دانلود کتاب اشتباهات رایج در آیلتس سطح متوسط

••• Pauline Cullen
mistakes at
rr 1"
... and how to avoid them
e .." ,-!buT rUn
1 11M. m..., any ~ dOl'S Ilohouki _,~
2 JiIrwuI.. or plurDl' 6
3 I\'t.kh nouns don' ...."" a plullll ft)nnl 1
Test 1
1110" do I use tho pre",,,! ,hnl'.I.,lScl
I kwr do I "Tile large numbe..1
~1J 1'h ... ~"
Test 2
\llkllt..! .. II"prontKuliJlo>uldlusef
Iktoo do I choooe benottn #lid, but and ""
AwJIbty ...m.
Test 3
II"",dol, ... moo.I "',1>81
\'.,bo afl .... dj...,j,,,,,
Test 4
.n" ","poohion.
13 'n..1f'I'\Bd or In/\nl,lIuft..../ktoi', ,"",w. - t•. ..,...ur
14 51"", try,j'orJrr.oo """",btr 2ti
15 1'rfpolJ1Io", ott... adjectl,.... and nouns 27
Test 5
1'''pu>i11011S ofI...... bo
1'rtf'l)SI'ktnil.lr I;mund pl.<:tt
~ prq>o>ltlon of
Test 6
How do I make a verb passive?
When do I use the passive?
What is register?
Test 7
1 Tick the correct sentence In each pair.
a In the US'" this situation IS totally differen t
b In USA t IM situation is totally different
2 a The table sho~ 11Ur.ber of people working in Sr-itain in 1975.
b The table shovr-l the f'IUfDber of people working rl BNtain 111 1916.
We use rlie
Noun or adjective?
• with countries or places where the name refers to a group of islands or states: the
United States, the Middle East, the United Arab emirates, the UK
Verb confusion 1 - courses and study
Verb confusion 2 - describing charts and figures
Verb confusion 3 - money and problems
Noun confusion 1 - money and work
Test 9
Adjectives and adverbs
Test 8
Are there any special times I should use the?
We don't use the
• with a single country or place: Am erica, Eng/a l/d, Ch ina
to talk about something in general. We use the plural if we are talking about
something in general: we use tIle to identify one specific example, Compare:
People with reading difficullies often have problems willi ",mtbers.
Tile 1II1111ber eiglJt is considered lucky ill some coulIlries.
Noun confusion 2 - advertising, travel and young people
When do I need to lise an apostrophe?
COlll mon spelling errors
Test 10
2 Correct the mistake below,
same as mine.
Your hairstyle is ........................................ .
Answer key
with superlatives: the best, the lo ngest, the highest
with cardinal numbers: tile fi rst, the second, the illint
when there is only one in the world: theellvirollmem, the imemet, the SItIl
to refer to the only one in this particular area: (he govemmelll, tile police, tIle river
in the phrase: the same as
3 Complete the sentences below using the words in brackets, OCi;lde whether or not
to use ille, or whether to use the plura],
The main advantage of ...................................... is that it gives us access to
information from all over the world. (illlemet)
My fath er has fished in ........................................ all over Austmlia. (river)
Life in ................................ ....... is very different from li fe in my country. (America)
According to the graph, .........
... of people moving into the city each
year has more than doubled. (nu mber)
................. .... as the total figure for \982. (same)
The total figure for 1976 was .....
Obesity is much more common in ........... .
................. than in my country. (USA)
increase occurred in \999. (gfMlest)
The graph shows that ................... .
....................................... travels around ....................................... at a speed of 3, 700
kilometres per hour. (mOQn, earth)
Singular or plural?
Which nouns don't have a plural form?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each palr.
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair,
1 don't have man[,' time to complete my assignment
b I don't have much time to complete Ill!! a55ignment
I a There are several problem with this idea.
b There ape several problems with this ideo.
2 a Man!.' charity organisotions Pf'0vide a great deal of help.
b Many cnority organisation provides a great deal of help.
2 a When I did a search on m[,' compoteI'. I CO<JId only find a few informations aboot the topiC.
Uyou use a plural nOUll, you must lise a plural verb. The verb must 'agree' with the
Some nouns in English are 'uncountable'. TIlis means they do not have a plural form.
Some common uncountable nouns are: advice, advertising, food, furniture, garbage,
information, knowledge, money, shopping, time, traffic, travel.
In my country tlrereare very few cars that use leaded petrol. (plural verb + plural noun)
, like studying during the day bur my friend prefers studyingal night. (singular noun +
singular verb)
We use a plural noun with:
• plural verbs: are, were, have. do, play, etc.: There are a lot o/books on the table.
• numbers greater than one: 30 cars. 100 sludents
• many. It is a nnoying that so many buses drive past because they areful!.
• the number of The lll/mOOro/buses 011 OU f roads has increased each year.
Note that we use a plural noun but a singular verb after the number of
We use a Singular noun with:
• singular verbs: is, was, has, does, plays, etc.: There is only one bedroom ill the jk1t.
• alan or one: a car, one st!ldent
Note that some nouns can look plural but are singular (news, mathematics) and
some nouns have a differelll form in the plural (children, men, womell, people).
2 Correct the mistake below,
The number of woman
studying science,
increased dramatically
last year.
b When 1 did a seorch on m[,' computer,] CO<JId only find a little informat ion abotJt the topic.
With uncountable nouns, you must use:
• the singular form: food, information, money
a little I amount of I much I some: How much money do you have?
The amount o/traffic on the roads is increasing each year.
• a singular verb: Tllere was already a little f"rnihlre in the jk1t.
If a noun is uncountable, you cannot use:
• a plural.fonn: ~,fll rRiHife5, garbages, info rm.flti()RS, kll()lt/ledges
• alan: an atit'iee, (l gBrhflge, a knowledge
a few I many / nllmber of: a felt. sJiB1JfJiHg, n-um)' tmjfie, /lIe illtllJbeF BfblBWle<ib'C
• a number: /lIFCC {ffillels,fOIJ FilJ"'lillJ1'e
• a plural verb: TheFe ItlCFe {1 lillie ftlFnifHre ill fhejffit.
f:I If you want to add a number to an uncountable noun, you can use a piece of I
some I afew pieces of a piece of advice, three pieces offurnitllre, afew pieces of garbage
~b:el:0:W:.;~~~~~~;~~t....,'--_ _T::EO:""
2 Correct the mistake,
The number of " ....... ,.... ,... "...
3 Underline the correct word in each sentence,
The cllilds I children are playing in the street.
The number of men I man studying science has decreased.
There are a lot of persons I people in my class.
I enjoyed studying mathematics a lot; I found it I tllem very interesting,
The news were I was very upsetting.
How many classes I class do you have today?
7 A persall I people I really admire is my uncle,
8 My father Walch I watches a lot of sport on TV.
......................... we produce is increasing.
.......... dramatically last year,
3 Correct the mistakes in these sentences, There may be more than one mistake in
each sentence.
1 My tutor was very helpful: he gave me one very good advice about how to study,
I was surprised by the number of times it took us to reach the castle.
You need a great deal of knowledges to become a doctor.
The informations we were given by the tour guide were not very helpful.
When we visited the park, we were upser to see so many garbages left there.
We arrived late because there were so many traffic on the road.
7 I can't wait to visit the market and do a few shopping,
8 The furnitures in the hotel room were quite old but they were very comfortable.
3 Look at the following advertisement and flU in the gap in each question using one of
the phrases In the box.
Test 1
1 Underline the correct word or phrase In the following sentences.
The garbage is I arecollcclCd every Tuesday.
Advertising in the school newsletter is I are a waste of time.
A lot of food in resta urants is I are thrown away every day.
Many idea I ideas for new products never reach the manufacturing stage.
My sister gave me lots of advice I advices that was { Ulere very useful.
Over three hundred srudellt I sllIl/ellls signed the petition for a new study area.
There are a lot of similarity f similarilies bef\vecn your coullIry and mine.
There is I are morc women on my course than men.
2 Fill In the gaps using one orthc words from the box. Decide whether you need 10
add tile.
Number ofpeopJe accessing the
internet per 100,000 people
New Zea1and
Faroe Islands
Korea, South
United Kingdom
How many
How much
Is (here
Are (here
food included in the rent?
Room for rent in
share house close to
buS. Must help to pay
bills (electricity, etc.).
For more details
phone: 376 8900
2 .............. .
... a lot of traffic in the area?
................ any other transport nearby?
.............. does the electricity usually cost?
............... any pels in the house?
............... money willI need to pay each week?
... people arc living in the house?
8 ........................... a lot offurniture in the room?
4 Fill in the blanks using a word from the box. Make any changes necessary.
The travel agency was hopeless: they didn't even give us one useful ........................ .
2 The number of new ........................... being built in our area has doubled.
3 Most large ......
.............. operate on a global scale nowadays.
4 Many ........................... believe that giobalisation has both advantages and
5 Today, in my country, school-age .......................... do not exercise as much as in the
6 The blades of the fan are made of .......................... .
..... in my home town bul my favourite is the
7 There are several kinds of
S There has been an increase in the number of native .......................... kil1ed by cats
this year.
5 Correct the 14 mistakes in the text below.
Faroe Islands
number o ne
United Kingdom
United States
(I)........................... shows the top ten countries in terms of internet usage.
(2) ........................... country is New Zealand, which has (3) ........................... number of
internet users. (4) ......................... is at the bottom of (5) ............................ Surprisingly,
(6) .......................... does not feature in the lOp ten at all. However, a little-known group
of islands called (7) ........................... is ranked fifth in {a) ............................ (9) .... .
and (10) .......................... are ranked third and fourth. Both have almost
(II )
... number of users, wilh over 75,500 people per 100,000 accessing
(12)............. ..
The globalisation has had an enormous impact on many part of the world. Nowadays,
even in some of most remote parts of world, we can connect to internet and conduct
business. However, they is advantage and disadvantage to this. One disadvantages, for
example, is that the local culture and language can be affected. [I can also mean tha~
local businesses has to red uce their prices to compete with bigger overseas compames.
Ilowever, there are advantages; for example, globalisation can bring more business to a
small area. which is good for the local economy. It may also help to stop young person
moving away from more remote area. If a young person have the chance to run a
business and be successful no matter where he or she lives, then perhaps more people
will choose to stay in these smal1er communities. It also means that news from around
the world are available to everyone, and this can also reduce the feeling of isolation.
When do I use the present simple tense?
HoW do I write large numbers?
1 Choose the correct sentence In each pair.
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
I a NowodotJ:!, ()(.W' bodies beconrang 'old' ooch later than 100 years ogo.
b ~ ()(Jf' bodies beCOlle 'old' J'IOCh latef' than 100 years ogo.
2 a Chikren lost their freedorJ jf they have too 1Jal!:I ~Slbilihea.
b ~ me their freedort if' they have too ~ respomibilihea.
We use the present simple tense:
to make general sta tements about our world: TIle earth moves arOllnd the SIIII.
• to show a paHcrn or generaltfuth: People work ill order to meet their basic needs.
• with adverbs offrequency: always. uSllally. often, sometimes, never. People wlloare
too lazy to walk often use theif cars instead.
• with expressions such as: /lowat/ays, rllesedays, fOday (with a general meaning):
Many studellts today do their research via computer rather tha1l1hrough books.
• for verbs showing opinions or feelings, e.g. believe, think, I/Ope: I 'Milk that we
should all do as milch as we call to improve ouremlironmellt.
We form the present simple tense with the base form of the verb. We add s or es to
form the 3rd person singular:
I play
f walch
YOIl play
YOIl /IInteil
helslielit plays
lielsllelit watelles
we play
we wntch
you play
you watcli
tlley play
IIIey Iootc"
a The ~t spent ten /IIiJiom doIa~ on edocotioo Iost~.
b The govemrvent:spent ten lJIiIion doIIor-s on education Iost~.
2 a There were thoo~ of people at the Footbal nlCtch
b There were a thoosand of people at tke FootballlKltch
When we talk about a specifi c large number, we do not add s 10 the number:
200,000 = tWO lIundred tlwltstllld (not tlt16 hllm/Fed tJ'8I1S(mds)
10,000,000 = ten million (not ~n Hlil/i81lS)
The noun that follows is always plural:
There must IJave bee" at least tllree thOl/salld sfllde"ts at tile protest.
We use the plural form of large numbers + of to give an approximate idea of how many:
Tllere must have been tlwl/samls ofstllderlls at tile protest.
We can usc a instead of one. Olle is more formal :
If I won a million dollars, I would probably take II yearoffand travel aroulld tile world.
Tile presidellf promised 10 increase tile health bill/get by one million dollars.
We usually use numerals for numbcrs that can not be writtcn in one or two words:
More limn two millio" peopleattellded last year. but: 2,001,967 peopleattenckd last year.
You should write fractions in words: Imlf a (millioll): alOlle third of a (million); tllree
qllarters of a (millioll); olle ami a quarter (million): aile and three {II/arter (million):
According to the chart, in 2004 over l!alfa millioll Ukranialls wef!{ to tile cinema.
2 Correct the mIstake below.
My brOlher ........................................ .
3 Underline the correct number in the sentences below.
3 Correct the mistakes In the sen te nces below.
People should act according to what they are believing.
In general, I think our govern ment spent too much money on space travel.
Nowadays, many people in my country have sent their children to Single-sex schools.
These days. more and more people travelling to very distant places for their holidays.
I am hoping it is not too late to save the environment.
The female hen laying on average 5 or 6 eggs per week.
Younger drivers is more likely to be involved in a car accident.
Most doctors arc agreeing that the only way to lose weight is by doing more exercise.
The skeleton had remained hidden for a thousolltls I tllOusalids of years.
The chart shows that tllree hlllldreds I three IIlIlltired whales were seen here in 1990.
Three and a half billion I three alld a Illllf of a billioll will watch the ceremony.
I pay six hundred dollars I six IlIImlred dollar rent each month.
Heal estate in my city is very expensive; a small house can cost three quarter ofa
million I three quarters of a millioll dollars.
