Advent Contemplation 11/12/13 Welcome Lighting the candle Poem “Carrying a candle” by Jan Sutch Pickard Readings; “Everywhere light” by Bruce Sanguin John 1:1-5 Out of the stars by R Weston Silence Star child, earth-child, Go-between of God, Love child, Christ child, Heaven’s lightening rod: This year, this year, Let the day arrive, When Christmas comes for everyone, Everyone alive. Street child, beat child, No place left to go, Hurt child, used child, Noone wants to know: Grown child, old child, Memory full of years, Sad child, lost child, Story told in tears: Spared child, spoiled child, Having, wanting more, Wise child, faith child, Knowing joy in store: Hope-for peace child, God’s stupendous sign, Down-to-earth child, Star of stars that shine: As stars to the maker Be strong We are the work of God’s hands. Be gentle As plants to the gardener Be awake to justice. We are the work of God’s hands. Be joyful As clay to the potter Be humble We are the work of God’s hands. Be awake to holiness. Be brave Be steady Be honest Be hopeful Be awake to integrity. Be awake to love. Ruth Burgess Advent Contemplation 11/12/13 Readings Carrying a candle from one little place of shelter to another is an act of love. To move through the huge and hungry darkness, step by step, against the invisible wind that blows forever around the world, carrying a candle, is an act of foolhardy hope. Surely it will be blown out: the wind is contemptuous, the darkness cannot comprehend it. How much light can this tiny flame shed on all the great issues of the day? It is as helpless as a newborn child. Look how the human hand, That cradles it, has become translucent: Fragile and beautiful, foolish and loving, Step by step. The wind is stronger than this hand, And the darkness infinite Around this tiny here-and-now flame that wavers, but keeps burning: carried with such care through an uncaring world from one little place of shelter to another. An act of love. The light shines in the darkness And the darkness can never put it out. Jan Sutch Pickard Everywhere Light O Holy One, what a confession that we cannot see the miracle that is before our eyes. We march to the drum of the dismissive voice: ‘ If you can, see it, feel it, touch it,- if it is located anywhere in your small orbit of experienceit is no sacred mystery.’ Miracles, we believe, happen elsewhere; in secluded caves, on mountaintops, in the next town over; and to other people; to gurus and priests, shamans and saints, the gifted and the great. Forgive us that even as we carry around the entire universe in our bodies, and in our luminous minds, we look elsewhere for sacred revelation. Forgive us: despite knowing that each carbon atom in our blood and firing neuron in our brain came from ancient stars, somehow we can ignore our own radiance. Shine upon us now, O Holy One, that we might see your light among us, within us, and all around us. Amen. Bruce Sanguin The Gospel according to John The Word Became Flesh 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. Out of the stars in their flight, out of the dust of eternity, here we have come, stardust and sunlight, mingling through time and through space. Out of the stars have we come, up from time: Out of the stars have we come. Time out of time before time In the vastness of space, Earth spun to orbit the sun, Earth with the thunder of Mountains newborn, the boiling of seas. Earth warmed by the sun, lit by sunlight: This is our home, Out of the stars have we come. This is the wonder of time, This is the marvel of space, Out of the stars swung the earth Life upon earth rose to love. This is the marvel of life, Rising to see and to know: Out of your heart, cry wonder: Sing that we live. R Weston