Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 Ground Testing Technical Committee CONTENTS 2 Outstanding Papers 3 Membership 4 Subcommittee News 6 Working Group News 7 GTTC Student Contest 8 Ground Testing News 17 Special Topics 18 Committee News 19 GTTC Calendar 20 Membership Information Six-percent-scale X–37 model undergoes wind tunnel testing in AEDC’s Tunnel A (see p. 11). Vice-Chairman’s Message Greetings and welcome to this, the thirteenth edition of the Ground Testing Technical Committee (GTTC) newsletter. For the past 7 years, we have been using the newsletter as a way to tell the ground testing community about the GTTC and to highlight the work of its members. The GTTC is one of over 60 technical committees sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). The GTTC is made up of about 35 professionals (or more, counting associate and international members) working in various areas of the ground testing world. Our membership addresses important technical issues that affect ground testing through several means, including the development of guides and standards, dissemination of information through technical sessions at conferences, and the development and sponsorship of short courses. The GTTC has also had good participation in Congressional Visits Day, which is a vital tool for ensuring that aeronautics and space-related research and testing is supported at the required levels. As you read through this newsletter, you will get an overview of the various activities sponsored by the GTTC. One of the primary functions of every technical committee is the sponsorship and development of conferences and technical sessions. The GTTC supports two conferences each year. Every GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter January, the GTTC meets at the Aerospace Sciences Meeting, where we have a dozen or so technical sessions. In the summer, the GTTC alternates between the Joint Propulsion Conference (odd-numbered years) and the Advanced Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference (even-numbered years). There isn’t enough space here to list all of the great things being done in the subcommittees, like Publications and Student Activities, but the information is inside; just keep reading. Over the past decade, the GTTC has been very active in attacking specific technical issues through several working groups. The working groups are chaired by a GTTC member, but the makeup of these groups includes both GTTC members and experts from outside the GTTC. The working groups are addressing issues and development guides in the areas of wind tunnel calibration and flow quality, internal balance calibration, and test processes and thrust stands. Documents from the wind tunnel calibration, internal balances, and test processes working groups are currently going through peer reviews and will hopefully be published soon. As you can see, the most important part of the GTTC is the membership. Without the dedicated professionals that staff www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 1 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 Ground Testing Technical Committee the various committees and working groups, the GTTC could not make the contribution that it does to the ground testing community. Therefore, I’d like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all of the GTTC members for a job well done. If you have questions or comments about the GTTC, or are interested in joining, please feel free to contact me directly at Earnest.a.Arrington@grc.nasa.gov or by telephone at 216–433– 8507, or check out our web site (www.lions.odu.edu/ ~dlandman/gttchome.html). This is a transition month for the GTTC, where the gavel is passed from the current chair to the chair-elect. Dan Marren will be leaving the GTTC after the Reno meeting after nearly a decade of service (he joined as an associate member, has led several committees, and has been a part of the GTTC leadership for the past 5 years). Dan has done a lot to promote the GTTC and has been instrumental in many of the successes we have had. Thanks, Dan, for your time and leadership. testing that demonstrates outstanding research, documentation, and presentation. The primary criteria are technical quality and relevance to aerospace systems ground testing. Chosen papers are recommended for publication in the appropriate AIAA journals and the authors are presented with a certificate recognizing their achievement. 2001 Ground Tes ting Award Presented to Dr. Donald Wilson The 2001 AIAA Ground Testing Award was presented at the 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit in Salt Lake City, Utah, in July 2001. The recipient was Dr. Donald R. Wilson, professor and chairman of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. Outstanding Ground Testing Papers From the 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Established in 1975, this award is presented for outstanding achievement in the development or effective utilization of technology, procedures, facilities, or modeling techniques for flight simulation, space simulation, propulsion testing, aerodynamic testing, or other ground testing associated with aeronautics and astronautics. The GTTC is pleased to announce the selection of three Outstanding Papers from the 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit in Salt Lake City, Utah, in July 2001. Three papers were selected as outstanding: The citation for this award is as follows: “For the founding and development of a comprehensive aerospace ground testing and research center and educating a new generation of aerospace professionals.” “A Survey of Development Test Programs for LOX/Kerosene Rocket Engines” (AIAA–2001–3985). J.L. Emdee, The Aerospace Corporation. We extend our congratulations to Dr. Wilson on his outstanding achievement. “Development of a Bellmouth Airflow Measurement Technique for Turbine Engine Ground Test Facilities” (AIAA–2001–3676). D.K. Beale, T.L. Hand, and C.L. Sebourn, Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Arnold Engineering Development Center. Special Notice: GTTC Elections “Development of Temperature-Sensitive Paints for High Temperature Aeropropulsion Applications” (AIAA–2001–3528). Steven W. Allison and David L. Beshears, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and Timothy J. Bencic, NASA Glenn Research Center. We extend our congratulations to each of these authors, who have made a significant contribution to the conference, the ground testing community, the AIAA, and the aerospace industry. At the summer 2001 GTTC meeting, an election for the next vice chair was conducted. The GTTC leadership operates on a 2-year rotation, with the vice chair (the only directly elected office) automatically ascending to the chair. While this requires a 4-year commitment for the vice chair/chair, it does provide much-needed continuity in the GTTC leadership. The newly elected GTTC vice chair is Nancy Swinford of Lockheed Martin. The GTTC selects papers from each of its conferences to recognize important work in the field of aerospace ground The new officers will take over at the next GTTC meeting (January 2002 in Reno, Nevada). Dan Marren, the current chair, will pass the gavel to the incoming chair (and current vice chair), Allen Arrington of QSS at NASA Glenn. Since Nancy is currently the GTTC secretary, a new secretary has been appointed. Jean Bianco, also of NASA Glenn, will take over as GTTC secretary at the January 2002 meeting. 