Algorithms Algorithms F O U R T H E D I T I O N R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE 2.4 P RIORITY Q UEUES 2.4 P RIORITY Q UEUES ‣ API and elementary implementations ‣ API and elementary implementations ‣ binary heaps ‣ binary heaps ‣ heapsort Algorithms ‣ event-driven simulation ‣ heapsort ‣ event-driven simulation R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE Collections Priority queue A collection is a data types that store groups of items. Collections. Insert and delete items. Which item to delete? data type key operations data structure stack PUSH, POP linked list, resizing array queue ENQUEUE, DEQUEUE linked list, resizing array Stack. Remove the item most recently added. Queue. Remove the item least recently added. priority queue INSERT, DELETE-MAX Randomized queue. Remove a random item. Priority queue. Remove the largest (or smallest) item. binary heap symbol table PUT, GET, DELETE BST, hash table set ADD, CONTAINS, DELETE BST, hash table operation argument insert insert insert remove max insert insert insert remove max insert insert insert remove max “ Show me your code and conceal your data structures, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your data structures, and I won't usually need your code; it'll be obvious.” — Fred Brooks return value size P Q E Q X A M X P L E P 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 contents (unordered) P P P P P P P P P P P E Q Q E E E E E E E E M conten (ordere E X X X M M M M A A A A A A A P M P P P L L L E E 3 P P E E E A A A A A A A 4 A sequence of operations on a priority queue Q P P P E E E E E E E Q X P M M M L E E Priority queue API Priority queue applications Requirement. Generic items are Comparable. ・Event-driven simulation. ・Numerical computation. ・Data compression. ・Graph searching. ・Number theory. ・Artificial intelligence. ・Statistics. ・Operating systems. ・Computer networks. ・Discrete optimization. ・Spam filtering. Key must be Comparable (bounded type parameter) public class MaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> create an empty priority queue MaxPQ() MaxPQ(Key[] a) create a priority queue with given keys insert a key into the priority queue void insert(Key v) return and remove the largest key Key delMax() boolean isEmpty() is the priority queue empty? Key max() return the largest key [ customers in a line, colliding particles ] [ reducing roundoff error ] [ Huffman codes ] [ Dijkstra's algorithm, Prim's algorithm ] [ sum of powers ] [ A* search ] [ online median in data stream ] [ load balancing, interrupt handling ] [ web cache ] [ bin packing, scheduling ] [ Bayesian spam filter ] number of entries in the priority queue int size() Generalizes: stack, queue, randomized queue. 5 6 Priority queue client example Priority queue client example Challenge. Find the largest M items in a stream of N items. Challenge. Find the largest M items in a stream of N items. ・Fraud detection: ・NSA monitoring: ・Fraud detection: ・NSA monitoring: isolate $$ transactions. flag most suspicious documents. N huge, M large Constraint. Not enough memory to store N items. % more tinyBatch.txt Turing 6/17/1990 vonNeumann 3/26/2002 Dijkstra 8/22/2007 vonNeumann 1/11/1999 Dijkstra 11/18/1995 Hoare 5/10/1993 vonNeumann 2/12/1994 Hoare 8/18/1992 Turing 1/11/2002 Thompson 2/27/2000 Turing 2/11/1991 Hoare 8/12/2003 vonNeumann 10/13/1993 Dijkstra 9/10/2000 Turing 10/12/1993 Hoare 2/10/2005 644.08 4121.85 2678.40 4409.74 837.42 3229.27 4732.35 4381.21 66.10 4747.08 2156.86 1025.70 2520.97 708.95 3532.36 4050.20 % java TopM Thompson vonNeumann vonNeumann Hoare vonNeumann isolate $$ transactions. flag most suspicious documents. N huge, M large Constraint. Not enough memory to store N items. 