McMaster EcoCAR3 Project Manager Job Description

McMaster EcoCAR3 Project Manager Job Description
Date: July 2015
The McMaster Engineering EcoCAR 3 Team (MEE3T) is a student team comprised of McMaster
students. EcoCAR 3 is a 4 year competition hosted by General Motors, Argonne National Laboratory,
and the US Department of Energy in which each of the 16 teams will be responsible for converting a
Chevrolet Camaro into a hybrid vehicle.
MEE3T has grown to roughly 100 active members working on engineering, communications, and
project management deliverable. Due to the size and demand of the EcoCAR competition the need
for a proper organizational structure and a dedicated project management team is a key factor in the
success of the team. The Project Manager will play one of the most important roles in organizing the
efforts of the entire team.
The Project Manager will work closely alongside the team’s Engineering Manager. Together these
two individuals will make all major decisions on the team’s goals and allocation of resources. The
Project Manager will a have a small team of individuals that will be titled Sub Team Project
Managers. These individuals will work closely with the each of the department Engineering Managers
to manage the projects and deliverable pertaining to that specific department.
This role requires that the individual attend the EcoCAR competition dates throughout the course of
the academic year. The events will be US based and the travel and accommodation to these
locations will be covered.
Vehicle Development Process
1. Develop and maintain major and minor project timelines.
a. Keep up to date the project information on the teams project management site.
2. Develop and maintain team sponsors.
a. Handles ordering requests passed up from sub team PM and EM.
3. Managing and tracking project budget/expenses.
Human Resources Management
1. Ensure all team member are up to date required document including NDAs and GFAs Liaise
with MILO for legal matters relating to protected information.
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2. Maintain a team roster.
3. Arranging and tracking training for new and existing members.
4. Succession planning for all key team members.
Team Organization
1. Manage relations with university and faculty advisers.
2. Booking travel, ensuring workshop proper registration, shipping timeline, and
3. Booking and organizing lecture series and other mentorship exercises.
4. Relay all new information from EcoCAR3 organizers to entire team and faculty advisers.
5. Maintain a weekly schedule.
a. Organize meeting teams for team PMs and EMs as needed.
b. Ensure a PM team member is present to keep minutes at all team meetings.
A monetary compensation of $5000 per semester will be paid to this individual.
Team Organizational Chart
As of July 2015.
McMaster Engineering EcoCAR3 Team
Team Roster
Faculty Liason
William Long
July 2015
University IT
Dan Manold
IT Manager
Ephrem Chemali
Engineering Manager
Tyler Stiene
Electrical PM
Jarret Neal
Ephrem Chemali
Electrical PM
Electrical EM
Jonathan Moscardini
Controls PM
Electrical AM
Paul Nguyen
Innovations Member
HV Member
John Reimers
Innovations Member
Sachin Doshi
HV Member
Ron Habber
Project Manager
Controls EM
Alexander Lebel
Mechanical PM
Controls AM
Mechanical EM
Robert Lau
Comm Manager
Bryan Mason
Mechanical AM
Eva Bracho
Electrical CAD
Megan Wood
LV Lead
James Didonato
Rohit Subedi
ICE Lead
Chris Mak
Software Lead
Brendan Keks
Diagnostics Lead
Himesh Kurera
Controls Lead
E-CAD Member
Eric Dryer
LV Member
Michael Podlovics
ITAR Member
James Emmens
ICE Member
James Hutton
Software Member
Warren Corbeil
Diagnostics Member
Martin Gagne
Controls Member
Robin Goyal
E-CAD Member
Jordan Bezugly
LV Member
Christina Riczu
Software Member
Karen Desa
LV Member
Richard Hamilton
Software Member
Prakar Garg
Controls Member
Cameron Swinoga
Model/Sim Lead
Nathanial Jordan
CAD Lead
Andrew George
CFD Lead
Drivetrain Lead
Brian Phung
CAD Member
Luis Lopera
CFD Member
Chris Lee
Drivetrain Member
Matthew Feige
Model/Sim Lead
Brian Wong
Manufacturing Lead
Alice Nassar
Website Maintenance
System Modeler
Ashlin Kanawaty
CAD Member
James Rose
System Modeler
Wish Patel
CAD Member
Evan Drew
Phil Messina
Social Med ia & Events
Alex Bogorin
Outreach & Events
Vivian Zhang
System Modeler
Peter Tran
Shajee Zuhair
IT Team
ESS Team
Electrical Team
Mohammad Ali
Controls Team
Yousef Sheteiwy
Greg Butler
Mathew Konski
Mechanical Team
Business Team
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