Module 1: The Birth of the Global Economy

 Module 1: The Birth of the Global Economy
A short History of Modern Economic Thought
Wed 3 Sep
Welcome to the Anthropocene (2012, 3min38). Available at:
Ahmed, Nafeez, 2014. Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for ‘irreversible collapse’? (The
Guardian, March 2014).
Johan Rockström: Planetary Boundaries (2012, 4min02). Available at:
Ehrlich, R. Paul & Ehrlich, H. Anne, 2013. Can a collapse of global civilization be avoided?
Raworth, Kate, 2012. A Safe and Just Space for Humanity: Can we live within the doughnut? Oxfam Discussion
Papers (February 2012).
Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms (2010, 11min40). Available at:
Colander, David, 2013. Chapter 1: Economics and Economic Reasoning, in Economics.
Chapter 1: The Economic Problem, in Boyle, David & Simms, Andrew, 2009. The New Economics: A Bigger
Open Letter: An international student call for pluralism in economics (May 2014).
Mon 8 Sep
Back to the Future of Economic Thought
Schumpeter, Joseph, 1954. Chapter 1: Introduction and Plan - Why do we study the history of economics? And
is economics a science? In History of Economic Analysis.
Blaug, Mark, 2013. “Economics”, Encyclopædia Britannica online.
Heinberg, Richard, 2011. Chapter 1: The Great Balloon Race - Economic History in Ten Minutes, Economics for
the Hurried & 20thCentury Economics, in The End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality.
Smith, Adam, 1776. Chapter 1: Of the Division of Labour, in An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations.
Keynes, John Maynard, 1930. Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren.
Wed 10 Sep
Course Introduction: The Semester of Thinking Dangerously
A Brief World History of Globalisation
Steger, Manfred B., 2003. Chapter 1: Globalization: a contested concept and Chapter 2: Is globalization a new
phenomenon? in Globalization: A Very Short Introduction.
Globalization (2011, 8min10). Available at:
Anon., 2013. When did globalisation start? (The Economist, September 2013).
Crash Course World History: Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution (2012, 11min04). Available at:
Stearns, Peter N., 2010. Chapter 6: Globalization since the 1940s – A new global history? in Globalization in
World History.
Mon 15 Sep
Comparative Economic Systems: Capitalism(s) & Socialism(s)
Boettke, J. Peter & Heilbroner, L. Robert, 2012. “economic systems”, Encyclopædia Britannica online.
Crash Course World History: Capitalism and Socialism (2012, 14min03). Available at:
Fukuyama, Francis, 1989. The End of History? (The National Interest, Summer 1989).
Einstein, Albert, 1949. Why Socialism? (Monthly Review, May 1949).
Milton Friedman: Socialism vs. Capitalism (1979, 2min29). Available at:
Eisler, Riane, n.d.. Roadmap to a New Economics: Beyond Capitalism and Socialism.
Schweickart, David, 2009. A New Capitalism – or a New World?
Wed 24 Sep
Workshop 1: The Art of Critical Thinking
Barr, Stringfellow, 1968. Notes on Dialogues.
Lett, James, 1990. A Field Guide to Critical Thinking. Skeptical Inquirer, Volume 14.4 (Fall 1990).
Braithwaite, Jason, 2006. Critical Thinking, Logic and Reason: A Practical Guide for Students and Academics.
Excerpt from Book I: Dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus in Plato, 380BC, The Republic.
Scene from 12 Angry Men (1957, 10min). Available at: (from
37min48 to 47min56).
Mon 22 Sep
The (Real) Wealth of Nations: What is Development?
Harry S. Truman: “Four Point” Speech (January 20, 1949).
Esteva, Gustavo, 2010. “Development” in Sachs, Wolfgang ed., 2010. The Development Dictionary.
Jackson, Tim, 2009. Chapter 3: Redefining Prosperity, in Prosperity without growth? The transition to a
sustainable economy.
Chapter 3: Measurement, in Boyle, D. & Simms, A., 2009. The New Economics: A Bigger Picture.
Max-Neef, Manfred, 2009. From knowledge to understanding – navigations and returns, in Hällström, Niclas
ed., What Next, Vol. II: The Case for Pluralism.
