TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program

TWC Field and Maintenance
Progression Program
Administrator Playbook
February 25, 2014
Time Warner Cable has partnered with the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) to
offer online courses for certain Time Warner employees. This playbook has been designed to support
your efforts to successfully implement the TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program. This
version is specifically intended for the Administrators of the program, which includes the Administrators
who will register the Techs as well as the Proctors, Report Viewers, Tech Supervisors, Managers, and
anyone who would like an overview. It includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will be
expanded over time. A similar playbook has been designed for the Techs.
The playbook is divided into the following sections:
Overview (page 3)
Getting Started/ SCTE TWC Logins and Passwords (page 10)
Registering a Tech for a Course (page 18)
Creating a new Record (page 27)
Accessing the Course and Final Test (page 30)
Course Timeframes (page 38)
Webinars (page 40)
FAQs (page 41)
Welcome to the TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program. SCTE hopes you find the information
in this playbook useful.
Good luck!
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 1: TWC Field and Maintenance Technician Progression Program Poster
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
FT-2 to FT-3
FT-3 to FT-4
FT-4 to FT-5
MT-1 to MT-2
MT-2 to MT-3
Timeframe Certification
(Months) (Optional)
Broadband Premises Installation Fundamentals
Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 1
Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 2
Understanding Network Technology
Home Networking Fundamentals
Wireless Home Networking Fundamentals
Broadband Distribution Fundamentals
Digital Fundamentals
Return Path
Maintenance Technology Level 1
Network Testing and Maintenance Level 1
Coaxial Construction
Maintenance Technology Level 2
Network Testing and Maintenance Level 2
Optical Fiber Construction
Figure 2: TWC Field and Maintenance technician Progression Program Overview
The table (Figure 2) provides an overview of the progression plan.
There are 3 levels for Field Tech advancement and 2 levels for Maintenance Tech advancement.
Each level is made up of 3 courses, designed to be taken over a year’s time. Time frame for each
course is varies, depending upon the amount of content.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Course Certificate of Completion
Upon successful completion of a level, the Tech will receive a certificate of completion.
Figure 3: TWC Field and Maintenance Technician Progression Program Course Certificate
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
SCTE Technician Progression Courses
and Modules
Tech Level FT-2 to FT-3
Course: Broadband Premises Installation Fundamentals
Course Description: The Broadband Premises Installation Fundamentals course provides the
knowledge needed to install voice, video, and data services for residential cable telecommunications
customers. The student is introduced to industry cable networks and Installation, customer interaction
and how company image is affected, aerial and underground installations, bonding and grounding, and
safe work practices.
Introduction to Cable Networks and
2. Safe Work Practices for the Field Installer
3. Customer Service Refresher
4. Signaling and Transmission in Cable Networks
5. Installation Preparation
Aerial installations
Underground Installations
Bonding and Grounding
Premises Wiring
Equipment in the Home
Course: Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 1
Course Description: Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 1 introduces the typical test equipment
used during residential installations to make signal level readings, detect leakage, and troubleshoot
issues. The proper use, care and maintenance, and safeguards are described for each piece of
equipment. The divide and conquer troubleshooting process is introduced.
Test Equipment and Common Measurements
Equipment Installation (Video)
Equipment Installation (HSD)
Equipment Installation (Voice)
5. Troubleshooting and Repair Process (part 1)
Course: Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 2
Course description: In Broadband Premises Troubleshooting Part 2, students will learn how to apply
the divide and conquer troubleshooting process to specific issues that may be encountered. Specific
troubleshooting issues related to video, MoCA, voice, and data will be addressed. Cable math equations
will be presented, as will calculation practice opportunities.
Troubleshoot and Repair Process (Part 2)
Troubleshoot MDUs
Cable Math and Basic Theory
Introduction to Signal Modulation,
Demodulation, Multiplexing and Processing
Premises Signal Configuration
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Tech Level FT-3 to FT-4
Course: Understanding Network Technology
Course Description: Understanding Network Technology is designed to provide students with the fundamentals of
networking. The course covers the concepts for LANs and WANs, their architecture, and network components. In
addition to learning the core concepts, students will learn the purpose of protocols, networking addressing and an
overview of digital media.
Network Components
Network Topologies
Network Operational Models
Data Networking Basics
Data Protocols
TCP/IP Services
Digital Media
Command Line
Course: Home Networking Fundamentals
Course Description: Home Networking Fundamentals provides foundational knowledge, an understanding of the
industry standards, and grasp of core technologies needed to respond to home networking requirements. Students are
introduced to the personal computer, home Internet access, binary and hexadecimal math. Topics include Internet
Protocol, components and topologies used in networks; OSI and TCP/IP models; Ethernet and Carrier Ethernet; DOCSIS
and PacketCable; Transmission Control Protocol, User Diagram Protocol Operation, Dynamic Host Confirmation
Protocol (DHCP), and Domain Name Service (DNS).
Introduction to the Personal Computer
Introduction to Home Internet Access
IP Technologies in the Home Networks
Components and Topologies used in Networks
OSI and TCP/IP Models
Introduction to Ethernet and Carrier Ethernet
7. DOCSIS and PacketCable
MPEG, LAN, Troubleshooting
Network Media and Signals
Addressing the Cable Network
Binary and Hexadecimal Math
Transmission Control Protocol and User Diagram Protocol
13. Dynamic Host Confirmation Protocol (DHCP)
14. Domain Name Service (DNS)
Course: Wireless Home Networking Fundamentals
Course description: Wireless Home Networking Fundamentals is a continuation of Home Networking Fundamentals
with topics that include network applications and troubleshooting tools, IPv4 and IPv6 troubleshooting commands,
routing and switching, and troubleshooting scenarios. This module focuses on customer premises wireless networks
and includes IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standards, wireless network antenna theory, LAN operation, and network security
measures. Troubleshooting and causes of Wi-Fi failures are addressed. Students will be introduced to planning and
implementing a basic network.