6 A mil/ion of I Milliolls of dollars are spent on space exploration each year.
7 By 2005, more than six Illmdrecil six IlUlldreds of children were enrolled in the schooL
8 The company has sold one and lllla/fbilliolls I aile and a halfbillion computers so far.
There ;s / there are
Test 2
1 Tick the correct sentence In each pair.
1 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 a It is a Io~ park neOl" I'D9 hoo~.
b There is a Io~ pork I"I6Of' flY hoo~
2 a There hove veru good f'e3tooran~ Q"Id shops on board the ship.
b Thef.e a-e YeI'!I good r-estO!.W'Cll'lt s Q'ld:shops on board the &lip.
We use there to say that something exists. We use there is with a singular subject and
there are with a plural subject:
TJ•ere IS
· an Qll k t ree 111
. my garden . (not k is Ill/I lKlk tFee or Then! hlille 811 flak IFee)
There a re some grem movies 011 at Ille cinema. (not Till,.. (1m S6me gFf!(lt 1118~'i~)
We use there is and there are to give new information. We use it is or 'hey nrc to talk
aboul something that has already been referred to. Compare:
There is a presem/or)'01i 011 the table. (the fi rst time the p resent has been mCllIioncd)
Mary: What is ,Ilat you're carrying?
lohn: It's a preselll for Illy sister. (it ::: what John is carrying)
Can you describe a typical morning at your house?
Well, my father always (I) ........................... (gel up) first because he
(2) ........................... (start) work at 7 o'clock. The traffic (3) ........................... (be)
very bad in my city so he (4) ........................... (llat~) to leave at6 o'clock.
Before he (5) ........................... (leave), he (6) ........................... (wake) my
brother and me up. I (7) ........................... (get lip) straight away but my
brother (8) ........................... (prefer) to sleep as long as he can, and he
nearly always (9) ........................... (eatell) the last bus to school. My mother
(10) ........................... (make) our breakfast while I (II )... ................ . (get
dressed) , then I (l2) ........................... (leave) for school at about 7.30.
2 Match each amount (1-5) with its correct writte n equivalent (a-i). You'll need to
read the words carefully,
We do not use the 8uxiliaryverb do to form questions and negatives with there is and
2 $35
there are: Are (here allY clea ll glasses jn tile Clipboard? There is,,'t a map jn the car.
-Q Tllere cannot be left out: There is a pall of soup and there are some bowls ill file
3 $35,000
4 $3,500,000
kitchen (not n ,ere "'s R iNm 9/S6UfJ (:md BFe smile BOW/-s iN tlle I.:ild /ell.)
2 Correct t he mistake below,
5 $305
thrity·five dollars
three and a half million dollars
three hundreds and five dollar
thirty five thousands dollars
three millions and five hundred thousands dollars
thirty-five dollars
three hundred and five thousand dollars
thirty-five thousand dollars
three hundred and five dollars
3 Find 12 nUstakes In the essay below and correct them.
Before they built the supermarket, ............ ..
.. .............. in the high street.
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below,
In developed countries there is many possible solutions to this problem.
There no clear trend in the data shown in graph I.
There is no electricity and arc no factories in this area.
Fortunately, they are still a lot of good people in the world.
It is a very small village so there don't have any large supermarkets.
In the first chart, it is a large gap between the cost ofliving and salaries earned.
In 1990 there was 3 million people working in this industry.
How much work there is to do?
4 Fill in the blan ks in (he text with nu b
should cOntain a fracllon.
m ers from (h e table. Th ree of your a n swers
Number oEtractors used in agriculture: top ten countries
Am OUnt
United States
1 TIck the correct se ntence In each palr.
a Yoo should do that what !:PO think is r~t
b YOt! ehould do what you think is right
2 a There 0I'e :several foetor:! that ere nportant WI och'evin£! happiOeMo
b There are :several roctor-s are important in achieving happiness.
Relative pronouns (that. WIIO, etc.) are used to connect £\'10 separate clauses:
relative pronoun
clause 2
clause 1
There are severa/factors I tlm t I are im portant in ac/lieving ha ppiness.
Resources Institute
The ta?le ~hows the number of tractors being used by the top ten
COuntncs I.n the world. Thc United States has the greatest number of
tractors, with almost (I)
:ffv~ Io'I<..iui.o
. . ............................ ~......... Japan has less than half
IS am.ount, WIth Just over (2)...:/; .......; .. 1....................... ,and Italy is
ranked Ihlrd. with a 10Iai of (3)" ;:
IA (
over (4)
..... : ................................... India has just
........................................ , while Poland France and G
have over (5)
......................................... Of the botlOIll three COuntries on
thiS list. Thrkey has a little under (6)
less. th (7)
........................................ , Spam has
I ~n
.........:r.fi......................... and China has just over
(8):;_ ••...
~'!. In the gaps in the folJowingscntenccs with either it, they o r t!Jere.
............... a.rc several reasons why I wanted to talk to you.
2 , ave prmted out the leiters.
' .............. are on the desk ready '
3 On the next s t r e e t .
or you to sIgn.
corner .............. IS an excellent new restaurant.
4 .............. have a wonderful swimming pool in this hotel
5 We had a lovely hOliday in Florence
......! .1
............... really IS a beautiful 'oy
6 ...:.~.:.. :... were several robberies in the area last week.
Ct .
7 "ere your parents born here or did
.............. move here from anoth
Is ............ .. gomg to be a meeting this week?
er country?
Which relative pronoun should I use?
When information is essential to the sentence and ccmnO! be left out. we use:
• that 10 refer to things or people: The chart Ihal is on page JO shows...
• wIlD to refer 10 people: The mwtberof llJOmen wllO were ellroiled ..
• what 10 refer to tile tiling that or the things tlwl: 11,e govemmem should show lIS
wllllt mllst be d one. (= the thing(s) that must be done)
tr Note that you should only use one relative pronoun (not Thf! gtJtJerlhllflll mUll
show Wi filta /t,,!taf }feeds t6 he (kme. ).
The relative pronoun can be left out if it refers 10 the object of a verb, but not if it
refers to the subject of a verb. Compare:
11le swdellls ,hal l teach all come f rom overseas coulltries. stl/dents is the objcct of the verb
teach, so the relative pronoun that can be left out: 11le swdellts I teach all come from ...
The sllldents w!Jo are slIIdying &\P should see me today. sllldents is the subject of the
verb are studying, so the relative pronoun who cannot be left out (not ThesmdellOs 81'€
StiKl'yillg E.4P Sh8U16 see me f96aJ t).
2 Correct the mistake below.
need to
can play the piano for our
I next month.
I need to find ....................................... for our assembly next month.
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below.
This is one of the problems that what can occur when you spend too much money.
The teachcr inspired me most a t school was called Miss Gillies.
There are many teenagers do not feel comfortable lalking about their problems.
It can be very fru strating for those what do not have any power.
People work with sick and elderly people must be very patient and kind.
People what continue 10 work after the age of65 often live longer.
I understand that you mean.
The chart is 011 the left shows the number of students enrolled from 1999 to 2005.
How do I choose between and, but and or?
Auxiliary verbs
1 TIck the correct sentence in each pair.
1 Tick t he correct senten ce in each pair.
a To reaII!J help the et1vit'OMent 'We need to chc::oae the way _ ftwlk 01' beha¥e..
b To reaIIJ help the eovir'Ol"ll1ent we need to change the way we think and behave.
2 a Vegetcrioo:!l don't eat ~t ond they get their protein frorl other fooch.
b Vegetarian:!! don't eot r.eot bot they get their protein frcm other food:!!.
2 a 10m rot agree with tm idea.
b I do not agree with thi~ idea.
We use and to join two similar ideas:
Would YOII like some tea atlll biscuits? (= you can have both ofthcrnl
Do, be and have arc called auxiliary verbs. This means that they help to change the
We use but to show contrast between two diffcrcnl ideas:
lluwe lea but I don't /uweallY coffee. I'm afraid. (I have tea = positive, I don't have any
Do is used with the infinitive to make negatives or questions:
I dmt't agree. (not I am Hel agree.) Do YOIl agree? (not Areytm agree?)
Do can be used with other question words: WilY do YOIl agree? (not '\.W.,.,·.,'oe
We use or to give an alternative:
Would you like some t(!{l or coffee? (= you will choose only one of them)
a Why they think thi~?
b Why do they think thi~?
main verb.
Be is used with ·ing verb forms to make the continuous tenses:
1 am swd)'illg E/Jglish ill Cambridge. (not {sfllfl;j/l~ C.1~js/l)
is also used with the past participle to make the passive - see unit 19)
No te: to join two negative ideas, we use or if the subject and the verb are the same:
I dQII't have tea or coffee. (not: 100/1" hm'(! #et'f: ami co/f«,l
After if I w/let/ler, we can usc or not to suggest the alternative idea:
We decided to go whether it was mil/il/gor 1I0t. {= whether it rained or whether it
didn't rain}
2 Comtct the mfstake below.
Have is used with the past participle of the verb to make the perfect tenses:
1 have been here for t11ree montils. (not J am been h€fC or I been here)
The auxiliary verb must agree with the subject of the verb (see unit 2): Does your
motller drink tea? (not f>6 ,'611r m9lher= drinl.· lew!')
'Cr We make questions and negatives without do if another auxiliary verb is used:
Are yOIl sfltdy ing Ilere? (not Do J'9U aF8 stuaying ile1'efJ (auxiliary verb be)
2 Correct the mistakes below.
and James hates it
Je nny loves the snow ................ ..
3 Fill in the blanks with a"d I bllt I or l or /lot.
I The town was quite small: it had no university ............. college.
2 What shall we do tomorrow? We could go to the beach ............. after that we could
see a movie.
3 The number of people reaching the age of 100 ............. more is increasing.
4 l ie had a computer, ............. without a phone connection he couldn't access the
5 [t had black ............. blue stripes on it - I can't remember which,
6 Do you know if our team won .............?
7 J enjoy playing football ........ ..... 1don't really like watching il.
8 If you study in a country such as Australia, England ........... . America , your English
will improve dramatically.
We .................................... ,... ten nis. Do you .................................. , ....?
3 Underline the correct auxiliary verb In each sentence. Sometimes no a uxiliary Is
What do I does your friend like to eat?
Where do / are you going?
I am / - totally agree with you.
What IJave I did you done today?
I am I do not believe this.
She is f are learning the piano.
I was 1 /tave not seen her for two years.
They - I are went to America for their holiday.
Test 3
4 Fill In the blanks with the correct auxiliary verb: be, do or have.
What time ............ you get home last night?
1 Complete sentences 1-8 using and I bllt l or l or not and a suitable ending from
the box.
My grandfather doesn't have a DVD player .. ,.
We swam in the sea
I enjoyed the walk ..................................... .
I couldn't decide whether
The tour fee includes all meals and transport
Nowadays, it is difficult to study without a computer .......................
I like most drinks ..
The price for the hotel includes both breakfast
... not entry 10 the museum .
.. .1 got a little lost near the end.
... dinner.
... even a television at home.
.I don', like coffee.
... a laptop at home.
. .. to go to the party.
... we walked along the beach collecting shells.
2 When ............. you going to get a new car?
3 Where ............. you been? I ............ been waiting here for ages.
4 Stephen
....... arriving on the 6 o'clock flight tomorrow morning.
S A special tool ... ...... used to cut the aluminium cans to the correct size.
. not worry, I ............. not going to [ell your mother about your test result.
7 My sister wears very strange clothes: she ............. not care what people think.
S At last I ............. finished my homework!
5 Fill in each blank in the following essay with one word.
Some people believe that too much money is spent on protecting
animals and endangered species and that we should spend more money
looking after the people on this planet instead. What are your views?
Whether you love animals (1). ............. hate them. they play an important role
in our ecosystem. Losing even a tiny insect species could have a very large
2 Find and correct the 8 mistakes in the conversation below.
(C = customer, TA = travel agelll)
C: Good morning. I'd like to book a holiday for myself and my family.
TA: Certainly, where would you like to go?
impact on us all. For example, recent studies have shown that when there are
fewer insects, there are also fewer birds. This means that crops will suffer
because birds play an important role in pollinating plants, (2)..
...... they
Well, I'd like to go for a week to an island somewhere with plenty to do, and I am
not walll to travel very far. Do you can suggest somewhere suitable?
TA: Well, there's a lovely island what is only fWO hours away by ferry.
C: That sounds good. Can I fly there?
TA: No, I"m afraid there don't any flights to {he island.
C: I see. How much is it cost for a family of four?
also eat insects that are harmful to plants.
TA: $1000.
C: Is that include the ferry?
TA: Yes, it includes all transport or hotel accommodation.
them (4) .............. their environment. If we do not, their numbers could begin
3 Add a relative pronoun to each of the following sentences. Which two sentences do
not need a relative pronoun?
Human beings are said to be the most dangerous animal on our planet.
(3) ............. we are also very vulnerable. If our crops fail, this could have
disastrous consequences for aU of us. In other words, we are as dependent on
the tiny insects of this world as they are on us. They rely on us to protect
to decline, (5) .............. , even worse, they may become extinct altogether.
It is true that some people are already doing (6) ............. they can to protect
the environment, (7) ............. this is not enough. Nowadays, people always
The studellls struggle the most arc those without any maths qualifications.
want to buy the newest and latest gadgets, (8) ............. what happens to the
It was my grandmother first taught me about art.
'old' mobile phones, computers or toasters (9) ............. are thrown away? We all
I'm not really sure we have to write about in this essay.
A thermometer is an instrument is used to measure temperature.
I am writing to apologise for I said to you last week.
Venus is a planet you can sometimes see without a telescope on a very clear night.
Yabbies are creatures live in rivers and lakes in Australia.
The people I know on my course are all from my previous school.
need to realise that our everyday actions can have an impact on whether
(10) ............. not other animal species survive. We (11) ............. need to stop
buying new things altogether; however, we do need to change both
the way we think (12) ............. the way we behave.
How do I use modal verbs?
