Business Administration Course Outline COURSE NUMBER: BUAD 380 COURSE TITLE: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II CREDITS: 3 CALENDAR DESCRIPTION: This course fully explores strategic management processes and analytical techniques. Students will conduct strategic analysis of a variety of business case studies, from small and mid-sized firms to large corporations. Whereas the prerequisite to this course concentrated on strategy formulation, the focus of this course is on strategic planning, implementing strategy and managing change. SEMESTER & YEAR: Winter 2010 PREREQUISITE: BUAD 340 with a minimum grade of 60% CO-REQUISITE: None PREREQUISITE TO: None FINAL EXAM: No HOURS PER WEEK: 3 GRADUATION REQUIREMENT: Elective – BBA, Management option SUBSTITUTABLE COURSES: None TRANSFER CREDIT: SPECIAL NOTES: DEVELOPMENT DATE: September 2004 REVISION DATE: January 2010 DEPARTMENT CHAIR’S SIGNATURE: (Approval on file) BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 PROFESSOR: Blair Baldwin (250) 762-5445 #4315 Office Hours: By appointment Office: E220 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course fully explores strategic management processes and analytical techniques. Students will conduct strategic analysis of a variety of business case studies, from small and mid-sized firms to large corporations. Whereas the prerequisite to this course concentrated on strategy formulation, the focus of this course is on strategic planning, implementing strategy and managing change. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to: • Apply current planning and policy concepts and implement strategy • Use case analysis methodology to solve any business problem and make managerial decisions • Apply competitive analysis techniques (e.g. SWOT, BCG/ portfolio analysis, stakeholder analysis, industry segmentation, life cycle analysis, critical success factor analysis, building sustainable competitive advantage, benchmarking) • Apply principles of integrated resource management (operations, finance, human resource and marketing management) • Understand how corporate culture, leadership style and behaviour affect management strategy • Understand how organizational design, change and development affect management strategy • Develop the framework of an organizational performance management system using principles from the Balanced Scorecard • Participate knowledgeably in strategic planning processes REQUIRED TEXTS AND MATERIALS: 1. Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. and Gamble, J.E. (2005). Crafting and Executing th th Strategy: Text and Readings, 14 or 15 edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin. (This is the same text that you used in the prerequisite to this course, BUAD 340: Strategic Management I.) 2. Olve, Nils-Goran and Sjostrand, Anna (2006). Balanced Scorecard. Capstone Publishing Company (A Wiley Company) 3. Selected Cases available for purchase in a custom course pack (bookstore). 4. Library Course Reserve: Articles posted on the Library course reserve for BUAD 380 RECOMMENDED READING (OC LIBRARY RESERVE) 1. Fry & Stoner (1995). Strategic Planning for the New and Small Business, Upstart Publishing Co. -2- BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 COURSE EVALUATION: Assignments 40% Assignment 1 – Team Charter 5% Assignment 2 – Analysis of a Strategic Plan 15% Assignment 3 – Development of a Strategic Plan 20% Team Case Analyses 25% Written Submission – See schedule 10% Oral Presentation – See schedule 10% Board Evaluations – See schedule 5% Exams and Quizzes* 25% Mid-term Exam Balanced Scorecard Quiz 20% 5% Peer Performance Appraisals (2 minimum) 10% TOTAL 100% Case Study Schedule Date Case Written Reports Oral Presentations Board Evaluations Feb 3 KTM – Ready to Race Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Feb 10 Rayovac Corporation Team 2 Team 3 Team 1 Mar 10 Lenox-Martell Company Team 3 Team 1 Team 2 Mar 19 Killer Coke: The Campaign… Mar 26 – Apr 9 Strategic Plan for KTM All Teams Prepare for In-class Discussion March 26 -3- All Teams March 26 – April 9 Professor BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 COURSE SCHEDULE: Topic, Readings, Cases & Assignments Key to abbreviations: TS=Thompson/Strickland text SC=Selected Cases Week 1 2 LCS Library Course Site BSC=Balanced Scorecard Wed. Subject Class Introduction Review of Strategy Formulation & Case Analysis Overview of Course Jan 6 Team Formation Michael Porter Video Part I Lesson One PPT Review of Strategy Formulation & Case Analysis Lesson Two PPT Michael Porter Video Part II TS chapter 2: The Managerial Process of Crafting and