10. Radio Frequency Fundamentals Wireless Network
1. Network Applications
Antenna Theory
2. Troubleshooting Tools
11. Wireless LAN Operation
3. IPv4 and IPv6 Troubleshooting Commands
12. Wireless Network Security Measures
4. Routing and Switching in the Network
13. Wireless Network Tunnels and Remote Access
5. Planning and Implementing a Basic Network
14. Causes of Wi-Fi Failures
6. Routing and Switching Troubleshooting
15. Wi-Fi Site Survey
16. Troubleshooting and Maintaining Wireless Networks
7. Environmental Monitoring
17. Additional Home Networking Technologies Available
8. Customer Premises Wireless Networks
18. Home Networking Management Mechanisms
9. IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi Standards
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Tech Level FT-4 to FT-5
Course: Broadband Distribution Fundamentals
Course Description: The Broadband Distribution Fundamentals course introduces the student to radio
frequency distribution of signals in the access network. The access network, from the optical node to the
distribution tap, is discussed in this course. Additional topics include an introduction to electronic theory,
system architectures, power supplies, coaxial cable connectorization, active components and passive
components. Test equipment used on outside plant maintenance and troubleshooting is introduced.
Distribution System Architecture
Introduction to Electronic theory (AC)
AC Waveforms
Resistive Circuits
Inductance and Transformers
Introduction to Capacitance
Introduction to Reactance
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable Connectorization
Distribution System Passive Devices
Distribution System Active Devices
Introduction to Amplifier Operation
Powering a Coaxial or HFC System
Amplifier Electronic Components
Digital Signal Analyzers
TDR Operation
Signal Leakage Measurements
Network Architecture
19. Preventative Maintenance Programs
Course: Digital Fundamentals
Course Description: Digital Fundamentals is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of digital
video fundamentals and troubleshooting best practices. Students will gain an understanding of digital video,
switched digital video (SDV), digital media theory, signal modulation, demodulation and processing, bandwidth
constraints and management, digital carrier measurements, and Moving Pictures Expert Group (MPEG) video
5. Digital Carrier Measurements
1. Digital Fundamentals
6. Introduction to MPEG Compression
2. Digital Media Theory
7. Switched Digital Video Overview and Components
3. RF Signal Modulation, Demodulation,
8. Digital Troubleshooting and Repair Process
Multiplexing and Processing
4. HFC Bandwidth Constraints and Management
Course: Return Path
Course description: The Return Path course focuses on design, set-up, and troubleshooting for the reverse
system. Topics discussed include signaling and transmission, return path components, differences between the
downstream and upstream, troubleshooting, balancing the return path, long loop ALC, return path signaling and
return path optimization.
5. Return Path Troubleshooting
Signaling and Transmission in Cable Networks
Introduction to the Return Path in the HFC Network
Return Path Components
Differences Between the Downstream and
Balancing the Return Path
Long Loop ALC
Return Path Signaling
Optical Return Path
Return Path Optimization
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Tech Level MT-1 to MT-2
Course: Maintenance Technology Level 1
Course Description: Maintenance Technology Level 1 takes the student through an in-depth look at
network architecture and its components, including active and passive devices, amplifier operation, and
power supply circuits. Electrical characteristics of cable including resistance, capacitance, inductance,
reactance, and impedance are explored.
9. HFC Active Devices
Network Architecture
Electrical Characteristics of Cable
Cable Math
Amplifier Operations
Power Supply Circuits
HFC Passive Devices
Signal Types
Return Path
Coaxial Cable
Modulation and Multiplexing Techniques
Intermediate MPEG Compression
Course: Network Testing and Maintenance Level 1
Course Description: The Network Testing and Maintenance Level 1 course focuses on the tests and
procedures that must be accomplished to ensure a well-run coaxial network including plant sweeping
and proof of performance testing. Signal leakage detection, reduction, and monitoring, as well as the
FCC’s role as related to signal leakage, are discussed. The student will learn the steps to responding to
Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Measuring Signal Levels
Proactive Network Maintenance
Signal Leakage
Return Path Measurements
Intermodulation Distortions
Analog and Digital Signal Impairments
Signal Impairments Recommended Practices
Plant Sweeping
Proof of Performance Testing
Responding to Outages
Course: Coax Construction
Course description: The Coax Construction course draws upon SCTE’s Recommended Practices for
Coaxial Construction and Testing. Topics include system design, coaxial cable connectorization,
powering, aerial and underground coaxial cable construction; activation and testing, and relevant field
safety topics.
Field Safety Refresher
System Design
Coax Connectorization
Powering a Coaxial or HFC System
Construction (Coaxial)
Aerial Construction
Underground Construction
Activation and Testing
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Tech Level MT-2 to MT-3
Course: Maintenance Technology Level 2
Course Description: The Maintenance Technology Level 2 course focuses on network transport with a
thorough look at optical fiber networks including fiber transmission characteristics and fiber cables and
connectors. Additional topics include data services and DOCSIS®, cable voice services PacketCable, IMS
and SIP, ADS and analog reclamation; digital video and MPEG-2/4/H, Internet Protocol TV (IPTV), and
cable Wi-Fi. Topics related to the headend and advanced network applications are introduced.
9. Data Services and DOCSIS
History of Fiber
Competitive Network Technology
Optical Networks
Fiber Basics
Transmission Characteristics of Fiber
Optical Fiber Cables and Connectors
Optical Signals at the Node
Network Fundamentals
Cable Voice Services PacketCable, IMS and SIP
ADS and Analog Reclamation
Advanced MPEG Compression
SDV Headend Components
Headend Clamping
Internet Protocol TV (IPTV)
Cable Wi-Fi
Advanced Network Applications
Course: Network Testing and Maintenance Level 2
Course Description: The Network Testing and Maintenance Level 2 course fine-tunes the tests and
procedures that help to ensure a well-run transport network including test equipment and its
applications, testing and maintenance, troubleshooting voice and data services, troubleshooting MPEG
video streams, troubleshooting switched digital video, and monitoring video over IP. The student will
learn how to recognize video artifacts, the sources of video artifacts and the steps to responding to
optical outages.