5 < tinyBatch.txt 2/27/2000 4747.08 2/12/1994 4732.35 1/11/1999 4409.74 8/18/1992 4381.21 3/26/2002 4121.85 MinPQ<Transaction> pq = new MinPQ<Transaction>(); use a min-oriented pq sort key 7 while (StdIn.hasNextLine()) { String line = StdIn.readLine(); Transaction item = new Transaction(line); pq.insert(item); pq contains if (pq.size() > M) largest M items pq.delMin(); } Transaction data type is Comparable (ordered by $$) 8 Priority queue client example Priority queue: unordered and ordered array implementation Challenge. Find the largest M items in a stream of N items. operation argument implementation sort elementary PQ binary heap best in theory time insert insert insert remove max insert insert insert remove max insert insert insert remove max space N log N N MN M N log M M N M return value size P Q E 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 6 Q X A M X P L E P order of growth of finding the largest M in a stream of N items contents (unordered) P P P P P P P P P P P E Q Q E E E E E E E E M contents (ordered) P P E E E A A A A A A A E X X X M M M M A A A A A A A P M P P P L L L E E Q P P P E E E E E E E Q X P M M M L E E X P P P M L L X P P M M P P P P A sequence of operations on a priority queue 9 Priority queue: unordered array implementation 10 Priority queue elementary implementations Challenge. Implement all operations efficiently. public class UnorderedArrayMaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> { private Key[] pq; // pq[i] = ith element on pq private int N; // number of elements on pq public UnorderedArrayMaxPQ(int capacity) { pq = (Key[]) new Comparable[capacity]; } no generic array creation public boolean isEmpty() { return N == 0; } public void insert(Key x) { pq[N++] = x; } public Key delMax() { int max = 0; for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) if (less(max, i)) max = i; exch(max, N-1); should null out entry return pq[--N]; to prevent loitering } less() and exch() similar to sorting methods (but don't pass pq[]) implementation insert del max max unordered array 1 N N ordered array N 1 1 goal log N log N log N order of growth of running time for priority queue with N items } 11 12 Complete binary tree Binary tree. Empty or node with links to left and right binary trees. Complete tree. Perfectly balanced, except for bottom level. 2.4 P RIORITY Q UEUES ‣ API and elementary implementations ‣ binary heaps Algorithms ‣ heapsort ‣ event-driven simulation complete tree with N = 16 nodes (height = 4) R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE Property. Height of complete tree with N nodes is ⎣lg N⎦. Pf. Height increases only when N is a power of 2. 14 A complete binary tree in nature Binary heap representations Binary heap. Array representation of a heap-ordered complete binary tree. Heap-ordered binary tree. ・Keys in nodes. ・Parent's key no smaller than children's keys. i a[i] 0 - 1 T 2 S 3 R S R 4 P 5 N 6 O 7 A P N O A 8 E 9 10 11 I H G E I T Array representation. ・ ・Take nodes in level order. ・No explicit links needed! Indices start at 1. 1 8 E 9 I G 3 R 2 S 4 P H T 5 N 10 H 6 O 7 A 11 G Heap representations 15 16 Binary heap properties Binary heap demo Proposition. Largest key is a[1], which is root of binary tree. Insert. Add node at end, then swim it up. Remove the maximum. Exchange root with node at end, then sink it down. Proposition. Can use array indices to move through tree. ・Parent of node at k is at k/2. ・Children of node at k are at 2k and 2k+1. heap ordered i a[i] 0 - 1 T 2 S 3 R S R 4 P 5 N 6 O 7 A 8 E T 9 10 11 I H G T P P N O R A N 1 4 P 6 O 5 N 9 I I H 10 H O A G T E 3 R 2 S 8 E E H I G 7 A 11 G T Heap representations P R N H O A E I G 17 18 Binary heap demo Promotion in a heap Insert. Add node at end, then swim it up. Scenario. Child's key becomes larger key than its parent's key. Remove the maximum. Exchange root with node at end, then sink it down. To eliminate the violation: ・Exchange key in child with key in parent. ・Repeat until heap order restored. heap ordered S S R O N G P E private void swim(int k) { while (k > 1 && less(k/2, k)) { exch(k, k/2); k = k/2; } parent of node at k is at k/2 } A H I R P 5 N E I T H O A violates heap order (larger key than parent) G 1 T 2 5 P N E R S I H O A G Bottom-up reheapify (swim) S R O N P G A E I H Peter principle. Node promoted to level of incompetence. 19 20 Insertion in a heap Demotion in a heap Insert. Add node at end, then swim it up. Scenario. Parent's key becomes smaller than one (or both) of its children's. Cost. At most 1 + lg N compares. insert To eliminate the violation: key to remove T R P N E public void insert(Key x) { pq[++N] = x; swim(N); } H I G O S S A N E key to insert ・Exchange key in parent with key in larger child. ・Repeat until heap order restored. R P I G T R P N E H I G O A N E I G T R S N E S add key to heap violates heap order S swim up P I G why not smaller child? remove the maximum T O P sink down N A H E Heap operations I O H A exchange key with root violates heap order (smaller than a child) private void sink(int k) violates { H heap order children of node at k while (2*k <= N) are 2k and 2k+1 R { P O int A j = 2*k; remove if node (j < N && less(j, j+1)) j++; T from heap if (!less(k, j)) break; S exch(k, j); k R = j; } H O A } 2 R H 5 S P E T I N O A G T 2 5 P E R S I 10 H N O A G Top-down reheapify (sink) G Power struggle. Better subordinate promoted. 