BI SC 004

BI SC 004
Human Body:
Form and Function
The Cardiovascular System:
The Heart, Blood Vessels and
Dr. Martha Aynardi
The Heart, Blood Vessels, and Circulation
Chapter Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
◦ Differentiate between the types of blood vessels on the basis of
structure and function.
◦ Explain the mechanisms that regulate blood flow through arteries,
capillaries, and veins.
◦ Describe the role of the precapillary sphincters.
◦ Recall the largest artery and vein.
◦ Define atherosclerosis and recall some of its causes.
◦ Differentiate between systolic and diastolic pressure.
◦ Describe the functions of the systemic and pulmonary circuits.
◦ Recall the flow of blood through the systemic and pulmonary circuits.
◦ Explain the factors which influence venous return from the lower
◦ Define cardiac output.
◦ Describe the basic anatomical features of the heart and the heart wall.
Be sure to include the following key terms in your description: vena
cava; right atrium; tricuspid valve; right ventricle; pulmonary arteries;
pulmonary veins; left atrium; mitral (bicuspid valve); left ventricle;
aorta; SA node; AV node; bundle of His (AV bundle); Purkinje fibers;
myocardium, and coronary arteries.
◦ Recall the flow of blood through the heart. (Be sure to identify the
major blood vessels, chambers, and heart valves.)
◦ Identify the sequential events of the cardiac conduction system that
result in a heartbeat (cardiac contraction).
◦ Recall what the electrocardiogram is used to determine. Also,
differentiate between the P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave.
◦ Recall what the sphygmomanometer is used to determine.
◦ Define a myocardial infarction.
◦ Define a heart murmur.
◦ Recall what the purpose of coronary bypass surgery is.
The Heart, Blood Vessels, and Circulation
Differentiate between the types of blood vessels on the basis of
structure and function (pg. 414-418).
◦ Arteries – blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and
toward a capillary.
◦ Arterioles – small arteries; connect larger arteries to capillary networks.
◦ Capillaries – the smallest blood vessels which are the sites of nutrient
and waste exchange for the body’s cells.
◦ Venules – small, thin walled veins that receive blood from capillaries.
◦ Veins – collect blood from venules and return it to the heart.
FIGURE 13-2 on page 414 of your textbook illustrates the
structure of the various types of blood vessels.
Describe the role of the precapillary sphincters (pg. 417).
◦ A precapillary sphincter is a band of smooth muscle that regulates
blood flow from an arteriole into a capillary. The contraction of these
smooth muscle fibers reduces the flow of blood . The relaxation of
the muscle allows blood to enter the capillary more rapidly.
Name the largest artery and vein (pg. 414 & 418).
◦ The largest artery is the aorta.
◦ The largest vein is the venae cavae.
Define atherosclerosis and identify some of its causes (pg. 416).
◦ Atherosclerosis is the formation of lipid deposits in the tunica media
associated with damage to the endothelial lining of the blood vessel.
◦ Factors which may contribute to its cause:
High blood cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus
Measurement of Blood Pressure:
◦ Differentiate between systolic and diastolic pressure (pg.
Systolic pressure refers to the force with which blood pushes
against artery walls when the heart muscle contracts (especially the
Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure in the arteries during
relaxation phase of the cardiac conduction cycle when the heart
chamber relaxes and fills with blood.
Describe the functions of the systemic and pulmonary circuits
(pg. 389; 429-430).
◦ Systemic circuit – this circuit transports oxygenated blood and
nutrients from the left side of the heart to the organs and tissues of the
body and then returns deoxygenated blood from these structures to
the right side of the heart.
◦ Pulmonary circuit – this circuit transports deoxygenated blood from the
right side of the heart to the lungs where it is oxygenated and then
returns it to the left side of the heart.
Recall the flow of blood through the systemic and pulmonary
Explain the mechanisms that regulate blood flow through
arteries, capillaries, and veins (pg. 418-419).
◦ Define cardiac output
◦ Define peripheral resistance.
