parent handbook fy14-15 - Integrated Arts Academy

The mission of the Integrated Arts Academy at H.O. Wheeler
is to explore academic knowledge through intentional art experiences.
Our richly diverse community collaborates and celebrates
the world through meaningful learning and creative self-expression
as we prepare students for success in the 21st Century.
The Integrated Arts Academy
6 Archibald Street
Burlington, Vermont 05401
(802) 864-8475
August, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year at The Integrated Arts Academy. We are looking forward to a productive and exciting school year.
Your child’s educational, physical and emotional well-being is very important to us. We strive to create a safe and productive learning
environment for each student.
This Parent/Student Handbook explains practices, policies and procedures at The Integrated Arts Academy. Please take some time to
review this handbook. It should be helpful to you and your child.
If you have any questions, please call me at 864-8475.
All the Best,
Mr. Bobby
Bobby Riley
The Integrated Arts Academy
Family School Compact
The Integrated Arts Academy Community of students, parents, and staff will work together as partners to improve student achievement.
To ensure that each child at the Integrated Arts Academy meets the Vermont Student Performance Standards, the community will:
Communicate Effectively
Build Community Relationships
Support Academic Achievement
In order to achieve these goals, we will:
Provide a variety of ways for parents, students, and teachers to communicate
Provide community activities that support student learning
Provide community activities that are fun for all
Establish clear homework guidelines and procedures
Support students coming to school and coming on time
Review the compact twice annually at the Integrated Arts Academy staff meetings
Review the compact twice annually at P.T.O. meetings.
Bobby Riley
Teresa Giallorenzo
Victor Prussack
Judy Kilma
Administrative Assistant
Magnet School Coordinator
Integrated Arts Coach
Eric Kaufmann
Maggie Plante
Emily Stewart
Alice Patalano
Jen Nesson
George Leal
Stephanie Decarreau
Laura Greve
Gavin Wallace
Michael Gerstenmaier
Autumn Bangoura
Aurie Thibault
Bronwyn Low
Patrick Whitman
Lynda Siegel
Grade 1
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 5
Main Office
Main Office
Main Office
Main Office
Classroom Teachers
Room 5
Room 8
Room 9
Room 4
Room 3
Room 1
Room 2
Room 103
Room 104
Room 203
Room 209
Room 202
Room 204
Room 205
Room 7
Ada Leaphart
Bill Myregaard
Danielle Vierling
Joan Robinson
Shannon Walters
Creighton Jones
Art Teacher
Music Teacher
Physical Education/Movement
Learning Center Coordinator
Building-based Sub
Room 6
Room 108
Main Office
Learning Center
Kristen Bingel
Aranka Gyuk
Mary Neudecker
ELL Teacher
ELL Teacher
ELL Teacher
Room 201
Room 201
Room 201
Special Education
Nancy Radley
Sharron Delaney
Cassie Dimmick
Ellen McLean
Adrian Palatino
Barbara Juenker
Special Educator, Literacy
Speech Pathologist
Special Educator
Special Educator
Special Educator
Special Educator, 3-5
Room 101
Room 14B
Room 14A
Room 12
Room 14A
Room 14 C
Health and Social Services
Audrey Ells-Payne
Louise Mongeon
Cara Gleason
Behavioral Para
School Nurse
School Clinician
Room B9A
Room 102
Room B9A
Kelly Tivnan & Tom Hart
Stephen Lane
Samantha Elinson
Howard Therapist
Guidance Counselor
School Psychologist
Room B9
Room 14C
Room 202
Stacie Bilodeau
Janet Stewart
Susan Shepherd
Ryan Fitzgerald
Chong Ho Kim
Jeb Interlandi
Sarah Irish
Taylor Jepson
Anthony Locicero
Amanda Rowell
Paraprofessional, Pre-K
Library Assistant
Library Assistant
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional, Literacy Support
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional SPED
Beth Shepard
Ellen Wollensack
Pam Shea
Tyler Brassard
Melissa Wright
Nancy Helen
Paraprofessional SPED
Paraprofessional, STEP
Paraprofessional, SPED
Paraprofessional, SPED
Paraprofessional, Pre-K
Paraprofessional; SPED
Food Services
Holly Thompson
Barbara Cushing
Robin Berger
Tony Chagnon
Aristote Zabili
Head Custodian-Day
LeVar Barrino
Sara Verdery
After School Coordinator
Boys & Girls Club Site Leader
PTO Officers
Jacob Colie
Ivy Rose Lopez
Alex Ruetter
Gavin Wallace
Son Do
Mohamed Muktar
Aline Niyonzima
Ganga Sharma
Niajiza Semic
Paw Bo
Teacher Representative
Multilingual Liaisons
Maay Maay
ELL Home School Liaison Coordinator
School Hours
Grades K-5
M, Tu, Th, F: 8:10-2:50;
A.M. Session 8:15-11:00n
W: 8:10-1:50
P.M. Session 11:45-2:30
Arrival and Dismissal
Students should arrive by 8:10 in the morning and will enter the school through the cafeteria entrance. Students should not arrive at
school early since there is no supervision before school and problems that occur on the playground often flow over into the school day.
