¤2,585 / 235,000 points • PR advertising and marketing mix. London: 10/11 October, 9 November, 7 February 2011, 21 March 2011 • Setting objectives and developing a successful PR strategy. BUSINESS •H ow to gain your clients trust. •H ow to communicate effectively. • How to create a long term relationship with your client. •H ow to develop a long term plan. SPECIALIST Together you can make great in-roads to building a better business. •L earn how to relax a client. •H ow to build your bill with services and retail. • How to gain referrals. • Know your brand message. Course content • Dealing with the press. Investment £245 / ¤269.50 / 22,000 points • We will explore what clients don’t want versus what they expect. How we can go beyond the obvious and amaze clients with skills, service and knowledge. London: 3 June •W orkshops and demonstrations on how to mentally and emotionally connect with your client. PERSONAL COACH Course content • Salon owners, Managers, Stylists and the entire team. Investment £200 / ¤220 / 20,000 points EVENTS Business Heads is lead by REDKEN’s business experts. You can expect to work with our top experts who have been hand picked for their individual expertise. • Salon managers or Owners or persons responsible for PR of salon. London: 23 February, 8 June Manchester: 5 October Dublin: 21 June BOOKING As a salon owner it can sometimes be quite a lonely life. Why not be part of our unique Business Heads program where we bring like minded salon owners together to become part of a specialist group. Who should attend? 33 HEALTH&SAFETY NEW SPECIALIST 34 REDKEN SPECIALIST SCALP Specialist 1 DAY Intermediate, Advanced or Trainer Intermediate, Advanced or Trainer FEATURING PETER LUNN & REDKEN EDUCATION FEATURING TRISHA BULLER Who should attend? • Stylists who have a base level of haircare and styling product information. • Hairdressers wishing to become experts in dealing with clients with hair and scalp problems. • For stylists who have the opportunity to train or pass the information back to the rest of the team. What’s Cool? What’s Cool? •K now how to deal with issues surrounding the hair and scalp. • At the end of the three days you will be known as the haircare and styling product information specialist in your salon. •B ecome proficient in how to deal with clients with hair and scalp issues. • Understand the science behind the REDKEN brand. • Know the principles of science relating to REDKEN products. • Getting the message back to your clients and colleagues in a session with Peter Lunn. SPECIALIST Course content Course content • Learn form Redken Artist Trisha Buller – registered Trichologist. •What causes hair and scalp issues. •How to treat hair and scalp contra-indications. •Know how to consult your clients effectively. PERSONAL COACH • Being part of it will mean you are part of our national specialist network. •Know the relevant Redken Haircare products Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points • Health and safety best practice. Investment £350 / ¤385 / 35,000 points London: 10 February, 4 May, 14 September Manchester: 8 February, 12 July London: Dublin: 14 April, 15 September 18/19 January & 17 February 24/25 May & 16 June 12/13 July & 2 August 7/8 September & 20 September 1/2 November & 15 November See also... Manchester: 9/10 February & 8 March 8/9 September & 4 October EVENTS The REDKEN Specialist program has been carefully designed to give you an all round expertise in haircare. And styling including gaining that specialist expertise in consultation. Who should attend? COLOR CERTIFICATION page 11 BUSINESS HEADS page 33 BOOKING Having a REDKEN Specialist in the salon is just like having your very own REDKEN educator resident with you every day. Dublin: 24/25 May & 23 June 35 HEALTH&SAFETY 3 DAYS ★ Hairdressing Kit required. PERSONAL COACH PERSONALISED AND BESPOKE EDUCATION FOR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS 36 Choosing your Personal Coach Our expert team of REDKEN Artists are available at your request. Decide from the menu opposite your desired day and we will package it together for you. See the Artists profile pages to help you decide on your Artist. Host a team event in your salon to explore a specific creative direction. Our exciting Platform Teams will tailor make a day to inspire your team, design, color, styling, dressing, you name it they will MAKE IT HAPPEN! Choose one of the highlighted courses from the salon career path or seek advice on a bespoke program, designed exclusively for your teams needs. This can also look at exceptional service or any area of