BEST LEGAL PRACTICES IN DESIGNING HR FORMS, NOTICES AND CONTRACTS MINIMIZE THE RISK OF LABOR LITIGATION AND IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING LABOR DISPUTE Topic Coverage for Day One: Wednesday, July 27, 2016 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Pre-employment Forms and Contracts I. HR and Labor Laws II. Concept of Employer-employee relationship III. Risks of labor dispute a. Demoralization b. Unrecoverable Cost c. Bad precedent d. Impact on reputation IV. HR as first line of defense against labor cases V. Pre-Employment forms and documents a. Manpower specifications b. Job descriptions c. Regular employment vs. temporary employment i. Permanent employment ii. Casual iii. Project iv. Seasonal v. Fixed-term vi. Other forms of employment d. Table of organization and Position titles i. Managerial employees ii. Supervisory employees iii. Rank and File employees e. Application Forms f. Employment checklist i. Importance of checklist ii. Compliance with items in checklist as condition precedent to employment iii. Non-compliance with checklist in relation to insubordination g. h. i. j. Medical results Offer letter Appointment letter Effects of Falsification in employment documents VI. General principles of contracts a. Concept of contract in general b. Basic elements of a contract in general i. Consent ii. Object iii. Consideration c. Nature of employment contract i. It is imbued with public interest ii. Public policy iii. Employment contract not in writing iv. Effects of written vs. verbal contract 1. Absence of a written copy of the contract does not negate existence of contract of employment v. How the courts view employment contracts 1. Contracts shall be obligatory in whatever form they have been entered into, provided all essential requisites for validity are present d. Other circumstances which may prove presence of employment relationship i. Issuance of ID ii. Issuance of pay slip, cash vouchers, etc., as proof of salary iii. Daily time record iv. Reporting of employee to SSS, Philhealth, etc. v. Job description vi. Nature of work e. Parts of an employment contract, in general: i. Title ii. Announcement iii. Parties iv. Consideration v. Responsibilities/obligations vi. Signature vii. Acknowledgment f. Standard provisions of an employment contract i. Purposes and intents (Whereas clauses) ii. Commencement date iii. Provisions on labor standards benefits 1. Inclusion/ Exclusion rule 2. Exclusion from labor standards benefits of managerial employees and other officers and members of managerial staff 3. Concept of field personnel, workers paid by results, etc. 4. Hours of work 5. Overtime 6. Rest day 7. Holiday pay 8. Service incentive leave a. Vacation leave b. Sick/Emergency leave 9. Service charges 10. 13th month pay, etc. 11. Other leave benefits: Gynecological, VAWC, Parental, Maternity, Paternity, etc. 12. Benefits above the mandated provisions of law iv. Company rules and regulations 1. Rule on incorporation of documents v. Non-disclosure/Confidentiality vi. Non-compete 1. Rules for validity 2. Duration 3. Time 4. Industry vii. Intellectual property ownership (Copyright, invention, etc.) viii. Termination clause 1. Failure to qualify 2. Just Cause (Article 282) 3. Authorized Cause (Article 283 and Article 284) 4. Other causes under the Labor Code (Art. 263 [g]; Art. 264 [a]) ix. Resignation 1. 30-day prior notice rule 2. Involuntary servitude; Oppression of employer 3. Liquidated damages x. Retirement clause (Art. 287, Labor Code) 1. Optional 2. Compulsory 3. Retirement Fund xi. Clause on withholding of final pay xii. Authority to deduct from final pay xiii. Clause on satisfaction of clearance and other exit documents Topic Coverage for Day Two: Thursday, July 28, 2016 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Sample Employment Contracts, Dismissal and Exit Forms I. Types of employment contract: a. Probationary i. Concept of probationary employment ii. Six-month probationary rule iii. How to extend probationary beyond six months iv. Reasonable standards v. Apprising newly hired with reasonable standards 1. When to notify employee of the standards for regularization 2. Concept of “failure to qualify” 3. Important provisions in drafting probationary employment contract 4. Sample of Probationary contract a. Why is the sample best legal practice? b. Regularization contract i. Article 280 of the Labor Code in relation to Article 279 on Security of Tenure ii. Concept of “regular from day one” iii. Performance of directly-related duties iv. Sample Regularization contract 1. Why is the sample best legal practice? c. Project employment i. What is project employment? ii. Exception from regularization iii. Requisites of a valid project employment contract