STIRLING ROYAL INFIRMARY Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 Responsible Officer: Fire Safety Officer Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 5 FIRE INSTRUCTIONS – QUEEN ELIZABETH WING 5.1 Introduction The ability to deal effectively with a fire situation is essential to ensure the safety of patients and staff. All staff must therefore have read this policy and be familiar with its contents. Staff must also ensure that they are aware of the location of Fire Exits, Extinguishers and Alarm points within their own areas. Points to Note Staff should be alert to potential hazards which may result in fire and should take due care to ensure that their actions do nothing to jeopardise the safety of the area. In particular staff are asked to note the following: • The agreed smoking policy must be complied with. • Fire doors must be kept closed at all times and should not be wedged, jammed open or obstructed. • All fire exits/escape routes must be kept free of obstruction at all times. Any staff member who recognises an obstruction should take steps to ensure its removal. • A list of fire zones operating in the Queen Elizabeth Wing is attached as Appendix SI. 5.2 Procedure - What to do if you discover a fire • Sound the alarm by breaking the glass at a fire point. • Dial 4444 to confirm location, extent of fire, or hazard. • Ensure the safety of yourself, any patient, staff or visitor in the immediate vicinity. • Close all doors and windows to isolate the fire and prevent the spread of smoke. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 1 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 5.3 The Alarms There are two types of fire alarm installed in the Queen Elizabeth Wing. All staff should be aware of the type of alarm operating in their area as follows: (a)Bedded areas Queen Elizabeth Wing Wards 20 - 26 ICU Theatres Day Surgery Ward CCU Common Assessment Unit Medical High Dependency (MHDU)/Surgical High Dependency (SHDU) Continuous alarm sounder with panels of lights to indicate ALERT or EVACUATION. It is essential that staff are aware of the location of the light panels and pay particular attention to them throughout the ALARM situation. (b) Wards 27 – 29, A & E, X-Ray, Laboratories, Retail Foyer, Service Corridor, Mortuary, Pharmacy, Endoscopy Suite Two Sound Alarm system - operating with 2 distinct signals Slow Sound - this means that the suspected fire hazard is not in your zone, but staff should remain alert for potential danger. Rapid Sound - this indicates that the danger is now in your zone and staff must implement the instructions given for an evacuation All staff must be aware of what each sound means and be prepared to act accordingly. A text display unit is located outside the lift landing on level three, QEW. (1) Bedded Areas - Continuous Alarm with Light Panels Areas involved: Wards 20 - 26, Day Surgery, Common Assessment Unit, Intensive Therapy, MHDU, SHDU, Coronary Care Unit and Theatre Suite As soon as the alarm sound is heard staff should consult the light panels to establish if the fire is in their zone - EVACUATION or in another zone ALERT. If the light is indicating EVACUATE - then staff should commence preparations for evacuation but await final instruction. The most senior nurse Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 2 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures in the zone acting on information available will issue the instruction to commence evacuation. Evacuation Points Evacuation to the nearest point of safety is essential. The Nurse in Charge of the Ward will assume responsibility for co-ordination of the evacuation process. (Wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix S5) A sheet detailing the correct evacuation points is displayed in each ward/department. The normal sequence of evacuation would be as follows, subject to information available at the time: 1. Horizontal - To an adjacent zone on the same level. 2. Vertical - To a zone on the level below (never to a level above) 3. The Foyer, main entrance area 4. Full Scale Evacuation - Conference Centre If the light is indicating ALERT - this means that the suspected fire hazard is not in your zone, but staff should remain alert for potential danger. Alert light becoming EVACUATE light - this indicates that the danger is now in your zone and staff must implement the instructions given above for a light indicating Evacuate. For ICU: Once the decision has been made to evacuate • Liase with the nurse in charge in ICU of all patients medical status and condition and mobility • Ensure a receiving area has been secured for transfer, (this should be done by the hospital page holder or the manager in charge of the evacuation) • Resus in A&E can accommodate 2 patients • The plaster room in A&E can accommodate 1 patient • Theatre 6 (eye theatre) can accommodate 2 patients (1 in the theatre and 1 in the anaesthetic room) • Ensure a size