.jng or to + infinitive?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
a If ¥JOrker:s ore :sick. they ~:!t to stay Mille O'ld re::lt
b If worker:! ore :sick they most stoy horne and rest
2 a In this way. children con leam frOfJ what they have done.
b In this WClIJ. children coo Iearorlg fran what they have done.
a IJ<l~t oonaged to avoid hitting the COl"' in front of !lie.
b Ijl.l~t managed to avoid to hit the car in frOfit of!lle.
2 a I want telling!Jcx.I a little oboot D!:I~elf.
b I want to tel goo a ktt\e. about!l!JSelf.
The following modal auxiliary verbs arc followed by the infinitive without to: call.
could, may, migill. mllst, shalf, ShOIl/d , will, would:
Wilen tra llel/ing, we sllO/lld respect tile clIsroms of the coulI/ries we visit. (n o t sl1811kJ
-re;peeI-; s~lf:mltl ~fing)
Modal verbs form questions and negatives without using do:
Call 1 help you ? (nOl : £)9 [MH Ile/pyeu n
Will YOII meet me wllell J arrive? (not [;)9 :}'611 will /nee' me)
YOll IIIlIstn" worry about me. (not rail d~ "8t 1IIH!5/ loIf6H)' ROOllt me. )
When we talk aboUi obligation or necessity using have or need, we use to + infinitive:
I have to fillish myassigmnenr this weekend.
I need to talk /0 YOIl.
In questions and negatives, have to and lleed to behave like normal verbs and we use da.
Do YOll llave to pay extra for breakfast? (not !Ulf>'eJ'I91118 fJRj')
TIley said I do,,'t need to bring my own sleeping bag. (n OI 4 "eMil" to bring)
2 Correct the mistake below.
We use to + infinitive after the following verbs: ask, afford, decide, deserve.llelp, hope,
lear/l, offer, prepare, promise, refuse. seem, want, would like:
Slimmer seems to arrive larer alld later tllese days.
NOII..'lIdays most people WOlillilike to have more mOlley.
Learn lIow is also followed by /0 + infinitive:
lll'ant /0 learn IlOw to drive before 1 go to wlil't!rSiry.
After some verbs, we use -;IIg: mlOid, carry Oil , co/lsider, deny, enjoy. fi"is/I, give lip,
imagi"e. ilioolve, keel), like, milld, pracrise, recommend, resist, suggest
I really enjoy watelJing III Q1lies at the cinema. (not 611jfJj' /9 watch)
Look{offlxml to is also followed by -illg:
1 look {oruxmllo I,earing yellr reply. (not J ffl8!:.j'tmWI.w 18 11C~'-)'8ur reply. )
We also use -ing after spelld mOlley and spend time:
We spent a lor a/money buying CDs last momll. We spenr $200 buying CDs last moTIf/I.
She spent a lot o/time looking for information 011 tile illfemel. Slle Spellt over three
'lOurs looking for informatioll on/lie imemet.
-:r Note that like can be followed by ·ing or to + infinitive.
2 Correct the mistake below.
You ............................. .
We've spent ................................. .
3 Correct the mistakes In the sentences below.
Nowadays, you can to find internet facilit ies in most hotels.
We do not should accept this situation any longer.
If we want to fix this problem, we must trying our best to change our attitude.
We haven't to stop using cars altogether but we do have to use them less often.
Do we can solve the problem of greenhouse gases in our lifetime?
Need you 10 take a ny food and drink with you, o r are there shops there?
'Paula, you really must to study harder if you walll 10 pass the exam.'
In my school, we have 10 left our mobile phones at home.
3 All in the gaps in the following sentences using the verb in brackets.
When I was a student, we couldn't afford .......................... new textbooks. (buy)
I was 13 when I first learnt how......
. . (ice skate)
What are you most looking forward to
.......... when your course finishes? (do)
'Keep ................. ........ the soup so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.' (Slir)
My parents have promised ..... ............... . me buy a car when I graduate, (lielp)
, ·h ec h·ld
1 ren spen t a 1ong ,.1m e ........... ........... the best present for their mother. (choose)
I've decided ..................... medicine at university. (study)
Our teacher suggested ...
......... a barbecue on the last d ay of term. (lIaw)
Verbs after adjectives and prepositions
Test 4
1 Tick the correct sentence in each palr.
1 Complete the questions and answers using the words in brackets,
.... stam ps at the newsllgent's? (canlhuy)
A: (I)
............................... to the post office. (Yes/call. Noll/wve tolgo)
a Yoooa ch&lrer1 often fed &llJ to toll< to adult:!.
b Yoong children often feel ~ talkng to oduIh
2 a It i:s ea:sy to OI'1der3tood why.
b It i:s ea~ ooderstandOa wh9.
With feel + adjective we use the -ingform of the verb:
New swdcli/s do /lot always feel comfortable speaking English to otller people.
B: (2)
A: (3)
B: (4)
A: (5)
B: (6) Yes, so .
............... our assignment in this FridllY? (llaue tollumd)
.... it in untillhe following week. (No/not //ave to/give)
.......... the test on Saturday? (need toJ/oelwke)
.......................... to the pllrty on Friday. (shouldlllotlgo)
After be+ adjective, too + adjective and adjective + ellough, we use to + infinitive:
2 Join the two sentences together using the words In brackets.
J was IlapPY to see her W/Jell sIte arrirlt?d. (no t .. IbW5 Ira",' seeillg lIe,)
They went to the cinema. They didn't go to school. (instead oil
TIle lectllre was easye/lough to u1Iderstand. (not CR811gli 006,. o r e85)' ImdeF&l6luiing}
After all prepositions (aboll/, by.from.for, ill. of. wit/lOllt, etc.) we use the -i1l8 form of 2 ;..~nj~yed the party. I did not know anyone there. (des/Jite)
the verb; we cannot use a clause (subject + verb):
are so many problems in the world. (in spite
TIley celebrated their allllil!ersary by orgallisi/lg a big party.
71/ank YOII for ',elpillg me so mllc/I with my studies.
fie opened the door wilhalll tllillking abom wlwt would happen next. (not uAI!19111 he
~ Note that despite, il/ spite of and instead of are considered to be prepositions:
He did flat get tIle job despite getting exce/leflf grades. (not de3pitc he got)
Site went to tile library illstead ofgo big straight IlOme after school. (not inst-eR(l9{filie
If the following verb is negative. we use not + -illg: He got ajoh despite 1I0t getting
....................................................................... .......................................
4 \~~·~11 enjoyed the course. We had to work so hard. (despite)
~;·~;~~~~~~·~~~~·;~;·~·~~;~~·;~~~·~~;.·Ti;~y didn't buy me a preselll. (insread of)
......................................... ....................................................
6 Th·~·~~~~~~·~·~~~~;·~~~··~f·business. They spent thousands of dollars on marketing.
(in spite of)
good grades.
2 Correct the mistake below.
.......................................... .. ........................ .
3 Find 12 mistakes with to In the candidate's answers. You may need to add to or
delete It,
Alice won the tournament ........................................ .
3 Underline the correct word or phrase In the sentences below.
II was easy understanding I to Ilmlersland why Ihey liked living close to the beach.
When they finally arrived, the students were too tired cooking I to cook anything.
I felt very nervous presenting I to present my aSSignment to the class.
The large (fee prevented them from gelting 110 get wet in the rain.
I'm sorry for causing I to cause you so much trouble.
The lady in front was wearing a hat that was too big seeing I to see over.
They stitt couldn't afford the hotel in spite of receiving I they received a 10% discount.
They decided to rent a flat instead of staying I to slay in a hOiel.
Jllteruiewer: What kind or thing do you like doing in your spare time? .
m my
free ~ime. I think everyone should to look after their body and try keep
fit. I love soccer, lind I was actually offered a place in my local soccer
team, but I had turn it down because my parents wouldn't to allow me
take it .
there any new skills you would like to learn in the future?
day. When I was younger, my parents sugg~sted to studying a muslc~
instrument, but I wasn't interested at that lime. If you want be a goo
. .
en! day
musician, you really must to work hard and keep to practising e~ " . .
At that time, I was spending a lot of time to studying ~o I ~ouldn t do It
then, but I'm looking forwllrd learning to play some time III the future.
4 Fill in the blanks with the correct rorm or the verbs in the box.
speak ()C 3)
he gerund or infinitive after allow, advise, make, suggest?
1 Tick the co rrect sente nce In each pair.
M!J school does not ~w us taking holidays during tern.
b M!J school does not oIow os to toke hoIidOfjs durll1£l tem.
2 a Our teacher suggested file t o ~ a good dictionary.
b Our teacher suggested I bu!:I a good dictionary.
Some verbs are followed by -illg if there is no object and by to + infinitive if there is a
direct objcct - adllise, allow, forbid, pemlit:
711e leacher allowed talki" g as long as it was iT! Eng/iS/I. (no direct object)
Tile teae/ler allowed l IS 10 talk as /ollg as it was ill ElIglisll. (liS is the direct object)
Make is fo llowed by the infinitive without to:
My boss m ade me wear a horrible lilli/arm. (n ot RI8de me 16 I ~')
tr Note that the direct objeci must come berween the verb and the infinitive:
She tlilowed Iler dog to sit iT! the /rollt 0/ Iler ca r. (not Silt! (lI/OIbed tt! 3it her dog)
In the passive, these verbs are followed by 10 + infinitive: be {Idvised, be allowed,
be/orbit/den, be m{l(ie, be permitted:
/ /l'as advised to contact my IrOlIC/ agem as SOOT! as tile plalle landed.
Ma ry was made to swallow a large dose 0/ medicine by tile muse.
Welcome to our school. I am the principal orlhe college and I'd just like to say a few
words while your teacher is preparing (I) ............................ you a short video about our
lovely town. We are all very pleased that you have decided (2) ............................ at our
college. Some of you are here for only a few weeks, so you cnn't afford
... any time in your studies. Learning (4)........
. ....... any language
involves (5)
..... that language as much as possible. So from today, I
recommend (6)
........ on ly English. While you arc here, you should consider
(7) .......................... as many friends as possible from other count ries so that you don't
spend too much time (8) ............................ you r own language. Well, I think the video is
ready now. I hope {9) ...................•.......• the opportunity to meet you all ind ividually at
Suggest can be followed by -illg without a direct object:
}olm suggested going /0 a m ovie.
[f there is a direct object, yo u can usc the infinitive without to, or a IImt clause:
John sllggested we go to a movie. o r: }ollll suggested tllat we go LO a movie.
2 Correct the mistake below.
You're not allowed to
skateboarding in the
You're ........................................ .
5 Fill In the blanks u sing th e words In brackets.
I I didn't mind washing the dishes. I was ..........
...... (I lappy I d ) .It.
2 Your essay was ............................ (impossible I mark) because the handwriting was
.................. ......... (too I difficult IUllderstand).
3 Alex felt .......
........ (exciled I gel) ready for the parry.
4 I'm renting a flat because it was ............................ (LOa I expensilte I buy) one.
S OUT team was just ............................ (llot I ficl ellough I will) the match.
6 There is so much bad news that I often feel ........................... (sad I watch) the news
3 Correc t the mistakes in the sentences below.
1 [suggest you going and doing you r homework now if you want to watch TV later.
2 My parents always made me to clean up my room when I was young.
3 I think people should not be allowed using mobile phones in the cinema.
4 Nowadays it is forbidden smoking in many restaurants and public areas.
5 After a lot of effort, I finall y made work my new OVD player.
6 The police advised local residents not to leaving their windows open at night.
7 This ticket will permit that yo u enter the museum as many times as you like.
8 Our teacher suggested to go to the park for our end-of-term party.
Stop, try, forget and remember
1 TIck the correct senten ce In each pair.
a People ~ stop:spenr:i"lg thell' r'8One!:I on the lat~t Miona.
b People MooId stop to spend thelf' ooney on the Iot~t fashions..
2 a The ~t tried stopping this pion bot was not :l(JCee3Mul
b Tile goverfUJent tried to stop this plan bot was not !IOCcessfol.
Some verbs have a different meaning when they are followed by · ingor TO + infinitive.
Stop + -ing = 10 stop an activity. Stop + to + infinitive = to stop a previously mentioned
activity in order to do something clse. Compare:
TIle boys stopped playillg.
The boys were playing a rid Ihey stopped to watcl, a Ja rge truck go past. (= they stop
playing in order to walch the truck)
7}y + ' ;lIg = to attempt 10 solve a problem by doing something. Try + to + infinitive = I(
attempt and fail to do something. Compare;
J Iried tumillg (he tap but tile water still poured out. {I ma naged to turn the tap)
I tried to turn tile lap hw it l/KIS too old and rusty. (I couldn't turn the tap)
Forget I remember + -ill8 = thinking back co a special/significant time in the past.
Porget I remember + to + infinitive = thinking about something that must be done in
the future. Compare:
I rem em ber seeing a bull rUflflingdowrl the High Street. (this happened in the past)
I must remember to watch the flews tonig/l!. (first I must remember, then I will do it)
2 Correct the mistake below.
repositions after adjectives and nouns
1 TIck the correct sentence In each pair.
a My brother is good at 3pO!'t btlt he IS very bod at EngIiYi.
b My brother is good " sport but he is very bod ., English.
2 a The percentage in wooon a ttending university is increasing.
b The percentage
or ¥IOIl!en a ttending university is increasing.
Some adjectives are always followed by a specific preposition.
Al. Wc say you are bad aI, good at or surprised at something:
/ was surprised at the Illlm ber of people who came.
About and willi. We say you are al/gry about or pleased about something but angry
witll or pleased witll a person:
I am pleased aboul yo" r /lew joh. / IIJ(IS really angry witll folm.
Aftcr disalJpoillled we use about or witll; after worried we only use about:
Slle was pretty disappointed will. I about lIer exam results.
I am worried about 101111. Til ey are worried about the test.
Some nouns are always followed by a specific preposition.
'". We say decrease in, drop irl,/ail ill, increase ill, rise in:
Tllere was an increase j ll attendance at this mon/il's meeting.
Betweell. To contrast two things, we talk about the difference betweell them:
'I1le ma in differen ce behveell tile American al/d tile ell/radian accent is in tile /JOwels.
