February3,2009 ACCREDITING COMMISSION for COMMUNITY and JUNIORCOLLEGES Dr. Judy Walters President Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road PleasantHill. CA 94523 Dear PresidentWalters: IO COMMERCIALBOULEVARD SUITE 204 NOVATO, CA94949 (415) 506-0234 TELEPHONE: FAX:(415)506-0238 E-MAIL: occjc@occjc.org www.occjc,org Choirperson LURELEAN B, GAINES EostLosAngelesCollege Vice Choirperson FLOYDK. TAKEUCHI PublicMember President BARBARA A. BENO Vice President SUSAN B, CLIFFORD Vice President STEVE MARADIAN Vice President GARMANJACKPOND AssocioteVice President LILYOWYANG Business Officer DEANNE WILBURN The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges,Westem Associationof Schoolsand Colleges,at its meetingon January7-9,2009, reviewedthe SpecialReport submittedby the collegein August 2008 and the report of the evaluationteam which visited Diablo Valley College on Friday, September19, 2008. The Commissionactedto acceptthe Special Report. The Commissionnotedthat the issuesof gradesecurityand integrity that were the subject of the SpecialReport appearto have been satisfactorilyresolved. The Commission also reviewed the institutional Self Study Report submitted in petition for reaffirmation of accreditationand the report of the comprehensiveevaluationteam which visited Diablo Valley College on Monday, October 13-Thursday,October 16, 2008. The Commissionacted to issueShow Cause,and requirethat Diablo Valley Collegecorrectthe deficienciesnoted. The collegeis requiredto completea Show Cause Report by October 15, 2009. That report will be followed by a visit of Commissionrepresentatives. Show Cause is issuedwhen the Commissionfinds an institution in substantialnon-compliancewith the Commission's Eligibility Requirements,AccreditationStandards,or policies. The institution must show causewhy its accreditationshould not be withdrawn at the end of a statedperiod. The burdenof proof will rest on the institution to demonstratewhy its accreditationshould be continued. If the loss of accreditationwill likely causean institution to close, during the show cause period, the institution must make preparationsfor closure accordingto the Commission'sPolicy on Closingan Institution. During the period of the show causeorder. the accreditedstatusof the institution continues. However, the institution's accreditationwill not be reaffirmed until the conditions which warrantedthe show causeare removed. ITAS TOM LANE ,;..iri..-'-,, irlll .. j r G -: a "-,: r ;du,j i Dr. Judy Walters Diablo Valley College February3,2009 PageTwo Diablo Valley Collegehasbeenplacedon Show Causebecausefour of the five deficiencies identified by the 2002 comprehensive evaluationteam (Recommendations1,2,4 and5) were not resolved by the institution and have been again identified as deficiencies. Diablo Valley College must demonstratethat it is in compliancewith the Commission standardsand Eligibility Requirementsidentified in this action letterby October 15,2009. The Commissionwill review this caseat its January,2010 meeting. Under U.S. Departmentof Education regulations, institutions out of compliancewith standardsor on sanctionare expectedto correct deficiencies within a maximum two-year period or the Commission must take action to terminate accreditation. In order to avoid possible termination of accreditationat the Commission's meeting on January 4-6,2010, the Show Cause Report of October 15, 2009 must demonstratethe institution's resolution of the recommendationsand Eligibility Requirementsas noted below: Recommendation 1: The teamrecommendsthat the collegeclarify the decisionmaking roles of constituent goups in the establishmentof the campus organizationalstructureand implement a participatoryprocessto advancethe mission and goalsof the institution. (Standards:IA3, IB1, IB2, IVA1, N Ma, IVA3, IVB2b) Recommendation 2: The team recommendsthat the college must develop and implement college wide planning that is tied to the StrategicPlan, mission, and resourceallocation that: o lntegratesall aspectsof planning, evaluation,and resourceallocation (Standards: IB3, IB4, IIA1, IIA2, IIB 1, IIB, 4, IIC2, IIIA.6, mC2, IIID 1a, IIID2g, IIID3, ryA5,IV2b); o Is well defined, widely disseminatedand discussedthrough reflective college wide dialogue (Standards:IB4, IB5, IIID4, tVA2a); and o Includes faculty, staff, studentsand administration from the Diablo Valley College'smain campusand its SanRamon Campus(Standards:IB4,IIA1, IIB1, .frIA2, IICIc,IIIA, TITR,mC, IIID, IVA.I, and IVA3). Recommendation 3: The team recommendsthat Diablo Valley Collegefully implement Recommendation1 in the 2002, Accreditation Evaluation Report which states:"Implementation of a uniform processof program review which includes direct evidenceof studentlearning and is used to inform and influence planning and resourceallocation and leadsto improvementsin programsand services."(Standards:IB3, IB4, IIA1, IIA2, fl-R1,IIB4, I[IA6,nC2,IIID1a, fV 45, rv2b) Dr. Judy Walters Diablo Valley College February3,2009 PageThree Recommendation 6: The team recommendsthat Diablo Valley College fully implement reconrmendation2 from Ihe2002 Accreditation Evaluation Report which states,"Improvement of the existing curriculum processto include a timely, systematicreview and efficient procedures for course and program approval with adequatetechnology and staff support." Furthermore,the team recommendsthat the curriculum processbe fully integratedwith the program review process.