E or F cylinder of oxygen is available for each patient • Ensure a supply of size G oxygen cylinders are available at the receiving area • Phone the porter who will organise a supply of size G cylinders to the receiving area (specify the amount) • Ask the porter to collect the Schrieder and Air valves from the Medical Physics office in the Laboratory block (Red Box) and apply them to the cylinders (2) Other Areas - 2 Sound Alarm Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 3 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures a) Rapid Sound Wards 27-29, X-Ray, A & E, Endoscopy Suite If the rapid alarm sounds in these areas the areas should be immediately evacuated of all patients clinically fit to leave. The Nurse in Charge/Head of Department will then be responsible for issuing the instruction to evacuate remaining patients and staff according to the situation and information available. The evacuation points for these areas will be:Surgical Block car park Laboratory Block, Linen Room, Stores, & Pharmacy Rapid Alarm - evacuate the area immediately and make way to the evacuation points, as follows:Loading Bay Car Park Main Foyer Rapid Alarm - evacuate the area immediately and make way to the evacuation points, as follows:Surgical Block car Park Loading Bay Car Park b) Slow Sound A slow sound means that the suspected fire hazard is not in your zone but that you should be alert to potential danger. On hearing the slow sound staff should ready themselves for further action, either to assist in the evacuation of another zone or to prepare for evacuation of their zone. Instructions will be issued by senior Nurse/Officer in charge. Any staff member discovering a fire in their zone should act immediately to raise the alarm by breaking the glass at a fire point. c) Slow Sound Becoming Rapid Sound This indicates that the danger is now in your zone and staff must implement the instructions previously given above. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 4 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures Important In an emergency situation clear channels of communication are crucial. Staff should respond to the alarm sounds and instructions given to them by the Senior Nurse/Officer in the area and should not contact the Telephone Switchboard for information. Cessation of the Alarm/All Clear The alarm sound may cease. Staff should not assume that this means the danger is over. Stand down will only take place once the all clear has been given. The all-clear signal will be confirmed to each zone by the Senior Nurse/Officer acting on the instructions of the Fire Brigade. 5.4 Roles and Responsibilities In any fire situation certain staff have key roles to play. The staff concerned must ensure that they are fully aware of the actions required by them. Switchboard Will on receipt of a fire call/alarm immediately operate the fire call out procedure and notify the following:The Fire Brigade 8.30 am - 5.00 pm 5.00 pm - 8.30 am & at Weekends Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) Duty Estates Officer Duty Estates Technician/Craftsman Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) On-call Estates Officer informed On-call Estates Technician/Craftsman called Nurse In Charge of Ward/Head of Department; The role of these individuals is crucial. He/she will assume responsibility for the immediate response to the alarm. • On hearing the Alarm the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should immediately institute a search of the area to establish if there is any immediate hazard. If they are unable to undertake this task themselves they should delegate another member of staff to do so. • If no danger is apparent the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should ensure all staff remain alert to potential hazard and await further instructions. • In Patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of the Department must at once follow the evacuation instructions laid down for their area (wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix F4) • In the non-patient areas, the Head of Department should immediately proceed to evacuate the area. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 5 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures • In patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department must assess the danger and decide when evacuation is necessary. The actions required are detailed in Appendices F3 & Section 5.3.4. • In the event of evacuation being necessary a roll call will be taken at the earliest opportunity by the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department and the result conveyed to the Nurse Manager or Site Manager. • On receipt of an “All Clear” the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department will ensure that staff/patients either return to their area or are appropriately relocated. • Ensure an IR1 Form will be completed and sent