Fourth Sunday of Advent St. Joseph and St. Ursula Parish December 21, 2014 ST. JOSEPH CHURCH ST. URSULA CHURCH 180 Wellington St. W. Chatham, ON 205 Tweedsmuir Ave. W. Chatham, ON N7M 5N8 Our“And Parish Office is located at 205 Tweedsmuir Avenue West. now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and Telephone: 519-352-8530 Fax: 519-352-9680 you will name him Jesus.” Luke 1: 31 Please visit our website at: Please visit our Facebook page at: Follow us on Twitter @stjosephursula SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00 p.m. - St. Ursula Sunday: 8:00 a.m. & 11 a.m. - St. Joseph Sunday: 9:30 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. - St. Ursula Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 20, 2015 WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Tuesday & Friday: 12 noon - St. Joseph Wednesday & Thursday: 9:30 a.m. - St. Ursula BAPTISM Please contact the office to make arrangements. Preparation required. RECONCILIATION Friday: 11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. - St. Joseph Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. - St. Ursula MARRIAGE Please contact the office 8 months in advance. HOLY ORDERS or RELIGIOUS LIFE Are you being called? To explore a possible vocation, make an appointment with Father Matt. PASTORAL TEAM Pastor: Rev. Matthew Kucharski Permanent Deacon: Deacon Jerry Lozon Permanent Deacon: Deacon Chris Masterson Pastoral Care Worker: Mary Jean Horne Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Sue McMath PARISH STAFF Secretary: Maureen Foster Secretary/Bookkeeper: Mardie Lessard Building Superintendent: Michael Bechard - St. Joseph Custodian: Gennifer Follo - St. Joseph Custodian: Brent Chinnick - St. Ursula OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - noon and 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. A prayerful Eucharistic community, rooted in Christ, welcoming all, joyfully celebrating our faith. MASS INTENTIONS Tuesday, September 22 12 noon - St. Joseph Church +In Thanksgiving ~ Lucianna Letourneau +Maria Brezzi ~ Eric & Terra Haynes +Claudia Wilcox ~ Wayne & Lorrie Clarke +Lisa Van Dam ~ Rick & Mary Blackwell Wednesday, September 23 9:30 a.m. - St. Ursula Church +Anne Beuglet ~ Dawn Beuglet +George Aitken ~ The Dudics Family +Intentions of Sylva & Judy Laprise ~ Lucianna Letourneau +Emilia & Antonio Matteis ~ Domenica DeMattia & Family Thursday, September 24 9:30 a.m. - St. Ursula Church +Salvatore Moccia ~ Rose Mae & Alan Row +Danielle Mathia +Bill Fenlon ~ Bob & Gloria Fenlon +All Souls in Purgatory ~ Mary Anne & Cliff Quinlan Friday, September 25 12 noon - St. Joseph Church +Theresa Doyle ~ Marilyn Doyle +Elsie Verbruggen ~ Gladys Miller +Intentions of Albert & Dorothy Maier ~ Mary Debusschere +Michelle Homonylo Clement ~ Mary Leyte Sunday, September 27 9:30 a.m. - St. Ursula Church +Nick & Anne Lucyk ~ Stella & Jack Gleason +Teresa Soares ~ Lurdes & John Branco +Moe Wagner ~ Pat & Jane Curry +Frances Sacher ~ St. Ursula Traditional Choir Sunday, September 27 11 a.m. - St. Joseph Church +Leo Soudant ~ Antonio doForno +Intentions of Jeanette LaMarsh & Family +Mariantonia Pallotta-Carlone ~ Grace Magliaro & Family +Georgette Skipper ~ Dorothy Kouyzer Let us pray for the sick of our parish … Bernard Myers, Gerry Myers, Bill Reaume, Carlo Rota, Annie Segeren and Gerry Zimmer. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. James 5:16 PASTOR’S PEN GRIEF MINISTRY If you have driven by St. Joseph’s the last few days, you will notice that the landscaping in front of the church and on the west side has been completed. The new landscaping not only “freshens up” things but also fixes some erosion that was occurring at the front steps. A bereavement program will be offered called “Grief Courageous Journey”. It will begin on Wednesday, October 7 at the Spirit and Life Centre at 10:30 a.m. This program is for those have experienced the death of a loved one. I am pleased to announce that we have hired Lynne Tibor as our new Coordinator of Youth Ministry specializing in children Grade 4 and under. For simplicity’s sake we will refer to this position as “Coordinator of Children’s Ministry (CCM)”. Lynne was a Coordinator of Youth Ministry (Grades 5 and up) in Windsor. She and Sue will work together to care for and minister to our youth and their families. More information about Lynne and her ministry will be given in the coming weeks. We have started the process of registering for the Why Catholic program. It is a multi-week program that will look at the Apostle’s Creed. We profess the Creed each week, but do we really understand the