Optical Testing
OTDR Operation
Test Equipment and its Applications
Testing and Maintenance
Troubleshooting Voice and Data Services
Troubleshooting MPEG Video Streams
Troubleshooting SDV
Monitoring Video over IP
Video Artifacts and Sources
Responding to Optical Outages
Course: Optical Fiber Construction
Course description: The Optical Fiber Construction course is based upon SCTE’s Recommended Practices
for Optical Fiber Construction and Testing. Topics include fiber design and application, optical power
budgets, cable preparation, splices and connectors, optical cable construction and restoration,
leakage/LTE Interference measurement, conducting acceptance testing of a broadband optical link, and
relevant field safety topics.
6. OSP Optical Cable Construction
Optical Safety
Fiber Design and Application
Optical Power Budgets
Cable Preparation
Splices and Connectors
Fiber Restoration Techniques
SDV Install, Addressing and Network Review
Leakage/LTE Interference Measurement
Conducting Acceptance Testing of a Broadband
Optical Link
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Getting Started
SCTE TWC Logins and Passwords
There are three groups of authorized TWC personnel who will work with this program:
Report Viewer
The Administrator registers the Techs for courses and manages any updates to the list of TWC
authorized personnel. The Proctor will proctor the Course Final Test. The Report Reviewer has access to
the tech progress reports. One person may be authorized for one, two, or all three roles.
The following table indicates how each of these groups will login or access the content.
Register Techs for
username (TWC
email address for
most users)
• Report Viewer
• Print
NA - Not required to login but used
to authorize exam
username (TWC
email address for
most users)
SCTE Password
(sent by email; may change
any time after login)
Initially: “temp4u”; prompted
to change password on first
SCTE Password
(sent by email; may change any
time after login)
Initially: “temp4u”; prompted
to change password on first
Figure 4: Logins for Administrator, Proctor, and Report Viewer
Note that all Administrators are granted Report Viewer privileges. The logins are communicated to these
groups by way of a “Welcome email.” The following pages provide examples of these emails.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
TWC Administrator Welcome
Dear {Administrator},
Time Warner Cable has partnered with the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) to
offer online courses for certain Time Warner employees.
Registering Techs for Courses
You are authorized to register the Techs for courses in the TWC Field and Maintenance Progression
Program. You will also manage any updates to the list of TWC authorized personnel.
Login at
Your username is your SCTE username (TWC email address for most users).
Your password is: {XXXXXX} (You may change your password after you login.)
Forgotten user
names and
passwords are easily
Select “TWC Admin Site” to enter the site.
To register Techs for courses, you will need to use the following Purchase Order (PO) number: {XXXXXX}.
Please keep this PO number secure.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Printing Course Certificates
Administrators are also authorized to print course certificates for employees in the TWC Field and
Maintenance Progression Program. To print certificates:
Login to the SCTE Time Warner Training Portal
Username is SCTE_xxxxxx
Temporary password is: temp4u (You will be prompted to change your password after you
Click on Course Progress Report in the Main Menu
Select Certificate PDF and any other filter information (date range, report criteria)
Click Submit Criteria at the bottom of the window
Figure 5: Course Progress Report and Print Certificate Option
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Proctor Welcome
Subject: Your Proctor Credentials for SCTE's Time Warner Cable Courses
Hi {Proctor},
Time Warner Cable has partnered with the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
(SCTE) to offer online courses for certain Time Warner employees.
Proctoring Time Warner Course Final Tests
You are now authorized to proctor the online Course Final Tests that employees will take to
complete their courses.
The Techs will login to the SCTE Time Warner Training Portal using the Login ID and password
they used to take the course.
1. Techs click on Course Content in the Main Menu and then select Course Final Test
2. You will enter your proctor ID and Password to authorize the test
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Your username is your TWC email address for most users; users with a previous SCTE
account will enter the username they originally selected
Your password is: {XXXXXX}
If you forget your Login ID and/or password, you can request it at
Forgotten user
names and
passwords are easily
3. Test Guidelines
a. Open book: Techs can use their course materials, references and the Internet but
cannot request ANY assistance from other individuals
b. The proctor must stay in the room with the employee during the entire test and
the Tech may not leave the room
c. Passing score: 70% or greater
d. Time limit: 2 hours
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
e. Techs can retake Course Final Test two times (total of 3)
f. Test results are presented on screen immediately and are emailed to the
employee but employees cannot view the questions from the test, to protect the
test integrity.
g. If a Tech loses Internet connection during the test, he or she can login and
resume the test with the correct time remaining on the countdown clock
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Report Viewer Welcome
Your Access to SCTE's Time Warner Cable Course Progress Report
Hi {Report Viewer},
Time Warner Cable has partnered with the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
(SCTE) to offer online courses for certain Time Warner employees.
Viewing the Course Progress Report
You are now authorized to view the online Course Progress Report that includes information
about employees’ course registrations, quizzes, tests, and certificates.
Login to the SCTE Time Warner Training Portal
Your username is SCTE_xxxxxx.
Your temporary password is: temp4u (You will be prompted to change your password
after you login.)
Forgotten user
names and
passwords are easily
4. Click on Course Progress Report in the Main Menu
5. You can view all course data or you can filter the report by Enrollment Date, Completion
Date, course name, or student name. You can also choose to include test details.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Report spreadsheet includes:
– Enrollment start date and end date
– Course status
– Course score
– Course completion date
– # of minutes spent on Training Portal
– Quiz and Final Test dates, scores (can omit from report)
– Notes about course extensions and retesting exceptions
Report can be downloaded, searched and saved
Course Status field:
Includes course grade if student completed all tests and…
o Passed all tests…or…student did not pass all tests but enrollment has expired
“Incomplete”: course enrollment expired and student did not complete all tests
“No Tests Yet”: student is enrolled in a course but has not completed any tests
“In Process”: student is enrolled in a course and has completed some tests
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Registering a Tech for a Course
Registering a Tech for a course is summarized in the Administrator’s Welcome email and previously in
this playbook. This section goes into additional detail.
