I I a I )y CrwteHorwath," - t - t t ! t t il - a a I =t - p il - t =l t I t I t t a a - PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATETIIENTS WITH INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORI YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3I, 2OI2 AND 2OII {|r{OONES|AT{ CURREI{CY) e e - This otigtnel consotidated linancial stete|r,enl ittcludec! hercin is in lhe tndonesian language PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATETIENTS WITI{ INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT YEARS ENOEO OECEMBER 3I, 2012 AND 2OII = :l = - E e e E E 5 E = t = a - =l I = = - 5 a = € = E = Tablo ot Contentg Page Independent Auditors' Report 1-3 Consolidated Statements of Financial.Position ConsolidatedStatementsofComprehensivelncome.......-.............. Equity Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ......... Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ..... .. 4 5 Consolidated Statements of Changes in 6 .. . 7 - 50 e € - e f\ Crowe Fkrwath'" KosASrH, Nunotveunru, T;AHJo & REKAN R6oist.ted Publk A@unt.n|3 No 134ZNM 1/2011 (Abndt) HoNalh lnlsm.0onal M.mb€r c'M = 3 This oiginal rcpon includecl herein is in lhe lncionesian language. a = lnd60endent Audltora' Report I a = = = Report No. KNT&R-C2/01 03/1 3 The Shareholders, Board of Commissioners, and Directors PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES We have audited the consolidated statement of financial position of PT Anabatic Technologies lthe "Company") and Subsidiaries (collectively refeffed to as the Group) dated December 31, 2012 and 2011, and lhe related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity, and cash flows for the years then ended. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is lo express an opinion on these consolidated financial = stalements based on our audits. =9 We conducted our audits in accodance with auditing standards established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards requhe that we plan and perform the audits to obtain rcasonable assurance about wheiher the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis. evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as wellas evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis lor our opinion. ::l = = I In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present tairly, in all material respects, the consolidated flnancial position of the Group as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the consolidated results of their operations, and their cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with finanoal accounlino standards in Indonesia = = a = I KOSASIH. NURDIYAMAN. TJAHJO & REKAN .--<-"-azj\---"'r+ Em.nu.l Handolo Pranadlala. Ak,.CPA Public Accountant Reglstratlon Number AP.0929 D13. July 3,2013 z I lo present the frnancial posiion, resulls ot pnclces gpn@rally acceplecl in counnes an iuisclictions other than lndonesia. The stand€rds, procedures, and practices to audil such consolicletecl linencial slalemgnfs a/s llrose gereally acceptecl ancl appliecl in lnclonesia. The acconpanying consoliclaled linancial slalenenls ate nol inlended = - EtrE operations, and cash flows in accordance wilh accounling $incbles ancl F P F P P P P P = I P p s F p F E! P F = This original consolidalecl tinancial stalemenl included hercin is in lhe lnclonesian lanquage. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEfIIENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 3'I,2O'I2 AND 2O'I,I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otheJwise stated) Noteg ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Trade receivables Third parties - net of provision for impairment of Rp 624,826,668 in 2012 and Rp 351,371,223 in 2011 Related parties Others receivables Third parties Related parties lnventoties Advances and prepayments Prepaid taxes 2.4,32,33 in 2011 = = lntangible assets Goodwill Deferred tax assets Claim for tax income Others assets = Total Noncurrent Assets = TOTAL ASSETS 2011 193,672,845,137 404,295,145,648 10 10,251,880,21 1 95,551,108,405 330, t77 .57 4 ,140 5.924 ,817 ,097 2.32,33 1,823,964,155 7,635,354,870 10a 2,6,14,20 2,7.32,33 18a TotalCufienl Assets NONCURRENT ASSETS lnvestment in Associate Restricted deposits Due from related parties Fixed assets - net of accumulated depreciation of Rp 95,106,375,621 in 2012 and Rp 81,798,606,620 2012 66,677,881,057 271 ,323 ,515 ,885 45,803,963,365 19,507 ,497 ,425 1019,168,123,998 1,'156,512,635 2,11,14,20 28.30 2,12 2,13 2,18e 18f 32.33 48,908,879,912 5,961 ,272,549 677,179,924,071 13,901,506,620 1 ,284,021 ,773 3,627,200,000 13,096,431,729 93,635,472,036 52,603,078,s50 2,8,32,33 '10b 44,904 ,430,726 143,927,877 ,087 1,650,000,000 8,139,908,600 4,556,787,702 4,350,296,494 8,654,908,600 3,208,453,416 5,495,814,210 2,688,245,915 131,551,899,616 90,658,'t54,193 4,161 ,415 ,529 r,150,720,023,614 767,838,078,254 = = € = = = = = = _! = J The accompanying Notes lo Consoliclal@c! Fkancial Slalemenls fom an integnl the s e Con solidated F in a nc ia/ Slalemenls. pai ol = = = This oiginal cansolidated financial galemenl inclu(kd herein is in lhe Incloneaan language- PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES CONSOLIDATEO STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION (continu€d) DECEMBER 31, 20.I2 ANO 2O1I (Erpros3ed in Rupiah, unless otherwiae 3tated) = = :I =l = I E = I I = I = =l I I I = I Notes 20't2 2011 LIABILITIES ANO EQUITY LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Short-term bank loans Trade payables Third parties Related parties Other payables Third partaes Related parties Advances from customers Accrued expenses Taxes payable Unearned revenue Current maturilies of long-term loans Bank loans Financing payables Lease payables 2,14,32,33 10 231,845,150,569 177 ,660 ,467 ,226 122,846,206,006 1,600,780,376 432,033,562 2,32.33 16 .t 22,151,962,555 0c 777.785.986 2,17,32,33 '18b 19 2,32.33 20 271 ,03? ,255 ,110 8,496,960,830 752,389,391 1.678,955,064 162,196,279,407 19,501,853,255 38,876,735,101 25,486,068,63'l 4,073,437,411 4.559,957,534 216,676,455 75,705,569 21 153,188,073 22 347,473,141 39,854,781,034 931,284,564,000 598,857,521,475 2.10d 164,184,600 7,822,875,000 1,751,633,312 861,617,443 5,646,776,000 1.688,722,742 2.32,33 20 2,448,926 ,795 6,522,364,573 ,240,375 686,940,155 240,111,917 461,950,525 Total Current Liabilities NONCURRENT LIABILITIES oeferred tax liabilities Employees' benefits liabilities Due to related parties Long term loans - net of cu(ent maturities Bank loans Financing payables Lease payables 396.272.372,180 2,14d 2,23 21 22 Total Noncurrent Liabilites TOTAL LIABILITIES 87 12,961,800,237 16,173,932,591 944,246,384,237 6r5,031,4tr,066 I - z I = I I b Consoliclalecl Fkencial Sletements lom an integnl pan lhese Consoliclaled F inmcial Sktements. The accompmying Notes = :l a 3 2 ot g t € I E - e - t = € z = This oiginal consoliclaled tinancial statement includecl hercin is in the lndonegan lang)age. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIOATED STATEttIIENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION (continued) oEcEtrlBER 31.2012 AND 20ll (Exprg$od in Rupiah, unles3 othelwlgo statod) Not.8 EOUITY EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO T'IE OWNERS OF THE COMPANY Capital stock - Rp 500 par value Per share Authorized - 40,000,000 shares lssued and fully paid - 34,500,000 shares Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings 24 25 2011 2012 17,250,000,000 14,500,000,000 17,250,000,000 14,500,000,000 72,108,169,692 43,430,462,280 5,180,462,2a0 Equity attributable to the owners of the Company Noncontrolling interest 103,858,169,692 102.615,489,685 TOTAL EQUIW 206,473,659,377 t52,806,624,19E 1,150,720,023,614 767,838,078,264 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 7 77,626,161,918 T I = t E I I = I t - a f' a a - e I - Fkancid Slaten enls lom an integftl paft these Consoli(hted Financial Statements. The accompanyiw Ndes to Consolidaled oI I t This oiginal consolidalecl fnancial slalemenl included hercin is in lhe lnclonesian language a n a PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARY CONSOLIDATEO STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 3,I, 2012 AND 2O1I (Expressed in Rupiah, unlesa othe.wiee stat6d) - a - Notes NET SALES COST OF SALES 2011 2012 2.27 2,244 ,093,834 ,465 1,532,020,555,913 2.11.28 1,955,352,632,108 1 GROSS PROFIT ,326,724 ,984,7 42 284,741 ,202,357 205,295,571 ,171 14,079.980,343 162,661,874,976 114,452,6't 0,990 I OPERATING EXPENSES Selling General and adminiskative t Total Operating Expenses 176,741,855,319 124,666,170,940 OPERATING INCOME 11't,999,347,038 80,629,400,231 e 2 29 11,23,30 10,213,559,950 - a a a e - OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) lnterest income Gain on sale offixed assets Interest expense Bank administration Loss on foreign exchange - net Loss on investment sale Gain / (loss) on investment in Associate Gain on acquisition of associates Others - net a TotalOthers Expense - Net - INCOi,|E EEFORE INCOME TAX e a lNCOltlE TAx EXPENSE CURRENT YEAR NET INCOME ]' OTHERS COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - TOTAL COMPREHENSIvE lNcottllE I I rt a TOTAL CO"PREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO: Owners of lhe Company Noncontrolling interest TOTAL 4,179,563,555 150.500,000 (28,074.013,739 ) (3,938,742,015 ) 12,181,994,3O2) 675.131,942 7,974,193 (19,206,760,827) (2,372,767,323) (2,355,472,206) (225,850,807) (127,509,138 11,521,773 41,148,204 376,692.572 ) 690,457.820 (29,527.588.626) a2,471 '18c ,7 58,412 122,823,077.682) 57,806,322,549 (20,805,574,0441 116,225,f55,2631 61,666,184,368 41,580,567,286 61,666,184,368 41,580,567,286 32,777,707,412 22,342,990,006 28,888,476,956 19,237 ,577,280 61,666,184,368 41,580,567,286 E a a a = - The acconpanying Noles to Consolidalecl Finmcial Stalemenls fotm an inlegnl parl the s e Con sohd ale d F in a nc ia/ Slatemenls. of t a a e a e A1.d F filR g tt-.6- ulgl I =t a e 6'o6'6 o) o. o" .d(o-oo @"qN- - 5 a lu b a e z tr8 ulo ^ EI:? - *!Ri - e BHi : 9=R.P - i!?;6 t !4(9:6 ESHi a c : Y6= 5 F 2bHE OEIE €:]F = t - g HGE.s E e;=! ;: g;H g <e;gt *t ii(,' - E - - I t $ F 6P ; !l= 5,,ilE E EG !IE PFIi !9 -l *5 :s F9 3 FE Fg so 3g on =€ F i -g@ . o, z\ I I E i; F E I 6 t.s - J' e c '<: so I b o6N t'- _-- - .: F o:-:;iEF!F :5: E*E ei erE iF 9 E 9€ { ig E ig E F E: : E F ;n:> Ebr :tEi :E !€ ; =9 B= ; b 6 ; 6 (D .0 o o o o oo A s 6 6 = = = This otiginal consoldalecl financial PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 3.I, 2012 AND 2OII (Expressed in Rupiah, unleas otherwiso statod) = = 3 4 = = a = = = = = = f a stal'nenl included herein is in lhe lndonesian languago. 2012 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from customers Payments to supplaers and employees Proceeds from (payments for) 2011 2,163,769,984.826 1,365,282,433,3S1 (2,136,650,748,687) (1,329,806,759,963) 4,179,563,555 lnterest,ncome Financing charges tncome lax Other operating activities 132,O12,755 ,7 54 675,131,942 | (39,396,988,187 ) Net Cash Provided by Ope.ating Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale ot fixed assets Acquisition of fixed assets Placement of restricted deposits 49,481,667,680 17,275,750,133 63,047,654,066 3,627,200,000 453,696,512 1.634,644,303) (3,627,200,000) (5.t,022,630,746 ) (14,808,r47,79r ) 159,867,264,110 (216,359,924 ) (414 ,242,798], (45.9s8,368,309) (206,631,318) (1,535,802,360) 155,359,610 570,059,490 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds (payment) of bank loans Payment of financing loans Payment of lease payables Proceeds (payment) due to related parties Payment ofdividend Payment to due from related parties .579,528,149) (1.005,290,83s) 57,386,694,380 (55,219,890,236) Nst Cash UsEd tor Investing Actlvltles (21 (689,478,821) (1 (4,100,000,000 ) \22,s78,525,222) (23,7 48,878,2631 '131,868,657,345 (7r,294,320,640) INCREASE (OECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 98,121 ,776,732 (23,054,814,365) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF YEAR 95,551,108,405 118,60s,922,770 Nel C.sh Provided by (Used for) Financing Activitiea = f 3 CASH AND CASH EOUIVALENTS AT THE ENO OF YEAR 193,672,885,137 95,551,108,405 = f, = = = = = = = The accompanying Noles to Consolialalecl Financial Slatemen/s Ihese consolidaled Financial sl"lements. 6 fom an integral part of This oiginal consolidated financial slalemenl includecl herein is in the lndonesian lang.Iage. = = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONtiNUEd} YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3I, 2012 AND 2OI1 = (Expr€ssed in Rupiah, unle63 othorwise statod) = 1. GENERAL = The Company'3 Establlshment = = PT Anabatic Technologies (Previously known as PT Anabatic Teknologi) (the "Company') was established in Indonesia on November 1, 2001 based on Notarial Deed of Poerbaningsih AdiWarsito, S.H., No.4. The Deed of Establishment was approved by the lvlinistry of Justice ot the Republic of lndonesia in its Decision Letter No. C-13242HT.01.01.TH.2001 dated November 15, 200' and was oublished in the State Gazette No. 2134 Supplement No. 18 dated November 15, 2011. The - Company's Articles of Association has been amended for several times, most recently by notadal deed IMyra Yuwono, S.H., No. 11 dated May 30, 20'10 concerning the changes of the Company s name from PT Anabatic Teknologi become PT Anabatic Technologies. This amendment was approved by a = = = = = = :t Minister of Law and Human Right of Republic of Indonesia through its letter No. AHU- 42259.AH.01.o2.Tahun 2010 dated August 26, 2010 and was published in State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 13 dated February 14, 2012, Supplement No. 1060. According to Article 3 of the Company's articles of Association, the scope of the Company's business activities are engaged in system integration seryices, including import, trading, distribution and services of computers and related products, and as business partner of lBM, Temenos Certified Panner and the only Distributor FinArch. The Company is domiciled at Graha BIP Lt.7, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23, Jakarta. Tlie Company started its commercial operations in 2002. Structure ol th. company and Subsldiaries The consolidated financial statements consists of the Company's account and Subsidiaaies, (furthermore referred as the "Group"): in this case the Company or through its Subsidiaries owned more than 50% ownership, as follows: = = :- -----9!!!4!L fI@Fpd6sJry,gd|.i!lxPsc).d P,Icdplt*Idno|o'y|n|neb€ PT |\,'€c rff = 3! b r*ftb!' (Mr) (pr.voG' a.src sdutr 13'p.du (asTD) PrEi'Fsynm|d.,i,tffi(Es|J = = = = =I Pr s'Bgr tuE rd.g..i PT M3lbr4rd@.a (M.rid) h.dt Pr dolgh crr. suhd'&'3. cd'.k,,a rdio|oly |idoid, (col) Prxoc rMoi.ia(xoc = = = - (sMD ) e This oiqinal consolidaled tinancial slalenent included herein is in the lndonesian language. = = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2OII = (Expressed in Rupiah, unless othorwigo statad) = = = 1, GENERAL (continued) Ownership of Subsidia.ies (continued) i. = Based on notarial deed that notarized by l\Iyra Yuwono, S.H., No. 1'l daled October 3,2012, the Company decided to acqui.ed 2,249,999 shares or equivatent to Rp 2,249,999,000 that sold by Handoko Anindya Tanuadji Due lo this transactions, percentage of ownership become 99%o. a = = ii. ln accordance with the results of the General [4eeting of Shareholders which was notarized by Notary l\Iyra Yowono, S.H., No 33 dated June 20, 2012, PT Q2 Technologies, Subsidiary, increase the authorized, issued and fully paid share capital which previously was 850 shares or equivalent lo Rp 850,000,000 to Rp 2,500 shares or equivalent to Rp 2,500,000,000, taken and fully paid by the Company amounted to 2,000 shares or equivalent to Rp 2,000,000,000, so that = = a a = the percentage of ownership become initial paid in capital of Rp 5,000,000,000 for 5,000 shares that represent 9570 of ownership. In Notarial Deed ot Myra Yuwono, S.H., in Jakarta, No 33datedApril20,2011,hasbeenresolved that C0T, Subsidiary through CTI issued reserves in share capital of 6,000 shares or equivalent to Rp 6,000,000,000 that taken and paid by the Company of 4,050 shares or equivalent to Rp 4,050,000,000, then the percentage ofownership become 80%. f a = = = 80o/o iii. Eased on Deed of Establishment No 27 dated Febrlary 19, 2010 that notarized by Myra Yuwono, S.h , CTl, Subsidiary, established a Subsidiary company, PT Central Data Technotogy (CDT), with = - Based on l\rinutes of General Meeting of shareholders thal notarized by ft,lyra Yuwono, S.H., No 68 Jlly 30, 2012, PT Anabatic Sollsi Terpadu (ASTI), Subsidiary, change its name to PT Mahacitta Teknologi (lvlT). dated iv. In accordance with l\,,linutes of General Meeting of Shareholders which was notarized by Notary Myra Yowono, S.H., No. 22 dated August 23. 