O! We say: adval/wge of, disadll{llltage of, example of, I/umberof, percelltage of, useo!
Tile II/I111ber a/people ill my c/lISS wllO smoke is iI/credible.
2 Correct the mistake below.
I lost the race because ....
3 Fill In the blanks with the correct form o f the verb in b rackels .
1 Nowadays many people want to SlOp ........................... too hard and enjoy life. (work)
Did you remember ........................... candles for the birthday cake? (buy) .
The burglar Iried .......................... . Ihe window with a knife but couldn't get in. (Opell)
Don't forgel ........................... a postcard to your grandmother when you're away. (send)
At 12 o'clock every day the builders stopped .......... ............. ... a lunch break. (have)
I will never forget ........................... the pyramids on our trip 10 Egypt. (viSit)
The cook tried ........................... more salt butlhe soup was still too bland. (add)
I re member ........................... across the road but I have no idea how I ended up in
hospital. (walk)
3 Fill in the blanks using a word rrom this unit and the correcl preposition.
rve ncver been vcry ........................... painting or drawing.
Thc USA's population is far grcater, so there is a big ............. .......... .... the (WO totals.
Onc .......................... saving money is that you will be able to enjoy your ret.ircmen!.
Thc most dramatic .......................... . numbers occurred in 1997, with a 30% flse.
Peter was vcry ........................... robotics, so he enjoyed the lccture very much.
The .......
........ . childre n with obesity problems is incrcasing each year.
One ........................... ~~ i- Iasking is reading emails while talking on the phone.
Fortunately, there was a stea d y ........................... lhe number of road accidents.
underline the correct word or phrase in these sentences.
Test 5
1 I was very bad at/i'l sports when I was at school.
2 Is it possible to make people give up/ro give up smoking?
3 I stopped worldnglto work to listen to the news.
4 I was surpriscd at/o/ how calm I felt before the performance.
S I'll never forget coming/to come first in the racc.
6 I was talking on the phone, but I stopped answering/to allSIver the door.
7 My tcacher was very pleased/or/willI my exam results.
6 Remember brusllinglto bruslL your teeth every morning and night.
1 Filii" the blanks using the correct form of the verbs In the box.
Library Rules
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,' ...........................
• It i
('n ........................
I )1' lrlnk iI,. Ul
• Alt.h up;h WE
pula.· 11.1.
11' d i.
·x.'un tim
4 A teachcr has underlined 14 mistakes In this essay. Correct the mistakes for the
l!bl'ruy >!I ruW tln
WA advls8
J I.J :Ldvru
...... I1br8.I'V rn'-l.tHI'lals, W8
J( a..il w stud. nu, ([ ).
n t
aJ' ttl
'pyllg T;' hin!
• Th
(f \ .......... .
t a tim
(3 ........ _................ .
Romp IHJl'cuy I ,BOll['(
(4). ..........
; lOW
P. "
ttOO ( ).
iufc ·1ua.t.[ I Je {.
.......... il.ny
2 Find the 8 places in the text where you need to add a preposition.
. between the villages in the south and tht
.. chart
. hshows the
. numbe r peop Ie moving
CI~lelCS In I e north In recent years. The main difference the two sets of figures is that
I 'IS d ecreasmg
. steadily, while t here h b
. people living in the SOUIl
n se populallon figures for the n Ih
.. .
as cen 8
nOrlhern cities occurred in 20010~n~rt~ ~ltles. The bl GG cst incrcase population in the
.. .
l correspon d s with the biggest decrease the
num r people hVlllg III the southern villages. Since 2002 the n b . h b·
both the north and the south has remained steady.
um er III a Iiams In
S.....okIn:J c.wse.5
I"O'IIJ.Y1'j heAlfn proble.mS. IS 0. dro.ln on fhe. workfara o.nd IS
ve.ry e.xpe.nslve..
CllArly. fhue.
Flrsf we. nud fo o.sk ourStJve,.s whe.fhe.r fnls IS fhe. rt-5pOi1s,btltfy of fhe.
~n/""rlt,nf As we. co.n see.. fnl s proble.m Aa..s Gll"1 IrryJo.cf on (2) ~12'f p.rW5 QUr
!.J...fe. {3J Qne. l..-.porfonf e.XM"(J/e for f6,~ IS fhe. UOi1O"'"""I If people. s~ foo
;yy.JCn lWJn&y on elre-ms. fAe.y wtll nor save. o.S ~n mont.y .far fhe.lr fufure.
Fwfhe.r .....art-, If fhe.y bu.o....e. /11. fhe. rpvt-rn....e.nf will nud fo fo.h co.rt. of
fm"" . I bf-Ileve. fhe. ~"lY"Lnf d0e.5 no.ve. 0. du.1y fo WUI:Alfr. pwple. o.bouf
(II) fhe. dlSo.dvo.nf~ for Smokl'?8 o.nd we. should 0.11 (5) m worried for
fh~.fdIJ . Howe..ve.r. If IS nof e~Jusf fo (tOJ f!dvlse. pwpleJL...'"'9i
wAo..f c.o.n fJOV&"n..-£nfs do?
Some. sove.rnwVlfs Ao.ve. o.lrec.Jy (7)
frlui fo
fhe. fo.x on fobacco. /xlf e.\.1!.n fhou.an CI!}"re.Ht,.s lVe e.xpe.nslve.. people.
fhe.m Gove.rnme.nl"s ho.lIt. o.lso (8) f r lui
ftnd,~ WOoys
fo flV9'-f
~ntJf().cfurUs wtfhou.f sucass In my c.a_mfry. we. only
smQkt. 111 our own ho....vs (lTld (/0> ~ pet. nof pvmlHe.d
o./low fo
In re.sfo.uro.nfs or bars I be.lle. ve. fnls IS o.n e.ffu.flllt. wo.y fo
.....0.4 pwple
fo sfop S....okI'?8 or o.f Ir.o.sf fo
,.wtJU (lZl
• Villages in the south
~re. tte5 fne.y swoh
(/3) ~f oJ} fP'Y~fQ adopf fnls Sfro. h.9'I . In fnls wo.y we.
• Cities in the north
wtI.ly o.lso ({4J P£l<..Vf-nf more.
fo f04
""1,1:1"::.a"..u.- I19902000 2001 2002200320042005
rt..o.5OnS (/) fo sfop peQple fo
up fillS unheAlfhy !Joblf
repositions of time and place
Prepositions after verbs
reet sentence In each pair.
1 TIck th e cor
a I will start my ecorse on June.
a The conpaoy agreed for the PO!:! rise.
1 WI. stort IllY coorse in June.
b The CO"f'OIl:I agreed to the fXl!J r ise..
I am going in London ne!\t b'eor.
2 a The oon apologi~ for standing on IlI!J foot
1 01"1 going to London ned yecr
b The oon apoIoai3ed to stand on r'Iy foot
. . h year month or pari or the day. but Ofl with a day or date:
Some verbs must be followed by a specific preposition. Sometimes more than one
We use III Wit a i • 1988 We landed QII 1st October, irl tlreajtenroo rr .
. I
preposition is possible and sometimes there is a difference in meaning depending Ot f came ro AllStra rUl II
·th a tillle and with file weekend and mg II:
which preposition is used:
We use (It \VI
8 00'
, veeketUl Are you free 0/1 SWI ayat : .
I..et's meet at t Ie I
Agree. We say you agree with a person or an idea:
We use for to talk about a length of mne:
110ullly agree with the govemmellt 's decision.
T /lave fil red ill Australia f or 18 years.
But if you give your consent to somelhing, we use agree to:
. . h c·tties countries and places to say where something is or happened:
Both sides in tile war ha ve agreed 10 theceasefire.
vIe use HI \Vlt
Apologise. We say you apologise to someone but you apologise for something:
/ /IIet my /wshml~ ill Lallliorr.
magazine, journal, film or TV programme to
Mum made me go alill apologise to oll r neigh bours /or breaking their window.
We also use ill \Vlth a book. newspaper,
Find oJ/t, know, leam, teac", tI,i"k. These verbs can all be followed by about:
'a where we read or saw something:
;'~ some illleresti1lg lIew research ill tllis mom/IS med.cal Jourrral.
. .
Ou r teacher is trying /0 teach us about fife jn /lIe oldell days.
T/link can be followed by aOOm or oflO talk about opinions or future plans:
We usc at with scllool, col/ege, university. work and home and to refer to a bUlJdmg:
WI/m do YOII t"illk abollt I of the /lew compllter lab? (opin ion)
. .
I'm I llillkillgabout I o/goillg back 10 university next year (0 finis/l my drgree. (future plan 'Where is dad?' 'He's at wo rk.'
Slwll we meet at t/l e cillema ? (= meet outside the bUlldlllg)
Look. We use look at when we fa our eyes on something and look /o~ when we mean
We usc to wi th a place to show destination: .
searching for something:
'Where are YO" goi/lg?' 'I'm jllsf going to til e "brary 10 do some wor .
Oil look al tile sUllset! Isn't it heaUlJful?
fve looked/or my homework everywhere. Halle YO" see/l it?
J. Tick the correct sentence In each pair.
2 Correct the mistake below.
I spend a lot of time ........................................ .
3 Fill In the blanks using the correct preposition.
I don't know very much
....... a ncient history.
The manager agreed ............. an increase in staff holidays.
The airline apologised ............ losing my luggage.
How did you find out ............. our college?
What are yo u thinking ............. doing in the school holidays?
We went to the zoo because I wamed to look ............. the pengUins.
I agree ............. the teacher - you really need 10 improve your handwriting.
'What are you looking .............? 'My glasses, I can't find them anywhere:
I'll have to ...................................... .
3 Fill In the blanks using the correct preposition.
I I started high school ............. 1985.
2 Shall we meet ............. the library and then go In together.
..... 3 years.
3 I have been studying English.
. to study.....
4 I was born ............. June 17th 1991.
5 Pete and Jane go ............. Australia next week. They are gObll;g then
7'30 so we'll need to get there e are
6 The movie starts ............. .
. the mOvie we saw ast III
7 That actor was much younger ....... .
8 I find that I do my best work. ............ night.
.. Sydney.
The preposition of
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair,
a Qon ~tandord of living is I'IUCh better than in the post
b Oor ~tandord For bvng ~ tIIOCh better" thoo in the po~t
Write a letter conplolflt to the l"DOIlCIger.
b Write a letter of co~plalnt to the IlIQf\Qgef'
The preposition of is used in some common expressions: cost oflivillg, feller of
apologylcompfain t, etc., periotl of lime, quality of life, standard of fiving.
My father is a/ways complaining aOOlllllie high cost a/livinK nowadays.
Of is also used after some nouns: government, group, importance, lack, leader, typl!:.
People oftell underestimate the importance a/friends and family.
Of is used to talk about quantities with some words: amollnt, nllmber, alai, lots, pIe"
TIle govefllmellt is hoping to persulUlea large Ilflmbero! people to wafk to work.
Of is used in some prepositions: ill from of. i1lStead of
I decided to take the bus i"steml o/the train.
This is a ta1k to high school students. Fill In the blanks using the correct form of one
of the verbs in the box, and a preposition.
[ agree
find out
look (x 2)
It's that time of year again when our final-year students start to (l} ........................ ..
, s',ty and all of the decisions Ihat need to be made before then. Your teachers felt
that you needed some advice on this subject and I quite (2) ........................... them, so
have come along today to do just that. First, talk to your teachers. Not only do they
{3J ........................... (you) their subjects, but they can also give you some very useful
advice about your strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, make a list of what you .
already (4) ... ...................... ·· university study. That wi~l help you pinpoint what ~o~ stIli
need to (5) ..................... ······ . The internet can be an Invaluable tool, but there IS little
oint in searching for information if you don't know what you are (6) ...... .
~therwise you can waSle hours of valuable study time just (7) .......................... the
computer screen .
2 Correct the mistakes in the £ollowing sentences.
Also aflCr because and as a result when they are followed by a noun or gerund:
My cousin coultln't swim witl! liS becaflseo!his bad leg. (not bt'tWh'3e hffl bati kg)
I I agree to what you arc saying, but I think there is another side to the argument:
Ollr football team was demoted as a result a/the weather bei"K bad. (not a5 Ii refilll,. 2 The difference with your essay and mine is that I only answered part of the question.
,lie 1t>'iYilher Itffl bad)
3 Our teacher stressed the importance to checking our writing for spelling mistakes.
4 Fruit bats emerge in night to feed on the many fruit trees in the area.
2 Correct the mistake below.
5 Gan you meet me tomorrow morning in IO:OO?
6 I've been working in this coffee shop in six monlhs.
7 My birthday is in 8th November; when is yours?
8 Alex started piano lessons on July last year.
3 Add the correct prepositions to the following conversation.
There is a bus stop ...................................... .
3 Correct the mistakes In the rollowlng sentences. There may be more than one
mistake in some sentences.
It is difficult for very old people to have a good quality for li fe.
The lakes remained empty for a long period time during the drought.
I missed out on a good job promotion as a result my illness.
The government for my country tries to consult everyone about importalll issues.
J wrote a Icrter complaint 10 the airline because they lost my luggage.
There are a large number different types cars on our roads nowadays.
The leader fo r the opposition was very angry with Ihe result al the election.
We a te at home instead to go to a restaurant because we couldn't decide what type
food we wanted.
Thanks for coming everyone. As Y0t! know, Sue, our receptionist is off sick
and it may be some time before she's back (I) ............. work. I'll have a
replacement tomOrrOw, but today we'U all need to help out.
Well, I teach (2) ............. the af\ernoons, but I could cover reception
(3) ............. an hour this morning. I just need to make sure I have time to
prepare for my presentation {4) ............. the university (5) ............. 17th June.
OK, I'J[ put you down for 9:0010 10:00. What about you Margaret?
Margaret: Actually, I can do a couple of hours this afternoon because I managed to
get a lot of work done (6) ............. the weekend. I've promised to take ~lY
class to see a play (7). ............ Friday, so I really need to get that orgamsed
this morning.