human resources management. COLOR TECHNIQUES QUEST Take advantage of our amazing team of REDKEN color artists to bespoke a technique for your salon or bring alive some of the hot new looks from the REDKEN portfolio. This classic REDKEN favourite is still alive! T.E.A.M “Together Everyone Achieves More”. We feel to get the best from this program we should personalise it to the entire team together Get amazing insight to your team by taking this journey together. Look at your team potential. Gain their buy in to your objectives through discovery of their potential, the client’s needs and the power of great consultation. See the buzz and energy come alive. DRESSING HAIR AND STYLING Always a program in demand - let our REDKEN Artists who specialise in ‘dressing and putting hair up’ help you to master this true art. PERSONAL COACH All bookings and requests for quotations for Personal Coach programs should be directed through your Regional Sales Consultant or Educator. TEAM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ONE TO ONE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY Take advantage of a one to one coaching session to secure the long-term success of your business. Identify and develop solutions to specific management issues. EVENTS HOW TO BOOK A PERSONAL COACH CREATIVE UNPLUGGED - LIVE BOOKING Bringing a Personal Coach to your salon is probably the best education investment you will ever make; having someone there to deliver one message to the whole team together. At the same time it is a sure way to get your salon buzzing with new ideas and motivation. A Personal Coach is chosen by you directly for your personal salon needs. Let your Personal Coach help you tone up your team, trim away any questions that need answers and give you all the motivation to keep up the good work. 37 HEALTH&SAFETY PERSONAL COACH CAREER PATH SPECIAL PACKAGES 38 BOOK TWO COURSES AT THE SAME TIME FROM OUR MENU AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNTED REDKEN DEAL. ASSISTANT STYLIST FIRST CUT + FIRST COLOR or START WITH THE FINISH PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN + DESIGN EXCHANGE Career Path special package price £207/¤228 FIRST CUT + PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN Career Path special package price £423/¤465 Career Path special package price £510/¤561 CREATIVE UNPLUGGED + PRINCIPLES OF DRESSING HAIR Career Path special package price £463/¤509 COLORIST PRINCIPLES OF COLOR + COLOR E.R. Career Path special package price £455/¤501 PRINCIPLES OF HIGHLIGHTING + TECHNIQUE EXCHANGE Career Path special package price £305/¤336 MANAGER EFFECTIVE MANAGER + BUSINESS BUILDING CONCEPTS Career Path special package price £534/¤589 POWER OF P.R. + EFFECTIVE MANAGER Career Path special package price £420/¤462 START WITH THE FINISH + FIRST CUT 39 HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS PERSONAL COACH Career Path special package price £200/¤220 REDKEN CONNECTS 2010 (PREVIOUSLY RAP) Experience “personal-based” education at its best, advance your skills, ignite your creativity and take your professional edge to the next level! See your favourite Redken Artists demonstrating the latest techniques and trends on stage to help you develop your expertise. Also featuring the regional finals of The REDKEN NYC HAIR AWARDS. Dates: 10, 11 & 12 May, 17 & 18 May. Tickets: £35. For more information speak to your Redken Sales Consultant or Educator or call 0208 762 4121. REDKEN NYC HAIR AWARDS DO YOU HAVE A FLAIR FOR CREATIVE CUTTING OR ARE YOU AN AMAZING COLORIST? DO YOU HAVE A PASSION FOR FASHION? The REDKEN NYC HAIR AWARDS are the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your talent and expertise on stage in front of a live audience and judged by a panel of industry experts. It’s a fusion of inspirational hair and fashion, where you can release your potential and shine in the limelight! To find out how your team can enter, see The REDKEN NYC HAIR AWARDS brochure or speak to your Redken sales consultant or educator. GET INSPIRED 40 TRIBE 2010 REDKEN UK’s biggest and most glamorous event; a unique fusion of highly-charged energy and New York party atmosphere! Featuring inspirational hair shows by Redken’s leading International Artists and on-stage nail-biting excitement with the final of The REDKEN NYC HAIR AWARDS. This multi-dimensional and dynamic event is definitely not to be missed! Are you ready to get inspired and be part of it? Save the Date: Monday 13th September 41 HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS Location: London NEW YORK 2010 Watch this space… To help