Pre-Feasibility Study Prefabricated Construction Blocks ((SSM T)) NT EN ME UM CU OC DO AD DA ED ME Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority Government of Pakistan HEAD OFFICE Waheed Trade Complex, 1st Floor , 36-Commercial Zone, Phase III, Sector XX, Khayaban-e-Iqbal, DHA Lahore Tel: (042) 111-111-456, Fax: (042) 5896619, 5899756 REGIONAL OFFICE PUNJAB Waheed Trade Complex, 1st Floor, 36-Commercial Zone, Phase III, Sector XX, Khayaban-e-Iqbal, DHA Lahore. Tel: (042) 111-111-456 Fax: (042) 5896619, 5899756 REGIONAL OFFICE SINDH REGIONAL OFFICE NWFP REGIONAL OFFICE BALOCHISTAN 5TH Floor, Bahria Complex II, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi. Tel: (021) 111-111-456 Fax: (021) 5610572 Ground Floor State Life Building The Mall, Peshawar. Tel: (091) 9213046-47 Fax: (091) 286908 Bungalow No. 15-A Chaman Housing Scheme Airport Road, Quetta. Tel: (081) 831623, 831702 Fax: (081) 831922 December, 2006 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks DISCLAIMER The purpose and scope of this information memorandum is to introduce the subject matter and provide a general idea and information on the said area. All the material included in this document is based on data/information gathered from various sources and is based on certain assumptions. Although, due care and diligence has been taken to compile this document, the contained information may vary due to any change in any of the concerned factors, and the actual results may differ substantially from the presented information. SMEDA does not assume any liability for any financial or other loss resulting from this memorandum in consequence of undertaking this activity. Therefore, the content of this memorandum should not be relied upon for making any decision, investment or otherwise. The prospective user of this memorandum is encouraged to carry out his / her own due diligence and gather any information he/she considers necessary for making an informed decision. The content of the information memorandum does not bind SMEDA in any legal or other form. DOCUMENT CONTROL Document No. PREF-13 Revision 1 Prepared by SMEDA-Sindh Approved by Provincial Chief - Sindh Issue Date December, 2006 Issued by Library Officer PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks PROJECT PROFILE 1. 1 OPPORTUNITY RATIONALE Construction sector has been registered with a growth rate of 7.9 percent1. Housing and construction is one of the major drivers of growth in more than 40 allied industries and directly adds to the PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS industry. In addition, for the building of roads, flyovers and bypasses there is a mass and consistent need of prefabricated blocks across the country. Various construction and real estate development projects are in progress and are continuously being commissioned which will have high demand of prefabricated construction material all over the country. In order to make up the backlog and meet the shortfall in the next 20 years, overall housing construction industry has to be raised to the level of 500,000 housing units per annum. This is the extent of the annual housing market in Pakistan which positively predicts a permanent growth in construction sector which directly adds to the potential in prefabricated building blocks segment of the construction industry. Massive construction in the public sector especially in Karachi also contributes to the acceleration in construction sector and the quantum of work will continue at least for the next two to three years at the same pace which surely predicts a great investment opportunity in the proposed business. The aforementioned statistics provide enough evidences and ensure a steep and continuous growth vis-à-vis investment opportunity in the PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS business. 1. 2 PROJECT BRIEF The proposed project envisages the setup of a prefabricated construction blocks manufacturing project. Construction blocks industry is an important industrial sector in the country engaged in producing blocks used as prefabricated material for various construction activities i.e. construction of road side pave ways, garage and parking floorings, walls making, block paved driveways, and floor coverings of commercial buildings, etc. It is easy to make a concrete block. The successful block yard must however make blocks of uniform quality and sell them at a price high enough to cover costs and make a reasonable profit. Before to start a block yard, it is essential therefore to investigate the 1 Economic Survey of Pakistan 2006 PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks economic feasibility of the venture. Determination of level of demand for blocks in the area (how many per month) and degree of competition from other block yards are important factors having a significant bearing on the feasibility of the venture. Then comes the cost estimation based on various methods of production and output. Factors which influence unit cost include: Purchase price or rental of site Cost of site improvements: fencing, paved areas for production and stockpiles, pathways, roadways and buildings Cost of equipment: concrete mixer, block making machine and miscellaneous equipment Cost of services: water and electricity Material costs Wastage Maintenance costs of site and equipment Output: number of blocks per day – dimensions of block, solid or hollow. Labor costs Cost of finance etc. 1. 3 MARKET ENTRY TIMING Blocks making business depends on activity and movement in construction industry. Housing and construction plus government initiated development projects demand mass availability of blocks all over the year. Therefore, a block manufacturing unit could be established at any time of the year. 1. 4 PROPOSED BUSINESS LEGAL STATUS The legal status of business tends to play an important role in any setup; the proposed block yard is assumed to operate on Sole Proprietorship basis. 1. 5 PROJECT CAPACITY AND RATIONALE Production capacity of the plant for the proposed prefab construction blocks making unit would be 4,000 blocks per day. It is estimated that Karachi alone has a daily demand of 0.5 million2 prefabricated construction blocks. However, as there are a variety of concrete based prefab construction blocks i.e. hollow block, solid block, kerb block etc., cost will largely depend on the selection of block type. Estimated countrywide requirement of 500,000 housing units per annum and development works in construction and civil sector by the government; all these factors encourage a persistent high growth and mass demand of prefab construction blocks. 2 Based on discussions with the existing business operators in the formal sector of Pakistan PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks 1. Solid Block 2. Hollow Block 3. Pavers 4. Kerb stone / Blocks 1.5.1 Raw Material Sourcing Raw material to be used for the production of concrete based block is available in the local market at reasonable price. Main production material components include: cement and sand/crushed stone. A number of suppliers are available for Sand and Crush in each region and area of Pakistan and could easily be contacted, whereas, cement could be procured from any well known cement company. Cement suppliers could also be one of the sources for sand and crush supply reference. Low quality Chinese cement is also available in the local market which has been declared substandard for consumption by PSQCA. Volatility in cement prices is the biggest threat while working in construction industry. This risk can be minimized by making long term supply contracts with the cement manufacturers which is a common practice of large scale industrial consumers of cement. 