FREEDOM OF THE PRESS AND LEGAL SANCTION OF THE PRESS Prof. Mohammad Taufik Makarao, SH., MH.1 Abstract: Controversy of press sanction was about mechanism to solve the problem, whether by criminal court or by the right to response. For this problem there are two opinions. The first one was from the Press Activist and the other one was not from press activist. Press activist say that in the Act No. 40/1999 concerning Press has been regulated about mechanism to solve press crime, namely first by the right to response. If the right to response can not solve the problem, Press Council will be as mediator. If effort of Press Council unsuccessful, the problem will bring to the court. Non press activist say that the right to response can used and also can not used. This is right not obligation. So that, for example if some one get humiliation/slander or defamation/calumny, he directly can go to the police to report his problem. Key-words: Freedom, Press , and Legal Sanction A. Introduction Freedom of the press and legal sanction of the press are two problems that have different consequences. According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Freedom of the Press is, ―immunity of the communications media—including newspapers, books, magazines, radio, and television—from government control or censorship. Freedom of the press is regarded as fundamental to individual rights‖.2 Freedom of the press is the freedom of communication and expression through vehicles including various electronic media and published materials. While such freedom mostly implies the absence of interference from an overreaching state, its preservation may be sought through constitutional or other legal protections.3 Actually problem about freedom of the press has been regulated and discussed since more than 61 years ago. In Universal Declaration of United Nation 1948, article 1 Mohammad Taufik Makarao is a Professor in Criminal Law, Faculty of Law As-syafi’iyah Islamic University, Jakarta. & Lecturer in STIH IBLAM Jakarta. 2 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 3 Freedom of the Press – Wikipedia – The free Encyclopedia. 889 19 says that: ―Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers‖.4 Article 28 E The 1945 Constitution of the Republic Indonesia after amendment to confirm: ….‖(2) Every person shall have the right to the freedom to believe his/her faith, and to express his/her views and thoughts, in accordance with his/her conscience. (3) Every person shall have the right to the freedom to associate, to assemble and to express opinions‖.5 Article 28F ―Every person shall have the right to communicate and to obtain information for the purpose of the development of his/her self and social environment, and shall have the right to seek, obtain, possess, store, process and convey information by employing all available types of channels”.6 Also in one of the consideration of the Act No.40/1999 concerning Press says: ―(a) that the freedom of the press is one of the many embodiments of the sovereignty of the people and is the utmost important element in creating a democratic society, nation and state in order to insure the freedom of expressing ideas and opinions as stated in Article 28 Indonesian Constitution of 1945‖.7 In article 2 the Act No. 40/1999 to arrange: ―The freedom of the press is one of the embodiments of the sovereignty of the people based upon democratic, justice, and law supremacy principles‖.8 Article 4 to organize: ―(1) the freedom of the press is guaranteed as the basic human rights for every citizen‖.9 B. Legal Sanction of the Press Legal sanction of the press or criminal provision of the press correlation with sanction or punishment towards activities in media communication such as newspaper, magazine, radio, and television. In Indonesia there are some acts or law which to regulate about legal sanction or criminal provision correlation with the press. These acts are: Act No. 1/1946, in article 14 (1) and (2), and article 15; Act No. 40/1999 4 www. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic Indonesia. 6 Ibid. 5 7 Act No.40/1999 concerning Press in Appendix of Anneli Ström Leijel, The New Press Law in Indonesia – Just a paperwork or a real step towards more freedom of the press?. Malmö Högskola Department of Culture and Communication Communication for Development, April 2002, p.81. 8 9 Ibid., p.83. Ibid. 890 concerning Press, Penal Code of Indonesia, Civil Code of Indonesia. This paper will try to explore these acts with some examples. 1. Act No.1/1946. In this act, article 14 says that: ―1) anybody who broadcasts/publishes a false story or press release/announcement, with the intention to cause a public disturbance, is to be punished with a jail sentence of up to ten years. 