Wed 17 Sep
Thinking Like a Political Economist in the Ordinary Business of Life
Mankiw, Gregory, 2011. Chapter 1: Ten principles of economics, in Principles of Economics..
The Economic Way of Thinking – Interview with Anthony Carilli (2012, 5min). Available at:
Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner: Superfreakonomics (2010, 10min30). Available at:
Becker, Victor A., 2011. On the economic crisis and the crisis of economics. real-world economics review, issue
no. 56, pp. 72-94.
Söderbaum, Peter, 2012. Democracy and sustainable development: Implications for science and economics.
real-world economics review, issue no. 60, pp. 107-119.
Fullbrook, Edward, 2013. New paradigm economics. real-world economics review, issue no. 65, pp. 129-131.
Mon 29 Sep
Thinking Like a Political Economist about Inequality
Krugman, Paul & Wells, Robin, 2013. Chapter 2: Graphs in Economics, in Economics (3rd Edition).
Gosepath, Stefan, 2007. “Equality”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy online.
Hanauer, Nick, 2014. The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats (Politicomagazine, July/August 2014).
Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies (2011, 16min54). Available at:
Thomas Piketty: Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014, start watching at 10min and stop at 37). Available
Module 2: Understanding Economies
Dynamics and Patterns of Social Ecological Systems
Mon 6 Oct
Meadows, Donella, 1999. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, Sustainability Institute (December
Coghlan, Andy & MacKenzie, Debora, 2011. Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world (New
Scientist, October 2011).
The Crisis of Credit Visualized (2011, 11min10). Available at:
Hill, Rod & Myatt, Tony, 2010. Postscript: a case study on the global financial meltdown, in The Economics
Anti-textbook: A Critical Thinker’s Guide to Microeconomics.
Froese, Robert, 2011. The Limits of Inside Job: Crisis, Ideology, and the Burden of Capitalism, Studies in
Political Economy, Vol. 88, pp. 59-75.
Wed 8 Oct
Introduction to System Thinking & Inside Job (2010)
The Economic Crises of Today
Ray, Michael, 2013. “Euro-zone debt crisis”, Encyclopædia Britannica online.
The European Debt Crisis Visualized (2014, 12min33). Available at:
Graeber, David, 2011. The Greek debt crisis in almost unimaginably long-term historical perspective, in Vradis,
A. & Dalakoglou, D. eds. Revolt and Crisis in Greece: Between a present yet to pass and a future still to come.
Goodwin, Neva, Nelson, Julie A. & Harris, Jonathan, 2009. Chapter 10: Fiscal Policy, in Macroeconomics in
Magnus, George, 2011. Give Karl Marx a Chance to Save the World Economy (Bloomberg, August 2011).
Mon 13 Oct
Workshop 2: International Trade and Climate Change
Stern, Nicholas, 2006. Summary of Conclusions, in Stern Review: The Economics of Climate Change, pp. vi-ix.
IPCC AR5: Mitigation of Climate Change (2014, 11min48). Available at:
Q&A: The Kyoto Protocol (BBC News online, September 2004).
Stilwell, Matthew, 2012. Climate debt – A primer, in What Next Vol. III.
Taschini, Lucas & Hicks, Naomi, 2013. Carbon tax v cap-and-trade: which is better? (The Guardian, Jan. 2013).
Mon 20 Oct
International Trade: Theories and Practices
Daly, Herman & Farley, Joshua, 2004. Chapter 18: International Trade, in Ecological Economics: Principles and
Chapter 8: Trade, in Boyle, D. & Simms, A., 2009. The New Economics: A Bigger Picture, pp.
WTO website: “What is the WTO?”, “What we stand for”, “Mission statement” and “The case for open trade”.
Clapp, Jennifer & Dauvergne, Peter, 2005. Chapter 5: Global Trade and the Environment, in Paths to a Green
Story of Stuff (2008, 21min24). Available at:
Wed 15 Oct
Global Common Goods – How to Manage Shared Properties
Hardin, Garrett, 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons, Science, Vol. 162, pp. 1243-1248.
Felice, Flavio & Vatiero, Massimiliano, 2012. Elinor Ostrom and the solution to the tragedy of the commons,
(American Enterprise Institute, June 2012).
