Annette J. Bartley RGN, BA (Hon) MSc, MPH. Quality Improvement

Annette J. Bartley RGN, BA (Hon) MSc, MPH.
Quality Improvement Consultant
UK Health Foundation/Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Quality Improvement Fellow 2006-2007.
Annette Bartley is a registered nurse with over 30 years of experience in healthcare. She has held
leadership roles in frontline clinical care, management and at director level. In 2006 she was awarded a
Health Foundation Quality Improvement Fellowship spent at the US Institute for Healthcare
Improvement (IHI), during which time she also completed a Masters in Public Health at Harvard
Annette is an Independent Quality Improvement Consultant responsible for developing, supporting and
leading a number of highly successful quality improvement and patient safety initiatives across the UK at
regional, and national level. Her work extends internationally and Annette is viewed as an authority on
the prevention of avoidable pressure ulcers using quality improvement methodology and the
implementation of SKIN Bundle and Intentional Rounding.
Annette was the IHI Director for the Health Foundation’s Safer Patients network for three years. She
continues to work with IHI on various projects, in addition the UK Kings Fund Patient and Family Centred
Care Programme, Health Improvement Scotland, Northern Ireland Public Health Agency, The Royal
College of Physicians of Ireland, The 1000 Lives Welsh Patient Safety Programme, the South West
Quality and Patient Safety Mental Health Improvement Programme, Midlands and East Stop the
Pressure Programme, Danish Patient Safety Programme, Canadian Foundation for Healthcare
Improvement, Hamad Medical Corporation Qatar and many others.
Annette’s passion is inspiring and supporting frontline care teams to reliably deliver high quality, safe,
person centered care.