Procedure NEAS D4.1 Version 4.0 Policy and Procedure: Attendance Monitoring 1. PURPOSE: Universal Institute of Technology establishes this policy and procedure to: Comply with the requirements of the ESOS Act relating to attendance for students on a student visa. Enable UIT to proactively notify, counsel, and assist students who are at risk of failing to meet attendance requirements. 2. SCOPE This policy and procedure applies to all UIT English Language students on a student visa. 3. POLICY It is the policy of UIT to monitor the attendance of students to identify students-at-risk and provide timely and appropriate intervention thus enabling them to complete their qualification and comply with their visa conditions. 4. PROCEDURE The following outlines the steps undertaken for attendance monitoring: STEPS 1. At Orientation, students are informed of the conditions of their visa that pertain to attendance and the Institute’s procedure in monitoring student attendance, the various actions that will be initiated when a student is identified to be at-risk and for unsatisfactory course attendance. 2. Student attendance is marked PERSONS/UNITS RESPONSIBLE Director of Studies Student Service Officer A Student Induction Checklist is signed by the student to indicate that they have been informed about the policy Students should Teachers or REMARKS Once printed this is an uncontrolled document – refer to online version for original |File Name: X:\Administration\NEAS 2013 -Policy updates\Section D\D4.1 Attendance Monitoring v4.0.docx |Printed Date: 4/29/20133 |Review Date: 3/01/2014 |Authorised by: CEO |Document Owner: CEO |RTO No: 22096 |CRICOS No: 02946M ©Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd |Page 1 of 5 PERSONS/UNITS RESPONSIBLE Student Services officer STEPS twice daily, at the beginning of each session. REMARKS 3. Submit the daily attendance sheet to reception Teacher 4. Student Service Officer maintains and updates the Attendance Monitoring Template on a weekly basis Student Services Officer 5. Assess on a weekly basis if a student is at risk of not meeting the attendance requirement Student Services Officer Teacher ensures that the attendance sheet is properly completed. As per ESOS Act, UIT is not required to monitor attendance of students who are not on a student visa. However, as per duty of care, the Institute will monitor all students regardless of visa type. 6. Student attendance reports are run weekly in the SMS. Where the percentage attendance in the “overall attendance at completion” report is below the following levels the associated action must be taken: present valid and current medical certificates for absences due to illness. A staff member will photocopy the medical certificate, signs and date it as original sighted. The original copy is handed back to student while the copy is kept on the student file. Student Services Officer Once printed this is an uncontrolled document – refer to online version for original |File Name: X:\Administration\NEAS 2013 -Policy updates\Section D\D4.1 Attendance Monitoring v4.0.docx |Printed Date: 4/29/20133 |Review Date: 3/01/2014 |Authorised by: CEO |Document Owner: CEO |RTO No: 22096 |CRICOS No: 02946M ©Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd |Page 2 of 5 Reporting Scenarios If a student has been absent for consecutive five (5) days without approval Actions Attendance is projected to fall below 90% Attendance is projected to fall below 85% Attendance is projected to fall below 80% The Student Services Officer informs the Academic Manager about the matter using an UIT Attendance Tracking Form Student is contacted and counselled by the Academic Manager and the Student Services Officer with regards to attendance requirement Results of meeting or student counselling to be filed as a diary entry in the student file in the SMS The Student Services Officer informs the Academic Manager about the matter UIT Attendance Tracking Form First warning letter is sent to the student’s: o Current address on the student database o Email address Results of meeting or student counselling to be filed as a diary entry in the student file in the SMS The Student Services Officer informs the Academic Manager about the matter UIT Attendance Tracking Form Second warning letter is sent to the student’s: o Current address on the student database o Email address Results of meeting or student counselling to be filed as a diary entry in the student file in the SMS The Student Services