Elinor Ostrom: Prize Lecture, “Beyond Markets and States” (2009, 28min). Available at:
Heller, Michael, 2012. The tragedy of the anticommons, in Bollier, David & Helfrich, Silke (eds.), 2012. The
Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market & State.
Chapter 5: Take Back Property – Commoning, in Gibson-Graham, J.K. et al., 2013. Take Back the Economy: An
Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities.
Wed 22 Oct
China’s Development and Global Impacts
Guthrie, Doug, 2009. Chapter 1: Globalization and the Economics of Radical Change in China, in China and
Globalization: the social, economic and political transformation of Chinese society.
World Bank, 2013. China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative Society – Executive Summary.
Keyu Jin at LSE: China’s Role in the Global Economy: myths and realities (2014, first 40min). Available at:
Liu, Jianguo & Matsler, Marissa, 2008. China’s Environment and Globalization: Unexpected Connections.
Schuman, Michael, 2012. Can Asian-style Capitalism Save the West? (Business Time online, March 2012).
Akugizibwe, Paula, 2012. The rise of ChinAfrica (Mail & Guardian online, July 2012).
Conference Addresses China’s Role in the Global Economy (2012, 5min17). Available at:
Mon 3 Nov
Journey to the Center of the World Food Economy
McMahon, Paul, 2014. Chapter 2: On the Brink, in Feeding Frenzy: The New Politics of Food.
Documentary: The Food Speculator (2012, 45min). Available at:
How to feed the world? (2011, 9min04). Available at:
Helbling, Thomas & Roache, Shaun, 2011. Rising Prices on the Menu: Higher food prices may be here to stay.
Finance & Development (March 2011), pp. 24-27.
Sen, Amartya, 1980. Famines. World Development, Vol. 8, Issue 9, pp. 613-621.
Jonathan Foley: Future of Food, A Plan to Feed the World (2014, 8min29). Available at:
Wed 29 Oct
Gender, Development and Informal Economies
Becker, Kristina F., 2004. The informal economy development, definitions and composition, The Informal
Economy, SIDA (March 2004), pp. 8-21.
Muhammad Yunus: A History of Micro-finance (2012, 23min46). Available at:
Robert Neuwirth: The power of the informal economy (2012, 12min29). Available at:
Sharma, Ritu & Keefe, Joe, 2011. A Solution For A Struggling Global Economy: Gender Equality (Forbes online,
October 2011).
Kinyanjui, Mary N. & Dawa, Fredrick O., n.d.. Green Economy and Sustainable Development: Which Way for the
Informal Economy? News & Views UNRISD.
UNU Policy Brief – Women in the Informal Economy: Experiments in Governance from Emerging Countries.
Sweetman, Caroline, 2008. Feminist Economics, From Poverty to Power: How Active Citizens and Effective
States Can Change the World, Oxfam International.
Wed 5 Nov
Development Policy and Foreign Aid
Perkins, Dwight H. et al., 2013. Chapter 1: Patterns of Development, in Economics of Development.
Escobar, Arturo, 1995. Introduction: Development and the Anthropology of Modernity, in Encountering
Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World.
UNICEF UK: What are the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)?
United Nations Development Program: Human Development Report 2014 – Overview.
United Nations: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 – Overview.
Riddell, Roger C., 2007. Chapter 6: The Political and Commercial Dimensions of Aid, in Does Foreign Aid Really
Work? Pp.
Slavoj Zizek: First as a Tragedy, Then as a Farce (2010, 10min57). Available at:
Oxfam: Does aid work? (2010, 2min34). Available at:
Module 3: Possible (R)evolution(s)
Perspectives on Alternative Economies
Wed 12 Nov
Tim Jackson: An economic reality check (2010, 24min31). Available at:
Costanza, Robert et al., 2012. What would a sustainable and desirable economy-in-society-in-nature look like?
in Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature, pp. 18-28.
Dietz, Rob & O’Neill, Dan, 2013. Chapter 15 - Enough Waiting: Taking Action to Start the Transition, in Enough
is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources.
Daly, Herman, 2013. Top 10 Policies for a Steady-State Economy, The Daly News, October 2013.
