Links to Colleges with Academic Majors in Religious Studies Arizona State University, Tempe - The Department of Religious studies brings together perspectives and approaches from history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and literature to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individuals and traditions that constitute religions and cultures. When students major or minor in religious studies they can tailor their program to suit their individual interests, such as focusing on a particular region of the world, or a particular religious tradition. Brown University - The Department of Religious Studies offers a graduate program leading to the degrees of M.A. and Ph.D., with specializations in History of Religions: Early Christianity and Western Religious Thought California State University, Chico - Department of Religious Studies. The academic study of religion at CSU, Chico, focuses on a) historical studies of Eastern and Western religious traditions; b)textual studies of the sacred writings in religious traditions; c) methodological studies which seek to understand and interpret religious traditions and cultural symbols; and d)cognate studies which relate religion to aspects of culture such as literature and the arts, ethics and law, psychology, sociology, and philosophy. California State University, Northridge - The Religious Studies Department at California State University, Northridge offers a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies. The Department encourages students to draw upon a variety of fields and disciplines for African-American Studies, Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology. A major will be able to interpret religious texts, think both empathetically and critically about conflicting religious claims, acquire knowledge of the history of more than one major religious tradition, apply intercultural methods to religious inquiry and analysis, and articulate a perception of one's role in society, in both career and public service options. CUNY Hunter College The Program in Religion at Hunter College is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive program of religious studies in the City University. It offers over eighty courses, including several courses in aspects of each of the major world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism) as well as in the traditional religions of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas; courses in various methodological approaches to the study of religions. Taught by specialists in religion and in other disciplines, its courses are drawn from the Religion Program itself, from Anthropology, Black and Puerto Rican Studies, Chinese, Classics, English, Geography, Hebrew, History, Philosophy, and Sociology. In all courses, religion is presented in a scholarly manner: no doctrinal bias is reflected Dartmouth College - The Religion Department offers instruction, from the introductory to the advanced level, in most of the world's major religious traditions: Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, the religions of the ancient Near East, the religions of Africa, and religious life in Native North America. Duke University - The Department of Religion is one of the largest Humanities departments at Duke and one of the most prestigious departments of religion in the entire country. The Department offers instruction in all the major religions, notably Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Emory University - Undergraduate Division of Religion Florida International University - Religious Studies Department. The Religious Studies major serves as a basis for students who wish to pursue the study of religion or theology as a career, for students preparing for a career in counseling, education, business, law or medicine, or for students who wish to undertake a dual major in a related field of study. Both a B.A. and M.A. are being offered. » Georgia State University - Program in Religious Studies. » Harvard University - The Committee on the Study of Religion is a standing committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, comprised of instructors from both F.A.S. members and the Divinity School. Degrees offered include the Ph.D., Th.D., and B.A. » Hollins University - Women's liberal arts college in Virginia. Undergraduate religious studies program. Indiana University Religious Studies Department - Undergraduate and graduate programs. Iona College-Department of Religious Studies - Religious Studies holds a significant place in the Liberal Arts curriculum. The undergraduate core courses, electives and major and minor programs seek to introduce students to the field of religion as an area open to disciplined scholarly inquiry; to assist students in developing an understanding of the nature and complexity of religious phenomena and experience; and to acquire an appreciation of the critical problems and issues involved in the study of religion Princeton University - Department of Religion The Department. Princeton University has long been committed to the idea that religion, like politics or art, is an important sphere of life and merits systematic attention within the curriculum. The primary responsibility for instruction in this area has, for more than half a century, been entrusted to the Department of Religion, which belongs to the Division of the Humanities. Our charge is to do our best to examine religious life, the diverse forms it has taken in different cultures and historical periods, and the questions it poses for theoretical, ethical, and political reflection. As a humanities department, we appeal to the same standards of historical and philosophical scholarship found in neighboring disciplines. Rutgers University The undergraduate department of Religion at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey offers courses in major religious traditions, texts, and related phenomena. The field of religion spans numerous areas: anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, theology, history & literature. As an academic discipline, religious studies coordinates these fields for a comprehensive understanding of phenomena that represent some of the most intricate constructs of the human spirit. The Religion department program at New Brunswick fosters an environment for the impartial analysis & comparison of a wide variety of religious systems. » Syracuse University - The study of Religion at Syracuse is distinctive. From the introductory level through the Ph.D., the range of courses, developed within the College of Arts and Sciences, in contradistinction to a theological seminary, opens conversations with historians, literary critics, novelists, poets, philosophers, linguists, sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists SUNY Albany The Religious Studies Program is an interdisciplinary program reflecting a wide variety of academic interests and disciplines. Its purpose as a program is to produce a formal structure for the study of the religions of humankind. Religion, one of the most basic of human concerns, has occupied a leading place in the thought and activities of all peoples from the earliest civilizations (as shown by archaeology), through early literate societies, (as seen in their religious texts), to the present, where religious beliefs and their consequences continue to shape the daily news. » Stanford University - The purpose of Religious Studies is to understand and interpret the history, literature, thought, and social structures of various religious traditions and cultures. The department offers courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in the fields Asian Religions, Christianity, Judaism, Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, and Religion, Cultures, and Comparative Studies. The department offers programs in bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. degrees. University of Bridgeport - The Program in World Religions at the University of Bridgeport grants the B.A. in World Religions. The study is non-sectarian and publicly inclined. All the major religions of the world are given attention University of California, Riverside - The Department of Religious Studies provides an opportunity to study diverse religious traditions of the world. Students are able to examine texts, symbols, myths, rituals, ideas, values, institutions, and intellectual (theological, philosophical, and ethical) systems of many traditions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, African and Native American religions. Religion is studied empathetically, descriptively, and critically with the aid of historical, exegetical, literary, philosophical, theological, and social-scientific (e.g. anthropological, socio-logical, and psychological) methods of inquiry » University of California, Santa Barbara - Programs for the Study of Religion Worldwide, Religious Studies Department. Over 750 programs in Religious Studies/Theology listed, from colleges and universities across the world. Listed alphabetically and geographically. » University of Colorado - The Department of Religious Studies offers comprehensive programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts degrees in religious studies. The program aims to provide students with a broad knowledge of religion as a dimension of human culture, familiarity with a variety of approaches to the academic student of religion, training in advanced research skills. University of Miami Religious Studies is the academic study of religion and spirituality. We explore texts, histories, and ways in which humans from various cultures have understood their world. We study the beliefs, ethics, rituals, artifacts, and organizations of religions, and we consider the changing relationship between religion and elements of the wider culture--including politics, art, economics, literature, and society. We use the methods of the humanities and behavioral sciences. Some of us use literary tools to study sacred texts. Others draw on philosophical and theological insights. Some of us are primarily historians, studying the changes in religious groups over time. Some apply the theories and techniques of sociology, psychology, and anthropology.