celebrate Redken’s 50th Anniversary in 2010 we will be organising a bespoke program of exclusive cutting and colouring taking place at our Redken Exchange in New York. Where better than to see Redken Education come alive in the heart of 5th Avenue. Presented by our prestigious Redken Artists both from this side of the pond and the Big Apple, the program will be built to include flights and hotel accommodation, Your Redken Sales Consultant will be in touch with more information soon 42 BUSINESS SUMMIT 2010 APRIL 18-21, MARRAKECH 43 HEALTH&SAFETY BOOKING EVENTS Join us for a truly unique experience. With inspiring business speakers and an ideal environment for networking, Redken will provide you with the tools to help you grow your business. BOOKING YOUR COURSES WITH REDKEN IS EASY, JUST FOLLOW THE CHART... Contact your local REDKEN sales consultant or educator or Email your booking to or Call our bookings line UK 00 44 20 8762 4239 ROI 00 353 1 6045914 How to pay Cash/cheque BOOKING YOUR COURSE & HOW TO FIND US 44 All major credit cards On receipt of full payment a confirmation letter will be sent directly to the salon Club 5th Avenue COLOR CUTTING The REDKEN Exchange: DUBLIn 255 Hammersmith Road, London W6 8AZ. 235 Deansgate, Manchester M3 4ED. Styne House, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2 By bus: Butterwick Bus Terminal. Bus numbers: 9, 10, 27, 33, 72, 190, 209/69, 220, 266, 267, 283, 295, H91. By train: Metro Station - Deansgate and Gmex. By bus: 14, 14a, 15, 15a, 15b, 15c, 15x, 44, 44b, 44c, 48a, 86. By tube: Please alight at Hammersmith Tube Stations, on the Hammersmith and City Line, Piccadilly Line, District Line and Circle Line. Car Park: Northern Lights. By car: Central London = 3.5 miles, M3 = 11 miles, M40 / A40 = 4 miles, Heathrow Airport = 12 miles. Hilton Manchester Deansgate. 303 Deansgate, Manchester M3 4LQ Telephone: 0044 (0)161 870 1600 Fax: 0044 (0)161 870 1650 Email: reservations.manchesterdeansgate@ STYLING The REDKEN Exchange: MANCHESTER Novotel London West. One Shortlands, London W6 8DR Telephone: 0044 (0)208 741 1555 Fax: 0044 (0)208 741 2120 Email: Crowne Plaza Manchester City Centre. 70 Shudehill, Manchester M4 4AF Telephone: 0044 (0) 161 828 8600 Email: ON REQUEST Hotels nearby: The Camden Court Hotel. Camden Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 00353 (0) 1 4759666 Fax: 00353 (0) 1 4759677 Email: Harcourt Hotel. 60 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 00353 (0) 1 202 716352. EVENTS K WEST. Richmond Way, London W14 0AX Telephone: 0044 (0) 20 8008 6600 Fax: 0044 (0) 20 8008 6650 By car: Harcourt Street (meter parking). BOOKING Hotels nearby: Hotels nearby: By tram: Luas Line from Sandyford and St.Stephens Green. 45 HEALTH&SAFETY NCP Car Park available: Situated behind the L’Oréal building on Shortlands Road. By car: From South: M56 - A5103 to centre. From North: M602 into Manchester - Join A57. SPECIALIST BUSINESS TEAM The REDKEN Exchange: LONDON At REDKEN our aim is to work in partnership with you to create beautiful hair, whilst ensuring at all times the absolute safety of you, your staff, and all of your clients. We invest in product development to create new, innovative products with safety always in mind. These product, when used according to the safety instructions and recommended best practise, at all times in your salon, will help ensure not only best results but the safest environment for everyone. REDKEN has designed a protocol specifically for professional hairdressers, which will enable you to manage your clients color experience and determine the need to carry out a skin allergy test. The protocol follows a 3-step consultation with your color client, to accompany the application of REDKEN professional coloration: Step 1 : Professional consultation Step 2 : How to carry out a skin allergy test Hair colorants can cause an allergic reaction, which in certain rare cases may be severe for you and your client. It is therefore essential to follow precautions and to carry out the necessary skin allergy test when using coloration products (see instruction leaflet). Furthermore, when using technical products and in cases of prolonged exposure to water: • Wear suitable disposable gloves during the preparation, application and rinsing of the product. • Protect and care for dry sensitive hands with REDKEN prosensitive hand cream. A SKIN ALLERGY TEST MUST BE DONE 48 HOURS BEFORE EACH APPLICATION OF A HAIR COLORANT, AS AN ALLERGY CAN DEVELOP SUDDENLY. Step 3 : How to carry out a color application Please note: If you do not follow the 3-step REDKEN safety protocol