2 GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 AIAA/GTTC 2001 Membership Technical Working Groups 2001 GTTC Officers Chairman Dan Marren 301–394–1750 Aerodynamics Subcommittee Mathew Rueger 314–232–2832 Publications Subcommittee David Minto 505–679–2133 Test Processes Mark R. Melanson 817–763–1760 Vice Chairman Allen Arrington 216–433–8507 Propulsion Subcommittee Sam Stephens 228–688–7207 Standards Subcommittee Gregory Addington 937–255–8490 Flow Quality Working Group Frank Steinle 931–454–7716 Secretary Nancy Swinford 408–743–1443 Awards Subcommittee Brent Bates 931–454–4943 Steering Committee Dan Marren 301–394–1750 Internal Balance Technology Nancy Swinford 408–743–1443 Conferences Subcommittee Tom Fetterhoff 931–454–5870 Student Activities Subcommittee Gregory Addington 937–255–8490 Wind Tunnel Calibration Methodology Allen Arrington 216–433–8507 Membership Subcommittee Allen Arrington 216–433–8507 Dr. Gregory Addington Tom Aiken Mark Amundson Dr. Stephen Arnette Allen Arrington Brent Bates Dr. Thomas Beutner Jean Bianco Richard Burrows Julie Carlile Ray Castner Mark Cross Dr. Georg Eitleberg Jeffery Emdee Eric Ernst Tom Fetterhoff Jeffrey Haas Matt Hammond John Hayes Dennis Hergert Dr. Susan T. Hudson Dr. Jerry Kegelman Joyel Kerl John Lafferty Dr. Drew Landman Dr. Frank K. Lu Dr. John Magill Dan Marren Dr. Thomas McLaughlin Mark Melanson David Minto Dr. Richard Morgan Dr. Sreedhara Murthy Mark Perry Juergen Quest Dr. Mark Rennie Joel Robinson Mathew L. Rueger Dr. Frank Steinle Samuel Stephens Todd Sterk Nancy Swinford Niek Verhaagen Donald Wagner Thrust Stands Ray Castner 216–433–5657 Air Force Research Laboratory/VACA NASA Ames Research Center Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) Manager, Aeronautics Engineering Research/Sverdrup Technology, Inc. Supervisor, Mechanical Operations/QSS Group, Inc. Sr. Engineer/Sverdrup Technology, Inc. (AEDC) Program Manager/Air Force Office of Scientific Research PSL Facility Manager/NASA Glenn Research Center Sr. Engineering Specialist/Boeing Air Force Research Laboratory NASA Glenn Research Center Sverdrup Technology, Inc. German-Dutch Wind Tunnel The Aerospace Corporation Cryogenics Testbed Manager/NASA Kennedy Space Center Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC)/XPV NASA Glenn Research Center NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Pratt & Whitney Sr. Principal Engineer/Boeing Phantom Works Ass’t. Professor/Mississippi State University, Mechanical Engineering NASA Langley Research Center Dynacs Engineering White Oak (AEDC) Old Dominion University Assoc. Professor/University of Texas at Arlington Physical Sciences, Inc. Wind Tunnel Projects Manager/White Oak (AEDC) Aeronautics Research Consultant/U.S. Air Force Academy Engineering Chief, Model Design/Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Holloman High Speed Test Track/U.S. Air Force The University of Queensland Sverdrup Technology, Inc. Lead Projects Engineer/Lockheed Martin European Transonic Wind Tunnel Aerodynamicist/Aiolos Engineering Corp. Sverdrup Technology, Inc. (MSFC Group) Sr. Project Engineer/Boeing Sr. Engineering Specialist/Sverdrup Technology, Inc. (AEDC) Lockheed Martin Stennis Operations Sandia National Laboratory Manager II PEL, Aero/Fluids Group/Lockheed Martin Space Systems Sr. Research Scientist/Vortex Aerodynamics and Acoustics Sverdrup Technology, Inc. GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter 937–255–8490 650–604–6855 931–454–6513 931–393–6699 216–433–8507 931–454–4943 703–696–6961 216–433–8870 562–797–5651 661–275–5098 216–433–5657 931–454–5952 31–527–24–8521 310–336–7704 407–867–2133 931–454–5870 216–433–5718 256–544–1255 561–796–4397 206–655–4253 662–325–6602 757–864–8022 216–433–2339 301–394–6405 757–683–6008 817–272–2603 978–689–0003 301–394–1750 719–333–2613 817–763–1760 505–679–2133 61–7–33653592 650–604–1593 770–494–5619 49–2203–609–159 416–674–3017 256–544–3513 314–232–2832 931–454–7716 228–688–7207 505–844–4923 408–743–1443 31–15–278–6385 931–393–6407 gregory.addington@va.afrl.af.mil taiken@mail.arc.nasa.gov Mark.Amundson@arnold.af.mil arnettsa@sverdrup.com earnest.a.arrington@grc.nasa.gov brent.bates@arnold.af.mil tom.beutner@afosr.af.mil jean.bianco@grc.nasa.gov richard.burrows@west.boeing.com julie.carlile@ple.af.mil raymond.s.castner@grc.nasa.gov mark.cross@arnold.af.mil georg-e@nlr.nl jeffery.l.emdee@aero.org eric.ernst-1@ksc.nasa.gov thomas.fetterhoff@arnold.af.mil jeffrey.e.haas@grc.nasa.gov matt.hammond@msfc.nasa.gov hayesjoh@pwfl.com dennis.w.hergert@boeing.com hudson@me.msstate.edu j.t.kegelman@larc.nasa.gov joyel.kerl@grc.nasa.gov john.lafferty@arnold.af.mil dlandman@.odu.edu lu@mae.uta.edu magill@psicorp.com dan.marren@arnold.af.mil tom.mclaughlin@usafa.af.mil mark.r.melanson@lmco.com dave.minto@46tg.af.mil morgan@mech.uq.edu.au smurthy@mail.arc.nasa.gov mark.l.perry@lmco.com j.quest@netcologne.de mark@aiolos.com joel.robinson@msfc.nasa.gov mathew.l.rueger@boeing.com frank.steinle@arnold.af.mil samuel.stephens@ssc.nasa.gov tmsterk@sandia.gov nancy.swinford@lmco.com n.g.verhaagen@lr.tudelft.nl wagnerda@sverdrup.com www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 3 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Subcommittee News The GTTC subcommittees are the backbone of our organization and create opportunities for the GTTC members to get involved with the workings of this AIAA Technical Committee. The GTTC is subdivided into two primary subcommittees, Aerodynamics and Propulsion. Each GTTC member is assigned to one of these primary subcommittees. Membership in other GTTC subcommittees depends upon the member’s interest (for the Liaison, Publications, Standards, Student Activities, and Awards and Upgrades subcommittees) or the office held within the GTTC (for the Steering, Conferences, and Membership subcommittees). If you have an interest in a specific subcommittee, please feel free to attend the next meeting. GTTC subcommittee meetings coincide with GTTC-supported conferences. Specific dates, times, and locations can be found in the conference registration materials. Steering Subcommittee The Steering Subcommittee reviews GTTC policy, AIAA business, and all matters of general interest to GTTC members. The Steering Subcommittee is headed by the GTTC chair and includes the vice chair, secretary, and all subcommittee chairs. The success of our technical committee has been recognized by AIAA Headquarters. The GTTC has prepared and presented AIAA training sessions for new technical committee chairpersons. Dan Marren White Oak (AEDC) a related AIAA publication, “Guide for Assessing Experimental Uncertainty—Supplement to AIAA S–071A–1999.” This document will provide additional information and examples to assist the experimenter in applying uncertainty analysis techniques and performing an uncertainty analysis. The information contained in the standard and this guide is not limited to wind tunnel testing and can be applied to a wide range of experiments. Gregory Addington Air Force Research Laboratory Membership Subcommittee Aerodynamics Subcommittee The Membership Subcommittee, which comprises the vice chair of the GTTC and vice chairs of the Aerodynamics and Propulsion subcommittees, tries to provide a balance in technical background and represented organizations when reviewing applications for new members. Selected new members are notified in March. Applicants who are not selected in 1 year are eligible for consideration the following year. The large number of applications to the GTTC has created a considerable pool of eligible representatives from all arenas of the aerospace community. Allen Arrington QSS Group, Inc. The Aerodynamics Subcommittee promotes the advancement of aerodynamic ground testing technology. Members of this committee serve as liaisons to several other committees, such as the High-Speed Civil Transport Coordination Committee, the Thermophysics Technical Committee, the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee, and the Institute for Aerospace Research of the National Research Council of Canada. Mathew Rueger Boeing Conference Planning Subcommittee The Standards Subcommittee consists of members from both the Aerodynamics and Propulsion subcommittees. It promotes the understanding of ground testing, the standardization of uncertainty analysis methodology, and the widespread use of uncertainty analysis techniques. Recently, the subcommittee published a revision to AIAA Standard S–071A–1999, “Assessment of Experimental Uncertainty with Application to Wind Tunnel Testing.” The subcommittee is now working on The Conference Planning Subcommittee, as its name implies, plans and organizes GTTC conferences and sessions. The GTTC sponsors a biennial ground test technical conference and also supports two annual AIAA conferences with ground testing sessions. Beginning in 1996, the conference has also been supported by the AIAA Aerodynamic Measurements Technical Committee as the Advanced Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference. These conferences are typically collocated with other AIAA technical conferences held in the early summer months. 