2010, CTl, Subsidiary, bought '1,980,000 shares of PT Blue Power Techno,ogy amounted to Rp 1,980,000,000 that equivalent with 99% ownership.. v. Based on Extraordinaay General Meeting of Shareholders that notarized by Myra Yuwono, S.H., No.49 dated [,,larch 28, 2011, CTl, Subsidiary acquired the share capital of PT Indonesia Virtus Technology (Wl) owned by PT Pada Utama Semesta amounting to 66,000 shares or Rp 660,000,000 which is equivalenl to 600/0 of ownership. Shareholders atso apprcved the Subsidiary's additon of authorized capitat that initia y amounting to Rp 4,000,000,000 become Rp 20,000,000,000 and the issued and paid-in capital that initially Rp 1,100,000,000 become Rp 5,500,000,000. From this kansaction. lhe Company obtained additional shares of 319,000 shares or amounting lo Rp 3,190,000.000, while the percentage of ownership remained at 70%. x vi. Based on Notarial oeed No 21 dated Aptil 21,2011. notarized by lvlyra Yuwono, S.H.. CTl, Subsidiary, acquired PT XDC Indonesia (XDCI) of 350 shares or equivatents with the initiat paid in capitalof Rp 350,000,000 which represenls 70% of the ownership. = - Based on the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders that notarized by Myra Yuwono, SH., = = = = = a I No. 56 dated July 22,2011, shareholders of Subsidiary through CTt approved the addition ot authorized capital that initially amounting to Rp 500,000,000 become Rp 10,000,000,000 and issued and paid in capitai that inltially amounting to Rp 500,000,000 become Rp 5,500,000,000, particjpated by every Subsrdiary's shareholdefs proportionally. From this transaction the Company acquired addilional shares amo!nting to 3,500 shares or equals to Rp 3,500,000,000, white the percentage of ownership is remains same of 70olo. Based on Notarial Deed No. 50 dated Septembet 28,2012, by tvtyra Yowono, S.H. , CTl, ^olatized shareholdeE, transferred 275 shares or equivalent to Rp 275,000,000 to Adiwinata Satya Rahardja at a redemplion price of Rp 900,000,000 in accordance with Notariat Deed of lvtyra Yowono, S H , No 51 dated Seplember 28, 2012. Based on that transactions, lhe percentage of ownership become 65% a a This oiginal consolidalect financial slalemenl included hercin is in lhe pr = a rEcHNoLoctEs ANo suastotARtEs NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 = a ANABAT|C (Expressed in Rupiah, unloss oth6rwise stated) '1. GENERAL (continued) Owne13hip ot Subsidiaries (continued) vii. Eased on Deed of Annual General l\4eeting of Shareholders No. 73 dated December 29,2009, CTl, Subsidiary has made additional investmenl of Rp 1,OOO,OOO,O0O. This addition increases the percentage of ownership from 5570 to = a = -' = = -t = = = = = = = = - a = lnctonestan tanguage. 650/0. viii. On June 24, 2009, the Company acquired 6,245 sha.es or eqlivalents to 51.01% of Eased on General [Ieeting of Shareholders that notarized by Myra Yuwono, SH., No. 61 dated JtJly 28, 2011, the shareholders of Subsidiary approved for addition of the authorized capital that initially amounting to Rp 4,898,000,000 become Rp 20.000,000,000 and the issled and paid in capital that rnilially amounting to Rp 1224,500,000 become Rp 11.224.500,000, participated by every Subsicliary's shareholders proportionally. From lhis transaction the Company acquired additional shares of 51,010 shares or equals to Rp 5,101,000,000, while the percentage of ownership is remains same of 5'1 0'1% Boa.d ot Commbsiono., Diracto.s and Employeos Based on the stalement of the Companys Director that notarzed by Myra Yuwono, S.H., No. 62. dated July 24, 20'12, the composition of board of commissioners and directors ot the Company as of Decembei 31. 20'12 are as follows Board of Commissioners President Commissioners : Handoko Anindva Tanuadii commisioner Commisioner :Harry surJanto Hambali : A.F. Warsito Hans Tanudiaia Direclors President Directors Directors Directors Directors Oirectors utrecrcrs : Handojo Sutjipto :Adriansyah : Ferdinand Gunadi Abadi : Sumarto Santosa : Hendra Halim : Agus Muljadi Based on the statement of lhe Company s Director that notarized by Myra Yuwono, S.H., No. 6, dated January 10, 2011, the composition of commissioner and directors December 31, 2011 are as follows: commissioner President Commissioners : Handoko Anindva Tanuadii =l = = = = = = ownershap in PT Niagaprima Paramitra (NPP), with total investment of Rp 3,697,500,000. In accordance with the article of Association, NPP'S scopes of business are in trading and selvices and products related to information technology and computerization, NPP started its commercial operations in 2002 Directors President Diaectors Direclors Directors Directors Oirectors : Handojo Sutjipto :Adriansyah : Ferdinand G!nadi Abadi : Sumarto Santosa : Hendra Halim of the Company as ot = fhis original consolidalec! linancial slalemenl includecJ hercin is in the lnclonesian lanqrage- = - PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENOEO OECEMBER 31,2012 AND 201I (Exp.essed in Rupiah, unless othe,wise stated) = = 1. GENERAL (continued) = Completion of the Financial Statements = The accompanying financial stalements were completed and authorized for issue by the Company's management on July 3,2013. = :J I F a lEI IP E E] IF Ltl IF t_ E! t- 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Pregaration ot Consolidated Financial Statements The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with "Standar Akuntansi Keuangan" (SAKfinancial accounting standard in Indonesia) which comprjse lhe "Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan" (PsAKstatements financial accounting standards) and Interpretation of Financial Accounting Standards. (lSAKinterpretation financial accounting standards) issued by the Boad of Financial Accolnting Standards of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants. As disclosed turther in the relevant succeeding Notes. several amended and published accounting standards were adopted effective January 1, 2012. The consolidated financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the Statements of FinancialAccounting Standards (PSAK) No 1 (revised 2009): "Presentation of Financial Statements'. PSAK No. 1 (revised 2009) regllates presentation of financial statements as to, among others, the objective, component of financial statements, fair prcsentation, materiality and aggregate, ottsetting, distinction between curent and noncurrent assets and cufient and noncurrent liabilities, comparative information and consistency and introduces new disclosures such as, among others, key estimations and judgements, capital management, other comprehensive income, departures from accounting slandards and statement of compliance. - The acco!nting policies adopted in the preparation of consolidated financial statements are consistent with those followed in the prepa€tion of the Grcup s consolidated financial statements tor the year ended December 31, 2011, except for the adoption of several revised SAK effective January 1, 2012 as mentioned in this notes EI The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis using the historical ItrI I t--a I l EI EI t-- P F tE tE F a I F E F F cost concept, except for certain accounls as measured by the measurement as described in accounting policy for each accounl The consolidated statement of cash flows have been prepared using the direct method, by classifying cash and cash equivalents receipts and payments into operating, investing, and financing activities The reporting currency used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements is Indonesian Rupiah, which is the Group's functional currency. P,inciplos of Consolidation The Group retrospectively adopted PSAK No.4 (revised 2009), "Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements", except for the following items that were applied prospectively: (i) losses of a Subsidiary that result in a deficit balance to non-controlling interests ("NCl"); (ii) loss of control over a Subsidiary; (iii) change in the ownership interest in a Subsidiary that does not result in a loss ot conhol: (iv) potential voting rights in determining lhe exislence of control; (v) consolidation of a Subsidiary that is subject to long-term restriction. PSAK No. 4 (revised 2009) provides for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements for a group of entities under the control of the Company, and the accounting for investments in Subsidiary, jointly controlled entities and associated entities when separate financial statements are presented as additional informalion 10 P P P P P ET F H fEI F I I =r F = EI t= = = = = = :I This oiginal consoliclated nnancial slalemenl included hercin is in the lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 3,I, 2012 AND 2O'I1 (Exp.essed in Rupiah, unless othe.wise staled) 2. SUMMARY OF SIcNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES lcontinued) Principles otConsolidation (continued) The financjal statements of the Subsidiaries are prepared tor the same reporting period as the Company. The accounting policies adopted in preparing the consolidated financial statements have been consistently applied by the Group, unless olherwise stated The consolidated financial statements includes Subsidiaries financial statements, as menlioned in Note 1, which the Company have more than 50% of shares ownership directly of indi.ecfly. All significant inlercompany transaclions and accounl balances, including the related signiticant lnrealized gains or losses, have been eljminated to retlect statement of financial position and statement of income the Gloup as one entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidaied from the date of acquisitions, being the date on which the Company obtained control, and continue to be consotidated unlil the date such control ceases. Cohkol is preslmed to exjst if the Company owns, directly or indirectly through Subsidjary, more than a half of the voting power of an entily Losses of nonfully owned Subsidiaries are att buted to the NCI even if that results an a deficit balance. In case of loss of conkol over a subsidiary, the Company: . . . . . . . derccognizes the assels (including goodwill) and tiabitities ofthe Subsidiary; dascontanue recognition of the carrying amount ofeach NCI; derecognizes the cumulalive translation differences, recoded in equity, if any; recognizes lhe tair value of the consideration received, recognizes the fair value of any investment retained: recognizes any surpluS or deficit in the statement ofcompaehensive income; and reclassifies the parent's share of components previously recognized in other comprehensive income io statement of comprehensive income or retained earnings, as appropriate. NCI represents the portion of the profit or toss and net assets of the Subsidiarv not attributable to equity interests that are not owned directly or Indrrectly by the Company which are presented respectively in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income and under lhe equity section of the consolidated statement of financial position, respectively, separately faon the corresponding portjon attributable to the equity holders of the Company. Cash and Cash Equivalentg and Restricted Ogposits = :I = Cash and cash equivalents consist ot cash on hand, banks and time deposits with maturities of three months or less at the time of placement and not pledged as collateral for loan. Time deposits with maturities more than 3 (three) months at the time of placement, pledged as collateral and restricted in use are presenled as part of Restricted Deposits" in the consolidated slatements of financial posation. = :I Financial lnstruments = Effective January 1, 2012, the Grcup has adopted PSAK No. 50 (revised 2O1O), ,Financial Instrumenls: Presenlation, PSAK No.55 (revised 2011),.Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, and PSAK No. 60. "Financial Instruments: Discloslres". These pSAKs were aDDlied f = = = = prospecnvery presentation", PSAK No. 50 (revised 2010) Financjat Instruments: estabtishes the Ddnciptes for presenting financial instauments as liabitities or equity and for offsetting financial assets and flnancial liabilities. 1l = This otiginal consolidated financial stalement incluclecl herein is in lhe lndonesian lanqlage. = = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 31, 20I2 AND 2011 = (Expressed in Rupiah, unle33 othorwise statod) = 2. SUMITARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES {continued} = Financlal Instruments (continued) = PSAK No.55 Cevised 2011) Financial Instruments: Recognition and lvleasurement", establishes principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets. financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell nonfinancial items. = = € E = = = = PSAK No. 60 introduces new disclosures to imDrove the intormation about financial inskuments. lt req!ires extensive disclosures about the signiticance of tinancial instruments for an entity's llnancial position and performance, and quantitative and qualitative djsclosures on the nature and extent of risks arising from linancial inskuments, including specified minimum disclosures about credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk, as well as sensitivity analysis to ma*et risk. lt also requires disclosures relating to fair value measurements using a three-level fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in measuring fair values and provides morc direction in the form of quantitative disclosures about fair value measurements and requires information to be disclosed in a tabular format unless another format is more appropriate. The adoption of PSAK No. 50 and PSAK No. 55 have no significant impact on the consolidated tinancialsiatements. The adoption ol PSAK No. 60 has an impact on the disclosures in the consolidated financial staternents. = - a - The Group's financial assets consrst of cash and cash equivalents. trade receivables, other receivables, .esricted deposits, due from related parties, and other assets. The Group's financial liabilities consist of short-term bank loans, trade payables, other payables, accrued expenses, long-term bank loans, fnancing payables, lease payables, and due to related parties. Transactions with Rqlat€d Pa.aies = - The Group adopled PSAK No. 7 (revised 2010): Related Party Disclosure". The revised PSAK requires disclosure of related party relationships, trensactions and outstanding balances, including = Transactions with related parties are made commitments. in the consolidated financial stalements. on terms agreed by both parties. Some of these requirements may not be the same as the requirements made by the pafties are not related. = = :' a = = All t€nsactions and material balance with aelated parties are disclosed in notes of relevant financial statement. lnventoraeg lnventories are valued at lower of cosl and net realizable value The cost is determined using flrst in first out (FIFO) method. Net realjzable value are determined based on the estimated fair selling price less estimated costs necessary to complete and sell the inventory. Provision for inventory obsolences, it any, js determined based on a review of the inventories at year end to adjust the carrying value of inventories to net realizable value. Propaid expenso = = := :I :- Prepaid expenses are amortised using the straighlline method and charges as operation expense over their useful life. 12 b ET IP This otioinal consolidated linancial slalenenl included herein is in lhe lndonesian lanouaoe. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continuod) YEARS ENOEO DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 L- P lP - LE! P P P P L- rF E! =t !- (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES {continued} Fix6d A9aotg Effective January 1,2012, lhe Group adopted PSAK No. 16 (revised 2011), "Fixed Assets'. The revised PSAK prescribes the accounting treatment for fixed assets that users of the financial statements can understand information abolt an entity s investment in its fixed assets and the changes in such investment. The principal issLres in accounting for fixed assets are lhe recognition of the assets, the determinaiion of their carrying amo!nts, the depreciation charges and impaimenl in fixed assets.The adoption of lhis revised PSAK has no significant impact on the consolidated financial statements. The Group has chosen cost modelas the accounting policy for ils fixed assets. Fixed assels are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment loss. Such cost includes lhe cost of replacing pad ol the lixed assets when the cost is incurred, if the recognition crileria are met. Likewise, when a major inspectjon is performed, its cosl is recognized in the carrying amount of the assets as a replacement if the recognition criteria are met. All other repairs and maintenance costs that do not meel the recognilion criteria are recognized in profit or loss as incurred. Deprcciation is compuled, using the straigh! ine method over the estimated useful lives of the assets as follows: € = = = Years Building and improvements Furniture and office equipments Vehicles Computers 20-30 2-8 3-5 2-8 The carrying value of fixed assets is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benetits are expected trom its use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition ot the assels is recognized in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income in the year the asset is derecognized. The residual values, estimated useful lives, and depreciation method are reviewed and adiusted. at = year end, if necessary. = Construclion in p.ogress represents fixed assets in the completion stage, which is stated at cost and is not deprecialed. Accumulated costs will be reclassified to the appropriate fixed asset account and will be depreciated when the asset is substantially completed and the asset for its intended use. = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 Intangible Assets Group adopted PSAK No. '19 (revised 2010), "lntangible Assets". The revised PSAK prescribed the accounting treatment for intangible assets that are not dealt with specifically in another PSAK, and requires the recognjlion of an intangible asset if, and only if, certain criteria are met, and also specities how to measure the carryin9 amount of intangible assels and related disclosures. Intangible assets acquired separately are Initially recognized at cost. Useful tife of an intangible asset assessed limited or unlimited. Intangible assets with finite usetul lives are amortized over the eslimated usef!l ljves and tested lor impairment whenever there is an indication of an intangjble asset is impajred. Amortization period and the amortization method for an intangible asset with a finite useful life is reviewed at least at each reporting date Changes in the estimated useful ljfe or the estimated economic benefits of consumption patterns occur in the asset is recorded by changing the amortization peaiod or method as appropriate, and trcated as changes in accounting estimates Amortization expense of intangible assets with finite useful lives is recognized in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in the expense category consistent with the function ofthe iniangible asset. = This oiginal consoliclated linancial slalemenl ircluded herein is in lhe lnclonesian language. = - PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIoATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continuod) YEARS ENDEO DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2011 a = = 5 {Expiessed in Rupiah, unl€5 othe.wise statod) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLlclEs (continued) Intanglble Assets (continusd) Intangible assets with indefinite useful life are not amortized, but tested for impairment annually either individually or at the cash generating unit level (CGU). Assessment unlimited usetul life is reviewed annually to determine whether to continue to support the assessment that the indefinite useful life. lf not. the change in useful life from unlimited to limited treated with a prospective basis. Any gain or loss arising on derecognrtion of an intangible asset is determined as the difference between the net disposal prcceeds and the carrying amo!nt of the asset and is recognized in prollt or loss when the asset is derecognized. lnvestmgnt in Associates I The Group applied PSAK No. 15.