Executing Strategy TS chapter 3: Evaluating a Company’s External Environment TS chapter 4: Evaluating a Company’s resources and Competitive Position Jan 13 LSC: Building Your Company’s Vision LSC: O’Brien & Meadows, Corporate Visioning: a Survey of UK Practice Review of Competitive Strategy, Diversification & Portfolio Analysis Models Lesson Three PPT TS Chapters 6 – 9 Assignment 1 components due: Vision, Mission … Organization 3 Jan 20 Assignment 2 begins: Analysis of Tourism BC Strategic Plan 4 Jan 27 Assignment 2 due: Analysis of Tourism BC Strategic Plan In-Class Team Discussions of the results of Assignment Two Lesson 4 PPT 5 6 7 Strategic Planning II TS chapter 5: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies TS chapter 6: Supplementing the Chosen Competitive Strategy TS chapter 7: Competing in Foreign Markets TS chapter 8: Tailoring Strategy to Fit Specific Industry and Company Situations Feb 3 LSC: Mishra, TMS Strategic Planning: A journey and a Destination LSC: Bowen, Breaking Through: When you’re planning the future, your goals… Lesson Five PPT Selected Case: KTM Oral Presentation; Written Report and Board Evaluation Begin Assignment 3: Develop a Strategic Plan for KTM Organizational Structures and Systems TS chapter 11: Building an Organization Capable of Good Strategy Execution Lesson Six PPT BSC Chapter 1: Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard Feb 10 BSC Chapter 2: Definition of Terms: What is a Balanced Scorecard BSC Chapter 3: Evolution Selected Case: Rayovac Corporation: International Growth and Diversification Oral Presentation; Written Report and Board Evaluation Feb 17 READING BREAK -4- BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 COURSE SCHEDULE: 8 9 10 11 Linking Implementation to Strategy – Developing an Organizational Performance Management Plan TS chapter 12: Managing Internal Operations: Actions that Promote Better Strategy… Feb 24 Lesson Eight PPT BSC Chapter 4: The E-Dimension BSC Chapter 5: The Global Dimension BSC Chapter 6: The State of the Art First Management Evaluations Due Mid-term Exam (3 Hours) Case to Be Given out Only at the Exam Mar 3 The Role of Leadership & Corporate Culture in Strategic Management TS chapter 13: Corporate Culture and Leadership – Keys to Good Strategy… Lesson Nine PPT Mar 10 BSC Chapter 7: In Practice BSC Chapter 8: Key Concepts and Thinkers Selected Case: Lenox-Martell Company: Real City Soda Oral Presentation; Written Report and Board Evaluation Strategy, Ethics and Social Responsibility TS chapter 10: Strategy, Ethics and Social Responsibility Lesson Eleven PPT Mar 17 BSC Chapter 9: Resources BSC: Chapter 10: Ten Steps to Making the BSC Work Selected Case: Killer Coke: The Campaign Against Coca-Cola In Class Discussion 12 Mar 24 Special Topic: Managing Strategic Change Assignment 3 due: Written Report Oral Presentations Begin – Attendance Mandatory 13 Mar 31 Assignment 3 due: Oral Presentations Continue – Attendance Mandatory Handout Lesson Twelve PPT 14 Apr 7 Last Class – Strategic Execution of a Wine Tourism Event Second Management Evaluations Due 15 – 26 FINAL EXAM PERIOD -5- BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 EVALUATION DETAILS: 1. Strategic Planning Assignments (40% of grade) During the semester, there are three strategic planning assignments. The first assignment is your team Charter and is worth 5 marks. Assignment 1 contains the following components: company vision, mission and values; company name, logo and organizational structure (chart and job descriptions); a method and rationale for appraising team members’ performance; and weekly meeting minutes. (Refer to Assignment 1 handout for details.) The second assignment is the team’s Analysis of a Strategic Plan and is worth 15 marks. Your team is expected to analyze the strategic plan prepared for Tourism B.C. (Refer to handout for details.) The third assignment, Development of a Strategic Plan, is the major project for this course and replaces a final examination. It is worth 20 marks in total, 15 for the written submission and five for the oral presentation. (Refer to assign. 3 handout for details.) 