The Administrator has a unique role that cannot be accomplished by a Proctor or Report Viewer alone.
The Administrator registers the Technicians for the courses. The Administrator also manages any
updates to the list of TWC authorized personnel, including adding Technicians, Proctors, and Report
Viewers, as well as adding new Administrators.
The Administrator begins by logging in at
Username is your SCTE username (TWC email address for most users).
Password is: {XXXXXX} (You may change your password after you login.)
Forgotten user
names and
passwords are easily
Figure 6: SCTE Account Login Screen for Administrators
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Select “TWC Admin Site” to enter the site.
Figure 7: TWC Admin Site
To register Techs for courses, the Administrator will need to use the Purchase Order (PO) number that
was provided in the Welcome email. Please keep this PO number secure.
To begin the registration process, the Admin searches for a Tech either by last name or EID.
The Administrator
searches for a Tech
either by last name
or EID number.
Figure 8: Administrator Searches for Tech
A record will exist if the Tech has taken a class previously, or if Tech data was submitted at the
initial employee data upload.
The option to create a new record is also available at this screen. If a Tech record does not exist,
the Administrator must create a new record, described below in the section Creating a New
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
The Administrator selects the Tech from the list.
Figure 9: Select Tech from the List
After the Administrator selects the Tech’s record, the Administrator will click the “Register student for
courses” link. Then select the check-box(es) for the course.
The following pages will describe this process in a little more detail.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Select the Course
The TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program has been designed to allow Techs to progress
through the program in order. There are however instances when a Tech will not start with the first
course, including:
The Tech has prior experience and is entering the program at a higher level
The Tech is transitioning from another progression program
The Tech would like to take a class lower than current level in order to review
Figure 10 represents part of the course list, with the 3 courses associated with the FT-2 to FT-3 level and
the first course of the FT-3 to FT-4 level. Courses in the progression plan in most cases will be taken in
order, as listed.
FT-2 to
FT-3 to
Figure 10: Partial Course List
Note that there are two selections per module: the module itself, and the module equivalent.
The Equivalent courses are selected to indicate that the Tech has completed a comparable course
elsewhere (for instance, through the NCTI program). Since courses are designed to be completed in
order, this communicates to the registration system that the Tech is qualified to begin with a later
course; that is, he or she is not starting at the first course in level FT-1 to FT-2. For example, if the Tech
will begin with the third course in the progression, the previous two “Equivalent” courses must be
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Select the Course
For a Tech just starting the progression plan, simply select the first course “Broadband Premises
Installation Fundamentals” as shown in Figure 11. When the Tech has successfully completed this course
and is ready to move to the next, the Tech’s record will indicate the next course to take.
FT-2 to
FT-3 to
Figure 11: Partial Course List: Select Broadband Premises Installation Fundamentals
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Course Selection Example
Let’s look at an example where the tech will not begin with the first course in the progression program. .
Figure 12: Partial Course List: Select Course Equivalents
In this example, an FT-3 is preparing to progress to FT-4 and has already taken all of the courses in the
FT-2 to FT-3 level. The first course this Tech will take is “Understanding Network Technology.” In order
to communicate to the registration system that this Tech is not starting at the first course in the
progression program, the previous “equivalent” courses must be selected, as shown in Figure 12.
Selecting a Lower-Level Course
There may be a situation when a Tech would like to take a class lower than current level in order to
review the content. For example, a Maintenance Technician may want to take a Field Tech course. If a
Tech has not yet taken any progression program courses and wants to take a lower level course, follow
the Course Selection Example above, and identify the necessary Equivalent courses. If the Tech has
already taken some courses and would like to take a lower level course, simply select the course.
Shopping Cart
Once the courses are selected, click “Add Selected Courses to Cart.”
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 13: Course Registration Shopping Cart
Here is an example Shopping Cart. On this screen, note that the Equivalent courses will be indicated
(auto-populated) with a $0 price.
Courses for multiple Techs may be ordered at one time.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 14: Course Registration Shopping Cart Check Out
Courses purchased through TWC will be paid for by PO. There will be one PO number per TWC Region.
PO numbers will be provided to TWC Administrators by SCTE.
Once the PO number is entered, click “Process Order.”
Please press “Process
Order” only once and wait
for the confirmation screen.
Do not press your back
arrows or reprocess.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 15: Order Confirmation
Here is an example order confirmation. At this point, an email will be sent to the Tech with the link to
access the course.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Creating a New Record
If a Tech record does not exist, or if the status of an Administrator, Proctor, or Report Viewer needs to
be changed, the Administrator can create a new record or modify existing records.
Creating a Tech Record
To create a Tech record:
Login to the TWC Admin site.
Search for the employee’s record.
If an employee’s record is not found, select “Create New Record.”
Figure 16: Select “Creating New Record”
Complete the employee information.
If creating a Tech record, do not check “Admin,” “Proctor” or “Report Viewer.” Be sure to select
the region.
Click “Create New Record.”
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Creating an Administrator, Proctor, or Report Viewer Record
Employees are authorized to be an Administrator, Proctor, or Report Viewer in the same way that a
Tech Record is created.
Figure 17: Creating a New Employee Record
To create a new employee Record:
• Login to the TWC Admin site.
• Search for the employee’s record.
• If an employee’s record is not found, select “Create New Record.”
• Check the box next to the role(s) that the employee should have
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Disabling or Change an Administrator, Proctor, or Report Viewer Record
Search for the individual by using the “Search” box
In the results, click on the name
In the pop-up window, uncheck the attributes you wish to remove (for example, uncheck
“Proctor” if this individual is no longer authorized to proctor an exam)
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Accessing the Course and Final Test
Once the registration is confirmed, an email will be sent to the Tech with the link to access the course.
Figure 18: Tech Welcome email with Course Link
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 18 is an example “Welcome email.” The Tech receives a “Welcome email” with a course link as
well as important information about the course requirements and timeframe.
