6/13/2013 1 Lecture 7: Energy Storage Instructor: Dr. Gleb V. Tcheslavski Contact: gt.lamar@gmail.com Office Hours: TBD; Room 2030 Class web site: http://www.ee.lamar.edu/ gleb/tps/Index.htm Image from http://www.woosk.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 2 Introduction The use of intermittent or variable sources of energy – such as solar, wind energy, and some forms of energy derived from moving water – often requires some means of energy storage. Energy storage does not just potentially benefits solar energy systems as well as other renewable energy resources, but also benefits the transmission and distribution system since storage applications can be used to mitigate diurnal or other congestion patterns and, store energy until the transmission system is capable of delivering it where needed. By storing energy from variable resources, such as wind and solar power, energy storage could provide reliable generation from these units, permit the energy produced to be used more efficiently, and provide supplimentary transmission benefits. The adverse impacts of large-scale PV power systems connected to the power grid and developing output control technologies with integrated battery storage are still under study. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 1 6/13/2013 3 Storage systems Electric utilities, energy service companies, and automobile manufacturers exhibit a great interest in the possible applications of energy storage in power systems. For instance, the ability to store large amounts of energy would permit electric utility companies to have greater flexibility in their operation, since with this option, the supply and demand do not have to be instantaneously matched. The battery technologies are diverse and at different stages of development. They include a variety of batteries, high-speed flywheels, supercapacitors, and regenerative fuel cells. Local energy storage would assist embedded generation from renewable energy by providing a buffer between the variability of supply and demand. Potential benefits include capacity reduction, frequency support, standard reserve provision, and cold start capability. Depending on technical requirements and geographical settings, a utility company may benefit from one or more of these techniques. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 4 Storage systems Power applications, such as uninterruptable power supply (UPS) backup for data centers and automotive batteries, represent the largest market for lead-acid batteries; while laptop batteries and power tools caused significant growth for lithium ion batteries. For bulk energy storage in utility grids, pumped hydropower plants dominate, with approximately 100 GW in service in the world. Even though many utility companies have pumped storage plants, little focus is placed on the potential roles that management of load may fill demand or reduce demand peaks and, therefore, partially decouple energy production from energy consumption. Energy storage can serve the same purpose but may also be used as a generation source, replacing either expensive, low-efficiency storage, or load scheduling. The generation capacity would be required to meet only the average electrical demand rather than peak demand. Expensive network upgrades could be avoided. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 2 6/13/2013 5 Storage systems By enabling thermal generating units to operate closer to rated capacity, higher thermal efficiency is achieved, and both fuel cost and CO2 emissions are reduced. As a result, the balancing cost that may be associated with wind variability can be reduced. Also, expensive reserve services – such as gas turbines, diesel engines, etc. – can be reduced, since both energy storage and load management have similar goals. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Storage technologies in power levels and storage time. Summer 2013 Lamar University 6 Storage systems Power applications are storage systems rated for 1 hour or less; energy applications are systems rated for longer period. Power applications of each of the technologies (shown in previous slide) are found in electrical grid; for instance, in the transmission system for bulk power storage or in the residential feeder circuits of smaller systems. Li-ion – lithium-ion battery; NiCd – nickel-cadmium battery; NiMH – nickel-metal hydride battery; CAES – compressed-air energy storage; SMES – superconducting magnetic energy storage; VBR – vanadium redox battery; ZnBr – zinc-bromine battery; NaS – sodium-sulfur battery; ZEBRA – high-temperature battery used at substations. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 3 6/13/2013 7 Storage devices The conventional technologies include the large hydro, compressed-air, and pumped hydro storages. 1. Large hydro storage Image of Hell’s Canyon from pacificenvironment.org Large hydro is the oldest renewable source for power/energy. Small hydro systems vary from 100 kW to 30 MW, while microhydropower plants are smaller than 100 kW. Small hydropower generators work at variable speed since the water, on which they depend, flows at variable speed. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 8 Storage devices Induction generators are normally used with turbine systems. The turbine converts the water’s kinetic energy to mechanical rotational energy. The available power from the water flow can be found as (7.8.1) where is the density of water, kg/m3; h is the height, m; r is flow rate, m3/s; k is the efficiency (ranges from 0 to 1). Hydroelectric plants typically have fast ramp-up and ramp-down rates, providing great regulating capability and the generating cost near zero. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 4 6/13/2013 9 Storage devices 2. Compressed-air storage Compressed-air storage involves the storage of compressed air in underground cavities, for instance, in the exhausted salt mines. Alternatively, an underground storage complex can be created using a network of largediameter pipes. Later, the compressed air can be released as part of generation cycle, providing a typical cycle efficiency of approximately 75 %. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Image from www.scotland.gov.uk Summer 2013 Lamar University 10 Storage devices In an open-cycle gas turbine or combined-cycle gas turbine plant, incoming air is compressed by the gas turbine compressor before being ignited with the incoming fuel supply. The exhaust gasses are then expanded within the turbine driving both the electrical generator and the compressor. An open-cycle gas turbine ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 5 6/13/2013 11 Storage devices A modern compressed-air energy storage is a peaking gas turbine power plant consumes less than 40% of the gas used in the combined-cycle gas turbine (and 60% less gas than is used by a single-cycle gas turbine) to produce the same amount of electricity. It is accomplished by blending compressed air to the input fuel of the turbine by compressing air during peak periods at lower costs than conventional stand-alone gas turbines. It is required that compressed-air plants should be near proper underground geological formations, such as salt caverns, mines, or depleted gas wells. The first CAES plant was a 290 MW unit built in Germany in 1978. the second one was a 110 MW unit built in Alabama in 1991. Advanced systems rated for up to 800 MW are under consideration. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 12 Storage devices 3. Pumped hydro storage The most widely established large-scale form of energy storage is hydroelectric pumped storage. This is an excellent storage technique, although only few attractive sites exist and initial investment costs are very high. Typically, such plant operates on a diurnal basis charging at night during periods of low demand (and lowpriced energy) and discharging during periods of high or peak demand. A pumped storage plant may have the capacity for 4-8 h of peak generation with 1-2 h of reserve, although sometimes the discharge time may extend to a few days. Seawater pumped-storage hydro system on Okinawa Island (Source: wastedenergy.net) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 6 6/13/2013 13 Storage devices A typical pumped hydro plant consists of two interconnected reservoirs (lakes), tunnels conveying water from one reservoir to another, valves, water pump turbine, a generator, transformers, a transmission switchyard, and a transmission connection. The amount of stored energy is proportional to the product of the total volume of water and the differential height between the reservoirs. Image from ww.consumersenergy.com ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 14 Storage devices For instance, storing 1 GWh (deliverable in a system with an elevation change of 300 m) determines a water volume of about 1.4 million cubic meters. The earliest application of pumped hydro technology was in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1882. One of the next systems was built in South Carolina (Hiwassee Dam Unit 2) in 1956 and rated for 59.5 MW. Today, the pumped hydro storage accounts for about 99% of world-wide energy storage systems totaling of about 127 GW (Wiki, year 2011). Approximately 20 GW of pumped hydro systems are operated in the US. The original intent of these plants was to provide off-peak base loading for large coal and nuclear plants to optimize their overall performance and provide peaking energy each day. Pumped hydro energy storage provides very fast response (< 1 minute) to start intermittent generation. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 7 6/13/2013 15 Storage devices Year 2011 Image from sun.anu.edu.au ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 16 Storage devices Other, less conventional storage technologies include hydrogen, flywheels, high-power fuel cells, high-power supercapacitors, superconducting magnetic energy storage, heat or cold storage systems, and high-power batteries. 4. Hydrogen Hydrogen has been proposed as the energy store (carrier) for the future and the basis for a new transport economy. The reasons for this are simple: hydrogen is the lightest chemical element offering the best energy/mass ratio of an y fuel. It can generate electricity efficiently and cheaply in fuel cells. Indeed, the waste product is water; it can be electrolyzed to produce more fuel (hydrogen). Hydrogen can be transported conveniently over long distances using pipelines or tankers, so that generation and utilization are at distant locations, while a variety of storage forms are possible (gaseous, liquid, metal hydrates, etc.) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 8 6/13/2013 17 Storage devices Hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis of water using off-peak electricity or electricity from renewable source. It can be burned later to generate electricity. Alternatively, hydrogen can be piped as a gas or liquid to consumers to be used locally providing both electricity and heat, or it can be used in transport… Image from www.oilempire.us ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 18 Storage devices The combustion of hydrogen provides energy and water with no harmful emissions or byproducts. If the electricity is the final product, the process is not very attractive due to its overall efficiency of about 50%. Therefore, the interest in hydrogen is usually for transportation needs Image from sitemaker.umich.edu ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 9 6/13/2013 19 Storage devices While used for transportation purposes, availability of a proper storage system is vital. “The Energy Park and hydrogen refueling station in Norway including wind turbines, solar panels and a lead-acid batteries for energy storage. Two water electrolysers are supplying hydrogen produced from renewable energy to the hydrogen refueling station on site.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Source: http://www.fch-ju.eu Summer 2013 Lamar University 20 Storage devices It is predicted that hydrogen pipeline infrastructure is likely to be developed in the future. Such pipelines could carry bulk hydrogen, as the energy source, to major cities. For distances greater than 1,000 km, energy transportation by hydrogen carrier should be more economical than high-voltage electrical transmission. Space needed to store the energy contained in a typical passenger car tank. Table from www.ika.rwthaachen.de ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 10 6/13/2013 21 Storage devices 5. High-power flow batteries High-power flow batteries operate similarly to car batteries but without electrodes. Instead, when the flow cell is used as a “sink”, the electric energy is converted into chemical energy by “charging” two liquid electrolyte solutions. The stored energy can be released on discharge. As with all DC systems connected to AC networks, a bidirectional converter is needed. These batteries use electrolyte solutions flowing through a cell stack with ion exchange through a micro-porous membrane to generate an electric charge. Several different chemistries were developed for utility power applications. The main advantage is their ability to scale systems in terms of power and energy. Power rating can be increased by including more cell stacks; runtime is increased by increasing the volume of electrolyte. Also, flow batteries work at ambient temperatures rhather than at high temperatures. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 22 Storage devices 6. High-power flywheels A high-power flywheel is a kinetic energy storage device. The energy is stored in very fast (up to 75,000 rpm) rotating mass of flywheels. In the past, flywheels had severe problems with maintenance, losses in bearings, material strength, and related management problems at high speeds. Images from www.intechopen.com and www.sciencedirect.com ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 11 6/13/2013 23 Storage devices Modern flywheels are made of fiber-reinforced composites. The flywheel motor/generator is interfaced to the main through a power electronic converter. At present time, this technology is expensive and is only used for selected applications. From Wikipedia: “Materials with high strength, and low density are desirable. For this reason, composite materials are frequently being used in flywheels. …values greater than 400 Wh/kg can be achieved by certain composite materials.” With use of magnetic bearings, mechanical efficiency of 97% can be achieved. Flywheels are used in uninterruptable power supplies. Costs of a fully installed flywheel UPS are about $330 per kilowatt (Wiki). Image of NASA G2 flywheel from http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 24 Storage devices 7. High-power supercapacitors High-power supercapacitors are also called ultra capacitors or double-layer capacitors. They consist of a pair of metal foil electrodes, each of which has an activated carbon material deposited on one side. These sides are separated by a membrane and then rolled into a package. The operation is based on an electrostatic effect, where charging and discharging occurs with the physical (not chemical) reversible movement of ions. Therefore, fundamental differences between ultra capacitors and battery technologies lead to considerably longer shelf and operating life od supercapacitors and their large charge-discharge cycles of up to 500,000. Supercapacitors are electrochemical capacitors. They may look and perform similarly to Li-ion batteries. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 12 6/13/2013 25 Storage devices From Wikipedia: “The capacitance value of an electrochemical capacitor is determined by two storage principles, both of which contribute to the total capacitance: Double-layer capacitance – electrostatic storage of the electrical energy achieved by separation of charge in a Helmholtz double layer at the interface between the surface of a conductive electrode and an electrolyte. The distance of the static separation of charge in a doublelayer is on the order of a few Angstroms (0.3–0.8 nm). Pseudocapacitance – Electrochemical storage of the electrical energy with electron transfer, achieved by redox reactions with specifically adsorbed ions from the electrolyte, intercalation of atoms in the layer lattice or electrosorption, underpotential deposition of hydrogen or metal adatoms (an atom that lies on a crystal surface, and can be thought of as the opposite of a surface vacancy) in surface lattice sites which result in a reversible faradaic charge-transfer.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 26 Storage devices More from Wikipedia: “The ratio of the storage resulting from each principle can vary greatly, depending on electrode design and electrolyte composition. Pseudocapacitance can increase the capacitance value by an order of magnitude over that of the double-layer by itself. Supercapacitors are divided into three families, based on the design of the electrodes: Double-layer capacitors – with carbon electrodes or derivates with much higher static double-layer capacitance than the faradaic pseudocapacitance Pseudocapacitors – with electrodes out of metal oxides or conducting polymers with a high amount of faradaic pseudocapacitance Hybrid capacitors – capacitors with special and asymmetric electrodes that exhibit both significant double-layer capacitance and pseudocapacitance, such as lithium-ion capacitors.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 13 6/13/2013 27 Storage devices From Wikipedia again: “Supercapacitors bridge the gap between conventional capacitors and rechargeable batteries. They have the highest available capacitance values per unit volume and the greatest energy density of all capacitors. They support up to 12,000 Farads/1.2 Volt, with capacitance values up to 10,000 times that of electrolytic capacitors. While existing supercapacitors have energy densities that are approximately 10% of a conventional battery, their power density is generally 10 to 100 times greater. Power density is defined as the product of energy density, multiplied by the speed at which the energy is delivered to the load. The greater power density results in much shorter charge/discharge cycles than a battery is capable, and a greater tolerance for numerous charge/discharge cycles.” Therefore, supercapacitors can charge and discharge very quickly! ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 28 Storage devices Image from http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 14 6/13/2013 29 Storage devices Supercapacitors have been applied in blade-pitch control devices for individual wind turbine generators to control the rate at which power increases and decreases with changes of wind velocity. This is necessary if wind turbines are connected to weak utility grids. A lot of 8 supercapacitors rated at 350 Farads, 2.7 V, 0.35 Wh, 976 W each; sold for $65 + $10 s/h, June 2013 http://www.ebay.com/ In California, Palmdale water district uses a 450 kW supercap to regulate the output of a 950 kW wind turbine to reduce network congestions. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 30 Storage devices 8. Superconducting magnetic energy storage As a result of recent developments in power electronics and superconductivity, the interest in using SMES units to store energy and/or reduce power system oscillations has increased. The energy is stored within a magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a coil of superconductive material. Therefore, SMES can be viewed as a controllable current source, whose magnitude and phase can be changed within one cycle. The upper limit of this source is imposed by the DC current in the superconducting coil. Typically, one coil is maintained in its superconducting state by keeping it in liquid helium at 4.2 K in a vacuum-insulated cryostat. A power electronic converter interfaces the SEMS to the grid and controls the energy flow bidirectionally. With the development of materials exhibiting superconductivity close to room temperatures, this technology may become economically viable. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 15 6/13/2013 31 Storage devices A typical configuration of a SMES unit with a double gate turn-off (GTO) thyristor bridge. The superconductive coil L is coupled to the transmission system by two convertors and transformers. The convertor firing angles 1 and 2 are determined by the PQI controller to modify the real and reactive power outputs and the DC current In of the coil. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 32 Storage devices The control strategy is determined by the modulation controller of SMES to dump out power swings in the network. A 10MW SMES system was developed in 2010 for Furukawa Nikko Power Generation Inc., at Hosoo Power Plant (Source: http://www.chuden.co.jp/). ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 16 6/13/2013 33 Storage devices 9. Heat or cold storage Thermal storage assisting in power system operations is used for many years. This technology involves modulation of the energy absorbed by individual consumer electric heating elements and refrigeration systems for the benefit of the overall system power balance. An aggregation of a large number of dynamically controlled loads has the potential of providing added frequency stability and smoothing to power networks, both at times of sudden increase in demand (or less of generation) and during times of fluctuating wind or other renewable power. Such devices could displace some reserve and may cause a substantial reduction in governor activity of remaining generators. The potential demand that could be operated under dynamic control is considerable. Deep-freeze units, industrial and commercial refrigeration, air conditioning, water heating systems could provide dynamic demand control (DDC). The potential available in a developed country could be several GW. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 34 Storage devices Images from http://earthshelters.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 17 6/13/2013 35 Battery types Battery systems are quiet and non-polluting. They can be installed near load centers and existing suburban substations. They have efficiencies around 85% and can respond to load changes within 20 ms. Lead-acid batteries as large as 10 MW with 4 h of storage have been used in several US, European, and Japanese utility companies. Although both the input and the output energy of a battery are electrical, the storage is in chemical form. Chemical batteries are individual cells filed with a conducting electrolyte that, when connected together, form a battery. Multiple batteries connected together form a battery bank. Essentially, batteries can be divided into two basic types: primary batteries (non-rechargeable) and secondary batteries (rechargeable). While being abundant, primary batteries are outside our discussion. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 36 Secondary batteries Secondary batteries are rechargeable batteries. They are divided into two categories based on the operating temperature of electrolytes. Ambient operating temperature batteries have either aqueous (flooded) or non-aqueous electrolytes. High operating temperature batteries (molten electrodes) have either solid or molten electrolytes. Rechargeable lead-acid and NiCd batteries have been used widely by utilities for small-scale back-up, load leveling, etc. The largest NiCd battery installation is a 45 MW, 10 MWh system in Fairbanks, Alaska, built in 2003 and designed to provide a guaranteed 27 MW for at least 15 minutes following local power outages. For similar reasons, the largest (20 MW, 14 MWh) lead-acid system was installed by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority in 1994. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 18 6/13/2013 37 Secondary batteries However, considering the toxic nature of materials involved, low efficiency (70% - 80%) and the limited life and energy density, secondary batteries based on other technologies are researched for utility applications. Batteries in electric vehicles are the secondary rechargeable batteries utilizing other technologies. Such batteries have to satisfy certain performance goals that include quick charge and discharge capabilities, long cycle life, low cost, recyclability, high specific energy (the amount of usable energy measured in watt-hours per kilogram), high energy density (amount of energy stored per unit volume), high specific power (that defines the potential for acceleration), and the ability to work in extreme heat or cold. However, at present time, no such battery technology exists that would satisfy all the criteria above. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 38 Secondary batteries Battery performance seems to improve exponentially over years… A large variety of battery types are used in electric power systems for grid support. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 19 6/13/2013 39 Secondary batteries (Wiki) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 40 Secondary batteries: Sodium-Sulfur Sodium-Sulfur battery is a type of molten salt high-performance battery with the electrolyte operating at temperatures around 300 C (572F). It consists of a liquid (molten) sulfur positive electrode and a molten sodium negative electrode separated by a solid beta alumina ceramic electrolyte. The electrolyte permits only positive sodium ions to pass through it and, while combining with sulfur, to form sodium polysulfides. The sodium component of this battery explodes on contact with water (or air), which raises certain safety concerns. Image from www.masterresource.org ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 20 6/13/2013 41 Secondary batteries: Sodium-Sulfur The materials of the battery need to be capable of withstanding the high internal temperatures they create, as well as freezing and thawing cycles. Sodium-sulfur batteries have a very high specific energy of 150 Wh/kg. during discharge, positive sodium ions flow through the electrolyte and electrons flow in the external circuit of the battery providing about 2 V. This technology was perfected in Japan for large-scale applications. Presently, there are 190 battery systems in service in Japan, totaling more than 270 MW of capacity with stored energy suitable for 6 h of daily peak cancelling. The largest single NaS battery installation is a 34 MW, 245 MWh system for wind power stabilization in northern Japan. The battery will permit the output of the 51 MW wind farm to be 100% dispatchable during the on-peak periods. In the US, 9 MW of NaS batteries are installed for peak cancelling, backup power, firming wind capacity, etc. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 42 Secondary batteries: Sodium-Sulfur 1 MW NaS battery in Minnesota. The battery was installed in 2008 and tested for storing wind energy. The battery is in cold shutdown since 2011 (as for 2012) waiting for design modifications addressing potential fire hazard. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Source: http://www.energystorageexchange.org/ Summer 2013 Lamar University 21 6/13/2013 43 Secondary batteries: ZEBRA ZEBRA battery is another molten salt high-temperature battery and is based on sodium nickel chloride chemistry. It is used for electric transportation in Europe and is considered for utility applications as well. From Wikipedia: “This battery operates at 245 °C (473 °F) and utilizes molten sodium aluminumchloride (NaAlCl4), which has a melting point of 157 °C (315 °F), as the electrolyte. The negative electrode is molten sodium. The positive electrode is nickel in the discharged state and nickel chloride in the charged state. This battery was invented in 1985 by the Zeolite Battery Research Africa Project (ZEBRA) group in Pretoria, South Africa. The technical name for the battery is Na-NiCl2 battery. The ZEBRA battery has a specific energy of 90 Wh/kg and a specific power of 150 W/kg. For comparison, lithium iron phosphate batteries store 90–110 Wh/kg and the more common lithium ion batteries store 150–200 Wh/kg. The ZEBRA's liquid electrolyte freezes at 157 °C (315 °F), and the normal operating temperature range is 270 °C (518 °F) to 350 °C (662 °F).” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 44 Secondary batteries: ZEBRA Iveco and Think City offer electric vehicles with ZEBRA batteries option. When not in use, ZEBRA batteries are usually kept hot… Image from www.cleanbreak.ca ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 22 6/13/2013 Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology 45 The performance of flow batteries is similar to the performance of a hydrogen fuel cell. They use electrolyte liquids flowing through a microporous membrane to generate an electric charge. They store and release electrical energy through a reversible electrochemical reaction between two liquid electrolytes. The liquids are separated by an ion-exchange membrane, allowing the electrolytes to flow into and out from the cell through separate manifolds and to be transformed electrochemically within the cell. For their utility applications, various chemistries have been developed. In standby mode, the batteries have a response time of the order of milliseconds to seconds, making them suitable for frequency and voltage maintenance. One of the advantage of this flow battery design is the ability to scale systems independently in terms of power and energy. For instance, more cell stacks permit for an increase in power rating, a greater volume of electrolytes provides more runtime. Additionally, flow batteries operate at ambient temperatures. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology 46 1. Zinc-Bromine flow batteries ZnBr flow battery operates with a solution of zinc-bromide salt dissolved in water and stored in two tanks. The battery is charged or discharged by pumping the electrolytes through a reactor cell. During the charging cycle, metallic zinc from the electrolyte solution is plated onto the negative electrode surface of the reactor cell. The bromide is converted to bromine at the positive surface of the electrode in the reactor cell and then is stored in the other electrolyte tank as a safe chemically complex oily liquid. During the discharge of the battery, the process is reversed, and the metallic zinc plated on the negative electrode is dissolved in the electrolyte solution producing zinc-bromide for the next charging cycle. To create batteries with different ratings, flow batteries have modular construction, such as a ZnBr package rated for 500 kW for 2h. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 23 6/13/2013 Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology 47 From Wikipedia: “The primary features of the zinc bromine battery are: • High energy density relative to lead-acid batteries; • 100% depth of discharge capability on a daily basis; • High cycle life of > 2,000 cycles at 100% depth of discharge, at which point the battery can be serviced to increase cycle life to over 3,500 cycles; • No shelf life limitations since zinc-bromine batteries are non-perishable, unlike lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, for example; • Scalable capacities from 10 kW·h to over 500 kW·h (1.8 GJ) systems; • The ability to store energy from any electricity generating source.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology 48 These battery systems have the potential to provide energy storage solutions at a lower overall cost than other energy storage systems such as lead-acid, vanadium redox, sodiumsulfur, lithium-ion and others (Wiki). RedFlow Zinc Bromine Module (ZBM) Gen 2.5 module: 5 kW and 10 kW·h. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 24 6/13/2013 Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology 49 2. Vanadium Redox flow batteries Vanadium Redox batteries (VRB) is another type of flow batteries. During its charge and discharge cycles, positive hydrogen ions are exchanged between the two electrolyte tanks through a hydrogen-ion permeable polymer membrane. Vanadium ions in different oxidation states are used to store chemical potential energy. Specific energy 10–20 Wh/kg Energy density 15–25 Wh/L Charge/discharge efficiency 75-80% Time durability 10–20 years Cycle durability >10,000 cycles Nominal cell voltage 1.15–1.55 V Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University Secondary batteries: Flow Battery technology Images from www.flickr.com and www.ericom.com.tr ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems 50 Currently installed VRBs (Wiki): • A 1.5 MW UPS system in a semiconductor fabrication plant in Japan. • A 275 kW balancer on a wind power project of Hokkaido. • A 250 kW, 2 MWh load leveler in use at Castle Valley, Utah. Summer 2013 Lamar University 25 6/13/2013 51 Secondary batteries: Lithium-Ion Lithium-Ion batteries have the greatest applications among the available battery technologies. It can be implemented in a large variety of shapes and sizes, permitting the battery to efficiently fill the available space, such as cell phone or laptop computer. Lithium-Ion batteries are also lighter in weight compares to other aqueous battery technologies, such as lead-acid batteries. They have the highest power density (up to 250 Wh/kg) of all batteries on the commercial market on a per-unit-of-volume basis. The leading Li-ion cell design is a combination of lithiated nickel, cobalt, and aluminum oxides, referred to as an NCA cell. Two Li-ion designs that are starting to be used in high-power utility grids are lithium titanate and lithium iron phosphate. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 52 Secondary batteries: Lithium-Ion 1. Lithium Titanate batteries Lithium titanate batteries use manganese in the cathodes and lithiumtitanate nano-crystals instead of conventional carbon in the anodes. This chemistry produces a very stable design with fast-charge capability and good performance at lower temperatures. From Wikipedia: “Use of lithium-titanate gives the anode a surface area of about 100 m2/g compared to 3 m2/g for carbon, allowing electrons to enter and leave the anode quickly. This makes fast recharging possible and provides high currents when needed. The disadvantage is that lithium-titanate batteries have a lower inherent voltage, which leads to a lower energy density than conventional lithiumion battery technologies”. The batteries can be discharged to 0% and have a relatively long life. They are used in a utility power service applications for frequency regulation. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 26 6/13/2013 53 Secondary batteries: Lithium-Ion Titanate batteries are used in Mitsubishi's i-MiEV electric vehicle and Honda uses them in its EV-neo electric bike and Fit EV. Toshiba released a lithium– titanate battery named Super Charge Ion Battery (SCiB). The battery is designed to offer 90% charge capacity in just 10 minutes. The life cycle of the battery is more than 10 years. SCiB is also said to be safer than early models with their potential fire hazard. These batteries are installed in Honda Fit EV and in various electric bikes. Source: http://www.electricvehiclesresearch.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 54 Secondary batteries: Lithium-Ion 2. Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) is a newer and safer technology that is more difficult to release the oxygen from the electrode, which reduces the risk of fire in the battery cells. It is more resistant to overcharge when operated in a range of up to 100% state of charge. They are also used in a utility power service applications for frequency regulation. From Wikipedia: “LiFePO4 is used as a cathode material. These batteries have somewhat lower energy density than the more common LiCoO2 design found in consumer electronics, but offers longer lifetimes, better power density, and are inherently safer.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 27 6/13/2013 55 Secondary batteries: Lithium-Ion Selected specifications (Wiki): Cell voltage: Min. discharge voltage = 2.8 V Working voltage = 3.0 ~ 3.3 V Max. charge voltage = 3.6 V Gravimetric energy density => 90 Wh/kg Number of cycles to 80% of original capacity = 2,000-7,000 48 V, 20 Ah LFP battery: Max charging/discharging current: 25 A Approximate weight: 12 kg Dimensions: 32 cm x 12 cm x 14.5 cm Source: http://sealedenergysystems.tradeindia.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 56 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid Lead-acid batteries, invented in 1859 by French physicist Gaston Planté, are the oldest and most mature among the all battery technologies. Due to their large applications, lead-acid batteries have the lowest cost. This battery operates at an ambient temperature and has an aqueous electrolyte. Even though the lead-acid battery is relatively inexpensive, it is very heavy, with a limited usable energy by weight (specific energy). These batteries should not be discharged by more than 80 % of their rated capacity. Exceeding 80 % of the depth discharge shortens the life of the battery. From Wikipedia: “In the discharged state both the positive and negative plates become lead(II) sulfate (PbSO4) and the electrolyte loses much of its dissolved sulfuric acid and becomes primarily water. In the charged state, each cell contains negative plates of elemental lead (Pb) and positive plates of lead(IV) oxide (PbO2) in an electrolyte of approximately 33.5% sulfuric acid (H2SO4).” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 28 6/13/2013 57 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid Lead-acid: the charging speed problem (from Wiki) The capacity of a lead-acid battery is not a fixed quantity but varies according to how quickly it is discharged. When a battery is charged or discharged, this initially affects only the reacting chemicals, which are at the interface between the electrodes and the electrolyte. With time, the charge stored in the chemicals at the interface, (interface charge) spreads by diffusion of these chemicals throughout the volume of the material. If a battery has been completely discharged (leaving the car lights on overnight) and then is given a fast charge for only a few minutes, the battery plates charge only near the interface between plate and electrolyte. The battery voltage may rise to be close to the charger voltage so that the charging current decreases significantly. After a few hours this interface charge will spread to the volume of the electrode and electrolyte, leading to an interface charge so low that it may be insufficient to start the car. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 58 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid On the other hand, if the battery is given a slow charge, which takes longer, then the battery will become more fully charged. During a slow charge the interface charge has time to redistribute to the volume of the electrodes and electrolyte, while being replenished by the charger. The battery voltage remains below the charger voltage throughout this process allowing charge to flow into the battery. Similarly, if a battery is subject to a fast discharge (such as starting a car, a current draw of more than 100 amps) for a few minutes, it will appear to go dead, exhibiting reduced voltage and power. However, it may have only lost its interface charge. If the discharge is halted for a few minutes the battery may resume normal operation at the appropriate voltage and power for its state of discharge. On the other hand, if a battery is subject to a slow, deep discharge (such as leaving the car lights on, a current draw of less than 7 amps) for hours, then any observed reduction in battery performance is likely permanent. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 29 6/13/2013 59 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid A version of lead-acid battery, the deep-cycle lead-acid battery, is widely used in golf carts and forklifts. From Wikipedia: “They are designed to be regularly deeply discharged using most of its capacity. In contrast, starter batteries (e.g. most automotive batteries) are designed to deliver short, high-current bursts for cranking the engine, thus frequently discharging only a small part of their capacity. While a deep-cycle battery can be used as a starting battery, the lower "cranking amps" imply that an oversized battery may be required. The structural difference between deep cycle batteries and cranking batteries is in the lead battery plates. Deep cycle battery plates have thicker active plates, with higher-density active paste material and thicker separators. Alloys used for the plates in a deep cycle battery may contain more antimony (stibium, Sb) than starting batteries. The thicker battery plates resist corrosion through extended charge and discharge cycles”. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 60 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid Images from primeproducts.in engg-learning.blogspot.com and www.asia.ru ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 30 6/13/2013 61 Secondary batteries: Lead-Acid Advanced Lead-acid batteries Carbon can be added to the negative electrode to significantly extend the life of lead-acid batteries. However, lead-acid batteries fail due to sulfation in the negative plate that increases as the battery is cycled more. Adding 40 % of activated carbon to the negative electrode composition increases the battery life up to 2,000 cycles. This represents a three- to four-time improvement over regular lead-acid batteries. This extended life together with the low cost may lead storage developers to reconsider lead-acid technology for grid applications. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 62 Secondary batteries: Nickel-Cadmium Nickel iron (Edison cell) and NiCd pocket and sintered plate batteries have been in use for many years. Both of these batteries have a specific energy of approximately 55 Wh/kg that is higher than advanced lead-acid batteries. They can be discharged to 100 % depth of discharge without damage. The primary trade-off with NiCd batteries is their higher cost and the use of cadmium. This heavy metal is an environmental hazard, and is highly toxic to all higher forms of life (Wiki). In power systems, NiCd batteries have been used in a variety of backup applications and were chosen to provide “spinning reserve” for the transmission project in Alaska. The project involved a 26 MW NiCd battery rated for 15 min that is the largest battery in a utility application in North America (as for 2011). NiCd batteries are still used for utility applications, such as in power ramp-rate control for smoothing in weak power grids. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 31 6/13/2013 63 Secondary batteries: Nickel-Cadmium NiCd “memory effect” (from Wiki). “NiCd batteries may suffer from a "memory effect" if they are discharged and recharged to the same state of charge hundreds of times. The apparent symptom is that the battery "remembers" the point in its charge cycle where recharging began and during subsequent use suffers a sudden drop in voltage at that point, as if the battery had been discharged. The capacity of the battery is not actually reduced substantially. Some electronics designed to be powered by NiCd batteries are able to withstand this reduced voltage long enough for the voltage to return to normal. However, if the device is unable to operate through this period of decreased voltage, it will be unable to get enough energy out of the battery, and for all practical purposes, the battery appears "dead" earlier than normal. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 64 Secondary batteries: Nickel-Cadmium The original paper describing the memory effort was written by GE scientists and later retracted by them, but the damage was done. It is unlikely to be a real phenomenon, but has taken on a life of its own as an urban myth. An effect with similar symptoms is the so-called voltage depression or lazy battery effect. This results from repeated overcharging; the symptom is that the battery appears to be fully charged but discharges quickly after only a brief period of operation. In rare cases, much of the lost capacity can be recovered by a few deep-discharge cycles, a function often provided by automatic battery chargers. However, this process may reduce the shelf life of the battery. If treated well, a NiCd battery can last for 1,000 cycles or more before its capacity drops below half its original capacity. Many consumer chargers claim to be "smart chargers" that will shut down and not damage the battery, but this seems to be a common problem. For instance, Black and Decker 18 volt drill can be bought with 3 different chargers, only one of which (so-called 9 hour charger) is safe to leave on the battery for an extended time. Faster chargers will damage the battery if left on.” ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 32 6/13/2013 65 Secondary batteries: Nickel-Cadmium Images from www.ustudy.in www.drillspot.com inventors.about.com and http://www.ebay.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 66 Secondary batteries Operational problems in battery usage. The PV systems with integrated battery storage can recover the energy that would have been lost when the voltage is over the limitation value. Since the risk of over-voltages is higher when the reverse power flow is greater, the state of charge of the storage battery should not be full at around noon. Therefore, only part of the surplus power that is greater than the load demand should be applied to the storage battery for the efficient operation of the battery. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 33 6/13/2013 67 Secondary batteries The following problems should be considered when operating the storage battery integrated in a PV system: 1. The storage battery must be at a discharge state in the morning to prepare for the charging around the noon. 2. If the lead-acid battery is left in the discharge state, it may deteriorate and shorten its lifetime. 3. The frequency of use of the storage batteries may be varied by the impedance of the distribution line and by a power-flow condition. 