teachings that the Creed contains? Are we up-to-date with what the Church teaches about the tenets of our faith? Why Catholic is an excellent way to learn more about your faith. See last week’s bulletin flyer or call the office for more information. We had over 120 parishioners and friends come out for our annual Sundae Sunday last week and enjoy a free sundae while sharing some good fellowship. Thanks to all the helpers who made the event a success. Some of you have been asking about making a donation to help the refugee situation in Syria. It is tragic what is happening there as you read in last week’s letter from the Bishop. We are not collecting funds at this time because our Mission Group is investigating the possibility of our parish sponsoring some of these refugees. Once we sort all of the issues out we will let you know. Men, don’t forget the next “That Man Is You” session is this Saturday, 6:30 a.m. beginning with breakfast and finishing up by 8:00 a.m. in the Spirit and Life Centre. Bring a friend! This will be a time to get together for fellowship with others. You may not wish to speak or share about your loved one but your presence may help you and others in the healing process. Bereavement is a very personal experience: as much as some people may have similar experiences, how somebody responds and reacts is a personal thing. Often we do not choose to respond the way we do, it just happens. Everyone is welcome. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL To celebrate St. Vincent de Paul week St. Joseph and St. Ursula St. Vincent de Paul would like to invite ALL parishioners for coffee and donuts after all Masses on September 26 and 27. Please join us for a time of fellowship. GIFT CARD SALES September 7 - 13, 2015 St. Joseph Total Sales: $ 2,550.00 Estimated Profit: $ 95.63 St. Ursula Total Sales: $ 2,250.00 Estimated Profit: $ 84.38 OFFERTORY for September 13, 2015 St. Joseph Regular Offertory: $ 5,051.00 Capital Projects: $ 782.00 Total: $ 5,833.00 St. Ursula Regular Offertory: $ 3,695.00 Initial: $ 5.00 Capital Projects: $ 297.00 Total: $ 3,997.00 Thank you for your support! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE St. Joseph City Pasta Supper Friday, September 25 Spirit and Life Centre from 5 - 7 p.m. Tickets are Adults $10.00, Children 10 and under $5.00 and Children under 5 no charge. Proceeds will go towards the Spirit and Life Centre project. ______________________________________________________________________ We would like to thank all who attended our opening dinner and award presentation on September 8. We would like to congratulate the following on their years of service: 70 years - Fran Doyle 60 years - Kit Hillman and Cora VanBrunschot 50 years - Mary Kuchta 45 years - Julia Denys, Anne Foster, Joanna Lombardi and Rose Pepper 30 years - Cindy Lacina 10 years - Sharon Thievin and Magda Ward Congratulations ladies! LIFE CHAIN Life Chain is a silent prayer vigil in support of the sanctity of human life. All those who are willing to defend the innocent human life against abortion should attend. On Sunday, October 4 meet at Ursuline College (The Pines) at 1:30 p.m. Stand at the corner of Grand Avenue and St. Clair Street from 2 - 3 p.m. Refreshments to follow at 39 Grand Avenue West. CATHOLIC REGISTERS Don’t forget free Catholic Registers are available at both sites at the entrances of the Church. There are a limited supply each week. St Joseph A Seminarian Fundraiser for Rob Renaud (5th year) and Jacob Quinlan (3rd year) will take place on Saturday, October 10. Breaded Fish and Breads of the World - Doors will open at 4 p.m. There will be two dinner sittings (5 and 6 p.m.) A Mass will take place at St. Joseph Church at 5 p.m. with Most Rev. Bishop P. LaRocque celebrating and the Fourth Degree Colour Guard attending. There will be a 50/50 Draw, a Silent Auction and a donation basket. Income tax receipts will not be issued. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the parish office or by contacting David Bondy at 519-355-5274. St. Ursula ‘Christmas in Muskoka’ will be partnering with St. Ursula Knights of Columbus for the ‘Lincoln Driven to Give Program’. This program helps connect Lincoln/Ford dealers with their local community. ‘Christmas in Muskoka’ generates money for all of the grade seven students who attend the Muskoka Leadership Camp in May. On Saturday, October 3 at Ursuline College ‘The Pines’ Victory Ford/ Lincoln will have a number of vehicles for people to test drive. Ford will make a donation of $50 for every test drive that takes place up to $10,000. One test drive per household. You do not