4 GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Standards Subcommittee GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Subcommittee News The committee also plans and organizes the GTTC-sponsored sessions for the annual Aerospace Sciences Meeting in January and the Joint Propulsion Conference in the summer (on oddnumbered years only). Planning and organizing activities include electing conference chairs; selecting session chairpersons, the conference program, and the site and meeting room; preparing the Call for Papers; and planning of coordinated short courses, tours, luncheons, special exhibits, and so forth. Tom Fetterhoff Arnold Engineering Development Center of the AEDC) in June 2000 at the 21st AIAA Advanced Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference in Denver. The Outstanding Paper Award recognizes the technical quality, technical relevance, presentation, and readability of papers presented at the various GTTC sessions. Three papers from the 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting were given this award. Brent Bates Sverdrup Technology, Inc. (AEDC) Publications Subcommittee Propulsion Subcommittee The Propulsion Subcommittee promotes the advancement of ground testing technology related to aeropropulsion systems. Members of this committee serve as liaisons to several other committees such as the Propulsion Technical Committee, the Turbine Test Facility Working Group, and the Turbine Engine Testing Working Group. Sam Stephens Lockheed Martin Stennis Operations Liaisons Subcommittee The Liaisons Subcommittee was formed to foster communications with AIAA Headquarters, other AIAA technical committees, and independent societies and organizations. GTTC members are encouraged to become liaisons to groups that share their professional interests. Representatives of liaison organizations are invited to attend GTTC meetings and exchange information with members to our mutual benefit. These exchanges may include sharing of administrative methods, participation in joint endeavors and innovative projects, or information about conferences and technical programs. Liaison reports are summarized in a standard format and published as addenda to the GTTC minutes. Dan Marren White Oak (AEDC) Awards and Upgrades Subcommittee The Awards and Upgrades Subcommittee coordinates and participates in the selection process for the annual Ground Testing Award presented by AIAA. This award is presented for outstanding achievement in the ground testing field. The 2000 Ground Testing Award was presented to Travis Binion (formerly GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter The Publications Subcommittee promotes the efforts of the various GTTC subcommittees through dissemination and publication of technical information, journal articles, and use of other forms of media. In addition to the annual Aerospace America Highlights article, the committee is responsible for preparing and publishing the GTTC Newsletter and maintaining the technical committee’s web site. Ground testing-related articles and news items for use in Aerospace America Highlights and the GTTC Newsletter are solicited from current and former GTTC members and others in the ground testing community. David Minto Holloman High Speed Test Track/U.S. Air Force Student Activities Subcommittee The Student Activities Subcommittee coordinates a GTTC Engineering Contest each year for undergraduate and graduate students. The winners receive honoraria for their efforts, as well as the chance to attend an AIAA professional conference. Encourage students at your area universities to submit their projects by handing out the flyer included in this newsletter to your sections, and please volunteer to judge the projects after they have been submitted. The subcommittee also encourages interaction between GTTC members and their local schools. New ideas for experiments and/or testing kits for students who want to learn about flight and aviation are always needed. Please send your ideas to Drew Landman, along with any interesting web links on sciencerelated activities you may encounter. Gregory Addington Air Force Research Laboratory www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 5 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Working Group News GTTC Working Groups—Addressing Technical Issues One of the key areas that the GTTC has focused on is the use of working groups to address specific technical issues of major importance to the ground test community. These working groups are chaired by GTTC members but are made up of experts from both the GTTC and from the community at large. Not restricting working group membership to GTTC members allows for more people to get involved and work on a variety of issues. The GTTC currently sponsors five working groups: Test Processes, Internal Balance Technology, Wind Tunnel Calibration Methodology, Wind Tunnel Flow Quality, and Thrust Stands. These five groups address very specific topics with the goal of creating recommended practices documents that will aid the community by helping to move toward common methods of testing. The first formal group established under the GTTC was the Test Processes working group in 1992. The group was originally chartered to look into developing commonality in the design and fabrication of wind tunnel models (test articles). It soon became apparent that the model and overall test process could not and should not be decoupled. The focus of the working group was then broadened to investigate best practices for successfully conducting a wind tunnel test program. Chairman Mark Melanson (Lockheed Martin) assembled facility owners and operators, test customers, and model builders to staff the working group. This group developed a two-volume document that highlights best practices for conducting wind tunnel test programs from start to end. The first volume is an executive summary that provides an overview of the key elements to successfully planning and executing a wind tunnel test program. The second volume is the practitioner’s guide and delves into the details of these key best practices. Volume 1 was completed about 2 years ago and has undergone a thorough review by wind tunnel personnel representing all disciplines. The draft of volume 2 was finalized at the January 2001 meeting and is currently going through a peer review. When published, these documents will serve as a valuable reference for any wind tunnel test project engineer. The next working group started under the GTTC was the Internal Balance Technology Working Group in 1994. This working group was founded and chaired by David Cahill (Sverdrup Technology AEDC Group) and has probably drawn the most attention from the ground test community. The balances group was originally set up to be a means for the exchange of ideas and information on internal strain gauge balance calibration, but expanded its scope to cover any topics on internal balance technology. The balance working group attempted to define standards on several aspects of internal balance application and calibration, a rather daunting task considering that nearly all of the 20-plus member organizations had very different, if tried-and-true, techniques for balance calibration and in-tunnel use. The amazing result was that the group was able to develop an agreed-upon standard that all organizations could and would use for balance calibration and testing. The working group has basically completed its work and no longer holds meetings. David Cahill is acting as editor of the document and is finalizing the draft based on inputs from the working group membership. The draft should be ready for peer review in early 2002. The Wind Tunnel Calibration Methodology Working Group was started in 1996, primarily as a means of sharing information on tunnel calibration techniques. Allen Arrington (QSS at NASA Glenn) founded and chairs this working group. The group comprises 15 member organizations, each of which is responsible for the calibration of their facilities. Because of the wide range of topics pertaining to wind tunnel calibration, the group scoped the work to concentrate on the empty test section calibration of subsonic and transonic wind tunnels. The working group members are currently completing the draft of a best practices document on this topic. This document draws upon the experience of the members to develop the best practices and uses case studies of actual tunnel calibration procedures to illustrate the methodologies for different types of tunnels. During the June 2001 meeting at Salt Lake City, the group approved the draft of the recommended practices document. Peer review is underway, with comments due in November 2001. 