1 DOCUMENTS FOR: Computer for College and Careers (CCC) Ms. L. Morris-Henry 2 800 North Hill Avenue, Deland, FL 32724 (386) 822-6500 August 22, 2015 Dear Parents and Students: I am your son/daughter’s Computer for College and Careers (CCC) teacher, Ms. Morris-Henry. This is an entry level computer course that introduces students to Microsoft Office 2013. Students will learn Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint and will also have assignments from the MicroType keyboarding and other online learning applications. Students enrolled in CCC will be required to take the Industry Certification Test upon the completion of each software (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML). This is an elective class, and students will earn one (1) credit that is for the duration of the school year. This class will also have an end of course examination that will count as a summative grade for the marking period in which the course ends (i.e. end of second and fourth 9 weeks). Students are responsible for all the supply needed for this computer class (see CCC syllabus online at http://www.delandhs.org for required supplies). In an effort to “go green” at Deland High School, the syllabus, grading policies and procedures, and class rules for this class will be posted on the Deland High School web page. Once you access the website scroll down and click on academics, click on Career and Technical Education, then click on my name. Please print out a copy of the CCC the documents and retain a copy for yourself. . Print out the following three documents, sign and return to me as soon as possible: 1. The form indicating that you have read the CCC syllabus (page 13) 2. The Computer Usage form specifically for L. Morris-Henry’s lab 10-200 (page 9 to 11) 3. Academic Integrity Policy form (7 to 8) 4. Violation of Computer Usage (page 12) To access Deland High school site: http://www.delandhs.org Grading Procedures The following scale will be used to grade all work: Units will be graded separately, and a *COMPLETION GRADE will be given at the end of the course. A = 90-100 Criteria—keyboarding: speed, accuracy 3 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0 to 59 MS Word: Format, Content Excel: Format, Content, and Accuracy Access: Create database and manipulate Data PowerPoint: Format, Content Research Project: Format, Content Methods of Assessment for semester is as follows: Grades are calculated by total points including daily lesson projects, class participation and MicroType counts as a formative assessment, weekly assessments, lesson quizzes, chapter tests, final project counts as Summative Assessments. FINAL PROJECT – will be calculated as two (2) test grades. Formative Assessments count as 40% of the total grade. Summative Assessments count as 60% of grades. I have open lab at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, and Thursday mornings only. If you do not have access to a computer at home, please check with the media center for their hours of operation. Please sign the last page of this packet indicating your receipt of this information. I am looking forward to a successful year in Computer for College and Careers (CCC). Feel free to contact me by e-mail (listed in syllabus) or by telephone (386-822-6909) if you have questions Sincerely, Linda Morris-Henry, M.S. NB Certified Teacher 4 DELAND HIGH SCHOOL COMPUTER for COLLEGE and CAREERS – Teacher: Ms. L. Morris-Henry Course Syllabus 2015-16 COURSE REQUIREMENTS, GRADING PROCEDURE Textbook: Office 2007 Introductory Concepts and Technique: Shelly Cashman Seriese Software: Office 2007, SAM and Micro-Type Major Technology Project during Term 4 (Counts as two test grades) I. II. Unit Objectives A. Unit I—Keyboarding – Using MicroType continually throughout course 1. Develop proficiency with touch keyboarding skills to enter and manipulate data. 2. Use computer technology and software to perform personal and business related tasks and file management. B. Unit II—Microsoft Word 1. Learn selected word processing software to enhance written business communications. 2. Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communications in order to accomplish job objectives. 3. Compose and create memos, letters, reports, and other documents following designated business formats. 4. Revise and edit business-related documents. 5. Prepare a research project on a community business. 6. Prepare a business resume. C. Unit III—Excel 1. Learn a spreadsheet program to enhance business documents. 2. Perform mathematical functions and formulas to enhance business documents and manage time efficiently. D. IV - HTML E. Unit V—PowerPoint 1. Learn to use the features of PowerPoint. 2. Prepare and present a presentation on the business research project. (See attached). Classroom Requirements 1. Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings. TARDIES – Students are to report to the tardy room after the final bell. 2. CELL PHONES ARE TO BE TURNED OFF BEFORE ENTERING CLASSROOM. NO USE OF CELL PHONE OR ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE IN CLASSROOM FOR ANY REASON 3. Students are expected to abide by the DHS Computer Technology Contract (a blue copy given to students to return with parent and student signatures). Students must have a signed copy of the Technology Contract with the Media Center as well as a signed copy 5 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III. IV. in their CCC lab/classroom. You cannot use the computers in the lab without a technology contract. Students are expected to abide by all code of conduct rules as listed in the DHS Student Handbook. THERE WILL BE NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES IN THE CLASSROOM/COMPUTER LAB. Textbooks are kept in the classroom. If you need to sign-out a textbook, you must do so through the teacher, and if one is available, you will be required to fill out a textbook card. Proper care of computer