2. Team Case Analyses (25% of grade) Each team (4-5 members) is responsible for one written submission (10 marks), one oral presentation (10 marks) and one Board evaluation (5 marks). Refer to the case study schedule of dates (above) for your team’s responsibilities. All of these cases are in your Thompson and Strickland text. Written and oral presentation expectations follow. Written Report a. Each team will submit one case analysis for grading. All team members will receive the same mark. It is expected that all team members will fully participate in the discussion and the preparation of each case. b. The written report must adhere to the standard Case Analysis Report Format (handout). c. The case analysis is limited to 10 pages, double-spaced with appropriate headings and subheadings. Supplementary or illustrative materials, and tables or diagrams are to be included in appendices. There is no limit to the number of appendices, but all material in the appendices must be referred to in the body of the report and must support your arguments. d. Your report must have a title page, which includes the names and titles of each team management member. The report is to be generated using MS Word software. e. The team report must be submitted in hard copy and as an e-mail attachment [in MS Word] via the Blackboard for BUAD 380. Oral Presentation a. Each team will present one case analysis for grading. All team members will receive the same mark (No marks will be awarded to absentee members.) b. These full case presentations will take approximately 45 minutes and should not exceed 60 minutes, including the question period. c. Teams not presenting are expected to ask relevant questions of the presenters during the question period following each presentation. Your contribution will become part of your class participation grade. d. Visual aids are required to illustrate the main points of the presentation. Both an overhead projector and PowerPoint equipment will be available. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure the equipment is set up properly and everyone is familiar with its operation. e. Each team is responsible for submitting a handout [3 slides per page] of its PowerPoint slides to the professor prior to the actual presentation. -6- BUAD 380 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT II Winter 2010 EVALUATION DETAILS: Board Evaluation a. Each team will evaluate the content and quality of one case presentation. All team members will receive the same mark (Exception: no marks will be awarded to absentee or non-contributing members.) b. Your team will function as a ‘Board of Directors’, and as such, is expected to pose planned and relevant questions to the presenting team. Board members are to be fully familiar with the case and its analysis. c. Before the end of the class session, the Board of Directors team will complete and submit a formal evaluation of the presentation quality (grading sheets will be provided). The professor will grade the quality of these team evaluations and provide a copy to the presenting team. d. The professor will facilitate the question and answer period, and will provide ample opportunity for other class members to participate. 3. Exams and Quizzes (25% of grade) During the term, there will be a mid-term examination (20 marks) and a Balanced Scorecard quiz (5 marks). There is no final examination because of the time required to develop the strategic plan, which is the major project for the course. The examinations are to test your comprehension of strategic management concepts, and your application of critical thinking and problem-solving skills to ‘real-life’ situations. You must achieve a passing grade average in this evaluation component to pass this course. 4. Peer Performance Appraisals (10% of grade) Each team member’s performance is evaluated by the management team and based on the performance evaluation method selected and submitted on week 4. The timing of mid and final term appraisal submissions are documented in your weekly schedule. The appraisal assessment awarded by the team for each member must be converted to a mark out of 10. Rules for Resolving Team Disputes One of the objectives of this course is to enhance the students’ awareness of the skills and sacrifices that may be needed to develop as an effective team member. If any team member does not pull his/her weight, the Management Team, after taking reasonable efforts to encourage this person’s involvement, and having documented said noncontribution and the stages of disciplinary actions taken, may apply to the professor to have this person fired. The professor will be available to assist in counseling and dispute resolution at any stage. Having followed due process and in the case of Just Cause, the person will be terminated from their position and not be eligible for any further team marks. It is the prerogative of the professor to determine what further action will be taken at that time, and whether or not the student will be required to withdraw from the course. -7- SKILLS ACROSS THE BUSINESS CURRICULUM The Okanagan School of Business promotes