Romeo and Juliet Notes

Romeo and Juliet Notes
Use these pages to take any information provided in class that isn’t already in the study
guide. Remember that you’ll be tested on any material covered in class, not just what’s
covered by the study guide questions. Pay close attention, especially to anything that is
put on the board or in the Power Point presentation.
Literary Terms & Vocabulary:
New Word
Example / Where it’s used
Questions you had or have:
Other Notes:
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Act I Prologue p. 722
1. What is the setting of the play (place and time)?
2. Are the families of equal status? Which line tells you this?
3. What is going on between the two families?
4. How are the lovers described? What does this mean?
5. How did the lovers’ deaths affect the parents? (11)
6. Approximately how long is the play?
7. Who is the Chorus and what is his purpose?
p. 722-730
1. At the very beginning, what does Sampson mean by, “We’ll not carry coals”?
2. Why are they arguing? (56-61) What does it mean?
3. What is Tybalt like?
4. What happens with Sampson and Gregory when Abraham and Benvolio show up?
5. Who tries to stop the fight? Who actually breaks up the fight?
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6. “With purple fountains issuing from your veins” (93). What does this say about the Capulets
and the Montagues?
7. What is the Prince foreshadowing? (104-105)
8. Why are the Montagues worried about Romeo? (140-150)
9. Explain why Romeo is so unhappy. **Note: Rosaline is the girl’s name.
10. In lines 142-144 the sun is personified. Write down these lines. Note any other instances of
11. What advice or suggestion does Benvolio offer his friend?
p. 730-734
1. What is Paris asking Capulet?
2. How old is Juliet? Is this an unusual age to marry?
3. What’s Capulet’s initial reaction? Later? (18-19)
4. What is the servant’s problem? (42-45)
5. Who helps the servant and what important information does this person find out? What will he
do now and why?
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6. How does the servant thank Romeo? (85-87)
7. What does Benvolio think Romeo should do? (92-94)
I.iii p. 735-738
1. What happens on Lammas-tide Eve? What is Lammas-tide?
2. Who is Susan and what’s become of her?
3. What is Nurse doing in lines21-54?
4. What is the Nurse like?
5. What does Juliet tell her mother that she thinks of marriage? What does this reveal about Juliet?
6. Explain the meaning of line 84. (“Why he’s a man of wax.”) To whom does it refer?
7. What does Lady Capulet want Juliet to do tonight? (90-104)
8. What’s Juliet’s response?
“Go girl, seek happy nights to happy days.” (I.iii.116)
I.iv p. 739-743
1. Explain Romeo’s first two lines.
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2. Explain the pun in lines 15-17
3. How does Romeo describe love? (26-27)
4. What does Mercutio reply?
5. Lines 57-58 are a pun. What are Mercutio and Romeo arguing about?
6. Who is Queen Mab? (60) What does she do to people? (77-101)
7. Explain what Mercutio says about dreams. (105-113)
8. What are Romeo’s fears? What is he foreshadowing?
p. 743-749
1. When Capulet teases the girls and reminisces with Old Capulet, this is a good example of
__________________ vs. ___________________.
2. Who does Romeo speak of and what does he say? (49-58)
3. Who recognizes Romeo’s voice and what does he want to do?
4. How does Capulet react to finding out about Romeo? (72-94)
5. What does Tybalt mean in lines 98-101?
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6. What happens the first time Romeo and Juliet speak?
7. How do Romeo and Juliet find out about each other’s identities?
8. Explain line 122
9. Write down the line of Juliet’s that is foreshadowing and tell exactly what she is foreshadowing.
“My only love sprung from my only hate!” (I.v.154)
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Romeo and Juliet Notes
Use these pages to take any information provided in class that isn’t already in the study
guide. Remember that you’ll be tested on any material covered in class, not just what’s
covered by the study guide questions. Pay close attention, especially to anything that is
put on the board or in the Power Point presentation.