1. 6 PROJECT INVESTMENT A total of Rs. 43.04 million is estimated to be the cost of the project. The working capital requirement is estimated around 0.9 million and Rs. 42.13 million would be the fixed investment. 1. 7 PROPOSED PRODUCT MIX For the purpose of this pre- feasibility, following products are assumed to be manufactured: PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report S. No. 1 Prefabricated Construction Blocks Block Type Size/ Dimension Standard Production (as % of Total) Color Selling Price/ unit (Rs.) Masonry Block Solid Block 4”x8”x12” 600-800 psi* 10% Natural Grey 15 Solid Block 5”x8”x12” 600-800 psi 20% Natural Grey 16 Solid Block 6”x8”x12” 600-800 psi 10% Natural Grey 17 Hollow Block 5”x8”x16” 600-800 psi 10% Natural Grey 23 90x190x390 mm 600-800 psi 15% Natural Grey 28 300x300x40mm 4000 psi 5% Natural Grey 40 6”x12”x12” 5000 psi 30% Natural Grey 90 Fair Face Blocks 2 3 Solid Block Pavers Kerb Stone/Block * per square inch 1. 8 RECOMMENDED PROJECT PARAMETERS Capacity 50% Capacity Utilisation (based on 8 working hrs. daily Human Resource Technology/Machinery 17 Both Local and Imported Location Nooriabad, Sindh Financial Summary 1. 9 Project Cost IRR NPV Payback Period Rs. 43.04 million 26% 14,127,743 4 Years Cost of Capital (WACC) 17.50% PROPOSED LOCATION Proposed location for setting up a prefab construction blocks making unit largely depends on the availability of raw material and its transportation to the factory at low cost; however, factors like availability of manpower, utilities and easy access to the target markets should also be carefully examined. For this pre-feasibility, we propose a location around Karachi somewhere in Hub, Superhighway, Manghopir, Jhampir or Nooriabad where all aforementioned resources are available at reasonable price, besides, generous investment for land would also be required which would be difficult to manage in the areas i.e. Korangi or SITE industrial areas where land prices are very high as compared to the other proposed areas. Moreover, construction and allied industries produce environmental pollution which may cause bronchial diseases to the people and hence are preferred to be setup at a distance, in dedicated industrial zones. The prefab construction blocks making units are being operated countrywide. The reason is the demand which is spread all over the country, though is concentrated around PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks developed cities and towns i.e. Karachi, Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Quetta etc. 1. 10 KEY SUCCESS FACTORS/PRACTICAL TIPS FOR SUCCESS Prefab construction blocks business is dependent on the pricing and margins given to builders, suppliers and retail customers. It also depends on efficient supply of blocks to the customer and communication facilities provided to the prospective clients, retailers and order booking agents. 1.10.1 Conventional Order Booking Arrangements – Distribution As we have discussed earlier, prefab construction blocks is one of the allied sectors of construction industry. Therefore, all raw material suppliers to the construction industry are considered to be the part of the distribution network for the prefab construction blocks. A block maker when setting up a block yard, institutes contacts with the construction material suppliers, retailers and signup a contract in order to appoint them as order booking agents. Generally, construction and building material supplier is the part of the whole chain, and brings together the customers and suppliers. Sometimes the supplier has his own delivery vehicles and in most of the cases, keeps arrangement with the commercial vehicle operators, material manufacturers, and buyer, having a significance of a pivoting point among them. 1.10.2 Ordering and Delivery Procedure: Block maker appoints order booking agents (building material suppliers) with in the city who entertain the customer. Customers usually send someone or personally go to the booking office and place the order which includes details indicating quantity, quality, size and time of delivery etc. Booking agent gets the payment in cash (mostly) and issues an order / delivery slip to the customer, showing order details. Buyer hires a truck or loading vehicle and goes to the block yard, where he produces the order slip (in local term called perchi) to the person responsible for the physical delivery of the blocks. That person renders the order as given on the slip. After loading the vehicle he hands it over it to the order booker and here ends the role of the block maker. Prefab construction blocks producers also book direct orders at site office for the construction contractors, retail customers and builders on phone and supply directly to the identified delivery points; however, these types of facilities are provided only for bulk PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks orders using hired delivery vehicles. Bulk deliveries typically account for around 30% of the total annual sales. In the Prefab construction blocks industry, the role of the middle man is played by building material suppliers at a nominal margin of 1% to 2% of the order booked. 1. 11 PRODUCT MARKETING In the manufacturing industry, marketing is considered to be of significant importance. In the Prefab construction blocks industry, marketing parameters are very limited and largely associated with the construction sector’s performance. Some of the marketing promotion activities which should duly be rendered are given below: Developing contacts with the building material suppliers, well known builders and contractors. Keep up to date information on civil and construction works initiated by local, provincial and central government. Draw linkages with material suppliers to the housing industry at town level. Emphasis on image development and building acquaintances across individual contractors who are serving private sector. Establish contacts with local civil engineering firms, individuals and professionals. 2. SECTOR & INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 2. 1 SECTOR CHARACTERISTICS AND OVERVIEW Construction sector is one of the largest economic sectors of Pakistan in terms of employment3. It directly and indirectly affects more than 40 allied industries which also includes prefab construction material industry. Block making has a significant position in the construction process particularly in the housing sector where prefabricated blocks are used extensively with more than 40% of the total structure of the building. Traditional construction has been relying on hand made bricks rather than concrete block which has been a high cost option while selecting material for the house construction both in urban and rural areas of the country. Concrete based construction is comparatively new phenomena and historically has been employed in the urban areas where technology and machinery was introduced due to mass demand of building material and comparatively high average income. 