21 Delete the maximum in a heap 22 Binary heap: Java implementation Delete max. Exchange root with node at end, then sink it down. public class MaxPQ<Key extends Comparable<Key>> { private Key[] pq; private int N; Cost. At most 2 lg N compares. insert remove the maximum T R P N public Key delMax() E I { Key max = pq[1]; exch(1, N--); P sink(1); pq[N+1] = null; N return max; E I } H G O S A N E key to insert P I G R G R N E P I G R P G O A remove node from heap T private void swim(int k) private void sink(int k) { /* see previous code */ S S N public boolean isEmpty() { return N == 0; } public void insert(Key key) public Key delMax() { /* see previous code */ violates heap order S add key to heap violates heap order S public MaxPQ(int capacity) { pq = (Key[]) new Comparable[capacity+1]; A exchange key with root H T I O H prevent loitering O A swim up E R S T H key to remove T O N A H E H I PQ ops } heap helper functions } R P sink down fixed capacity (for simplicity) } O private boolean less(int i, int j) { return pq[i].compareTo(pq[j]) < 0; } private void exch(int i, int j) { Key t = pq[i]; pq[i] = pq[j]; pq[j] = t; A G array helper functions } } Heap operations 23 24 Priority queues implementation cost summary Binary heap: practical improvements Half-exchanges in sink and swim. implementation insert del max max unordered array 1 N N ordered array N 1 1 binary heap log N log N 1 ・Reduces number of array accesses. ・Worth doing. Z order-of-growth of running time for priority queue with N items T L B 1 \ X 25 26 Binary heap: practical improvements Binary heap: practical improvements Floyd's sink-to-bottom trick. Multiway heaps. ・Sink key at root all the way to bottom. ・Swim key back up. ・Fewer compares; more exchanges. ・Worthwhile depending on cost of compare and exchange. ・Complete d-way tree. ・Parent's key no smaller than its children's keys. ・Swim takes log N compares; sink takes d log N compares. ・Sweet spot: d = 4. 1 compare per node some extra compares and exchanges d R. W. Floyd 1978 Turing award d F Z X Y Y N T G O J L P W I K A B D K E 1 E X H F R S V C L M Q N O \ D 3-way heap 27 28 size in bytes of each heap element. In this analysis, we restrict fanout to be a positive power of 2 and element size to be a power of 2. We also restrict our heap configurations to those in which all of a parent’s children fit in a single cache block (where ). This Binary heap: practical limits the values of that we are looking at;improvements for a typical cache block size of 32 bytes, fanout is limited to 4 for 8 byte heap elements, and fanout is limited to 8 for 4 byte heap elements. We also restrict our analysis to heap configurations in which the bottom layer of the heap is completely full (where = ). Caching. Binary heap is not cache friendly. Heaps are often used in discrete event simulations as a priority queue to store the events. In order to measure the Cache-aligned performance of heaps operating as d-heap. an event queue, we analyze our heaps in the hold model [25]. In the hold model, Funnel heap. Binary heap: practical improvements Caching. Binary heap is not cache friendly. ・ It has been・ noticed previously that increasing a heap’s fanout can reduce the instruction count of its operations [27, Ex. 28 Pg. 158][12, Ex. 7-2 152]. ・Pg.B-heap. ・… 0 block 0 1 2 3 4 block 1 0 1 2 block 2 3 4 5 6 block 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 Siblings 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Figure 5: The layout of a -heap when four elements fit per cache line and the array is padded to cache-align the heap. 10 29 Priority queues implementation cost summary 30 Binary heap considerations Underflow and overflow. implementation insert del max max unordered array 1 N N ordered array N 1 1 binary heap log N log N 1 d-ary heap logd N d logd N 1 Fibonacci 1 log N † 1 