Central and Peripheral Nervous System Medications Theresa Bucy March 3, 2008 College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit NCLEX Test Plan Categories Physiological Integrity 6. Pharmacological Therapies College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit z ANTI adrenergic type meds z “Adrenergic z ANTI blocking agents” acetylcholine type meds z “Anticholinergic meds” z Terms used throughout the chapter and med book – become familiar. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimigraine Agents z BLOCK nerve impulses in receptors of the sympathetic nervous system z Ergot alkaloids – adrenergic-blocking agents z z Dilate veins in smooth muscle tissue of peripheral vascular system z z Effect: reduces blood flow to brain resulting in relief of headache College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimigraine Agents z Serotonin receptor antagonists z z Constrict cranial blood vessels z z Effect: decreased blood flow to brain resulting in relief of headache College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimigraine Agents z Adverse effects: heart murmur, edema, tachycardia, confusion, dizziness, fixed miosis, numbness and tingling, weakness in legs z Contraindications: Ischemic heart disease, uncontrolled HTN, concurrent MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) use College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Integrated Process: The Nursing Process College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimigraine Agents z z Nursing Implications: z z z z A: nature of headache, pain scale, allergies, relief in past, relief measures tried with no success, concurrent symptoms, suicidal ideations Pt teaching: medication should be taken as prescribed only, do not increase dose or stop abruptly, lie down after taking, keep extremities warm College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit NCLEX Test Plan Categories Physiological Integrity 6. Pharmacological Therapies College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Seizures: z Sudden muscle contractions that happen without conscious control z z One z z of most common causes is epilepsy idiopathic z z Head injury z z Brain tumor z z Poisoning (especially alcohol) z z Stroke z z Meningitis College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Types of seizures Grand mal (tonic-clonic) z z Petit mal (absence) z z Febrile z z Others z z z Four major drug groups: Barbiturates z z Benzodiazepines z z Hydantoins z z Succinimides z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Barbiturates z -barbital ending (phenobarbital) z sedative effect on the brain z varying lengths of action z z Long acting: prevent and control grand mal seizures z z Used in Status Epilepticus z z z z Adverse reactions: drowsiness, hangover, headache, lethargy, dizziness z Significant additive effects with alcohol, antihistamines College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Benzodiazepines z -azepam ending (diazepam) z CNS depressants z Treatment of petit mal seizures z Diazepam is drug of choice for Status Epilepticus (hospitalized, IV) z Adverse reactions: hypotension, shortness of breath, drowsiness, blurred vision, confusion, impaired gait z Do not use with alcohol or other sedatives College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Hydantoins z -toin endings (phenytoin aka Dilantin) z most commonly prescribed anticonvulsant z used in treating grand mal seizures z teratogenic z Adverse reactions: ataxia, dizziness, drowsiness, nystagmus, constipation, nausea z Use cautiously with any other medication College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Succinimides z -imide endings (ethosuximide) z petit mal seizures z Adverse Reactions: dizziness, drowsy, , urinary frequency, rashes, blurred vision, anorexia, alopecia, sleep disturbances College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Integrated Process: The Nursing Process College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Nursing Implications A: drug history, allergies, medical history, pregnancy status z z I: z z Barbiturates are legally controlled substances. They should not be given to patients with history of addiction. z z Elderly and weakened patients should receive reduced doses and slowly increase or reduce dosages. z z z z E: Drowsiness common adverse effect to all antiseizure meds. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Anticonvulsants or Antiepileptic Drugs z Nursing Implications, cont. z E: Gum overgrowth around teeth is a typical finding with hydantoins. z Patient teaching: z z Good oral hygiene with soft toothbrush important. z z Wear medic alert bracelet. z z Some medications produce daytime sedation which could interfere with work or child-care responsibilities. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit NCLEX Test Plan Categories Physiological Integrity 6. Pharmacological Therapies College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiemetic-Antivertigo Agents z Nausea and dizziness are caused by neurotransmitter stimulation in the brain z Causes: Drugs, metabolic disorders, motion, GI irritation, others z These drugs typically used to prevent or treat motion sickness, n/v associated with anesthesia and surgery or cancer treatment College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiemetic-Antivertigo Agents z Adverse effects: drowsiness, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention (anticholinergic reactions) z Nursing implications: z z Don’t use with morning sickness (teratogenic) z z Mental alertness is diminished (safety?) z z Don’t mask n/v until cause is discovered z z Use alternative treatments such as fluids, electrolyte balance z z Urine turns pink with phenothiazines (prochlorperazine, promethazine) see pg 279 College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiparkinsonian Agents z Anticholinergic and dopaminergic z Block uptake of acetylcholine z Elevate the functional levels of dopamine z Many effects throughout body on tissue affected by the autonomic nervous system: eyes, respiratory tract, heart, GI tract, urinary bladder, others z Reduce muscle tremors and rigidity AND improve mobility, coordination, and performance College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiparkinsonian Agents z z z z z Parkinson’s Disease (Paralysis agitans) Cause unknown Too much acetylcholine and not enough dopamine Fine muscle tremors, slowness of movement, rigidity, muscle weakness, shuffling gait, changes in posture and balance Treatment: no cure, maintain movement and activity of patient College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiparkinsonian Agents z Adverse effects: z Dopaminergic agents: dysrhythmias, muscle twitching, psychotic reactions, rigidity, GI bleeding, urinary retention z Anticholinergic agents: postural hypotension, tachycardia, confusion, depresson, memory loss, others – pg 282 z Overdose common – recognized by suddenly worsening symptoms; taper drugs gradually College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Integrated Process: The Nursing Process College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antiparkinsonian Agents z Nursing Implications – A: how far progressed? ADLs impacted? Safety impacted? Ability to communicate impacted? z z Tardive dyskinesia (difficulty in performing voluntary movements) z z Concordance: drugs take 2 to 3 weeks to begin working – continue taking z z Take meds after meals z z Avoid Vitamin B6 – competes with dopamine z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit NCLEX Test Plan Categories Physiological Integrity 6. Pharmacological Therapies College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antianxiety – z Anxiety is normal, too much can interfere with ability to work, relate, care for self. z Anxiety creates feelings of helplessness, indecision, worry, apprehension z Meds must be considered short term due to addictive nature z Benzodiazepines drug of choice for anxiety. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antianxiety, cont. z Adverse reactions: hypotension, tachycardia, clumsiness, confusion fatigue, insomnia, constipation, dry mouth. z Should not be used with other CNS depressants (antihistamines, barbiturates, narcotics. z Caffeine and cigarette smoking can negatively impact the intended effect. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Integrated Process: The Nursing Process College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antianxiety, z Nursing cont. Implications/Patient Teaching z z A: History, current health, other meds, etc. z z Dependence easily developed. z z Depression often accompanies anxiety – assess suicidal tendencies S – specificity of plan z z L – lethality of means z z A – access to means z z P – proximity of help z z z z Legal responsibility to report suicidal ideations College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antianxiety, cont. z Take meds in conjunction with psychotherapy; drugs don’t cure z Don’t use alcohol z Med is habit-forming z Caffeine can diminish effectiveness z Contraindicated in pregnancy or breastfeeding College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit NCLEX Test Plan Categories Physiological Integrity 6. Pharmacological Therapies College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antidepressants z Three z z 1) major drug groups: Tricyclic Antidepressants Relieve symptoms of severe depression that has internal biological causes z z Mild depression related to life issues z z Adverse effects: common to many meds z z Don’t mix with other CNS depressants z z Assess for suicidal ideations z z Assess for lack of self-care z z Don’t stop suddenly. z z Can take up to 8 weeks to see effects. z z Gum or hard candy may relieve dry mouth. z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antidepressants z Three z z 2) major drug groups: Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitors Last resort for patients with severe depression who have not responded to tricyclic therapy. z z Many dietary restrictions – see Clinical Landmine and Memory Jogger on page 294 – sudden and severe hypertension can result if restrictions ignored z z Many adverse effects and drug interactions z z antihypertensive agents z z antidiabetic agents z z Drug stays in body two weeks after stopping z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antidepressants z Three major drug groups: z z 3) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) Well-tolerated, much preferred over MAOIs z z Serotonin AKA 5-HT z z Drugs are more selective, therefore cardio and other system side effects are less z z Used for short- or long-term z z Adverse effects common – see page 296 z z Avoid alcohol z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Antipsychotic Drugs z z Used in treating severe mental illness: schizophrenia, psychotic depression, mania Goal of therapy: sedate or slow pt down z z Block dopamine in brain z z 2 major groups z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Phenothiazines and Thioxanthenes z These two similar so covered together z Relief of acute and chronic psychoses z Adverse effects: z z postural hypotension, tachycardia, confusion, drowsiness, insomnia, hyperglycemia, others z Patient teaching: z z photosensitivity possible; use sunblock z z avoid overheating z z gum, hard candy can relieve dry mouth z z antacids interfere with absorption College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Psychotherapeutic Agents z Nonphenothiazines z See Table 16-11, fyi. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimanics z z z z z z z z z z Lithium is the primary drug used to treat patients in manic states. Mood-stabilizer. NO sedative, depressant, or euphoric actions Blood levels monitored: 1.0 to 1.5 mEq/L Geriatric Considerations: Page 304 College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Antimanics z Lithium, cont. z Toxic effects: Severe N/V, confusion, unsteady gait z Use with diuretic can lead to toxicity z Toxicity possible with dehydration from vomiting or diarrhea or excessive sweating College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Sedative-Hypnotic Medications z Used to relax and/or induce sleep z Insomnia z Difficulty falling asleep – Initial insomnia z Can’t stay asleep – Intermittent insomnia z Early awakening – Terminal insomnia z Sedative – relaxes pt and allows sleep z Hypnotic – produces sleep z Dose of medication determines effect, not the drug itself College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Sedative-Hypnotic Medications z z z Clinical Goldmine – page 306 Once these agents have been used, a normal sleep pattern may not return for several weeks. Drugs used: Barbiturates – short-term, psychosocial stresses z z Benzodiazepines – used in patients with medical conditions who require restful sleep z z Non – Barb/Ben – not commonly used z z College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Integrated Process: The Nursing Process College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit Sedative-Hypnotic Medications z Geriatric Considerations: Page 307 z Rebound insomnia – page 307 z Patients on sleep aids and diuretics are at risk for falls z Short-term use: dependence, tolerance z Hangover feeling may occur, affecting alertness z No alcohol College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit This product was funded by a grant awarded under the President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The information contained in this product was created by a grantee organization and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. All references to non-governmental companies or organizations, their services, products, or resources are offered for informational purposes and should not be construed as an endorsement by the Department of Labor. This product is copyrighted by the institution that created it and is intended for individual organizational non-commercial use only. College of DuPage – Grant # CB-15948-07-60-A-17 - PN Program Toolkit