6 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Working Group News Related to the tunnel calibration group is the Flow Quality Working Group, which was originally organized in 1998, but was recently reorganized and rechartered by Chairman Frank Steinle (Sverdrup Technology AEDC Group). Where the tunnel calibration working group is focusing on steady-state calibration and flow quality, the Flow Quality Working Group is looking into the measurement of unsteady and/or fluctuating parameters, such as acoustics, turbulence, and pressure. The Flow Quality Working Group is currently researching measurement methodologies with the intent of providing information to the Wind Tunnel Calibration Methodology Working Group for inclusion in their best practices document. The Flow Quality Working Group is focusing on defining recommended practices on the measurement of unsteady pressure, velocity, and temperature. The fifth working group organized under the GTTC is the Thrust Stands Working Group, which was formed by Dan Cresci (GASL) in 1998. Leadership of the working group has recently changed, and Ray Castner (NASA Glenn) has taken over as chair. The Thrust Stands Working Group will be operating similarly to the balances and tunnel calibration working groups in that it will provide an open forum for the free exchange of information between the member organizations. Ultimately, the group will be delivering a guide or best practices document on the test techniques, operations, and/or calibration of thrust stands. The working groups are just one of many ways the GTTC tries to aid the ground test community. The direct exchange of information between working group members has already proven very beneficial to participants, and the documents being published by the groups will have a much wider impact on the community. The GTTC is always on the lookout for new technical areas to address, so please feel free to contact any GTTC officer or member if you have a suggestion for a working group. We’ll be happy to help foster any ideas! GTTC Student Contest 2002 Ground Testing Student Engineering Contest The Ground Testing Technical Committee, in conjunction with the AIAA Student Programs Office and its numerous sponsors, is pleased to offer the 2002 Ground Testing Student Engineering Contest. The purpose of this contest is to provide an opportunity for interested engineering students to broaden their learning and understanding of the role of ground testing in the aerospace discipline. The winning participant(s) will be awarded $1000 and will be invited to attend an AIAA professional conference; the second-place participant(s) will be awarded $500. The contest is open to all junior and senior undergraduate and graduate students in an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)-accredited engineering program or an equivalent engineering program offered by a degree-granting institution recognized by the AIAA. Additional contest rules and instructions may be found at www.aiaa.org by following the Educational Programs link to Student Design Competitions, or by contacting the Student Activities Subcommittee chairman, Gregory Addington, at Gregory.Addington@wpafb.af.mil. GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 7 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News Enhanced Twin Sting Rig Now Operational at the European Transonic Wind Tunnel Contributed by Juergen Quest Whenever a model is mounted in a wind tunnel by a central support sting, the question of bias errors always has to be addressed. Typical effects may be associated with support system interference or nonrepresentative rear fuselage geometry. A common approach to the problem is to support the model beneath its wings on twin stings and to split the fuselage to generate an isolated rear part. The model is then tested both with and without a central dummy sting. The resulting differences in the forces measured on the rear fuselage by an internally mounted strain gauge balance yield the sting corrections. This technique is also available at the European Transonic Wind Tunnel (ET W) and is performed as the standard twin sting rig investigation. But splitting the fuselage relies on two basic assumptions: first, that aerodynamic interference from the twin sting support system does not affect the measured central sting interference; and second, that the central sting will only cause negligible perturbations to the flow forward of the split. Additionally, balancerelated compromises further limit the application of this technique. weights. Subsequently, both balances were connected by a dummy wing to apply combined loadings down to cryogenic temperatures. The results revealed an excellent repeatability up to the maximum capacity of 20 kN in normal and 1.5 kN in axial force. New small heated inclinomet er pack ages allow a per manent online determination of the individual incidence of each boom during testing. The perturbations generated by the ETSR along the model axis were investigated by aerodynamic calibration runs up to M = 0.96, with an axial probe to assess buoyancy ef fects. Recently, a test campaign was performed comparing the two twin sting techniques on the model shown in the photo. Comparative results were gained up to Reynolds numbers of about 33 million and Mach numbers around 0.9. A typical medium-term increment repeatability (dummy sting “on” minus “off”) with a drag of better than 0.5 drag counts can be quoted. The system has now been declared fully operational and is available to clients upon request. The development of the enhanced twin sting rig (ETSR) technique shows promise for improving this kind of testing. With this technique, in contrast to the classical solution, no split of the fuselage is required, eliminating comple x and costly modif ication. While t he t est performance procedure with and without the dummy sting is obviously retained, the force measurements are taken over by two identical small-size strain gauge balances housed in the nose area of the twin booms. As part of a European research program, two new c r y o ge n i c s i x - c o mp o n e n t b o o m b a l a n c e s w e re manufactured and subsequently calibrated in the ET W calibration machine over a temperature range from ambient down to 115 K. A comprehensive checkout procedure based on the applied quality standards of the company has been developed for these unique tools. To ensure system integrity, each balance was checked over its full future operating range in pressure and temperature in the cryovessel. In addition, each balance under went an individual calibration at 13 distinct t emperatures in t he balance calibration machine followed by validation check loadings using dead 8 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News The turbine performance data collected during the test was within 1-percent repeatability when compared to flight test data. Data was collected at 65,000; 55,000; a n d 4 5 , 0 0 0 f t a n d p rov i d e d d o c u m e n t a t i o n o f diminishing LPT per for mance wit h reductions in Reynolds number in an actual engine f light environment. This activity also provided a data base for the development of engine analysis codes to be used for future LPT performance improvements on a broad class of new turbofan engines. Second RS-68 Certification Engine Wraps Testing Contributed by Neil Bosmajian PW545 High-Altitude Testing at NASA Glenn Propulsion Systems Laboratory Contributed by Ray Castner The PW545 High Altitude Test was intended to develop a high-altitude data base on small, high-bypass-ratio engines, including information on both performance and operability. Industry is interested in the use of highbypass engines for uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV’s) to perform high-altitude surveillance. The tests were a combined ef fort between Pratt & Whitney Canada and NASA Glenn Research Center. The testing was conducted