To access the course content:
The Tech logs in to the SCTE Time Warner National Training Portal using the URL found in the
Welcome email
First time students receive a separate email with their login ID and temporary password
Login ID: SCTE_xxxxxx (xxxxxx is the student’s SCTE ID#)
Temporary password: temp4u
Returning Students should use the password they set up for their most recent course
Forgot Username and/or Password?
The Techs click the course URL; credentials will be emailed to them
Figure 19: TWC Training Portal
Using the link provided in the “Welcome email” the Tech logs directly in to his or her course on the TWC
Training Portal.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 20: TWC Training Portal: Select “Course Content”
The Tech clicks “Course Content” to launch the course. Once started, the Tech can stop and return to
the course where it left off since it will bookmark progress made to that point.
Figure 21: TWC Training Portal: Select Link to Presentation or Quiz
The Tech views online narrated presentations
Narrated presentations are compatible with mobile and tablet devices
Confirmation of learning (quiz) for each module is completed at the end of the narrated
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 22: Sample Online Presentation
Figure 22 provides a sample from one of the online presentations.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 23: Sample Quiz
Techs complete online confirmation of learning (quiz) for each module.
Passing score of the quiz is 70% or greater.
Techs can retake module confirmation of learning (quizzes) up to 20 times as a learning tool.
The score of the last quiz taken will contribute to the final course score and appear in the
The quizzes are open notes.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 24: Sample Quiz Results: Score
Techs see their quiz results on screen…
Figure 25: Sample Quiz Results: Message
…and receive an email about their results. Techs can review course content again, and retake the quiz.
Figure 26: Final Course Test Link
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
The Final Course Test is proctored by a TWC proctor.
Techs select the online Course Final Test
TWC Proctor enters proctor credentials
Course Final Test launches
Figure 27: Final Course Test Proctor Authorization
The Proctor authenticates the Course Final Test using his or her SCTE username and password
These are the same as the Administrator’s login
o Username is the TWC email for most proctors
o Password is randomly assigned and is sent in the welcome email
The password can be reset at
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Figure 28: Final Course Test Link
The Course Final Test is open book/notes using course material
Passing score: 70% or greater
Time limit: 2 hours
Tech can retake Course Final Test two times (total of 3)
Course Final Test grade is 35% of the final grade. Confirmation of learnings (quizzes) count as
65% of the final grade.
Figure 29: Sample Final Course Test: Score
Techs see their test results on screen immediately after completion of the final test
An email is generated to each test providing their test results
Techs do not see the answers to any final test questions – this is to protect the final test
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Course Timeframes
Each course has a designated timeframe, communicated to the Tech through the Welcome email. There
are also periodic emails sent to the Tech to remind the student of the course end date, as shown in the
example email below:
Figure 30: Course Reminder email
If the Tech is unable to complete the course within the defined course timeframe, there is an option
available to allow the course to be extended.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Course Extensions
If a Tech’s allocated course time is exceeded, the Tech may request a course extension to extend course
access for 3 weeks.
This process is NOT done by Administrators
The Tech is responsible for the $70 Extension Fee
Fee payment is via shopping cart:
The Tech will log in to using the SCTE username and password.
Need your username or password? Request your username and/or password.
Purchase a Course Extension. ( )
Click the “Add Item” button to add it to the cart.
Click Checkout and complete the payment form. (If the Tech is logged in, most of the
information should already be populated.)
Tech will receive an email with new course end date within 24 business hours.
Course Retesting Exception
If a Tech fails the course test 3 times (before the course ends), the Tech may request a Retesting
Exception and pay the Retesting Fee of $80.
The Retesting Fee includes up to a 3 week course extension from the date of the request,
allowing learners to prepare and retake the course final two times. The final test must be
completed before the course enrollment or extension ends.
Fee payment is via shopping cart:
The Tech will log in to using the SCTE username and password.
Need your username or password? Request your username and/or password.
Purchase a Retest. (
Click the “Add Item” button to add it to the cart.
Click Checkout and complete the payment form. (If the Tech is logged in, most of the
information should already be populated.)
Tech receives an email with instructions and new course end date, if applicable, , within 24
business hours.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
A webinar series has been developed to outline the processes for each of the three groups of authorized
TWC personnel. Click here
( for
the webinars plus additional information about the TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program
For questions on processes, please contact
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Program Description
What is the “Field and Maintenance
Technician Progression Program?”
Which employees are included in this
How many levels are in the progression
How many courses are in each level?
What is the time frame for each course?
Is there a limit to the number of SCTE courses
that a Tech can take in a year?
Does the Tech need to take the courses in the
progression plan in order?
Does the Tech need to start at the first course
in level FT-1 to FT-2?
When can Techs begin taking SCTE courses?
Who should the Techs contact in order to sign
up for SCTE courses?
Do the Techs need to be SCTE members to
participate in the Field and Maintenance
Technician Progression Program?
Time Warner Cable has partnered with the Society of Cable
Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) to offer online courses for
certain Time Warner employees.
The Field and Maintenance Technician Progression Program is
open to TWC Field and Maintenance Technicians.
There are 3 levels for Field Tech advancement and 2 levels for
Maintenance Tech advancement.
Each level is made up of 3 courses, designed to be taken over a
year’s time.
The time frame per course is typically 4 months, although a few are
a little more and a few a little less, depending upon the amount of
No, but a Tech may only take one course at a time.
Yes, courses in the progression plan must be taken in order, as
No, the Tech can start at any point, with authorization from
supervision. This may occur if a Tech is transitioning from the NCTI
program to SCTE, or if the Tech has already progressed beyond the
FT-1 to FT-2 level.
A Tech may take SCTE courses when the FT2/MT1 level is achieved.
For Techs already an FT2/MT1 or higher, enrollment became
available on January 1, 2014.
Techs should contact the Tech’s supervisor.
No, TWC has partnered with the SCTE to offer online courses for
certain Time Warner employees. Techs are not required to be SCTE
members in order to participate in the program.