3 Economic Survey of Pakistan 2006 PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Prefab construction block have different categories from smallest size of a brick to a huge sized pre-cast concrete bridges. However, for the purpose of this pre-feasibility, we have focused on the manufacturing setups where various types of blocks are manufactured with the help of automatic or semi-automatic plant and machinery. This sector is largely unorganized and no statistics are available in terms of how many block manufacturing units are working and their scale of operations. The prefab construction blocks manufacturing sector can be divided into three categories: Organized Sector – Machine Blocks Organized sector constitutes only three major players in Karachi: Envicrete Private Limited, Hubcrete and Izhar Paver Blocks. Only Envicrete is working as a private limited company; other two are operating as sole proprietorship companies. All companies use imported plants and machinery due to their large scale of operations. Standard blocks are generally available in the sizes of 6”x8”x12”, 5”x8”x12” and 4”x8”x12”. Product quality is defined in PSI (per squire inch pressure) which a block can survive. Generally it depends on the use of block which varies from product to product. Housing construction purpose block has a normal PSI of 400 and pavers are manufactured with 5000 PSI strength. Except for Envicrete, other two manufacturers are concentrating only on pavers and kerb stones. Unorganized Sector – Machine Blocks This sector mainly includes block yards where hand operated mechanical machines are used to make concrete blocks which lay six and above blocks at a time. Therefore, their operations are limited and usually work on the basis of area to area demand. Hundreds of such setups could be seen in each area of the country where these setups are fulfilling the local housing construction demand of blocks of three different sizes and strengths depending upon the individual requirements of the customer. Standard blocks are generally available in the sizes of 6”x8”x12”, 5”x8”x12” and 4”x8”x12”. As far as PSI is concerned, no defined standard could be found; however, 400 PSI is normal in this sector. Unorganized Sector – Hand Made Blocks This sector is gradually shrinking and now operating on a very small scale in the low income areas where concrete based structure is scarce. Single mold is used which lays only one block at a time. Such blocks are easily breakable; therefore they are generally not preferred even by the customers who have very limited capital to invest in house construction. The current scenario of this sector shows that most of such block yard operators are switching to machine made blocks option due to customer preference and production limitations of the hand made blocks making process. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report 2. 2 Prefabricated Construction Blocks ENVIRONMENTAL & PROTECTION ASPECTS Block making results in persistent exposure to the asbestos (due to dust emission), which is a natural fiber found in the dust particles of cement and blocks. To avoid its harmful effect on human health, it is suggested to follow guidelines provided by the provincial agency of environment protection. These procedures do not particularly apply on the block manufacturing industry, rather, a standard material, product and process handling guidelines applicable to construction and allied industries are available on the website: 3. MARKET INFORMATION 3. 1 MARKET POTENTIAL Prefab construction blocks making units across the country are working mostly as unorganized sector (about 80%) and no reliable data is available, precisely, for the installed capacity and the number of units working etc. However, since it is an allied industry of the construction sector, growth in construction sector may be considered as a close proxy for the growth in prefab construction blocks sector which is 7.9% (Economic Survey of Pakistan 2006). 3. 2 EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF PREFAB CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS Prefabricated construction blocks or other products are heavy; hence there are limited opportunities for export due to high cost of transportation. The market scope for prefab construction blocks is found to be encouraging in local market with the increased demand from construction industry. There is also a sufficient demand from Govt. Contractors for lying of roads and construction of industries. 3. 3 PROBLEM/THREATS TO THE PREFAB CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS SECTOR Local customs and traditions, non-availability of infrastructure facilities like roads and electricity are the major hurdles in the development of the sector. Absence of developed domestic market. Non-availability of modern machinery in local market at cheaper rates. Lack of investment friendly environment created by the relevant government agencies. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks 4. PRODUCTION PROCESS 4. 1 PREFAB CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS - PRODUCTION PROCESS FLOW Prefab construction blocks Process Flow Ordering & Stockpiling Material Batching Mixing Molding Curing Storage & Distribution 4.1.1 The Manufacturing Process The production of concrete blocks consists of four basic processes: mixing, molding, curing, and cubing. Some manufacturing plants produce only concrete blocks, while others may produce a wide variety of prefabricated concrete products including blocks, flat paver stones, and decorative landscaping pieces such as lawn edging, etc. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks The following steps are commonly used to manufacture concrete blocks. Mixing The sand and gravel are stored outside in piles and are transferred into storage bins in the plant by a conveyor belt as they are needed. The Portland cement is stored outside in large vertical silos to protect it from moisture. As a production run starts, the required amounts of sand, gravel, and cement are transferred by gravity or by mechanical means to a weigh batcher, which measures the proper amounts of each material. The dry materials then flow into a stationary mixer where they are blended together for several minutes. There are two types of mixers commonly used. One type, called a planetary or pan mixer, resembles a shallow pan with a lid. Mixing blades are attached to a vertical rotating shaft inside the mixer. The other type is called a horizontal drum mixer. It resembles a coffee can turned on its side and has mixing blades attached to a horizontal rotating shaft inside the mixer. After the dry materials are blended, a small amount of water is added to the mixer. If the plant is located in a climate subject to temperature extremes, the water may first pass through a heater or chiller to regulate its temperature. Admixture chemicals and coloring pigments may also be added at this time. The concrete is then mixed for six to eight minutes. Molding Once the load of concrete is thoroughly mixed, it is dumped into an inclined bucket conveyor and transported to an elevated hopper. The mixing cycle begins again for the next load. From the hopper, the concrete is conveyed to another hopper on top of the block machine at a measured flow rate. In the block machine, the concrete is forced downward into molds. The molds consist of an outer mold box containing several mold liners. The liners determine the outer shape of the block and the inner shape of the block cavities. As many as 15 blocks may be molded at one time. When the molds are full, the concrete is compacted by the weight of the upper mold head coming down on the mold cavities. This compaction may be supplemented by air or hydraulic pressure cylinders acting on the mold head. Most block machines also use a short burst of mechanical vibration to further aid compaction. The compacted blocks are pushed down and out of the molds onto a flat steel pallet. The pallet and blocks are pushed out of the machine and onto a chain conveyor. In some operations, the blocks then pass under a rotating brush which removes loose material from the top of the blocks. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Curing The pallets of blocks are conveyed to an automated stacker or loader which places them in a curing rack. Each rack holds several hundred blocks. When a rack is full, it is rolled onto a set of rails and moved into a curing kiln. The kiln is an enclosed room with the capacity to hold several racks of blocks at a time. There are two basic types of curing kilns. The most common type is a lowpressure steam kiln. In this type, the blocks are held in the kiln for one to three hours at room temperature to allow them to harden slightly. Steam is then gradually introduced to raise the temperature at a controlled rate of not more than 60°F per hour (16°C per hour). Standard weight blocks are usually cured at a temperature of 150165°F (66-74°C), while lightweight blocks are cured at 170-185°F (77-85°C). When the curing temperature has been reached, the steam is shut off, and the blocks are allowed to soak in the hot, moist air for 12-18 hours. After soaking, the blocks are dried by exhausting the moist air and further raising the temperature in the kiln. The whole curing cycle takes about 24 hours. Another type of kiln is the high-pressure steam kiln, sometimes called an autoclave. In this type, the temperature is raised to 300-375°F (149-191°C), and the pressure is raised to 80-185 psi (5.5-12.8 bar). The blocks are allowed to soak for five to 10 hours. The pressure is then rapidly vented, which causes the blocks to quickly release their trapped moisture. The autoclave curing process requires more energy and a more expensive kiln, but it can produce blocks in less time. Cubing The racks of cured blocks are rolled out of the kiln, and the pallets of blocks are unstacked and placed on a chain conveyor. The blocks are pushed off the steel pallets, and the empty pallets are fed back into the block machine to receive a new set of molded blocks. If the blocks are to be made into split-face blocks, they are first molded as two blocks joined together. Once these double blocks are cured, they pass through a splitter, which strikes them with a heavy blade along the section between the two halves. This causes the double block to fracture and form a rough, stone-like texture on one face of each piece. The blocks pass through a cuber which aligns each block and then stacks them into a cube three blocks across by six blocks deep by three or four blocks high. These cubes are carried outside with a forklift and placed in storage. Quality control Three aspects should be monitored to ensure quality masonry units: strength, dimensions and shrinkage. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Strength Quality of blocks should be controlled so that strengths are adequate (to avoid breakages or rejection by customers) and mixes are as economical as possible. Ideally, blocks should be regularly tested for strength and mixes and production processes modified if necessary. If testing is impracticable or unaffordable, block strength should be continually assessed by noting whether corners and edges, or even whole blocks, tend to break in handling. Strength can also be assessed by knocking two mature bricks together. Dimensions The length and width of the units are determined by the mould and will not vary greatly. However, the height can vary and should be monitored using a simple gauge. Units of inconsistent height will lead to difficulties in the construction of masonry and possible rain penetration. Shrinkage Concrete masonry units shrink slightly after manufacture. In order to avoid this happening in the wall, blocks should be allowed to dry out for at least seven days before being used for construction. 4. 2 RAW MATERIAL REQUIREMENT Crushed Hard Lime Stone, Sand, Cement and Water will be used as raw material for manufacturing prefab construction blocks. Crushed raw stone and sand could be purchased directly from the excavator (quarry lease holder) or supplier, whereas, cement could be sourced from manufacturers by signing a regular supply contract which would lead to a controlled cost. For the purpose of this pre-feasibility, it is proposed to hold a supply contract with the three types of material suppliers to avoid any possible threat in procuring raw material as well as to keep the project economically stable. Based on our discussions with the business operators, it has been estimated that 1 sq. ft. of loose aggregate will yield 0.7 sq. ft. of concrete volume. For the proposed project, a total of 5200 sq. ft. of aggregate would be required daily to produce 4000 sq. ft. of concrete blocks. Sand-Cement ratio will largely depend on the type and desired strength of blocks, however, for this pre-feasibility study, assumed ratio is 100:1 (one 50kg bag of cement for each 100 blocks) by loose volumes. Daily cement requirement for the said production would be around 50 bags of 50kg each. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report 4. 3 Prefabricated Construction Blocks MACHINERY REQUIREMENT Although small mixing and molding units are available in the local market, yet, complete mechanized plants are not available and organized setups are using imported plant and machinery for concrete block making. European and American plants are available which give good quality output; however, these are very expensive and not generally preferred even by the leading players due to high capital requirement. Therefore, Chinese or any other machinery would be more appropriate for the proposed project which gives good quality output and is relatively more economical. Machinery with the following specification has been proposed for the project which will cost around Rs. 30 million. Detailed Plant Description HCQ6-15III Concrete Block Machine: With a solid and robust welded steel frame, this machine is operated using an advanced control system. Has a compact size (6 x 3.5 x 2.95m), and overall weight of 9.6MT. Compulsory Mixer with Skip Elevator: The mixer consists of a solid mixing trough and alloy steel rotary mixing blade, 4 vertical supports with foot plates. The platform is adapted for service and working. To mix light weight and high density concrete with 0.5cbm per batch. Elevator: As the pallet and fresh block convey to the elevator, they are stacked to a maximum height of 1metre which is equivalent to 2.2 ton. Traveling Material Bin Feeder: Through the conveyor, the slightly moist concrete from the mixer is transported to traveling material bin feeder for separating temporary storage. The material bin is designed in a solid, rugged steel weldment and maintenance free track roller. Face Mix Section: Specially designed for production of blocks or pavers with two layers (coloring). Equipped with loading hopper with adjustable feeding system. The section can elevate automatically to allow the blocks or pavers to pass through. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Control Panel with Touch Screen: Heart of the control is a PLC with a touch screen color flat display. The operator can select the functions and change the parameter directly via the screen. The recipe can be stored and the statistics data can be downloaded. There are many Chinese and other suppliers available on the internet and could be contacted and easily accessible. For the purpose of this pre-feasibility, we have explored the following machinery suppliers: 1. Quanzhou City Licheng Huangshi Machinery Co., Ltd. (Web Address: 2. Fujian Quanzhou Honcha Machine Make Co., Ltd. 3. Concrete Pumps 7 Ballance Road, Durban, 4001, South Africa P. O. Box 262, Westville, 3630, South Africa Tel +27 - 31 - 303 1397 Fax +27 - 31 - 312 0294 E-mail address: Website address: VEHICLES FOR TRANSPORTATION 4. 