Demaria, Frederico et al., 2012. What is Degrowth? From an Activist Slogan to a Social Movement, pp. 191215.
Mon 17 Nov
Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity
Transition Towns and Community Resilience
Healy, Stephen, 2009. Economies, Alternative, in Thrift, NJ & Kitchin, R (eds.), International Encyclopedia of
Human Geography.
Rob Hopkins: Transition to a world without oil (2009, 17min57). Available at:
Chapter 9: Community, in Boyle, D. & Simms, A., 2009. The New Economics: A Bigger Picture, pp. 123-135.
Anderson, Teresa, 2012. Riding the wave – How Transition Towns are changing the world and having fun, in
What Next, Vol. 3.
Vandana Shiva: an interview (2012, 22min34). Available at:
Wed 19 Nov
Modernising Money: How we End the Crisis
Chapter 4: Money, in Boyle, D. & Simms, A., 2009. The New Economics: A Bigger Picture.
Graeber, David, 2009. Debt: The First 5000 Years, Mute, Vol. 2, No. 12.
Documentary: 97% owned (2012, 60min). Available at:
Positive Money, 2014. Executive Summary, in Creating a Sovereign Monetary System, pp. 6-10.
Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance: “The Islamic Financial System”, “What is Islamic Banking” and
“Islamic Banking Principles”.
Wed 26 Nov
The Future of Work: Work More, Earn More?
Chapter 2: Take Back Work – Surviving Well, in Gibson-Graham, J.K. et al., 2013. Take Back the Economy: An
Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities.
Sanne, Christer, 2005. The Consumption of our Discontent, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 14,
pp. 315-323.
Graeber, David, 2013. On the phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs, Strike! Magazine online, (August 2013).
nef, 2010: 21 hours – Why a shorter working week can help us all to flourish in the 21st century.
new economics foundation (nef): About Time – 21 hours (2012, 4min). Available at:
Carton, Hugo, 2013. Living income for free and egalitarian societies. Momentum Institute discussion paper
(October 2013).
Mon 24 Nov
Workshop 3: Prototyping Alternative Economies
Chapter 1: Reframing the Economy, Reframing Ourselves, in Gibson-Graham, J.K. et al., 2013. Take Back the
Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities.
IDEO, 2009. Make Ideas Real, in Human-Centered Design Toolkit.
Hansen Kyvsgaard, Poul, 2012. Innovation and Learning Facilitated by Play, in Seel, N. ed., 2012.
Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, pp. 1569-1570.
Bernard Lietaer: Money Diversity (2011, 23min38). Available at:
Ken Webster: Circular Economy (2012, 19min21). Available at:
Wed 3 Dec
Happiness Economics: Life, Consumption and Well-Being
Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics, A short film (2012, 12min08). Available at:
Illich, Ivan, 2010. “Needs”, in Sachs, Wolfgang ed., 2010. The Development Dictionary.
Csikszentmihalyl, Mihaly, 2000. The cost and benefits of consuming, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 27,
pp. 267-272.
Tim Kasser: The High Price of Materialism (2011, 5min36). Available at:
Schor, Juliet, 2010. Tackling Turbo Consumption, Cultural Studies, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 588-598.
Nic Marks: The Happy Planet Index (2010, 16min49). Available at:
Kelly, Annie, 2012. Gross national happiness in Bhutan: the big idea from a tiny state that could change the
world (The Guardian online, December 2012).
Aldred, Jonathan, 2009. Chapter 5: Happiness, in The Skeptical Economist: Revealing the Ethics Inside
Mon 8 Dec
The Future of Business: Beyond Business As Usual
Porter, Michael E. & van der Linde, Claas, 1995. Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate, Harvard
Business Review, pp. 120-134.
Porter, Michael E. et al., 2012. Measuring Shared Value: How to Unlock Value by Linking Social and Business
Chapter 3: Take Back Business – Distributing Surplus, in Gibson-Graham, J.K. et al., 2013. Take Back the
Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities.
Patagonia advertisement: “Don’t buy this jacket” (2011).
Anon., 2012. Collaborative Manufacturing: All together now (The Economist online, April 2012).
Vitari, Claudio et al., 2012. Fast versus Slow Management.