, have a meetmg
'(8) ............. tl le c'ty
I (9) ............. 11'00
. but I can
That's fine. I dId
cancel that and cover (1 0)............. three hou rs from 10:00 to 1:00 myself. Well
done, everyone! Thank you.
4 Underline the correct answer.
I I quite agrec to I willt you.
~ow do I make a verb passive?
2 'Whal'sAnn doing?' 'She's looking at I for her passport:
3 I must apologise for I 10 being late; my car broke down.
L Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
4 Aftcr a few hours, mum finally agreed 10 I with take us to the movies.
S I stopped at the shops on the way home because I because ofl needed some mill
6 'Where's Bill?' 'He's at the art gallery looking at I for the paintings:
I :
7 Tim and Bob couldn't go to Ihe party because I because of their tennis match.
B I apologised for 1 10 everyone when my phone rang during the meeting.
5 Complete the le tter using the information from the notes.
f'OOnI~ were noisy
couId1·t ~ the pool
the hotel wa~·t finiN!ed
the water ~ so dirty
son cot his root
he ~waf1l at the beach
the weather wa~ so bod
trip to Mt Etna ~poi\ed
cooidn·t see the top of the IDOIXItain
IlI~d par't of the Yow
it was covered btJ cloud
the bus broke down
she ate ondercooked chicken
Wife sick
My hof1Ie ~ located n the we~tem ~t of the city.
M{j home
in the western part of the City.
T~ fund~ con be give to the poorer people to help thell.
can be given to the poorer people to help them
. .IS formed with the verb to be + the paSI. participle
of the verb:
The passIve
Nowad ays. a g
1.- chould
be changed into the correct tense:
The vcrb to 1ft;
is Spellt
present simple
is beitlg spem
present continuous
/lias spem
simple past
past continuous
was being spent
present perfect
has been spem
pasl perfect
IIad been spem
To make the negative, we put not between the verb to beand the past partICiple:
Dear Sir
I am writing to complain about a recent holiday I took wilh your company.
First. our accommodation was lerrible. It was very noisy as a result of
(I ) ................................. ........ so builders were working on it day and night. Not
only Ihal, but we couldn't use the pool because of (2)....................................... We
would have liked to go to the beach more often. but on the first day my son
cut his fOOl badly as a result of (3) ........................................ in the sea there, and
we discovered there was a lot of broken glass in the sand.
Secondly, we paid a grem deal of money for two trips. The firSI one to Mt
Etna was ruined because of (4)......................................... In faci we couldn't even
see the top of the mountain because of (5) ......................................... The SCcond
trip was to a show in the local town. However. we missed the start of the
show as a result of (6) ........................................ on the way there. Furthermore,
my wife ended up in hospilal as a result of (7)...................................... at the
restaurant there.
I would be grateful if you could refund the cost o f our trip.
Yours faithfully
Fraser Cullen
We were /lot laid that tile rules lIad changed.
The passive can also be used in the infinitive form:
Clliftlrefl "eed to be taugllt the correct way to be/Wlte jn public.
After modal verbs, we use the passive infinilive without to:
Some adults believe tllat chiltirell should be see" allti not heard.
\1m will be paid all tile last FridayoJeacll month.
2 Correct the mistake below.
3 Correct the mislakes in the following sentences. "IOU d 0 no t need to change the tense.
The house was sell for over one million dollars. .
The class has allowed to eat in the slaff dining room dunngtlhe renohva"donp:el
The potatoes carry along a conveyor b e It to a room .where t ley was an
The teacher told to lake her class OUI of the school If the fire bell rang.
couid not visil it.
S Smoking do not allow in any part of the aeroplane.
6 The museum was being renovating when we were there. so we
(I they are lrained.
7 Bus tickets can buy at any newsagenlS.
B New employees have instnlClcd nOllo operate the photocopIer un I
When do I use the passive?
What is register?
1 TIck the correct sentence in each pair.
1 l1ck the correct sentence In each pair.
a Many people kave been cried becaose of thi, di~ase.
b Many people have died bec<me of thi' d!~o:!oe.
2 a Thj, data took ff'Olll 1982 ood l'ln
b Thi, data was token from 1982 and 1992,
With active verbs we usually use the followi ng order: subject + verb + object. We usc
the passive when we want to pU l lhc objeci of the ver b first : object + verb. Compare:
Tile teacher told the studell(s to close flleir books. = active (subject + verb + object)
The sh,deflls were lold to close tllei r books. = passive (object + verb)
We use the passive:
• when we wanl to make the object the focus of the sentence: n,e books were sold for
a small profit at rl/esc/wol. (the focus is on the books, nOllnc person selling them)
Q NOle that the verb (were) agrees with the object (rhe books).
• when the context tells us who carried out the aClion:A law was i"tro{llIced 10 help
proteet people in this situatioll. (we know that the government did this)
• when it is nOt imponant who carried out the action: In tile factory, ti,e shoes are
cleaned ami packed into boxes ready for slile. (we do not need to know who does this)
-Q- Note that we can include the 'subject" by adding by + the person/ group: A lot of
waste materials could be recycled by large mallufacturers.
2 Correct the mistake below.
a This t!:lpe of work attracts a greater 1. of rleIl than wor.en.
b This t!:lpe of work attracts a greotet> percentage of /IIe{I t hoo WOIIeI'\.
2 a M~ old people believe that kids hove too IDOCh freedor. nowodrly~.
b MOO{l old people believe that children hove too IllOch freedolll nowadays.
'Register' means using the right word in the right Context. For formal essay writing,
you must use a formal register. This means you should 1I0t usc informal language.
You should not use:
• in form al vocabulary: not kids; o.l--; bucks; Iwops. You should use a more formal
equivalent instead : cllildrell; all right o r acceptable; money. mally or a great deaf.
• symbols on their own in place of word s: not %; $; &; @I. You sho uld write the words
in full: percent; money. and; at. NolC that % and $ should only be used with
n umerals. For smaller amounts we write $50 (not SO dollMs) and 7S% (not 7S
percelll). The noun form of percent is lJ(!rcelltage.
• abbreviHtions: not m; yrs; kgs; 11 0. You should write these words in full: millioll:
years; kilos/kilograms: IIlImber.
• all capital letters: not NOWAl:IAYS P60PL6 nt!NK. ntAr You should use capital
letters only when appropriate: Nowadays people t/lillk elm L .
Look at the following examples:
Companies waste hMPS ofb"e/a 011 (Idllf?rtisillg. -.. waste a great delll a/money 011. ..
III 1986 tlte"'1irrose 10 67.S. .... tile percentage rose w...
Between Ihe t'l'£ 2001 and 2OOS. Ollf?r 2Ht-people d ied. -- tile years... OllCr 2 million
2 Correct the mistake below.
Protective headgear ....................................... .
The new hospital ........................................ .
3 Change the follOwing sentences from active to passive. You will not need to change
the tense, You will need to decide when to leave out the subject.
A facto ry worker checks each box for quality. fuch box .................................
The government does not permit ch ildren under 16 to work. Children ..
The washing machine is washing your clothes at the moment. Youre/otlles
A mechHnic will repair your car this afternoon. )'Ourcar .................................. .
The Hgent has sold our house at last. Our hOl/se ............................. ...... ....................
Something tore the back of my coat. The hock ofmYCOllt ........... ................ ... .
The employer pays the staff more for working at the weekend. The staff ...................... .
Burning tyres give off highly toxic chemicals. Higlily toxic clwmicals ...........................
3 Correct the register errors in the following sentences. There may be more than one.
Some people believe it is ok to hit small children.
2 Kids toda y are much more comforWble using technology than older people.
3 The no. of people without a job in the yr 2001 was 3.5m.
4 The government needs to ereHte heaps of jobs to solve this problem.
6 The female employees tend to go Ollt more during their lunch break than the guys.
7 35% of stud ents agreed with the decision but the % that disagreed was far greater.
8 The baby blue whale gains 90 kgs per day.
Test 7
3 Fill In the gaps in the following paragraph using the information in the diagrams_
How to make a tradi tional canoe
1 Match the people or group to the correct sentence.
the burglar
the principal
the government
the hospital staff
the nation
The main dish was served on a silver planer. .... JI:lLW.':I.~~~r. ...
Each year the most improved student is chosen ....... .
A new law has been passed to make the dumping of waste illegal.
I realised my keys had been stolen during the break-in.
Simon is being treated for minor burns....
Our new governmcill will be elected on June 20th.
Now rewrite the sentences in the active using the subjects from the box.
.!t).~. ~!l.~t~r. :~.~.t:~~.!:h~.. !Y.,.!'!~.~..r!..~~h ..Q.~.f~·..~.~~.y.~r..1! ~.tt~r..
4 Heat the bark over a fire.
Do not allow it to burn .
2 Snip the bark.
3 Soak the bark.
5 Place the bark between
trees to shape if.
6 Sew the edges together.
4 ........... " ..
2 Find 10 verbs that should be in the passive and make the necessary changes.
8 Indigenous people use them to catch fish.
7 You have finished your canoe.
There arc two main types of training: behavioural and obedience.
Behavioural training should do on a one-to-one basis. This type of training
uses to correct any bad habits your dog may have developed, such as
climbing on furniture. Obedience training should do often but only for short periods of time. It is
best to train your dog just before meals so his meal associates with a reward for the training.
It is important to keep your puppy safe from danger. Many young puppies injure because
their owners don't realise how curious they can be. One way to protect your puppy is by
giving him a special house. The house can make of any suitable material but it must be big
enough for the puppy to move around comfortably. It can use for house-training your puppy
or to protect him from very young children.
You should never try to win your puppy's affection by allowing him to do what he likes. If
your puppy rewards with a cuddle and a pat when he jumps on the furniture, then he will
continue to do this. To correct jumping, first your puppy's feet should place firmly back on
the floor. Then the puppy gives a treat when he is on the floor. It is important to make sure
that other people know they cannot pet him or reward him if he jumps up.
The diagrams show how a traditional canoe (I) ......................... First, a suitable tree
(2) ...•..................... and then the bark (3) ..•.•......•....•........ off in one piece. Next, the bark
(4) ........................ in a river so (hat it becomes soft and pliable. It (5) ....................... .
(then) over a fire but it should (6) ........................ (nol) to burn. [n order {Q shape the
bark, it should (7) .•.•..•.•................ between two trees that are growing close together.
Finally, once the bark has cooled, the edges (8) •...•....•....•....•.... together. Your canoe
(9) .......................... . These canoes (10)......
... for fishing.
4 Correct the 10 mistakes in the following text.
The graph shows the no. of people who shop online and the types of stuff that bought.
It is clear that most money spend on travel and accommodation, and the smallest
amollm of money is spending on groceries. The first figures available are for the yr
1995, because shopping online was not common before then. The % of people
shopping online was very small initially, and it took ages for people to begin using this
service. However, the majority of people still wanna visit shops in person to do their
shopping, and only 20% of the population say they have ever bought anything online.
Of the 20% who have used online shopping, 75% say they have been received good
value for money and they would definitely use it again.
Adjectives and adverbs
Noun or adjective?
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
a Thi:! difference can be explained Vite ea~.
b Thi!l difference can be explained ~ite easily.
2 a It is clearl(J that people withoot money do not have as J'JI(JCh freedom.
b It i!l clear that people withoot r'KlOe[J do not have 05 much freedom.
a Toori5f11 can be very benefit to poorer area$.
b Toori5f11 can be very beneficial to poof'er areas.
2 a In I'll!:J job. yotJ need the confidence to address large group5 of people.
b In I'll!:JJob. you need the confident to addre5$large group5 of people.
Adjectives are used to describe a noun: Today life is verycomplicaled. (complicated
describes the noun life)
To describe a whole idea or situation, we can use It is + adjective + rlwt-clausc or It is
+ adjective + to'!" infinitive:
It is essentiallllat YOIl bring back all a/YOlir books before the end o/term.
It is important to begin studying several weeks before tile exam.
Adverbs can be used to describe a verb: We must act quickly. (qllicklydcscribes the
verb act) or an adjective: This elw,t is sigrlijicantly diJJerelll. (not signijic(tIIt tiiffef'e,1l1
(significantly is an adverb describing the adjective differellt).
We use adve rbs such as unfortunately to show how we feel about something:
UII!ortllllately, lies lIot well. (lillfommately shows I fee l this is a bad thing)
-tJ Some adverbs are irregular, e.g. fast, liard, well: He rail as fast as lie could.
2 Correct the mistake below.
Sometimes it is easy to confuse a noun with its adjective. Look at the following list of
comm only confused nouns and adjectives:
-tJ NOle that invaluable means very valuable!
-tJ Men and women can only be used as nouns: More mell thall womell work here.
Male and female arc used as adjectives: The IIwllberof!emuleemlJloyees is increasing
eadl year. (not women employees)
You should refer to either men and women or male and female. Do not use the two
different te rms together: Male tmIIJ/o)'cesjar OIWIWHhe,-/ilc loomcu.
2 Correct the mistake below.
Michael's studying ....................................... .
3 Underline the correct words.
I didn't play very good I well in our last football match.
In 1980, this figure increased slwrp I sharply to 75%.
There was a gradual I gradually increase in numbers between 1990 and 1995.
It is clear I clearly that people with experience can find a job more easy I easily.
[strong I strongly agree with this point of view.
Severe I Severely punish ments may not help to reduce crime.
Unforlllnate I Unfortunately, [ am unable to attend the meeting this Saturday.
It is vital I vitally important to address these problems before it is too late.
I'm looking for a ..................... .
3 Correct the mistakes In the sentences below.
r can't tell the different between the fake designer goods and the real ones.
The advice my tutor gave me was unvaluable in the exam.
II is important to eat a health diet when you arc studying or exercising hard.
In some countries, there arc no women members of parliament.
I can't study in silent; J need to have music in the background.
A child who is loved is a happiness child.
Both women and males need 10 be included in these decisions.
The landlord complained because we were making too much noisy.
Verb confusion 1 - courses and study
Test 8
1 Tick the correct sentence In each pair.
1 Fill In the blanks In the sentences below using the correct form of one of the words
In the box.