2) Anybody who broadcasts/publishes a story or distributes an announcement that can cause a public disturbance, while he/she should suspect that the story is false, is to be punished with a jail sentence of up to three years‖.10 Article 15 to stipulate: ―Anybody who broadcasts/publishes news that is used with certainty or news that exaggerates or is incomplete, while they understand or at least should be able to understand, that the news will or could easily cause a public disturbance is to be punished with a jail sentence of up to two years‖.11 As example case, in 1990 the journalist of Berita Buana Newspaper, Abdul Wahid has been sentenced for one year to jail because broadcasts/publishes a false story or press release/announcement. This is connection with news in that newspaper, 14 October 1988, with title ―Too much food that produced in fact to contain grease of pig‖. Another example case, was Tomy Winata versus Tempo Magazine, 2003-2004. Tjipta Lesmana said: In Central Jakarta District Court, Tempo claimed not only criminal case but also civil case by Tomy Winata because news: ―There was Tomy in Tenabang‖.12 There were three the accused namely: Bambang Harymurti as an Chief Editor of Tempo magazine and Iskandar Ali and Ahmad Taufik as reporters. 2. Criminal Provision Based on Act No. 40/1999. In article 18 (1) Everyone who, against the law, deliberately take action that caused hindrance or prevention of the criteria stated in Article 4 item (2) and item (3) will be sentenced to jail for 2 (two) years at the maximum or charged with fine of Rp. 500,000,000.- (five hundred millions rupiahs) at the maximum. (2) Press company who violates the criteria as stated in Article 5 item (1) and item (2), and 10 Act. No.1/1946. Ibid. 12 Tjipta Lesmana, Pencemaran Nama Baik dan Kebebasan Pers, antara Indonesia dan Amerika, Penerbit Erwin – Rika Press, Jakarta, 2005, p. 6-8. 11 891 Article 13, will be charged with fine of Rp. 500,000,000.- (five undred millions rupiahs) at the maximum. (3) Press company who violates the criteria as stated in Article 9 item (2) and Article 12 will be charged with fine of Rp. 100,000,000.- (one hundred millions rupiahs).13 Article 4 (2) and (3), Act No.40/1999 to formulate: ―(2) towards national press no censorship, prohibition or restriction of broadcasting will be imposed upon. (3) To insure the freedom of the press, national press has the right to seek, acquire, and disseminate ideas and information”.14 So everyone who, against the law, deliberate takes action that caused hindrance or prevention towards press no censorship, prohibition or restriction of broadcasting, or in other word everyone who, make easy censorship, prohibition or restriction of broadcasting will be sentenced to jail for 2 (two) years at the maximum or charged with fine of Rp. 500.000.000,- (five hundred millions rupiahs). Article 5 (1) and (2), Act No. 40/1999 to confirm, ―(1) National press has the obligation to report events and opinions with respect towards religious norms and moral norms possessed by the public, completed with the presumed innocent principle. (2) Press is obliged to attend to The Right to Response.‖15 Article 13 to formulate: ―Press company is prohibited to have advertisement that: a. caused in degrading the dignity of a certain religion and/or create disorder in the harmonious relationships between diverse religions' followers, and contrary to the public sense of morality; b. contains alcoholic, narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances as against the statutory laws; c. show the form of cigarette and/or its usage”.16 So if the national press did not report events and opinion with respect towards religious norms possessed by the public, completed with the presumed innocent principle, and also is not obliged to attend to the right to response, and to have advertisement that: a. caused in degrading the dignity of a certain religion and/or create disorder in the harmonious relationships between diverse religions' 13 Anneli Ström Leijel, The New Press Law in Indonesia – Just a paperwork or a real step towards more freedom of the press?. Malmö Högskola Department of Culture and Communication Communication for Development, April 2002, p.85-86. 14 15 16 Ibid. p.83. Ibid. p. Anneli Ström Leijel, Ibid., p.84 892 followers, and contrary to the public sense of morality; b. contains alcoholic, narcotics, psychotropic and other addictive substances as against the statutory laws; c. show the form of cigarette and/or its usage, will be charged with fine of Rp. 500,000,000.- (five hundred millions rupiahs) at the maximum. Article 9 (2) says that: ―(2) each press company must be in the form of Indonesian legal entity”.17 Meanwhile article 12 says that: ―Press Company is obliged to disclose name, address, and accountable party through its own media; particularly for publication press, it must be added with name and address of printing company”.18 So that if each press company did not in form of Indonesian legal entity and is not obliged to disclosure name, address, and accountable party through its own media; particularly for publication press, it must be added with name and address of printing company, will be charged with fine of Rp. 100,000,000.