to Risk Management Department Duty Porter • On receipt of the signal he/she will proceed quickly to the switchboard to establish the zone affected and will then immediately proceed to the fire brigade reporting point. • Other porters on duty will go to the area of the fire and stop patients, visitors and staff from entering until the fire service pronounce the area safe. Bed Manager • You will be notified of all fire calls by the telephonist, via a speech message on pager 137. Respond to all fire calls • Attend identified area and assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department, in assessing the situation, ensuring proper procedure is adhered to. Liaise with Estates Department/Central region Fire Officer in attendance. • If evacuation is required, assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department to obtain all necessary support to deliver a safe evacuation. • If no Nurse in Charge/Head of Department available, take charge, until the Fire Brigade arrives. Duty Estates Officer and/ or Duty Technician/Craftsmen (normal hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 6 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures On Call Technician/Craftsmen (Out of Hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade 6. FIRE INSTRUCTIONS - ALL WARDS AND DEPARTMENTS (EXCEPT QUEEN ELIZABETH WING, LABORATORY, THEATRE BLOCK, ICU, CCU AND MAIN ENTRANCE FOYER) 6.1 Introduction The ability to deal effectively with a fire situation is essential to ensure the safety of patients and staff. All staff must therefore have read this policy and be familiar with its contents. Staff must also ensure that they are aware of the location of Fire Exits, Extinguishers and Alarm points within their own areas. Points to Note Staff should be alert to potential hazards which may result in fire and should take due care to ensure that their actions do nothing to jeopardise the safety of the area. In particular staff are asked to note the following: • The agreed smoking policy must be complied with. • Fire doors must be kept closed at all times and should not be wedged, jammed open or obstructed. • All fire exits/escape routes must be kept free of obstruction at all times. Any staff member who recognises an obstruction should take steps to ensure its removal. • A list of fire zones operating is attached as Appendix S3. 6.2 Procedure - What to do if you discover a fire • Sound the alarm by breaking the glass at a fire point. • Dial 4444 to confirm location, extent of fire, or hazard. • Ensure the safety of yourself, any patient, staff or visitor in the immediate vicinity. • Close all doors and windows to isolate the fire and prevent the spread of smoke. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 7 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 6.3 Alarm Sounds There are two types of fire alarm operating within this part of the hospital:All staff must be aware of the type of alarm operating within their area, be aware of what each sound means and be able to act accordingly as follows. A summary of areas, indicating the type of alarm in operation is given in Appendix S3. All wards areas, Ward 11 Corridor, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Occupational Therapy, Anaesthetic Simulation Centre, Patient Therapy, Dieticians, Maternity Administration Offices, Child Health, Nurses residences, Physiotherapy, Cardiology, Main Corridor, Medical Offices, Main Administration Building, Home 1 Residences, Clinical Training Centre, Diabetic Department and Labour Suite, have a two-stage alarm. The Alarm Sounds - Two-Stage Alarm - Slow Sound/ Rapid Sound 1 Slow Sound A slow sound means that the suspected fire hazard is not in your zone but that you should be alert to potential danger. On hearing the slow sound staff should ready themselves for further action, either to assist in the evacuation of another zone or to prepare for evacuation of their zone. Instructions will be issued by the Senior Nurse/Officer in charge. (Wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix S5) 2 Slow Sound Becoming Rapid Sound This indicates that the danger is now in your zone and staff must implement the instructions previously given in Section 2.2. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 8 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 3 Rapid Sound This means that the suspected fire hazard is in your zone. Staff should prepare to evacuate the area as follows: Patient Areas Wards, patient therapy, theatre and labour suites, out-patient areas. As soon as the rapid alarm is heard staff should commence preparations for evacuation but await final instruction. (Wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix S5) The most Senior Nurse/Officer in the zone, acting on information available will issue the instruction to commence evacuation. Single stage alarms are situated in Main Kitchen and Dining Room, Ward 30, Recreation Hall, Speech Therapy, Boiler house, Works Compound, Mortuary, Education and Conference Centre and Outpatients Department. The Alarm Sound - Single Stage Alarm - One Continuous Signal 1. Patient Areas As soon as the continuous alarm is heard staff should commence preparations for evacuation but await the final instruction. The most senior Nurse/Officer in the zone, acting on the information available will issue the instruction to commence evacuation - See Appendix S2 for Procedure. 