. Eiam t ."" - PAGES. SATPRnAY, DAILY EAST OTCEflONTjftr, PENDLETON. PAOE FIVT1 .TAXTTATtV SO W. R. Walpole is up from his home at IrrlKon. C. E. McLellan, In Are the More! Enjoyable When the Edibles are of the Right Kind. Meats that reach your home properly put up are the kind that encourage cooks to put forth their very beHt effort. That' the kind you want for your table. That's the kind we sell. KNIGHT'S PICKLES DON'T BLAME THE COOK It BWKET INDIA JUSUMl OH CHOW are the most dellcl-crti- s appetizers sold. Our stock Is complete. For a good old fashioned feed, try Bauer kraut and welners. Q Advertising in Brief BATES. Per Ibis first lnartloa 0e Pw Use, additional lasertlos....6e Per 11m, pw sooth fi.oo Ne lorsl Ukrs for I cm than Lie Coast ordinary words to Mo. Locals will sot be taksa over U paoae sod rsamtaace Bust sccots pas arose. Public dance Moose hall Tuesday. Drssed hogs, lc lb. W. W. Harrah. Prions I. C Snyder, chimney sweep For rent Furnished housekeeping rooms, tOI Water street. For sale Piano practically new Phone tlSW evenings. n Phone 111, Kuril Elliott market, for your meats, etc. dellca-tsssis- For sale Oood dry wood. 110 Thompsn street, or phone 171. WantsJ Oood, clean rags at the Bast Oregontas office. Wanted Office work or housework by girl of II. Apply this office. La Tim cigars, mad In Pendleton. Five room house for sal on north Corner lot Improved. Address "W this office. Party borrowing Jack plane from Henry Thompson will kindly return side. same. Wanted Four or five room fur niehed house, modern. Apply Hotel Pendleton. . j Bmok the La Tim a cigar. For sale Desirable residence lot on North Side. Close In. Address P. 0. . Box . 40. Toung woman wants place to assist housework, go horn nights. Phone HIW between 4:10-7:1For sal Two moJern cottages located on east Court street, seven blocks from Mln street Inquire of Walters' mill Old papers for sale; tied In bundles. Oood for starting fires, etc. lOo a bundle. This office. Try th La Homer 10c cigar. For saleFine stock ranch at Rich-field- . Idaho; 1.1 acres tillable, part In alfalfa. WUI conalder part trada Writ S E. Elmonton. Adams. Or. For rent I sections well Improv ed land, 100 acre plowed, seed and feed on farm. For particulars write to Clyde Welttenhlller, Ontario, Or gon, B. I Allen, Laurens. Iowa, of 'A. F. May, Pendleton. Oregon Wanted to eichange Two farms, each nicely Improved, near Eugene, Oregon, containing J00 acres of good land. Will exchange for good wheat land Improved In eastern Oregon State lot Prefer Umatilla county.) Irving. Ore SO, cation., Address Box The Central Market PHONE 33 1- -1 r; 1. semi-humoro- The I'nltod Artisans of Tllot Rock pave a very Vnjoyable dance and to banquet last evening, according members of the United Orchestra who furnished the music for the occasion. flio Boot meeting of the Standurd Bearers was held at the home of Miss Meta Nlel Friday evening. An entertaining program was enjoyed after which the hostess served dainty refreshments. A Suck 'ASSORTED . Good white- stock 5 pounds CANDIES P. S, SHRIMP - 35 pk. - 3 quarts . ..... ... Fresli stock, dozen tins PURE CIDER VINEGAR FRESH EGGS 3 dozen Choice -- 25 pound.-- . ., , 154 25 $1.45 ?1.75 35' Gallon L -- - Flag day sales will be held In Pendleton between the seventeenth and twenty-firs- t of February under the asso auspices tf the parent-teacheditions for the benefit of the child welfare work being carried on by the Oregon Congress ot Mothers and association.' At stale parent-tenche- r the meeting of the Lincoln association yesterday afternoon, this was decided upon at the business session. Tlio business session was preceded by a program Vhlch was very much tnjeyed by the large number present. The program was opened by a song by the primary iftiplls of Miss Maxwell and was followed by a story told by Vada Beeman. Mrs. J. li. McCook rendered a vocal selection. A paper on "Respect," written by Mrs. George Fell, was read by Mrs. G. W. Phelps and the discussion on the subject was opened by Mrs. G. W. Rugg and closed by Mrs. L. L. Mann. "Respect for Authority" was the title of a very ink, teresting pnper by Miss Anita principal of the Lincoln school. Chairman W. E. Brock of the school board talked on between the schools, the' directors and the parents and Supt. J. S. Landers followed with a tnllc nlonj the Biuno line, dwelling In particular upon the effect of the homo upon the pupils and school work. er - Special, FRESH ROASTED rEANUTS r. S. ASPARAGUS TIPS, 5 tins 10 lb. iu T-U- FRESH YELLOW AND