4 The proposed setup would require three to four vehicles (new machinery has been considered for the proposed project) to carryout transportation of raw material and finished products. Besides, dumping and loading vehicles for the transportation of finished product to the stacking points would be a pre-requisite. Details of required vehicles have been provided in the following table: S. No. Name of Vehicle/Machine 1 Dumper/Truck 2 Fork Lifter 3 Other Tools & Equipment Purpose of the Machine Material Transportation Finished goods transportation No. of Units Required Total Cost 1 4,000,000 2 1,000,000 Total 200,000 5,200,000 *Machinery cost depends on model and may vary During the discussions with the market experts and entrepreneurs, it was observed that, though the above machinery/vehicle could also be hired on rent, yet, the incremental cost PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks difference between rented and purchased machinery would be very close over a long period of time. Therefore it would be preferred to acquire own machinery rather than obtaining these services on rent. 4. 5 PLANT AND MACHINERY MAINTENANCE Machinery is expected to be serviced on an annual basis. During the projected period, maintenance expenses are estimated to be around 3% of the total cost of machine. 5. LAND & BUILDING REQUIREMENT 5. 1 SITE DEVELOPMENT The Prefab construction blocks project is estimated to require a total area of one acre, which will be used for stockpiling of raw material, production of blocks, cement storage and storage of finished product. Since heavy machinery and vehicles i.e. dumper, fork lifters etc. would be used which require open space for the movement as well as there will be frequent movement of heavy transportation and delivery vehicles; therefore, large land requirement is being recommended. Moreover, the space would also be used for machinery installation, storage and vehicle parking and different services necessary for the project. 5. 2 LAND & BUILDING REQUIREMENTS 5.2.1 Selecting a site In selecting a site, consider location, access, ground slope and size. Each of these is discussed below. Location This should be considered in relation to: Supply of raw materials Market for blocks Location of the labour force Security of the area Availability of services, i.e. roads, water, sewerage, electricity, etc. Access The site must be accessible to trucks delivering aggregates and cement and collecting finished blocks. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Ground slope Ideally, the site should be level or nearly so. Steep slopes make handling and production difficult. Terracing a steep slope is expensive. Size The site should be big enough for aggregate stockpiles, cement storage, production (slab or stationary machine) block stacking, staff facilities, an office and on-site access. With all provisions for the business, one acre would be sufficient for the project. 5.2.2 Establishing the site The site should have provision for stockpiling aggregates and storing cement, a production area, a stacking area, staff facilities, an office, and access between different areas and facilities. Each of these is discussed below. Aggregate stockpiles Aggregates must be stockpiled in such a way that: they do not become contaminated by soil, leaves, etc; different aggregates are kept separate; and rainwater can drain away. Ideally therefore, aggregates should be stockpiled on a concrete slab. If this is not done, the layer of aggregates in contact with the soil should not be used for production. Aggregates must not be stockpiled under trees. Partitions should be erected between different types of aggregate. Stockpiles should be on a slight slope so that rainwater does not collect in the aggregates. Cement store The best way to store cement is in a silo. For small scale block yards, however, cement will be delivered in bags. Cement in bags should preferably be stored in a weather-proof room. Bags should be stacked on a plastic tarpaulin or on closely spaced wooden strips so that they do not absorb damp from the floor. The storeroom should be big enough to hold at least a week’s supply of cement. If it is not possible to provide a storeroom, cement in bags should be stored in stacks raised above the ground and completely covered with tarpaulins. Production area PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks The size of this area depends on the method of producing blocks. A stationary machine, which forms blocks on pallets, needs a relatively small area with space around it for operators. A mobile “egg-laying” machine needs a fairly large slab on which blocks are made. Details of such a slab are discussed below. Construction of a production slab Area A flat concrete slab, big enough for at least one day’s production, is required. To minimize breakages in cold weather, it is recommended to increase the cement content of the mix or the curing period before moving the blocks. As a guideline, an 80 x 80 ft. in area is suitable for a production of 6000 blocks per day. Slope Normally block production is carried out in the open, and the concrete slab should have a minimum slope of 1 in 100 to ensure proper drainage. Thickness Large production machines require a minimum slab thickness of 150 mm. Joints To prevent uncontrolled cracking of the slab, it should be divided into panels which should be square or as close to square as possible. The half round keyway prevents differential settlement of adjacent slabs. The maximum joint spacing depends on the thickness of the slab and should not exceed 6 m for slab thicknesses of 150 and 200 mm. Stacking area An area big enough to stack two weeks’ production is needed for curing and drying blocks. It is normally not necessary to pave this area. To avoid muddy conditions, a layer of concrete stone, about 100 mm thick, should be enough. Office and Staff facilities These include toilets, ablutions, and possibly change rooms. An office should be provided for all but the smallest of yards. Land and building requirements for the project would be as follows: PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Details Size/Area (Sq. Ft.) Production & Stacking Area Cement Store Office & Staff facilities Storage Area (Sand/Crush) Water Tank Other Services (water plant, tool shop etc.) Total Covered Area 15,000 2500 400 Not limited 4000 500 18,400 Civil Works /Construction Cost/Sq. Ft. Total Construction Cost 150 300 300 200 300 2,250,000 750,000 120,000 0 800,000 150,000 4,070,000 The factory would be located at Nooriabad, Sindh. The reason for the selection is that utilities, water, electricity and skilled manpower are conveniently available, whereas, comparatively low cost of land, proximity to the target market, good transport and communication facilities, also account for its selection. 6. HUMAN RESOURCE REQUIREMENT Construction and allied industry is a labor intensive industry; therefore, a total 18 persons will be required to handle the production operations of a prefab construction blocks making unit. The business unit will work on one shift basis (8 hours daily). Technical staff with relevant experience will be required for operating production plant. The staff will be provided training by the plant & machinery supplier. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Total approximate manpower required for the business operations along with the respective salaries are given in the table below: (Pak. Rs.) Staff Title Owner (Business Unit Manager) Production Staff (Quarry/Excavation Site) 2. Forklift Operator 3. Dumper/Truck Driver 4. Helper/Laborer Production Staff (Crushing Factory) 5. Production Incharge / Plant Operator 6. Assistant Production Plant Operator 7. Production Laborers Total Production Staff General Administration/ Selling Staff 8. Office Assistant 9. Security Staff Total G A /S Staff TOTAL 6.1 No of Persons Monthly Salary Annual Salary 1 1 2 8,000 8,000 8,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 1 1 8 14 10,000 5,000 32,000 71,000 120,000 60,000 384,000 852,000 1 2 3 17 5,000 10,000 15,000 86,000 60,000 120,000 180,000 1,032,000 Experience Requirement for the Staff One to two year of experience on mechanized block making plant would be necessary for the person who will operate the prefab construction blocks plant. It is also suggested that preference should be given to literate persons so that they could understand the significance of undertaking health and safety measures. 7. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS & KEY ASSUMPTIONS The project cost estimates for the proposed “Prefab construction blocks Business” have been formulated on the basis of discussions with industry stakeholders and experts. The projections cover the cost of land, machinery and equipment including office equipment, fixtures etc. Assumptions regarding machinery have been provided, however, the specific assumptions relating to individual cost components are given as under. 7. 1 LAND & BUILDING Land for setting up the proposed prefab construction blocks unit would be purchased which will incur a cost of approximately Rs. 1.2 million. Construction and renovation of site will cost around Rs. 4 million which has been assumed to depreciate at 10% per annum using diminishing balance method. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks OVERALL FACTORY & OFFICE RENOVATION 7. 2 To renovate the factory / office premises in Year 5 and Year 10, certain expenses will be incurred for which an amount equivalent to 5% of the total site/office construction cost is estimated. FACTORY / OFFICE FURNITURE 7. 3 A lump sum provision of Rs. 60,000 for procurement of office/factory furniture is assumed. This would include table, desk, chairs, and office stationery. The breakup of Factory Office Furniture & Fixtures is as follows: Item Table & Chair for Owner Tables & Chairs for Admin. Staff Waiting Chairs Curtains & Interior Decoration for office Chairs for Workers/Labor Electrical Fittings & Lights Others Total Number Total Cost 1 5,000 1 3,000 4 6,000 5,000 6 5000 30,000 6,000 60,000 DEPRECIATION TREATMENT 7. 4 The treatment of depreciation would be on a diminishing balance method at the rate of 10% per annum on the following. The method is also expected to provide accurate tax treatment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 5 Plant & machinery Land & Building Construction and Renovation Vehicles Furniture and Fixtures etc. UTILITIES Prefab construction blocks plant will be operated using electricity for production purposes. This would draw considerable amount of electricity. Likewise, heavy vehicles i.e. Fork lifter, truck/dumper, etc would require huge quantity of fuel for which diesel PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks will be used. The cost of the utilities including electricity, diesel/fuel, telephone, and water is estimated to be around Rs. 2 million per annum. Approximate cost of utilities has been given below: Total Monthly Cost (Rs.) Utility 1. Electricity 2. Furnace Oil, Lubricants etc. 3. Total Annual Cost (Rs.) Annual %age Increase 58,000 696,000 5% 5,000 60,000 3% Diesel for Vehicles and Machinery 28,500 342,000 5% 4. Water 70,200 842,400 5% 5. Telephone 5,000 60,000 5% 166,700 2,000,400 Total 7. 6 WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENTS It is estimated that an additional amount of one million rupees (approximately) will be required as cash in hand to meet the working capital requirements. These provisions have been estimated based on the following assumptions for the proposed business. Utilities - (Office & Factory) 1. Electricity - 01 Month 2. Oil, Lubricants & Other consumables - 01 Month 3. Water - 07 days 4. Telephone - 01 Month 87,140 58,240 5,000 18,900 5,000 Salaries - Three Months (Production Staff) 213,000 Raw Material Inventories (Cement & Sand/Crushed Stone) 238,380 Cement – 01 Month Sand and Crushed Stone – 07 Days Misc. Expenses - Three months (@ 5000 /month) Total Working Capital 7. 7 325,000 31,500 15,000 910,020 PLANT & MACHINERY INSTALLATION Plant and machinery installation and trial run expenses has been assumed to be around Rs. 100,000/-. It has been included in the plant and machinery cost. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report 7. 8 Prefabricated Construction Blocks VEHICLE FOR SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES An additional light loading vehicle would be required for providing services for the maintenance, communication of machinery spare parts, labor etc. For this purpose, a transportation vehicle has been proposed and an amount of Rs. 400,000 is assumed to be required to purchase the vehicle. 7. 9 PRELIMINARY EXPENSES AND CONTINGENCY PROVISION A lump sum provision of Rs. 300,000 is assumed to cover all preliminary expenses which will be amortized over the 5 year period. 7. 10 SELLING & DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (ORDER BOOKING AGENTS) For the purpose of this pre-feasibility, it has been assumed that the block maker would work in association with building material suppliers and will appoint 5 to 6 suppliers as booking agents. These arrangements would raise the selling costs for the business for which an amount equivalent to 2% of the annual sales has been assumed which also covers the distribution cost of bulk supplies, entertained directly by the owner. 7. 11 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES Miscellaneous expenses of running the business are assumed to be Rs. 5,000 per month. These expenses include various items like office stationery, daily consumables, traveling allowances etc. and are assumed to increase at a nominal rate of 10% per annum. 7. 12 FINISHED GOODS INVENTORY The proposed setup is assumed to maintain a Finished Goods Inventory of 7 days of the total annual production. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report 7. 13 Prefabricated Construction Blocks REVENUE PROJECTIONS For the revenue projections, prefab construction blocks are assumed to be produced as follows: S. No . 1 Block Type Size/ Dimension Standard Productio n (as % of Total) Color Selling Price/ unit Masonry Block Solid Block 4”x8”x12” 600-800 psi 10% Natural Grey 15 Solid Block 5”x8”x12” 600-800 psi 20% Natural Grey 16 Solid Block 6”x8”x12” 600-800 psi 10% Natural Grey 17 Hollow Block 5”x8”x16” 600-800 psi 10% Natural Grey 23 90x190x390 mm 600-800 psi 15% Natural Grey 28 300x300x40mm 4000 psi 5% Natural Grey 40 6”x12”x12” 5000 psi 30% Natural Grey 90 Fair Face Blocks Solid Block 2 Pavers 3 Kerb Stone/Block Working with the proposed plant and machinery, the project will be capable of producing 4,000 sq.ft. of concrete blocks at 100% capacity utilization with single shift of 8 hours a day. It has been assumed that it will take some time for the business to reach the optimal capacity utilization point for the projected period. Therefore, the first year production of prefab construction blocks has been estimated with 70% capacity utilization. Annual increase of 3% in capacity utilization is assumed over the projection period. All projections are based on 8 working hrs a day with 26 days a month. Based on our discussions with the industry experts and entrepreneurs it is assumed that the sales price will increase with a nominal rate of 5% on all product categories during the projected period. 