- (one hundred millions rupiahs). 3. Legal Sanction Based on Indonesian Criminal Code (1) Article 112: ―Any person who deliberately either reveals or informs or smuggles into the hand of a foreign power, a king or a community, documents, news or information concerning a case of which he knows that secrecy has been ordered by the interest of the state, shall be punished by capital punishment or life imprisonment or a maximum imprisonment of seven years.‖19 Article 113: ―(1) Any person who having in his possession secret documents, maps, plans, drawings or objects relating to the defense or the external security of Indonesia or having knowledge of the content of such secret documents or of the form and the composition of such secret objects, deliberately wholly or partially either reveals said documents or objects, or the content, the form or the composition thereof, or communicate them to others or smuggles them into the hands of others who are not authorized to take cognizance thereof, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of four years. (2) If said :documents or objects which are in his possession or of which he has knowledge, are because of his profession, the punishment may be 17 Ibid. Ibid., 19 Penal Code of Indonesia, Amended by: Undang-Undang RI No. 27 Tahun 1999, Tanggal 19 Mei 1999. Edited by: Directorate General of Law and Legislation Ministry of Justice, p. 33. 18 893 enhanced with one third”.20 In practice in Indonesia these two articles above especially at new order government as a reason to censor the press. Unfortunately in that time which the press who to violate this article never processed in the court. (2) Article 134 and 137 Criminal Codes (Crimes against the dignity of the President and Vice President) Article 134: ―Deliberate insult against the President or Vice President shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of six years a maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs‖.21 Article 137 (This article repealed by Constitution Court No 013-022/PUU-IV/2006): ―(1) Any person who disseminates, demonstrates openly or puts up writing or picture containing insult against the President or Vice President with intent to make the contents public or enhance the publicity thereof shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of one year and four months or a maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs. (2) If the offender commits the crime in his profession and during the commission of the crime two years have not yet elapsed since an earlier conviction on account of a similar crime has become final, he may be deprived of the exercise of said profession‖.22 As an example case, correlation with article 137 namely: executive editor of Rakyat Merdeka newspaper Supratman, at 27 October 2003, get punishment 6 month jail with attempt era 12 month because disseminates, demonstrates openly or puts up writing or picture containing insult against the President Megawati Soekarnoputeri.23 There were four news from Rakyat Merdeka: Mega’s mouth solar smell (6-1-2003), Mega usurer ((8-12003), Mega more fierce than Sumanto (30-1-2003), Mega only same class with regent (4-2-2003).24 20 Ibid. p. 34. Ibid. p. 37. 22 Penal Code of Indonesia, Ibid. p. 38. 21 23 See Kompas Newspaper, 28 October 2003 edition, p. 7. 24 See Tjipta Lesmana, Pencemaran Nama Baik dan Kebebasan Pers, antara Indonesia dan Amerika, Penerbit Erwin – Rika Press, Jakarta, 2005, hal. 1- 2. 894 (3) Article 144 (Disseminates against King or another Head of a Friendly State)25 (1) Any person who disseminates, openly demonstrates or puts up a writing or portrait containing an insult against a ruling king or another head of a friendly state or against a representative of a foreign power to the Indonesian Government in his capacity, with intent to make the insulting content public or to enhance the publicity thereof, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of nine months or a maximum fine of three hundredth Rupiahs. (2) if the offender commits the crime in his profession and during the commission of the crime, two years hare not yet elapsed since an earlier conviction account of a similar crime has become final, he may be deprived of the exercise of said profession. (4) Article 154 (Disseminates against Government of Indonesia)26 The person who publicly gives expression to feelings of hostility, hatred or contempt against the Government of Indonesia, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of seven years or maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs. (5) Article 155 (Disseminates with Writing against the Government of Indonesia)27 (1) Any person who disseminates, openly demonstrates or puts up a writing where feelings of hostility hatred or contempt against the government of Indonesia are expressed, with intent to give publicity to the contents or to enhance the publicity thereof, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment four years and six months or a maximum of three hundred Rupiahs. (2) If the offender commits the crime in his profession and during the commission of the crime five years have not yet elapsed since an earlier conviction on account of a similar crime has become final, he may be release from the exercise of said profession. (6) Article 156a (Enmity with, Abusing or Staining a Religion) 28 By a maximum imprisonment of five years shall be punished any person who deliberately in public gives expression to feelings or commits an act. a. which principally have the character of being at enmity with, abusing or staining a religion, adhered to in Indonesia; b. with the intention to prevent a person to adhere to any religion based on the belief of the almighty God. ... .. There was some cases correlation with this article as follow: 25 Penal Code of Indonesia, Loc.cit. p. 39. Penal Code of Indonesia. Ibid. p. 41. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. p. 42. 26 895 a. Case/Victim: HB. Jasin. Short Story: ―Langit Makin Mendung‖. Sastra Magazine, Th. VI No.8 August 1968 Edition. Decision of Judge one year jail and attempt two years because enmity with, abusing or staining a religion (article 156a Indonesian Criminal Code). Case Position: One person have name Ki Panjikusmin to write short story which the title: ―Langit Makin Mendung‖ in the Sastera Magazine, Th. VI No. 8 August 1968 Edition which that short story to coax Islam. 29 b. Case/Victim: Arsewendo Atmowiloto. Monitor Tabloid Pooling. Decision of Judge: five years jail because enmity with, abusing or staining a religion (article 156a Indonesian Criminal Code). Case Position: Monitor Tabloid, Monday 15 October 1990, to write result of the polling about person who very popular among the reader. The result of pooling show that the rank of Prophet Muhammad was number eleven under Arsewendo Atmowiloto, the chief editor of Monitor Tabloid.30 (7) Article 157 (Disseminated among Group)31 Any person who disseminated, openly demonstrates or puts up a writing or portrait where feelings of hostility, hatred or contempt against or among groups of the population of Indonesia are expressed, with intent to give publicity to the contents or to enhance the publicity thereof, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of two years and six month or maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs. (8) Article 207 (Crime against Public Authority)32 Any person who with deliberate intent in public, orally or in writing, Insults an authority or a public body set up in Indonesia shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of one year and six month or a maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs. 29 Buletin the WAHID Institute. Agama dan Keyakinan dalam R–KUHP, Penodaan Agama dalam Praktik Peradilan, Kerjasama The Wahid Institute—Yayasan TIFA, No. 3/Juli 2006. 30 Ibid. 31 Penal Code of Indonesia. Op.cit. p. 42. 32 Ibid. p.53. 896 As a case example: ―In 1981, the chief Editor of Sinar Pagi Newspaper, get punishment six month jail with attempt one year by District Court of Tangerang because with deliberate intent in public, orally or in writing, Insults an authority or a public body set up in Indonesia. This case connection with news in that newspaper 23 July 1980, in the headline with title: Reported in Parliament, The Regent of Tangerang to steal people money 28 million Rupiah‖.33 (9) Article 208. (Disseminated against Authority or Public Body)34 (1) Any person who disseminates, openly demonstrates or puts up a writing or portrait containing an insult against an authority or public body set up in Indonesia with intent to give publicity to the insulting content or to enhance the publicity thereof, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of four months or a maximum fine of three hundred Rupiahs. (2) If the offender commits the crime in his profession and during the commission of the crime two years have not yet elapsed since an earlier conviction of the person on account of a similar crime has become final, he may be deprived of said profession. (10) Article 282 (Crimes against Decency).35 (1) Any person who either disseminates openly demonstrates or puts up a writing of which he knows the content or a portrait or object known to him to be offensive against decency, or produces, imports, conveys in transit, exports or has in store, or openly or by dissemination of a : writing, unrequestedly offers or indicates that said writing, portrait or object is procurable, in order that it be disseminated,. openly demonstrated or put up, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of one year and four months or a maximum fine of three thousand rupiahs. (2) Any person who disseminates, openly demonstrates or puts up a writing, a portrait or an object offensive to decency, or produces imports, conveys in transit, exports or has in store, or openly or by dissemination of a writing unrequestedly offers or indicates that said writing, portrait or object is procurable, in order that it be disseminated, openly demonstrated or put up if he has serious reasons for suspecting that the writing, 33 Bambang Sadono, Penyelesaian Delik Pers Secara Politis, Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1983, hal. 88. 34 Penal Code of Indonesia. Op.cit. p. 54. Ibid. p. 67. 35 897 portrait is offensive to decency, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of nine months or a maximum fine of three thousand rupiah. (3) If the offender makes an occupation or a habit of the commission of the crime described in the first paragraph, a maximum imprisonment of two years and eight months or a maximum fine of five thousand rupiahs may be imposed. There was some cases correlation with this 282 article, as Bambang Sadono36 written as follow: a. In 1954, the Chief Editor of Rindu Medan Magazine, claimed because the short story to contain crimes against decency. b. In 1955, Tjermin Magazine, Surabaya claimed because news: ―Garagara buah dada terbuka‖. c. In 1956, Chief Editor Bikini Magazine, Yogya, Tony Suprapto, get fine punishment because short story, ―Dan Akhirnya Jatuhlah Aminah‖ . d. In 1957, the Chief Editor Amor Magazine, Usman Ibrahim carried to the court because his essay to violate decency. e. In 1958, Petrus Gonie, the Chief Editor of Arena Weekly, to get fine punishment because demonstrates portrait which to violate decency. f. In 1959, Bung Yuss, reporter Tjerdas Newspaper, Medan, was fined because his opinion to violate article 282. g. In 1963, the Chief of Editor, Liberty Magazine Goh Tjing Hok dan his vice, M.F. Liem Hok Liong, go to the court process because his essay to have decency element. (11) Article 310 (Slander)37 (I) The person who intentionally harms someone’s honor or reputation by charging him with a certain fact, with the obvious intent to give publicity thereof, shall, being guilty of slander, be punished by a maximum imprisonment of nine months or a maximum fine of three hundred rupiahs. (2) If this takes place by means of writings or portraits disseminated, openly demonstrated or put up, the principal shall, being guilty of libel, be punished by a maximum imprisonment of one year and four months or a maximum fine of three hundred rupiahs. (3) 36 37 Bambang Sadono, Penyelesaian Delik Pers Secara Politis, Op.cit., p. 103. Penal Code of Indonesia. Op.cit. p. 74. 898 Neither slander nor libel shall exist as far as the principal obviously has acted in the general interest or for a necessary defense. There was some example cases correlation with this 310 article, as follow: a. In 1984, two newspaper namely: Mimbar Masyarakat in Samarinda and Merdeka in Jakarta, also Detektif & Romantika Magazine in Jakarta get sanction to pay fine each other Rp. 250.000,- and to pay expenses of the case each other Rp. 175.000,- because slander to Fachri Doemas.38 b. In 1987, Tempo Magazine process to the court because slander based on report of The Businessman Probosutedjo.39 c. In 1989 Terbit Newspaper process to the court because slander the chairman of District Court of Subang (West Java).40 d. Former the chief editor Rakyat Merdeka Newspaper, Karim Paputungan at 9 September 2003, get punishment five month jail with attempt 10 month. This correlation with caricature of chairman of Golkar Party and also chairman of Indonesian Parliament, Akbar Tanjung, without t-shirt, and his face full of perspiration.41 (12) Article 311 (Calumny)42 (1) Any person who committees the crime of slander or libel in case proof of the truth of the charged fact is permitted, shall, if he does not produce said proof and the charge has been made against his better judgment being guilty of calumny, be punished a maximum imprisonment of four years. (2) Deprivation of rights mentioned in article 35 first to thirdly may be pronounced. As example case with this article 311 Penal Code of Indonesia, between Tempo Magazine and Tomy Winata. For the first time in Central Jakarta Court session was done in September 8, 2003, because news: ―There was Tomy in Tenabang‖.43 There were three the accused namely: Bambang Harymurti as an 38 Tempo, edisi 7 Desember 1985; See also Bambang Sadono, Penyelesaian Delik Pers Secara Politis,Op.cit., hal. 88. 