A SKIN ALLERGY TEST must be done 48 hours before each application every time. HEALTH& SAFETY 46 For a COSHH booklet and guide to the complete range of REDKEN products please contact customer services on 0845 600 0122. COLOR CUTTING If you want to know more please email the team on Some facts about HIV and AIDS • In the UK there are around 80,000 people living with HIV. • Internationally there are 33.2 million people living with HIV and AIDS. • Since it was discovered in the 1980s, 2.1 million women, men and children have died from AIDS. If you have any questions about HIV and AIDS check out these websites: The National AIDS Trust - and the Terrence Higgins Trust CHRIS MOODY “As a happy and healthy person who happens to be a hairdresser living with HIV, I believe that Hairdressers of the World Against AIDS can only be a positive way forward to raise awareness of this pandemic and help the fight to eliminate the social stigma attached to this medical condition.” TEAM BUSINESS “As communicators and educators we are in a unique position to bring the subject of HIV and AIDS to the very front of social discussion, treating it with the empathy and consideration it deserves to in order to break down the barriers and prejudices that surround this tragic condition. With our intervention maybe one day education will help to cure.” TEXTURE Wear a Red Ribbon every day to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS Join the Hairdressers Against AIDS team when we Walk for Life for Crusaid in June ( Get involved in World AIDS Day which is on the 1st December every year ( ERROL DOUGLAS “In my travels educating around the world I have heard many stories about how HIV and AIDS is affecting the countries that I visit. It’s great that programs like Hairdressers of the World Against HIV/ AIDS exist to combat the unrealistic fears and stigma that is associated with the virus. I also firmly believe that everyone in the UK should know about how HIV and AIDS is affecting not only our country, but what is going to happen globally if we don’t stop the spread of the virus. I fully support Hairdressers of the World Against AIDS as our industry can make a real difference.” ON REQUEST TREVOR SORBIE, MBE EVENTS It’s simple for you to get involved too… here’s how: From South Africa to Malaysia and Thailand to Brazil, hairdressers have been taking part in a program that aims to raise the knowledge of HIV and AIDS within the hairdressing community. “I am really proud to be associated with something that not only raises awareness about a global issue, but could actually save lives. Hairdressers, just like people from all walks of life, need to know about HIV and AIDS. It’s part of every society and ignoring the issue will not make it go away. As a salon owner I am very comfortable that my team have the opportunity to learn and refresh their knowledge about the HIV virus while attending an education course. With so many young people in our industry who don’t know that much about HIV and AIDS this is an ideal opportunity for them to learn about it in a relaxed and non-confrontational setting.” ANDREW BARTON BOOKING In the UK many students attending REDKEN courses will have taken part in the education program which consists of a questionnaire and a film. We’ve also spent the last two years raising awareness of and money for related charities by taking part in World AIDS Day, doing the Walk for Life, wearing Red Ribbons and doing Salon Charity Days in our International Academy. “When HIV/AIDS was first discovered in the 1980s there were huge awareness campaigns in the UK to educate the public about the virus. So it is scary to know that decades after it was first discovered awareness of how you can contract HIV has fallen and that infection rates are rising. With 40 million people in the world living with HIV/AIDS, there is a real need for huge global companies like REDKEN to lend their support and resources to inform people about it. Surely education about the facts about the most destructive virus in history are something we should all be exposed to?” TERRY LONGDEN 47 HEALTH&SAFETY Since its launch in 2005, Hairdressers Against AIDS - the joint education prevention initiative between L’Oréal and UNESCO - has united hairdressers around the world in its mission to stop the spread of HIV and AIDS through education. STYLING RAISING AWARENESS ABOUT HIV AND AIDS IN THE UK AND AROUND THE WORLD OUR DEDICATED TEAM OF EDUCATORS AND REDKEN ARTISTS... LEO BANCROFT All of the REDKEN Education Team and REDKEN Artists share the same passion for education; they have all