(Standards: IIA2a, IIA2e) Recommendation 7: The team recommendsthat the college further improve communication to increasecollaboration acrossorganizationalstructuresby promoting transparentdecision making, honest dialogue and widespreaddisseminationof internal college documents.(Standards:III B2b, mC, mC2, IIID1 a, IIID1d, IVAI, N A2, IVA2b) Eligibility Requirement 10 - Student Learning and Achievement: The visiting team confirmed that Diablo Valley College defines and publishesthe programs of study leading to an associatedegree,certificate, and program of study leading to transfer. Program expectedlearning and achievementoutcomes,however, have yet to be developedand published. Eligibility Requirement 19 - Institutional Planning and Evaluation: The visiting team confirmed that Diablo Valley College has a documentedEducational Master Plan, Facilities Master Plan and technology masterplan. However, planning processesand outcomesneed to be consistent,integrated,evaluated,and updated.Technologyplanning is not integratedwith institutional planning. The institution doesnot systematicallyassessthe effective use of technology resourcesor use the results of evaluation as the basis for improvement. Diablo Valley College completed its last technologymasterplan in 2001. The plan was comprehensiveand included implementation timelines over a three year period through 2004. Since that time, there has been no comprehensiveand integratedeffort to guide the developmentand implementation oftechnology resourcesover the last four years. Eligibility Requirement2l - Relations with the Accrediting Commission - The team confirmed that Diablo Valley College adheresto the eligibility requirements,standardsand policies of the ACCJC, describesitself in identicaltermsto all of its accreditingagencies, communicatesany changesin its accreditationstatusin a timely manner, and agreesto disclose information required by ACCJC to carry out its accreditingresponsibilities. The Show CauseReport of October 2009 should also include as an addendumthe report developedby the three collegesand the Contra Costa County Community College District demonstratingresolution of the following: Dr. Judy Walters Diablo Valley College February3,2009 PageFour District Recommendation 8: In order to improve its resourceallocation process,the district should expedite developmentof a financial allocation model including the following (Standards: mcl, IIID1a, IDZa,IIID3, IV3c): a. The model as a whole; b. Funding for adjunct faculty in a way that will support the district and college intentions to increasestudentenrollment: c. Technology funding. Finally, the college is hereby notified that if its accreditationis continued after January 2010, the Commission will set additional deadlinesfor the institution to fully resolve other recommendationscontainedin the 2008 comprehensiveevaluation team report (Recommendations 4, 5,9, 10 and 11); the collegeis advisedto begin the work necessaryto addressthose recommendations. A final copy of the evaluation team report is enclosed. Pleasediscardprevious drafts. The Commission requires you to give the team report and this letter disseminationto your college staff and to those who were signatoriesof your college self study report. This group should include the Chancellor, campusleadership,and the Board of Trustees. The Commission also requires that the team report and the self study report be made available to studentsand the public. Placing copies in the college library can accomplishthis. Should you want the report electronically to place on your web site or for someother purpose,pleasecontact Commission staff. The recommendationscontainedin the evaluationteam report representthe observationsof the evaluation team at the time of the visit. The Commission reminds you that while an institution may concur or disagreewith any part of the team report, the college is expectedto use the report to improve the educationalprograms and servicesof the institution. The college conducteda comprehensiveself study as part of its evaluation. The Commission suggeststhat the plans for improvement of the institution included in that documentbe taken into account in the continuing developmentof Diablo Valley College. Finally, let me take this opportunity to remind you that federal legislation affecting accrediting agenciesrequires that accreditedcollegesconduct systematicassessmentof educational outcomes(see especially StandardsOne and Two). A further requirementis that accrediting agenciespay close attention to studentloan default rates. Dr. JudyWalters DiabloValleyCollege February3,2009 PageFive On behalf of the Commission, I wish to expresscontinuing interest in the institution's educationalprograms and services. This office is ready to provide appropriateassistanceto the institution as it seeksto come into compliancewith Commission requirements. Professionalselfregulation is the most effective meansof assuringintegrity, effectivenessand quality. Sincerely, A*i*d 8^" BarbaraA. Beno, Ph.D. President BAB/tI cc: Dr. Helen Benjamin, Chancellor,Conha CostaCCD Ms. SusanLamb, Accreditation Liaison Officer Board President,Contra Costa CCD Dr. Erlinda Martinez, Team Chair Evaluation Team Members Ms. Linda Henderson.U.S. DOE