2. Non-Patient Areas On hearing the continuous sound the most senior Nurse/Officer in the zone should immediately commence evacuation of the area directing staff to the appropriate Evacuation/Assembly Points. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 9 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 6.4 Evacuation Points Evacuation to the nearest point of safety is essential. The Senior Nurse/Officer will assume responsibility for the co-ordination of the evacuation process. The appropriate Evacuation/Assembly points for each area are listed in Appendix S3. A sheet detailing the correct evacuation points is displayed in each ward/department. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Special arrangements are necessary in the event of evacuation of NICU, in relation to babies on ventilators, Infant Flow Drivers or requiring oxygen. The following equipment is available for use if staff able to take it with them as part of the evacuation:1 portable incubator (integrated O2 and air supply) 5 SLE ventilators (requires electrical outlet) 2 CPAC drivers (requires electrical outlet) 1 air compressor 5 portable size DO2 cylinders If necessary evacuate to Ward 17, the above equipment will allow 1 baby to be evacuated on full ventilation using transport incubator. Locations of the air points in ward 17 are: • Room 1 – 1 point • Room 2 – 1 point • Room 3 –4 points • Room 6 – 1 point Provided it is possible to remove the necessary equipment then once in ward 17 it would be possible to use the Air points there to resume Artificial Ventilation/CPAP. With the air compressor providing a further 2 points. If unable to evacuate to ward 17, transfer patients to A & E. With all of the above options, except in the use of the portable incubator, babies will require to be transported using hand resuscitators with small oxygen cylinders attached to the holding area. Staff should endeavour to take infusion devices if sufficient people to help and they are not putting their lives at risk as NICU would only be evacuated if fire encroaching on this area. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 10 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures Important In an emergency situation clear channels of communication are crucial. Staff should respond to the alarm sounds and instructions given to them by the Senior Nurse/Officer in the area and should not contact the Telephone Switchboard for information. Cessation of the Alarm/All Clear The alarm sound may cease. Staff should not assume that this means the danger is over. Stand down will only take place once the all clear has been given. The all-clear signal will be confirmed to each zone by the Senior Nurse/Officer acting on the instructions of the Fire Brigade. 6.5 Roles and Responsibilities In any fire situation certain staff have key roles to play. The staff concerned must ensure that they are fully aware of the actions required by them. Switchboard Will on receipt of a fire call/alarm immediately operate the fire call out procedure and notify the following:The Fire Brigade 8.30 am - 5.00 pm 5.00 pm - 8.30 am & at Weekends Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) Duty Estates Officer Duty Estates Technician/Craftsman called Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) On-call Estates Officer informed On-call Estates Technician/Craftsman Nurse In Charge of Ward/Head of Department; The role of these individuals is crucial. He/she will assume responsibility for the immediate response to the alarm. • On hearing the Alarm the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should immediately institute a search of the area to establish if there is any immediate hazard. If they are unable to undertake this task themselves they should delegate another member of staff to do so. • If no danger is apparent the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should ensure all staff remain alert to potential hazard and await further instructions. • In patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of the Department must at once follow the evacuation instructions laid down for their area (wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix F4) • In the non-patient areas, the Head of Department should immediately proceed to evacuate the area. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 11 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures • In patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department must assess the danger and decide when evacuation is necessary. The actions required are detailed in Appendices F3 & Section 5.3.4. • In the event of evacuation being necessary a roll call will be taken at the earliest opportunity by the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department and the result conveyed to the Nurse Manager or Site Manager. • On receipt of an “All Clear” the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department will ensure that staff/patients either return to their area or are appropriately relocated. • Ensure an IR1 Form will be completed and sent to Risk Management Department Duty Porter • On receipt of the signal he/she will proceed quickly to the switchboard to establish the zone affected and will then immediately proceed to the fire brigade reporting point. • Other porters on duty will go to the area of the fire and stop patients, visitors and staff from entering until the fire service pronounce the area safe. Bed Manager • You will be notified of all fire calls by the telephonist via a speech message on pager 137. Respond to all fire calls • Attend identified area and assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department, in assessing the situation, ensuring proper procedure is adhered to. Liaise with Estates Department/Central region Fire Officer in attendance. • If evacuation is required, assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department to obtain all necessary support to deliver a safe evacuation. • If no Nurse in Charge/Head of Department available, take charge, until the Fire Brigade arrives. Duty Estates Officer and/ or Duty Technician/Craftsmen (normal hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 12 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures On Call Technician/Craftsmen (Out of Hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade 7. FIRE INSTRUCTIONS - 1 RANDOLPH ROAD (CHILD PSYCHIATRY/PSYCHOLOGY) 7.1 Introduction The ability to deal effectively with a fire situation is essential to ensure the safety of patients and staff. All staff must therefore have read this policy and be familiar with its contents. Staff must also ensure that they are aware of the location of Fire Exits, Extinguishers and Alarm points within their own areas. Points to Note This building is not linked to the main hospital fire alarm system and staff working in this area should be aware of the procedures for raising the alarm and evacuation. Staff should be alert to potential hazards which may result in fire and should take due care to ensure that their actions do nothing to jeopardise the safety of the area. In particular staff are asked to note the following: • The agreed smoking policy must be complied with. • Fire doors must be kept closed at all times and should not be wedged, jammed open or obstructed. • All fire exits/escape routes must be kept free of obstruction at all times. Any staff member who recognises an obstruction should take steps to ensure its removal. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 13 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 7.2 Procedure - What to do if you discover a fire • Sound the alarm by breaking the glass at a fire point. • Dial 999 and alert fire brigade giving details of address, location and extent of fire, or hazard • Time permitting, dial 724444 to confirm location, extent of fire, or hazard, with switchboard • Ensure the safety of yourself, any patient, staff or visitor in the immediate vicinity. • Close all doors and windows to isolate the fire and prevent the spread of smoke. 7.3 Alarm Sounds All staff must be aware of the type of alarm operating within their area, be aware of what each sound means and be able to act accordingly. The Alarm Sound - Single Stage Alarm - One Continuous Signal 1. Patient Areas As soon as the continuous alarm is heard staff should commence preparations for evacuation. See Appendix S2 for Procedure. 2. Non-Patient Areas On hearing the continuous sound the most senior Officer in the area should immediately commence evacuation of the area directing staff/patients to the appropriate Evacuation/Assembly Points. 7.4 Evacuation Points Evacuation to the nearest point of safety is essential. The Senior Officer will assume responsibility for the co-ordination of the evacuation process. The appropriate Evacuation/Assembly point for this area is listed in Appendix S4. A sheet detailing the correct evacuation points is displayed in each department. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 14 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 7.5 Roles and Responsibilities In any fire situation certain staff have key roles to play. The staff concerned must ensure that they are fully aware of the actions required by them. Switchboard Will on receipt of a fire call/alarm immediately operate the fire call out procedure and notify the following:The Fire Brigade 8.30 am - 5.00 pm 5.00 pm - 8.30 am & at Weekends Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) Duty Estates Officer Duty Estates Technician/Craftsman called Duty Porter Bed Manager (page holder 700) On-call Estates Officer informed On-call Estates Technician/Craftsman Nurse In Charge of Ward/Head of Department; The role of these individuals is crucial. He/she will assume responsibility for the immediate response to the alarm. • On hearing the Alarm the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should immediately institute a search of the area to establish if there is any immediate hazard. If they are unable to undertake this task themselves they should delegate another member of staff to do so. • If no danger is apparent the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department should ensure all staff remain alert to potential hazard and await further instructions. • In Patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of the Department must at once follow the evacuation instructions laid down for their area (wards with children as inpatients – see Appendix F4) • In the non-patient areas, the Head of Department should immediately proceed to evacuate the area. • In patient areas the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department must assess the danger and decide when evacuation is necessary. The actions required are detailed in Appendices F3 & Section 5.3.4. • In the event of evacuation being necessary a roll call will be taken at the earliest opportunity by the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department and the result conveyed to the Nurse Manager or Site Manager. • On receipt of an “All Clear” the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department will ensure that staff/patients either return to their area or are appropriately relocated. • Ensure an IR1 Form will be completed and sent to Risk Management Department Duty Porter Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 15 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures • On receipt of the signal he/she will proceed quickly to the switchboard to establish the zone affected and will then immediately proceed to the fire brigade reporting point. • Other porters on duty will go to the area of the fire and stop patients, visitors and staff from entering until the fire service pronounce the area safe. Bed Manager • You will be notified of all fire calls by the telephonist, via a speech message on pager 137. Respond to all fire calls • Attend identified area and assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department, in assessing the situation, ensuring proper procedure is adhered to. Liaise with Estates Department/Central region Fire Officer in attendance. • if evacuation is required, assist the Nurse in Charge/Head of Department to obtain all necessary support to deliver a safe evacuation. • If no Nurse in Charge/Head of Department available, take charge, until the Fire Brigade arrives. Duty Estates Officer and/ or Duty Technician/Craftsmen (normal hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade On Call Technician/Craftsmen (Out of Hours) On receipt of a fire call, they should proceed immediately to the Switchboard. On arrival, he should: • Confirm location of fire • Proceed to this area • Assist in tracing source of alarm • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Fire Brigade • Re-instate alarm system on instructions of the Fire Brigade Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 16 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S1 QUEEN ELIZABETH WING FIRE ZONES & EVACUATION POINTS ZONE 1 2 LOCATION ENTRANCE HALL MAIN BUILDING BASEMENT ALARM TYPE 2 STAGE SOUNDER 2 STAGE SOUNDER ASSEMBLY POINT MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 3 X-RAY DEPARTMENT 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 20 ii) MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 4 ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 5 WARD 20/COMMON ASSESSMENT UNIT SINGLE SOUND WITH LIGHT PANEL MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 6 EYE THEATRE/ENDOSCOPY 2 STAGE SOUNDER WITH LIGHT PANEL i) WARD 20/CAU ii)MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 7 WARD 21 - MHDU/SHDU 2 STAGE SOUNDER i)WARD 23 8 WARD 22 -CCU 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 21/23 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 9 WARD 23 2 STAGE SOUNDER I) WARD 21 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 10 WARD 24 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 26 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 11 WARD 25 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 24/26 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 12 WARD 26 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 24 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 13 WARD 27 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 29 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 