Brodal queue 1 log N 1 impossible 1 1 1 ・Underflow: throw exception if deleting from empty PQ. ・Overflow: add no-arg constructor and use resizing array. Minimum-oriented priority queue. leads to log N amortized time per op (how to make worst case?) ・Replace less() with greater(). ・Implement greater(). Other operations. ・Remove an arbitrary item. ・Change the priority of an item. can implement efficiently with sink() and swim() [ stay tuned for Prim/Dijkstra ] Immutability of keys. why impossible? ・Assumption: client does not change keys while they're on the PQ. ・Best practice: use immutable keys. † amortized order-of-growth of running time for priority queue with N items 31 32 Immutability: implementing in Java Immutability: properties Data type. Set of values and operations on those values. Data type. Set of values and operations on those values. Immutable data type. Can't change the data type value once created. Immutable data type. Can't change the data type value once created. public final class Vector { private final int N; private final double[] data; Advantages. can't override instance methods ・Simplifies debugging. ・Safer in presence of hostile code. ・Simplifies concurrent programming. ・Safe to use as key in priority queue or symbol table. instance variables private and final public Vector(double[] data) { this.N = data.length; = new double[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)[i] = data[i]; } defensive copy of mutable instance variables … instance methods don't change instance variables Disadvantage. Must create new object for each data type value. “ Classes should be immutable unless there's a very good reason } to make them mutable.… If a class cannot be made immutable, you should still limit its mutability as much as possible. ” Immutable. String, Integer, Double, Color, Vector, Transaction, Point2D. — Joshua Bloch (Java architect) Mutable. StringBuilder, Stack, Counter, Java array. 33 34 Sorting with a binary heap Q. What is this sorting algorithm? 2.4 P RIORITY Q UEUES ‣ API and elementary implementations ‣ binary heaps Algorithms R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE ‣ heapsort public void sort(String[] a) { int N = a.length; MaxPQ<String> pq = new MaxPQ<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) pq.insert(a[i]); for (int i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) a[i] = pq.delMax(); } ‣ event-driven simulation Q. What are its properties? A. N log N, extra array of length N, not stable. Heapsort intuition. A heap is an array; do sort in place. 36 E E P M S Heapsort O exch(1, 3) sink(1, 2) R P X L A E M X tree. T S S M R binary ・EView input array as a complete build a max-heap with all N keys. ・Heap construction: exch(1, 8) exch(1, 2) sink(2, 11) P S remove sink(1, 7) the maximum key.sink(1, 1) ・Sortdown: repeatedly T L P sink(1, 211) 2 O 8 9 XO 4 5 56 T E 8 10 9 11 10 3 R S E X 7 1 2 3 4 S5 S O R T E O O exch(1, 7) sink(1, 6) S 3 R A X 7 6 S8 R A P L L LRE APR A 11 R A A X LR 10 T S S P X T result (sorted) A LE 7 L 8 9 P R S E L 10 MO 5 T M P 9 L 10 1 P S O R T 1 2 3 4 5 E X A 6 8 2 OM 5 T 7 6 Heapsort: heap construction E O O X X P L A R T L Aorder R array in sorted T P E E LE A A A E X S M T S X T M 3) exch(1,exch(1, 3) 2) sink(1,sink(1, 2) R R O L O E P M E P E E M 9) exch(1,exch(1, 9) 8) sink(1,sink(1, 8) S A L MO L M L 11) sink(2, sink(2, 11) S T T P 11) sink(1, sink(1, 11) X T P M R T P L 1 X S T M A A X E E LE M S R T S X T LE P E X P 8 4 L 9 2 E 4 8 P PO X T 9 10 6 E 3 R X 7 3 11 5 10 6M O 11 A X 7 6 PO E 7 P M E R R T L E R L A E X T E L A A A S R A X T L O E X SR L R T S e s E A E T O X P O E L E SM R A E X T A A AA P P exch(1, 7) sink(1, 6) exch(1, 4) M E sink(1, 3) XS E L E SM R S R OE ET EX result (heap-ordered) T E S E M A RE M O e s R exch(1, 8) sink(1, 7) exch(1, 5) O L sink(1, 4) SA R LL PO MM E exch(1, 9) 8) exch(1,sink(1, 6) M sink(1, 5) P X E E TP A X X S X R LE sink(1, 11) exch(1, 10) sink(1, 9) S L S X L L P OO R T P T P M O M A X sink(4, 11) O T P E E P M e s S O M A R X P E exch(1, 11)T sink(1, 10) S L L E E exch(1, 10) sink(1, 9) E E P E E O starting point (heap-ordered) sink(2, 11) S M M R T 3 E A E L P M starting point (arbitrary order) A 10 11 X SR TS XT result (sorted) result (sorted) X R R E O M E O E E A E E L M O P R S T result (heap-ordered) result (heap-ordered) 1 Heapsort: 2 3 4 5 6 sorting 7 8 9 10 11 constructing and down Heapsort: constructing (left) and(left) sorting down (right) a (right) heap a heap 5 sink(5, 11) 1 A E L5 M 9 8 S O S O M L e s T sortdown O 1 2 E MO P E E 4 E SR TS XT R O E L M L 2 A A O O A L E E A A E X M S A R O S R T S X T 7) exch(1,exch(1, 7) 6) sink(1,sink(1, 6) 2) exch(1,exch(1, 2) 1) sink(1,sink(1, 1) P P M L M R L S L R O E A A R E O M E O E E M X X L R P L 8) exch(1,exch(1, 8) 7) sink(1,sink(1, 7) S A A R E 38 E O starting point (heap-ordered) R sink(3, 11) A M P X heap construction X SR TS XT R L P 11 S E S exch(1, 11) sink(1, 10) O P M P PO E A 10 E E P for (int k = N/2; k >= 1; k--) T sink(a, k, N); E E 7 S First pass. Build heap using bottom-up method. E X T R T M E RL O P PO e s X 3 8 9 9 10 11 E L P M starting point (arbitrary order) sink(4, 11) 11) sink(3, sink(3, 11) S sortdown S P E sink(5, 11) X SR TS XT E 4 MO A E 11 E E L M L 7 X heap construction X A 6 E X PO E R 3 11 T E O 37 A A 6 SR TS XT R A E 4 8 O A M A 4) exch(1,exch(1, 4) 3) sink(1,sink(1, 3) R M E3 E E L E R S 2 M1 A exch(1, 1 exch(1, 2 5)3 4 5) 5 A R S O L O 11 S 1 A4 L A E5 M EO 6 O P O7 P P S9 R T10S X11T X R8 R X E M E E X E P 9 S O L O 10) exch(1,exch(1, 10) 9) sink(1,sink(1, 9) R 8 P P A 7 P O X T L2 E S array in arbitrary order E exch(1,exch(1, 6) 6) sink(1,sink(1, 5) 5) SE T exch(1, 11) 1 2exch(1, 3 4 511) 6 S X E T T E X remaining E Mlargest M the R Repeatedly delete item. M E P E E P Sortdown. M 10 S L X T L T M E sorted result sortdownsortdown (in place) X we assume array entries are indexed 1 to N M R Heap construction. Build max heap using bottom-up method. A L E E E O E S M T O X starting point (heap-ordered) starting point (heap-ordered) M O O R Heapsort demo X P O X T T sink(1, 10) sink(1, 4) sink(1, 10) P sorting sink(1, 4) constructing L E X (left) T S and L R A down M O (right) E E a heap A E E L M A X 11) sink(4, sink(4, 11) S T 9 M R A E XO AP E P M E P E E M 7 XHeapsort: A M P L X T L T 6 T build max heap (in place) 11 E O result (heap-ordered) 11) sink(5, sink(5, 11) L S R P M LL P E R EA L starting point (arbitrary order) order) starting E point (arbitrary PM M TT 1 S E M keys in arbitrary order heap construction heap construction 1 4 A R E E O M O X E L E P M Heapsort demo E A E L A in-place sort. O R for Basic plan X T S R exch(1, 9) sink(1, 8) sink(3, 11) T X T E M E P T O X P X 40 (right) a Heapsort: constructing (left) and sorting down 39 sink(3, 11) O exch(1, 9) sink(1, 8) S X exch(1, 3) sink(1, 2) R P E E A E Heapsort: sortdown Heapsort: Java implementation sortdown heap construction Second pass. 1 2 S 3 ・ ・Leave in array, instead of nulling out. O T R Remove the maximum, oneT at aE time. A X 4 8 5 9 10 6 7 L sink(4, 11) exch(1, 10) sink(1, 9) S O L T sink(3, 11) exch(1, 9) sink(1, 8) S L T sink(2, 11) L sink(1, 11) X L R M 1 S 2 E L T E 4 P 8 X R E E O result (heap-ordered) Heapsort: constructing (left) and sorting down (right) a heap 9 3 5 S 10 private static void exch(Object[] a, int i, int j) { /* as before */ } A E L P O X T S private static boolean less(Comparable[] a, int i, int j) { /* as before */ } E O A A A L R M R A E X exch(1, 7) sink(1, 6) S P L private static void sink(Comparable[] a, int k, int N) { /* as before */ } P O X E E T S M T S exch(1, 2) sink(1, 1) P M R T M A R E L R O E E A E X exch(1, 8) sink(1, 7) S X P O L T S but make static (and pass arguments) E A E P X T S O exch(1, 3) sink(1, 2) R O M T M A R E E P E M L R P X A E X T E M O M L E A R O E E P M A X exch(1, 4) sink(1, 3) S P O X T S R P R E M A X E L E A R P O X T S S L E M E A R public class Heap { public static void sort(Comparable[] a) { int N = a.length; for (int k = N/2; k >= 1; k--) sink(a, k, N); while (N > 1) { exch(a, 1, N); sink(a, 1, --N); } } E exch(1, 5) sink(1, 4) T O E E P A X A R P R T M L E E O starting point (heap-ordered) exch(1, 11) sink(1, 10) S O while (N > 1) { exch(a, 1, N--); sink(a, 1, N); } M M L S P 11 E L P M starting point (arbitrary order) sink(5, 11) exch(1, 6) sink(1, 5) X M 6 O E 7 P but convert from 1-based indexing to 0-base indexing } 11 X T result (sorted) 41 Heapsort: trace 42 Heapsort: mathematical analysis N k initial values 0 1 S 2 O 3 R a[i] 4 5 6 T E X Proposition. Heap construction uses ≤ 2 N compares and ≤ N exchanges. 