39 Ibid. 40 Ibid. See Tjipta Lesmana, Pencemaran Nama Baik dan Kebebasan Pers, antara Indonesia dan Amerika, Loc.cit., p. 1. 42 Penal Code of Indonesia. Op.cit. p. 74. 43 Ibid., p. 6-8. 41 899 Chief Editor of Tempo magazine and Iskandar Ali and Ahmad Taufik as reporters, because to spread lie news, and geing guilty of calumny. (13) Article 1365 and 1372 Civil Code of Indonesia Correlation with the Press44 Article 1365 A party who commits an illegal act which causes damage to another party shall be obliged to compensate therefore. Article 1372. The civil legal claim with respect to an offense shall extend to compensation of damages and to the reinstatement of good name and honor that were damaged by the offense. The judge shall, in the consideration thereof, have regard to the severity of the offense, also the position, status and financial condition of the parties involved and the circumstances. There was some example correlation with article 1365 and 1372 Civil Code of Indonesia as follow: a. Marimutu Sinivasan the Chairman of Texmaco Group to accuse Tempo Newspaper and Tempo Magazine because their news in January 23, 2003 and April 25, 2003 very insinuation tendency, and provocative with aim character assassination.45 b. Tomy Winata also to propose accusation to Tempo Inti Media Company, Chairman of Tempo Magazine Company Zulkifli Lubis, Chief Editor Bambang Harymurti, Chief General Fikri Jufri, Vice Chief Editor Toriq Hadad, also reporter Ahmad Taufik, Bernada Rurit dan Cahyo Junaedi. The subhead line of the news: rumours/gossip, Tomy Winata to get renovation project of Tanah Abang Market 54 billion rupiah. That proposal has been proposed before fire. According to Tomy Winata that news was commits an illegal act which causes damage to himself. c. In January 20, 2004,46 Tempo Newspaper got sanction from Court of South Jakarta. This sentence connection with news in that newspaper 6 February 2003 edition, ―Ali Mazi Bantah Tomy Winata Buka Usaha Judi‖. According 44 Civil Code of Indonesia. p. 157 & 158. Kompas, 31 Desember 2003, hal. 17. 46 Tjipta Lesmana, Pencemaran Nama Baik dan Kebebasan Pers, antara Indonesia dan Amerika, Op.cit, p. 6-7. 45 900 to the judge Tempo newspaper was commits an illegal act which causes damage to another party and to slander to the accuser. C. Conclusion and Recommendation 1. Conclusion (1) Controversy of press sanction was about mechanism to solve the problem, whether by criminal court or by the right to response. For this problem there are two opinions. The first one was from the Press Activist and the other one was not from press activist. (2) Press activist say that in the Act No. 40/1999 concerning Press has been regulated about mechanism to solve press crime, namely first by the right to response. If the right to response can not solve the problem, Press Council will be as mediator. If effort of Press Council unsuccessful, the problem will bring to the court. (3) Non press activist say that the right to response can used and also can not used. This is right not obligation. So that, for example if some one get humiliation/slander or defamation/calumny, he directly can go to the police to report his problem. 2. Recommendation (1) The mechanism of press legal sanction or provision about punishment of the press should be strict or improved so that law enforcement of the press can be better in the future. (2) The Act No. 40/1999 concerning Press should be amendment with make article stricter. In article 5 in Act No. 5/1999 concerning press should be changed that press sanction can be applied if has been done the right to response and mediation with Press Council, or in the other words, no press crime without the right to response and mediation with press council. References Act No.40/1999 concerning Press. 901 Buletin the WAHID Institute. Agama dan Keyakinan dalam R–KUHP, Penodaan Agama dalam Praktik Peradilan, Kerjasama The Wahid Institute—Yayasan TIFA, No. 3/Juli 2006. Kompas Newspaper, 28 October 2003 edition. Kompas, 31 Desember 2003 Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Leijel, Anneli Ström, The New Press Law in Indonesia – Just a paperwork or a real step towards more freedom of the press?. Malmö Högskola Department of Culture and Communication Communication for Development, April 2002. Lesmana, Tjipta, Pencemaran Nama Baik dan Kebebasan Pers, antara Indonesia dan Amerika, Penerbit Erwin – Rika Press, Jakarta, 2005. Penal Code of Indonesia, Amended by: Undang-Undang RI No. 27 Tahun 1999, Tanggal 19 Mei 1999. Edited by: Directorate General of Law and Legislation Ministry of Justice. Sadono, Bambang, Penyelesaian Delik Pers Secara Politis, Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1983. Tempo, edisi 7 Desember 1985. Freedom of the Press – Wikipedia – The free Encyclopedia. www. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic Indonesia. Act. No.1/1946. 902