14 WARD 28 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 27/29 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 15 WARD 29 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) WARD 27 ii) CONFERENCE CENTRE 16 MAIN PLANT ROOM - NORTH ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 17 MAIN PLANT ROOM - CENTRE ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 18 MAIN PLANT ROOM - SOUTH ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 19 THEATRE PLANT ROOM - BASEMENT 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 20 STORES AREA - THEATRE BLOCK 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 21 GENERATOR PLANT ROOM/CLINICAL WASTE STORE 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 22 PHARMACY 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 23 MAIN THEATRE/ICU SINGLE SOUND WITH LIGHT PANEL i) WARD 21/23 24 THEATRE PLANT ROOM - NORTH ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 25 THEATRE PLANT ROOM - SOUTH ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 26 LABORATORIES PLANT ROOM - BASEMENT 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 27 LABORATORY BLOCK - GROUND FLOOR 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 28 LABORATORY BLOCK - FIRST FLOOR 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 29 LABORATORY BLOCK - PLANT ROOM ROOF 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 30 MAIN DUCT 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 31 MAIN HOSPITAL STREET/PORTACABIN 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 32 STAIRWAY SURGICAL BLOCK - NORTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 17 Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures 33 STAIRWAY SURGICAL BLOCK- CENTRE 2 STAGE SOUNDER 34 STAIRWAY SURGICAL BLOCK - SOUTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK MAIN VISITOR CAR PARK 35 STAIRWAY LABORATORY BLOCK - NORTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 36 STAIRWAY LABORATORY BLOCK - WEST 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 37 STAIRWAY THEATRE - NORTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 38 STAIRWAY THEATRE - WEST 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 39 STAIRWAY THEATRE - SOUTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER LOADING BAY CAR PARK 18 Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S2 PREPARATION FOR EVACUATION The following actions should be taken in preparing for a possible evacuation: • Account for all patients (check for those out of Ward/Dept e.g. at Theatre, X-Ray, or in showers/toilets.) • Ensure that all visitors leave the area immediately. • Initiate search for source of fire (if this is not known). • Check that evacuation routes are safe to use. • Check that adjacent zones (horizontal and vertical) are alerted and are safe to evacuate into, if applicable Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 19 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S3 ALL AREAS FIRE ZONES & EVACUATION POINTS (Except Queen Elizabeth Wing) ZONE LOCATION 41 MAIN KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM 42 MATERNITY/GYNAE ALARM TYPE SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER 2 STAGE SOUNDER NURSERY SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER 42 NICU 2 STAGE SOUNDER 43 WARDS 5, 6, 7, 8,11/WARD 11 CORRIDOR/OLD SEMINAR ROOM/OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY/PATIENT THERAPY/ANAESTHETIC SIMULATION CENTRE DIETICIANS/MATERNITY ADMINISTRATION NURSES RESIDECES/CHILD HEALTH 2 STAGE SOUNDER WARD 16 WARD 30 REC HALL/SPEECH THERAPY/STORE BOILERHOUSE/ WORKS COMPOUND/MORTUARY WARD 1/2/4/9/PHYSIO/CARDIOLOGY/MAIN CORRIDOR WEST/ MEDICAL OFFICES ADMIN BUILDING - GROUND FLOOR/FIRST FLOOR/2ND FLOOR/ATTIC/PHYSIO GYM/PERSONNEL DEPT/COMPUTER ROOM/ CLINICAL TRAINING CENTRE OUTPATIENTS DEPT EDUCATION & CONFERENCE CENTRE 2 STAGE SOUNDER SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER 2 STAGE SOUNDER 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 2 STAGE SOUNDER ASSEMBLY POINT LOADING BAY CAR PARK i) DINING ROOM ii)WARD 16 i) LABOUR WARD ENTRANCE i) ward 17 ii) A&E i) DINING ROOM (Where necessary patients requiring continuous oxygen therapy will be re-located to the Geriatric patient Therapy Area) 2 STAGE SOUNDER i) GRASS AREA IN FRONT OF INDIVIDUAL BLOCK ii) RECREATION HALL i) RECREATION HALL RECREATION HALL i) SPEECH THERAPY CAR PARK ii) RECREATION HALL LOADING BAY CAR PARK i) OUTPATIENTS DEPARTMENT ii) DINING ROOM i) WARD 9 - CAR PARK ADMINISTRATION BLOCK CAR PARK SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER SURGICAL BLOCK CAR PARK LOADING BAY CAR PARK 20 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S4 EVACUATION POINTS (1 Randolph Road) LOCATION 1 RANDOLPH ROAD Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 ALARM TYPE SINGLE STAGE SOUNDER ASSEMBLY POINT RANDOLPH ROAD CAR PARK 21 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S5 Fire Evacuation