7 A 8 M 9 10 11 P L E 11 11 11 5 4 3 S S S O O O R R X T T T L L L X X R A A A M M M P P P E E E E E E 11 2 S T X P L R A M O E E T T P S S S P P O L L L R R R A A A M M M O O E E E E E E X 11 1 heap-ordered 10 1 X X T 9 8 7 1 1 1 S R P P P O R E E O O M L L L E E E A A A M E T X M S T X R S T X 6 1 O M E A L E P R S T X 5 4 1 1 M L L E E E A A E M O O P P R R S S T T X X 3 2 1 1 E E A A E E L L M M O O P P R R S S T T X X A A E E E E L L M M O O P P R R S S T T X X 1 1 sorted result max number of exchanges to sink node Pf sketch. [assume N = 2h+1 – 1] 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 binary heap of height h = 3 a tricky sum (see COS 340) h + 2(h Heapsort trace (array contents just after each sink) 1) + 4(h 2) + 8(h 3) + . . . + 2h (0) 2h+1 = N 43 44 Heapsort: mathematical analysis Introsort Proposition. Heap construction uses ≤ 2 N compares and ≤ N exchanges. Goal. As fast as quicksort in practice; N log N worst case, in place. Proposition. Heapsort uses ≤ 2 N lg N compares and exchanges. Introsort. algorithm can be improved to ~ 1 N lg N ・Run quicksort. ・Cutoff to heapsort if stack depth exceeds 2 lg N. ・Cutoff to insertion sort for N = 16. Significance. In-place sorting algorithm with N log N worst-case. ・Mergesort: no, linear extra space. ・Quicksort: no, quadratic time in worst case. ・Heapsort: yes! in-place merge possible, not practical N log N worst-case quicksort possible, not practical Bottom line. Heapsort is optimal for both time and space, but: ・Inner loop longer than quicksort’s. ・Makes poor use of cache. ・Not stable. advanced tricks for improving In the wild. C++ STL, Microsoft .NET Framework. 45 46 Sorting algorithms: summary inplace? selection ✔ insertion ✔ shell stable? ✔ ✔ merge average worst remarks ½N2 ½N2 ½N2 N exchanges N ¼N2 ½N2 use for small N or partially ordered c N 3/2 tight code; subquadratic N log3 N ✔ timsort best ✔ ½ N lg N ? N lg N N lg N N N lg N N lg N quick ✔ N lg N 2 N ln N ½N2 3-way quick ✔ N 2 N ln N ½N2 heap ✔ ? ✔ ✔ N 2 N lg N 2 N lg N N N lg N N lg N 2.4 P RIORITY Q UEUES ‣ API and elementary implementations N log N guarantee; ‣ binary heaps stable improves mergesort when preexisting order Algorithms N log N probabilistic guarantee; fastest in practice improves quicksort when duplicate keys R OBERT S EDGEWICK | K EVIN W AYNE N log N guarantee; in-place holy sorting grail 47 ‣ heapsort ‣ event-driven simulation Molecular dynamics simulation of hard discs Molecular dynamics simulation of hard discs Goal. Simulate the motion of N moving particles that behave Goal. Simulate the motion of N moving particles that behave according to the laws of elastic collision. according to the laws of elastic collision. Hard disc model. ・Moving particles interact via elastic collisions with each other and walls. ・Each particle is a disc with known position, velocity, mass, and radius. ・No other forces. temperature, pressure, diffusion constant motion of individual atoms and molecules Significance. Relates macroscopic observables to microscopic dynamics. ・Maxwell-Boltzmann: distribution of speeds as a function of temperature. ・Einstein: explain Brownian motion of pollen grains. 49 Warmup: bouncing balls Warmup: bouncing balls Time-driven simulation. N bouncing balls in the unit square. public class BouncingBalls { public static void main(String[] args) { int N = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); Ball[] balls = new Ball[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) balls[i] = new Ball(); while(true) { StdDraw.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { balls[i].move(0.5); balls[i].draw(); }; } main simulation loop } } 50 public class Ball { private double rx, ry; private double vx, vy; private final double radius; public Ball(...) { /* initialize position and % java BouncingBalls 100 // position // velocity // radius velocity */ check for collision with walls } public void move(double dt) { if ((rx + vx*dt < radius) || (rx + vx*dt > 1.0 - radius)) { vx = -vx; } if ((ry + vy*dt < radius) || (ry + vy*dt > 1.0 - radius)) { vy = -vy; } rx = rx + vx*dt; ry = ry + vy*dt; } public void draw() { StdDraw.filledCircle(rx, ry, radius); } } Missing. Check for balls colliding with each other. ・Physics problems: when? what effect? ・CS problems: which object does the check? 51 too many checks? 