◦ How do cardiac output and peripheral resistance influence
blood pressure?
◦ Describe how vasoconstriction and vasodilation regulate
blood pressure?
◦ What is the function of precapillary sphincters?
◦ What factors influence venous return (to the heart)?
Explain the factors which influence venous return from the
lower extremities (pg. 405 & 418).
◦ The factors which influence blood flow are pressure and resistance.
Define cardiac output (pg. 404-405).
◦ Cardiac output refers to the amount of blood pumped by
each ventricle in 1 minute.
◦ Factors that regulate cardiac output:
Blood volume reflexes
Autonomic innervation
Describe the basic anatomical features of the heart and the
heart wall. Be sure to include the following key terms in your
description: vena cava; right atrium; tricuspid valve; right
ventricle; pulmonary arteries; pulmonary veins; left atrium;
mitral (bicuspid valve); left ventricle; aorta; SA node; AV node;
bundle of His (AV bundle); Purkinje fibers; myocardium, and
coronary arteries.
Recall the flow of blood through the heart (pg. 389;
397). Be sure to identify the major blood vessels,
chambers, and heart valves.
Identify the sequential events of the cardiac conduction
system that result in a heartbeat (cardiac contraction)
(pg. 389-401).
Recall what the electrocardiogram is used to determine.
Also, differentiate between the P wave, the QRS
complex, and the T wave (pg. 401-403).
Recall what the sphygmomanometer is used to
determine (pg. 422).
◦ A sphygmomanometer is a devise used for measuring blood
Define a myocardial infarction (pg. 397).
◦ A myocardial infarction, or heart attack is when the coronary
circulation becomes blocked, and cardiac muscle cells die
from a lack of oxygen.
Define a heart murmur (pg. 395).
◦ A heart murmur is the soft, distinctive sound of swirling
blood that usually results from a leaky heart valve.
Recall what the purpose of coronary bypass surgery is
(pg. 442 & lecture).
◦ Coronary bypass surgery provides a way to bypass blocked
arteries, restoring normal blood flow to the heart.
Key Terms
Precapillary sphincters
Diastolic pressure
Pulmonary circuits
Cardiac output
Vena cava
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary veins
Left atrium
SA node
AV node
Bundle of His
Cardiac conduction system
P wave
QRS complex
T wave
Myocardial infarction
Heart murmur
Coronary bypass surgery
Coronary arteries
Purkinje fibers
Left ventricle
Chapter Review Questions
Can you answer the following questions?
◦ Can you differentiate between the types of blood vessels on the basis
of structure and function?
◦ What are the mechanisms that regulate blood flow through arteries,
capillaries, and veins?
◦ What is the role of the precapillary sphincters?
◦ What is the largest artery and vein?
◦ What is atherosclerosis and can you name some of its causes?
◦ What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure?
◦ What are the functions of the systemic and pulmonary circuits?
◦ Can you describe the flow of blood through the systemic and
pulmonary circuits?
◦ What are the factors which influence venous return from the lower
◦ What is cardiac output?
◦ Can you describe the basic anatomical features of the heart and the
heart wall? Be sure to include the following key terms in your
description: vena cava; right atrium; tricuspid valve; right ventricle;
pulmonary arteries; pulmonary veins; left atrium; mitral (bicuspid
valve); left ventricle; aorta; SA node; AV node; bundle of His (AV
bundle); Purkinje fibers; myocardium, and coronary arteries.
◦ Can you describe the flow of blood through the heart? (Be sure to
identify the major blood vessels, chambers, and heart valves.)
◦ What are the sequential events of the cardiac conduction system that
result in a heartbeat (cardiac contraction)?
◦ What is the electrocardiogram used to determine? Can you
differentiate between the P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave?
◦ What is the sphygmomanometer used to determine?
◦ What is a myocardial infarction?
◦ What is a heart murmur?
◦ What is the purpose of coronary bypass surgery?
Questions to consider when studying for the exam
` How does structure relate to function?
` Are you able to recognize examples and apply
` Do you know the sequential steps of any mechanisms