INTRODUCTION TO DEBT COUNSELLING The Perspectives of Professional Money Management This seminar is for housing staff who are increasingly involved in giving people advice on debt and money management. The day will give you a good understanding of the risks and pitfalls of debt, the typical causes, tips on how you could minimise the problems and will also identify the ways that your advice can help people to help themselves. We will look at the licensing requirements for staff who offer Debt Counselling. At the centre of the seminar is the financial statement and how it recognises the priorities of debt, deals with the running costs of the household and calculates how the bills can be paid. The aim is to make sure that income is maximised and that some surplus is available to re-pay creditors. The seminar will introduce the pro-rata formula and apply it to some case studies. Barry Marlow’s experience and knowledge of arrears and debt, will allow the issues to be put into wider financial perspectives that deal with your corporate ambitions as well as investigating why people still feel obliged to pay doorstep lenders rather than talk to you. This seminar will look at: The state of debt and the pressures on your customers Customer behaviour and how you can deal with it Appreciating the causes of debt Money management, debt advice and the context of counselling The corporate ambition, codes of practice and the way you compete with others The debt counselling process and its framework Maximising income The financial statement and its aims Priority and non-priority debts Negotiation with customers and creditors Offers of payment and pro-rata calculations The service you offer, how people might react to you and potential conflict of interest The potential of enforcement advice for non-compliance Please see full course programme on Page 2 Trainer: Barry Marlow Barry has over 35 years experience in local authority and housing association management. Since 1996, Barry has become one of the UK’s most prominent and popular housing trainers. A Member of the CIH and the Professional Speakers Association, Barry’s credentials include a dynamic and challenging perspective of public sector housing. Barry is a motivational and passionate public speaker often bringing audiences to life with his messages. Barry’s passion for housing remains his biggest asset. The courses he delivers always have the key objectives of being challenging and enjoyable, allowing change to be created and developed by people with a natural enthusiasm for the role and the business. INTRODUCTION TO DEBT COUNSELLING The Perspectives of Professional Money Management Seminar Programme: 09.30 SESSION 1 - The Context of Debt Counselling and Money Management Corporate ambitions and standards of practice The way debt is handled by people How your counselling service is shaped Causes of debt The competition for your customer’s money 11.30 SESSION 2 - The Debt Counselling process Case study – the conflicting priorities The way we communicate and negotiate The perspective of the service The perspective of the customer in debt Responsibilities of you and the customer 13.45 SESSION 3 - The Financial Statement Maximising income Identifying the household expenses Identifying the debts Prioritising debts The strategy to deal with creditors, including yourself 15.15 SESSION 4 - Payment Negotiating with creditors Pro-rata payments Token payments Non-payment Persuasion and enforcement conversations Case studies and discussions Tea and coffee breaks will be at 11.15 and 15.00 with lunch at 13.00 until 13.45