Officer informs the Academic Manager about the matter An Intent to Report to DIAC letter is sent to the student’s: o Current address on the student database o Email address The Intent to Report to DIAC will advise the student for breach of visa condition due to unsatisfactory attendance and if any compelling and compassionate circumstances documentation could be provided before the letter is forwarded should be provided within 20 working days. If the review of compelling and compassionate circumstances documentation brings the attendance percentage to 80% the requirement, then the Intent to Report letter will not be sent to DIAC However, if no compelling or compassionate circumstances documentation is submitted, then the student is reported for Unsatisfactory Attendance is sent to DIAC. The letter informs the student of their right to appeal the decision. All documents are filed in the student folder. Once printed this is an uncontrolled document – refer to online version for original |File Name: X:\Administration\NEAS 2013 -Policy updates\Section D\D4.1 Attendance Monitoring v4.0.docx |Printed Date: 4/29/20133 |Review Date: 3/01/2014 |Authorised by: CEO |Document Owner: CEO |RTO No: 22096 |CRICOS No: 02946M ©Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd |Page 3 of 5 As a matter of policy, students are entitled to appeal the decision to report their unsatisfactory attendance within 22-23 working days (20 days plus time for delivery) on the following grounds that: Their attendance hours were incorrectly recorded Compassionate and compelling circumstances were not taken into account They have new evidence to provide which were not available at the time of when the Final Notification to Report to DIAC due to Unsatisfactory Attendance was sent. The following are the steps undertaken for appeals relating to reporting for unsatisfactory attendance: If the student appeals the decision to Report for Unsatisfactory Student Attendance: PERSONS/UNITS RESPONSIBLE STEPS 1. REMARKS If the student wishes to appeal the decision and notifies UIT within the prescribed time then the UIT Complaints Appeal process will be followed. Note: The student must remain enrolled throughout of the appeals process. If the student chooses NOT to appeal the decision or their appeal is unsuccessful: STEPS 2. The student will be reported in PRISMS within 5 working days 3. An email is sent to the student advising about the cancelation of enrolment. All documentation relating to this policy are filed 4. 5. PERSONS/UNITS RESPONSIBLE Admissions Officer Student services Officer Student services Officer REMARKS Student Services informs Admissions Officer regarding the matter Cancellation is recorded on Deferment, Suspension, and Cancellation Register Student enrolment is cancelled 5. REFERENCES ESOS National Code – Standard 11 NEAS Standard on Student Services Once printed this is an uncontrolled document – refer to online version for original |File Name: X:\Administration\NEAS 2013 -Policy updates\Section D\D4.1 Attendance Monitoring v4.0.docx |Printed Date: 4/29/20133 |Review Date: 3/01/2014 |Authorised by: CEO |Document Owner: CEO |RTO No: 22096 |CRICOS No: 02946M ©Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd |Page 4 of 5 6. RESPONSIBILITY The responsibilities are delineated in the procedures 7. PROCEDURE OWNER CEO 8. FORMS Student Induction Checklist First Warning Letter – Unsatisfactory Attendance Second Warning Letter– Unsatisfactory Attendance Notice to Report to DIAC for Unsatisfactory Attendance Complaints and Appeals Form Letter Template – Outcome of Appeal (Favourable) Letter Template – Outcome of Appeal (Dismissed) Final Notice to Report to DIAC for Unsatisfactory Attendance 9. RELATED DOCUMENTS Complaints and Appeals Policy Administration and Records Management 10. Version History Version Number 1.1 2.0 Date 3.0 29th Sept 2010 15 February 2012 1 May 2012 4.0 1 January 2013 Reason for Revision Initial Release Checked for compliance Reviewed for Annual Accreditation Reviewed for NEAS Progress Check Prepared by Approved By Rizwan Ahmed Rizwan Ahmed Rizwan Ahmed Rizwan Ahmed Once printed this is an uncontrolled document – refer to online version for original |File Name: X:\Administration\NEAS 2013 -Policy updates\Section D\D4.1 Attendance Monitoring v4.0.docx |Printed Date: 4/29/20133 |Review Date: 3/01/2014 |Authorised by: CEO |Document Owner: CEO |RTO No: 22096 |CRICOS No: 02946M ©Universal Institute of Technology Pty Ltd |Page 5 of 5