in two t est entr ies, designat ed t he Baseline and Modified Engine entries, Phase 1 and Phase 2, respectively. The Baseline test objective was to obtain e n g i n e p e r fo r m a n c e a n d o p e ra b i l i t y d a t a t o t h e maximum altitude that the basic engine would operate safely, with only minor modifications to the electronic control and fuel system. The engine was then modified as dictated by the Baseline entry and tested to maximize performance and confirm engine operability to an altitude of 65,000 ft in the Modified Engine test entry. Wit h a 375-second roar, the second of two RS-68 certification engines for the Boeing Delta IV program closed out its hotfire test series at NASA’s Stennis Space Center. The certification process demonstrated that the specified manufacturing processes will produce an engine that performs to requirements. The 14th test on Engine 20001 brings the cumulative total test time to more than 2,500 sec, well beyond the performance that will ever be expected of the engine in its operational life. A large portion of this test activity was to collect data on turbulence levels in the low-pressure turbine (LPT). Instrumentation to measure the turbulence intensity was to be an array of infinite tube probes developed by United Technologies Research Center. NASA Glenn’s Research Ins tr ument ation and Sensor Technology Branch used t he t est t o demonstrat e a new hightemperature beam probe, also designed to measure turbulence intensity. Turbine turbulence levels and turbine aerodynamic per formance at low Reynolds numbers was collected and compared t o analytical models developed by NASA and Pratt & Whitney Canada. GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 9 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News “It’s awesome to get to this point so fast in the development of a new rocket engine,” noted Rocketdyne Vice President and General Manager Byron Wood. “We believe that this is a good engine that has demonstrated over and over again its robustness and performance capability. We’re working hard to give our Air Force customer the same level of confidence.” Wind Tunnel Tests Aid in X–37 Design and Future Flight Tests Contributed by Danette Duncan and Rick Burrows Data collected during two series of wind tunnel tests at the United States Air Force’s Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) will contribute to the final design and support of upcoming flight tests for Boeing’s X–37 advanced technology vehicle. Conducted for Phase II of Boeing’s X–37 Wind Tunnel Test Program, the tests occurred in the center’s von Karman Gas Dynamics Facility wind tunnels. A 6-percent-scale, final configuration model of the Boeing X–37 was tested in AEDC’s Tunnel A to examine the effects of airf low on the vehicle’s aerodynamics at speeds ranging from Mach 1.5 to 5.0. Six-percent-scale model of Boeing’s X–37 advanced technology vehicle in AEDC’s Tunnel C in preparation for wind tunnel tests to provide data for final design and upcoming flight tests. “This phase of our wind tunnel test program evaluates the frozen vehicle lines, or exterior shape,” said Colin McKinney, a Boeing aerodynamic engineer. “Data from these tests will be used to generate the final verification data base from which the flight controls system will be designed, leading to development of its avionics and software that flies the vehicle during the autonomous (self-flying) entry phase.” D u r i n g t h i s s e c o n d ro u n d o f w i n d t u n n e l t e s t s , engineers acquired data in AEDC wind tunnels A, B, and C to determine aerodynamic jet interaction effects from plumes of small reaction control system jets located near the af t (rear) end of a 6-percent-scale vehicle model. Andy Davenport, AEDC test engineer, said many vehicles use jets on dif ferent parts of the structure for attitude control instead of flaps, rudders, or similar devices. This test entry has given AEDC the opportunity to conduct testing for vehicles with jet interaction. “I think the unique thing about this model was its internal f low system,” Rick Burrows, a Boeing test engineer said. “Using special plumbing, we routed highpressure air through an AEDC-supplied five-component force and moment balance. We were able to control and measure pressures and temperatures of the air and selectively exhaust the air through each of the jet nozzle groups. Ability to select and fire a particular nozzle permitted us to examine the jet plume interaction effects on the overall aerodynamics of the vehicle.” Derived from the Air Force’s X–40A, a Boeing prototype space maneuver vehicle, the X–37 is an offspring of the 10 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News Six-percent-scale X–37 model undergoes wind tunnel testing in AEDC’s Tunnel A. NASA Pathfinder Program, which focuses on reducing t he cos t of space access t hrough advanced space technologies. In December 1998, NASA entered into a 4-year cooperative agreement with the Boeing Company to develop the Future-X Pathfinder flight demonstrator vehicle, now known as the X–37. According to McKinney, the X–40 and X–37 are similar in some ways, but differ slightly in configuration. An autonomous (self-flying) vehicle, the X–37 is about 27 ft long and weighs approximately 7,000 lb. Powered by an AR–2/3 engine, which uses JP–10 jet fuel and hydrogen peroxide as propellants, the vehicle has a 7,000-lb thrust capacity and currently cont ains no ascent phase in its program. “There are two flight test aspects,” McKinney said. “One is t o release it from a B–52 aircraf t, to check out approach and landing characteristics. The other flight test involves taking the X–37 as payload on the Shuttle. It’s designed to fit in the Shuttle payload bay. The GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Shuttle will deploy the vehicle into space.” A third option for deployment from an expendable launch vehicle is under consideration. The first of several X–37 f light tests from the B–52 aircraft is scheduled for September 2002. According to NASA officials, two orbital missions are planned, one in 2002 and the other in 2003. During these missions, the X–37 will remain in orbit up to 3 weeks before reentering the Earth’s atmosphere and gliding to a runway landing. U.S. Navy Tes ts F/A–18C/D in Old Dominion University Langley Full-Scale Tunnel Contributed by Drew Landman Bihrle Applied Research, Inc., was contracted by the U.S. Navy to conduct static wind tunnel testing of an F/A– 18C/D model in the Old Dominion University (ODU) www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 11 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News F–18 model on T-bar in LFST test section. Langley Full-Scale Tunnel (LFST). Bihrle Applied Research has been in business for over 25 years and specializes in static and dynamic wind tunnel testing and analysis, as well as complete aircraft simulation. The Navy requested that this static testing be conducted at large angles of attack and sideslip to augment the existing aerodynamic data base being utilized for flight simulation. The LFST was designed and constructed for testing fullscale aircraft by the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics in 1931. The open test section is extremely large, 30 by 60 ft2 in area and 56 ft in length. The aerodynamic data for these tests were acquired in the LFST using the large model support system. This device comprises two 12ft-high vertical support arms that support a pivoting horizontal “T-bar.” A sting for mounting the strain gauge balance and model is attached perpendicular to the supported portion and is actuated by a hydraulic pushrod. The pushrod is used to set and maintain the angle of attack of the model. The entire structure is located in the center of a turntable. To set a sideslip angle, the turntable, which is driven by an electric motor, is rotated to the desired position. The use of this mounting system allows the model to be tested at up to a 65° angle of attack and ±90° of sideslip. order balance interactions were supplied with the balance. This allowed for full correction of balance interactions during the data acquisition process. This particular balance had few load interactions with all errors less than 0.1 percent of full-scale limits. The data reduction process utilized