Study Guide for Test 2 Psychology 101

Study Guide for Test 2
Psychology 101-13
**Please note: This is a study guide that I created for you to help guide you through THE
BOOK on what topics to study/read and which ones to NOT study/read. Therefore, this is only a
list of topics which should be used to help you study when you are determining which questions
to answer from your book’s study guide (the one you bought), or from the website and in general
which topics to read and brush up on. **
This test will cover the readings listed in your syllabus from chapters 6, 7, 8, & 11 from your
Chapter 6
Classical Conditioning
(be sure you really know this as well as all terms)
Operant Conditioning
(be sure you really know this as well as all terms)
Intermittent Reinforcement Schedules
Positive Versus Negative Reinforcement
DO NOT worry about the small sections on Recognizing biological constraints or Instinctive
drift (bottom of 243 through a little of 244)
DO NOT worry about Recognizing Cognitive Processes in Conditioning, Signal Relations,
Response-Outcome Relations sections (pg. 246-247)
Observational Learning
Chapter 7
Encoding: Getting Information into Memory
Role of Attention
Levels of Processing
Enriching Encoding
Storage: Maintaining Information in Memory
Sensory Memory
Short-term memory
Long-term Memory
How Knowledge is Represented & Organized in Memory
Retrieval: Getting Info. Out of Memory
Forgetting: When Memory Lapses
DO NOT worry about sections of How Quickly We Forget:…, or Measures of Forgetting
Why We Forget
Repressed Memories
DO NOT worry about … The Physiology of Memory section (pgs. 287-289)
Multiple Memory Systems
Chapter 8
Language: Turning Thoughts into Words
What is Lang.?
The Structure of Lang.
Learning More than One Lang.: Biligualism
DO NOT worry about sections Can Animals Develop Language? & Lang. in Evolutionary
Context (pgs. 310-311)
Theories of Lang. Acquisition
DO NOT worry about small section of Culture, Lang., & Thought (pg. 313-314)
DO NOT worry about Problem Solving or Decision Making (huge sections! Pg. 314-331) ** will
be 2 extra credit questions on this section
Chapter 11
Progress Before Birth: Prenatal Development
Environmental Factors & Prenatal Dev.
The Wondrous Years of Childhood
Easy & Difficult Babies: Differences in Temperament
Early Emotional Dev.: Attachment
Becoming Unique: Personality Development
Erikson’s Theory
Growth of Thought: Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Stage Theory
Are Some Cognitive Abilities Innate?
Development of Moral Reasoning
Kohlberg’s stage theory
Transition of Adolescence
DO NOT worry about huge section of Expanse of Adulthood (pg. 455-459)
Aging & Physical Changes
Aging & Cognitive Changes
On any section you are noticing that we did not cover in the book, I would suggest being
thoroughly familiar with any terms and being able to apply them!