Program Administration
How is the progression program administered
within TWC?
What is the role of the Administrator?
What is the role of the Proctor?
There are three groups of TWC personnel who are authorized to
administer elements of this program:
• Administrator
• Proctor
• Report Reviewer
The Administrator registers the Techs for the courses and manages
any updates to the list of TWC authorized personnel. Please Click
here for the “Course Registration Process” webinar and additional
The Proctor will proctor the Course Final Test. Please Click here for
the “Course Final Test Proctor Process” webinar and additional
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
What is the role of the Report Viewer?
Can an individual serve more than one role?
How can I change the administrative role of
an individual?
How do I delete an authorized individual?
The Report Viewer has access to the technicians’ progress reports.
Please Click here for the “Report Viewer Process” webinar and
additional information.
Yes, one person may be authorized for one, two, or all three roles.
In fact, for efficiency, it is recommended that an Administrator
should also be a Report Viewer.
The Administrator is authorized to manage any updates to the list
of TWC authorized personnel, including adding Proctors, Report
Viewers, and other Administrators. Please Click here for the
“Course Registration Process” webinar and additional information.
Individuals cannot be deleted. However, an Administrator can
remove someone’s Admin , Proctor or Report Viewer
How does the Administrator log on to register
a Tech for a course?
How does the Administrator access a
technician’s record?
What if a Tech’s record does not exist?
How does the Administrator create a
technician’s record?
How does the Administrator create a record
for another authorized program role?
Can a Proctor or Report Viewer create a new
Can a Proctor or Report Viewer register a
Tech for a course?
Can SCTE provide a list of the Administrators
or permission levels in my area?
The Administrator logs on to . Log in with the SCTE
username (TWC email for most users) and the SCTE password.
• The password is sent to the administrator via email
• The administrator will have the opportunity to reset the
password at
The Administrator selects “TWC Admin Site” to enter the site.
The Administrator searches for a Tech either by last name or EID
• A record will exist if the Tech has taken a class previously,
or if Tech data was submitted at initial upload
• The option to create a new record is also available at this
If a Tech record does not exist, the administrator must create a
new record.
• Select “Create New Record”
• To create a Tech record, fill in the employee information.
• Leave these boxes for “Admin, Proctor, and Report
Viewer” blank for a Tech record. Be sure to select the
• Search for the individual or select “Create New Record”
• Fill in the employee information.
• Select appropriate box(es) for “Admin, Proctor, and Report
Viewer.” Be sure to select the region.
No, only individuals designated as Administrators can create new
No, only individuals designated as Administrators can register
Techs for a course.
No, SCTE is not allowed to send a list of TWC Administrator names
or permission levels in your area. TWC has provided a list of
employees designated as Administrators that are authorized to
create student records and order Tech progression courses. TWC
has also designated employees that will be authorized to proctor
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
exams and view reports. Time Warner requests that all inquiries
about identifying the Admins, Proctors and Report Viewers should
be referred to your Supervisor, Manager or Director for further
direction and they will escalate your concern appropriately.
Course Registration
How does the Administrator register a Tech
for a course?
What are the “Equivalent” courses listed on
the registration site?
Do the “Equivalent” courses always need to
be selected?
Technicians at my location will transition
from NCTI to the SCTE progression plan.
Where should they start?
Do the “Equivalent” courses need to be
selected each time a Tech is registered?
Is there a fee associated with the
“Equivalent” courses?
Can courses for multiple Techs be ordered at
the same time?
Can a Tech be registered for multiple courses
at the same time?
How will courses purchased through TWC be
paid for?
How will PO numbers be provided to TWC
How will TWC be invoiced for the courses
How does the SCTE program of payroll
deductions and reimbursements work?
The Administrator will
• Select the Tech’s record or create a new record
• Click the “Register student for courses” link
• Select the check-box(es) for the course.
Equivalent courses are selected to indicate that the Tech has
completed a comparable course elsewhere (for instance, through
the NCTI program). Since courses are completed in order, this
communicates to the registration system that the Tech is qualified
to begin with a later course; that is, he or she is not starting at the
first course in level FT-1 to FT-2. For example, if the Tech will begin
with the third course in the progression, the previous two
“Equivalent” courses must be selected.
No, for a Tech just starting at the beginning of the progression
plan, simply select the first course “Broadband Premises
Installation Fundamentals.” When the Tech has successfully
completed this course and is ready to move to the next, the Tech’s
record will indicate the next course to take.
Techs transitioning from NCTI to the SCTE progression plan in
PacWest and Texas will be provided specific guidance from their
No, selecting Equivalent courses needs to be done only once. The
next time this Tech is registered for a course, the next course in the
progression will be available.
No, the purpose of the “Equivalent” courses is to communicate to
the registration system that a Tech is not starting at the first course
in level FT-1 to FT-2. Equivalent courses will be listed on the
shopping cart with $0.
Yes, courses for multiple Techs may be ordered by the
Administrator at one time.
No, the Tech must successfully complete one course before he or
she can be registered for the next.
Courses purchased through TWC will be paid for by Purchase Order
(PO). There will be one PO number per TWC Region.
PO numbers will be provided to TWC Administrators by SCTE.
A monthly invoice will be sent to one contact in each of the 6 TWC
The registration and payment process is designed to avoid out-ofpocket expense for technicians, unless they fail a course or require
an extension. Courses purchased through TWC will be paid for by
Purchase Order (PO). There will be one PO number per TWC
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
How will the Techs access the course?
Once the order is confirmed, an email will be sent to the Tech with
the link to access the course.
Accessing the Course and Content
How does a Tech gain access the course?
How does a Tech log in the course?
Can the Tech access the course through
What if a Tech forgets the user name or
How does the Tech change the email address
to a different email address?
What if a Tech does not receive the
“Welcome email?”
How do Techs know how long they have
access to the course?
Once the Administrator has completed the registration process,
the Tech receives a “Welcome email” with course link as well as
important information about the course requirements and
Using the link provided in the “Welcome email” the Tech logs
directly in to his or her course on the TWC Training Portal.