been highly trained to deliver their programs following the REDKEN philosophy of principle based education. They have strived to carve their own career path through attending programs and participating at events. They have truly earned the right to pass on their energy and expertise which is guaranteed to push you forward. EXPLORE, EXPERIENCE, EVOLVE MEET THE ARTISTS 48 LEO BANCROFT SALON Southern Hairdresser of the Year 2009, Leo has been teaching hairdressing in London’s West End since he was 21 years old. The nation first became aware of his talents when he appeared on Channel 4’s show The Salon, where he attracted 2.5 million viewers daily and received tens of thousands of votes to become one of the nations favourite TV hairdressers. Since then his remarkable career to date has seen many amazing achievements, such as opening his flag ship Salon and Academy, working all over the world with the fashion industry, becoming the celebrities favourite TV stylist and winning a prestigious Award as one of the best hairdressers in the country at the British Hairdressing Awards. Leo’s passion for hair is clear. This can be seen and experienced in the high quality of service provided by his artistic team in salon, as they reflect his personal philosophy and benefit from his award winning training techniques. ANDREW BARTON ANDREW BARTON SALON Renowned and respected as hairdressing royalty Andrew Barton is one of UK hairdressing’s most celebrated names. His work graces global magazines from cover to editorial and his skill and personality are showcased on TV shows around the world including the smash hit “10 Years Younger”. It’s no wonder he is known as “TV’s favourite hairdresser”. Andrew’s clients, including a string of celebrities, book months in advance for appointments at his stunning flagship salon in London’s Covent Garden. His eye for detail and nose for trends have put him on speed dial for London’s fashionistas. Acclaimed as the “Best of British” Andrew is an authority on all things hair and holds British Hairdresser of The Year and British Hair Icon amongst his many awards. Andrew holds an ambassadorial role for The Hairdressing Council. He is a brilliant voice for British hairdressing and works tirelessly for its export and success. He is also an Ambassador for the Fellowship. From education, creating magic in the salon to glossy shoots and TV makeovers - Andrew is one of the UK’s hottest names! TRISHA BULLER CIENTÉ Trisha Buller has been in the industry for 35 years and has always had a passion for sharing her knowledge in the education and science of hair. As Salon Director of the award-winning salon Cienté in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, she believes in maintaining high standards of ongoing education for her team. Attending the ‘London College of Fashion‘ Trisha became very interested in Trichology and wig making. Always enjoying learning and teaching new angles within the industry, she achieved her certificate of education and assessors award. Trisha has spent the last three years studying a degree with ‘The Institute of Trichology’, covering subjects such as Chemistry, Nutrition, Genetics, Microbiology and many more. Trisha offers in-salon advice for patients suffering hair loss from chemotherapy and offers an invaluable service of consultation, wig fitting and styling. As a part of this process, she will be opening a hair and scalp clinic. Trisha is now a part of the REDKEN Artistic Network and delivers the REDKEN Specialist course ‘Assistant Connection’. ADAM BROWNE FORDHAM SOHO Adam Browne believes in a strong commercial reality when it comes to colour. He is known for innovation, constantly developing cutting-edge techniques and engineering ultimate colour formulations, showcasing his technical expertise as a Redken Artist and Salon Professional in Soho, London. Well known for his insightful perspective, Adam has the ability to communicate the technical aspects of hairdressing in a language that is easily understandable, applicable and believable. Adam has vast international experience, being part of Redken Australia for the past decade and now part of the Redken UK team; Presenting Redken events in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, UK and USA. Adam was part of the Redken Creates 3 International team for 2009, is a regular face at Redken Symposium and a facilitator at the Redken Exchange in NYC. Adam joins the facilitator team this year at Redken Exchanges UK. BILLY CRAGO AMANDA DICKER BEE DIXON SUE HARRISON JOSH LOWE PETER LUNN What makes Billy Crago a very special hairdressing