(revrsed 2009), Investments in Associated Companies". The revised PSAK is applied rckospectively and prescribes the accounting tor investments in Associated companies as to determination of significant influence, accounting method to be applied, impairment in value of investments and separate financial slatements. = = The Group's investment in its Associate is accounted for using the equity method. An Associate is an entity in which the Group has signaficant influence. Under ihe equity method, the cost of investment is increased or decreased by the Group's share in net earnings or losses of, and dividends received from the investee since the date of acquisition.Goodwill relating to the Associate is included in the carrying amount ofthe investment and is neilher amorlized not individ!ally tested for impairment. = - The profit or loss reflects the share of the res!lts of operations of the Associate. Where there has been a change recognized directly in the equity of the Associate, the Grcup recognizes jts share of any changes and discloses this, when applicable, in the statements of changes in equity. Unrealized gains and losses resulting from kansactions between the Group and the Associate are eliminated to the extent of the interest in the Associate The share of profit of an Associate is shown on lhe face of the profit or loss. This is the profit attributable to equity holders of the Associate and lherefore is profit after tax NCI in the Subsidiaries of the Associate. = - r a = = = E The financial statements of the Associate are prepared for the same reporting period as the Grcup. Where necessary. adjustmenis are made to baing the accounting policies in line with those of the Grouo. The Grcup determines whether it is necessary to.ecognize an additional impairment loss on the Group's investment in its Associate. The Group determines at each reporting date whetherthere as any objective evidence that the investmenl in the Associale is impaired. lf this is the case, the Group catculates the amount ot impairment as the difference between the recoverable amount of the investment in Associate and its carrying value, and recognizes the amount in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income. Upon loss of significant influence over the Associate, the Group measures and recognjzes any retaining invesiment at ils fair value. Any ditference between the carrying amount of the Associate upon loss of significanl influence and the fair vaiue of lhe retaining investment and proceeds tiom sale are recognized in consolidated statement of comprehensive income lmoai.ment of Nonfinancial Assets The Group prospectively adopted PSAK No 48 (revised 2009), "lmparrment of Assets', including goodwill and assets acquired from business combinatons before January 1, 2011. PSAK No. 48 (revised 2009) s!perseded PSAK No 48 (revised 1998), lmpairment of Assets". = = = = 14 € This oiginal consoticlated linancial slalement included herein is in lhe lndonesian language- = - PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2O'I2 AND 2O,II (Exprossed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) = :I :l :-= I 2. SUMMARY oF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) lmpalrmentof Nontinancial As6Ets (continued) PSAK No. 48 Gevised 2009) prescribes the procedures to be employed by an entity to ensure that ats assets are carried at no morc than their recoveaable amounts. An asset as ca.ried at more than ats recove€ble amount if its carrying amount exceeds the amount to be recovered through use or sale of the asset. lf this is the case, the asset is described as impaired and this revised PSAK requires the entity to recognize an impairment loss = 5 The Group assesses at each reporting period whether there is an indication that an asset may be impaired. lf any such indication exists, or when annual impairment testing for an asset is required, The Group make an estimate of the asset's recoverable amount. = I An asset's recoverable amount is the higher of the asset s or its CGU s fair value less costs to sell and its value in use, and is determided for an individual asset, unless lhe asset does not generate cash inflows that are larcely independent ot those from other assets or groups of assets. Where the carrying amount of an assel exceeds its recoverable amount- the asset is considered imoaired and is written = :I = = I = = z = - down to its recoverable amount. lmpairment losses of continuing opelalions are recognized in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income as "impairment losses'. In assessing the value in use. the estimated net future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre{ax discount rate lhat reflects currenl market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. lf no such kansactions can be identified, an appropriate valuation model is used to determine the fair value of the assets. These calculations are corroborated by valuation multiples or other available fak value indicators ln determining fair value less costs to sell, recent market transactions are taken into account, if available. lmpairment losses of continuing operations, if any, are recognized in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income under expense categories that are consistent with the functions of the impaired assets. An assessmenl is made at each annual reporting period as to whether there is any indication that previously recognized impairment losses recognized for an asset other than goodwill may no longer exist or may have decreased. lf such indication exists, the recoverable amount is estimated. A previously recognized impairment loss for an asset other than goodwall is reversed only if there has been a change in the assumptions used to determine the asset's recoverable amount since lhe last jmpaiment loss was recognized. lf that is the case, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to its aecoverable amount. The aeversal is limited so that the carrying amount ot the asset does not exceed its recoverable amount, nor exceeds the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation, had no impairmenl loss been recognized for the asset in prior years. Reversal of an impairment loss is recognized in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. After such a reversal, the depreciation charce on the said asset is adjusted in future periods to allocate the assets revised carrying amount, less any aesjdual value, on a systematic basis over its remaining usefullife. Management believes that there is no indication = 5 = E E = E E = E of potenlial impairment in values of nonflnancial assets as of December 31.2012 and2011. Leaae Leases ciassified as finance lease it it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership. Leases classified as operating lease if it does not transfer substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership. At the end of the lease. finance lease should be recorded as assets and liabilities at the lower of the fah value of assets and the present value of minimum lease payments. Lease payments determined at the inception of the lease. The discounl rate lsed to calculate the present value of minimum lease payments is the implicil interest rate of that lease, if possible, or else at the Company's incremental borrowing rate. Initial direct costs of the lease arc added to the amount recognized as an asset. Depreciation policy for leased assets should be consistent with the assets. F -. F E' F P tr F F F E' This oiginal consolidalecl linancial stalement incluclecl herein is in the lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENOEO OECEMBER 31,2012 AND 20I.I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwigo st.ted) I L. trt_ P LP E- =t I I I = ::l 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Employoes' Benofits Liability Effective January l, 2012, the Group adopted PSAK No. 24 (revised 2010), "Employee Benefits'. PSAK No.24 (revised 20'10) provides guidance for the calculation and additional disclosures for employee benefits with some transitaonal provisions lt provides an option for recognition of actuarial gajns or losses in addition to using the corridor approach, that is, the immediate recognition ofactuarial gains or losses in the period in which such gains or losses occur as part of other comprehensive income. The adoption of PSAK No. 24 (revised 2010) did not have significant impact on the consolidated financial statements, except for the required disclosures. The Group chose to retain the existing policy for rccognizing actuarial gains or losses, which is using the corddor approach. The adoption of ISAK No. 15 did not have significant irnpact on the consolidated financial statements. Short{erm employee benefits are recognized as payable to employees based on accruals basis. Poslemployment benefits such as retirement, severance and service payments are calculated based on Labor Law No. 13/2003 ("Law 13/2003"). The Group is required to provide a minimum amounl of pension benefits in accordance with Law 13/2003. The Group's pension plan based on the calculation of the benefit obligation performed by the actuaries provides that the expected benefits under the Group's pension plan will exceed the minimum requirements of the Labor Law. The cost of providing post-employment benelits is determined using the P.ojected Unit Credit method. The accumulated unrccognized actuarial gains or losses that exceed 10% of the present value of the defined benefit obiigations at the beginning of the reporting period is recognized on a straight-tine basas over the expected ave€ge remaining working lives of the participating employees. Actuaialgains or losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions in excess of the greater of 10olo of the fair value of plan assets or 10% of the present value of the dellned benefit obligations at the beginning of the period are amortized and recognized as expense or gain I over the expected average remaining service periods of qualified employees. :t Pastservice costs are recognized as an expense on a skaight line basis over the average period until the benefits become vested. lf the benefits have already vested, immediately following the introduction of, or changes to, a pension plan, past service costs arc recognized immediately. = :r F = a = = = x - 4 The Group recognized gains or losses on the curtailment or settlement of a defined benefit plan when the curtailmenl or seltlement occurs. The gain or loss on a curtailment or settlement compaise change an the present value of the defined obligation and any related actuariat gains and losses and past service cost not yet recognized previously. Rovonus and Erpense Recognition The Group adopted PSAK No. 23 (revised 2010): Revenues. This revised PSAK jdentifies revenues recognition criterias are met, so can be rccognized. and prescdbes accounting treatment for revenues that arising from certain transactions and events, and gives practical guidance in implementation of revenues recognition criteria. There is no significant impact of the revised accounting standard on consolidated f inancial statements. Revenue is recognized when it is probable the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the amounl c€n be measured reliably Revenue is measured at the tair value of the conslderation received, excluding discounts and VaUe Added Tax (VAT). '16 b P P F F F' - This oiginal consolidalecl llnancial stalemenl included herein is in |he lnclonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENOEO DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2OI.I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwlse atatod) 2. SUMt|IARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Revgnuo and Exponse Rocognition (continued) The Group evaluates certain revenue recognition criteria in order to determine whether acting as principal or agent. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue and interest expense recognized: - Sales of services - Revenue is recognized when services are rendered. a Sales of ooods Revenue from sale of goods is recognized when the significant risks and rewaads have passed to the = = = - DUyer. lnterest income For allfinancial instruments measured at amortized cost, interesl income or expense is recorded using the €ffective interest rate, which is the rate that exactly discounts the estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or liability. Dividends t Revenue is recognized when the Group's right to receive the payment is established. I Rentalincome I Rental income arising from operating leases is accounted for on a straight - line basis over the lease terms and included in revenue due to its operaling nature. = I ExDenses Expenses are recognized when incurred (accrual basis). I Forclgn Cuaroncy Transactions and Balancg3 Effective January 1, 20'12, the Company adopted PSAK No. 10 (revised 2011), "The Effect of Changes :I I a 1 I in Forcign Exchanges Rates". This revised PSAK reg!late how to include foreign cunency transactions and toreign operations in the financial statements of an entity and how to translate linancial statements into a presentation cuarency. Each entity considered key indicators and other indicators in determining the functional currency. The revised PSAK not have a significant impact on the Company's financial statements. T€nsactions involving foreign currencies are recorded in Rupiah at the rates of exchange prevailing at the time the transaclions are made. Statement financial position date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted to Rupiah to reflect the prevailing rates of exchange as published by Bank Indonesia middle rate ot that date. The resulting gains or losses are c.edited or charged to operations for the year. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the exchange rate used are as follows: = 4 = € 4 E 2012 lJnited Slates Dollar (USD) Euro (EUR) Austalian Dolla. (AUD) Hongkon9 Dollar (HKD) Singapore Dollar (SGD) 201,1 9,670 12,410 10,o25 17 1,247 9,068 11.739 9,203 1,167 7,907 6,974 a a = a = - This oiginal consolidaled financial stalement incluclecl herein is in the Indongjan language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3,I,2OI2 AND 2011 (Exp.essed in Rupiah, unl€9 othe,wise statod) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Taxation 3 Effective January 1.2012, lhe Group applied PSAK No. 46 (revised 2010), "lncome Taxes". The adoption of these standards did not have malerial impact on the consolidated financial statements. - Income tax expense comprises current and defered tax Income tax expense is recognized in profit or loss except to the extent that it relates to items recognized directly in equity, in which case it is = - a =t = = I = = I := = T' a :a ft t recognEed In other comprehensrve Income. Current tax expense is provided based on the estimated laxable income for the year. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for temporary differences between the tinancial and the tax bases of assets and liabilities at each reporting dale Future tax benetits, such as the carryforward of unused tax losses, are also recognized to the extenl that realization ot such benefits is probable. Defered tax assets are recognized for all deduclible temporary differences and carry forward of unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable protits will be available against which deductible temporary differences. and the carry foMard of unused tax losses can be utilked, except where the deferrcd tax asset relating to the deductable temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of an asset or laabrlily jn a transaction that is nol a business combinatixon and, al the time of the transaction. affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss; or in dt of deductible temporary differences associated with investments in Subsidiaries, deferred tax assets are recognized only to the exteni that it is probable that the temporary differences will reverse in the foreseeable future and taxable profit will be availabb against which the temporary differences can be utilized. The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient tiaxable income will be available to allow allor part ot the benefit of that deferred tax asset to be utilized. Unrecognized defered tax assets are reassessed at each reporting date and are recognized to the extent thal it has become probable that future taxable income willallow the deferred tax assets to be recovered. Defered tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, based on tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the end of reporting period. The related tax effects of the provisions for and/or reversals of all temporary differences during the year, including the effect of change in tax rates, are included in the consolidaled statement of comprehensive income ofthe Current year. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when a legally enforceable right exists to offset current tax assets against current tax liabiljties, or the defered tax assets and the deferred tax liabilities relate to the same taxable entity, or the Gro!p intends to settle its cufient assets and liabilities on a net basis. Amendments to tax obligations are recorded when an assessment is received or, if appealed against by the Group, when the result ofthe appeal is determined USE OF JUDGEMENTS, ESTIMATES, AND ASSUMPTIONS The preparation of the Groups consolidated financial statements requkes management to make judgements, estimations and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities, at the end of the reponing period. Uncertainty aboul these assumptions and estimations could result in outcomes that reeuire a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the asset and ljabjlily affected in future periods. = - '18 I F9 EA tE P fhis original consolidaled linancial slatenenl included herein is in the lndonesian language. = 3. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Icontinued} YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2O'I'I (Expre$gd in Rupiah, unloss othorwiso stated) USE OF JUDGEMENTS, ESTIMATES, AND ASSUMPTIONS (continued) = Judgements = The following judgements are made by management in the process of applying the Group accountang policies that have the most significant ellects on the amounls recognized in the consolidated financial statements: = Classification of Financial Assets and Liabilities = The Group deteamine the classifications of certain assets and liabilities as financial assets and flnancial liabilities by judging if they meet the definitaon set forth in PSAK No. 55 (revised 2011). Accordingly, the financial assets and financial liabililies are accounted for in accodance with the :_g E Group's accounting policies disclosed in Note 2. = Allowance for lmoairmenl ofTrade Receivables = The Group evaluates specific accounts where it has information that certain customers are unable to = = = I = 4 meet their financial obligations. In these cases, the Group uses judgement, based on the best available facts and circumstances, including but not limited to. the length of its relationship with the customer and the clstomer's cLrrrent credit statls based on third party credit reports and known market factors, to record specific provisions for customers agajnst amounts due lo reduce its receivable amounts thatthe Group expects to collect. These specitic provisions are re-evaluated and adjusted as additional information received affects the amounts of allowance for impakment of trade receivables. Delermination of functional currencv The functional curencies of the Group are the currency ol the primary economic envlronment in which each entity operates. lt is the currency that mainly influences the revenue and cost of rendering services. Based on the Group's management assessment, the Group functional currency is in Rupiah. Estlmations and Assumotions = 4 I = - E = = = = :- e The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrylng amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial period/year are disclosed below The Group based its assumDtions and estimations on pa€meters available when the consolidated financial statements were prepared. Existing circumstances and assumptions about future developments may change due to market changes or circumstances arising beyond the control of the Group. Such changes are reflected in the assumptions when they occur. Financiallnstruments The Group carries certain tinancial assets and liabilities al fair values, which requires the use of accounting estimations. While significant components of fair value measurement were determined using verifiable objective evidences, the amolint of changes in fair values would differ if the Group utilized different valuation methodology. Any changes in fair values of these financial assets and iiabilaties would atleci directly the Group profit or loss. DeDreciation of Fixed Assets The costs of fixed assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. lvanagement estimates the useful lives of these fixed assets to be within 2 to 30 years. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological development could impact the economic useful lives and the residual values of these assets, and therefore future depreciation charges could be revised. = = 3 19 a r Ei This oiginal consolidated linancial slalement included herein is in lhe lndonesian language. Ei tEi PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIoATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDEO DECEMAER 31.20I2 AND 2011 (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otheJwise stated) EI tE' r USE OF JUoGEMENTS, ESTIMATES ANO ASSUMPTIONS (continued) Eslimations and Assumptions (continuod) EI lEI IF Emolovee s Benefits Liabilities The determination of the Groups retirement benefit expenses and employee benefits liabilities is dependent on its selection of certain assumptions lsed by the independent actlaries in calculating such amounts. Those asslmptions include among others, discount rates, future annual salary increase, annual employee turn-over rate, djsability rate, retirement age and mortality rate. Actual results that difter from the Group assumptions are recognized immediately in lhe protit or loss as and when they occu(ed. While the Group believes lhat ils assumptions are reasonable and appropriate, F E' signiticant differences in the actual experiences or significant changes in the Group assumptions may materially affect its estimated liabilities for employee benefits and net employee benefits expense. t_ E' IET r lncome Tax Significant judgment is involved in determining the provision for corporate income tax. There are certain transactions and compltation for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the odinary cource of business The Group recognizes liabilities for expecled corporate income tax issues based on eslimations ofwhether additionalcorporate income tax will be due. =l € E Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for all unused tax losses to the exteni that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the losses can be utilized. Significant management estimations are required to determine the amount of deterred tax assets that can be recognized, based upon the likely liming and the level of future taxable profits together with tuture tax = = =' planning stralegjes. 4. CASH ANO CASH EOUIVALENTS =t Cash and cash eouivalents consist of: = Cash =t = 4 =t E = I = = = =t = = 1 2012 '1,050,614,865 United Stales Dollar Rupiah 479,370,600 19.842,473 Australian Dollar 12,562.816 Hongkong Dollar Singapore Dollar 9,450,360 2011 929,338.251 112,193,498 18,183,680 11,538,439 288,039 Subtotal 1 Banks Ruoiah Citibank, N,A, PT Bank CentralAsia Tbk PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Tabungan Nega.a (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk P I banK Petmata I Dl( PT Bank UOB Indonesia PT Resona Perdania PT Bank Mandiri Syariah Tbk PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk ,572,424 ,659 24 ,126,131 ,216 18,736,33s,004 7.877.721,418 4,909,973,029 3,160,842,787 3,000,561,215 1,870,930,623 1,729,485.341 1,637,768,683 1,071,541,907 1,804,407.209 13,584.970,387 284, 3'1 8,040 592,510,4s6 2.950,963,910 4,407,049,789 4,139,252 916,847,601 1,337,876,700 407,554,612 20 351,316,784 62,022.455 297,032,316 221,897,445 1,070,799 13,589,073 F F This original consoliclated financial galemenl included herein is in the lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2011 P P II fF L. trE r II p L^ F I r I EA F trE rtrr p LL- P -t=t ED t- =t = :E 3 =t :I a a :- =l 15 a ! - 3 (Expressed in Rupiah, unlass otherwiae statod) 4. CASH ANO CASH EQUIVALENTS (continued) 2012 Eanks (continued) Ruoiah PT Eank ANZ Indonesia Tbk Others (each below Rp100 millions) United States oollar PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (USD 5,267,043 in 2012 and USD 220,983 in 201 1) PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk (USD 1,822,014 in 2012 and USD 1,359,801 in 201'1) PT Bank Resona Perdania (USD 1,014,856 in 2012 and USD 42,636 in 2011) PT Bank lnternasional Indonesia Tbk (USD 957,774 in 2012 and USo 385,383 in 2011) Citibank, N,A, (USD 752,214 in 2012 and USD 994,699 in 2011) PT Eank Permata Tbk (USD 723, 400 in 2012 and USD 991,346 in 2011) PT Bank CentralAsia Tbk (USO'180,699 in 2012 and USD 2,661,197 in 20'11) PT Bank ANZ Indonesia Tbk IUSD 129.727 in 2012 and USD 44.408 in 2011) PT Eank CIMB Niaga Tbk (USO 1 16,640 in 2012 and USD11.440 in 201 1) PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (USO 99,166 in 2012 and USD34,503 in 2011) PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (USD 21,828 in 2012 and USD 2.232 in 2011) PT Bank Syariah Mandiri (USO 14,785 in 2012 and USD '1,771 in 2011) PT Eank oanamon Indonesia Tbk (USD129,261 in 2011) Others (each below Rp 500,000,000) Euro PT Eank Central Asia Tbk IEUR 27 ,148 in 2012) PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk (EUR 759 in 2012 and 2011) Subtotal 206,911.082 340,165,047 4,798,399 74,147,771 50,932,310,548 2,003.874,751 17,618,871,029 12,330,678,732 9,813,654,232 386,6r9,167 9,261,671.961 3,494,655,130 7,273,908,123 9,019,933.434 ,995 ,27 8.77 4 8,989,523,806 1,747 ,366.293 24,131,738,658 '1,254,464,568 402,688,207 1,127 ,908,317 103,735,471 958,939,862 312.877,557 211,O72,699 20,241,408 142,972.594 16,062,965 6 1.004.855.061 9,724,349 6,948,528,965 5,809,245,248 612,918,176 551,621,000 116.304,080 86,449,000 Subtotal 14,125,066,469 Total 193,672,88s,r37 21 1,172,135,121 119,134,115 347 ,768,997 177,975,394,009 Time Deposit Rupiah PT Bank ANZ Indonesia PT Bank DBS Indonesia PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk PT Bank Resona Perdania PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk 2011 E,908,007 88,551,518,370 2,723,537,075 437,560,000 541,507,400 116,304,080 86,449,000 1,850,678,073 172,012,500 5,928,048,128 95,5s1,.t08,,{|}5 z € This oiginal consolidaled financial slaletnenl included herein is in lhe lndonesian language. 1 PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS lcontinued) YEARS ENOEO DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2O1'I = (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otheiwise stated) 4 ft 4. = = - a e 4 a = 5 € -Jt = = = a = = a = a = 4 5.00o/o in 2012 There are no cash and cash equivalents placement to related parties, on December 31,2012 dan 2011. 5. - cAsH EQUIVALENTS (continuod) The annual interest rate on time deposits in Rupiah currency are ranging from 3.250lo a d lrcm 3.00% -5.75o/.in2O11. = :l = - CASH AND TRAOE RECEIVABLES Details ofl€de receivables based on customers are as follows: 2012 Third Parties PT Multipolar Technology PT Application Solution PT Teknoglobal Multi Sistem lntegrasi PT Nusantara Compnet Integrator PT Metrocom Global Solusi PT Wahana Cipta Sinatria PT Astra Graphia Information Technology PT Sisindikom Lintas ELrana PT lvlitra Integrasi Informatika PT lntikom Berlian fiilustika PT Einareka Tatamandiri PT Bank Permata Tbk PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero)Tbk PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Eank lnternational Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Syariah Mandiri PT Scientek Computindo PT Bank Negara Indonesia ( Persero ) Tbk PT Mitra Mandiri Informatika Temenos Headquartels SA PT Techno International ilandira PT Griya Mitra Persada PT Interperdana Cemerlang PT Sigma Cipta Utama PT Prima Integrasi Nei^/ork PT Collega Inti Pratama PT lB[4lndonesia PT Bussan Auto Finance PT Sigma Solusi Integrasi PT lVilra lnfosarana Skill Networking Bandung PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT Telematic Multisystem PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk PT Multipolar Tbk PT Prudential Life Assurance PT XL Axiata Tbk PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk PT Sentra Link Solutions PT Pe*om lndah lvlumi PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan - Nasional (Persero) Tbk PT Sigma Cipta Caraka PT Dimension Data lndonesia PT Ramdy Technology Temenos Singapore pte ltd 22 20'11 40.220 ,234 ,983 32.342,382,204 22,214 ,955 ,296 18,498,839,855 18,318,905,385 15,505,155,596 14,206,034,343 13,696,072,317 13.592.230 ,148 13,365,876,383 12,781,308,987 11,801,140,000 8,849,451,439 8,391,190,197 7 ,498,409 ,7 42 7 ,171 ,404 ,189 6,373,676,757 6,138,085,736 5,790,654,555 5,404,730,770 4,264,965,096 3,913,329,263 3,905,524 ,271 3,312,600,157 3,178,964,851 2,786,548 ,201 2,7 51 ,7 43 ,478 2,7 46 ,122,465 2,489,167,039 14,598,192,183 169,945,363 7,892,513,554 6,765,971,110 1,567,200,458 36,653,559,621 7,849,782,347 1 ,714 ,722,539 2,910,O25,176 632,698,176 10,915,687,092 8,684,905,366 8,518,914,541 8,009,400,906 281,151 8,718,327,060 4,754,591,700 4,398,961,494 952,300,379 21a,706,592 1,S31,107,6S; 1.522.420,176- 2,417,396,576 2,233,77 0 ,OOO 2,210,819,903 2.642,810,665 2,046,566,955 2,027,816,667 1,992,910,676 '1,962,404,386 1 ,939 ,237 ,57 4 1,911,980,250 1,920,716,66i 436,182,402 3,649,519,543 289,666,666 1.391,970,852 1.901.812.325 1,885,416,804 1,864,694,304 1 ,858,764 ,282 1 .857 ,311,625 146,395,329 329.946 820.333,136 ,484 ,820.884 '| .476 ,681 .525 49S,740,00; 1 ,720 1 F F tr- r fhis otiginal consolidaled linancial statement inctuded herein is in the lndonesian tanguage. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continusd) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2011 EI F L. 7 F F F P F F F F F F F P F P F EI =t =r =t t I =r - I I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless othorwise Btated) 5. TRAOE RECEIVABLES (continued) 2012 Third Parties {continued) PT llega Solusi Teknologi PT Tata Consultancy Services lndonesia P I UUaola solrrton PT Duta Astakona Girinda PT Avnel Datamation Solutions PT Bank Danamon Indonesia STEVEN PT Mastersystem Infotama PT AIA Financial PT Radinka Anugra PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Intracom Technologi PT Eerca Hardayaperkasa PT Adhisakti Solusi Kompuiindo PT Bank Syariah BRI PT Smartindo Integrasi System PT Ericsson Indonesia PT Sinar Surya Teknologi PT [4ultisoft Java Technologies PT Permata Anugerah Abadi Badan Pusat Statistik PT Mitra lnfosarana CV Global l\4ilano CO[,,| PT Vivastore Techno Logica PT Kahar 0uta Sarana PT Srisindhu Informatika PT Bank Pembangunan oaerah PT Jabar Telematika PT Primus lndonesia PT Info Lab lndonesia PT Relia Telemit Semesta PT Aprisma Indonesia PT Abhimata Persada PT GlobalGiga Gemilang Others (each below Rp 1 billions) I I 1,444,841,625 1,075,718.713 1,278,472,776 50,000,000 56,518,966 '1,409,005,332 1,3'17,346,908 1,220,629,063 954.677.921 944,292,591 434,983,544 404,307,179 1,117,865,139 1,107,155,176 1,421.491,782 1.884,886,882 1.914,562,320 3,995,814,821 26,687 ,419 ,357 324,467,36A 2,718,617,884 315,886,230 255,500,000 174,754.192 24,672.429 3,281,276,358 2,069,100,000 1,052,682,683 1,473,565,908 10,435,038.846 860,787,906 617,795,635 600,995,251 17,050,000 13,586,681 95,650 3 ,750,297 ,822 2,199,601,830 33.912.409.091 14.124.632.528 9.202.705.509 2.710.084.800 2.416.550.992 49.852.696.875 Subtota I Allowance for impairment 404.919.972.316 Net 404.295. (624.826.668) Related Pariies PT Titan Mining Indonesia PT Pute€ Tambang Indonesia PT Titan [4injng Energy PT l\4anggala Usaha Manunggal PT Trusted Outsourcing PT Indonesia Mobilindo PT Multi Mineral Utama Nusantara PT Titan Wijaya PT Ganda Alafi Makmua t45.648 1.836.022.875 1.916.380.420 1.806.516.063 1.740.732.100 1.494.359.557 1 .440 .220.248 1.378.983.522 34.030.643.802 330.528.945.363 (351.371.2231 330.177.574.140 4,821,582,500 1,228.831,316 1,907,032,765 1 ,469.7 17 ,202 1,046,825,849 492,430,743 126,148,153 104,610,000 326,952,465 2.820,813,042 12.210.000 612,691,265 100,379,936 137,667,000 188,401,832 164,544,542 - a 2011 23 = t t This original consolidaled financial slatement included herein is in lhe lndonesian languago. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (conIInUed) YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 31.2012 AND 2011 = = (Expressed in Rupiah, unle3s otherwieo 5tat6d) 5. TRADE RECEIVABLES (continued) 2012 Related Parties {continued) Others (each below Rp 100 millions) - 271,322,999 10,251,880,21'1 Subtotal = € 414,5,17,025,859 Total E 2011 344,535,699 5.924,817,097 336,102,391,237 The details of trade recervables based aging of receivables are as follows: 20't2 = :t Third Parties Up to 30 days 31 - 60 days lvore than 60 days = = = = r 318,343,634,637 24 ,211 ,137 ,953 62.365,199,726 288,987 ,844 ,470 Subtotal Allowance for impairment 404,919,972,316 330,528,945,363 N.t 404,295,145,648 (624,826,668) Related Panies Up to 30 days 31 - 60 days More than 60 days = 6.394.449.696 2.777.218.166 10.251.880.211 Subtotal = 20't1 414.547.025.859 Net 6,376.56't,470 35,164.539,423 (351,371,223) 330,177,574,140 3.841.903.472 694.304.542 1.388.609.083 5.924 .817 .097 336.102.39'1.237 =t Based on a review of the status of each customer's trade receivable at the end of 2012 and 2011, the Group's management believes that the allowances for impairment aae sufficienl to cover possible losses from uncollectible trade receivables in the futurc. = - =a - a t e - Trade receivables are used as collateralfor bank loans (Notes 14 and 20). 6, INVENTORIES lnventories consist of : 2012 Project Product Product Product Product Product 123.577.552.477 2011 22,168 ,271 ,7 41 of lB[4 64,302,447,760 59,060,483,171 oforacle 18,398,548,756 15,836,679,079 12,526,77 of El\4c of SUN PIOOUCT OI UELL Product of Exadata Product of Ruckus Product of Checkpoint Product of Notebook Product of Riverbed Product ofVMware Product of Red Hat Enterprise Linux Product ot Huawei 9,153,125,109 8,306.032,696 5 ,772,527 .209 5,495,685,527 4,070,068,916 3 ,624.516.265 ,570 489.016,304 3,495.054.222 1,137,919.171 1,108,048,840 29.013.435 970,183,998 2,115,190,07; 900,646,132 24 4 17,147,234,887 9,094.560,516 3,599,611,987 = fhis oiginal consolidated linancial slalemenl included hercin is in lhe lndonesian language. = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONtINUEd) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3,1. 2OI2 AND 2011 = =t = -I (Expre3sed in Rupiah, unless otherwbe stated) 6. INVENTORIES(continued) 2012 = Product Product Product Product Product Product Others = F P E = = 661,554,759 660,717,987 of Kace 394,348,916 34,068,750 s.444,760,987 955,943,406 846,258,056 65,318,895 554,408,437 385,678,300 641,116,327 Subtotal Inventory in progress 269,849,433,334 137 ,031,798,279 1,474,082,551 6,896,078,808 Total 271,323,515,885',143,927,877,087 of Sophos of wildpacket of Double Take On Oecember 31,2012 a d 201'1, Group's inventories alrcady insured against losses from fire and other risks under combined blanket policies with the coverage amount of USO 10,000,000 or equal to Rp 90,680,000,000. The Company's management believes that the coverage is adequate to cover possible losses on insured inventories. = = Inventories are used as collate€l for bank loans (Notes 14 and 20). = Based on a review the circumstances of inventories at the end of the year, the Group's management believes that in 2012 and 2011, there was no impairment and obsolescence goods, therefore there is no reauked to make provision in relation with it. = = - of Fortinet of Expand 2011 7. ADVANCES AND PREPAYMENTS Detajls of advances and prepayments are as follows: = :I 2012 Advances Purchase ofequipments Project Others = = = - ,752.080,251 6,681,878,941 21,344,351,531 18,129,778,650 6,077,146.361 2,489,733,813 2,596,433,846 1,830,707,481 1,526,895,889 23,283,836,514 10 Preoaid exoenses lnsurance Others 4s,803,963,365 Total 2011 48,908,879,912 = = 8. As of December 3'1,2011, this account represents the deposits that owned by PT Computrade Technology International, Slbsidiary, which are used as collateral for sho.t-term bank loans from = :a I = a :t :l t RESTRICTEO DEPOSITS PT Bank ANZ Indonesia Tbk (Note 14). 9, INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATES This account represent investment of PT Sinergy lvledia Integrasi (SMl), Subsidiary, through PT Karyaputra Suryagemalang, Subsidiary, in PT Technetindo Utama (Technet), ot'1,800 shares with a par value Rp 500,000 per sharcs or equals to Rp 900,000,000. Mutation of investment in Technet are as follows: 25 7 F a This otiginal consolidatecl linancial slatemenl inclucled hercin is in lhe lnclonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continuod) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2OI1 F P F Eir ttrT rF F E F F (Exprossod in Rupiah, unless othorwise stated) 9. INvESTMENT lN ASSOCIATES (continued) 20'12 Beginning balance Investment Net income portion in current year 1 2011 ,284 ,O21 ,773 1 (127,509,138) Ending Balanco 1,156,512,635 ,272,500,000 11,521,773 1,284,021,773 Sfull has no control over its investment in Technet, so the financial stiatements of Technet are not consolidated. The value of investment is accounted by equity method. Poation of net earnings of Associates reflects (0.8%) and 0.1% of the total consolidated comprehensive income in 2012 and 2011 (an amount that as not material), presented as part of other income in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. 10. BALANCES AND TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES = In a normal transaction, the Group entered into transactions with related parties relating to the sale and purchase ol services or products is done at the level of prices and reasonable terms (an arm's length basis). Groups also make transactions outside the main business with details and balances as follows: = a. Othgr receivable3 -.alatod parties 2012 = PT Titan Mining Energy PT lndonesia l\4obilindo = F F = = :I = :I =D E a = = = E F 5,769,957,881 1,045.000,000 2,380,699,571 2,055,170,000 2,480,170,000 2,128,948,000 853,000,000 500,881,218 233,854,471 522,000,000 3 ,726.442,540 66,677,881,057 1 ,4 t6,252,861 1,029,13s,641 853,000,000 500,881,218 233,854,471 522,000,000 157,612,994 225,000,000 225,000,000 3,067,395,357 44,904,,130,726 Due from Related Parties 2012 PT SAM Investama PT Trusted Outsourcing Indonesra Handojo Sutjipto Others (each below Rp 100 millions) 6,789,005,391 2,632,390.640 1,500,000,000 2,980,110,589 '13,901,506,620 Total = = = 20,814 ,352,732 5,848,973,788 1,980,170,000 1.757.160,000 1,334,633,673 1,029,135,641 Total b, 40 ,252,711 ,947 4,045,000,000 2,538,747,779 2,05s.170,000 PT Flaminggo Mandiri PT Cakra Karsa Utama Herman Benyamin Harianto Tjandra Lesmana PT Titan Mining Indonesia PT Turangga Prima Paramitra lndra Gunawan PT Turangga Paramit.a PT Solusi Paramitra Andy Pranoto PT Titan Daya Persada Raden Wisnu Wibowo l\4, Rahmat Saptadiharja Others (each below Rp 100 millions) 2011 26 2011 4,34 t ,242,097 3,017,383,838 1,493,000,000 4 ,244,805 ,794 t3,096,431,729 This original consoliclaled linancial slateme included herein is in Ihe lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (contlnued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3', 2012 ANO 2OII (Exp.essed in Rupiah, unlees oth€rwbe atated) 10. BALANCES ANO TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES {continued) c. Othgr payables - rolated parties This is a debt of PT Computrade Technology Indonesia, Subsidiary, to shareholdeG December 31, 2011 d. Duq to Rolated Partios 2012 PT Global l\4ulti lnvestama PT Technetindo Utama 957,133,312 787,500,000 7,000,000 Others Total I = :I e. E97,547,557 787,500,000 3,675,185 1,751,633,312 1 ,688,722,742 Nature of relationshio The Group in its business makes transaclions with related parties. Balances of related party which arse fiom the transaction are as follows No. Related Parties PT Titan Mining Energy = = I 2011 Relationship Afliliated Transaclion T€de receivables, other receivables - relaled 2. PT lndonesia Mobilindo Amtialed parlies Trade receivables, other receivables - relalgd pa(|es =' 3. PT Flaminggo ldandiri Shareholdets PT Cakra Karsa Utama Olher rcc€ivables - relaled parties Other receivables - related parties Other receivables - related = 5. = 6. Eenyamin Harianto Afillialed = 7. Tjandra Lesmana Afillialed 8. PT Tilan lVining Indonesia Aftilialed Olher receivables - related panres Oth6r eceivables - relaled panres Olher rec€ivables - related L PT Turangga Prima Paramitra Afliliated Other receivables - related 4 10. lndra Gunawan Atliliated a 11. Afllliared Other receivables - elated parlres Other rcceivables - relaled PT Turangga Paramitra Aflitiated Olher receivables - relaled = PT Tilan Daya Persada Afliliated = Raden Wisnu Wibowo Affiliated Parties Other receivables - rclated parties Other receivables - elaled Affilialed Olher rcceivables - relaled Shareholdets Trade rcceivables, due trom related panies Due from related parties, trade payables Due from relaled parties Oue to relaled padi€s Oue to related parties pan|es = = parlies 12. = = t parlies 't 5. = 4 Rahmal Saptadiharja panles 16. 17. PT Trusled Ouisourcing Indonesia Handojo Sutjiplo PT Global lvulti lnvestama 20. PT Technelindo Utama 18 = l\,4. 't9. Shareholders Amliated Affilialed 27 F F F F F F E F F E F F F F F F F F F E This otbinal cansoliclated linancial slatemenl included hercin is in lhe lndoneian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (contlnued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2OII (Expreased in Ruplah, unle83 othorwiso stated) r,t. FtxEo AssETs Oetails of fixed assets of the GaouD are as follows: a.9lnnln9 sgS! DiEcl O$mrshio 2,954.891.854 Auildings and improvem€.ts 23,471 ,942,742 Equipmgnb and tumilurcs 59.940.623,514 4.027 ,802,134 40.344,925,153 und€r consl.uclion Buildings = = =9 = 965.433,749 825,29:1,000 '11 946,442,000 5,555.07E,044 5€,940,673.6r1 .470,429,479 1r,619,429.479 911.000,000 57,077 33226 2.677 ,051 ,773 2,737,169,749 r68,741.647,657 Accuhulared d.or.claUon Di6ctowrc6hio Buildings..d imprcvements Equipmenb and tuhituB - 3,644,W2,717 1,059,792.E56 411,610,426 50,733,780,621 559.557,833 4,102,921.738 3,996,203.055 - 35,6E9,705.500 246,305.675 2.398.277 ,042 43,327,398,703 E.2 t7 3 602.686.715 31.693,502.445 1 ,992,U4 lgele 776,741,715 Total Accumulat6d d€pr€ciation 81,79€.606,620 15E 563.330 r4.678 937.260 935,325,045 r,371,r68,259 95.106.375.621 52,603,078,550 93,035,472,036 Beginnlng Endlng 20t1 e99t Oi.6cl Owne6h|o 2,800,091,854 17.534,030,949 73,957,894.757 1,€E6.258.284 18,€13.905.807 3,354,134,125 303.858,000 6.352,961,793 7,084,451,113 3,212,O20.924 21,535,380,306 1.156.596,000 149,056,000 2,954,891,854 425,050,000 23,471, 2.742 21 .101 ,722,36 59,940,623.514 272,476.974 4,361,060 4,427 ,402,134 40.344,925,153 3,415.2E6.125 1 ,095,:142,000 2,760,409.EiE 1 ,766'057 ,773 !9e!9 4.222.609.591 303,858.000 122,570,925,367 39.959,126,036 2E,r2E.366,333 1,322.336146 45,518.773.799 r,663.632,326 1,361,437,950 10,687,467,433 12,874,442,529 15.185,254,645 16.572.816,901 1.556.212.688 8,660,667 65,246.209,604 30,583.764.824 134,40i,685,170 Accumul.t d deoroclatlon Dn€d Mnorshio Buildings snd improvemenl3 Equipmonts and turnilures r,953,375,E73 !9e!9 Total Accumulsled depreciation 57 ,324,t15,163 = = ,016,427 ,243 1,553,309,910 10.595,74E,456 ,7€6,057 ,773 13,r,401.685,170 = € = '1.095.442,000 1 = 5 7 20,095,709,399 25,861,482,343 65,99r,6r7,008 !9!99 Buildings and improvem€nts Equiphenls and tuhiturss E 17,140.E17,545 2,389,539,601 4$6|3 :I :I Endlng 2012 28 245,497.054 14.321,4U 64,569,101 788,137,640 14,03r,367.808 2394,277,U2 43,327.398,703 3,602.686,715 31,693,502,1145 776,711,715 81.798.606.620 52,603,078,550 = This otiginal cansolidaled financial slalemenl included herein is in the lndonesian tanguage. = =a PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (contlnu6d) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,20.I2 AND 2OI.I =a = = (Expro83ed in Rupiah, unless othonvbe stated) 1 '1. FIXEO ASSETS (continued) The detail of gain on sale of fixed assets are as follows: 2012 = =l Accumulated depaeciation =! Net book value of fixed assets =t E Cost 1,790.727,749 (1,371,168,259) 2011 771,162,290 (325,439,971) Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 419,559,490 570,0s9,490 453,696,512 445.722,319 Gain on Bale of fixed assets 150,500,000 7,974,'193 Depreciation in 2012 and 2011 are charged toi = =t = ;- =t = =! = = = l! I =t =t E = = 2012 Cost of sales (Note 28) OpeEting expense - generaland administrative (Note 30) Other noncurrent assets 7 ,403,294 ,130 7 ,979 .387 .622 8,752,468,691 8,125,368,296 251,163,709 r5,633,845,461 Total Depreciation Exponso 2011 .t6,877,836,987 On December 31, 2012 and 2011, Group s fixed assets are insured against losses from fire, riot, lhe risk of damage, and other risks based on insurance policy with sum insured amounting to Rp 20,794328,271 and Rp 20,406,236,509, respectively. lhe Company's management believes that the coveEge is adequate to cover any possible losses on the fixed assets are insured. Based on the review, the Group's management believes there is no situation or circumstances indicate any impairment in the vafue of fixed assets as ol Decembet 31,2012 and 2011. On December 31,2012 and 2011, some of the fixed assets of the Company's, PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang, Subsidiary, and PT Computrade Technology Internationat, Subsidiary, were used as collateral for the loan obtained from PT Bank Cenlral Asia Tbk, PT Eank Permata Tbk, PT ANZ Indonesia Tbk, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd, PT Bank DBS tndonesia, PT Bank Resona Perdania, dan PT Bank OCBC NISP (Note 14 and 20). 12. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Consist of: 2012 Hardware main business Trademark 1,320,000,000 330,000,000 Total 1,650,000,000 20'11 As described in Notarial Deed by lvly€ Yowono, S.H.,. No. 3'1 dated August g, 2012, CTl, Subsidiary, through PT XDC Indonesia purchase the business of computer hardware from pT paradise Cipta Solusi amounted to Rp '1,320,000,000. This business has unlimited benetits which include work systems, organizational systems, management information and accounting systems, network systems, = and sales network. = I ln accordance with the Notarial Deed by Myra Yowono, S.H., No. 31, dated August 9, 2012, CTl, the Subsidiary, through PT XDC Indonesia pu.chased the trademark PARADTSE of pT paradise Cipta Solusiamounted to Rp 330,000,000. Untilthese financial statements completed, these brands are still in the registration process to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of = = Indonesia. = 29 This = onginat consotidalecl financial statenent ircluded hercn is in the lndonesian language PT ANAEATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES = NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONtiNUEd) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3t, 2012 ANO 2OIt = (Expr6sed in Rupiah, unless otherwiso statod) = 13. GOODWILL = Detail of goodwill as of Decembet 31,2012 a^d 201 1 are as follows: = PT XDC Indonesia ( One Ownership Group) 6,695,000,000 = PT Niaga Prima Paramitra (One Ownership Group) PT Virtus Technology Indonesia (One Ownership Group) 1 = Total 8,139,908,600 E 3 = = = = ,345,11 ,720 99,796,880 1 7,210,000,000 1.345,111,720 99,796,880 8,654,908,600 14. SHORT-TERM BANK LOANS Details ofthe short-term bank loans consist of: = 2011 2012 2012 2011 PT Bank Permata Tbk PT BanK OCBC NISP TbK PT Bank ANZ Indonesia Tbk The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited PT Bank Resona Perdania PT Bank DBS Indonesia 121,742,411,343 130,571.002,889 31,866.147,680 36,272,000,000 Total 396,272,372,1A0 231,845,150,569 103,358,128,021 69,485,289,555 38,434,366,431 34,340,000,000 28,912.176 ,830 33.136,000,000 = PT Bank Permata Tbk (Pormatal = In 2007, the Company received credit facility flom Permata which is used as additional working capital. This credit facility agreement from Permata has amended several times, the latest amendment through Changes in the Provision of Banking Credit Facility Agreement No 212IBP/CRC-WBA/112012 da|'ed June 6, 20'12. The credit facilities from Pemala are as follows: F F F Ltr F qt r P P P F a g F P a F a - Line Facility Foreign Exchange (FX Line) wilh a maximum amount of USD 500 000 (LER Limit) This facility expires on June 18, 2013. Until the date of the completion of consolidated financial statements. the tacilitv has not been used Stand By Letter Of Credit facility with a maximum facility amounting to USD 5,000,000' the period of this facility expires on June 18, 2013. Until the date of completion ot the consolidated tinancial statements, this facility has not been used. Bank Overdraft Credit Facility with a maximum facility amolnting to Rp 2 000 000'000' with interest rate of 11.007o per annum and expires on June 18.2013. Outstanding balance on December 31, 2011 is amounting to Rp 1,891,293,262 Commercial Invoice Financing Loan Credit Facility in USD with a maximum facility amounting to USO 4,OOO,Ooo in 2012 and USD 3,000,000 in 2011 Interest rate of the loan is 5 75% in 2012 and 6.25"/o in 2011. This facility expires on June 18, 2013. Outstanding balance on December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounting to USD 1,732,831 (equal to Rp '16,756,480,508) and USD 1 799 246 (equal to Rp 16,315,564,904). - Commercial Invoice Financing Loan Credit Facility in Rupiah with a maximum facility amounting to is 1050% per annum. This facility will be expires on June 18, 2013. Outstanding balance on December 3'1, 2012 amounting to Rp 9,580,000,000 in 2012. Interest rate of the loan Rp 6,906,04s,01 1, - I\raster Plafond facility in the form of Invoice Financing (lnv-Fin), to support shon-term projects as well as the Term Loan {TL) which is divided into Term 1 and Term Loan 2 Loan, to support longterm projects with a maximum amount of Rp 12,45 billions for the Term Loan '1 and Rp 6'6 billion for the Term Loan 2 in 