52 Time-driven simulation Time-driven simulation ・Discretize time in quanta of size dt. ・Update the position of each particle after every dt units of time, Main drawbacks. ・~ N / 2 overlap checks per time quantum. ・Simulation is too slow if dt is very small. dt too small: excessive computation ・May miss collisions if dt is too large. 2 and check for overlaps. ・If overlap, roll back the clock to the time of the collision, update the velocities of the colliding particles, and continue the simulation. (if colliding particles fail to overlap when we are looking) dt too large: may miss collisions dt too small: excessive computation dt too large: may miss collisions t t + dt t + 2 dt (collision detected) t + Δt (roll back clock) Fundamental challenge for time-driven simulation 53 54 Event-driven simulation Particle-wall collision Change state only when something happens. Fundamental challenge for time-drivenand simulation Collision prediction resolution. ・Particle of radius s at position (rx, ry). ・Particle moving in unit box with velocity (vx, vy). ・Will it collide with a vertical wall? If so, when? ・Between collisions, particles move in straight-line trajectories. ・Focus only on times when collisions occur. ・Maintain PQ of collision events, prioritized by time. ・Remove the min = get next collision. Collision prediction. Given position, velocity, and radius of a particle, resolution (at time t + dt) when will it collide next with a wall or another particle? s velocity after collision = ( − vx , vy) position after collision = ( 1 − s , ry + vydt) prediction (at time t) dt ! time to hit wall = distance/velocity = (1 − s − rx )/vx Collision resolution. If collision occurs, update colliding particle(s) according to laws of elastic collisions. vx prediction (at time t) particles hit unless one passes intersection point before the other arrives (see Exercise 3.6.X) wall at x=1 (rx , ry ) vy 1 − s − rx Predicting and resolving a particle-wall collision resolution (at time t + dt) velocities of both particles change after collision (see Exercise 3.6.X) Predicting and resolving a particle-particle collision 55 56 Particle-particle collision prediction Particle-particle collision prediction Collision prediction. Collision prediction. ・Particle i: radius s , position (rx , ry ), velocity (vx , vy ). ・Particle j: radius s , position (rx , ry ), velocity (vx , vy ). ・Will particles i and j collide? If so, when? i i i i i j j j j j ・Particle i: radius s , position (rx , ry ), velocity (vx , vy ). ・Particle j: radius s , position (rx , ry ), velocity (vx , vy ). ・Will particles i and j collide? If so, when? i i i i i j j j j j (vxi', vyi') ⎧ ⎪⎪ ∞ Δt = ⎨ ∞ ⎪ Δv ⋅ Δr + d ⎪⎩ Δv ⋅ Δv (vxj', vyj') mi si (vxi , vyi ) (rxi , ryi) if Δv ⋅ Δr ≥ 0 if d < 0 otherwise (rxi', ryi') d = (Δv ⋅ Δr)2 − (Δv ⋅ Δv) (Δr ⋅ Δr − σ 2 ) i € time = t + Δt time = t σ = σi + σ j (vxj , vyj) € sj j 57 Particle-particle collision resolution € € Δv = (Δvx, Δvy) = (vxi − vx j , vyi − vy j ) Δr = (Δrx, Δry) = (rxi − rx j , ryi − ry j ) Δv€ ⋅ Δv = (Δvx)2 + (Δvy)2 Δr ⋅ Δr = (Δrx)2 + (Δry)2 Δv ⋅ Δr = (Δvx)(Δrx) + (Δvy)(Δry) € € € Important note: This is physics, so we won’t be testing you on it! 58 Particle data type skeleton Collision resolution. When two particles collide, how does velocity change? = vxiiʹ′ + =Jx vx / mi i + Jx / mi i vyiʹ′ = vy vyiiʹ′ + =Jy /vymi i + Jy / mi vx jʹ′ = vx jʹ′ − =Jx vx / mj j− Jx / m j vy ʹ′ = vy vx ʹ′ − =Jy vx / m − Jy / m public class Particle { private double rx, ry; private double vx, vy; private final double radius; private final double mass; private int count; vx ʹ′ j j j j Newton's second law (momentum form) // // // // // position velocity radius mass number of collisions public Particle(...) { } j public void move(double dt) { } public void draw() { } € Jx = € public double timeToHit(Particle that) { } public double timeToHitVerticalWall() { } public double timeToHitHorizontalWall() { } 2 mi m j (Δv ⋅ Δr) J Δrx J Δry , Jy = , J = σ σ σ(mi + m j ) public void bounceOff(Particle that) public void bounceOffVerticalWall() public void bounceOffHorizontalWall() impulse due to normal force (conservation of energy, conservation of momentum) { } { } { } predict collision with particle or wall resolve collision with particle or wall } € Important note: This is physics, so we won’t be testing you on it! 