Literary Terms & Vocabulary:
New Word
Example / Where it’s used
Questions you had or have:
Other Notes:
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Act II Prologue:
p. 752
1. What has happened to Romeo concerning Rosaline?
1. Where is Romeo?
2. What do Mercutio and Benvolio think about their friend? (19-23, 32-34)
3. This scene is full of allusions to ______________________.
II.ii a.k.a. ________________________________
1. Write down line 3. What does it mean?
2. Where is Romeo, and where is Juliet in this scene?
3. What does Juliet say in lines 35-38?
4. Precisely what is Juliet saying about names in lines 46-53? Paraphrase it.
5. What does Juliet warn Romeo about? (70-73)
6. Romeo would rather __________________ than ____________________________
7. What does Juliet want Romeo to do? (99-115)
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8. What is she afraid he might think about her?
9. Why doesn’t Juliet want Romeo to swear his love by the moon? (118-120)
10. Why is Juliet worried about tonight? (129-131)
11. At what time will Juliet send someone to him?
12. If Romeo’s vow of love is honorable, what does Juliet want him to do? What then will
she do? (157-162)
13. Copy lines 206 & 207 (very famous lines). Explain why it would be sad and why it
would be sweet?
1. What kind of things does Friar Laurence speak about?
2. What exactly does this particular flower do? (24-27)
3. What is Friar Laurence saying, with figurative language, about human nature?
4. Where does Friar Laurence believe Romeo has been all night?
5. Explain what Romeo asks Friar Laurence? (66-69)
6. Why is Friar Laurence so concerned about Romeo? (70-86)
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7. Why does Friar Laurence consent? (99-100)
p. 764-771
1. Who sent the letter to the Montague house? What did it say?
2. What changes in Romeo has Mercutio been happy to see? (91-96)
3. How does Mercutio make fun of the nurse? (107-149)
4. Nurse is somewhat upset by Mercutio’s rudeness. What does Romeo tell the Nurse
about Mercutio? (152-154)
5. How does the Nurse feel about Juliet? What gives us clues to this?
6. What plan does Romeo have? Be specific! (184-195)
8. What was Nurse’s advice for Juliet, and why did Nurse not push the advice too much?
II.v p. 771-773
1. Why is Juliet upset at the very beginning?
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2. When Nurse arrives, why does Juliet get upset with her? (Nurse does what?)
3. Which theme is this illustrating?
4. Finally, what does Nurse tell Juliet to do? p. 773-774
1. Romeo says any sorrow or misfortune may come after what? Why? (3-8)
2. What is Friar Laurence concerned about? Which theme does this represent? (916)
(Romeo and Juliet have been married by Friar Laurence.)
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Romeo and Juliet Notes
Use these pages to take any information provided in class that isn’t already in the study
guide. Remember that you’ll be tested on any material covered in class, not just what’s
covered by the study guide questions. Pay close attention, especially to anything that is
put on the board or in the Power Point presentation.
Literary Terms & Vocabulary:
New Word
Dramatic irony
Example / Where it’s used
Questions you had or have:
Other Notes:
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p. 778-785
1. Explain what Mercutio is saying about Benvolio’s personality in lines 16-31.
2. Tybalt confronts Mercutio in the streets of Verona. What does Benvolio suggest to the
two? (52-55)
3. What does Tybalt call Romeo?
4. Romeo does not feel the same way Tybalt does. Why? Explain what he says to
Tybalt. How is this dramatically ironic? (71-75)
5. Who wants to fight Tybalt?
6. Lines 89-93 What are Romeo’s words to the fighting men?
7. What happens in the fight and what does Mercutio say as a curse? (94-124)
8. “ Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man.” This is s a pun on the
word “grave.” Explain the two meanings implied here. (104)