talent? Well, how about a commendation from The Face magazine for leading techniques in color and creating new coloring methods such as for horizontal color placement, and a role as a key colorist for REDKEN? Impressive! Add to the mix time spent as an educator for the prestigious Toni & Guy London Academy, and as Color Director at Lee Stafford salons she has now ventured to open a partnership salon with the Chapel Islington. Billy has an edgy signature style, steering away from the normal classic techniques and encouraging you to think outside of the box when it comes to hair work. So if you want an adventure in color craftsmanship, sign up here! If you could package and sell the drive and energy of salon owner and all round entrepreneur Amanda Dicker, you’d be rich indeed. She has made a fantastic success of The Chapel in Tunbridge Wells, and in the past two years alone, clocked up numerous awards including the Client Philosophy and Marketing title at the Global Salon Business Awards 2006, the Fellowship for British Hairdressing trophies for Salon of the Year 2005/06 & 2006/2007, the Hair Magazine Awards Destination Hair Salon & Spa 2006, and scooped top gong for Salon of the Year 2007 at the British Beauty & Spa Awards. Amanda’s R-E-S-T Concept (providing Relaxation, Education, Service and treatments Tailored to the individual) is the key to The Chapel’s ethos, and it’s truly a vision of hairdressing for the future. Check out for yourself how it works. One of Soho’s most in-demand young colourists, Bee Dixon is at the forefront of hair fashion. With a funky, urban outlook that keeps in step with the rapidly changing and diverse style, Bee ensures that her trendy clientele always look sharp and up to date. Her work effortlessly translates to commercial salon looks, and she has worked in numerous publications, as well performing at Redken seminars and at shows such as Tribe and Salon International. Sue’s technical skills and vision combine to make her an integral part of REDKEN’s innovative and exciting team. As a proud Redken Artist Sue teaches design and NYC hair up courses. As a color certified artist she presents exciting color courses. Delivering all of this across London, Dublin and Manchester Exchanges. Sue joined Redken in 2001 bringing 25 years experience to the team. Sue owns and runs two salons which continue to expand and grow. Sue’s work has taken her to international locations including Las Vegas and New York, along with the latest being asked to main stage at South Africa’s Symposium inspiring hairdressers with fresh design and color techniques to enable them to use the color portfolio to its full potential. A very passionate, enthusiastic forward thinker believing that training and education are crucial to the ongoing growth in an ever changing exciting industry. A color visionary, Josh Lowe has more than 20 years experience as a hairdresser and colorist, evolving into a fabulous platform artist and educator with regular invitations to work his particular brand of magic on TV or for radio. Coming on board at REDKEN in 2004, Josh has now taught many courses in the London, Manchester and Dublin Exchanges where he has inspired and brought new energy to devotees of color. Committed to raising standards in our industry as high as possible, he gets great satisfaction in encouraging people to embrace the amazing creativity possible with REDKEN products, and is a charismatic yet accessible tutor. A business coach of substantial standing in UK hairdressing, Peter Lunn is a fabulous motivator. He will guide you through best business practices - his philosophy is to keep it simple, yet real and effective to achieve maximum results - and have you all fired up and ready to return to the salon brimming with ideas and new knowledge. With more than 30 years of experience in our industry including training at Vidal Sassoon and as Chief Executive of Jingles International, Peter’s unique talent is his exceptional ability to reach people and communicate to all age groups and experience levels. Specialities include marketing, customer relationship management and team-building. THE CHAPEL THE CHAPEL HARRISON’S HAIR TEAM HEAVEN SPA BUSINESS COACH 49 MICHELLE MARSHALL TOBY MEYER CHRIS MOODY KEITH OWEN MICHAEL POPE AMANDA REDFORD A passionate teacher with a wide repertoire of skills, Cardiff based Colorist and Hair Designer Michelle Marshall has over 20 years experience in the UK industry. A long time advocate of the REDKEN NYC brand, in 2004 Michelle won a place at the grand final of REDKEN’s first ever CLAIM YOUR FAME competition and