7. 15 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES Considering the industry norm, particular to the construction sector and all of its allied industries, it has been assumed that 70% of the sales will be on cash. Whereas, remaining 30% sales will be on credit to the builders and construction contractors. A collection period of 60 days is assumed for the credit sales. All of the above assumptions are based on our findings during the discussions with the industry experts and stakeholders. A provision for bad debts has been assumed equivalent to 2% of the annual credit sales. PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report 7. 16 Prefabricated Construction Blocks FINANCIAL CHARGES It is assumed that long-term financing for 5 years will be obtained in order to finance the project investment cost. This leasing facility would be required at a rate of 15% (including 1% insurance premium) per annum with 60 monthly installments over a period of five years. 7. 17 TAXATION The business is assumed to be run as a sole proprietorship; therefore, tax rates applicable on the income of an individual tax payer are used for income tax calculation of the business. 7. 18 COST OF CAPITAL The cost of capital is explained in the following table: Particulars Required return on equity Cost of finance Weighted Average Cost of Capital Rate 20% 15% 17.5% The weighted average cost of capital is based on the debt/equity ratio of 50:50. 7. 19 OWNER’S WITHDRAWAL It is assumed that the owner will draw funds from the business once the desired profitability is reached from the start of operations. The amount would depend on business sustainability and availability of funds for future growth. 7. 20 ANNEXURES 7. 20. 1 7. 20. 2 7. 20. 3 7. 20. 4 7. 20. 5 SUMMARY OF KEY ASSUMPTIONS COST AND REVENUE SHEET PROJECTED INCOME STATEMENT PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET PROJECTED CASH FLOW STATEMENT PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks Summary of Key Assumptions (in Pak. Rs.) Sr. No. PARTICULARS TOTAL COST/DETAILS Fixed Capital Land Plant & machinery 2,000,000 35,300,000 Concrete Blocks Making Plant (Imported) 30,000,000 Transportation Machinery/Vehicles 5,200,000 Plant & machinery Installation & trial run expenses 100,000 Vehicle for support and maintenance services - One light vehicle 400,000 Site/Office Renovation & Contruction 4,070,000 Factory / Office Furniture 60,000 Preliminary Expenses 300,000 Total Fixed Capital 42,130,000 Working Capital Utilities - (Office & Factory) 87,140 1. Electricity - 01 Month 58,240 2. 4. Oil, Lubricants & Other consumables - 01 Month Water - 07 days 18,900 5. Telephone - 01 Month 5,000 66,000 Water Requirement (Quantity) 5,000 Salaries - Three Months (Production Staff) 213,000 Raw Material Inventories (Cement & Sand/Crushed Stone) - 07 Days 238,380 Cement - 26 Days 325,000 Sand and Crushed Stone - 07 Days 31,500 Misc. Expenses - Three months (@ 5000 /month) 15,000 Total Working Capital 910,020 TOTAL PROJECT COST 43,040,020 Loan Finance 21,520,010 Equity Financing 21,520,010 Debt:Equity Ratio (50:50) 50.00% PROJECT RETURNS AND OTHER FINANCIAL IRR 26% 14,127,743 NPV Payback Period (Years) 4 Years Debt Equity Ratio 50:50' 20% Required return on equity 15% Cost of finance 17.50% Weighted Average Cost of capital OTHER ASSUMPTIONS 1 5 Depreciation 10% Plant and Machinery Annual Repair & Maintenance (as %age of total cost of plant) 3.00% Selling & Distribution Expenses 2.00% INCREASE IN PRICE AND GROWTH 6 7 8 Increase in Raw Material Price (Cement & Sand/Crushed Stone) 5% Increase in other consumables price 3% Factory & Office Renovation (in Year 5 & 10) 5% Production Operations and Capacity Utilisation Assumptions Capacity Utilisation at the beginning of the period Increase in capacity utilisation (Annual) Maximum Capacity Utilisation Annual sales price increase Operational Hrs./day Operational Days / Month Operational Months Annual Operational Days 50% 5% Running on single shift basis but double shift can be initiated if demand increases 5% 8 26 12 312 Economy related assumptions Electricity charges growth rate 5% Increase in Salaries 10% Oil/Diesel and other consumables price growth rates 10% Increase in Misc. Expenses 10% Cash Flow Assumptions Sales on Credit - as %age of total Sales on Cash - as %age of total Accounts Receivable period (days) - only for 30% credit sales Provision for bed debts (only on 30% credit sales) Inventory (Raw Material) Finished Goods Inventory (Days) PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 30% 70% 2 2% 7 7 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS MANUFACTURING COST AND REVENUE SHEET 1. REVENUE CALCULATION Production Rated capacity of the Block Making Plant No. of Operating Hours - Single Shift Basis Estimated Optimal Production Expected Capacity Utilization (At the beginning of the project) Annual Capacity Utilization Growth Rate 500 sq.ft. of concrete / hr. 8 Hrs / Day 4,000 sq.ft. of concrete / day 50% 5% Expected Concrete Production at the beginning of the project Expected Blocks Production at the beginning of the project 2,000 sq.ft. of concrete / day Blocks/day Sales prices of differe categories of construction blocks No. of Blocks Produced (Approximately) Size Masonry Block 4”x8”x12” Solid Block 5”x8”x12” Solid Block 6”x8”x12” Solid Block 5”x8”x16” Hollow Block 450 840 300 225 15 16 17 23 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Fair Face Blocks 90x190x390 mm 300x300x40mm Pavers 6”x12”x12” 305 144 600 2,864 Solid Block Kerb Stone/Block Total Blocks Produced Construction Block Category 28 Rs. 40 Rs. 90 Rs. Production Assumptions Masonry Block Solid Block 15% Solid Block 28% Solid Block 10% Hollow Block 10% Fair Face Blocks 2% Solid Block 5% Pavers 30% Kerb Stone/Block Construction Block Category Blocks Produced / Day 100% Production in Rupees Masonry Block Solid Block Solid Block Solid Block Hollow Block 450 840 300 225 6,750 13,440 5,100 5,175 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. 305 144 600 8,533 Rs. 5,760 Rs. 54,000 Rs. Fair Face Blocks Solid Block Pavers Kerb Stone/Block Total Value of Blocks Produced per Day 2864 98,758 Rs. Total Value of Blocks Produced per Month 2,567,717 Rs. Gross Annual Sales 30,812,600 Rs. Provision for Finished Goods Inventory Estimated Finished Goods Inventory at the end of the Year 7 Days 396,695 Rs Total Realised Gross Annual Sales Sales on Credit 30% of the total Sales on Cash 70% of the total 30,812,600 Rs. 2. COST CALCULATION - for 4000 blocks RAW MATERIAL Description Raw Material Required/Block Water 16.5 Cement 0.6 Sand (Bajri) 1.18 Crushed stone 0.295 Total Raw Material Cost 5,900 Cost 2700 12500 4500 3500 23200 Quantity 66000 50 bags 4720 1180 sq.ft. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs./day OTHER CONSUMABLES Forklift approximate Fuel Consumption Dumper/Truck approximate Fuel Consumption Electricity Charges (including all taxex) Block Making Plant approximate Electricity Comsumption 50 75 7.00 40 1 K.W.H* APPROX. NUMBER OF OPERATIONAL HOURS FOR BLOCK MAKING MACHINERY/VEHICLES Plant & Machinery Vehicles - Electricity Consumption Fuel & Other Consumables Total Other Consumables Total Cost / day Total Cost / Month TOTAL ANNUAL COST Total Annual Sales Total Annual Cost of Raw Material and other consumables PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 Liter/hr. Liter/hr. Rs. / KWH KW / hr. 8 hr. 6 hr. 320 750 30,740 53,940 1,402,440 KW/day Liter/day Rs./day Rs. / day Rs. / month 16,829,280 Rs. / annum 30,812,600 16,829,280 Difference 13,983,320 Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS MANUFACTURING Projected Income Statement (Rs.) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Net (Adjusted Sales) 30,233,409 33,930,278 37,408,136 41,242,476 45,469,835 50,130,499 55,268,883 60,933,951 67,179,689 74,065,617 Cost of Sales 17,801,280 19,617,481 21,619,315 23,825,772 26,257,785 28,938,432 31,893,150 35,149,982 38,739,840 42,696,800 Fuel & Electricity Consumed During Production Labor (Production Staff) Other Utilities 16,829,280 852,000 120,000 18,554,281 937,200 126,000 20,456,095 1,030,920 132,300 22,552,845 1,134,012 138,915 24,864,511 1,247,413 145,861 27,413,124 1,372,155 153,154 30,222,969 1,509,370 160,811 33,320,823 1,660,307 168,852 36,736,208 1,826,338 177,295 40,501,669 2,008,971 186,159 Gross Profit Gross Profit Margin 12,432,129 41% 14,312,797 42% 15,788,821 42% 17,416,704 42% 19,212,050 42% 21,192,067 42% 23,375,732 42% 25,783,969 42% 28,439,849 42% 31,368,817 42% General Administrative & Selling Expenses Salaries Lease Charges of Land - Quarry / Excavation Factory/Office Miscellaneous Expenses Amortization of Preliminary Expenses Depreciation Expense Maintenance Expense Selling & Distribution 180,000 31,500 60,000 60,000 3,983,000 1,059,000 604,668 198,000 32,445 66,000 60,000 3,584,700 1,059,000 678,606 217,800 33,418 72,600 60,000 3,226,230 1,059,000 748,163 239,580 34,421 79,860 60,000 2,903,607 1,059,000 824,850 263,538 35,454 87,846 60,000 2,613,246 1,059,000 909,397 289,892 36,517 96,631 2,372,272 1,059,000 1,002,610 318,881 37,613 106,294 2,135,045 1,059,000 1,105,378 350,769 38,741 116,923 1,921,540 1,059,000 1,218,679 385,846 39,903 128,615 1,729,386 1,059,000 1,343,594 424,431 41,100 141,477 1,556,447 1,059,000 1,481,312 Subtotal Operating Income 5,978,168 6,453,961 5,678,751 8,634,046 5,417,211 10,371,610 5,201,317 12,215,386 5,028,481 14,183,569 4,856,921 16,335,146 4,762,209 18,613,523 4,705,652 21,078,316 4,686,344 23,753,505 4,703,768 26,665,049 Financial Charges (15% Per Annum) 3,018,969 2,516,684 1,933,654 1,256,900 471,355 Earnings Before Taxes Tax Net Profit 3,434,992 858,748 2,576,244 6,117,363 1,529,341 4,588,022 8,437,956 2,109,489 6,328,467 10,958,486 2,739,622 8,218,865 13,712,214 3,428,054 10,284,161 16,335,146 4,083,787 12,251,360 18,613,523 4,653,381 13,960,142 21,078,316 5,269,579 15,808,737 23,753,505 5,938,376 17,815,129 26,665,049 9,205,267 17,459,782 214,687 382,335 527,372 684,905 857,013 1,020,947 1,163,345 1,317,395 1,484,594 1,454,982 Monthly Profit After Tax PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 - - - Year 10 - - Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS MANUFACTURING Projected Balance Sheet (Rs.) Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 2,671,640 238,380 0 0 3,286,008 701,220 396,695 1,520,795 6,603,692 773,095 437,309 1,696,514 9,710,622 852,337 482,080 1,870,407 12,678,042 939,702 531,436 2,062,124 14,897,694 1,036,021 585,844 2,273,492 22,622,121 1,142,213 645,824 2,506,525 30,777,191 1,259,290 711,944 2,763,444 38,022,249 1,388,368 784,833 3,046,698 45,031,816 1,530,675 865,185 3,358,984 49,254,776 1,687,570 953,764 3,703,281 Total Current Assets 2,910,020 5,904,719 9,510,610 12,915,447 16,211,304 18,793,052 26,916,683 35,511,870 43,242,147 50,786,662 55,599,391 Fixed Assets Plant Machinery & Facility Factory Construction 35,300,000 4,070,000 31,770,000 3,663,000 28,593,000 3,296,700 25,733,700 2,967,030 23,160,330 2,670,327 20,844,297 2,606,794 18,759,867 2,346,115 16,883,881 2,111,503 15,195,493 1,900,353 13,675,943 1,710,318 12,308,349 1,742,786 Furniture & Fixtures Vehicle Total Fixed Assets 60,000 400,000 39,830,000 54,000 360,000 35,847,000 48,600 324,000 32,262,300 43,740 291,600 29,036,070 39,366 262,440 26,132,463 35,429 236,196 23,722,717 31,886 212,576 21,350,445 28,698 191,319 19,215,401 25,828 172,187 17,293,860 23,245 154,968 15,564,474 20,921 139,471 14,211,527 300,000 240,000 180,000 120,000 60,000 - - - - Total Assets 43,040,020 41,991,719 41,952,910 42,071,517 42,403,767 42,515,768 48,267,128 54,727,270 60,536,007 66,351,136 69,810,918 Owner's Equity 21,520,010 23,596,254 27,184,276 31,512,743 36,731,608 42,515,768 48,267,128 54,727,270 60,536,007 66,351,136 69,810,918 Long Term Liability 21,520,010 18,395,464 14,768,634 10,558,773 5,672,159 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Equity & Liabilities 43,040,020 41,991,719 41,952,910 42,071,517 42,403,767 42,515,768 48,267,128 54,727,270 60,536,007 66,351,136 69,810,918 Assets Current Assets Cash & Bank Balance Fuel Inventoriy (Diesel) Finished Goods Inventory Accounts Receivable Intangible Assets Preliminary Expenses PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 - - Pre-Feasibility Report Prefabricated Construction Blocks PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION BLOCKS MANUFACTURING Projected Statement of Cash Flows (Rs.) Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 0 0 0 - 2,576,244 3,983,000 60,000 (1,520,795) (462,840) (396,695) 4,238,914 4,588,022 3,584,700 60,000 (175,719) (71,875) (40,613) 7,944,515 6,328,467 3,226,230 60,000 (173,893) (79,242) (44,772) 9,316,790 8,218,865 2,903,607 60,000 (191,717) (87,365) (49,355) 10,854,035 10,284,161 2,613,246 60,000 (211,368) (96,319) (54,409) 12,595,311 12,251,360 2,372,272 (233,033) (106,192) (59,979) 14,224,427 13,960,142 2,135,045 (256,919) (117,077) (66,120) 15,655,071 15,808,737 1,921,540 (283,253) (129,077) (72,890) 17,245,057 17,815,129 1,729,386 (312,287) (142,308) (80,352) 19,009,568 17,459,782 1,556,447 (344,296) (156,894) (88,579) 18,426,460 Cash Flow From Operating Activities Net Profit Add: Depreciation Expense Amortization Expense (Increase) / decrease in Receivables (Increase) / decrease in RM (Increase) / decrease in FG Inventory Net Cash Flow From Operations 0 Cash Flow From Financing Activities Receipt of Long Term Debt Repayment of Long Term Debt Owner's Equity 21,520,010 21,520,010 (3,124,546) (500,000) (3,626,831) (1,000,000) (4,209,860) (2,000,000) (4,886,614) (3,000,000) (5,672,159) (4,500,000) (6,500,000) (7,500,000) (10,000,000) (12,000,000) (14,000,000) Net Cash Flow From Financing Activities 43,040,020 (3,624,546) (4,626,831) (6,209,860) (7,886,614) (10,172,159) (6,500,000) (7,500,000) (10,000,000) (12,000,000) (14,000,000) Cash Flow From Investing Activities Capital Expenditure Factory/Office Furniture Preliminary Operating Expenses Raw Material Inventory (15 Days) (39,770,000) (60,000) (300,000) (238,380) Net Cash Flow From Investing Activities (40,368,380) 0 0 0 0 (203,500) 0 0 0 0 (203,500) NET CASH FLOW 2,671,640 614,368 3,317,684 3,106,930 2,967,420 2,219,652 7,724,427 8,155,071 7,245,057 7,009,568 4,222,960 Cash at the Beginning of the Period Cash at the End of the Period 0 2,671,640 2,671,640 3,286,008 3,286,008 6,603,692 6,603,692 9,710,622 9,710,622 12,678,042 12,678,042 14,897,694 14,897,694 22,622,121 22,622,121 30,777,191 30,777,191 38,022,249 38,022,249 45,031,816 45,031,816 49,254,776 PREF-X/Dec, 2006/Rev1 (203,500) (203,500)