standard signal amplification and filtering, as well as analog-to-digital conversion of each of the six balance data channels and the tunnel dynamic pressure channel. A time history of 1,000 samples was averaged and the model tares removed to produce the final aerodynamic force and moment coefficients. A series of these data points for various angles of attack and sideslip were measured and stored for analysis during the testing. The tests were conducted in a specific order so that the results of previous tests could be used to determine or modify the next test. This optimized the test time and ensured the quality of the measured data. ODU has been operating the LFST for approximately 4 years under a memorandum of agreement with NASA Lang le y. Testing has focused on g round vehicles, primarily the race car industry with some heavy truck entries. A new sensitive automotive balance became operational in January of 1998, while upgrades to the existing external balance facilitated light and heavy truck testing. Other testing has involved traditional aerospace vehicles, including subscale aircraft models, uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAV’s), and propellers. Architectural testing has also been a small part of the LFS T t est schedule. An important aspect of ODU’s operation of the LFST has been the opportunity to give students practical hands-on experience with wind tunnel operation, advanced instrument ation, f low visualization techniques, and dat a acquisition and analysis. Large angle aerodynamic force and moment static data were acquired on a 16-percent scale model of the F/A–18C/D aircraft. The test model, which was on loan from NASA Langley Research Center for these tests, was an aluminum structure with a molded fiberglass skin. A six-component strain gauge balance, also on loan from NASA Langley, was used to measure the body axis forces and moments on the model. The calibration constants and first- and second- 12 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News In preparation for more aircraft model testing in the LFST, an extensive test section f low sur vey is being conducted by ODU. Because cars only occupy a small portion of the test section, previous surveys were not done over the entire test section. When using the T-bar model support system and testing at large angles of attack and sideslip, the test article can move almost 10 ft vertically and either side of the test section centerline. This latest survey will provide valuable information for t he correct dat a reduction of measured air plane aerodynamic force and moment values. damage to the test section and roll drive. Because of the estimated cost of the repairs, a thorough costbenefit analysis for repairing the tunnel versus closing it was done by the NASA Langley Research Center. As a result of this study, it was determined that not only should the tunnel be repaired, but it would also be cost effective to make some significant investments in the facility over the next few years. Repairs to the facility were completed in June 2001, and it reopened for research t esting on June 29. The tunnel has been performing well since then and has returned to standard two-shift operation. Currently, the schedule is booked for FY02. NASA Langley 16 Foot Transonic Tunnel Back in Operation Contributed by Jerry Kegelman Improvements that have already been incorporated are a temperature-compensated electronic pressure-sensing system, a fully operational tunnel automation system, and a new balance-monitoring system. Planned nearterm improvements are a new PC-based automation system, a new model support system pitch drive, and new model mounting hardware. I n F e b r u a r y 2 0 01, t h e 16 Fo ot Tra n s o n i c Tu n n e l experienced a model failure that caused major damage to the tunnel fan blades and catcher screen, and minor The 16 Foot Transonic Tunnel fan blades after repair. GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 13 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News conducted on first- and second-stage pusher sleds. The first full-scale demonstration of the capability will occur in early 2002 and deliver a 180-lb payload to 8500 ft/sec. In the spring, a 10,000-ft/sec test will be conducted. MARS 2007 Smart Lander in Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel Contributed by Jerry Kegelman Recent Holloman High Speed Tes t Tr ac k Programs Contributed by Dave Minto During the summer and fall of 2001, the Holloman High Speed Test Track (HHS TT) conducted test programs supporting the development of several weapon systems. The Compact Kinetic Energy Munition (CKEM) is a lightweight anti-armor weapon being developed by the Army Aviation and Missile Command. In testing at the HHSTT, the CKEM was accelerated by a four-stage sled train to over Mach 5 and then released to impact a rolled homogeneous armor target. Exacting impact attitude conditions (less t han 1° of f per pendicular) were maintained, despite the shock interactions between the sled and the penetrator. The Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPW T) recently conducted tests in support of the Mars 2007 Smart Lander Project, a planetary exploration mission to Mars proposed to NASA for launch in 2007. One of t he requirements for the next generation of Mars Landers is precision landing, which will allow scientists to reach specific target landing sites of interest in areas that would other wise be hazardous to land in safely. To achieve precision landing, the entry vehicle must be designed to provide the required lift-to-drag ratio to steer the vehicle through the Martian atmosphere. In a d d i t i o n , t h e a e ro d y n a m i c fo rc e s o n t h e ve h i c l e throughout the atmospheric f light regime (from free molecular f low to supersonic chute deploy at Mach 1.4 to 2.2) must be known to a high degree of accuracy. The UPW T operates in a critical portion of this flight regime and was recently used to define the aerodynamic forces and moments from Mach 4.6 to supersonic chute deploy. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods have also been applied in this speed regime. Modeling the complex flow field at supersonic speeds, including Several sled tests of improvements to the Air Force F–15 and F–16 ejection seats were also conducted. The testing demonstrated improvements to the capability of the ejection seats at adverse attitudes and higher ejection velocities. The improvements included arm and leg restraint systems to prevent injuries caused by limb flail. Additional testing was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Army’s Suite of Integrated Infrared Countermeasures (SIIRCM) on the MH–60 and Apache helicopters. To evaluate IRCM systems, the HHSTT fires threat missiles at aircraft that are crossing the test track at altitudes as low as 50 ft above the ground. Since the track rail restrains the missiles, very small miss distances can be simulated, and the missiles appear to be realistic threats to the aircraft. Development of a 10,000-ft/sec sled test capability in the Hypersonic Upgrade Program also continued. Testing was 14 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News the significant af tbody inf luence of these aeroshell d e s i g n s , p o s e s a c h a l l e n ge t o C F D m et h o d o l o g y. Consequently, the experimental data base derived from wind tunnel t esting will play a prominent role in defining the supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of the precision landers and in validating the predictive capability of CFD methods.. Vent exit (closed for zero-boiloff tests) Large-Scale Demonstration of Liquid Hydrogen Storage With Zero Boiloff Contributed by Leon Hastings Extension of cryogenic propellant storage periods to months and years has become increasingly important within NASA, and the prospects for zero-boiloff (ZBO) storage have improved substantially in recent years. Analytical trade studies indicate significant weight b e n e f i t s fo r l o n g - t e r m m i s s i o n s , a s we l l a s improvements in mission flexibility and adaptability to changing environments. The ZBO concept involves using a cryocooler-radiator system to intercept and reject cryogenic storage system heat leak such that boiloff and the necessity for venting are