iv. Indicators of valid project employment v. Sample Project employment contract 1. Why is the sample best legal practice? d. Seasonal employment contract i. Nature of seasonal employment ii. Regular seasonal employee iii. Sample Seasonal employment contract 1. Why is the sample best legal practice? e. Fixed-Term Employment i. Elements of valid fixed-term contract 1. Knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon 2. Absence of moral dominance 3. Expiration clause f. Casual Employment i. Temporary activities ii. Concept of necessary and desirable in the usual business or trade of employer iii. Effect of at least one (1) year of service iv. Sample Casual employment contract 1. Why is the sample best legal practice? g. Part-time employment i. Best legal practices ii. Sample Part-time employment contract 1. Why is the sample best legal practice? h. i. j. k. Concept of acting capacity Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES) Apprenticeship Learnership II. Training Bond a. Holding period after training b. Charging of training expenses c. Reimbursement of cost for failure to observe holding period III. Rules in case of dispute over contracts a. Grievance procedure with/ without a union b. Voluntary arbitration c. Single Entry Approach IV. Mandatory conciliation mediation under RA 10396 (March 14, 2013) inserting Article 228 in the Labor Code V. Disciplinary Forms and Notices VI. Review of basic principles and rules: a. Discipline as a management prerogative b. Security of Tenure for employees c. Two aspects of due process i. Substantive ii. Procedural d. Just cause for dismissal and other provisions allowing termination for lawful cause i. Article 282 of the Labor Code ii. Article 263 (g) iii. Article 264 (a) e. Grounds for dismissal under Article 282 i. Serious misconduct ii. Insubordination iii. Gross and habitual neglect of duty iv. Fraud or willful breach of trust v. Other analogous causes f. Procedural due process i. Twin requirements: 1. Notice 2. Hearing ii. Two-Notice rule: 1. Notice to Explain (NTE) or Show-cause memo (SCM) a. Article 277 of the Labor Code b. King of Kings Transport Inc. vs. Mamac 2. Final Notice of Dismissal iii. Hearing/conference 1. Notice of conference 2. Minutes of conference 3. Rules during hearing/conference VII. Drafting the NTE a. Statement of charge/s b. Narration of facts c. What to avoid i. Prejudgment ii. Conclusion of facts iii. Conclusion of law d. Period to submit reply e. Statement of consequence for failure to submit reply i. Failure to submit explanation is insubordination ii. Insubordination as a separate offense to the instant charge f. NTE coupled with preventive suspension i. Concept of preventive suspension ii. 30-day max rule iii. Rules on extension (inclusion in payroll; notice, etc.) iv. Constructive dismissal g. Drafting preventive suspension notice h. Drafting extension of preventive suspension VIII. Drafting notices to explain for: a. Theft b. Falsification IX. Drafting notice of conference a. Time, date, venue b. Desired counsel or support person c. Statement of consequence for failure to attend hearing X. Drafting final notice of dismissal a. Statement of facts b. Establishing receipt of notices and holding of hearing/conference c. Applicable rule/s, law/s d. Application of law to the facts e. Final notice of dismissal f. Clause stating “without prejudice to filing of civil or criminal case” g. Enforcing withholding clause prior to satisfaction of exit documents h. Enforcing deduction from final pay XI. Specific rules in drafting notices for AWOL a. Order to report for work immediately b. Statement of consequence: “deemed to have abandoned employment” XII. Suspension as a penalty a. Procedural due process the same as dismissal b. Suspension as a penalty vs. preventive suspension c. Imposing preventive suspension and suspension as a penalty in the same offense d. Drafting notice of suspension as a penalty XIII. Drafting acceptance of resignation a. Rule as to resignation under Article 285 b. Acceptance: marginal notes and verbal acceptance vs. acceptance in writing XIV. Drafting notices not involving the penalty of dismissal XV.CBA provisions a. Salient items in the CBA XVI. Acceptance of resignation XVII. Clearance form XVIII. Release, Waiver and Quitclaim XIX. Notice of bona fide suspension of operation a. Notice of resumption of operation b. Notice of resumption of work XX.Compromise agreement in labor cases XXI. Tips in drafting any form of employment documents For inquiries, please call Center for Global Best Practices: Manila lines (+632) 556-8968 or 69 Manila Telefax (+632) 842-7148 or 59 Baguio line (+63 74) 423-5148 Cebu lines (+63 32) 512-3106 or 07 To download registration form and to see other upcoming seminars, check