Definition of TQM The importance of Quality & TQM Basic Elements of TQM How to Achive TQM 5 Pillars of TQM Barriers to TQM ty? What is Qu ali Achieve increasingly better product and services A system of continuous improvement; of employing participative management and centered on the needs of the customers Total Quali ty Ma n agem ent (T Q M) 1 onal Manage TQM vs Traditi TQM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ment Customer focus Quality first Multiple quality dimensions Management & workers involvement Process oriented Management focus Profit first Single quality definition No workers involvement Result oriented Traditional Mgmt TQM e of Quality & The Importanc Consumer’s – sophisticated Coping with competitors Containing Cost Crisis Management :are needed to Quality & TQM i. Enhance company’s image ii. Reduce cost and increase market share iii. Reduce product liability cost (legal responsibilities) iv. Increase job knowledge v. Improve communications 2 of TQM :The elements i. Customers & suppliers ii. Quality benchmarking iii. Team & Teamwork iv. Customers satisfaction v. Company’s strategies vi. Management’s role vii.Continuous improvement viii.Tools of TQM a. b. c. d. e. Quality Control Circle Statistical measurement Process monitoring Flow chart benchmarking ved. ality be achie on ho w can Qu 14 principles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Create constancy of purpose to improve product & services Adopt new philosophy No mass inspection Awarding business is not on tag price alone Improve constantly Training & retraining Leadership Deceased fear Break down barriers Use real motivation, eliminate slogans Eliminate numerical quotes Give pride of workmanship Institute vigorous programs Take action to transformed M:plementing TQ Barriers on Im 1. Lack on management support & commitment 2. Taking quality as a fad (fashionable) 3. No visible comm. system 4. Lack of training 5. Top management too preoccupied 6. Physical & mentally lack of support 7. Empowerment is not practice 8. Changing targets 3 Leadership organization commitment process product M 5 pillars of TQ 4