WHITE CORN MEAL Flaked ... ?1.00 Klrk-patrlc- THE SPECIALTY Thone 476. ii CASH GROCERY Next Door to Quello Cafe. EMBER: Wo Sell For Cash For Loss Money. R KM Because "Pemeco" Meats are the very best money can buy. "Pemn-co- " Meats are cheaper than inoati that cost less and give only a small percentage of the nutriment Also, "PemeJn "Pemeco" Meats. co' meats are a home product, a booster for Pendleton. t- BUT .TUB THAT ISN'T TALK COME AND SEE FOR YOUR SELF. PURE OATS Satisfaction Zlm-balls- for Looo I3Giioy Eastern Menl OUR BULK FLOUR PEMECO' Insures Wanted, to trade horses for an at- tomoblle. Address E. E. Hutchinson, "WE ARE ON EVE Pilot Rock, Oregon. OP NEW PHOSPEHITV" housexeeping Wanted Furnished or children, rooms; young couple, no (Continued from page two.) small furnished house. Address "B, care this office. WASHINGTON, Jan. SO. A mes A partial program of the music to Wanted Energetic business worn-A- Le given at the library is given here. sage of hope to the big corporations desirous of earning good money. The Warren Music House has offered of the nation was voiced here by Add res Experience not necessary. a Victoria for the purpose together President Wilson In an optimistic a this office. with several of the best records in to eddreas members the of the Am "Mutt" tskes th big loads and stock. J. T. Lamblrth has kindly of"Jeff show th speed. Penland fered to furnish additional records erican Electrical Railways association Bros, hsul anything, and reasonable. frcm his collection. "1 think I can state," said the pres. The library la Furniture van and storage warehouse. open from 2 until I o'clock Sundays ident, "that we are on the eve of a Office C47 Main street. Phone ttl. and music will begin at three. List of new era of prosperity. Business has The Alta House and Barn. Head selections: , been checked In the last 20 years be quarters for farmers and stockmen. Handel's Sixth Sonata. Kubellk; cause of a moving maze of interrogaCall and see us. Stephensos ft Eng-la- r, Who Knows, McCormack. . Irish Love tion points. The main thing was to 70S Song, SchumannHelnk; Little 447. proprietors. Phon Grey find out what ought not to bo done. . East Alt Street. Home in the West, Oluck; How Much "I believe suspicion has given way confidence. Henceforth nobody Is Several small farms on Umatilla I Love You; Year's at the Spring, t; going to be suspicious of any business river particularly adapted to hogs, Gadski; Siclllenne and, Minuet, dairy or poultry, I7S0 cash, bslanc Carmen, Mlcaela's Air, Tetrai- - merely because It Is big." per cent tlnl; Luc-la- , on or before 10 years. 7 Sextette, Victor opera sex"Progress and prosperity are In the Bee Berkeley. tette; Schubert's Serenade, Williams; air and It's up to America to grasp Found on county road In front of Flow Gently Sweet Afton, Wither Its opportunities," said Vice President state hospital, purse containing a sum spoon; Austrian Hymn, Kreialer; Kingsbury of the American Telephone o money and other articles. Owner Nearer My God to Thee, McCormack, & Telegraph company, in his address. can secure sama by calling at super- Rock of Ages, Gluck snd Homer; Kingsbury declared there was not intendent's office In state hospital and Softly Through the Night Is Calling, much the matter with the country. He McCormack-KrelsleOld Folks at said President Wilson had advised the piylng for this notice. Home, Melba. business men of the country to be Alfalfa Hay for gate, confident 'of the future and Kings The Saturday Night Club Is to meet bury said the attitude of his company Fsrmers north of Pendleton on th O W. R. it N. and th Northern Pa- at the high school this evening. was not to violently oppose governyou cific railroad, I can furnish lines. ment ownership of telephone freight, Miss Laura Mulr is leaving today but to advise the public as to what choice alfalfa hay,' cheap quirk delivery." E. C. Burltngarae. for Portland to be gone a month. It involved. ' s.. "' Farmer. Walla Walla. .Waah. Adv. That the high school lyceum course TO brings some splendid musical talent LEAVES INCOME Cows! Cows! Cows! 51 PERSONS VOTl LIFE Thirty head fresh milch cow for to the city was thoroughly demonstrated lust evening by the concert of sale. Enquire Grllman Bros. Adv. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Jan. SO. Life in the International Opera company, an Notice. entertainment, enjoyed by the Urge comes for 81 persons, 20 year remitDance In the Moose Hall, Thursday audience in the high school auditori- tances for 14 others and a trust fund evening, February 4th, given under um. The first riart of the tiroaram for the establishment of an eye, ear, connecthe auspices of the Pendleton Lodge consisted in solos, duets and quartet' nose and throat hospital in university, St No. 78, L. O. O. M. Everyone Invit selections. J. Allen Grubb is the ten- tion with Washington or and among hla selections one of Louis, were provided In the will of ed. Admission, SOc. Adv. Wil the notable numbers last evening was Mrs. Elira McMillan, widow St.of Louis SrttiiuTs Now .Ready. "Sound an Alarm" from Judas Maca-- . liam McMillan, millionaire reRhode Island Reds, not buff or bens. Mr. Grubb has a strong pleas-- J car builder. Mrs. McMillan died was Her will Cal. Pasadena, cently at heavy !ng perfectly trained voice. Mr. Burt brown, but big red blrda of laying strain. Cockerel prize bira P. McKinnle, bass, and leader of the filed for probate here. The will disposes of property worth company. Is a soloist of well deserved from Portland poultry ahow Among $9,000,000. approximately prize strong, rich popularity, for from his Hens bred from International monthly Incomes fot winners. Supply of eggs limited. Ad- baritone he has exceptionally good those receiving atage presence.His encores were ol , life are: Miss Elizabeth Dyer, Los Andress E. I. Davis, Hermlston, Ore. Anpopular nature, as were those byj geles, S100; Mabel Duane, Los a Adv. McKlt-trlcgeles. William Rev. $100; the Mr. Grubb, and highly pleasing. Mrs. formerly a Presbyterian minTekla Farm McKlnnie, soprano, is an V. of W. Pane Tuesday Night leg, Pendleton Circle W. of W. will give artistic singer and her selections were ister, lncapaclated by the loss of a Warfleld Josephine $250, Mrs. and "good dances contralto,' time" enjoyed. Miss Heidenrick, another of their Feb. 2nd. appeared in a group of Japanese McMillan of Colorado Springs. Colo., In Moose Hall. Tuesday. All songs. Th a trpneral nubile Is invited. MIbs Margaret Day, acconv. $500. by Music good time. gave a some charming Instru-- j panlst, promised Admission 60c mental selections and encores. The WILL INVESTIGATE United Orchestra. Adv. Come! concert was concluded with the rendl-- . CENTRALIA FAILURE tlon of "The Sleeping Queen," aj operetta, WASHINGTON. Jan. 80. The pleasing and Attention Kagles, I of Justice and the comptrolEagles will meet at Eagle Hall at by the entire company. ler of the currency each decided to funeral the tomorrow to attend Mrs. R. R. Raymond and Mrs. Ret-t- a send a man to Centralia, Wash., to of Roy Stuart which will be held at Wombaugh of this city and Mr. probe the recent failure of the First S o'clock. at parlors Folsom the and Mrs. Emmett Reese of Helix, left National bank there. J. B. HINES. Mrs. Otis, Worthy President Thursday for Portland. (Adv.) who was Mrs. Raymond's guest, ac companied them ns far as her home In The Dalles. too Uo SANITATION QUALITY SERVICE right LOCALS -- OLIVKS, When you get a tough, rough steak or roast. It's probably the result of poor meat improperly cut. "Well begun is half done;" applies to this preparation of meat, "Peine co" meat li prepared right and we cut M4 628 Main. C3 iiBBiissw an Juniper rancher, George Roberts Is In the city from his ranch today. Mrs. J. O. McCoy of Echo is a guest at the St. George. Ed Rlngle Is among the Helix peo. In the city today. M. D. Smith was In yesterday from his farm at Ring station. John Wynn was down yesterday from his ranch on McKay creek. H. B. Glese of Hermlsto'n, came up tjterday from the project town. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Foley of La Grande are at the Hotel Pendleton. Mrs. A. It. Gilchrist of Weston is njmbered among the visitors in the city. A. L. Douglas, C. A. Staggs and Harry Turner are down today from Weston. C. A. Guerne, principal of the Athena schools, is spending the day In Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Sloan of Echo are among the Saturday visitors in Pendleton. William Anderson, Jr., a merchant of Milton, was among the visitors In Pendleton yesterday. W. C. Howard, principal of tht Stanfleld schools, Is up from the west end of the county today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hilbert, prom inent residents of Uklah, are weekend visitors in Pendleton. William H. Daughtrey, president of the Union Stock yards of Portland, Is a Saturday visitor in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Will Timmerman and Mrs. John Timmerman came In this morning on the N. P. train f om He lix. Jesse O. Hales, well known Adams farmer, was among the witnesses her yesterday for the hog case tried out in the circuit court. T i 7 Q Herrmann Denies It. CINCINNATI, Jan. 30. Statements from Chicago and New York that the National Baseball commission had raised the American association and International league to major league ratings were denied here by August Herrmann, chairman of the commission. "The commission." said Herrmann "received applications from the International leagde and the American association, but no decision has been reached yet If these, leagues are given major league standing the Pacific Coast league would, automatically become a major league Changes In American Association. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. SO. Commenting on the announcement of President. Chlvington in Chicago that the American association had been elevated to the rank of a major league, James C. McGill, president of the local club, said that the American association territory was to be enlarged. St. Paul and Cleveland, be believed, will be dropped from the circuit while two other large cities will be taken into the lea rue In their stead. Cash Donates Husband McGill said he had no definite inSALEM. Or., Jan. 29. Because the beyond the fact that two formation state appropriation for the return of big cities were being considered for prisoners has been exhausted John Palamera agreed to advance to the commonwealth the necessary expense money for returning his wife's alleg ed murderer, Dominic Pachena, from Stockton, Cal. Governor Wlthycombe Issued a re quisition on the California state executive for the extradition of Pachena. Mrs. Palamera was terrbly mutilated by her murderer. According to a statement before she died, she was attached because she refused to run away with Pachena. inclusion in American association Oregon Appropriations. 10. Tho WASHINGTON, Jan. house has passed a bill appropriating at $12,000 for a llfeaavlng station Siuslaw and passed a bill giving SS0OO for aids to navigation at the mouth of the Coquille river. ClUldreo'a Dencinc School. Beginning Thursday afternoon, 4 p. m., at Commercial gymnasium. Particulars. Phone J. H. Merryman, Ho tel Pendleton. Adv. MEUMi Kaiser Quotes John Knox BERLIN, (via London), Jan. 2. the Emperor William, speaking to war correspondents at the general headquarters in the field said: "Good morning. I pay my respects and I thank you for it Tou accomplish excellent things and I read your articles gladly. Your reports nave a high patriotic tone and it la of great ".alue to our men In the trenches when we can send them such matter. "On thin more, and nofe this. My principal and it gentlemen. to this war also-- la the word of old John Knox, the reformer In Scot land, that 'one man with God is al ways in the majority." ap-nll- es mil ii r n L2)MLAjti FULL FLOATING REAR AXLE ELECTRICALLY ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED SATURDAY ONLY 'Pawns of Fate0 A story of betrayed love and vengeance "The Scenario Editor's Dream' A studio war scene. Airships in destructive work. The inventor brings them down by a machine which shoots lots of lightning. "Tale of a Lonesome Day Victor Comedy STARTED. WBOT and LMMV This Car Against Any Car 1 DM Is the city. Let Us Prove It With every sense alert, try, as you ride In the Studebaker, to one particular In whlgh Its riding qualities might be lmag-Ine.so- Im- proved. Try to recall some previous ride In a heavier, costlier car, which seemed to you, txen, the uttermost in luxury. Superfluous weight does, sometimes, make for steadiness, there's no doubt about that see, now, how this light strong car attains the same identical result in steadiness and readability with none of the disadvantages of excess weight Take the wheel and see If Sou ever felt that you had at your comflexible power. mand a greater flood of pent-u- p , Test out that flexibility see how instantaneously obedient this docile engine actually Is to the touch of your finger-tipPut it through its paces face It with obstacles and difficulties and see If It does not respond on every case like the thoroughbred It Is. Demonstration demonstration against any car, and every car demonstration drastic down to the smallest detail that's what Studebaker asks, without fear, from you for this splendid car. s. 4 Cylinder Roadster 510S5 4 Cylinder Touring $1085 6 Cylinder Touring $1500 SOLD IN PENDLETON BY LONG & WELKER STONE GARAGE Sfie Street Phone 74 727 Johnson Episode No. 5 "His Gratitude" Mary Pickford "Papa Buys a Ball" Victor Comedy 3