9. Explain Romeo’s emotions and why he feels that way. (116-122)
10. What “tragedy” has taken place? (This is the first one.)
11. Write down this line of Romeo’s, which is his reply to the tragedy. KNOW THIS LINE.
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12. What happens between Romeo and Tybalt? (second tragedy)
13. What does Benvolio tell Romeo to do?
14. Who does Benvolio put all the blame on in lines 166-190?
15. Why does Lady Capulet say Benvolio is lying?
16. What is the Prince’s decision about Romeo?
p. 786-789
1. What is Juliet anxiously awaiting? (17-21)
2. If Romeo dies, what does Juliet wish for him? (22-26) This is another example of the
__________________ motif.
3. What does Nurse bring with her? Why?
4. What does Nurse accidentally lead Juliet to believe has happened? (41-61)
5. Juliet realizes the truth of the whole situation. What is the truth? (75-91)
6. To Juliet, what is the worst part of all this? (119-137)
7. Juliet is afraid of what? (147-149)
8. Where is Romeo hiding out?
9. What token does Juliet want Romeo to have?
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p. 790-791
1. What does Romeo think of his punishment? (15-17)
2. Why is the Friar angry with Romeo? (27-31)
3. What is heaven to Romeo?
4. What is Romeo afraid that Juliet is thinking? (109-111)
5. An angry Friar Laurence scolds Romeo. What does he tell him? What blessings does
he have? (152-162)
6. What instructions does Friar Laurence give Romeo? What does he hope they can do?
7. To what town will Romeo go?
p. 796-797
1. Why does Capulet believe Juliet is grieving so?
2. What does Capulet arrange?
p. 797-806
Romeo and Juliet spent their wedding night together.
1. Why does Juliet want to insist that she hears the nightingale and not the lark? (1-5)
2. What must Romeo do? (11)
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3. Romeo says the lighter it gets the
4. Of what does Romeo assure Juliet? (53-54)
5. How are lines 90-114 dramatically ironic?
6. What does Lady Capulet want to do with Romeo? (100-104)
7. What supposedly good news does Lady Capulet have for Juliet?
8. How does Juliet reply?
9. What does Capulet have to say to his daughter? (167-189)
10. “My fingers itch . . .” means what? (185)
11. What does the Nurse say to Capulet?
12. What is Capulet saying about Paris? (207-210)
13. What ultimatum does Capulet give Juliet? (215-223)
14. What does Juliet ask her mother? (227-229)
15. And her mother’s reply is what?
16. What advice does the Nurse give Juliet? (243-255)
17. How is Juliet going to get away from the house?
18. “I’ll to the Friar to know his remedy. If all else fail, myself have power to die.” What
does Juliet mean in these lines?
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Romeo and Juliet Notes
Use these pages to take any information provided in class that isn’t already in the study
guide. Remember that you’ll be tested on any material covered in class, not just what’s
covered by the study guide questions. Pay close attention, especially to anything that is
put on the board or in the Power Point presentation.
Literary Terms & Vocabulary:
New Word
Example / Where it’s used
Questions you had or have:
Other Notes:
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p. 809-812
1. Why does Paris say he is in a hurry to marry Juliet? (8-17)
2. Why is Juliet at Friar Laurence’s chapel? (57-58)
3. If Friar Laurence has no remedy, what does Juliet wish? (58-61)
4. What does Friar Laurence tell Juliet to do? (98-130)
5. Lines 105-116 Explain exactly what the potion will do. List all symptoms.
6. What will be done with her when Paris finds Juliet in the morning? (120-122)
7. How will Romeo know where to go to get Juliet? (124)
8. Then what will Romeo and Juliet do?
9. How will the letter get to Romeo? (134)
p. 813-814
1. What does Juliet say to her father? (19-24)
2. How does Capulet react to Juliet’s change of heart (although she’s lying). (40-41)
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p. 817-818
1. Juliet asks Nurse to do what tonight?
2. Of what is Juliet afraid? (23-56)
3. What is Juliet’s back-up plan if this potion doesn’t work?
p. 817-818
1. What is going on in this scene?
p. 819-823
1. Who finds Juliet “dead?”
2. How does Lady Capulet speak of her child, Juliet? (22-24)
3. What does Friar Laurence say about Juliet’s “death?” (79-84)
4. What does Capulet say about all the things for the wedding festival? (94-100)
5. To where is Juliet going, but never to return? (40-42)
6. To whom is Juliet “married” now? (46) Of which literary term is this an example?
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Romeo and Juliet Notes
Use these pages to take any information provided in class that isn’t already in the study
guide. Remember that you’ll be tested on any material covered in class, not just what’s
covered by the study guide questions. Pay close attention, especially to anything that is
put on the board or in the Power Point presentation.
Literary Term & Vocabulary:
New Word
(not new)
Example / Where it’s used
Questions you had or have:
Other Notes:
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V.i p. 826-828
1. Where does this scene take place?
2. What was Romeo’s dream? (6-10) How is this ironic or dramatically ironic?
3. Romeo’s servant, Balthasar, brings what news to Romeo?
4. “Then I defy you, stars.” To what is this a reference and what does Romeo mean?
Apothecary – a pharmacist or druggist
5. What does Romeo want to be able to do? Who can help him do it? What does he
want to get from this person? (40-57)
6. What does the apothecary tell Romeo about such a person? (70-72)
7. How does Romeo convince the apothecary to give him what he wants?
8. Where is Romeo going to use what the apothecary has sold him?
V.ii p. 828-829
1. Who was to give Romeo the message from Friar Laurence?
2. Why could he not get to Mantua? (6-13)
3. Why is Friar Laurence so upset that the letter didn’t get to Romeo?
4. What is Friar Laurence’s new plan? (25-end)
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p. 830-842
1. What does Paris want his page to do?
2. Romeo asks Balthasar to do what? (23-24)
3. What does Rome say he needs? (30-31)
4. Romeo tells Balthasar to get out of there. If he returns to pry, what will Romeo do? (3336)
5. What is Romeo’s state of mind?
6. By Balthasar leaving, he is showing his master what, according to Romeo? (41-45)
7. But Balthasar tells the audience what in an aside? Why? (44-46)
8. Why does Paris believe Romeo has come to the tomb? (54-55)
9. Romeo asks Paris to leave, but he won’t. Explain what happens.
10. How does Juliet look to Romeo? (95-99)
11. Is Romeo literally talking to the apothecary? What is he actually saying? (122-23)
12. What does Romeo do before dying?
13. How long has Romeo been in the tomb?
14. What did Balthasar believe he dreamed, which was actually true? (148-150)
15. What does Friar Laurence want to do with Juliet? (169-170)
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16. Why does Juliet kiss Rome and why is she disappointed? (177-179)
17. Exactly how and with what does Juliet end her life?
18. Who first finds all three dead bodies?
19. Who are the two people under suspicion of killing them? What evidence is stacked
against them?
20. What other tragedy has taken place off stage?
21. Who tells the true story of Romeo and Juliet?
**Lines 255-288 give a synopsis of the whole story.
22. How is the Prince convinced that he has hear the true story? (310-314)
23. What does the Prince say to Capulet and Montague? (315-317)
24. Who are the brace of kinsmen of Prince Escalus has lost because of the feud?
25. How do Capulet and Montague end the feud?
26. “Poor sacrifices of our enmity.” What does Capulet mean here?
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27. “For never was a story of more woe, Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Why is this
such a tragic story?
General questions (yes, you have to answer these)
Use your own opinions, but be ready to back up that opinion with specifics from the play.
What are some major themes in the play? Where do you see them developed?
Does Romeo and Juliet have a tragic hero? If so, who? Why? If you think there isn’t, why
Why are we still reading this play after roughly four hundred years?
Who is responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Why?
What are some common motifs running throughout the play? What are some examples of
What are your favorite lines? Why?
Do any of the main characters remind you of anyone? How?
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