• The Tech logs in to the SCTE Time Warner National
Training Portal (using the URL found in the Welcome email)
• First time students receive a separate email with their
login ID and temporary password
• Login ID: SCTE_xxxxxx (xxxxxx is the student’s SCTE
• Temporary password: temp4u
• Returning Students should use the password they set up
for their most recent course
No, the course is available through the custom TWC Training
Portal. To access the course, the Tech uses the link provided in the
Welcome email.
Techs click the course URL and select “Forgot Username and/or
The credentials will be emailed to them.
The Tech can click the course URL and select “Forgot Username
and/or Password?” The credentials will be emailed to the Tech’s
Time Warner email address. Time Warner has specified that only
the Time Warner company email should be used for taking
If a Tech does not receive the “Welcome email” with the login
credentials, it is possible that it was directed to a Junk mail or spam
filter. If it cannot be located, contact SCTE Professional
Development at
The Techs receive a Welcome email after they are registered for
the course regarding the length of the course. For example:
“You will be able to access the narrated online presentations for 5 months
after you are registered for the course, although you can finish sooner if
you prefer. Please be sure to complete all course requirements, including
quizzes and the Course Final Test, within this timeframe while the course
is still available to you. You will have access to the course reference
materials after the course has ended.”
A weekly email is also sent to Techs with their course enrollment
end date, beginning in their second week. Here’s a sample of the
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Your SCTE Online Course Reminder
Hi {Student},
Your Coax Construction course will end on 04/13/14.
Please consult the instructions for successful course completion found
under "Announcements" in the Main Menu on the course site. All
quizzes and the Course Final Test need to be completed successfully by the
end date above.
How does the Tech access the course
Are the courses compatible with mobile
How many quizzes and tests are included in
each course?
Are the quizzes proctored?
Are the quizzes open book/notes?
What score is necessary to pass a quiz?
Do the quiz scores count toward successful
course completion?
Are the quizzes timed?
How many questions are on a quiz?
How many times can a Tech take a quiz?
Since the Tech can take a module quiz more
than once, which quiz is used for the course
completion calculation?
How do the techs see their quiz results?
How does the Tech review the gradebook?
Can Techs review course content before
retaking the quiz?
After logging on to the TWC Training Portal, the Tech clicks the
“Course Content” button to launch the course. Once started, the
Tech can stop, return later, and the course will bookmark progress
made to that point. Clearing cookies will erase bookmarks.
Yes, the Tech can view the presentation PowerPoints (minus notes)
on an iPhone. For viewing on an iPad, the iSpring Mobile app is
needed. Download for free:
The Training Portal platform also supports Android tablets
operating system OS.
There is a confirmation of learning (quiz) for each module. There is
one final test per course.
70% or greater
Yes, the final grade is made up of a 65% / 35% split for quizzes vs.
the Course Final Test.
The number of questions on a quiz will vary, depending upon the
content and length of the module. Most modules have a typical
number of 10 questions.
A Tech can take a module quiz up to 20 times.
The score of the last module quiz taken will factor into the
calculations of the final course score.
Techs see their quiz results on screen and receive an email about
their results.
Using the gradebook is described in the Announcements on the
TWC Training Portal. The Tech will be able to review and print the
quiz and final course test scores.
Yes, Techs can view quiz questions and review course content
again before retaking the quiz.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
Course Final Test
Is the Course Final Test proctored?
What step will the Tech take when all the
modules of a course are complete?
Can a Tech take a Course Final Test without a
What is the process for proctoring the Course
Final Test?
Is the TWC proctor process the same that is
used for proctoring the SCTE certification
Is the Course Final Test open book/notes?
Does the Course Final Test score count
toward successful course completion?
Are the Course Final Tests timed?
How many times can a Tech take the Course
Final Test?
Will the Tech know if he or she passed or
failed immediately?
Will the Tech receive a certificate for
completing a course?
What happens when a Tech fails the Course
Final Test?
What happens if a Tech fails the Course Final
Test 3 times?
What is the Retesting Exception process?
The Tech will tell his or her Admin or supervisor when he/she is
ready to take the course final test so a proctor can be scheduled.
Tech selects the online Course Final Test
TWC Proctor enters the Proctor credentials
Course Final Test launches
The Proctor authenticates the Course Final Test using the
SCTE username and password
– SCTE username is the Proctor’s TWC email address
– The password is provided by SCTE
No, TWC Proctors are selected within TWC to proctor the Course
Final Test, and part of the progression program. SCTE certification
proctors complete an application through in order to
proctor the SCTE certification exams.
Yes. Only the test taker’s materials; no sharing of materials.
Yes, the final grade is made up of a 65% / 35% split for quizzes vs.
the Course Final Test.
Yes, there is a 2-hour time limit.
A Tech can retake the Course Final Test two times (for a total of 3
Yes, Techs see their test results on the computer screen and an
email about test results is sent to the tech. Techs do not see the
answers to any questions – to protect final test integrity.
Yes, course certificates will be available to the TWC Administrators
through the TWC Training Portal for printing.
The Tech may retake the Course Final Test twice, so up to a total of
3 times. Scheduling retesting with the Proctor must occur prior to
the course end date.
Note that the retakes must be within the allowed duration of the
course. If the timeframe of the course is exceeded, the technician
may request a Retesting Exception and pay $80 for extending the
course completion time period. If after two retakes, the test is
failed again, then Techs must re-take the course at their expense.
If the technician does not complete the course by the required
completion date or fails the course, the technician must reimburse
TWC through payroll deduction ($20 per pay period is the
minimum). TWC must be fully reimbursed before the failed or
uncompleted course can be repeated.
If a Tech fails the course test 3 times (before the course ends), the
Tech may request a Retesting Exception and pay the Retesting Fee
of $80.
• The Retesting Fee includes up to a 3 week course
extension from the date of the request, allowing learners
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
What is the time frame for when a Tech can
re-take the Course Final Test?
to prepare and retake the course final two times. The final
test must be completed before the course enrollment or
extension ends.