core skills across the curriculum. These skills include reading, written and oral communications, computers, small business, and academic standards of ethics, honesty and integrity. STUDENT CONDUCT AND ACADEMIC HONESTY What is the Disruption of Instructional Activities? At Okanagan College (OC), disruption of instructional activities includes student “conduct which interferes with examinations, lectures, seminars, tutorials, group meetings, other related activities, and with students using the study facilities of OC”, as well as conduct that leads to property damage, assault, discrimination, harassment and fraud. Penalties for disruption of instructional activities include a range of sanctions from a warning and/or a failing grade on an assignment, examination or course to suspension from OC. What is Cheating? “Cheating includes but is not limited to dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct during tests or examinations in which the use is made of books, notes, diagrams or other aids excluding those authorized by the examiner. It includes communicating with others for the purpose of obtaining information, copying from the work of others and purposely exposing or conveying information to other students who are taking the test or examination.” Students must submit independently written work. Students may not write joint or collaborative assignments with other students unless the instructor approves it in advance as a group/team project. Students who share their work with other students are equally involved in cheating. What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is defined as “the presentation of another person’s work or ideas without proper or complete acknowledgement.” It is the serious academic offence of reproducing someone else’s work, including words, ideas and media, without permission for course credit towards a certificate, diploma, degree and/or professional designation. The defining characteristic is that the work is not yours. “Intentional plagiarism is the deliberate presentation of another’s work or ideas as one’s own.” Intentional plagiarism can be a copy of material from a journal article, a book chapter, data from the Internet, another student, work submitted for credit in another course or from other sources. “Unintentional plagiarism is the inadvertent presentation of another’s work or ideas without proper acknowledgement because of poor or inadequate practices. Unintentional plagiarism is a failure of scholarship; intentional plagiarism is an act of deceit.” What are the Students’ Responsibilities to Avoid Plagiarism? Students have a responsibility to read the OC Plagiarism Policy and Procedures outlined in the OC calendar which is available in printed and online format Students must acknowledge the sources of information used on all their assignments. This usually involves putting the authors’ name and the year of publication in parentheses after the sentence in which you used the material, then at the end of your paper, writing out the complete references in a Reference section. “Students are responsible for learning and applying the proper scholarly practices for acknowledging the work and ideas of others. Students who are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism should refer to the UBC publication “Plagiarism Avoided; Taking Responsibility for your Work”. This guide is available in OC bookstores and libraries. Students are expected to understand research and writing techniques and documentation styles. The Okanagan School of Business requires the use of the APA or MLA style, but suggests that students cite references using the APA guidelines (see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (2001). A copy of the APA manual is available in the reference section and also available for circulation from OC libraries. The library website has access to these two major citing styles. What are the Penalties for Plagiarism and Cheating? The Okanagan School of Business does not tolerate plagiarism or cheating. All professors actively check for plagiarism and cheating and the Okanagan School of Business subscribes to an electronic plagiarism detection service. All incidents of plagiarism or cheating are reported and result in a formal letter of reprimand outlining the nature of the infraction, the evidence and the penalty. The Dean of the Okanagan School of Business and the Registrar record and monitor all instances of plagiarism and cheating. Penalties for plagiarism and cheating reflect the seriousness and circumstances of the offence and the range of penalties includes suspension or expulsion from OC. -8-