2 a
J don't know where the librO!'y i:\.
I don't ~tood where the library i:!.
Lost ~mmer I :sttkiied with you on t he cOOI':se.
Lost wmmer I leamed with yotJ on the co(/('se
• Know is used to show that you have memorised something or that you are certain
of something: I kllowall o/the irregular verbs. Know describes a state, not an
activity (not [Blli Hying Ie knew Hlf irregular IIS/'8S.) and we cannot use il in the
continuous form (not I am kfltJwil!g Il'lj' irrq;ulRr tJer-bs.J,
Learn describes an activity. We learn facts when we try to memorise them: I am
learning irregular verbs/or tile /est. We can also team a skill: I am learning 10 play
tile piano. We callnot use learn by itself (not I am Iea ..'nillgfor lile tesl. j
Study is usually used 10 talk about a whole subject area rather than individual skills
or facts: My daughter is study;rtg economics at university (not f (hI! stIlt";"!; htjttJ ttj
pia)' Ole pial/fl.}. We can use study by itself: I am slm/ying/or tile lest 01/ Friday.
Note that we can say learn about but not studyahout: We're teart/il/gabollt World
War I tllis term. (not III€'re stlt(l,'i>'fg (foouf).
Take can be used in a similar way to srudyto refer to a subject area: / am takillg a
course in marketing. It is also used to refer to the individual subjects within a
course: I have to take at leasl3 marketing subjects to geltiJedipioma.
Enrol is used to say that you are listed in the official records for a course. Ilwvejust
enrollel/ in an art course.
h ealth
n atu re
res ponsible
I didn't have the .......................... to join the school debating team.
We hope this new source of power will lead to the..
............. o f new b usi nesses
in our area.
There is a great deal of evidence that a diet of fast food is not.
If you make a mistake, it is important 10 take ...
................. fo r your actions.
At first Joe didn't realise the ........................... of his discovery.
It was almost impossible 10 tell the
............... between the twins.
In some ways, it is better to use .......................... ingredients like sugar and butter
rather than manufactured foods.
Studies have shown that exercising three times a week is . ........................ for the
2 Correct the 8 mistakes In the following text.
Why do you think that education has become so important nowadays?
Well, I think people are more concern these days about being success
in their career. And nowadays you really have to be very well education
if you want to get a good job. Our life is also more competition these
days, so you have to study hardly at school and univerSity. I think good
qualifications can make a big different in getting the job you want. You
also need 10 be able 10 speak English good, so it's importance to study
languages as well as other subjects.
2 Correct the mistake below.
3 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words In brackets.
We would like ....
3 Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences below.
We're learning J studying about Ancien! Home this term.
I've decided to enrol in I learn a photography course this summer.
I can hum the tunc but I don't know I learn the words.
In high school you kllow I stlldy many different subjects.
Before you can fly a plane. you need to learn I stlldy how to land.
Jane is learning I studying in London this year.
Do you know I learn the telephone number for the school?
I can't go out on Friday. I have to learn I stlldy for my end·of-year exams.
The figures in the two charts are ..
... different. (sig"ificant)
...... (sligilt)
In 2002 the number of houses sold increased
These figures feli
.................. in 2005. (silarp)
The concert was.
................. noisy. (incredible)
........................... , we didn't get to see the Eiffcl Tower on our trip. (sad)
The lecture on robotics was
....... interesting. (extreme)
The nu mber of students enrolled in the course rose
..................... from 1995 to
2005. (steady)
8 ................. .
, I feel that we spend far too much money on space exploration.
4 Circle the corrc<:t words in the following extract.
" It takes more than good qualifications to become a good
teacher." To what extent do you agree?
I had a mixture of teachers when I (1) learned / studied at school. Some
were interesting and some were boring, some were (2) excellence /
excellent and others were not so good. But what does it take to make a
good teacher?
One of the best teachers I have ever had was when I (3) enrolled / took
a course in ancient history at university. I had never been very
(4) interest / interested in history before, but this teacher managed to
make the classes so (5) entertainment / entertaining that it was never
dull. However, there is more to being a good teacher than personality.
My history teacher at school had only a limited knowledge of his
subject and I don't think that we (6) knew / learned a great deal from
him. It is (7) clear / clearly that good qualifications can also be
A good teacher needs to use their (8) imagine / imagination to create
lessons that are (9) helping / helpful as well as (10) education /
educational. They also need to gain the (11) respect / respectful of
their students. Such teachers are usually (12) extreme / extremely
popular with students. It is (13) important / importantly for teachers
to be (14) genuine / genuinely interested in their students and their
job in order to do it well. Perhaps there would be fewer problem
students in schools if there were more 'good' teachers.
Verb confusion 2 - describing charts and figures
1 TIck the correct sente nce In each pair.
a In 2002 the figOre ncrea~ fl'Or- 301. to 25'1..
b In 2002 the tigOre decre~ fror- 30'1. to 25'1..
2 a The flow chart dis~ the qIlQ"My of electl'icity con:.onted each ~
b The Flow chart ~ the C,JImt ity of electrICity con~rled each !/Wr.
Describing charts
Graphs and charts can SIIOW fac ts:
Tile two graplls sh ow tile IIl1mber of people employed by tile compally ill 1980 and 1990.
We usc indicmewhen we want to draw a conclusion about the figures in the charts:
Ihese figures indicate (11lIt tile compally is growing in size each year.
We use illustrate to refer to evidence or proof of something:
These figures illustrate tile need for better mallagemelZl of ollr resources.
We do not use t!emOflstrate. display or tell to describe a chart. Compare the following:
Tile salesmatl demollstmted the mac/line for us. (= show how something works)
Look at tllefigllres d isplayed on the screen. (= show on a screen)
Tile girls' work was displayed for all to see. (= make sure it can be easily seen)
Did J lell )'011 abolll my accident? (= give a verbal or writte n account of a story)
Describing figures
If figures go up. we usc increase or rise: Temperatures rose in May.
if the figures go down. we use decrease or fall: Tile IIl1mber of bats Jell ill 2004.
if the figures stay the same. we use renlllill steady or show little/no change: "lhe figures
show little cilallge since 2001.
2 Correct the mistake below. /C--,----".,--:-c:--;--\--,r-::l:~o-_;;::;_;:;::c1
I'm us ing slides to ....
3 Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences below.
The figures illustrate I indicate that enormous changes have occurred.
The book demonstrates I tells the story of a young boy and his life in Africa.
The greatest increase I decrease was in 1997. when it peaked at 56 toJlnes.
The pic chart on the right illustrates I tells how serious th is problem has become.
Most shops use shelves to display I sl/Ow their products.
The figures reached a low in 2002, when they fell I rose to only 15%.
The twO graphs indicate' show the total number of men and wom~n enrolled.
if you arc unsure how the camera works. I can demonstmte I slww It 10 you.
Verb confusion 3 - money and problems
Noun confusion 1 - money and work
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
1 TIck the correct sentence In each pair.
We are b<Jyng IIIOI'e and IIIOI'e r.ooey on cars each yecr.
b We are ~ndiog IIIOI'e and /lOre I'IOIle!I on CONI each year.
2 a We need to:ltop this p!"ObIM as :soon a s POMibie.
b We need to solve this pI"ObIe,. as :K>On as possible.
Money: buy or spend?
We use buy to say what we bought or where we bought it: '/ bollgllt a flew jllmper last
week."WlIeredid YOII bllY itt (= which shop did you buy it from)
We use spend to talk about money: I Spellt over $250 on mobile p/lDlle calls last mom/l.
When we use spelld by itself, the idea of money is understood in the sentence:
We are spelldillg more all petrollhall ever before. (= we are spending morc money on
a T~ who do rronooI 'NOrk often eom !eM r.oney.
b "f1lose who do rwonooI work often earn IeM~.
2 a People wittoot conptITer' ~ils find it diff~t to get aJe*> nowodaya.
b People without conptITer' knowledge fnd it diffICult to get a jOb ~
• A salary is the total a mount that a professional person is paid each year: TIle
markelillgjob offers opportullities 10 travel alld all allractive salary.
• A wage is the amount of money earned each week/month for casual or manual
work: Tim got a pailllillgjob witll a wage 0/$400 per week.
• We usc mOlley in a more general sense: Nowadays people lIeed to earn a lot more
money to be able 10 buy a hOllse. (not ef".l,"11 f".I J9' m9(9 M'Ages)
Weare b/lyillg more petrol thall coer be/ore. Ie;; the focus is on the petrol)
Problems: avoid, fix. prevellf, repair, resolve. solve
Weftx or repair something that is broken : I took m y watch LO the jewellers 10 get it fLXed .
We solve problems: We IIl11sttry to solve the IInemployment problem.
We resolve difficult situations and issues: W1w( can we do LO resolve this situation?
We prevellt problems so they do not happen (prevent from + -ing, prevell1 + noun I-ing):
We need to do (lit IveC(1II to prevent Ih is from happening. (= to stop this happening)
2 Correct the mistake below.
It took me two hours
to resolve the Oil leak
in my car.
• Job refers 10 the rype of work you do: My job is to manage tile staff. or a particular
task: AI home, my job is to do tile irolling.
• Work can be a noun or a verb and is lIsed in a general sense: (uncountable noun)
It took a lOl a/work bill I finis hed tIle project. (verb) My dad works ill a bank.
Workplace is the place where you work: It is better /0 traill ill tIle workplace rather
tlmn at a college.
• Knowledge refers to facts you have stud ied over time. and skills refer 10 practical
ability. Compare: His knowledge o/il isiory is amazing, llJaliegood typing skills.
• We use employment and IllJemploymelll to talk about general work trends:
Unemployment figures fell tllis week. Employee = a worker, employer = a boss.
2 Correct the mistake below.
Conditions at the factory
were so bad that the empl~rs
decided to go on strike.
It took me (wo hours ........................................ .
3 Fill in the blan ks whh a suita ble verb rrom this unIt_
I It is important to teach ch ildren how to save money as well as how to ..................... it.
2 We must take the necessary action to .......................... this issue as quickly as possible.
3 If we are to use nuclear power, we have to do everything we can 10 .......................... a
disaster like ChernobyJ.
Winning a great deal of money cannot
................. all of your pro blems.
How much did you .......................... on video games last year?
We closed all the windows to ......................... the rain from co ming in.
I h ave to save a lot of money because I want to .......................... a car next year.
r can do most things at home but I can't .......................... electrical goods irthey don't
Conditions at the factory ........................................ .
3 Fill in the blanks with a suitable noun from Ihls unit.
[paid more tax last week because of the extra .....
......... J earned.
I know a lot about cars but r don't have the mechanical
........ to fix them.
I read a book on the life and ......................... of Louis Pasteur. the famous scientist.
loe's .... ..................... gave him a promot ion and a higher ..................... .
The problem of ......................... is a ke y issue for this year's election.
Moving house is such a big ....................... ,.. that I don't ever want to do it again.
Many workers can become ill if the conditions in their .......................... are not good.
I gave up my part-time ...................... ,.,. as it was affecting my school
4 Correct the 10 vocabulary mistakes in the following extraCI.
Test 9
1. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of one
display (x2)
or the verbs in the box.
The televisions were .......................... at the front of the store.
............. the new televisions for us.
The shop assistant
Martin used an image of a television to ...........
...... his point.
The departure limes were .......................... on the television in our hotel room.
Jill .......................... us all about the new television she had just bought.
This chart .......................... the number of televisions sold in the last month.
2 Fill in the blanks in the following text. Use a different verb or phrase for each space.
40,000,---- -
___ Manual jobs
--+- Professional jobs
1985 1990 1995 2000 200S
The graph (I) ...................................... the number of professional and manual jobs
available over a 20-year period. The number of manual job vacancies
{2} ........................................ dramatically be nveen 1985 and 1990, but the n it
................................. over the next 5 years from 1990 to 1995. The number of
professional jobs available also (4) ........................................ between 1985 and 1990,
reaching a peak of approximately 15,000. The figures then (5) ............................ .
until 2005. when they (6) ........................................ to 10,000. The figures for manual jobs
(7) ....................................... since 1995. These figures (8) ....................................... that,
overall, there are fewe r professional jobs availab le than manual jobs.
If we want to reduce unemployment, we need to pay workers more money for
manual jobs. This will encourage people to work. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
In some countries, employed people are given money by t he government to
help them until they can find a suitable job. However, manua l workers
often receive salaries that are too low to live on; t his means t hat there is
little incentive for these people to work. One way to prevent t he problem
of unemployment would be fo r employees to pay their em ployers more
money for jobs which do not require a great deal of knowledge, such as
cleaning jobs.
Paying more wages is only one way to encourage people to work, however.
We also need to consider the working place. We need to ensure t hat it is
safe and comfortable at all times, so that people can feel happy about
going to work.
If we want to resolve unemployment from increasing, then we need to do
what we can to encourage people to continue working. This situation will
not be solved unless we deal with the issue of working conditions as weU
as money.
5 ComlJiete the following conversation with Ihe correct form ofeilher SIJend or buy.
3 Choose the COITCCI word to complete the following sentences.
The government is doing all it can to resolve this problem I silllatioll.
2 Unemployment is one isslle I problem that I don't think we will ever be able to solve.
3 Let's look at some ways to prevellll solve this situation from happening again.
4 By the end of the meeling, we had resolved all of Ihe isslles I problems raised by the
5 We need to employ a Human Resources manager who can prevent I solve our
staffi ng problems.
6 We finally resolved I solved Ihe issue of who would wash up by buying a dishwasher.
What kinds of things do young people generally spend their money on?
That's difficult to say because girls tend to (l) ........................... different things
from boys. Many of the young girls I know prefer to (2) ........................... their
money on clothes, for example. They also like (3) ........................... loiS of
accessories like jewellery or make-up. But my brother, for example,
(4) ........................... most of his money on video games. I-Ie (5) .......................... .
at least one new one per month; I'd say he (6) ........................... about $100 a
month on video games.
Can youlcll me about something you have bought recently?