It is the responsibility of the parents to supervise their child(ren) until they line up in the designated playground area when the bell rings.
The only students allowed in the building before school starts are those students with an individual plan.
Since we consider the school day to begin with the students being picked up on the playground by their teachers, we are requesting
parents to say goodbye to their child(ren) when the bell rings. This eliminates the number of people trying to walk through the halls at
the same time while and allows the students to begin the day with their class. If there are reasons that you need to walk your child to
her/his classroom, please speak to Mr. Bobby or the classroom teacher.
If the weather is rainy or the temperature is below 20°, the cafeteria is open. Students will be supervised by a member of the Staff.
Dismissal is at 2:50 daily, except on Wednesdays, it is 1:50. We ask that you wait for your child on the playground or on the front lawn. If
the weather conditions are poor, please wait in the cafeteria, otherwise the hallways become congested for students who are leaving or
joining the after school programs. Students will be dismissed from three locations:
Front Door— grades 3, 4, and 5
Classroom Doors – grades preK, K, 1, and 2
Please do not block the parking lot when you drop off and pick up your child. Remain with your vehicle—this is a fire lane and needs
to remain clear.
After School Programs
The Integrated Arts Academy, in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club, offers after school enrichment programs for students.
Enrichment program choices will be sent home periodically. For further information about the program, please contact the Boys and
Girls Club.
The 4th and 5th graders travel to the Boys and Girls Club for programs, chaperoned by a Boys and Girls Club staff member.
As required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Act, The Integrated Arts Academy has a management plan for the safe control and
maintenance of asbestos-containing materials found in the building. This management plan is available and accessible to the public in the
Main Office.
Attendance—Absence and Tardy
It is very important that your child comes to school every day. It is also very important for your child to come to school on time so
she/he does not miss the beginning of the day.
If your child must be absent from school for illness or a family emergency, please call the school to report the absence. The school’s
phone number is 864-8475. When your child returns to school, please send a written note of excuse indicating the dates of absence and
the reason for the absence.
If your child arrives after 8:15 a.m., she/he must report to the Main Office before going to class. If your child is frequently absent or
tardy, we will contact you to make a plan for improving her/his attendance.
School attendance is required by law, unless excused for illness or other family emergency, as required by Burlington School District
policies. If your child is absent five times, truancy procedures will begin.
Notify the Main Office in the event that your child is expected to be out more than five days due to a family emergency or an extended
vacation. You must complete a form for absences of more than 10 consecutive days so that truancy procedures are avoided.
It is very helpful for your child to have a backpack to carry papers to and from school. Please put your child’s name in the
backpack; this way if it is misplaced, it can be returned quickly.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooter, Roller Blades
Students should only ride bicycles, skateboards, scooters or roller blades to school IF they are wearing a helmet and
have a lock. We highly recommend that your child always wear a helmet; they are available at the police station, the
hospital and most doctors’ offices for free or a small fee.
Please help your child understand that bullying behavior will not be tolerated at school, coming to or going from school, and at any
school function. At The Integrated Arts Academy we (principal, teacher, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, after school program workers,
educational assistants, custodians, administrative assistant, etc.) are committed to making sure that our school feels
like a safe and fun place to learn for EVERYONE. We are required to document all incidences of bullying. If there are
persistent occurrences of bullying (more than three), parents will be notified and the student will be referred for
investigation to the Burlington School District Director of Equity and Diversity.
Our School Designated Employees are Steve Lane, Guidance Counselor, and Louise Mongeon, Nurse.
Riding the Neighborhood Special bus is a privilege, which can be lost in the event that the student does not abide by the rules as
established by CCTA and the Burlington School Board of Commissioners and the Superintendent. There are cameras on the bus for
everyone’s protection.
Discipline—Positive Behavior Supports for Students
The Integrated Arts Academy has a school-wide discipline plan that all students and adults are expected to follow. The goal of our school
wide plan is to ensure the safety of all children and adults in our school community. Our model encourages all students and adults to act
in a safe and respectful way.