hardware and software is expected and any improper care will result in a discipline referral. To be certain that you will not be held accountable for changes or damages at your ASSIGNED workstation, it is expected that you will check the workstation carefully and will keep it neat and maintained in a specified, orderly way, and if found in any other way, will notify teacher immediately. Submitting Assignments: work will be turned in on due date, labeled with your name, date and assignment name/number. Time management and organization are of the utmost importance in this class; therefore execute both with great care. REST ROOM PASSES – Four rest room passes will be issues per 9-weeks. Additional ones will be issued if it is an emergency. Each rest room pass is for the duration of 5 to10 minutes only – later than 10 minutes will be considered skipping class and a referral will be issued. Student Responsibilities This is an elective class, one (1) credit and for duration of school year. Students are responsible to supply the following materials needed for the class: 2 Reams of laser printer paper (each ream is 500 sheets of paper – total of 1000 sheets for school year) 1 GB USB Grading Procedures The following scale will be used to grade all work: Units will be graded separately, and a *COMPLETION GRADE will be given at the end of the course. A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0 to 59 Criteria—keyboarding: speed, accuracy MS Word: Format, Content Excel: Format, Content, and Accuracy Access: Create database and manipulate Data PowerPoint: Format, Content Research Project: Format, Content Methods of Assessment for semester is as follows: Grades are calculated by total points including daily lesson projects, class participation and MicroType counts as a formative assessment, weekly assessments, lesson quizzes, chapter tests, final project counts as summative assessments. FINAL PROJECT – will be calculated as two (2) test grades. Formative Assessments count as 40% of the total grade. Summative Assessments count as 60% of grades. 6 V. Make-up Work Policy: Same as school policy, one day for each day absent. An absence note is required the DAY A STUDENT RETURNS TO CLASS. I have open lab at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, and Thursday mornings only. VIII. Student Progress in Class Both student and parents should stay in contact with me regarding their son/daughter’s progress in class on a regular basis- You have access to your son/daughter’s grade and attendance 24/7. Please do not wait until grades are submitted and published to indicate your condern. VI. Contacting me: Through email (recommended): lmorris2@volusia.k12.fl.us By phone: 386 822 6909 – ext – 23417. Please remember that I have classes throughout the day – a good time would be between 7:00 and 7:25 AM and after 2:45 (except Monday and Tuesdays, as I have a class after school on those days that start at 3:00 PM). Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any concerns or questions. NOTE: I take Plagiarism (use of work done by others as own) very seriously. A form (Academic Integrity) regarding the consequences will be sent home for signatures and return shortly. I urge both students and parents to read very carefully. It is a pleasure to have your son/daughter as a student this year. I look forward to meeting and working with you. L. Morris-Henry, M.S. National Board Certified Teacher 7 Date: _______ Teacher’s Name __Ms. L. Morris-Henry_______ Period _________ DeLand High School Student Academic Integrity Policy In a world of ever changing priorities one constant is the need for ethical academic standards. The guidelines presented in the policy below show student expectations regarding cheating, plagiarism and academic honesty. These guidelines and expectations cover all school related projects, reports, tests, quizzes and assignments whether in or outside of class. By signing this statement students acknowledge their understanding of the stated expectations and possible consequences. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.m-w.com/) to plagiarize is: “To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source. To commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.” At DeLand High School plagiarism includes but is not limited to: Using another person’s words or ideas (written or spoken) without giving credit to the source. Copying and pasting material from any source including the Internet without giving attribution to the writer. You must put quotation marks around direct quotes and give credit in your works cited list. Changing the words or order of words from another source and submitting them as your own. Even with proper paraphrasing you must give credit to the source of the materials. “When you use someone else's words, you must put quotation marks around them and give the writer or speaker credit by revealing the source in a citation. Even if you revise or paraphrase the words of someone else or just use their ideas, you still must give the author credit in a note. Not giving due credit to the creator of an idea or writing is very much like lying." Dr. Robert Harris - Virtual Salt Anti-plagiarism Strategies http://www.virtualsalt.com/antiplag.htm According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (http://www.m-w.com/) to cheat means: “to get something by dishonesty or deception.” At DeLand High School cheating includes but is not limited to: Copying an assignment from another person without explicit permission from the teacher. This includes sharing work that should be individually produced and includes obtaining answers from another student with or without their permission. Using, supplying or communicating with unauthorized devices with the intent of deception. This will include but is not limited IPod, calculator, camera, textbook, recorder, computer, phone, etc. 8 Failing to follow teacher guidelines regarding collaboration, parent help, etc. Students will be expected to complete work independently unless specifically directed otherwise by the teacher. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES: First Offense: Zero on assignment Parent notification Referral to counselor Second Offense: Third Offense: First offense consequences plus: 1st and 2nd off. Cons. Plus: Parent/student/teacher/ Referral to administration counselor conference Suspension from extracurricular Activities, elected offices and/or Senior privileges. Student Name (Print) ___________________________________ Alpha Code: ________ Student Signature _________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________ Portions adapted from John F. Kennedy H.S., Norcross H.S. and Langley H.S. policies with their permission. Updated December 2007 9 L. Morris-Henry – Lab 10-200 Volusia County Schools Computer Usage Contract Electronic Information Services Acceptable Use Agreement for Students Computers and/or educational technologies are provided for student use to further the educational goals of the district. Specific schools/classrooms may participate in a program that allows students to use their privately owned, wireless mobile technology to access a “BYOT” network for curriculum use as directed by the teacher. Prudent security measures such as firewall, anti-virus and malware software are recommended on your personal device. To ensure students benefit from educational technologies, they will adhere to the following guidelines, as well as those specified in School Board Policy 518 and other district policies and procedures governing student conduct. On District Owned and Managed Computers: 1. Students will only use programs and devices selected by the teacher. 2. Students will not install or download from the Internet any software, including games, on any computers at school. 3. Students will not make any changes to desktop settings or to programs. 4. Students will save their files to a removable device unless the teacher gives other directions. 5. Students should exercise reasonable care to ensure any computers or computing devices (USB, memory sticks, mobile devices) are virus free and do not contain unauthorized or inappropriate files. 6. Students may use the Internet for only curriculum research and projects assigned by the teacher. No browsing the Internet for recreational purposes is allowed. Any inappropriate material inadvertently accessed should be reported to a teacher. 7. Students shall not visit non-district-supported chat rooms or use instant messaging without permission and direction from the teacher. 8. Students will use district-supported technology, including, but not limited to online (e.g. wikis, blogs, online collaborative environments, etc.) for educational use only, with permission and at the direction of the teacher. 9. Students shall not give out personal information about themselves or others; this includes, any demographic information such as physical address, full name, account name/sign-on and/or passwords. 10. Students will immediately notify the teacher if malfunctions occur in any computer, peripheral, or software. Any tampering with hardware, peripheral devices, or software will be considered vandalism and will be handled accordingly. I further understand that failure to follow these guidelines may result in the loss of access to the network or other disciplinary action. ********************************************************************************************* The use of EIS is a privilege and not a right. Please review Support Services Policy 518 (reverse side). Having read this form, sign and have your son/daughter sign below to use student computers and/or other educational technologies at his/her school for the years he/she is in attendance at the school listed below. Computer/Educational Technologies/Internet Use Consent Complete and return this form to your child’s school. STUDENT: Name (please PRINT):_______________________________________ Student ID: )_________ School: ______________________________________________________________Grade: ______________ I understand that my computer use is not private and that the District will monitor my activity on the networked communication system. 10 I understand that any use of the wireless network provided for student-owned technology in designated classrooms under direction of the teacher is with the understanding that such is generally not secure, not private, and is not anonymous. I have read the Student Support Services Policy 518 (on reverse) and agree to abide by the provisions. Access to Internet sites is filtered and in compliance with CIPA. Any attempt to bypass the filter is a violation of district policies and procedures governing student conduct. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in revocation of network access or other disciplinary action. Student’s Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________ PARENT: By signing below, I am stating that I have read the Volusia County Schools Student Support Services Policy 518 (on reverse). Access to Internet sites is filtered and in compliance with CIPA. Any attempt to bypass the filter is a violation of district policies and procedures governing student conduct. Further, I certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent’s Signature _________________________________________________________Date _______________ III. STUDENT USE A. General Notice The use of EIS can put new and exciting resources at the fingertips of both students and teachers. Due to the fundamental lack of restrictions on the Internet, parents, teachers and students should be aware that there is a possibility of accessing information that has not been screened by educators and that may not be consistent with other district policies. Individual users will be held responsible for their use of EIS. All students and their parents/guardians shall be required to sign and return an acceptable use agreement provided by the school prior to using EIS. B. Specific Provisions on Use of Equipment and Services All students must agree to adhere to the following requirements: 1. All student use of EIS shall be in accordance with school board policy, the code of conduct, other rules that the individual school may have that supplement school board policy, and the instructions given to the student(s) by staff. 