2012 and USD 10,000,000 in 2011. Interest rates on loans of 10 75% per year in 2012. This facility will expire on June 26, 2017 to Term Loan 1 and December 21 20'15 for Term Loan 2. This original consolidaled tinancial shlemenl included hercin is in lhe lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 201,I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 14. SHORT-TERM BANK LOAN (continued) PT Bank Permata Tbk (Pormata) (conlinuod) The facil ies are secuied by - : Personal Guarantee from Handoko Anindya Tanuadji, President Commissioner Land wath an area ot 483 m':, owned by Handoko A. Tanuadji, President Commissioner, located on Jl. Cendana Golf No. 23, Karawaci, Tangerang Inventodes owned by the Company. Machineries and eouioment that financed valued at 125% of each withdrawal. Trade receivables owned by the Company. Eased on the Letter of Credit Offer No 2214lgPlCRC-WgN l/2012 on June 6, 2012, PT Computrade Technology Indonesia, Subsidiary, obtained Revolving Loan facility from Permata with maximum of loans amounting to Rp 17,500,000,000 This loan facility is due on February 18, 2013. /l/2012 on June 6, 2012, PT Niaga Prima Paramitra, Subsidiary, obtained Invojce Financing loan facility from Permata with maximum of loans amounting to USD 1,000,000. This loan facjliiy is due on February 18, 2014. Based on the Letter of C.edit Offer No. 2'17IBP/CRC-WB Based on the Letter of Credit Offer No. 291/BP/CRC-WBA/|/2o'12 on June 6, 2012, PT XDC Indonesia, Subsidiary, obtained Invoice Financing loan tacilily from Permata with maximum of loans amounting to USD 4,000,000 and USD 1,500,000 This loan facility is due o^ Febtuary 18,2014. Sased on the Letter of Credit Offer No. 215/BP/CRC-WANV2012 on June 6, 2012, PT Blue Power Technology, Subsidiary, obtained Invoice Financing loan facility from Permata with maximum of loans amounting to USD 3,000,000. This loan facility is due on February 18, 2014. Based on the Letter of Credit Offer No 213IEPiCRC-WB /V2012 on June 6, 2012, PT Central Data Technology, Subsidiary, obtained Invoice Financing loan facility from Permata with maximum of loans amounting to IJSD 6,000,000. This loan facility is due on February '18, 2014. PT Bank OCBC NISP (NISP) ln 2008, the Company received credit facility from NISP which is used as additional working capital. The loan agreement from NISP has amended several times, the latest amendment through Addition and Renewal Term Credit Facility Offer No. 499/EB-EXT-ADDryH/)U'12 on October 3,2012. Loan facilites from NISP are as follows: - Bank Overdraft with maximum lacility amounting to Rp 3,000,000,000, with interest rate at 10.25olo per year on 2012 and will expire on October 6, 2013 Outstanding balance of this facility as of December 31, 2011 amounting to Rp 1,865,573,755. - Demand loan 1 facility with maximum facility amounting to Rp 15,000,000,000, with interest rate of 10.25yo pet yeat on 2012 and will expire on October 6, 2013. As of the date of completion of the consolidated financial statements, the faciity has not been used by the Company. - Demand loan 2 facility with maximum facility amounting to Rp 9,500,000,000, the facility used to financing lhe Company s projects. The interest rate of this facility is 10.25o/o pet yeat on 2012 and - will expire on October 6, 2013. The Company outstanding balance on Oecembe. 31,2012 and 2011 amounting to Rp 29,522,456,658 and Rp 7,'188,753,760. FX-Line Credit Facility (FX) with maximum facility amountjng to USD 2,000,000 in 2012, with interest .ate of 6.000/o per yeat on 2012 and will expire on October 6, 2013 Until the date ot completion of the consolidated financial statements, the facility has not been used by the Company. - Facility Loan Bank Guarantee with maximum facility amounting to USD 1,000,000, this facil y will expire on October 6, 2013. Until the dale of completion of the consolidated financial statements, the facility has not been used by the Company. 31 = This oiginal consoldaled financial slalenenl included herein is in the lndonesian language. = = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO cONSoLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3I, 2012 AND 20II (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise statsd) = = = 14. SHORT-TERM BANK LOAN (continued) PT Bank OCBC NISP (NISP) (continued) = - = = Demand loan 3 credit facility with maximum facility amounting to USD 10.733.226, the facility used to financing Company s projects The interest aate is 6.00% per year and the facility will expire on October 6, 2013. The Company outstanding balance on December 31, 2012 amounting to USD 7,629,287 (equalto Rp 73,775,203,066) - Master Plafond credit facility with maximum facility amounting to USD 3,000,000. the facility will mature on October 6, 2013. Until the date of completion of the consolidated tinancial statements, the facility has not been used by the Company. =t = = = = = = = = = = = = = = :I a = :I = = = The facilities are secured by: - Personalguarantee from Handoko Anindya Tanuadji. Land and buildings owned by Handoko Anindya Tanuadji located on Jl. Nusantara V Blok J No. 4, Sunter Agung, North Jakarta. at Carita Eeach South Condominium, Ground Floor No.9150, Cariia Resort, Banten. Deposit on behalf of Handoko Anindya Tanuadji of Rp 350,000,000. Trade receivable amounting to Rp 2,500,000,000. Letter of Company s Statement that agree that due to an event of late payment from the end user on a contract financed by NISP, the payment will be the responsibility of the Company. Land and buildings owned Handoko Anindya Tanuadji located PT Bank ANZ Indonesia Tbk (ANz) Based on the Fi.st Amendment to Facility Agreement No. 303/TN,/CO[,]-AMEND41|2012 on November 26, 2012, CTl, Subsidiary. acquire Trade Finance Loan Facility and the Revolving Loan from ANZ with a maximum loan limit of USD 8,000,000 that can be used jointly by CTl, PT Blue Power Technology, PT Central Data Technology, and PT Virtus Technology Indonesia, Subsidiary. The loan lacility expires on June 22, 2013. The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd (HSBC) Eased on Banking Facility Agreement No. JAK120809/U/120827 dated August 31, 2012, Cfl, Subsidiary, obtained Facilities Financing Leads, Accounts Receivable Financing, Revolving Loan from HSBC with a combined maximum limit ot loan amount of USD 6,000,000 that can be used jointly by CTl, PT Blue Power Technology, PT Central Data Technology, and PT Virtus Technology Indonesia, Subsidiary. This loan facility expires on August 31, 2013. PT Bank Resona Perdania (Resona) Based on Credit Agreement No. 060284F1H on September 1, 2006, the Company received a credit facility 1 fiom Resona, with maximum facility amounting to IJSD 1,000,000 which is used as additional working capital. The interest rate is SIBOR plus 2.50lo and expircs on Febtuary 27,2O11. Based on the Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No 060284FLH on February 27, 20'12, Resona agreed to extend the term of loan until February 27,2013. This loan had been extended until Febtuary 27,2014 based on Letter ol Credit Agreement Amendment No. 060284FLH dated FebtuaN 27.2013. Based on Crcdit Agreement No.060285FLH on September'1, 2006, the Company received a credit facilitiy 2 from Resona with maxrmum facility amounting to Rp 5.000,000,000 which is used as additional working capital. The interest rate is interest rate of Bank Indonesia plus 3olo and expkes on Febtua1 27 . 2011. = = = 32 = This original consolidalecl financlal slalenenl included herein is in lhe lndonesian language. = - PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continu.d) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 20,I2 ANO 20t,1 =a = =D = = = (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise slated) 14. SHORT-TERM BANK LoAN (continued) PT Bank Resona Perdania (Resona) Based on the Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 060285FLH on February 27, 2012, Resona agreed to extend the term of the loan unlil February 27.2U3. fhas loan had been extended until Febuary 27. 20'14 based on Letler of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 060285FLH dated Febtuary 27 ,2013. = Based on the Letter of Credit Agreement No. 080154RLH dated April 15, 2008, the Company received credit facility 3 from Resona with maximum facility amounting to Rp 5,000,000,000 which is used as additional working capital. The interest rate is interest rate of Bank Indonesia plus 3olo and etpires on = February = Based on the Lette. of Credil Ag{eement Amendment No. 080154R1H on February 27, 2012, Resona agreed to exlend the term of the loan uniil February 27, 2013. This loan had been extended until = = = 27 , 2011. FebNary 27, 2014 based FebnJary 27 , 2013 on Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 080154R1H dated . Based on the Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No.080155FLH on April 15, 2008, the Company received credit facility 4 from Resona with maximum facility amounting to USD 1,000,000 which as used as additional working capital. The interest rale is interest rate of SIEOR plus 2.5% and will mature on February 27, 2011. = = Based on the Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 080155FLH on Febtuary 27,2012, Resona agreed to extend the term of the loan until February 27.2013. fhas loan had been extended unlil = February 27,2013. = On Octobe. 30, 2006, PT Karyapulra Suryagemilang, Subs diary, received credit tacility trom Resona with a maximum lacility amouniing to Rp 5,000,000,000, which is used as additional working capital. Based on the Letter of Credil Agreement Amendment No. 060354R1H on April 15, 2012, Resona agreed to extend the term of the loan until April 16, 2013 with interest at 12.0O% i^2012. Febtuary 27. 20'14 based on Letter = = of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 080155F1H dated = The facility is secured by: Land owned by the Company wjth arca 68 m'z, located in Ngindenjangkungan, Sokolilo, Surabaya. Trade receivables with the object value / market value ol Rp 4,736,673,522. = PT Bank DBS Indonesia {OBS) = - = p on Banking Facility Agreement No. 195/STC-0BSl/lv/2012 dated April 26, 2012, CTl, Subsidiary, obtained Facalities Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Financing Financing trom DBS with a combined maximum limit of loan amounted to USD 6,000,000 that can be used jointly by CTl, PT Blue Power Technology, PT Central Data Technology, PT Virtus Technology Indonesia, and PT Niaga Prima Paramitra, Subsidiary. The loan facility matures on Apd27,2014. = = For all the above loan facility, CTl, Subsidiary, bear interest at annual rates ranging between 4.51%o 6.00% for the year ended December 31, 2012. These credit facilities are collateralized by trade = =D =l = = a Based receivables, anventories, and Corporate guaraniee of CTl. = a This oiginal consolidated linancial slalemenl included herein is in lhe lnclonesian language. PT ANAEATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ICONtiNUEd) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2O'I'I = a = =' = = = = € = f = € = = a = = € = = =l = 5 € = = = € (Exp.*g€d in Rupiah, unle33 othe.wise stated) 15. TRADE PAYABLES This account consists ot: 2012 Third Parties PT Oracle Indonesia EMC Information Systems Intematjonal Oracle Singapore Pte., Ltd PT lBlV lndonesia Vmwre lnternational Limited PT Reka Piranti Prakarsa Finarch Apac Pte., Ltd oellGlobal B,V Temenos Headquarters SA PT Complus Sistem Solusi Ruckus Wireless PT Equine Global PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Check Point Pte,, Ltd PT Prima Integrasi Network PT Excelindo Sejahtera Temenos Singapore Pte ltd, Temenos (NL) BV Kusumomegah Red Hat Asia Pacific Pte,Ltd Riverbed Technology Pte,ltd, PT lngram Mikro PT Fujitsu Indonesia PT l\ricrosott lndonesia Bina Data Mandiri Binarcka Tatamandiri PT Indo Ventura Sonsang PT Masterdata Khadsma PT Tridaya Inti Solusindo Wildpackets PT Avnet Dalamation Solutions Fo inet International, lnc. P I FaSMtre PT Daya Cipta Mandiri Solusi PT Global Innovation Technology PT XSYS Disti Cemerlang Others (each below Rp 500 millions) 66.892,275,104 19.283,843,989 14.349,123,565 7,666,948,582 7 .371 ,734 ,291 7,007,059,451 5,749,058,394 5,544,649,196 ,465,324,470 4,100,746,360 g 3 35,206,073,858 19,368,526,752 15,802,834,399 4,581,935,314 3,793,584,482 9,333,148,139 't,104,052,345 4 2,439,108,002 2,132,769,500 2,090.479,435 1,958,700,565 1,915,066,012 '|,631,105,591 1,351,672,600 1 ,225 .080.2 t3 1,103,583.694 1,038,414,691 124.890.392 914,143,430 1.901.886,809 3,498,656,022 5,396,36; 337.148,240 2,205,7 44,E44 1.365.803,541 ,195,194 699,612,524 877 695,856,681 643,015,063 577,947,980 536,316,455 526,930,800 526,930,800 523,4'10,004 517,685,000 2,829,536,693 20,350,805 3,257,444,398 177,660,467226 Subtotal Related Parties PT Indra Jaya Mandiri PT Trusted Outsourcing Indonesia Others (each below Rp 100 millions) 746,757,949 69,519,564 61,777,060 12,588,528,324 2,297,804,201 2,056,403,968 1,072,890,000 638,231,453 9,876,381,610 122,846,206,006 279,407 ,348 Subtotal 152.626.214 1,141,383,549 459,396,827 432,033,562 1,600,780,376 '178,092,500,788 124,i146,986,382 Total € € 2011 34 = This original consohdalecl linancial slalemenl included hercin is in lhe lnclonesian language. = = PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENOED DECEMAER 31, 2OI2 AND 20.I1 = (Erp..ssod in Rupiah, t|nless otherwisg statod) = 16. OTHERS PAYABLES . THIRD PARTIES = This account consists of: 2012 = 2011 12,77 t.913.915 = KSO Sumarecon PT Pada Uiama Semesta Others 2.992.297,6U 6,918,160,840 1,578,799,990 = Total 22,151 ,962,55s 8,496,960,830 F E F F = E = = = = = = = = = F E E F P F F ,' 6,387,75r,006 7. ACCRUED EXPENSES This account represents accrued expenses for: 2012 163,401,580,649 P.oject Training Services and maintenances Salaries and bonuses Eussines Partner Reward '105,648,695, 135 43,061,399,060 30,453,973,620 10,316,885,222 22.404,535,396 16,40E,503,38'l 12,338,947,707 11 ,127 .297 ,956 7 ,544 ,947 ,335 Professionaltee 1 Others 4,135,730,853 Total 27't,O37,25s,110 ,237 ,119 ,840 1,253,016,704 3,900,901,659 162,196,279,407 'I8. TAXATION a. Prepaid taxes Consist of: 2012 Companv Value Added Tax 12,951,765,084 2011 287,563,049 Subsadiaries lncome tax Article 23 Value Added Tax 1,968,207 ,128 4,587,525,613 1,968.207,128 3,705,502,372 Subtotal 6,555 32,7 41 5,673,709,500 Total b. Tax6 ,7 19,507,497,825 5,961,272,519 payable Consist of: 2012 Comoanv lncome tax: Article 4 (2) Article 21 Article 23 Article 25 Article 26 Article 29 2011 270.170.388 277.525.634 34.932.465 296.500.865 49.403.672 38.065.875 1.056.805.150 267.904.356 101.877.?59 154.462.814 1.898.907.620 Subtotal = F F 2011 35 648.741.358 F 6a F EF tr F F P a F F F F This original consoliclateci linancial slalemenl incluclecl h.rcin is in lha lnclonesian language, PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (contlnued) YEARS ENDEO DECEMBER 31,2O'I2 AND 2O,I,I (Exprossed in Rupiah, unl6ss otherwlse stated) 18. TA)(ATION (continued) b. Tar* payable (continued) 2012 Subsidiaries lncome tax: Article 4 (2) Article 2'1 Article 23 Article 25 Article 26 Article 29 (year 2012) Article 29 (year 2011) Value Added Tax Subtotal - Total F Income lax P P F F F F F P P P p a =f t p e - e - 7 88.155.965 1.190.475.101 3.494 .206 .957 565.332.380 2.514 .907 .327 2.511 .122.898 13.325.538 7.225.419.469 17.602.945.635 '19.501.853.255 2011 112.682.590 900.889.415 5.7 46.769.527 16.999.413 2.465.512.340 6.289.682.194 9.304.791.794 24.837.327.273 25.486.06E.631 Income tax benefits (expenses) consist of: 2012 Current tax Deferred tax (22,455,969,000) Incomg tax axpensoa - net (20,805,574,0'14) 1,650,394,956 2011 (15,643,067,430) (582,687,833) ('16,225,755,263) d. Cu,,ent tax The reconcaliation between income before income tax, as shown in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income and taxable income for the years ended December 31,2012 and 2011 are as follows: 20't2 Income before income tax as shown in the consolidated statements of comprehensive income 82,471,758,412 2011 57.806,322,549 Less: The Company portion from Subsidiaries income Income ot Subsidiaries before tax expense Income before income taxes ofthe Company Temporary difference: Employees' benefit Allowance for impairment of kade receivables Depreciation of tixed assets Permanent difference: Insurance Tax expense Tlansportation Entertainment and donation Jamsostek 26,894,548,535 21 ,204 ,107 ,419 (73 ,388 ,372,2641 (55,017,051,528) 35,977,934,683 23,993,378,441 796,047,000 649,024,000 179,97 t,991 216,147,329 (143,778,794) (192,239,598) 2,062,617,600 342.793.672 267.261.469 240.250,031 1.577 ,052,536 26,292,268 17.902,400 883,670,249 This otiginal consolidalecl financial stalement incluclecl herein is in the lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED OECEMBER 31, 2012 ANO 2O1I (Expressed in Rupiah, un1e33 otherwiso 3tat.d) '| 8. TAXATION (continued) d. Curent tax 2012 Permanent difference (conlinued): Gain on acquisition of subsidiaries Income akeady subjected to final tax lnterest income The Company portion from Subsidiaries income Others Tarable incoms of thq company 20'11 141,148,204) (85,203,911) (26,894,548,535) 141,477,5861 (21 .204 ,107 ,419) 819,241,274 r3,562,586,480 5,88/1,494,416 Calculation of tax expense ahd income taxes payable for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as tollows: 2012 2011 = = :l = '19,065.322,500 410,432,000 15,232,635,430 Total Current Tax Expsnse 22,455,969,000 15,643,067,430 Less prepaid tax: Company Subsidiades 3,236,183,686 17,O22,784,275 1,393,499,960 10,806,975,769 Total prepaid income tax 20,258,971,961 12,200,47 5,729 Claim {payable) of income tax Company Subsidiaries (2,042,534,225) 983,067,960 (4,425,659,661) Total Income Tax Payable (2,196,997,039) 13,442,551,7011 3,390,646,500 /'154,462,814') The Company will report lhe amount ot taxable income for the year 2012 in the Notice of Annual Income Tax (SPT) of the Company which will be submitted to the Tax Office. The Company has reported the amount of taxable income in 2011 in the tax return filed with the Tax Ofiice. = = Current tax exoense Company Subsidiaries e. Defered tax Deferred tax assets (liabilities) and benefits (expenses) of on temporary differences between financial repoding and tax using the applicable tax rates for 2012 and 20'11 are as followsl = 2012 Curent Year = = = a = = = = Balanc€ Januaty 1 , 2012 Company deferred tax assets: Employees' benefit liabilities Depreciation of lixed assels Dsferrsd Tax Benefil {Expense) 533,423,000 (52,958,610) 199,011,750 (35,026,178) 24.4O9,U7 (24,8O9,U7) 54,036,826 559,310,563 41,243,OU 190,419,229 2,649,142,853 762,542,844 (851,617,443) 697,432,843 Balanca December 3'1, 2012 732,4U,750 (87,984,788) Allowance for impairmenl in trade Company deferred tax a3seB - net Subsidiaries deforred tax assels Subsidiarie3 deferred tar liabilities 37 3,411,685,737 F F Ei F F F fhis original consoliclated frnancial statemen! inctucjed hercin is in lhe tndonesian tanguage. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FtNANCtAL STATEMENTS (conrinu€d) YEARS ENOEO OECEMBER 31,2OI2 AND 2O1I (Expros3ed in Rupiah, unlesg otherwise gt.todl '| 8. TAXATION (contlnued) o, Dofo,,Ed tax (continued) P F F F F F F EI E 2011 January t,201'l Company deferred tax essetsl Employees benefit tiabitities Oepreciation of fixed assets :a = = = Benefit lexpense) 2011 t. 't62,256,000 (48,059,900) (1,471,123,598) 62,934,237 162,934.2371 533.423,000 (52,958,610) 24,809.347 54.036,826 Company defarod tax ass6b - n€t 1,799,266.998 (1,239,956,435t 559,3.t0,563 Sub3idiaries detorred tax a$ot3 1,503,556,351 1,145,586,502 2,649,142,853 Subsidiarie3 ctsferred tax tiabititie3 (488,317.9001 {373,299,5431 (86.t,617,443t Clalm tor tax refund Consist ot: 2012 Comganv Current year Past year Subsidiaries Current year = = = Oec6mbe.3l, 371,167,000 (4,898,710) 1,495,932,945 Allowance ior impairment in trade receivables r = Balance Deforsd Tax Balance F Ei = Curront Year Past year Total 2011 983,067,960 983,067,960 1,407,615,181 468,588,673 3,105,131,069 't,864,022,533 1,24't,106,536 4,556,7A7,702 5,,r95,8.t4,2r0 I9, AOVANCE FROM CUSTOMERS This accounts consists of: 2012 IBM products PT Logica lnformationTechnology products Others 22,172,379,829 Total 38,876,735,101 16 ,704.355.272 2011 22,172,3 t 5,5U 1,101,408,000 16,581,057,470 39,85,r,781,034 20. LONG-TERM . BANK LOAN This account consists of: 2012 2011 = € PT Bank CentralAsia Tbk Investment Credit Facitity PT Bank Permata Tbk Time Loan Facility 4,140,000,000 6,300,000,000 2,382,364.606 4,782,322,107 = total 6,522,364,606 11,082,322,107 = = Long-term bank loans - current podion PT Bank Central Asia Tbk Investment Credit Facility PT Bank Permata Tbk Time Loan Facility 2,160,000,000 2,160,000,000 1,913,437,811 2,399,957,534 2 a ::t E 38 Thts onqinal rF sn the lndonesan language PT ANAAATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUASIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31.2012 AND 2O1I = E consoldalecl frnanctal statemenl ncluded hercn {Expr6aed in Rupiah, unles3 otherwise Btated) 20. LONG.TERM - BANK LOAN (continuedl 2012 2011 Current portion 4,073,437,811 4,559,957,534 Long-tarm portion 2,448,926,795 6,522,364,573 PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCAI Based on the Credit Ag.eement that notarized by a notary Stephanie Wilamarta, S.H., No. 29 dated November 24, 2009, PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang, Subsidiary, obtained investment credit facility with a maximum facility amounting to Rp 10,800,000,000. This loan facility is used to financing 6 units of stores in Bidex stores complex Credit interest rates of this facility are 10.5% per annum. This credit tacility will be repaid by installment from oecember 24, 2009 to November 24, 2014, with principal installment of Rp'1 80,000,000. E of Notice for Credit Facility No. 1476/SOK/WX|U2012 dated July 20, 2012, KPSG obtained Time Loan Revolving facility with a maximum facility amounting to Rp 10,000,000,000. The interest rate is 10.5% per annlm and will mature on July 23, 2013. Until Based on Letter December 31, 2012, this facility is still not used. This facilities are secured by: - = = - 7 areas of land owned by KPSG, Subsidiary, located in Serpong, Tangerang, Kelurahan Lengkong Gudang, which are: Right to Build and Use No 05338 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 1 with area 98 m). Right to Build and Use No 05339 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 2 with area 75 m'z 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Right to Build and Use No 05340 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 3 with area 75 m'z. Right to Build and Use No. 05343 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 30 with area 33 m'?. Right to Build and Use No. 05344 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 3'1 with area 68 m'? Right to Build and Use No. 05345 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 32 with area 88 m?. Right to Build and Use No. 05455 / Lengkong Gudang, Blok H No. 33 with area 35 m?. Trade receivables amounting to Rp 10,000,000,000. During the term ofthe facility and in the course of there are amounts stillowed to the bank, without the wrinen agreement from BCA, KPSG, Subsidiary, is not allowed to do the following things: = :f = - Obtained new credit facility from other party and/or pledged as guarantor in any form and any name and/or use the Company's assets/property to other party. Pledge money, including to the related pariies, except for performing the daily operations. Perform consolidation, merger, acquisilion and dissolution/liquidation. Pertorm consolidation, merger, acq!isition and dissolution/liquidatron. Changing the institutional status. PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata) = = = = = = Based on the Letter of Credit Approval No. K|0/586iAI/D/CGVC dated August 11, 2010, KPSG, Subsidiary, obtained a Term Loan credit facility with a maximum facility amounting to Rp 9,000,000,000. The credit facility used to finance KPSG projects. The interest rates are 1'1.00o/o per annum in 2012 and 12.5Oo/o in 2011. The credit facility will be repaid by monthly installments from August 13, 2009 untilAugust 13, 2013, with principal installments of Rp 141,380,613.. Based on the Letter of Credit Offers No. 083/8P/CRC-WBlllll2O12 dated March 8, 2012, KPSG, Subsidiary, obtained overdraft lacilitiy with a maximum facitity amounting to Rp 3,000,000,000. This credit facility used for additional working capital. This loan bears inlerest rate at 11.50% per annum in 2012 and 12.50% perannum in 2011 This loan will expire on February 18,2013. Until December 31, 2012, this faciljtv is still not used. 4 3 This oiginal consoliclabd nnancial slatement included herein is in ihe lndonesian language. € PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continuod) YEARS ENDED DECEMSER 3I, 2012 AND 2OI1 = (Expressed in Rupiah, unloss otherwiso etat.d) = 4 20. LONG-TERM - BANK LOAN (contlnued) PT Bank Pe,mata Tbk (P.rmata) E I These facilities are secured by: - E € 3 2I. Corporate guarantee from the Company. Land owned by KPSG, Subsidiary, in Pinangsia Stores Blok M, No. 2'1, Karawaci, Tangerang. Trade receivables for projects that financed by 125% of every withdrawal. Machineries and equipments that financed by 125% of every withdrawal values. FINANCING PAYABLES This is a financing payables for the purchase of vehicles with the following details: = I 2012 2011 3 PT Bank lnternational lndonesia Tbk PT Bank ANZ Indonesia Tbk 240,111,917 388,669,292 68,119.080 € Total 240,428,448 ,156,788,372 Net of current portion 153,188,073 216,676,455 87,240,375 240,111,917 € € € ft z Long-term ponlon 22. LEASE PAYABLES This is a finance lease payable of on the vehicle from PT Orix International Finance to CTl, Subsidiary, on December 31, 2012 and 201'1 with the tollowing details: 2012 2011 € Lease 4t Net ofcurrent portion 347,473,141 75,705,569 Long.torm portion 686,940,155 46,t,950,525 E € € € € = 5 € = € € - _D 1,034,413,296 537,656,094 23. E'NPLOYEES' BENEFIT LIABILITIES The Group.ecognizes the estimated liability for employee benefits based on Law no. 13/2003 and recorded in accordance with PSAK No.24 (revised 2010) "Employee Benefits"_ In 2012 and 2011, the Group recorded a liability for employee benefits based on the assessment of PT Eldridge cunapdma Solution, an independent actuary, in its report dated 29 April 20'13 and 20 April 2012 for the Company and PT 02 Technologies, Subsidiary, April 15 2013 to PT Computrade Technology Indonesia, Subsidiary, and PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang, Subsidiary, using the "Projected Unit Credit'method. Assumptions that used in 2012 and 2011 are as follow: 20'12 Discounl rate Wages and salary increase Mortality rate Retrement a9e 2011 6.90k 7.0o/o -1999 55 years ofage TMt- 40 8.0% 7.SYo TMr-fl-1999 55 years ofage This oiginal consolidaled financial statemenl included herein is in the lndonesian langtage- PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {CONTiNUEd) YEARS ENOEO DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in Rupiah, unless olheawige atatod) 23. EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT LlABlLlTlEs (contlnued) -- Employees benefit liabilities recognized in the consolidated statements of financial position consist of: 2012 The present value Unrecognized actuarial gains 6,682,675,000 Net V.luo of Liabilities 7 1,140,200,000 ,822,87 5,000 20'11 3,674,530,000 1,972,246,000 5,646,?76,000 Employees' benefit expenses recognized in the consolidated statements of comorehensive income are as follows: 2012 Current service cost Interest expense Amo ization of actuarial losses Employees' transfer cost lmmediate recognition of vested past service cost 2,1A6,442,000 293,971,000 (140,459,000) (163,855,000) 1,564,079,000 296,317,000 (18,613,000) (143,862,000) (120,617,000) Prior yeaa adjustment 2,176,099,000 Employoes' Benef it Expenses 2011 1,577,304,000 Changes in employees benefit liabilities for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 ate as followsl 2012 E 2011 Eeginning of the yea. Additionalduring the current year 5,646,776,000 2,'176,099,000 4,069,472,000 1,577,304,000 Ending of the Year 7,A22,875,000 5,646,776,000 = = 24, CAPITAL STOCK Based on the Statement of Directors Anabatic Technologies that notarized by the Notarial Deed of ltlyra Yuwono, S.H., No. 1l dated l\rarch 3, 2011, the composition shareholders of the Company in 2012 and 2011are as follows: Number of Shares lssued and = ShareholdeJs Handoko Anindya Tanuadji PT Flaminggo l\4andiri PT Sam Investama Handojo Sutjipto A.F. Warsito Hans Tanudjaia PT MultiSarana Edukasi Rosy l\4erianti Tanuadji Andrian Anindya Tanuadii 17,358,000 8,042,000 1,782,600 1.750,000 1.500,000 1.350,000 1,130,400 900,000 687,000 Total 34,500,000 PT Artha Investama Jaya r r F Fully Paid 41 PercEntago of Owne.ghiD Amount 1.99o/o 8,679,000,000 4,021,000,000 891,300,000 875,000,000 750,000,000 675,000,000 565,200,000 450,000,000 343,500,000 100.00% r7,250,000,000 50.31% 23.31% 5.17% 5.07% 4.35% 3.910/o 3.28o/o 2.61% h ; This onginal consoliclated nnancial statement incluclecl herein is in the Indonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 3I, 2012 ANO 2OI1 r rF . (Expressed in Rupiah, un1e38 otherwise stated) 25. ADDITIONAL PAID IN CAPITAL - NET In 2012 and 2011, thas account represents lhe excess of paid in capital from the issuance of share caprtal 25. DtVtDENO Based on statement of shareholders decision No.5 dated August 24, 2012, the Company shareholders agreeing the distribution of a dividends amounting to Rp 4.'100.000.000 which is divided in two (2) phases amounting to Rp 2 600 000 000 in February 2012 and Rp 1.500.000.000 in August 2012 issued by cash to shareholders. Eased on news events, Meeting No. 082iGMS/LGL/2012. CTI dated June 11, 2012, the CTI shareholders, Subsidiary, agreeing to distribute dividends amounting to Rp 400,000 per share or in total amounting to Rp According the decision outside the general meeting of shareholders in as a substitute for annual general meeting of shareholders {AGIV) dated March 5, 2012, the shareholders of PT Synergy Media inlegration,Subsidiary, agreeing the distribution of a dividend amounting to Rp, was issued by cash to shareholders. SALES Details of the sales are as follows: 2012 2011 1,702,785,912,090 1,139,414.347,640 Product SeNice 246,0t6,104.213 Rent Others 294,210,806,002 124,162,735,425 329,007,667 268,114,465.181 1,081,012,160 Total 2,244,093,434,465 1,532,020,555,913 COST OF SALES Details of the cost ot sales are as follows: 2012 = = 2011 Product SeNice Others 1,539,322,617 ,873 166,513,180,84s 1,023,110,046,710 249,516,833,390 221,037,s16,900 Total 1,955,352,632,108 1,326,724,984,7 42 82,577,421,132 29. OPERATING EXPENSE - SELLING F = 20.12 BP Reward Training and seminar Advertisin9 and promotion Others 5,659,759,098 3,886,890,231 2,837,936,354 1,695,394,660 Total 14,079,980,343 = = = E 42 2011 3,933,626,657 2.282,559,632 1.156,841,431 2,840 ,532,230 10,213,559,950 This oiginal consoliclated linancial slalemenl tncludeci herein is in lhe lnclonesian language. E PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwi6E stated) 30. OPERATING EXPENSE - GENERAL ANO ADMINISTRATIVE 2011 2012 110 ,205.426 ,538 7 ,979 ,387 ,622 Salades and allowances Depreciation (Note 11) = 7,946,206,511 Rent Transportation Professional fee tnsurance Post, communication phone Representation and donation Employees benefits (Note 23) Jamsostek Tax 6,551,532,692 4,642,397.818 4,559,959,358 2,555 ,216 ,457 2,551,009,042 2,176,099,000 1 1 .324 ,324 ,77 8 .293 ,442,524 1,124,539,269 1,111,063,459 Lrcenses Training and seminar Repair and maintenance Office supplies Bad debts expense Others (each below Rp 500 millions) ,010 ,497 ,042 8,125,368,296 5,961.526,769 4,641,864,881 2,129.090,533 3,084.694,351 2,492,999,362 1,916,389,035 1,577,304,000 854,474,297 1 ,27 0 ,831 ,794 616,917,640 1,770,805,190 992,OA1,282 1,502,134,742 979,458,355 471,884,124 6,197,846,147 2,370 ,067 ,443 '162,661,874,976 Total 71 1,137,059,136 3,990,586,479 t't4,452,610,990 31. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS .. PT IBM lndonesla On March 23, 2006, the Company has entered into Business Panner Agreement with PT IBM Indonesia, which the Company has the right to distribute iseries l8M, and IBM Integrated Technology Services. Since 2011, the Company must buy lBl{ iseries from the distributors that appointed by PT lBlvl lndonesia. On January 15, 2003, PT Computerade Technology International (CTl) has entered into Business Partner Agreement with PT IBM Indonesia, where the Company obtained distribution, sales, and seNices rights of IBM pseries, IBM xseries, IBM Storage, lBlvl iseries, lBl\4 Point-of-Sales and lBl\4 Software. Based on extension agreement dated February '17, 2010, lBl\4 extended the term of this agreement until December 31, 2010. In connection with the Group's reorganisation planning, CTI transferred distribution right ot IBM Products to PT Blue Power Technology (BPT), Subsidiary = through CTI PT Blue Power Technology (BPT), Subsidiary, entered into an agreement with PT l8M Indonesia in the form of the IBM Business Parlner Agreement, which the BPT has the right to distribute, sell back, and provide services in the form of product seNice IBM Storage, IBM xseries, lBLil pseries , lBl\4 iseries, lBlvl Point-of-Sales (POS), and IBM Softwa.e, Pure Flex. Agreement is valid for two years, commencing from Aptil2,2012 unlil Aptil2,2014. b. PT Oracle lndonesia On February 19, 2003, CTI has entered into Partner Network Value Oracle Added Distribution Agreement wath PT Oracle Indonesia, where CTI obtained distribution right of Oracle programme to the end users with addition ot certain term and conditional package. Based on extension agreement dated January 30, 2009, this agreement will expire on January 30,2012. In connectaon with the Group reorganization. CTI transferred ihe distribution right of Oracle products to PT Central Data Technology (CDT), Subsidiary, through CTl. 43 This oiginal consolidabd nnancial statement nclucled herein is in lhe lnclonesian language PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NoTEs TO CONSOLIoAfED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continuod) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31.2012 AND 201I (Expressed in Rupiah, unleas otherwisc statod) 31. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS (continued) b. PT Oracle Indonesia (continued) On January 19, 2012, CDT has entered into Coope.ation Agreement as Distributor with PT Oracle Indonesia, where CDT has given right to distributes Oracle programme in Indonesia. This agreement willexpire on January 19, 2015. c. Fortinet Inte.national, Inc. On March 29, 2004, CTI has entered into Business Partner Agreement with Fortinet International, Inc., where CTI obtained distribution right of Fortinets products. Based on the extension agreement on March 1, 2006, this agreement will expire on March '1, 2007. The extension agreement for 1 (one) year until March 2008 has been automatically extended by Fortinet without written notice. In connection'with the Grcup s reorganization plan, CTI transferred this dist.ibution right to PT Virtus Technology Indonesia (VTl), Subsidiary through CTl. On March 19, 2012, PT Virtus Technology International (VTl), Subsidiary, signed a distributor agreement with Fortinet Inc., which VTI have the right to distribute Fortinet Inc. products. This agreement willterminate ifeilher pany gives notice ol termination of employment letter. d. Software Dynamic Sdn. Bhd. On lvlay 1, 2003, CTI has entered into Eusiness Partner Agreement with Dynamic Software Sdn. Bhd., where CTI obtained distribution right of lvlicro Focus products and non-exclusive right tor marketing and reselling sofiwares product in Indonesia region. This agreement valid tor 1 (one) year since the effective date and can be extended without written notice In connection with the Group s reogranisation plan, CTI transferred this distribution right to VTl. o, Rod Hat Asia P.cific Pte. Ltd. On July 1, 2005, CTI has entered jnto dist.ibution agreement with Red Hat Asia Pasific Pte. Ltd, where CTI obtained distribution right of Red Hat's products in Indonesia region. This agreement is = valid tor 1 (one) year since the effective date and can be extended without wrinen notice. In connection with the Group s reorganization plan, CTI transferred this distribution right to VTl. f. Double-Take Software, Inc On June 7, 2007, CTI entered into distribution agreement with Double-Take Software, Inc, where CTI obtained distribution right and Software licenses of oouble-Take softwares in Indonesia region. This agreement is valid since the singing date on June 14, 2007. This agreement is valid for I (one) year since the effective date and can be extended without written notice. In connection with the Group's reorganization plan, CTI transferred this product distribution right to Wl. g. PT Huawoi Toch Investment On July 28, 2012, VTl, Subsidiary, has entered into Cooperation Agrcement as distributor with PT Huawei Tech Investment, where VTl obtained dist.ibution right of Huawei's products in lndonesia. This agreement willexpire on July 28, 2013 h. EMC Intormation Syslem Intemational On October 1, 2009, Wl, Subsidiary, has entered into Cooperation Agreement as distributor with EMC Information System International. where VTI obtained distribution right of Huawei products in Indonesia. This agreement will be valid for 1 (one) year since the effective date and can be extended without written notice 44 fhis oiginal consolidated linancial statement included herein is in lhe lnclonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATEO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continUed} YEARS ENDED OECEMEER 3'I, 2012 ANO 2O'I'I (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS (continued) l. Temenos On September 1, 2006, the Company has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as ihe main partner for the implemenlation of marketing and program s!pport Temenos. The iilou is valid tor 7 (seven) years from the date of the memorandum of understanding and to be fully implemented by the both parties. j. Hewlett-Packard South East Asia On 4 April 2008, the Company has entered into Cooperation Agreement that the Company obiained right to distribute products of Hewlett-Packard to various regions. This Agreement begins on the effective date and remain etfective until it has terminated. Each party can not dismiss this agreemenl at any time with'out giving a time period to the other party for 7 (seven) days after writlen notice is sent. lf the distrjbutor does not follow the available programmes within 12 (twelve) months, then this agreement will be automatically terminated. K. SAP AG On October'1. 2008, the Company hes entered into Cooperation Agreement with SAP AG, that the Company able to provide seNices such as consulting services, and/or implemenlation of software that serves a variety of industries This agreemenl will be automatically extended without any notice. l. Filenet On May 31, 2007, the Company received a notification letter from FileNet Corporation which since the date of October'12, 2006 became a subsidiary from l8M. Based on this lette., FileNet states that all transactions beMeen the Company and FaleNet are under "Doing Busjness with lBlV". m. Finarch APAC Pte. Ltd. On 15 April 2009, the Company has enlered into Disiributor Agreement with Finarch APAC Pte. Ltd. The Company develops the market share, supports the Business Intelligence and financial reporting and comprchensive software analysis that enable the financial institution produces varlety reports and analysis that needed. In this case, distributoa expect the Company to distribute = the software products with the terms and conditions apply. The ierm of this agreement stans on the effective date and remain effective until lhe period of 1 (one) year unless terminaled eadier by either party, and will be automatically extended tor anothe. one {1) year at least, until either party provides notification letter to the other party to stop the renewal of this agreement at least 8 (eight) days before the expiration of 1 (one) year period or after 1 (one) yea. period. n. Hewlett-Packard lndonosia On November 2, 2009, the Company has entered into a cooperation agreement with HewlettPackard Indonesia as a business partner for Hewlett-Packard commercial products. HewlettPackard guarantees all tools and equipment against damage to all products by issuing warranty card from PT Hewlett-Packard Berca Servisindo or PT Hewlett-Packard Indonesia Thjs waranty period ranged from 12 (twe ve) to 36 (thirty six) months depending on the type of the product. This agreement expires on October 31, 20'10 and has been rcnewed until now. 45 F E This oiginal consoliclated linancial slatemenl included hercin is in lhe lndonesian language. F PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENDEO DECEMBER 3I.2012 AND 2OII E = E F (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS (continued) o. VMware Inte.national Limited, lreland. On January 10, 2012, VTl, Subsidiary, signed a distributor agreement with VMwarc Intemational Limited, which has the rights to distribule VTI VMware products. This agrcement will expire on E April30,2013. p. Google Enlerp.iso, Singapo.e. On October 31, 2012, l/rl, Subsidiary, signed a distributor agreement with Google Enterprise, which has the rights to distribute VTl Google Enterprise products. This agreement will expire on F October 31, 2013. q. Thalos Transport & Security Ltd., Hongkong On December 27, 2012, VTl, Subsidiary, signed a distribulor agreement with Thales Transport & Security Ltd. (Hongkong), which have the right to distribute VTl products Thales Transpo.t & Security Ltd. (Hongkong). This Agreement will terminate if either party gives notice of termination ofemployment letter. 32. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT In its daily business activities, the Group is exposed to sk. The main risk force by the Group arising from its financial instrument are credit risk, foreign exchange currency risk, liquidity risk and capital management risk. The Group s management oversees risk management ot these risks. Credit risk Credit risk is the rask that a third pady wall not meet ils liabilities by financial instrument or customer contract, leading to tinancial losses. Group exposed to credit risk frcm operating activities and financing activities, including deposits at banks, foreign exchange transactions and other financial instruments. Credit risk mainly from trade receivables from customers. Customer credit risk is managed by each business unit in accordance with the policies, paocedures, and control of the Group relating to the management of customer credit risk. Credit limits are determaned for all customers based on internal assessment criteria. Customer receivable balances are monitored on a regular basis by the aelevant business units. The following table provides information regarding the caedit limit taced by the Group on December 31, 2012 and 20111 2012 2011 Trade receivables Other receivables 414,547,025,859 ,313 ,235.927 336,102,391,237 46,728,394.881 Total 488,860,261,786 382,830,786,118 74 Forcign Curroncy Exchangc Rate Risk Foreign currency risk is the risk in terms of fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument due to changes in exchange rates of foreign currencies. The effect of changes in the risk of forejgn currency exchange rates primarily from the Group's operating activities. Exposure to exchange rate fluctuations on lhe Group derived from the exchange rate between the toreign currencies to Rupiah The following is a monetary asset position in loreign currencies as of oecember 31, 2012 and 2011: 46 This original consolidated financial s/alement inctuded hercin is in the lnclonesian language PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES ANO SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLTDATED FtNANCtAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEARS ENOED OECEMBER 31, 2OI2 AND 2011 (Expressed in Rupiah, unless othe.wise gtated) 32. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (conrinued) E F F F F tr F Foreign Cu.rency Exchange Rate Risk (continued) 2012 2011 Rp Cash ahd cash equivatents usD Rp 11,208,704 29,456 1.253 108.389,033.865 377,335,819 12.562,816 7.a78 9450.360 EUR AUD HKO SGD 74 583.545 uso 6,982.145 EUR 2.308 AUO 1,254 HKD sGD 41 i08,788,960,405 288,039 63,472,334,938 I F 63,433,416,773 27,091,687 11,538,439 Foreian Curencv Sensitivitv I . d€scribes.rhe Company's sensitivity to a incrcase and decrease in I-!:,-f9ll9yi9 rcrergn currencies transrated at the statement Rupjah against of financiar position date. 1oo/o is the sensitivity rattused when reportang internally the foreign currency risk to key management personnel and this represents managements assessmenl of a reasonable possible change in foreign exchange €tes. lf Rupiah strengthens by 10% against lhe foreign currencies, the amount In comprehengve Income tor the year ended December 31. 2012 woutd have decreasect by Rp 10,878,896,6i.j, whereas, if Rupiah ::_"lj.l-" 1glst the loreign_currencies, there woutd'be an equat and opposite exchange the Increase ,9y,19"4 In comprehensive income The impact of the above change in exchange rale of Ruiiah to foreign currencies is mainry the resurt of change In the farr varue 6f foreign currincres denominated f inancial liabilities. Llquidlty Rbk Liquidity risk is lhe risk to which the croup was not abre to meet its riabirities when due. Ivanagement evaluate and _close moniloring of cash inflows (cash_in) and cash outflow (cash_out) to ensure the availability of funds to meet the payment needs of maturing riabirities. In generar, the need to fund the repayment of short-term liabilities and long{erm maturities derived from siles to customers. The table below shows the maturity profite of the Group,s financiat tiabilities based on contractual unorscounled payments on December 31. 2012 .193.672's35''3r Thnd P&ti.3 R.r.t.d p.nr.t Ohr @iv.br.! lhin p.ni.t Our.3$t. ronr^.nt 10 ?5r,3€O,2r .3tr,t1l€r,r6, 47 t 1 = E E E = E This oiginal consolidaled linancial statemenl included herein is in lhe lndonesian language. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continuod) YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,2012 AND 2O1I (Exprossed in Rupiah, unloss othorwiso stated) 32. FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Llquidity Risk (continued) = = E E E E E E E E E E 15 E E E E E E E E ____:?j!.!_q! t3.,!!q6r,.2rr (3r,720,256,Drt tro6,(r.or5,5nt = E The main objective of the GroLip's capital management is to ensure the maintenance Group high credit ratings and healthy capital ratios to support the business and maximize the rcturn to shareholders. The Group's management manages the capitial structure and make adjustments, based on changes in economic conditions. To maintain and adjust lhe capital skucture, the Group may elect to adjust the dividend payment to shareholders. No changes were made in the obiectives, policies or processes durang the periods presented. The Group's policy is to maintain healthy capitai latios in order to secure financing at a reasonable cost. 33. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The table below is a comparison of the carying amount and the fair value of the Company's linancial inslruments are recorded in the consolidated financial statements. 2012 2011 C;r'rfio-------- Carrying Ahount 193,672,885,137 193.672.885.137 404,295,145,648 404,295,145,648 10,251,880,211 10.251 .880.21 7,635.354,E70 66.677.8E1.057 7,635,354 870 66.677,881,057 13,901 506,620 4,350,296,494 13 901.506 620 1 _29!,@9!r. 4.350.296.494 700,78i1,950,037 = E = tr7a,!r7,9r0,25ll Capital Management Risk = E tr2t,5.r,26,2r6) 48 ;ir valua 95,551.108,405 95.551,108,405 330,177,574.140 330,177,574,140 5,924,817,097 5.924,617 ,O97 1,823,964,155 44,904.430.726 3,627,200.000 13.096,431.729 2,666.245.915 _w_ 1,823,964,155 44,904.430,726 3,627,200,000 13,096,431,729 2,688,245,915 _w!ry 3 3 3 This onginal consolidaled financial slalemenl included herein ts in lhe lnclonesian lanwage. PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIOIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIOATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {continued) YEARS ENDED OECEI{BER 31, 2OI2 AND 2011 p F F P P F F P F F F F P 3 3 3 3 (Expressed in Rupiah, unless otherwiso atated) 33. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT lcontinugd) 2011 2012 carrying crrrylng Flnanclal Llabilltl€3 Shodlem bank loans Third parties 396.272.372.184 396,272 372.140 231,845.150,569 231,645,150,569 '177 177 ,660 467 .226 432 033,562 122.845,206,006 1.600,780.376 122,846,206,006 1,600,780,376 22 151.962 555 8,496.960,630 8496,960,830 752,389,391 162.196.279,407 1 ,6A8 722,742 11 ,OA2,322,107 456.784,372 537 65€.094 752,389,391 162,196,279,407 1 ,688,722,742 11 ,082,322,107 456,788.372 537.655.094 .664.467 .226 432.033.562 zr't,ol, zus., ro 1,751.633.31? Longlem bank loans 6,522,364,606 240,424,444 1,034.413,296 Llabllltlo! _p41939!9,?!g 271 .037 .255.110 1.751,633,312 6.522,364,606 240,428,448 1.034.413,296 877.1 02,e30.2e5 F F, 7 F, _:@!!1 541 ,503,255,Ee4 Fair value cash and cash equivalents, kade receivables, other receivables, restricted deposits, shortterm bank loans, trade payables, other payables, and accrued expenses approximate to their carrying amounts largely due to their short-term matu ties. Fair value of long-term bank loans, financing payables. and lease payables approximate to its fair value because floating interest rate from financiat statement depends on adjustment from bank or credators Fair vaiue of due from related parties, due to related parties, and other assets recorded as histodcal cost because its fair value can not be reliablv estimated lt is not practical to estimate the tair value of these assets because ihere is no definite time period even though payment is not expected to be completed within 12 months after the date ofthe consolidated statements offinancial position. 34. NONCASH TRANSACTION Invesling activities which not affecting cash and cash equivalents are as follows: il P Falr Vrluo 2012 Additions of fixed assets through finance payables Additions offixed asssets from lease payables Reclassification of building from assets under construction to direct ownership Reclassification cost of vehicles from lease payables to direct ownershrp Reclassification accumulated depreciation of vehicles from lease payables to direct ownership 2011 663,419,690 303,856,000 911,000,000 946,442,000 3 ,415,288,125 2,760,409,818 788,137,E06 35. ISSUANCE OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS The Indonesian Institute of Accountants has issued the followng revised PSAK. ISAK and Revocation Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (PPSAK). These standards will be applicable to financial slatements with annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013: 1. PSAK No. 38 (revised 20'1 'l ), "Business Combinations of Entities Under Common Control". 2.ISAK No. 21, "Agreemenls for Construction for Real Estate" 3. PPSAK No. 10, "Withdrawalof PSAK 51: Quasi-Reorganization Accounting . ISAK and above PPSAK has no relevance to the Group's activities to date, while for the possible impact ofthe adoption of PSAK No. 38, if any, are still being eval!ated and can not be determined49 3 3 fhis original consolidaled fnencial slabmenl included hercin is in the lndonesian languago. @ PT ANABATIC TECHNOLOGIES AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO coNSOLIoATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (contlnued) YEARS ENOEO DECEMBER 3I,2O'I2 AND 201I P p 3 3 P 3 3 F' F, F (Erpressed in Rupiah, unlsse othorwise stated) 36. SUBSEOUENT EVENT PT Bank Based R€ona Pordania {Perdanla) on the Letter of Credit Agreement Amendment No. 060284FLH, No. Based on the Letter of Crcdit Agreement Amendment No. 060354R1H, dated 16 April 2013, PT Bank Resona Perdania agreed to extend the term of the loan PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang, Subsidiary, untilApril 16, 20'14. PT Bank Pe.mata Tbk (Pqrmata) Based on the Changes in ths Provision ot Banking Credit Facility Agreement No. 222|BP|CRC- WB^r'/2013 dated May 22. 2013, PT Bank Perrnata Tbk (Permata) agreed to extend the facilities ot the Company until lvarch 25, 2014. v<t 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 <, 3 3 3 50 I 060285F1H, No. 080154RLH, and No. 080155F1H, dated Febtuary 27,2013, PT Bank Resona Perdania agreed to extend the term of the loan PT Karyaputra Suryagemilang, Subsidiary, unlil Febtlary 27,2014.