Our school rules are R O A R :
Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Respect All Learning
Respect Property
These school rules are posted throughout the Integrated Arts Academy with our mascot, the Wild Cat. Students and adults who follow
the rules receive compliments; these may take the form of a compliment card or a verbal affirmation. Incentives, such as student of the
day and school wide celebrations, are part of our culture.
We realize that occasionally we forget the rules, so the consequences for not following the rules are:
• Redirection
• Loss of privilege
• Time out
• Parent conference/parent contact
• Behavior plan
• In-school suspension
• Out-of-school suspension
• Expulsion
Dress Code
Your child should wear clothing appropriate for school activities. Clothing should be comfortable and safe for learning and play. If your
child is wearing any clothing item that is questionable, the principal will decide if it is appropriate for school. You will be called to bring
appropriate clothing to school if necessary. No hats or hoods are to be worn inside the school building. Sneakers are required for PE ;
appropriate footwear is necessary to be safe at all times. Flip-flops or sneakers with wheels are not appropriate footwear for school.
• My child is not doing as well as he/she should be doing. What can I do?
Contact your child’s teacher who will be able to discuss your concerns and work directly with you to meet your child’s needs.
• What is the Educational Support Team?
It is a team in place at The Integrated Arts Academy (IAA), as required by Vermont Educational statutes Act 230 and Act 117. The team meets weekly
to develop strategies and identify resources to meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students.
• Who is part of the Educational Support Team (EST)?
The IAA’s team includes classroom teachers, the guidance counselor, behavior specialist, social worker, principal, special educators, school nurse,
speech-language pathologist, Reading Recovery Teacher, ESL teachers, and any other professionals who may assist in providing assistance in
determining an effective program for your child. All parents/guardians are invited to meet with the team on an individual basis and are notified of all
EST decisions regarding their child.
• How are services provided?
As part of our educational support system, The IAA has made the commitment to have services within our school available to all students on a daily
basis. Special educators and other support persons work with the classroom teachers within the classrooms to provide extra support and instruction
throughout the day. This practice enables the students to have more individual time in the classroom and utilizes the school’s resources to their
fullest potential.
• How does this benefit my son or daughter?
Many different strategies are tried in order to understand your child and help him/her to be successful in school. Team members work together to
provide the support to best meet your child’s academic, social and emotional needs.
• Is this Special Education?
No, there is no labeling or formal assessment involved. After a variety of resources and accommodations have been attempted, special education or
community referrals may be made. Again, parents will be fully informed of any decisions made by the E ST.
• How can I get more information?
Any classroom teacher can provide parents with more information regarding The IAA’s Educational Support Team. Parents can also contact the
special educators or the principal for more information.
Emergency Dismissal
On a rare occasion, school may need to be closed early during the school day. Please make a plan with your child in the event school
must be dismissed early due to an emergency.
The school will not be able to call parents in case of an emergency closing; however the Burlington School District will use the ALERT
NOW system. It is very important to update the office each time you change your address or telephone number.
Emergency closings will also be announced on the radio and television.
Field Trips
Throughout the year, your child will have scheduled field trips. These field trips are an important part of your child’s school program.
Your child is expected to participate in all field trips. You will be asked to provide written permission for your child to attend each field
Food Services
The Integrated Arts Academy offers breakfast to all students in grades K-5 and morning Pre-School.
Breakfast is eaten in the classroom as part of the school day. All students will be offered breakfast; please do not send in an alternate
breakfast. Check with the school nurse and your child’s classroom teacher if there are specific dietary restrictions or food concerns.
We also serve lunch to all students in grades K-5 and afternoon Pre-School. Your child will bring home a monthly menu. Please review the
menu with your child each week to help her/him choose meals for the week. Your child may bring a cold lunch from home. Breakfast
and lunch are served to all students at no cost. If your child wants to bring a cold lunch, she/he can purchase milk at the cost of $0.50.
Harassment Policy
The Burlington School District has established policies and procedures to explain illegal harassment and what steps can be taken to end
it should it occur. It is important that you understand these policies and procedures so that you can talk with your child about their rights
and responsibilities and what they should do if they feel they are being harassed.
This policy is contained in our District Calendar and is also available at school if you would like a copy.