..................... a new mobile phone last month. It cost me q uite a
Erm, I (7)
lot, and then I (8) .......................... over $200 on phone calls, so it's been a
really expensive purchase so far!
Noun confusion 2 - advertising, travel and young people
When do I need to use an apostrophe?
1. TIck the correct sentence in each pair.
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair.
a Adverti~ing on TV is the best woy of increasing yoor bosine~.
TV iiS the best WCI!:I 01' increamg!:lOO" b<mleM.
2 a How was !JCXX' travel to Canada?
b How was yoor trip to Conoda?
AclYert~/IIeflt on
• Advertise is the verb and adl'erlisemem (it can be shortened to advert) is the noun.
We can also use commercial 10 refer 10 1V advertisements: I saw a really f llllllY
advertisement I commercial oli N iasllliglll. We usc advertisillg to refer to the
industry: My sisler works inlllivertis;"g.
• We usejollmey or trip to talk about getting from A 10 B: The jollrtJey I trip to
Australia was really long.
• Travel is a verb and an uncountable noun which refers to takingjourncys in general:
We travelled for lIours before we SliI/J any sign of life. Air travel is very clump tllese dnys.
• Trip can also refer to a holiday or an excursion: I needed a break so I decided to take
a trip to tile coast. (not J aeeided If} If/he f/ Inwel)
• We usually use YOlltll to refer [0 a stage of life: I did a lot oftravellillg ill my youtll. It
is rarely used [0 talk about people; instead, we use YOllng person or youllg people.
a I am ~[J bot 1 wont be able to c<me to your port[J an Saturdoy.
b IOIl:Kll"'l"t:l bot 1 won't be able to COIle to!JOU' party on Soturdoy.
2 a Ghildren'~ f'qjs are moch more ~ophl~ticated now than ~ the po~t
b Ghi1dren3 fo[J~ ore tIIOCh 00I"e sophi~ticated now then ~ the po~t
We use apostrophes
• to shorten words and show that some letters have been left out:
call1lot .... ClIlI',; co/lld /lot .... couldn't; do lIot .... don't; lie will __ 1I .. 'Il;
Will /lOt .... WO/l't; slle would .... slle'd.
These contractions are mostly used in spoken or informal language:
I cmft filld Peter allywhere -lie isll't ill tile sUlffroom or ill lIis Office.
• after people or animals to show possession: Mary's Im t, tile cat'stood disll
We do not use an apostrophe
• with possessive pronouns, such as its, ours, theirs, yollrs:
Tile caterlJiIla r stays i ll its cocoon lIlItil metamorphosis ;s com plete. (nOt ir's OO('t)¢II)
• when we add s to a singular noun 10 make it plural, even if we are using a
commonly abbreviated word: CDs, 7Vs (not: tlJ's-,~)
• to show possession with things. Instead, we use ofllle: tile leg of tile c/Wir (not-#K>-
elm;r! kg)
2 Correct the mistake below,
2 Correct the mistake below.
Emperor penguin
after it's ~ung,
I wish I had something .......................... ..
The male Emperor ."" ................. ,
3 Fill in the blanks with a suitable word or phrase from this unit.
I lave you packed any snacks for the train .......................... ?
The ................ , ......... we placed in train stations bring us the most business.
We need to give the ........................... in our society a lot more opportunities if we
want them to grow into responsible adults.
I'll apply for a job in ..... "" .... " ... ,....... , when I finish my marketing course.
I was very unhappy with the skiing " ......................... organised by your company.
Would yOll prefer to ........... " ...... " ...... by train or by plane?
Is it more effective to .......... " ............... a product on TV or in magazines?
We are looking for a ........................... wi th an interest in computers to fill the post.
3 Correct the mistakes in the sentences below. Some sentences may have more than
one mistake, some may be correct.
I put Jack coal on a hanger in the cupboard.
2 I cant understand why older people dont like modern musIC,
3 I bought three new CD's this week.
4 The dog wagged it's tail when it saw Ihe children,
5 Fresh avocado's on sale today!
6 Which one is mine and which one is her's?
7 Can you put this in the car's boot for me?
8 It's about time you fIXed that car of yours.
Common spelling errors
Test 10
1 TIck the correct sentence in each pa ir.
1 Write the underlined words without a contraction.
a SOI'IIe people beIie-,oe that there shooId be oore ~ in goverMtlt
b SOrlIe people believe that there shooId be oore wor.en n goverment
2 a It i~ the responsibility of INeI"!:I oootr'IJ to protect the env~t
b It is the respoMibilify of every country to p!'oteci the envir'O(lrtent
Some words are spelled incorrectly because they are similar 10 anOlhcr word:
/0 or too? I wallf 10 go to the park. J wa/lled a new computer bm ended lip with a
printer too. (= as well)
• there or ,IIeir'? YOllr book is there, 011 the table. Stlldems must buy tlre;r books before
tile sUlrt of (erm.
• (Iwugll or ,hrough? Several st/uletlls dIOse RussiaTl IIlOlIg/, they luu/neueT st/If/jed a
lungllage before. TI,e tOllr guide led tile group tllrollg" some arMS ofQllcient rainforest.
Sometimes there is confusion over British a nd American spelli ngs:
c.g. programme = British
program = American
n Usc either British or American spcilings, but do not mix the two different styles:
(UK) II's /11)' favourite colour. or: (U S) It's my favorite color. (not lis 1I*,'/<il'6I1file tl618r.)
The following words are also often spelled incorrectly. Pay particular atlemion to
those with double letters: accommodation, advertisement, always, benefit, beginning,
bllsiness, commercial, COIl1ltry, di!Jeretlf. e"vironment, gOllCmmellt, nowadays,
OCCllrT"e(I, passenger, restallrallt, teacller, wlliell
2 Add 8 apostrophes to the following conve rsation.
Sally: 1m going to need some help to clean up tomorrow, Are you busy?
Tim: 111 be able to do a bit early on bUi then Ive g011D go to the airport. Mums plane
lands at 12:00.
Sally: Oh, yes. Id forgotten your mum was com ing. How long is she here for?
Tim: Shes only here for a few weeks.
Sally: Oh, so she wont be here for your party, then?
Tim: No. That reminds me, 1 havent got any petrol in my car. Can 1 borrow yours?
3 Complete the foUowing text with a suitable form ofjol/mey, travel or trip,
Describe a holiday you remember well. You should say
where you went
how you travelled
what you did there
and say why you remember it so well
2 Correct the mistakes below.
Off l-ol<day 1 r~ "'aG a i>l<e-(;di"J 01 ........................... 1 t<tt 10 Fr8l"Ce
rkeI'l 1 "'aG 1'1. 1 went "'iii> a frienl F,st "" III ......... ................. 10 lor'<llt1
It says, '1'wo star ...................................... .
tJy train a'll
3 Correct the spelling mistakes in the sentences below.
I My dogri2I11 cal tinned food .............
2 lif:d. never seen a kangaroo before.
3 Wfjilike to see the menu, please.
4 ~ already got a car........... .
S We couldn't see any fish in the river. ................ ..
6 They've bee n waiting for ages.
7 ~ leaving in the morning. .......... ......... .
8 Jls. a shame you ~ slay...........................
The goverment of my contry has introd uced a new system to encourage recycling.
[am not su re wich of the students has brought there camera.
Nowdays you need to be sure to read advcrtisments carefully.
It makes good comercial sense to invest time and money in your busines.
My geography teatcher taught us a lot about the enviroment.
The passangers had to walk throught several corridors to reach the plane.
My siste r has to watch her favouritelV programme every nite.
There arc many benifits in using the internet to book acomodation.
*"" "" had arotrer train 131 ........................· 10 get 10 DOVer,
Me"e "" ca,grr Ire ferry. It "'aG a re8l~ rOJj> Cf~"J and my frienl "'aG
""" Ire .wolf I~I .................
. vee had p\M"f<I to """" tM:> ex 1tfee
.veek5 151 .
.......... "C>.X>I Fr8l"Ce Ot'l ox l>1<eS and """"if'<), M it
raired c.Ot'lsIi1>'lt1y and _
Ot'lly a fe", days, ox terlts .;ere BO<I<i"J ""t
and "" "",i~ 10 rp iW'e. Ot'l Ire Ibl .......................... •"~
w. "" felt ~'""
iIis<WOirlted, M 1\1 (lfver fcx~t _ (11 .....
... ~
"'aG my f,st l-ol<day <t<oad ",it\Wt my pa-erit&
4 Correct the J 2 vocabulary and spelling mistakes in the following text.
'There Is far too much advert1sIng on TV these da,ys.' Do you agree?
Answer key
Unit 1
1 1
!o walch a la..-~ rlllnlbu' of adve.-!;si~ !o. I! :;ee...s !hal !ekvisiOn adven.;:;e is Hle
pr-ice _ pa~ fa..- f.-ee--1.0~ai'- TV. Bu.! is U>is pr-ice hi~her !han _ rtali~? No!
on\~ art cOns!an! acive.1.isi~5 a~i~, bu.! !he~ also mean !ha! 'flU!hs are. bei~
cOns!anU~ !old !o bu.~ !hirljs !he~ dOn! 'leed Or" ea! !l1in')s !ha! a.-e.n '! heal!h~.
I! of!tn :;eeWlS as U......ou')h chikl.-e.n are. be,I>') specifica\\') !ar¥!e.ti b')!he cOrr\tI-"Iercial
iotlus!r~ becau:;e !he') ....ak.e !here. cClwIWIe..-cials ver') co\o.-ful and \outI, aotl so even
ve":! 'flU~ children a..-e aUraeled !o U-.e.WI. I {hCnk,. i! is i~an! !o reali~
lhol TV's are 0. ve.-~ effective. leachi..., {ool anti _ shoulti !he..-efar-e
lak,.e. WlCll-"e care wiih how lhis mediu.", is u.:;ed.
5 Complete the crossword below.
• I 1 • I ••••~••
•• ••
••• ••
•••• •••••••••
•• ••
•• •••••
Across -.
3 advantage
4 the person who leads a class
5 our surrou ndings
9 currently
II a person who travels on a bus, plane or train
12 a place to eat
13 rm not sure .............. one to choose.
14 England is a .............. .
15 not the same
Down 1
I the start
2 a place to stay
6 the opposite of never
7 happened
8 another word for commerce
lOwe use this to sell a product
2 b
2 not the same as mine
3 I the internet
2 rivers
3 America
4 the number
5 the same
6 the USA
7 the greatest
8 The moon, the eanh
NOwtkl~s, if 'flU walch a P""~a- On a cOrr\me..-cial TV s!a!iOn, 'flU should e"peel
Unit 2
2 a
2 women studying science increased
3 I ch ildren
2 men
3 people
4 it
5 was
6 classes
7 person
8 watches
Unit 3
2 b
2 amount of garbage
3 I ... very good piece of advice about...
2 ... the amount of time it took us ...
3 ... great deal of knowledge to...
4 The information we were
given ...was not very helpful.
5 ... to see so much garbage left there.
6 ... there was so much traffic...
7 ... and do some shopping.
8 The furniture ... was quite old but it
was very comfortable.
Test 1
5 advice, was
6 students
7 similarities
2 1 The table
2 The number one
3 [he largest
4 The United Kingdom
5 the list
6 the United States
7 the Faroe Islands
the world
9 Sweden
10 Malta
the same
12 the internet
2 Is there
3 Is there
4 How much
5 Are there
6 How much
7 How many
Is there
piece of advice
2 houses
3 companies
4 people
5 children
6 plastic
7 transport
5 (I) Globa1lsatlon has had; on many (2)
parts of the world: some of (3) the most
remote; of (4) the world; connect to (5)
the internet; Ilowever, (6) there are (7)
advantages and (8) disadvantages to
this: One (9) disadvantage, for example:
local businesses (10) have to reduce;
stop young (II) people moving; more
remote (12) areas; a young person (13)
has the chance; news from around the
world (14) Is available.
1 is
2 is
3 is
4 ideas
9 catches
10 makes
II get dressed
12 leave
2 f
3 h
Unit 4
I b
2 b
2 watches TV for 8 hours every day
3 1 ... according to what they believe.
2 ... government spends too much ..
3 .. .in my counlry send their...
4 ... people travel to very distalll...
5 I hope it is nOL.
6 The female hen lays on average.. .
7 Younger drivers are more likely.. .
8 ... docto rs agree that the only...
4 b
5 ;
agriculture (1) Is very important; our
farmers (2) grow a wide; this (3) h elps
to reduce; which also (4) reduces the
price: thei r day (5) begins very; often
(6) work until late; weather also
(7) makes their working; many farmers
(8) feel that; We (9) need to encourage;
chains (IO) take a large; The
government (II) need/needs to
address: that they (12) protect this.
4 2 two million
3 one and three quarter million
4 one and a half million
5 a million or one million
6 a million or o ne million
7 nine hundred thousand
8 three quarters ora million
5 I There
2 They
3 there
4 They
5 It
6 There
7 they
8 there
Unit 5
I b
2 a
2 Thousands of people
3 I thousands
2 three hundred
3 three and a half billion
4 six hundred dollars
5 three qua rters of a million
6 Millions of
7 six hundred
8 one and a half billion
I b
2 b
2 there were a lot more little shops
3 1 ... countries there are many...
2 There is no clear trend ..
3 ... and there are no factories ...
4 Fortunately. there arc still a lot...
5 ... so there aren't any large.. .
6 ... chart, there is a large gap.. .
7 In 1990 there were 3 million .. .
8 How much work Is there to do?
Unit 7
I I b
2 a
2 someone who/that can play the piano
3 I ... problems that can occur...
2 ... teacher who / that inspired ...
3 ... teenagers who/that do not feel...
4 ... those who / that do not have...
5 People who / that work with ...
6 People who / that continue ..
7 I understand what yo u mean.
8 The chart that is on the left ..
Test 2
I gets up
2 starts
3 is
4 has
5 leaves
6 wakes
7 gets up
8 prefers
Unit 8
I b
2 b
2 but James hates it
3 I 0<
2 and
3 Ot
4 but
5 Ot
6 or not
7 but
8 0<
3 I
The students that /w ho struggle...
