department of physics

General Syllabus
Physics 20700
General Physics
Elective Undergraduate
Catalog description:
Vectors, equilibrium, rectilinear motion. Newton’s laws, gravitation, motion in a plane,
work and energy, impulse and momentum, rotation and angular momentum, simple
harmonic motion, fluids, heat and thermodynamics.
3 LECT., 2 REC. HR./WK., 2 LAB/WRKSHP. HRS (20700); 4 CR./Sem.
Pre- or coreq.: Math 20200 for Physics 20700. (Required for all students in the Physical
Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science.)
Textbook and other suggested material:
"Fundamentals of Physics 9th Edition" Chapters 1 through 37; With 2-semester WebAssign
Access Code; Choice 1: Hardbound text; Choice 2: Binder-ready version. Note: A WebAssign
Access Code may be purchased separately directly from WebAssign:
Course Objectives:
After successfully completing this course, students should be able to
1. recognize and use SI units and be able to use vectors and their components.
2. understand the relationships between position, velocity, acceleration and time
in the motion of physical objects; be able
3. understand the concepts of force and equilibrium and their relation to Newton’s
laws of motion.
4. understand and use the concepts of work and energy, including kinetic and
potential energy; understand and be able to use the principle of conservation of
5. understand and use the concepts of momentum and impulse; understand and be
able to use the principle of conservation of momentum.
6. understand how to describe the rotation of physical objects; understand the
concept of torque as applied to the equilibrium of objects.
7. understand gravitational interactions and their relationship to satellite motion
and Kepler’s laws.
8. understand the phenomenon of simple harmonic motion.
9. understand and use the basic principles of fluid mechanics as applied to
buoyancy and fluid flow.
10. understand the properties of temperature and heat.
11. understand and use the first and second laws of thermodynamics involving
work, heat and internal energy.
Topics Covered:
1. Units, physical quantities and vectors
2. One-dimensional motion
3. Two-dimension motion; projectile and circular motion
4. Newton’s laws of motion
5. Work and kinetic energy
6. Potential energy and energy conservation
7. Momentum, impulse and collisions
8. Rotation of rigid bodies
9. Equilibrium of rigid bodies
10. Gravitation
11. Periodic motion
12. Fluid mechanics
13. Temperature and heat
14. First and second laws of thermodynamics
Class schedule:
3 LECT., 2 REC. HR./WK., 2 LAB/WRKSHP. HRS (20700, 4 CR.
Relationship of course to program outcomes:
The outcomes of this course contribute to the following departmental learning
a. students will be able to synthesize and apply their knowledge of physics and
mathematics to solve physics-related problems in a broad range of fields in
classical and modern physics, including mechanics, electricity and magnetism,
thermodynamics and statistical physics, optics, quantum mechanics, and
experimental physics.
b. students will be able to design and carry out experiments in different fields of
physics and to analyze and interpret the results.
c. students will be able to communicate their knowledge effectively and in a
professional manner, in both oral and written forms.
d. students will be able to work cooperatively with other students and with
f. students will be able to use computers effectively for a variety of tasks,
including data analysis, instructional-technology (IT) assisted presentations,
report or manuscript preparation, access to online information sources, etc.
g. students of other disciplines will be able to synthesize and apply their
knowledge of physics and mathematics to solve physics-related problems at an
appropriate introductory level in important fields of classical physics, including
mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, optics, and experimental
physics, as appropriate to their majors.
h. students of other disciplines will have the background in physics needed to
perform well in advanced courses in their own disciplines for which introductory
physics courses are a prerequisite.
Assessment Tools
1. Attendance
2. Homework assignments
3. Results of quizzes
4. Lab reports (if applicable)
5. Class participation
6. Results of Final Exam
Person who prepared this description and date of preparation:
F.W. Smith
email address:
date: 1/4/2007
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
The CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity can be found at
This policy defines cheating as “the unauthorized use or attempted use of material,
information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.”
The CUNY Policy on plagiarism says the following about plagiarism (the CUNY Policy
can be found in Appendix B.3 of the CCNY Undergraduate Bulletin 2007 -2009 as well
as the web site listed above):
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writings as your
own. The following are some examples of plagiarism, but by no means is it an exhaustive
1. Copying another person’s actual words without the use of quotation marks and
footnotes attributing the words to their source.
2. Presenting another person’s ideas or theories in your own words without
acknowledging the source.
3. Using information that is not common knowledge without acknowledging the source.
4. Failing to acknowledge collaborators on homework and laboratory assignments.
5. Internet plagiarism includes submitting downloaded term papers or parts of term
papers, paraphrasing or copying information from the internet without citing the source,
and “cutting and pasting” from various sources without proper attribution.
The City College Faculty Senate has approved a procedure for addressing violations of
academic integrity, which can also be found in Appendix B.3 of the CCNY
Undergraduate Bulletin.”