have to pay anything. You just test drive! Register in advance by going to: christmasinmuskoka or register that day. Be sure to remember your license. YOUTH CORNER If your child has missed Baptism, Reconciliation or First Communion, please contact our parish office. COR Are you between the ages of 15 - 21? Do you want to get away for a weekend? Are you looking to make new friends and become closer to God? If so, then COR is for you! COR stands for Christ in Others Retreat, and is a retreat weekend for youth to develop their Catholic faith, to share with others, to enjoy music, make new friends, develop better relationships with family, and to have FUN! For more info, please see posters at church entrances where applications are available. Please call Wayne and Anne Marie Authier at 519-360-9400, or for further details. COMMITTED CATHOLICS CLUB Goodfellows will be coming to speak to the Group Committed Catholics Club on Wednesday, September 30 at 7 p.m. at the Spirit and Life Centre. It wil be a Kick Off towards their Campain, ‘No Child Without A Christmas’. Please bring toys and or money to this event. All WELCOME! Snacks will be provided. For more information call at 519-358-1077. CHURCH CHUCKLE Five year old Jack was being urged by his mother to take some medicine. “It’s good for you Jack and God wants you to take it.” “I don’t think he does Mommy. I’ll ask Him.” The youngster buried his head under the blankets on his bed, and soon a hoarse voice came. “No, definitely not!” UPCOMING EVENTS What St. Ursula CWL General Meeting St. Joseph & St. Ursula SSVP Meeting Fitness Program - Everyone Welcome! That Man Is You When Monday, September 21 Monday, September 21 Tuesday, September 22 Saturday, September 26 Where Meeting Room (St. Ursula Site) Spirit and Life Centre Spirit and Life Centre Spirit and Life Centre Time 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:30 a.m. Please support our advertisers! DR. RAYMOND P. D’HONDT OPTOMETRIST Member of the Ontario Association of Optometrists 434 St. George St. S. P.O. Box 84 Dresden, ON N0P 1M0 Tel.: 519-683-6213 Smyth Memorials MONUMENTS & MARKERS Bronze Vases, Religious Figures Dawne Milner 7 Maple Leaf Drive 519-354-3930 SIMPSON’S FENCE (CHATHAM) LTD. “The Fence People Since 1950” 1030 Richmond Street 519-354-0540 Ted Simpson, Parishioner Right to Life Kent Refuge Pregnancy Testing & Counseling Prenatal Information Educational Resources Adoption Information 519-352-3611 St. Ursula Knights of Columbus ROESCH MEATS and more 10910 Northwood Line 519-351-7711 Drug & Additive Free Pork Free Run Eggs Produced on our Farm • Aged Beef • Catering • Custom Barbecues All Products 100% Guaranteed Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. John & Joe Riegling Office: 519-354-8789 Maple City Retirement Residence 97 McFarlane Avenue, Chatham, Ontario N7L 4V6 Phone: 519-354-7111 Louis & Clara Roesch - Parishioners Fax: 519-351-5780 Serving the Community since 1904 Family Owned and Operated Tom, Ron and Dan Peseski - Parishioners Fred Deryck Parishioner • family wealth management • over 24 years experience • parishioner 519-354-1314 LAWN & GARDEN 519-352-4955 Since 1981 24-hour Crisis Line 519-354-6360 1-800-265-0598 519-352-1788 459 St. Clair Street Chatham 519-351-2040 7 McGregor Place Tonia Newberry Parishioner Al’s We help people live free of domes c violence and abuse. Suppor ve services are offered to people throughout Chatham Kent. Ornamental Iron Works & Repair Custom Made Designs Free Estimates R. R. #3 Creek Road, Chatham Bus 519-352-6509 Cell 519-809-2105 Salvatore Caporale - Parishioner 156 William Street South 519-352-5120 Ted Sojczynski CFP, HBA Come and join us! For information call 519-354-1062 SAL & SON LTD. HINNEGAN-PESESKI FUNERAL HOME LTD. Landscaping Irrigation Paving Stones Grounds Keeping 200 King St. W. Chatham, ON N7M 1E5 Tel.: 519-397-4999 Sod / Seed Lawn Programs Lawn Cutting Outdoor Fire Places PJD Systems Your Computer and Networking Specialists Providing honest consultation, professional sales and repairs to Chatham-Kent for over 15 years. Paul Doyle 519-350-2514 Free Pickup and Delivery ROJENA’S ALTERATIONS 181 King St W, Chatham Shop: 519-397-4846 Ibrahim Shomali, Tailor Would you like to become an advertiser? Please contact the parish office at 519-352-8530 for more information. WELCOME It is with great joy that we welcome visitors and new parishioners to our parish family! We ask new parishioners to please complete a registration form found at the main entrance of both sites. You may also call the office or better yet, come by the office so we can meet you and welcome you personally!