Environmental Science 3205 Unit 2 Recreation and the Environment - Part I Name: __________________ Review 1. A. B. 2. 3. Below are the identify factors that have led to changes in nature-based recreation activities. Explain how these factors have lead to changes. Include: (i) increased access (ii) improved transportation (iii) advanced technology (iv) changing demographics A. B. C. D. 4. 5. 6. Define wilderness. (P. 161) Identify 5 values/benefits associated with wilderness and wilderness experiences. (P. 161-162) Define outdoor recreation. (P. 164) Define consumptive and non-consumptive recreational activities. (P. 166) Describe environmental impacts of consumptive activities using an example. Describe environmental impacts of non-consumptive activities using an example. Identify the environmental impacts of cottage/cabin development. Include: (i) road access development (ii) waste disposal (iii) wood harvesting (iv) noise pollution (v) ATV usage A. B. Identify the 6 values of ecotourism. (Sustainable tourism). P. 171-173 Identify the environmental impacts of routes of access to Newfoundland and Labrador wilderness. (P. 184-185) Distinguish between small game and big game hunting in terms of: (P.216-241) (i) species hunted (ii) hunting methods (iii) management methods (iv) regulations Environmental Science 3205 Unit 2 Recreation and the Environment - Part II Name: __________________ Review 7. Describe the impacts of small game hunting in terms of...........(P. 216-220) A) B) C) 8. Economic - equipment sales Social - recreation, source of meat Environmental - population dynamics and management Describe the impacts of big game hunting in terms of...........(P. 221-228) A) B) C) Economic - tourism, outfitting camps and equipment sales Social - recreation, source of meat Environmental - population dynamics and management 9. Identify four factors considered when setting big game quotas. ( p. 227) 10. Discuss the ecological impacts that coyotes have on moose and caribou populations. (P. 234-236) 11. List four recreational fish species in Newfoundland and Labrador. (P. 237 - 242) 12. What are the four branches of government that regulate the inland fishery. Identify one responsibility of each. (P. 237) 13. Identify three factors that effect the inland fish populations. (P. 242)