precluded. A cooperative ef fort by the Ames Research Center, Glenn Research Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center has been i mp l e m e n t e d t o d e ve l o p a n d d e m o n s t ra t e Z B O hardware and concepts for in-space storage of cryogenic propellants, particularly liquid hydrogen and oxygen. In the interest of costs and scheduling, existing and offt h e - s h e l f h a rd wa re h a s b e e n u s e d t o m a x i m u m advant age t o assemble a t est ar ticle for an early d e m o n s t ra t i o n o f t h e Z B O c o n c e p t w i t h l i q u i d hy d ro ge n . A c c o rd i n g ly, M a rs h a l l ’ s M u l t i p u r p o s e Hydrogen Test Bed, a large-scale liquid-hydrogen test article with a 639-ft 3 tank, has been modified for the int egrat ed operation of a commercial cooler wit h already existing passive insulation, destratificationmixing, and pressure control subsystems. The cooler is a Cryomech GB37 unit, which has a cooling capacity of 30 W at 20 K. Since the cooler thermal extraction rate cannot be directly controlled, the test procedure strategy was to first establish a heat leak below the thermal extraction capability of the cooler. Then, an internal heat er was adjust ed, based on t he measured t ank pressure decay rate, to achieve steady-state pressure conditions; that is, the incoming and extracted thermal energy were balanced. The cooler integration concept involved connecting the second-stage cold head with a copper heat exchanger inser t ed int o t he existing GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter LH2 Concentric tube vent flow (closed) Bulk liquid inlet Joule-Thompson valve (closed) Circulation pump Cryocooler position recirculation line that, in turn, interfaces with the pump and spray bar mixer system. The spray bar recirculation s y s t e m i s d e s i g n e d t o p rov i d e d e s t ra t i f i c a t i o n , independent of ullage and liquid positions, in a zerogravity environment. During the mixing process, fluid is withdrawn from the tank by a pump and flows back into the tank through the spray bar, which is positioned along (or near) the tank longitudinal axis. The fluid is expelled radially back into the tank through 45 spray bar or if ices. Unlike a f light-type unit, t he cooler compressor system is positioned outside the vacuum chamber and is linked to the cold head with stainless steel helium lines penetrating the chamber walls. T h e t h e r m o d y n a m i c a n a ly t i c a l m o d e l a n d u l l a ge pressure control system were integrated such that tank pressure could be automatically controlled and real-time analytical model adjustments could be simultaneously enabled. Additionally, since the control algorithm could be exercised with proposed test parameter changes, more prudent real-time decisions regarding the test matrix were made. The testing, which required 28 days, was completed on October 18, 2001, and is considered very successful. The ullage pressure was held constant, within ±.02 psia, for 5 days at each liquid level tested www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 15 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Ground Testing News (98, 50, and 25 percent). This testing opens up a new era of thinking regarding the application of cryogenics to long-term missions. New Aeronautical Sciences Laboratory Contributed by Gregory Addington On October 15, 2001, the Air Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) established a new aeronautical technology demonstration team that was charged with establishing the directorate as a national center of excellence in military aeronautics and related science and technology laboratory demonstrations. This team has both experimental and computational fluid dynamics tools at its disposal to aid in the development of new and innovative aeronautical concepts. A major short-term focus of this team is to bring stateof-the-art diagnostic capabilities to the three active wind tunnels located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. These three facilities are • The Subsonic Aerodynamics Research Laboratory, a 7- by 10-ft facility capable of speeds to Mach 0.5 T h e s e fa c i l i t i e s a re t o s u p p o r t t h e A i r Ve h i c l e Directorate’s long-term vision for the Aeronautical Sciences Laborat or y. This laborat or y will use an integrated experimental and numerical approach to fill the Nation’s milit ary aeronautics technology needs, facilitated by rapidly advancing technologies such as rapid prototyping of wind tunnel models and integrated c o mp u t e r- a i d e d d e s i g n a n d c o mp u t a t i o n a l f l u i d dynamics grid generation tools. Combined within a s i n g l e l a b o r a t o r y, t h e s e c a p a b i l i t i e s w i l l a l l o w technologists to evaluate concepts with high-fidelity aerodynamic data in days rather than in months or even years. Plasma Dynamics Testing Contributed by Gregory Addington Under the leadership of Dr. Joseph Shang, the Air Force Research Laboratory Air Vehicles Directorate generated a volumetric plasma at hypersonic flow conditions for the first time in the United States on August 3, 2001. This capability was installed into the Mach 6 wind tunnel located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. It is b e i n g u s e d t o e va l u a t e e m e rg i n g m a g n e t o hydrodynamic technologies and to provide benchmark data for comparison with computations. • The Vertical Wind Tunnel, a 12-ft rotary test facility • The Mach 6 Wind Tunnel, a 12-in. open-jet hightemperature facility Also, two new pilot facilities are to be brought online, the 2-f t horizontal water channel and the Mach 5 plasma channel. Another major focus of the team is to reactivate the Trisonic Gasdynamics Facility (TGF). This facility is being reactivated after a 5-year dormant status to support new activity in various areas of supersonic flow research. The TGF is a 2- by 2-ft continuous-flow facility capable of continuous subsonic speeds to Mach 0.9 and discrete speeds of Mach 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, and 3.0. Additionally, the team will act as the technical and administrative liaison between directorate technologists and other wind tunnel laboratories. This function will assure that the most appropriate facility for a particular experimental need is utilized in a time-efficient manner. The team is also evaluating other facilities located at Wr i g h t - Pa t t e r s o n A i r F o rc e B a s e fo r p o s s i b l e refurbishment or reactivation. 16 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Special Topics Some General Notions in Measurement Uncertainty Analysis Contributed by Michael J. Hemsch Uncertainty Analysis Uncertainty analysis often means different things to different people. The narrow definition refers to a distinction called “error propagation.” This is an old definition, but it is still used by some. The larger, more common definition refers to the act of estimating the uncertainty of a particular measurement, in a particular laboratory, at a particular time, by whatever means available. The uncertainty is defined to be a parameter associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. Statistical process control (SPC) in measurement is an important aspect of credible uncertainty analysis (in the larger definition). The U.S. Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ANSI/NCSL Z540–2–1997, gives a detailed description of what is rapidly becoming standard nomenclature regarding uncertainty and its analysis. Anyone who attempts to measure things precisely should have a copy of this standard. Another excellent source of information on this whole subject is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)/SEMATECH Engineering Statistics Internet Handbook (http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/). Error Propagation This almost always means the act of propagating the instrument errors (and any other errors one might be lucky enough to be able to estimate) through the data reduction equations to the final result of interest, e.g., drag coefficient or heat transfer coefficient. The error propagation can be done by symbolically differentiating the data reduction equations to get the sensitivity coefficients for the various errors to be propagated or by numerically carrying out the differentiation (e.g., using a jitter program). The problem with relying on this approach exclusively is that it will usually generate a lower bound to the uncertainty. The unaccounted-for sources of uncertainty are the ones that seem to bite us most often and are the scariest for risk analysis. In any case, one should always measure those uncertainties that one can, such as repeatability and reproducibility (within-lab and across-lab), over time. This leads to the statistical process control (SPC) and modern design of experiments (MDOE) approaches. Of course, if the system has not yet been built or put into service, error propagation is the only approach available, except for comparison with the behavior of similar systems. Statistical Process Control The objective of SPC is to establish the stability and levels of variation of the measurement system, in its entirety, by measuring repeatability and reproducibility for a reference model (NIST calls such an artifact a “check standard”) in a given laboratory periodically over its entire functional life. The NASA Langley Research Center version of this process is described in AIAA 2000–2201. At each tunnel condition, a time-series chart is kept for tracking the mean and standard deviation (or range) for the results in each check standard test over a never-ending series of tests. If the results for both of those statistical parameters stay within certain limits, we can claim that the measurement process is stable for uncertainty purposes and we will have excellent estimates of repeatability and reproducibility. Scaling of the scatter results to customer conditions is required to be able to check the customer repeat information against the check standard data. This is yet another story that requires knowing how to model the scatter in the facility as a function of instrument type, output, and facility setpoint condition. Note that one cannot achieve (or even talk about) SPC by using uncertainty analysis in either the narrow or the larger definitions. SPC depends on testing the check standard regularly and analyzing the results using Shewhart’s statistical control charts. Of course, if any data points fall outside the limits, one must act to correct the system. It is this philosophy that allows us to call this approach data quality assurance instead of uncertainty estimation. Modern Design of Experiments It is not possible to do this subject justice in a few lines, but many contemporary practitioners of the modern design of experiments (MDOE) method actually measure the repeatability and reproducibility during a test to estimate the withintest variation. This is thought to be the best approach for any type of testing. The MDOE estimate of the within-test variation can then be compared to the check standard results for quality assurance. Adding the across-test reproducibility from the check standard results completes the estimate of the within-lab reproducibility. GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 17 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Committee News GTTC Bobsledding Team Far From Making Olympic Finals At the Joint Propulsion Conference summer sessions in July in Salt Lake City, Utah, attendees enjoyed an of fsite event consisting of an extensive tour of the Olympic Park training facilities, an outdoor BBQ, a brilliant display of Utah thundershowers, and a spectacular exhibition by the U.S. freestyle ski jumping team—what a show! Not even intermittent downpours could dampen the spirits of the would-be GTTC bobsledding team (pictured right). They may not be ready for the 2002 Olympics, but look out, Anheuser-Busch! GTTC Hiking Team Reaches Summit at Solitude Some members of the GTTC participated in a hike at the Solitude Ski Resort just outside of Salt Lake City. Although the group struggled at first to find an actual trail (one without heavy machinery and a swamp at the bottom), the scenic overview was spectacular. After the 5,000-ft climb, cold refreshments really hit the spot! 18 GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 GTTC Committee News GTTC Sports—Tiger Was a No-Show Several GTTC members and spouses hit the links last summer in Salt Lake City. Because we had so many technical activities going throughout the week, there was not much time left for golf, so we tried something a little different: a two-person scramble on a par-three course. It was tougher than it sounds, particularly considering the caliber of golfers (hackers) on the TC. The venue was the par-three course at Jordan River State Park, a nice little course with postage stamp greens (a whopping 1,215-yard par 27). Six teams vied for a prize of a few golf balls and the coveted GTTC bragging rights. There were also prizes for pin shots on each hole. Everyone had a really good time, especially the winning team of Jeff Haas and Richard Morgan. Jeff’s dazzling iron play was somewhat overshadowed by Richard’s ability to drain several pretty long putts. Jeff was also the most accurate of all duffers, winning three pin shots; Allen Arrington, Mark Cross, John Lafferty, and Dave Minto had one pin shot each. Jeff and Richard’s score of 30 gave them a one-stroke victory over Dave Minto and Chuck Hudson. Three teams tied at 34: John Lafferty and Nancy Swinford, Dan Marren and Susan Hudson, and Mark Cross and Mark Melanson. High-score honors went to Allen Arrington and Nancy Lafferty, with a final tally of—well, never mind the score. We had a lot of fun! GTTC Calendar of Upcoming Events 2002 January 14 to 17 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit; Reno, Nevada March AIAA Congressional Visits Day April 1 Input due for AIAA GTTC Newsletter April 15 Nominations due to AIAA for Associate Fellow May Abstracts due for 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit June 24 to 27 22nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference; St. Louis, Missouri August 1 Input due for Aerospace America Highlight December issue October 1 Nominations due for AIAA Ground Testing Award November 1 Nominations due to AIAA for TC membership November 1 Input due for AIAA GTTC Newsletter December 1 Aerospace America Highlights Issue GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 19 Vol 3 No 3 January 2002 Request for GTTC Membership Information The purpose of the Ground Testing Technical Committee (GTTC) is to advance the state of the art and technologies associated with ground testing and ground testing facilities. The scope of the committee’s interests includes duplication and simulation of aerodynamic and aerospace flight environments for the testing of aerospace systems, subsystems, and components. The ground test facilities of interest include wind and shock tunnels, ballistic and high-speed test track ranges, space environment facilities, and aeropropulsion test facilities. The GTTC is composed of over 40 AIAA professionals from commercial, government, and academic sectors representing the technical spectrum for state-of-the-art ground testing of aerodynamic, propulsion, and space systems. The Committee continually seeks members from all parts of the ground testing community. The membership term on the GTTC is 4 years with approximately 25 percent of the membership rotating off each year. Prospective members should be willing to make a commitment to GTTC activities and attend the semiannual GTTC meetings. If you are interested in receiving further information concerning membership in the GTTC, please fill out the form below and mail to ALLEN ARRINGTON QSS GROUP INC MS 6–2 NASA GLENN RESEARCH CENTER 21000 BROOKPARK RD CLEVELAND OH 44135 216–433–8507 fax 216–433–8551 Name: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Country: E–mail: Professional responsibility: Professional membership: AIAA Years experience: SAE ASME ITEA Other Educational background (degree, discipline, year): Prior service on AIAA Technical Committees: Name: Prior experience organizing conferences, sessions, short courses: Area of interest: Aerodynamics Aeropropulsion Space systems Does your company currently support other AIAA Technical Committees? Other comments: M–0702–2 Jan 01 GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter GTTC Newsletter www.lions.odu.edu/~dlandman/gttchome.html GTTC Newsletter 20