2. The student is responsible for good behavior on the school computer system, just as he/she is while at school or any school district activity. School board policy and school rules for behavior and communications apply. 3. The student shall use EIS for educational purposes only. 4. The student will not access or attempt to access information that is not authorized for the student’s access or account. 5. Students are not permitted to use EIS for commercial purposes or product advertising, unless specifically allowed by the teacher as part of the class. 6. Students are not permitted to use EIS for political lobbying or campaigning. This prohibition does not restrict communications with public officials as part of a class activity approved by the teacher. 7. Students are not permitted to access, transmit, receive, submit, or publish any defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, offensive, or illegal material, any material related to gambling, weapons or terrorist activities, or any materials involving hate speech, or to make any attempt to do so. 8. Students will not use EIS to invade the privacy of and shall not trespass into another student’s or employee’s folders, work, or files without proper authorization. 9. The student shall abide by all copyright laws and regulations. 11 10. The student shall not harm, modify, or destroy software or equipment, or interfere with system security or make any attempt to do so. 11. The student shall not introduce unauthorized software into the system. 12. The student shall not use EIS in any way that would disrupt the use of EIS by others. 13. The student shall not allow another individual to access EIS by using the student’s account or password, unless the student has authorization to allow such use by others. Students are ultimately responsible for all activity under their accounts. C. Supervision Employees responsible for supervising student use of EIS will provide reasonable guidance and instruction to students on such use. No student shall be permitted to engage in interactive communication using EIS without the expressed permission of the supervising staff member. Interactive communication on the Internet by students shall be closely supervised. D. Sanctions for Misuse Any violation of this policy by a student may result in loss or limitation of use of EIS, shall be grounds for discipline under the code of student conduct and/or referral to law enforcement where appropriate under the law, and may result in the student being financially liable for the cost of improper use. Revised: 9/26/2013 Owner: Technologies Services . 2010-012-VCS Print Locally 12 Consequences: Violation of Computer Usage Contract # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Student Action that Violates the Contract Consequence or Length of time denied computer privileges Student saves work on hard disk, network drive, or desktop Student makes changes in programs or changes the computer settings. This includes but is not limited to icons, the desktop, the display, audio, and screen savers Student loads programs w/o teacher permission, either by downloading from Internet or from a disk or other source Student uses programs other than what the teacher has assigned. This includes but is not limited to games or other programs. Student prints non-assignment material, frivolous material, wet sites, or student makes multiple copies of printout. Student goes into DOS w/o teacher direction Horseplay or carelessness while at computer Student does not report a computer problem when he/she first goes to computer. I.e., problem from the previous user Student using the internet for recreational surfing Student does not document sources when doing computer research – possible plagiarism or outright coping of material. Student uses e-mail, messaging, chat rooms, newsgroups or other interactive activities w/o teacher permission. Student accesses inappropriate web sites, Such inappropriate sites shall include but not be limited to pornography, violence, or hate sites. Loss of data when saved work is deleted by teacher or lab manager 2 – 4 weeks 12 weeks 2 weeks $.05 per page 2 – 9 weeks 2 – 9 weeks Consequence to be the same as if the student had caused the problem as described in the other points of this form. 4 – 9 weeks Classroom teacher to handle this as any cheating case would be handled. 12 weeks to lifetime ban 4 weeks to permanent ban Student Signature:____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________ 13 800 North Hill Avenue, Deland, FL 32724 (386) 822-6500 August 22, 2015 Detach this page, sign, date and return by Wednesday, September 7, 2015. I have read the information provided for CCC on the website (http://www.delandhs.org) and understand the rules, policies, and expectations of this course. The following documents also need to be signed by both student and parent and returned by Wednesday September 7, 2015 along with this form. _____This form indicating that you have read and understand the rules, policies and expectation of this course. _____Electronic Information Services Acceptable Use Agreement for Students _____Consequences: Violation of Computer Usage Contract _____Academic Integrity Course Name:__Computer for College & Careers (CCC0_______ Period: _____________ Student Name:____________________________________ _______________________________________ Parent Signature (date) Alpha: _____________ __________________________________ Student Signature (date)