subsequently was invited to join the REDKEN artist network. Becoming a REDKEN platform artist has taken her from assisting at various RAP and TRIBE events to facilitating Exchange seminars in London, Manchester and Dublin and Personal Coach color training. The most recent education event saw Michelle go international to be part of a duo taking main stage at Symposium 2008 South Africa, inspiring hairdressers with fresh ideas and techniques for them to use REDKEN’s color portfolio to its full potential. Learn from someone who knows just where energy and drive can take you. A firm believer in education as the key to change and growth, Toby Meyer has himself studied with some of the biggest and best names in our industry, and puts his experiences to good use as the proud owner of two flourishing salons and manager of a staff of 35 stylists and trainees. An educator for REDKEN since 2000, Toby has assisted at many RAP events, TRIBE 2006 and worked as a session stylist at fashion shows and international events as well as the international and European Symposiums held by REDKEN. He sums up his approach as simply that he loves his job and loves passing knowledge on to others. We invite you to take advantage of his drive and experience too. Dynamic and personable, Chris Moody enjoys an exciting schedule of work in the UK and in the International hairdressing arena as a REDKEN Artist. He was the first REDKEN Artist to facilitate in our New York Exchange and is a regular personality at our Global Symposium in Las Vegas. He frequently facilitates various courses at our UK Exchange in London and Manchester. With such a diverse workload he still allows himself to explore new trends and innovations to develop inspired techniques, whilst remaining in touch with the commercial aspects of the salon. He has notched up nearly 20 years experience in delivering seminars, hosting and creating workshops and stepping into the spotlight on stage at our RAP and TRIBE events. Chris has earned a reputation as a forwardthinker with a flair for teaching and inspiring. His meticulous eye for detail means that time under his tutelage is sure to raise your confidence and boost your enthusiasm and skill. Having worked at Vidal Sassoon for over 5 years at the start of his career and now owning his own salon (Owen Hair Design in Rainham) Keith has now been working for REDKEN for over a decade. He regularly takes classes at the London, Manchester and Dublin Exchanges and has worked at Tribe on various occasions. His highlight so far has been working on stage at REDKEN’s Global Symposium 09 in Las Vegas. He continues to work in the salon, alongside his commitments to Redken. Always looking for new ways of coaching people Keith continues to strive to make each learning experience informative, but most of all fun. So come and enjoy what learning can be like. With a career spanning more than 25 years, Michael has been at the forefront of all aspects of hairdressing. He has had the opportunity to work in many areas such as session styling, editorial, and competition styling in his native Australia as well as Europe and the United States. Having owned and operated salons for 20 years, Michael has kept grounded in the challenges that face hairdressers daily on the salon floor. Well versed in the disciplines of design, color and finishing, Michael’s technical knowledge and down to earth teaching approach allows others to move to new heights in their careers. Michael believes that being able to share his experiences with others is a privilege and works tirelessly to ensure all those he works with will leave with something that can be used in the salon immediately. Describe Michael in two words? Energy and passion. Amanda is a color certified REDKEN Artist and has worked for the company for the last 3 years. Based out of Lookfantastic’s flagship Brighton salon, she has travelled the country styling for stage and photo shoots alike. REDKEN, BHF and The fellowship have all utilised her wide ranging skills and she is viewed very much as an all rounder with a flair for color, long hair and runway styling. HEAVEN 4 HAIR 50 MINISTRY OF HAIR MOODY HAIR OHD LOOKFANTASTIC GARY RUSSELL THE CHAPEL Gary’s career has spanned over twenty one years including many years as a Redken Artist. He was a finalist in the Southern Hairdresser of the Year 2007. Gary has studied the art of hair to the ultimate. He is inspired by great designers such as Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen as they cut material to fit the body using the finest fabrics and he cuts and colors hair to fit the