• Fee payment is via shopping cart:
• The Tech will log in to using the SCTE
username and password.
• Need your username or password? Request your
username and/or password.
• Purchase a Retest. (
• Click the “Add Item” button to add it to the cart.
• Click Checkout and complete the payment form. (If the
Tech is logged in, most of the information should already
be populated.)
Tech receives an email with instructions and new course end date,
if applicable.
A Tech may retake the Course Final Test at any time before the
course enrollment ends
Course Progress Report
Is there a report to review the Techs’ course
How can the content of the Course Progress
Report be filtered?
Can the Course Progress Report be
What is included on the Course Progress
The Course Progress Report is available to designated Course
Progress Report Viewers.
• Login to SCTE Time Warner Cable National Portal at
• Your Login ID = SCTE_xxxxxx (xxxxxx is your SCTE ID#)
• Temporary password: temp4u (you will be asked to change
the password the first time you log in)
• Select “Course Progress Report” from the Menu
The Admin can view all course data or filter by Enrollment Date,
Completion Date, Course name, or Individual Student name. The
Admin can view the Report with Test Details or without Test
Yes, it can be downloaded, and the data can be searched and
The downloadable spreadsheet includes:
• Enrollment start date, end date
• Course status
• Course score
• Course completion date
• Number of minutes spent on Training Portal
• Quiz and Final Test dates, scores (can omit from report)
• Notes about course extensions and retesting exceptions
General Policy and Information
What web browsers are supported by the
training platform?
The Tech should use one of the following Internet browsers when
taking the SCTE online course:
• FireFox 26 or greater
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
• Chrome 32.0.1700.102 m or greater
• Internet Explorer 10, 11 or greater
• Latest version of Safari for your specific OS
Internet Explorer 8 and Chrome 32.0.1700.76 are not supported
due to errors and limitations in the browsers. Please note that this
is not an SCTE limitation.
What is the process when a Tech exceeds the
course timeframe, and are technicians
responsible for any fees?
What is the policy for course cancellations,
and are technicians responsible for these
What is the policy for course transfers?
Is the SCTE Certification Program applicable
to this Progression Plan?
Access to the SCTE Training Portal requires the latest versions of
Java and Flash. For uninterrupted learning, it is recommended that
the Tech installs these prior to accessing the course. Here are the
links for your convenience:
• Flash:
• Java:
• FireFox:
• Chrome:
• Internet Explorer:
• Safari:
If a Tech’s allocated course time is exceeded, the Tech may request
a course extension to extend course access for 3 weeks.
• This process is NOT done by Administrators
• The Tech is responsible for the $70 Extension Fee
• Fee payment is via shopping cart:
• The Tech will log in to using the SCTE
username and password.
• Need your username or password? Request your
username and/or password.
• Purchase a Course Extension.
ension )
• Click the “Add Item” button to add it to the cart.
• Click Checkout and complete the payment form. (If the
Tech is logged in, most of the information should already
be populated.)
• Tech receives an email with new course end date
All cancellation requests must be received by midnight of the 7th
day after the course registration and must be in writing or email.
All cancellations are subject to a $75 cancellation fee. (The balance
of the course will be credited to Time Warner Cable.)
To help simplify the process for TWC, there will not be a course
transfer process. If a Tech cannot take a particular course, follow
the cancellation policy.
Progression courses and tests are separate from the SCTE
Certification program. There is the added benefit of certain
Progression courses that upon completion Techs will have gained
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators
How are the Reference Library materials
Can Techs print the course slides to use as a
reference and to study?
Is it possible to get a copy of the course audio
transcript in printed or audio form?
Is all content for completing the module
quizzes and course final test included on the
presentation Power Points?
A Tech has completed an A+ training class. Is
the Tech required to complete the 3
computer-related SCTE courses?
Can Techs earn college credits for completing
Progression courses?
Will the Technician receive a book for the
I understand that there is an installation
guidebook available. Can you provide
additional information?
Who should Administrator, Proctors, and
Report Viewers contact if they have
Who should Techs contact if they have
the knowledge necessary to allow the Tech to take the applicable
SCTE Certification exam. For more information on certification visit
Access Reference Library materials from the TWC Training Portal.
Yes, Techs have the option to print the PowerPoint slide only and
take notes about the instructor’s presentation. The slides don’t
include all of the instructor’s narration -- just as a live instructor in
a classroom doesn’t provide a printout of his audio -- so students
can focus on listening and understanding the content.
No, the actual transcripts of the courses are not available. Techs
have the option to print the PowerPoint slide only and take notes
about the instructor’s presentation. The slides don’t include all of
the instructor’s narration -- just as a live instructor in a classroom
doesn’t provide a printout of his audio -- so students can focus on
listening and understanding the content.
No, in addition to the content on the Power Points, the notes as
well as the instructor’s narration contain information that is helpful
in answering the quizzes and course final test. The Tech can use a
copy of the Power Point presentation for taking notes.
Yes, external or internal certifications do not meet progression
Yes, many SCTE courses already qualify for college credit at
accredited colleges and universities, and more are in process of
getting approval. Moreover, the formal industry certifications that
the SCTE courses prepare you for such as the Cisco (CCNx) and
CompTIA (A+, Net+) certifications already qualify for college credit
at hundreds of schools in the US and around the world.
No, all course materials are online so no book will be shipped.
Broadband Premises Installation and Service Guidebook (for
FT-2) is available for special TWC price of $79 (retail $149).
• It is NOT required for Tech Progression.
• Prep for SCTE Broadband Premises Installation (BPI)
• Techs can order guidebook directly from the Training Portal
with credit card. The tech can check with supervisor regarding
approval and possible assistance through the TWC tuition
assistance program
Click here for additional information about the TWC Field and
Maintenance Progression Program processes, or contact TWC
If Techs have any questions about the TWC Field and Maintenance
Progression Program, please contact TWC supervision.
TWC Field and Maintenance Progression Program Playbook for Administrators