At the elementary level, we consider these policies and procedures as tools for education as well as our legal responsibility. As we set the
learning climate in every classroom, we emphasize the dignity of each individual student. While we work with children on the basic social
skills, we teach them steps they can take when someone is teasing or “bugging” them. When incidents of name-calling, inappropriate
touching or other unwelcome behaviors occur—as they often do with young children as they learn to work and play together—we
promptly stop any inappropriate behavior and use the opportunity to review the rules about harassment. We talk with the students
about how this kind of behavior makes people feel and help them learn assertive responses. In all of these situations, we emphasize
appropriate behavior—what children should be doing—rather than threats and punishment.
Your child may have homework assigned. The purpose of homework is to strengthen your child’s academic skills. Your child will need
your help to complete her/his homework. You and your child should create a quiet workspace and decide on a daily time to complete
homework. When your child has no assigned homework, we strongly encourage you to set aside some time for her/him to read.
If your child is having difficulty with her/his homework assignments, please contact your child’s teacher for help.
Parents can expect to receive notices and general information related to school activities; please check your child’s
backpack daily.
Lost and Found
If your child is missing an article of clothing, please have your child check the Lost and Found area. It is a good
idea for you to check the Lost and Found area when visiting the school. It is located in the main hallway outside
of the Learning Center.
School personnel will administer prescription drugs only on the written order of a physician or other health professional authorized to
prescribe medication.
A parent or guardian must complete the Request Form provided by the school or supply the necessary information in written form
signed by the parent/guardian. Prescription drugs will also require a written order from a physician or prescribing health care provider.
The physician or prescribing health care provider must complete the appropriate section of the Request Form, or a copy of the
prescription or order written on office stationary may be attached to the Request Form.
Medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian in the original container labeled with the student’s name. The
medication must be given to the school nurse.
First doses of prescription medications will not be given at school.
Long-term medications must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
Personal Items (toys, games, CD players)
The school is not responsible for damaged or lost personal items. Students should leave personal items at home. Any cell phone brought
to school must be turned off and remain in your child’s backpack during the school day.
Parent Teacher Organization—P.T.O.
The purpose of the P.T.O. is to enrich the school community by providing financial and educational benefits designed to promote
constructive interaction between parents, teachers, students and the administration. The P.T.O. sponsors activities, events, and
programs by providing funds, volunteer support or other resources. All parents, guardians and staff members are automatically
members of the Integrated Arts Academy P.T.O., which meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. All parents and
guardians are encouraged to attend P.T.O. meetings and participate in their activities; childcare is provided.
Children have recess outside every day, except on rainy days or when the principal determines it is too cold. All
children go out unless recovering from an extended illness or when a physician advises against it. Children should
come to school dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Hats, mittens, boots, and snow pants are essential during
Report Cards/Conference
In Grades K-5 report cards will go home three times a year.
Parent conferences for Grades K-5 in the Fall are scheduled for October 15, 2014 in the afternoon, and all day on October 16, 2014. In the
Spring conferences are scheduled for March 26, 2015 in the afternoon and all day on March 27, 2015.
SAFETY: Fire Drills, Lock Downs, and Evacuations
As required by State Law, fire drills will be held at regular intervals during the school year. We also
lockdowns and one school evacuation to the Boys and Girls’ Club.
schedule two
In the event of an emergency you will be contacted (through Alert Now) with specific information on procedures for picking up your
child. Please do not attempt to enter the school during a lockdown or evacuation whether during a drill or actual emergency.
Notify the office each time you change your telephone number. We will need this in the event of an emergency.
The only door that is unlocked during the school day is the front door. If your child is being picked up early, come to the office and we
will page your child.
Your child will be eating breakfast in her/his classroom instead of snack. Please do not send an additional snack to school. If you have
any questions about sending snacks for special occasions to your child’s classroom, please contact your child’s teacher.
Staff Contact and Email
Please be aware that staff may only check Email before and/or after school. If information is time sensitive, please
contact the school office directly at 864-8475.
Telephone Use
Students are not
allowed to use the Main Office telephone. Exceptions are in emergency situations only. Your child
needs to make arrangements for after school activities on your home phone. Please make sure your child knows your plan for the end of
the day, before she/he comes to school.
(See Personal Items section for information concerning cell phones.)
Town Meetings
Every Monday morning at 8:10 and Friday afternoon at 2:15, the entire school will gather in the gymnasium to discuss our weekly goals,
identify key learning and enrichment activities, and to celebrate our accomplishments. Students will sit with their classes and will model
appropriate behavior for a public meeting. Parents are welcome to take part in the Town Meeting from the Community Center adjacent
to the gymnasium.
The Integrated Arts Academy invites parents and community members to visit during the school day. In order to ensure the safety of our
children, all visitors must report to the Main Office to sign in and pick up a Visitor’s badge.
