Proses Penyusunan Laporan Arus Kas PT. Rimba Profil

PT. Rimba Profil is a company that engaged in wood industry that located
in Highway Kandeman Km. 9, Batang. These company processes timbers into
furniture products are ready for sale. The writer intends to know the process of
the cash flow statement drafting on PT. Rimba Profil, find out problems that
occurred and provide useful solutions to minimize problems during the process of
drafting a cash flow statement. After doing an internship for three months, from
Mei up to July 2011 as an accounting, The conclusion that drawn by the writer on
the process of drafting a cash flow statement PT. Rimba profil is each part
associated with the process of drafting a cash flow statement has their own duty
and responsibility that creating a good control, complete archives of transaction
evidence, and documents used are adequate. While the main problems
experienced is the drafting of cash flow statement takes a long time. This can be
resolved by changing the statements of cash flows to be computerized.
Key Word: Process of Cash Flow Statement