59 60 Particle-particle collision and resolution implementation public double timeToHit(Particle that) { if (this == that) return INFINITY; double dx = that.rx - this.rx, dy = that.ry - this.ry; double dvx = that.vx - this.vx; dvy = that.vy - this.vy; double dvdr = dx*dvx + dy*dvy; if( dvdr > 0) return INFINITY; double dvdv = dvx*dvx + dvy*dvy; double drdr = dx*dx + dy*dy; double sigma = this.radius + that.radius; double d = (dvdr*dvdr) - dvdv * (drdr - sigma*sigma); if (d < 0) return INFINITY; return -(dvdr + Math.sqrt(d)) / dvdv; } Collision system: event-driven simulation main loop two particles on a collision course Initialization. ・Fill PQ with all potential particle-wall collisions. ・Fill PQ with all potential particle-particle collisions. no collision third particle interferes: no collision “potential” since collision may not happen if some other collision intervenes An invalidated event public void bounceOff(Particle that) { double dx = that.rx - this.rx, dy = that.ry double dvx = that.vx - this.vx, dvy = that.vy double dvdr = dx*dvx + dy*dvy; double dist = this.radius + that.radius; double J = 2 * this.mass * that.mass * dvdr / double Jx = J * dx / dist; double Jy = J * dy / dist; this.vx += Jx / this.mass; this.vy += Jy / this.mass; that.vx -= Jx / that.mass; that.vy -= Jy / that.mass; this.count++; Important note: This is physics, that.count++; } Main loop. ・Delete the impending event from PQ (min priority = t). ・If the event has been invalidated, ignore it. ・Advance all particles to time t, on a straight-line trajectory. ・Update the velocities of the colliding particle(s). ・Predict future particle-wall and particle-particle collisions involving the - this.ry; - this.vy; ((this.mass + that.mass) * dist); colliding particle(s) and insert events onto PQ. so we won’t be testing you on it! 61 Event data type Collision system implementation: skeleton Conventions. ・ ・One particle null ・Both particles null 62 public class CollisionSystem { private MinPQ<Event> pq; private double t = 0.0; private Particle[] particles; Neither particle null ⇒ particle-particle collision. ⇒ particle-wall collision. ⇒ redraw event. // the priority queue // simulation clock time // the array of particles public CollisionSystem(Particle[] particles) { } private void predict(Particle a) add to PQ all particle-wall and particleparticle collisions involving this particle { if (a == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { double dt = a.timeToHit(particles[i]); pq.insert(new Event(t + dt, a, particles[i])); } pq.insert(new Event(t + a.timeToHitVerticalWall() , a, null)); pq.insert(new Event(t + a.timeToHitHorizontalWall(), null, a)); private class Event implements Comparable<Event> { private double time; // time of event private Particle a, b; // particles involved in event private int countA, countB; // collision counts for a and b public Event(double t, Particle a, Particle b) { } create event public int compareTo(Event that) { return this.time - that.time; ordered by time public boolean isValid() { } } } invalid if intervening collision private void redraw() { } public void simulate() { } /* see next slide */ } } 63 64 Collision system implementation: main event-driven simulation loop public void simulate() { pq = new MinPQ<Event>(); for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) predict(particles[i]); pq.insert(new Event(0, null, null)); while(!pq.isEmpty()) { Event event = pq.delMin(); if(!event.isValid()) continue; Particle a = event.a; Particle b = event.b; null null null null && && && && b b b b != == != == null) null) null) null) % java CollisionSystem 100 initialize PQ with collision events and redraw event get next event for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) particles[i].move(event.time - t); t = event.time; if (a != else if (a != else if (a == else if (a == Particle collision simulation example 1 a.bounceOff(b); a.bounceOffVerticalWall() b.bounceOffHorizontalWall(); redraw(); update positions and time process event predict new events based on changes predict(a); predict(b); } } 65 Particle collision simulation example 2 66 Particle collision simulation example 3 % java CollisionSystem < billiards.txt % java CollisionSystem < brownian.txt 67 68 Particle collision simulation example 4 % java CollisionSystem < diffusion.txt 69