... grandmother that/who first .. .
... sure what we have to write.. .
... an instrument that is used to ...
... apologise for what I said ...
Venus is a planet that you can ...
7 ... creatures that live in rivers .. .
8 The people that /who I know.. .
tt Numbers 6 and 8 do not need a
relative pronoun.
4 I did
2 ace
3 have, have
4 ;s
5 ;s
6 Do, am
7 docs
8 have
2 and
3 but
4 and
5 0'
6 what
7 but
8 but
9 that
Unit 9
I I b
2 b
2 We are going to play tennis. Do you
want 10 join u s?
3 I does
2 at.
3 4 have
5 do
6 ;s
7 have
8 Test 3
... or even a television at home.
2 ... and we walked along the beach
collecting shells.
3 ... but I got a little lost near the end.
4 ...or not to go to the party.
5 ... but not entry to the museum.
6 ... or a laptop at homc.
7 ... but I don't like coffec.
8 ... and dinner.
2 C ... plenty to do, (I) but I (2) do not
want. .. (3) Can you suggest. ..
TA: .. .island (4) that is only...
TA: ... there (5) aren't any flights ...
C: Ilow much (6) does it cost. ..
C: (7) Does that include the ferry?
TA: ... all transport (8) and hotel...
10 0'
12 and
I b
2 a
2 can't smoke in this restaurant
3 I ...you can find internet facilities ...
2 We should not accept this ..
3 ... we must try our best ..
4 We don't have to stop..
5 Can we solve the problem .. .?
6 Do you need to take any food ..
7 ... you really must study harder..
8 ... we have to leave our mobile ...
3 I really ( I ) enjoy listening to music;
everyone (2) should look after their
Unit II
1 1 a
2 b
2 over $300 buying food for the party
3 I tobuy
2 to ice skate
3 doi ng
4 stirring
5 to help
6 choosing
7 10 study
8 having
body and (3) try to keep fit; soccer team,
but I (4) had to turn it down because my
parents (5) wouldn't allow me (6) to lake
il; my parents (7) suggested studying a
musical instrument; If you (8) want to
be a good musician, you really (9) must
work hard and (0) keep practising
everyday; ( II ) spending a lot of time
studying so I couldn't do it then; I'm
( 12) looking forward to learning to play.
4 I to show
2 to study
3 to waste
4 to speak
5 praclising
6 speaking
7 making
8 speaking
9 to get
5 I happy to do
2 impossible to mark, too di fficu lt to
3 excited getting
4 too expensive to buy
5 nOI fit enough to win
6 sad watching
Unit 12
I b
2 a
in spite of being the youngest player
3 1 to understand
2 to cook
3 presenting
4 getting
5 causing
6 to see
7 receiving
8 staying
I Can you buy or Can I buy
2 Yes, you can. You don't have 10 go
3 Do we have 10 ha nd
No, we don', have 10 give
Does Joe need to lake
he shouldn'l go
They went to Ihe cinema instead of
going to school.
I enjoyed Ihe party despite not
knowing anyone there.
I am optimistic abo ut the future in
spite of the re being so many
problems in the world.
We all enjoyed the course despite
having to work so hard.
My parents gave me some money
instead of buying me a present.
The company went OUI of business
in spite of spending thousands of
dollars on marketing.
Unit 13
I b
2 b
2 not allowed to skateboard in th e park
3 I I suggest you go and do yOllT...
2 ... made me ffidean up my roo m .. .
... allowed 10
use mobile phones.. .
4 .. .forbidden to smoke in many...
5 .. .I finally madeW6fk-my new DVD
player work.
6 ... not to leave their windows...
7 ... permit you to enter Ihe museum ..
8 ... suggested golng/(that)we go 10 the
park ...
Unit 14
3 1 working
2 to buy
3 10 open
4 10 send
5 10 have
6 visiting
7 adding
8 walking
4 I to stop people smoking
2 many arcas of our life
3 One important example of this
4 Ihe disadvanlages of smoking
5 be worried about this problem
6 advise people not to smoke
7 tTied increasing
8 tried to find
9 allow smoking
10 people are not permitted to smoke
II make people stop smoking
12 the number of cigarettes
13 I suggest (that) all governments
14 prevenl more children taking up
Unit IS
I I a
2 b
2 very pleased about their final results
3 I good at or inlerested in
2 difference between
3 advantage of
4 increase in or rise in
5 inlerested in
6 percentage of or number of
7 example of
8 decrease in or drop in or fall in
Unit IS
2 looking for my car keys
3 I abou t
2 10
Test S
to borrow
to bring
to store
reserving/you to reserve
to copy
6 emailing/you to email
7 to use
8 completing/{that) you complete
2 the n umber (I) or people; difference
(2) between the two sets; the
percentage (3) of people living; a rise
(4) In population figures; The biggest
increase (5) In population; decrease (6)
In the number (7) of people living; the
number (8) ofinhabitanls
3 I at
2 give up
3 working
3 fo,
4 about
5 about orof
6 al
7 with
8 foc
I b
2 b
2 walk to work during the train strike
I in
2 al
3 for
4 on
5 10, in
6 al
7 in
6 al
Unit 18
5 coming
6 to answer
7 with
8 to brush
I a
2 b
2 in front of the post office
2 b
2 I had 10 SlOp 10 tie my shoelace
I b
2 a
... a good quality orlife.
2 ... 3 long period of time...
3 ... as a result of my illness.
4 111C government of m y country...
S I wTote a Jetter of complaint...
6 ... number of different types of cars..
7 The leader orlhe opposition ... lhe
result of the election.
8 .. .instead orgolng to a restauranl...
what type of food we wanted.
Test 6
1 think about
2 agree wi th
3 leach you about
4 know about
5 find out abou t
6 looking for
7 looking al
I I agree with what you arc saying...
2 The difference between your.. .
3 ... the importance of checking.. .
3 I
Fruit bats emerge at night to feed ...
... lOmonow morning al IO:OO?
... this coffee shop for six mOlllhs.
the hotel not being finished
2 the water being so dirt y
3 swimming
4 the weather being so bad
S it being covered by cloud
6 the bus breaking down
7 eating undercooked chicken
2 b
2 was given this painting by my
3 I The house was sold fot over...
2 The class was allowed to cat...
3 The potatoes are carried
along... they are washed and pccled.
4 The teacher was told to take ...
S Smoking is not allowed in any.. .
6 ... was being renovated when .. .
7 Bus tickets can be bought at .. .
S New em ployees are instruc ted ...
Unit 20
I b
2 b
2 should be worn at all times
3 I is checked for quality.
2 under 16 are not permitted to work.
3 are being washed at the moment.
4 will be re paired this afternoon.
S has been sold a tlas!.
6 was torn.
7 are paid more for worki ng at the
8 are given olTby burning tyres.
My birthday is on 8th November...
... piano lessons In July last year.
4 "
S on
6 "
7 on
8 in
9 "'
4 I
Unit 21
I I b
2 b
2 cost over 200 million dollars 10 build
3 1 .. .it is acceptable or all right (0 •..
2 Children today are much morc ...
3 The number ofpeople ... in the year
2001 was 3.S million.
4 ... create a great deal or a large
number of jobs...
4 to
S because
6 "'
7 because of
8 to
S A large amount of money is spent
on developing tourism. (N. B. 110/ (iii
6 ... than the males.
7 ... but the percentage that...
8 gains 90 kilos or kilograms per da y
money (4) is spent on travel; amount of
money is (5) spent on groceries: are fo r
the (6) year 1995: The (7) percentage of
people: it took (8) a long time for
people; people still (9) want to visit
shops: 75% say they have (lO) received
good value for money.
Test 7
2 the principal
Unit 22
3 the government
I I b
4 the burglar
2 b
S the hospital staff
2 hard for his exams
6 the nation
3 I wel1
2 Each year the principal chooses the
2 sharply
most improved student.
3 gradual
3 The government has/have passed a
4 clear, easily
new law to make the dumping of
S st rongly
6 Severe
waste illegal.
4 J realised the burglar had stolen my
7 Unfortunately
keys during the break-in.
8 vital1y
S The hospital staff are treating Simon
Unit 23
for minor burns.
I I b
6 The nation will elect our new
2 a
government on June 20th.
2 good pair of sports shoes
2 Behavioural training should (1) be done
3 I I can't tell the difference between ...
o n: This type o f training (2) Is used to:
2 ... was Invaluable in the exam.
Obedience training should (3) be done
3 It is important to eat a healthy diet..
oft en; his meal (4) is associated with a
4 ... 110 female members of parliament.
reward; puppies (S) are injured
5 I can't stud y in silence ...
because; The house can (6) be made of
6 ... who is loved is a happydtild.
any; It can (7) be used for house7 Both women and men need to be
training; If yo ur puppy (S) is rewarded
included ...
with; feet should (9) be placed firmly;
8 ... we were making tOO much noise.
the puppy (l0) is given a treat.
Unit 24
3 I is made
I I a
2 is chosen
2 a
3 is stripped
2 10 enrol in an English language course
4 is soaked
3 1 learning
5 is then heated
2 cnrol in
6 not be allowed
3 know
7 bc placed
4 study
8 are sewn
5 lC:l tll
9 is finished
6 studyi ng
10 are used (by indigenous people)
7 know
4 The graph shows the (l) number of
people; the types of (2) things or
products that (3) are bought: most
Test 8
I confidence
2 developmen t
3 healthy
2 tells
4 responsibility
5 significa nce
6 difference
7 natural
8 beneficial
2 people arc more (1) concerned these
days about being (2) successful in their
career: very well (3) educated if you
want; life is also more (4) competitive
these days; to study (5) hard at school;
make a big (6) difference in getting the
job; speak English (7) well, so it's (8)
Important to study languages.
3 I significantly
2 slightly
3 sharply
4 incredibly
5 Sadly
6 extremely
7 steadily
8 Personally
4 I stud ied
2 excellent
3 took
4 interested
5 entertaining
6 leam ed
7 dear
8 imagination
9 helpful
10 educational
11 respect
12 extremely
13 important
14 genuinely
3 increase
4 illustrates
5 display
6 fell
7 show
8 demonstrate
Unit 26
I I b
2 b
2 to fix or repair the oil leak in my car
3 I spend
2 resolve
3 prevent
4 solve
5 spend
6 prevent
7 buy
8 fix - or - re pair
Unit 27
2 ,
2 were so bad that the employees
decided to go on strike
3 I money
2 skills
3 work
4 employer, salary
5 unemployment
6 job
7 workplace
8 job, work
Test 9
Unit 25
I I b
2 b
2 illustrate the size of the problem
6 shows
I shows
Unit 29
2 rose orincreased
I I b
3 fell or dropped
2 "
4 rose or increased
2 penguin looks after its you ng
3 I I put ' ack's coat ...
2 I can', understand; people dan" like
6 d ro pped or fell
modern music.
7 have remained the same or have not
3 ... three new CDs this week..
4 ... wagged its tail ...
8 indica te
5 Fresh avocados on sale today!
3 I si tuation
6 ... which one is hers?
2 problem
7 ... in the boot ofthc car for me?
3 prevent
8 correct
4 issues
Unit 30
5 solve
I I b
6 resolved
2 b
4 In some countries, (I ) u nemployed
2 accommodation available. Includes
people; workers often receive (2) wages
breakfast. Good restauran t.
that are; One way to (3) solve the
3 1 government. country
problem; would be for (4) employers to
2 which, their
pay their (5) employees more money: a
3 Nowadays advertisements
great deal of (6) skill. such as cleaning
4 commercial, business
jobs; Paying more (7) money is only:
5 teacher, environment
consider the (8) workplace: want to (9)
6 passengers, through
prevent unemployment: not be (10)
7 night
resolved unless
8 benefits. accommodation
5 1 buy
Test 10
2 spend
1 will not
3 buying
2 He had
4 spends
3 We would
5 buys
4 She has
6 spends
5 could not
7 bought
6 They have
8 spent
7 They are
Unit 28
8 It is, cannot
2 I'm going to need; I'U be able; th en I've
I "
2 b
got to: Mum's plane: I'd fo rgotten: She's
2 to read on the trip or journey
only: shc won't be here: I haven" got
3 I trip or journey
any pctrol
2 advertisements
3 I trip
3 young people
2 travelled
4 advertising
3 trip or journey
5 trip
4 trip or journey
6 travel
5 travelling
7 advertise
6 journey or trip
8 young person
7 trip
(I) Nowadays, if you watch; a large
number of (2) advertisements - or-
5 Across
commercials (3) too: television
(4) advertising is the price we pay;
constant (5) advertisements or
commercials annoying; mean that
(6) young people are being; things they
(7) don't need: seems as (8) though
children: targeted by the (9) advertising
industry; they make (IO) their
commercials very (II) colourrul and
loud; realise that (12) TVs are a vcry
effective Icaching tool
9 nowadays
1 beginning
2 accommodation
6 always
7 occurred
8 business
10 advertisement
For Fraser and Alex
The author would like 10 thank Julie Moore for her help at the start of this project and
Therese Tobin for her invaluable advice and guidance.
Illustrated by Julian Moscdale
The Cambridge Learner Corpus
This book is based on information from the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a collection of
over 90,000 exam papers from Cambridge ESOL II shows real mistakes sl udents make,
a nd highlights which parts of English cause particular problems for learners.
The Cambridge Learner Corpus has been developed jointly wit h the University of
Cambridge ESOL Examinations and forms p art of the Cambridge International Corpus.
To find out more, visit
n.. c.mb<idgI LHI..... C"'PUS (CL() @
k ..... Iq ... tolle<tlon 01 0... to.OOO
nam popet. "om C.......1dgo ISOl.
11,110... , .. I misfIleS ,fU/ltnI. m"b
l\ighIijJlrll tIw 1*1' 01 English whidl .....
problemll'" Ie/llrltflo. Tho ClC .... bHn ~
by C/IInbricltt UrWtrsiIy I'rti. witlllIniwer>ity 01
c.mbtidgot E5OI. LwmNtior'lo to help in writirog
"",terlak "" ......... 01 English.