Plan - Children’s Ward/NICU/Maternity Ward Introduction It is recognised that parents and carers of children who are hospitalised are reluctant to leave them in times of perceived danger. When the fire alarm sounds, and as is the present policy, they are asked to leave, staff are faced with considerable problems which consumes valuable time in explaining to the concerned parent that their child will be safe, and to leave the evacuation to staff. It is this, therefore, which prompts the need for change. The ward sister, paediatric consultant and the hospital fire safety adviser have considered the situation and now recommend that where in the past those parents and carers have been asked to leave, we now involve them under supervision and guidance in the evacuation process. Evacuation Awareness As with any fire alarm activation at present the nurse in charge of the ward shall assume the overall responsibility for effective evacuation. The procedures to be followed shall be those that are currently in place for full evacuations and any preparations for evacuation resulting from a full alarm situation in an adjoining fire zone. The changes are that where two parents/carers with siblings visiting, one shall be asked to leave the area in the normal manner, with the other asked to follow strictly the instructions of staff in how to and where to move their child to. If the alarm is sounded during the night then carers should be awakened and informed of the need to prepare for evacuation, and again to follow the instructions of the staff. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 22 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures Intermittent Alarm This will occur when an adjoining fire zone has had a full alarm condition. Staff should report to the nursing station for instructions from the nurse in charge. In the situation where there is more than one parent present with siblings then one will be asked to evacuate through the nearest fire exit, as will all other persons who are not hospital staff. The nurse in charge shall issue instructions to all staff that in the need to fully evacuate: 1. the route to take to:- the nearest refuge area - the assembly point 2. areas of delegation such as:- co-ordinating parents and children during evacuation - roll call - a member of staff to be allocated to the refuge area 3. ward/medical staff will always evacuate critically ill children to the accident and emergency area. Therefore staff shall be specifically assigned to that task should the need arise to fully evacuate. Continuous Alarm A continuous alarm condition shall occur when the fire alarm system has automatically detected a fire condition or someone has activated a manual call point within the ward or department area. In a full alarm condition the nurse in charge shall assess the immediate need to evacuate patients, but shall implement the procedure for all other non essential persons to evacuate via the nearest appropriate fire exit. The areas indicated in the procedure for an intermittent alarm shall be implemented to ensure a full and successful evacuation. Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 23 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures APPENDIX S6 NHS FORTH VALLEY FIRE ALARM TEST REPORT HOSPITAL - ……………………………………………….. DATE………………… TESTED BY…………………….……………………………………………….. AREA OF TEST OUTPATIENTS ASDU BOILER HOUSE HUTTED AREA NURSES HOME JUNIOR DOCTORS Acute Services HQ WARD 17 WARD 18/19 MAT/ELDERLY SURGICAL UNIT WARD 1 DAY SURGERY ICU/SHDU/MHDU OLD WARD 2 ENTRANCE ORAL ENDOSCOPY WARD 2 WARD 3 WARD 5 ONCOLOGY PGME FINANCE/ESTATES DIABETIC DAY CARE CLINICAL CHEMISTRY BACTERIOLOGY HALL AT LIFT COMMUNITY CORRIDOR GUM CLINIC B/CORR/KITCHEN LIFT CLEAN LINEN RESULT SECTION REMARKS KITCHEN ALARM BOARD Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 24 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures PHARMACY CORRIDOR OPD EAST CORRIDOR MAINT. WORKSHOPS RENAL UNIT MAIN CORRIDOR GARTCOWS FLATS Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 25 Stirling Royal Infirmary Fire Instructions and Evacuation Procedures Appendix S7 Nominated Officers (Fire) appointed for each Unit are:Acute Services Unit Management Accountant Clinical Coordinator Clinical Coordinator Neonates Head of Occupational Therapy Unit Senior Chief MLSO (Clinical Chemistry) Unit Administrator An Estates Officer for for for for Medical Unit Surgical Unit Women & Children Unit Intermediate Care & Rehabilitation for for for Clinical Services Clinical Facilities Workshops, Estates, Ducts and Boiler house Hotel Services/Support Services Linen/Laundry, Catering, G66 corridor area (SRI), Switchboard, Portering, Domestic, Residences All SRI non-directorate areas Home 1, IT, Main Foyer, Retail Units, Main Corridors, Patio Café Conference Centre, Chaplains Support Services Manager for Risk Management Coordinator for Date Issued: August 2007 Review Date: August 2008 26