4. “Round-trip” energy losses of the storage battery and power conditioning systems increase when charging and discharging larger amounts of energy. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 68 Fuel cells Fuel cells were developed in 1839 but were only put in to practical use in 1960s by NASA to generate fuel for their Apollo spacecraft. The stored hydrogen can be converted to electricity using an open-cycle gas turbine. However, the efficiency tends to be low in this case, even if the losses associated with transportation and converting the electricity to hydrogen were ignored. Fuel cells are quiet, clean, and highly efficient onsite generators that use the electrochemical process (reverse electrolysis) to convert fuel to electricity. This process produces very little waste heat or gas. In addition to generating electricity, fuel cells can also serve as a thermal energy source for water and space heating or for cooling absorption. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 34 6/13/2013 69 Fuel cells Fuel cells consist of an electrolyte (liquid or solid) membrane sandwiched between two electrodes. A block diagram of a fuel cell is shown below. Proton-conducting fuel cell. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 70 Fuel cells A single fuel cell produces output voltage less than 1 V. Therefore, fuel cells are stacked on top of each other and connected in series forming a fuel cell system to produce higher voltages. Electrical efficiencies of fuel cells are between 36% and 60% depending on the type and system configuration. Using the conventional heat recovery techniques, the overall efficiency can be increased to approximately 85%. Steam reforming of liquid hydrocarbons (CnHm) is a potential way of providing hydrogen-rich fuel. This is a preferred method since storage of hydrogen is hazardous and expensive. Reformers facilitate a continuous supply of hydrogen without having to use bulky pressurized hydrogen tanks or hydrogen vehicles for distribution. The endothermic (i.e., the energy is absorbed from the environment) reaction takes place in the reforming process in the presence of a catalyst: ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 35 6/13/2013 71 Fuel cells The endothermic (i.e., the energy is absorbed from the environment) reaction takes place in the reforming process in the presence of a catalyst: (7.71.1) Also, carbon monoxide combines with steam to produce more hydrogen through the water-gas shift reaction (7.71.2) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 72 Fuel cells The flows and reactions in a fuel cell: Fuel cells are classified according to the nature of electrolyte used and the operating temperature. Each type requiring particular materials and fuels. Fuel cells are classified according to the nature of electrolyte used and the operating temperature. Each type requiring particular materials and fuels. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 36 6/13/2013 73 Fuel cells Polymer electrolyte membrane ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 74 Fuel cells The electrochemical efficiency tends to increase with fuel cell temperature. The operating temperature is often determined by the nature of the membrane. The expensive catalyst, such as platinum, may be needed to increase the rate of electrochemical reactions. In general, fuel cells may use hydrogen, natural gas, methanol, coal, or gasoline. In addition to these fuels, more environmentally friendly fuels, such as biogas and biomass, may be used. For most fuel cells, such fuels must be transformed into hydrogen using a reformer or coal gasifier. However, high-temperature fuel cells can generally use a fossil fuel (natural gas, coal gas, etc.) directly. In this case, polluting products may be produced. The hydrogen molecules are supplied to one electrode (anode), where they produce ions moving to the cathode. At the cathode, these ions combine with oxygen to form water. The oxygen may be extracted from air or supplied from the water electrolysis as a stored product. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 37 6/13/2013 75 Fuel cells For large-scale utility storage applications, the selection of technology will depend on the ability to use pure hydrogen (electrolyzed from water) as the fuel, on the electrical efficiency of conversion, and on the load-following capacity of the fuel cell (that may provide some regulation from fluctuating wind or other sources). Out of various options available, SO and PEM seem most likely to succeed. The efficiency of conversion of fuel to electricity can reach 65%, which is almost twice the efficiency of conventional power plants. Small-scale fuel cell plants are as efficient as the large ones, whether they operate at full load or not. Because their modular nature, fuel cells can be placed at or near load centers; therefore, saving on transmission network expansions. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 76 Fuel cells A fuel cell power plant consists of three subsystems (sections): 1. The natural gas or other hydrocarbon fuel is converted to hydrogen-rich fuel in a fuel-processing section. This process is known as a steam catalytic reforming process. 2. The fuel is fed to the power section, where it reacts with oxygen in a large number of individual fuel cells to produce DC electricity. 3. The DC electricity is converted to the power utility-grade AC electricity in the power-conditioning subsystem. Also, heat can be produced as a byproduct in the form of usable steam or hot water. The number of fuel cells at a power plant may vary from several hundreds (for a 40 kW plant) to several thousands (for a multi-MW plant). ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 38 6/13/2013 77 Fuel cells In the power section of a fuel cell that has the electrodes and the electrolyte, two separate electrochemical reactions happen: an oxidation half-reaction (at the anode) and a reduction half-reaction (at the cathode). The electrodes are separated from each other by the electrolyte. During the oxidation half-reaction at the anode, gaseous hydrogen produces hydrogen ions that travel through the ionically conducting membrane to the cathode. At the same time, electrons travel through an external circuit to the cathode. In the reduction half-reaction at the cathode, oxygen supplied from air combines with the hydrogen ions and electrons to form water and excess heat. Therefore, the products of the overall reaction are electricity, water, and excess heat. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 78 Fuel cells Types of fuel cells Fuel cells are categorized based on their electrolyte type, since the electrolyte defines the key properties of fuel cells; specifically, the operating temperature. The main types are: 1. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM); 2. Alkaline fuel cell (AFC); 3. Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC); 4. Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC); 5. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). These fuel cells operate at different temperatures and each of them suits best specific applications. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 39 6/13/2013 79 Fuel cells: types 1. Polymer electrolyte membrane The electrolyte in PEM fuel cell is a polymer that is usually referred to as a membrane (thus the name). PEM’s electrolyte is somewhat unusual in that, in presence of water (that membrane readily absorbs), the negative ions are rigidly held within their structure. Only the positive (H) ions contained within the membrane are mobile and are free to carry positive charges through the membrane in one direction only, from anode to cathode. At the same time, due to its organic nature, the PEM structure acts as an electron insulator, forcing it to travel through the outside circuits providing electric power to the load. Each of the two electrodes is made of porous carbon with very small platinum particles bounded. The electrodes are slightly porous so that the gasses can diffuse through them to reach the catalyst. Since both carbon and platinum conduct electrons well, they can move freely through the electrodes. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 80 Fuel cells: types The chemical reactions inside a PEM fuel cell are: At anode: (7.80.1) At cathode: (7.80.2) Net reaction: (7.80.3) Here, hydrogen gas diffuses through the polymer electrolyte until it meets a platinum particle in the anode. The platinum catalyzes dissociation of the hydrogen molecule into two hydrogen atoms (H) bonded to two neighboring platinum atoms. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 40 6/13/2013 81 Fuel cells: types Only then can each H atom release an electron to form a hydrogen ion (H+) that travels through the membrane, at the same time as the free electron through the outside circuit. At the cathode, the oxygen molecule interacts with the hydrogen ion and the electron from the outside circuit to form water. The performance of PEM fuel cells is limited mainly by the slow rate of the oxygen reduction half-reaction at the cathode, which is 100 times slower than the hydrogen oxidation halfreaction at the anode. 1 KW portable PEM fuel cell By Ballard Source: www.fuelcell.no ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 82 Fuel cells: types 2. Alkaline fuel cell From Wikipedia: “The alkaline fuel cell (AFC), also known as the Bacon fuel cell after its inventor, is one of the most developed fuel cell technologies. NASA has used alkaline fuel cells since the mid-1960s, in Apollo-series missions and on the Space Shuttle. AFCs consume hydrogen and pure oxygen producing potable water, heat, and electricity. They are among the most efficient fuel cells, having the potential to reach 70%. The two electrodes are separated by a porous matrix saturated with an aqueous alkaline solution, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH). The world's first Fuel Cell Ship HYDRA used an AFC system with 6.5 kW net output. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 41 6/13/2013 83 Fuel cells: types Aqueous alkaline solutions do not reject carbon dioxide (CO2) so the fuel cell can become "poisoned" through the conversion of KOH to potassium carbonate (K2CO3). Because of this, alkaline fuel cells typically operate on pure oxygen, or at least purified air and would incorporate a 'scrubber' into the design to clean out as much of the carbon dioxide as is possible. Because the generation and storage requirements of oxygen make pureoxygen AFCs expensive, there are few companies engaged in active development of the technology. There is, however, some debate in the research community over whether the poisoning is permanent or reversible. The main mechanisms of poisoning are blocking of the pores in the cathode with K2CO3, which is not reversible, and reduction in the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte, which may be reversible by returning the KOH to its original concentration. An alternate method involves simply replacing the KOH which returns the cell back to its original output. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 84 Fuel cells: types Because of this poisoning effect, two main types of AFCs exist: static electrolyte and flowing electrolyte. Static, or immobilized, electrolyte cells (used by NASA) typically use an asbestos separator saturated in potassium hydroxide. Water production is managed by evaporation out the anode, which produces pure water that may be used. These fuel cells typically use platinum catalysts to achieve maximum efficiencies. Flowing electrolyte designs use a more open matrix that allows the electrolyte to flow either between the electrodes (parallel to the electrodes) or through the electrodes in a transverse direction.” The chemical reactions inside an AFC are: At anode: (7.84.1) At cathode: (7.84.2) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 42 6/13/2013 85 Fuel cells: types 3. Phosphoric acid fuel cell Phosphoric acid fuel cell technology has already moved from the laboratory to the first stages of its commercial applications. Today, 200 kW plants are available built at more than 70 sites in the US., Japan, and Europe. Operating at approximately 200 C, the PAFC plant also produces heat for water and space heating; its electrical efficiency is close to 40%. Its high cost is the main obstacle that stops this technology from its wide commercial acceptance. Presently, capital cost of PAFC plant is approximately $2,500-$4,000 per kW. It is assumed that this technology may be accepted by the power industry if its cost reduces to $1,000$1,500 per kW. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 86 Fuel cells: types The chemical reactions inside a PAFC are: At anode: (7.86.1) At cathode: (7.86.2) PAFC have been used for stationary power generators with output in the 100 kW to 400 kW range; they are also used in large vehicles such as buses. Major manufacturers of PAFC technology include ClearEdge Power and Fuji Electric. PureCell system 400 CEP Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 43 6/13/2013 87 Fuel cells: types 4. Molten carbonate fuel cell Molten carbonate fuel cell technology is attractive since it offers several potential advantages over PAFC. Carbon monoxide is indirectly used in the MCFC. The higher operating temperature of approximately 650C makes the MCFC a better candidate for combined-cycle applications, where the fuel cell exhaust can be used as input to the intake of a gas turbine or the boiler of a steam turbine. The total efficiency can approach 85%. Capital costs are expected to be lower than PAFC. Molten carbonate fuel cells were (as for 2007) tested in full-scale demonstration plants. The chemical reactions inside a MCFC are: At anode: (7.87.1) ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 88 Fuel cells: types and (7.88.1) At cathode: (7.88.2) February 2009: Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell with bio-methane fuel is used to power part of Munich data center of the company T-Systems. MCFC generates 245 kW. Source: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 44 6/13/2013 89 Fuel cells: types 5. Solid oxide fuel cell Solid oxide fuel cell an electrochemical conversion device that produces electricity directly from oxidizing fuel and was (as for 2007) demonstrated at a 100 kW plant. This technology requires very significant changes in the structure of the cell. A solid ceramic electrolyte is used, so the electrolyte does not need to be replenished during the operational life of the cell. This leads to simplifications in design, operation, and maintenance; potential cost reductions are predicted. Additionally, such electrolytes offer the increased stability, reliability of all solid-state constructions and permit higher operational temperatures. The ceramic composition of the cell leads to cost-efficient fabrication techniques. Its tolerance to impure fuel streams makes SOFC systems especially attractive for utilizing H2 and CO from natural gas steam-forming and goal gasification plants. ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 90 Fuel cells: types The chemical reactions inside a SOFC are: At anode: and (7.90.1) (7.90.2) At cathode: (7.90.3) Delphi SOFC auxiliary power unit being currently (as for June 2013) field evaluated. Source: http://delphi.com/ ELEN 4301/5301 Trends in Modern Power Systems Summer 2013 Lamar University 45