individual face shape and body architecture. Gary is a regular guest artist at the Redken Exchange and is part of the Chapel Artistic team. Gary has been involved in Redken RAP and Tribe events. His work is also regularly featured in many trade and consumer magazines. Gary’s motivation is to inspire others through the learning process. MICHAEL SAUNDERS UNITED SALONS (US) An incredibly popular hairdresser both with his customers at salon United Salons in Hayling Island and with the REDKEN crowd in general, Michael is an enthusiastic and talented stylist. Always a team player and dedicated REDKEN Artist he is passionate about hairdressing, products and educating on the REDKEN stage. A key member of the Artistic Network Michael has performed on stage at the REDKEN RAPs and TRIBE events and is always present at the Global Symposium in Vegas. With his own original style and positive attitude he is a much-loved educator in the London Exchange both for the REDKEN Creates and Principles of Design courses. His talent is not just kept to the UK either, having also run an inspirational Guido Style Seminar in Stockholm in 2007. KELLY SCOTT STRANDS Kelly Scott is artistic, ambitious and utterly addicted to color. Her ability to create a bespoke look for each client and her approachable manner and relaxed teaching style have made her a firm favorite with her team, her trainees and clients. Today Kelly is credited as the creative force behind the multi award winning Hampshire hairdressing group Strands, and it’s a role she works hard at. Continually defining and refining the output of her team at all levels. Additionally she regularly teaches at our Redken Exchanges in London, Manchester, and Dublin, also performing at RAPs, and REDKEN’s National event TRIBE. The 2009 Redken Global Symposium in Vegas, saw Kelly creating color techniques for the much acclaimed seminar Men the UK Way. Kelly has worked as far afield as South Africa, Europe, and the United States sharing her creativity and passion for color, to help educate and inspire hairdressers all around the Globe, tap into her world and you will feel equally enthused. LEE STAFFORD LEE STAFFORD A media darling and busy celebrity hairdresser, Lee Stafford knows how to draw attention to his fantastic hairdressing skills, his new cutting techniques and the stunningly beautiful photographic collections he produces. In 2006 Lee scooped the titles of Hair Magazine’s Hairdresser of the Year and the National Hairdressers Federation Celebrity Hairdresser of the Year, and in recent times has notched up oodles of titles at the British Hairdressing Awards including a nomination for British Hairdresser of the Year 2005. His editorial work appears in countless publications - think Harpers & Queen, Elle, Tatler and Vogue to name a few. Also a regular TV star (This Morning, Living TV’s The Hairdresser, and the BBC’s Celebrity Scissorhands) not to mention that Lee owns two UK salons and has franchised the Lee Stafford brand globally including four other salons in Norway and Russia. JASON WELCH TONY WOOD ELEVEN HAIR UNITED SALONS (US) A long-time devotee of REDKEN, Jason Welch is perfectly placed to help you understand the full potential of the brand and its product families and to share with you the best techniques for achieving great editorial and commercial looks for the studio or the salon. Jason’s enjoyed opportunities to present live on stage for REDKEN and other leading names, being as comfortable in the spotlight as he is working back stage. His session styling credits include shows for the BBC and Channel 4, as well as London and Milan Fashion show weeks. Follow that man! Salon owner Tony Wood is equally at home standing centre stage before a large audience as he is holding court in his own salon. Able to remain calm and grounded whatever the circumstances, his warm character and positive attitude encourage all around him to feel energised and upbeat about the craft of hairdressing, be they student, team member or client. Hairdressing is Tony’s passion and as an accomplished stylist and colorist, he’s keen to share his knowledge and artistic vision with all. A highly experienced REDKEN platform artist and educator, his signature style is informative and inspiring for both commercial salon styling and more editorial session work. Over recent years he’s been a key contributor at many different REDKEN events including Symposium, RAPs and TRIBE, and now is a valued educator for seminars and courses. 51 PERSONAL-BASED EDUCATION LEARN BETTER. EARN BETTER. LIVE BETTER. GET INSPIRED. BE PART OF IT. WWW.REDKEN.CO.UK