Teachers are preparing for the school day first thing in the morning and are not available during the day. If you need to speak with your
child’s teacher, you may send in a note asking the teacher to call you or call after 3:00. If you would like to observe in your child’s
classroom, please contact your child’s teacher through a note or email to schedule a time for the observation.
Parents, guardians and community members who wish to volunteer at the Integrated Arts Academy at H. O. Wheeler need to fill out the
Burlington School District Volunteer Application and attend a volunteer orientation prior to working in the school. Orientation topics will
include: confidentiality, liability, discipline, and commitment. Volunteer forms may be picked up in the Principal’s Office.
Integrated Arts Academy
School-wide Expectations Matrix
Settings/ Contexts
Arrival and
Respect Yourself
Do your job
Give your best
Line up promptly
Move safely
and walk with your
Go where you need
to go
Share/Take Turns
Help Others
Hands and feet
to self
Be a friend
Respect All
Do your job
Be ready
Respect Property
Take what you need
Have Fun Safely
Move your body
Use bathroom before
Keep hands and
feet to yourself
Be a friend
Keep to the right
Sit quietly
Wash/dry hands
Say please and
thank you
Keep hands and
feet to yourself
Use hands and feet
Clap politely
Use appropriate
Be on time to class
or your bus
Use inside voice
Listen, watch,
and learn
Take turns
Stay in your seat
Raise your hand to
ask for help
Do your business and
go back to class
Be timely
Sit on the
bus safely
Be a friend
Return all
equipment to its
proper place
Give others privacy
Use an inside voice
Eyes on speaker
Use equipment as it
should be used.
Be a friend
Use appropriate
Take only what you
will eat
Keep hands and feet
to yourself
Exit the building/
go to After School
program safely and
with quiet voices
Respect Others
Sit and stay on your
Raise your hand
Look at wall
displays with eyes
Keep area around you
Follow the rules of
the games
Sit with quiet Feet
Use equipment
Clean up
Return equipment
Clean up
Keep areas clean
IAA Belief Statements
We believe that we all do our best when we feel physically, emotionally, intellectually, and artistically safe, and that creating and maintaining this safe space is a shared
We believe that all students can learn at high levels, and that our success should be judged by the success of our students, particularly those with the highest needs
and unique challenges.
We believe that the diversity of our community is our most valuable asset, and we strive to learn from our diverse histories, ancestral backgrounds, and individuality.
We believe that the Arts allow us to develop our capacity for creative expression, for engagement in powerful learning, for understanding the world, and for finding
and using our voices well.
We believe that inviting many different perspectives into constructive dialogue and creative expression enriches our school and supports individual & collective growth.
We believe that creating a school culture where each child, family member, and staff person is a valued and welcomed contributor to our community allows us to
practice hospitality, inclusion, and invitation.
We believe that pausing to recognize and celebrate our gifts and contributions to the school reminds us of our connections to each other.
We believe that communicating openly, honestly, and transparently builds trust, fosters relationships, and sets a positive example for everyone.
We believe that active participation, cooperation, and collaboration create shared ownership and a sense of belonging that are vital to the success of our school.
We believe that honoring student differences and interests and providing hands-on experiences can make learning fun and pleasurable. We commit to identifying and
confronting all obstacles to learning.
August, 2014
RE: Parental Notification for NCLB assessment results
Dear Parent/Guardian:
In August, the Vermont Department of Education identified the Integrated Arts Academy as a school in need of improvement based
upon student performance on state tests in math and reading. IAA did not make adequate yearly progress (AYP) in math and reading
for all identified subgroups of students.
You may be aware of the many things we are already doing to improve student progress in math, reading and writing. These
initiatives include Professional Learning Communities, Critical Friends Groups and of course, our focus on the arts. We are continually
reflecting on our curriculum and instruction in grade level teams and as a whole staff to ensure that it adequately meets the needs of
all our children.
Students as a whole had tremendous gains as measured by the NECAP last year. We increased our math scores by 19% and reading
went up 5%. Both well about the annual growth average. We are anxious to continue this trend and will once again offer the
supports and services necessary for all students to grow and improve their skills.
We are updating our school improvement plan to continue to improve our focused assistance for students who are not progressing,
as we would like. We would like to have parents involved in this process. Please contact me if you would like to be involved our school
improvement efforts
I am proud of the work that the IAA staff does to make school a successful experience for all children. I look forward to continuing to
work with you and your child this year.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 864-8475.
Bobby Riley